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Data Quality Problem Statement Template

Introduction: How to Use This Template

To use this template, simply replace the text in dark grey with information customized to your organization. When
complete, delete all introductory or example text and convert all remaining text to black prior to distribution.

Data Quality Symptoms

Before attempting to identify solutions to the data quality issues in the business unit identified in the Build Your
Data Quality Program blueprint, you must define the problem. To define the problem, ask the members of the
business unit the questions below to identify the symptoms of poor data quality.

Table 1. Data Quality Problem Statement Checklist

Bucket Question Comments

What symptoms of poor data
quality are you facing?
What top risks are you trying

to alleviate?
What top opportunities do
you wish to engage?
What pet peeves do you
wish to address?
When do data quality issues
present themselves?

How often do data quality

issues occur?
How long do the data quality
issues last?
Where is the data stored?
Where do you see the data

quality issues?

Is the poor data used

Who is facing data quality

Who knows the details of

those data quality issues?
Who owns that piece of

Create a Data Quality Problem Statement

After identifying the symptoms using the checklist above, use those inputs to define the problem. Follow the
instructions below to generate a concise and effective problem statement.

To create an effective data quality problem statement, use the ACID approach:

1. Start with an issue or opportunity or idea for positive change.

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2. Ask what are the attributes and symptoms of that reality today; do this with the people impacted and not
on your own. This should be an IT and business collaboration. Use the checklist above to identify some
of these symptoms.
3. Draw your conclusions of what it all means; what have you collectively learned?
4. Consider the implications of your conclusions and other considerations that must be taken into account
like regulatory needs, compliance, policy, targets, etc.
5. Develop solutions – contain the problem to something that can be solved in a realistic time frame, such
as three months.

Example Problem Statement

Use the following problem statement as an example to help you create your own problem statement.

During the past year, [Business Unit] accounted for XXXX% of [business use of data] which was XXXX dollars
higher than desired and caused significant loss of profit. This issue is caused by a lack of accurate [type of data]
in [system], as well as inadequate training on new applications being used to support [business use of data]. New
applications developed within the old data model caused redundant data, costly manual rework, and distrust in
the new systems. These symptoms have caused a decrease in productivity, an increase in costs, and ineffective


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general information only, not specific professional or personal advice, and are not intended to be used as a
substitute for any kind of professional advice. Use this document either in whole or in part as a basis and guide for
document creation. To customize this document with corporate marks and titles, simply replace the Info-Tech
information in the Header and Footer fields of this document.

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