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Personal Data: .
Age: ...........................................................
Sex: Male □ Female □
Marital Status: Single □ Married □
Occupation: ...........................................................
Address: .........................................................................................
Phone No.: ...........................................................
Date of admission: ............................., Date of Discharge: ...............................
Medical Record No.: ...........................................................
Mechanism of Injury: .
Clinical pictures: .
Symptoms: .
Headache: Yes □ No □
Vomiting: Yes □ No □
Seizures: Yes □ No □
Focal Neurological Signs: Yes □ No □
Signs: .
Otorrhea: Yes □ No □
Rhinorrhea: Yes □ No □
Skull fracture: Yes □ No □
Anisocoria: Yes □ No □
Bradycardia: Yes □ No □
Hypertension: Yes □ No □
Level of consciousness according to Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS): □
≥ 13 □ 9 -12 □ ≤8 □
Investigations: □
Skull X-ray: Yes □ No □
Coagulopathy: Yes □ No □
CT scan: ..
< 2 hrs □ 2 - 6 hrs □ > 6 hrs □
Hematoma site: ..
Frontal Lobe: Yes □ No □
Temporal Lobe: Yes □ No □
Parietal Lobe: Yes □ No □
Occipital Lobe: Yes □ No □
Cerebellum: Yes □ No □
Hematoma Density: ..
Hypo-dense: Yes □ No □
Hyper-dense: Yes □ No □
Mixed: Yes □ No □
Hematoma volume: ..
Transverse diameter =
Antero-posterior diameter =
Cranio-caudal diameter =
Management: .
Surgical intervention: □
≤ 6 hrs □ > 6 hrs □ None □
Operative findings: □
Hematoma Pattern: .
Clot Yes □ No □
Partial liquefied hematoma Yes □ No □
Liquefied hematoma Yes □ No □
Active bleeding Yes □ No □
Glasgow Outcome
Good recovery □
Moderate disability (able to live independently) □
Severe disability (unable to live independently) □
Persistent vegetative state (unresponsive) □
Dead □

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