C1, C2 Vocab

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1 autocrat /ˈɑː.t̬ə.kræt/ a ruler with unlimited

power, or someone who
demands that people
completely obey them

2 camaraderie /ˌkæm.əˈrɑː.dər.i/ a feeling of friendliness When you've been

towards people that you climbing alone for
work or share an hours, there's a
experience with tremendous sense of
camaraderie when you
meet another climber.

3 high-profile /ˌhaɪˈprəʊfaɪl/ attracting a lot of a high profile

attention and interest case/trial
from the public and a high-profile
newspapers, television, figure/client/company
etc. His high-profile clients
include several

4 big-shot a person or an He is trying to become

organization with a lot a big shot in the
of power or influence mortgage business.

5 pseudonym /ˈsuː.də.nɪm/ a name someone uses She writes under a

instead of their real pseudonym.
name, especially on a George Orwell was a
written work pseudonym - his real
name was Eric Blair.

share/stock dividend
You may have
investment income that
is paid yearly, such as
share dividends.
an annual/a quarterly
a gross/net dividend
pose a dividend
In connection with this
sale, the Board
proposed a special
dividend of 25.0 pence
part of the profit of a per share.
6 dividend /ˈdɪvɪdend/ company that is paid to pay/produce/yield a
shareholders dividend
Shares paying high
dividends are known as
'income stocks'.
receive/expect a
We anticipate receiving
a substantial dividend
on our holding.
omit/pass/suspend a
The company
announced that it
would be suspending its
quarterly dividend in
order to reduce debt.
This is an official
document showing the
amount of dividend that
has been earned both
before and after official
deductions have been
made (for example for

7 floatation /fləʊˈteɪʃən/. a situation in which a planned/proposed/

( flotation ) company offers shares possible flotation
for sale on a stock Interest from
market for the first time institutional investors
in a possible flotation is
rumoured to be strong.
Plans will be
announced for a $1.1
billion flotation later
Publicly, the firm
remains committed to a
stock market flotation,
which is likely to value
it at up to pounds 4.5
The French media giant
is the latest in a series
of companies to
abandon flotation
Shares ended the week
at 392p, compared with
their 380p flotation


1 benevolent /bəˈnev.əl.ənt/ kind and helpful He was a benevolent old S: generous
man and wouldn't hurt good-willed
a fly. A: malevolent
giving money or help to benevolent organization
people or organizations
that need it

2 gregarious /ɡrɪˈɡer.i.əs/ (of people) liking to be Emma's a gregarious, S: sociable

with other people outgoing sort of person. A: introverted
(especially of animals) standoffish
living in groups

3 erudite /ˈer.jə.daɪt/ having or containing a He's the author of an S: scholarly

lot of knowledge that is erudite book on Scottish A: uncultured
known by very few history. ignorant

4 indolent /ˈɪn.dəl.ənt/ showing no real interest an indolent wave of the S: slothful

or effort hand work-shy
an indolent reply A: diligent

5 belligerent /bəˈlɪdʒ.ər.ənt/ wishing to fight or argue a belligerent person S: argumentative

a belligerent gesture aggressive
Watch out! Lee's in a A: accommodating
belligerent mood. submissive
fighting a war The belligerent cooperative
countries are having
difficulties funding the

tantalising /ˈtæn.t̬ə.laɪ.zɪŋ/ causing desire and I caught a tantalizing

excitement in you, but is glimpse of the sparkling
unlikely to provide a blue sea through the
way of satisfying that tree

decadent /ˈdek.ə.dənt/ characterized by or a rich and decadent

appealing to dessert
self-indulgence the hotel's decadent

A decadent person or a decadent society

group has low moral the decadent court
standards surrounding the king

chivalrous /ˈʃɪv.əl.rəs/ A chivalrous man is He was polite and gallant

polite, honest, fair, and chivalrous and never
kind towards women cursed in front of her.
It's very chivalrous of
you to defend her but
don't you think she can
speak for herself?

sumptuous /ˈsʌmp.tʃu.əs/ impressive in a way that The celebrity guests

seems expensive turned up dressed in
. sumptuous evening

idyllic /aɪˈdɪl.ɪk/ extremely pleasant, an idyllic

beautiful, or peaceful childhood/summer/

★ hors d’oeuvres: món khai vị

An hors d'oeuvre is typically finger food and might refer to, among other items, canapés, crudités, deviled eggs, and
Appetizers, on the other hand, appear as the first courses when seated at the table.
★ piece de resistance: điểm nhấn
★ a brew = beer
★ haute cuisine: ẩm thực cao cấp
★ condiment: gia vị
condiments: ketchup, mustard, etc
seasoning: paprika, oregano, pepper,...
★ platter: dĩa lớn/ món khai vị
★ a la carte: kiểu bữa ăn gọi món lẻ theo thực đơn có sẵn tại nhà hàng. Khách có thể tự do lựa chọn bất kì món ăn nào
có trong thực đơn của nhà hàng sao cho phù hợp với sở thích và số lượng thành viên trên bàn
★ larder: a small room in a restaurant used for storing food

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