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I. GRAMMAR (5 PTS): Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
1. If it hadn't rained, we _____ to the park.
A. will have gone B. would have gone C. will go D. would go
2. Clean your bedroom, _____?
A. will you B. shall you C. would you D. have you
3. _____ received law degrees as today.
A. Never so many women have B. Never have so many women
C. The women aren’t ever D. Women who never
4. Time is _____ solidified our friendship.
A. which B. the one C. what D. who
5. Why do you object to _____ - he'll be an asset to the company?
A. him being taken on B. he being taken on
C. him be taken on D. he be taken on
6. _____ did Jonathan realize that there was a danger.
A. Upon entering the store B. When he entered the store
C. After he has entered the store D. Only after entering the store
7. When wood, natural gas, oil, or any other fuel burns, _____ with oxygen in the air to produce heat.
A. combining substances in the fuel B. substances in the fuel that combine
C. a combination of substances in the fuel D. substances in the fuel combine
8. The early railroads were _____ the existing arteries of transportation: roads, turnpikes, canals, and other waterways.
A. those short lines connected B. short lines that connected
C. connected by short lines D. short connecting lines
9. Anna is looking for the screws.
Nam: These are the screws you're looking for.
Anna: _____! You have really sharp eyesight!
A. So are they B. It's so C. So they are D. So are there
10. _____, I haven't seen Catherine all day.
A. Come to think of it B. To come to think of it
C. Coming to think it D. Coming to think of it
II. PHRASAL VERBS AND PREPOSITIONS (5 PTS): Choose the best option to complete the following
11. After a long and bitter trial, the judge _____ the pharmaceutical company and ordered them to pay $5 million.
A. left out B. owned up C. fought against D. held on
12. Mr. Brown tried several cell phones before finding one entirely _____ his taste.
A. in B. to C. of D. on
13. It was the collapse of the dot-com boom that finally did _______ him.
A. out B. with C. for D. off
14. She _____ in front of the TV.
Trang 1
A. pored over B. doled out C. dropped in D. dozed off

15. The changes of management ushered _____ fresh ideas and policies.
A. in B. out C. up D. against
16. They _____ the same old arguments we had heard so many times before.
A. wheeled out B. trotted up C. lured into D. flew at
17. The rumors were eagerly _____ by the local press.
A. sized up B. piled onto C. seized upon D. run over
18. She _____ two seconds off her previous best time.
A. lopped B. shrugged C. took D. clipped
19. If it starts to rain, make _____ a nearby cave to wait for it to pass.
A. out B. for C. up D. with
20. Her research has______ some interesting facts.
A. caught over B. betted on C. thrown up D. worked off
III. VOCABULARY (10 PTS): Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
21. A series of movies will be shown to _____ the 30th anniversary of his death.
A. remember B. recognize C. commemorate D. deaden
22. The highway project was _____ by years of litigation.
A. proscribed B. protracted C. banished D. predicated
23. Democracy is _____ upon the rule of law.
A. infringed B. predicated C. depended D. prompted
24. The cancellation of the show was just a managerial _____. Long-term consequences had not been taken into
A. myopia B. fuchsia C. contingency D. analgesic
25. His re-creation of the city is credible, with a _____ of fact to bolster the fiction.
A. subplot B. chemistry C. document D. substrate
26. “The Sun rises in the East.” is an example of _____ statements.
A. nomic B. exotic C. dative D. performative
27. The anti-smoking _____ was successful in getting the ban passed.
A. entourage B. horde C. parade D. lobby
28. After the disastrous televised interview, the topic was _____ on social media.
A. popularizing B. trending C. catching D. inundating
29. Although usually quiet and compassionate, the receptionist made a _____ remark that took her colleagues by
A. callous B. disinterested C. willful D. wistful
30. Paul was let go due to his _____ at keeping his company secrets.
A. inertia B. penchant C. ineptitude D. polarization
31. She is not the owner of the company, she is just a _____ who was sent to represent the company.
A. token B. module C. proxy D. dignitary
32. The boss’s son had a(n) _____ air about him that nobody liked.
A. bestowed B. obliging C. awarded D. entitled
33. The phrase “Money doesn’t buy happiness.” is a cautionary cliché that keeps us blindly from lining our pockets
with _____ in the hope that we are going to be happier.
A. bush B. posh C. toss D. dosh
34. This Physics exercise is a bit beyond my _____.

Trang 2
A. lens B. ken C. fence D. sense
35. I was given a million-dollar project to manage in my first month - it was a real _____ of fire.
A. baptism B. flame C. ignition D. ignominy
36. He is the best teacher we have, _____.
A. off base B. at that C. bar none D. for the asking
37. Seeing so many old people gathered all in one place was hardly a _____ of laughs.
A. barrack B. gallon C. baton D. barrel
38. Personally, I would not touch him or his business with a _____.
A. barricade B. pole vault C. bargepole D. barrage
39. People around the world are _____ the barricades following the president’s most recent policy announcement.
A. launching B. manning C. setting D. earthing
40. The bedside _____, the healing art of listening, is very often an important part of the cure.
A. manner B. attitude C. ritual D. respect
IV. GUIDED CLOZE (10 PTS): Choose the best option to complete the following sentences.
Much of the developing world is caught in a (1) _____ of sorts, battling to overcome the psychological and
physical scars of the near past - of, in many cases, colonial or (2) _____ rule - while at the same time oddly (3) _____
about making the changes necessary to (4) _____ a better future. In many cases, the sums do it add up; large parts of
Africa and Latin America, for example, are resource-rich and (5) _____ well-positioned to make their mark in the 21st
century, but, alas, there is something holding them back. For some, the source of the problem lies very high up indeed
in (6) _____ and/or unstable governments, which typically rule for the privileged few while the (7) _____ many
struggle on in (8) _____. Others are (9) _____ by years or even decades of tribal war and corruption, and yet more
have simply been the victims of misfortune - the wrath of Mother Nature, for example, which has unleashed drought
famine, and at times, utter (10) _____ on the hapless masses of much of Sub-Saharan Africa over the years.
1. A. limbo B. quagmire C. fuchsia D. plaster
2. A. unilateral B. multipolar C. despotic D. democratic
3. A. willing B. hesitant C. mortified D. quixotic
4. A. safeguard B. guide C. curate D. banish
5. A. opaquely B. noticeably C. scrupulously D. ostensibly
6. A. destitute B. surrogate C. inquisitive D. corrupt
7. A. total B. absolute C. complete D. utmost
8. A. condo B. pension C. squalor D. regime
9. A. ravaged B. dilapidated C. trailed D. outfoxed
10. A. disappointment B. wrangle C. devastation D. polarization

Despite the existence of some classic (and highly entertaining) papers in the scientific literature, I first (11) _____
Eschatology—or more specifically, the end of the world—provides a way for many of the world’s religions to (12)
_____ the lessons of theology and to (13) _____ home their meaning with overwhelming force. For all the theological
differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, they have in common a (14) _____ of the End Times that brings
about a final restructuring of the world in which good (15) _____ over evil and those favored by God are (16) _____.
Perhaps the promise of a final judgment serves to somehow make up for the unfortunate fact that our (17) _____,
unfair, arbitrary physical world cannot be relied (18) _____ to make existence good and worthwhile for those who live
right. In the same way a novel can be redeemed or retroactively (19) _____ by its concluding chapter, many (20)
_____ philosophies seem to need the world to end, and to end “justly,” for it to have had meaning in the first place.

Trang 3
11. A. encountered B. rendezvous C. introduced D. used
12. A. personalize B. utilize C. contextualize D. memorize
13. A. bring B. send C. take D. hammer
14. A. view B. vision C. sight D. notion
15. A. turns B. gains C. takes D. triumphs
16. A. rewarded B. awarded C. presented D. honored
17. A. perfect B. flawless C. imperfect D. distinct
18. A. upon B. in C. about D. with
19. A. boosted B. improved C. improved D. collapsed
20. A. superstitious B. religious C. atheistic D. idealistic
V. READING COMPREHENSION (10 PTS): Read the texts below and choose the best answer for each
Even before the turn of the century, movies began to develop in two major directions: the realistic and the
formalistic. Realism and formalism are merely general, rather than absolute, terms. When used to suggest a tendency
toward either polarity, such labels can be helpful, but in the end they are still just labels. Few films are exclusively
formalist in style, and fewer yet are completely realist. There is also an important difference between realism and
reality, although this distinction is often forgotten. Realism is a particular style, whereas physical reality is the source
of all the raw materials of film, both realistic and formalistic. Virtually all movie directors go to the photographable
world for their subject matter, but what they do with this material - how they shape and manipulate it - determines
their stylistic emphasis.
Generally speaking, realistic films attempt to reproduce the surface of concrete reality with a minimum of
distortion. In photographing objects and events, the filmmaker tries to suggest the copiousness of life itself. Both
realist and formalist film directors must select (and hence emphasize) certain details from the chaotic sprawl of reality.
But the element of selectivity in realistic films is less obvious. Realists, in short, try to preserve the illusion that their
film world is unmanipulated, an objective mirror of the actual world. Formalists, on the other hand, make no such
pretense. They deliberately stylize and distort their raw materials so that only the very naive would mistake a
manipulated image of an object or event for the real thing.
We rarely notice the style in a realistic movie; the artist tends to be self-effacing. Some filmmakers are more
concerned with what is being shown than how it is manipulated. The camera is used conservatively. It is essentially a
recording mechanism that reproduces the surface of tangible objects with as little commentary as possible. A high
premium is placed on simplicity, spontaneity, and directness. This is not to suggest that these movies lack artistry,
however, for at its best the realistic cinema specializes in art that conceals art.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. Acting styles C. Film plots
B. Styles of filmmaking D. Filmmaking 100 years ago
2. With which of the following statements would the author be most likely to agree?
A. Realism and formalism are outdated terms.
B. Most films are neither exclusively realistic nor formalistic.
C. Realistic films are more popular than formalistic ones.
D. Formalistic films are less artistic than realistic ones.
3. Whom does the author say is primarily responsible for the style of a film?
A. The director C. The actors
B. The producer D. The camera operator
4. How can one recognize the formalist style?

Trang 4
A. It uses familiar images. C. It is very impersonal.
B. It obviously manipulates images. D. It mirrors the actual world.
5. Which of the following films would most likely use a realist style?
A. A travel documentary C. A science fiction film
B. A musical drama D. An animated cartoon

The thick, woolly fleece of the domestic sheep is its distinguishing feature and the source of much of its
economic importance. Yet only a moment, in evolutionary terms, has passed since the domestic sheep had a coat
resembling that of many other wildlife animals. As recently as 8,000 years ago, it was covered not in a white,
continuously growing mass of wool but in a brown coat consisting of an outer array of kemps, or coarse hairs, that
was shed annually and a fine woolly undercoat that also molted. Such an animal could not have supported the
technology that has grown up around the domestic sheep - the shearing, dyeing, spinning, and weaving of wool - any
better than could a wild sheep such as the bighorn of North America, Much of the selective breeding that led to the
fleece types known today took place in prehistory, and even the later developments went largely unchronicled. Yet
other kinds of records survive, in three forms. Specimens of wool from as long ago as 1500 B.C. have been found,
mostly as ancient textiles, but also in the form of sheepskins. Antique depictions of sheep in sculpture, relief, and
painting give even earlier clues to the character of ancient fleeces. The longest line of evidence takes the form of
certain primitive breeds that are still tended in remote areas or that escaped from captivity long ago and now live in the
wild. They retain the characteristics of ancient sheep, providing living snapshots of the process that gave rise to
modern fleeces.

6. What topic does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The economic importance of sheep through the ages.
B. The development of textile crafts and technologies
C. The evolution of the fleece of domestic sheep
D. The influence of technology on wool manufacturing
7. According to the passage, the outer coat of sheep 8.000 years ago was _____.
A. white B. coarse
C. warmer than that of bighorn sheep D. similar to that of the modern sheep
8. According to the passage, much of the selective breeding was _____.
A. archived in history books B. known by words of mouth
C. promoted recently D. not formally recorded
9. Which of the following can be concluded about the wild sheep, as compared with domestic sheep?
A. They are evolving more rapidly.
B. They have thicker coats.
C. They are less similar to bighorn sheep.
D. They are of less economic importance.
10. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. Ancient flees might have been depicted in prehistoric artistic works.
B. Modern fleeces are of no connection with their ancient counterparts.
C. The coat of sheep 8000 years ago was suitable for modern-day technologies.
D. There were no chronicles of the evolution of sheep.


Trang 5
In the early years of America’s Revolutionary War, which began in 1775, it appeared likely that the British
would crush the armies of her colonial territory and incorporate it back into the empire. The British troops were a
well-trained and disciplined army that was feared worldwide. In contrast, the American troops were newly trained,
sometimes poorly organized, and lacked sufficient resources to fight effectively. General George Washington could
have easily been defeated in the Battle of Long Island on August 22, 1776. Historical records show that Sir William
Howe, the British commander, was clearly defeating Washington on Long Island and was actually winning handily
(Seymour, 1995). Nonetheless, the weather intervened when a heavy fog rolled in, so the American forces were able
to retreat, regroup, and survive to fight another day. Because of this fog, the United States was not defeated in its
struggle for freedom.
When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Russia in the early nineteenth century, he met with early successes that
appeared to guarantee that he might eventually rule the world as his personal domain. His soldiers captured Moscow
and destroyed the city, which encouraged him to push farther in his military campaigns. However, because of his
dreams of glory, Napoleon overlooked the simple fact that Russian winters are extremely cold. When the temperatures
fell below freezing, many of his soldiers and their horses died in the brutal weather. As Belloc (1926) writes in his
classic study of the Napoleonic wars, “The cold was the abominable thing: The dreadful enemy against which men
could not fight and which destroyed them” (p. 217). As a result of the failure of Napoleon’s Russian campaigns, his
own rule ended relatively soon after. His defeat led to a reorganization of power throughout the European nations, as
well as to the rise of Russia as a major world power.
11. What does the passage mainly discuss?
A. The effect of weather on the world’s history
B. The two unsuccessful invasion
C. The causes of the two wars
D. The introduction of European wars
12. What happened to the American troops in 1776?
A. They defeated the British
B. They were defeated by the British
C. They took advantages of the condition to win
D. They became England’s colony
13. Why did Napoleon lose the battle in Russia?
A. Because he took the Russian for granted
B. Because his soldiers couldn’t fight throughout the war
C. Because he took the local condition for granted
D. Because his troops had no rules
14. What are NOT TRUE about the two fights?
A. The invaders were defeated due to the differences in weather condition
B. The two invaders were successful at their beginning
C. The winners were both newly trained troops
D. The winners both struggled for the freedom of their homeland.
15. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. Weather plays an important role in the world’s history
B. The cold had helped two nations preserve their freedom
C. Weather contributed to the rise of Russia as a major world power
D. The America’s Revolutionary War ended in 1776


Trang 6
Steamships were first introduced into the United States in 1807, and John Molson built the first steamship in
Canada (then called British North America) in 1809. By the 1830's dozens of steam vessels were in use in Canada.
They offered the traveler reliable transportation in comfortable facilities-a welcome alternative to stagecoach travel,
which at the best of times could only be described as wretched. This commitment to dependable river transport
became entrenched with the investment of millions of dollars for the improvement of waterways, which included the
construction of canals and lock systems. The Lachine and Welland canals- two of the most important systems were
opened in 1825 and 1829, respectively. By the time that Upper and Lower Canada were united into the Province of
Canada in 1841, the public debt for canals was more than one hundred dollars per capita, an enormous sum for the
time. But it may not seem such a great amount if we consider that improvements allowed steamboats to remain
practical for most commercial transport in Canada until the mid-nineteenth century.

16. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To contrast travel by steamship and stagecoach
B. To criticize the level of public debt in nineteenth - century Canada
C. To describe the introduction of steamships in Canada
D. To show how Canada surpassed the United States in transportation improvements
17. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about stagecoach travel in Canada in the 1830s?
A. It was reasonably comfortable B. It was extremely efficient
C. It was not popular D. It was very practical
18. According to the passage, when was the Welland Canal opened?
A. 1807 B. 1809 C. 1825 D.1829
19. According to the passage, steamships became practical means of transportation in Canada because of _____.
A. Improvements in the waterways B. Large subsidies from John
C. A relatively small population D. The lack of alternative means
20. What can be inferred from the passage?
A. The public debt for canals causes Canada to rethink about the means of transportation.
B. The mid-nineteenth century witnessed a change in commercial transport.
C. Lachine and Welland canals are the first waterways systems worldwide.
D. The steam vessels still play a vital role in today’s transportation.
I. OPEN CLOZE TEST (20 PTS): Read the texts below and complete each space with ONE suitable word.
Never is it more important to fit in than during (1) __________, that critical time of development when a
young person’s character is refined and they find their place in the world. To be ostracize or (2) __________ excluded
is, in fact, probably the worst nightmare for most teens, and the majority would do (3) __________ to avoid it, even if
that means (4) __________ their own beliefs, yielding to peer pressure and doing things they normally would never
dream of. But it is in the (5) __________ of such compromises that a teen’s life can be destroyed in an instant. Indeed,
it is not at all uncommon for an otherwise perfectly decent young lad or lass to (6) __________ in with the wrong
crowd and find themselves caught in all sorts of trouble. (7) __________ on how impressionable a teen is, and the
extent to which they yearn for acceptance, there is no (8) __________ what they will do in their efforts to gain same,
from dabbling with drugs to involving (9) __________ in criminal activities. The key determining factor in
establishing the likelihood of (10) __________ a young person will go off the rails is not simply their background as
one might expect. It is, in fact, the extent to which their parents have instilled confidence and a sense of self-worth in
them as they have grown up.

Trang 7
Pleasure is a way of experiencing the (11) __________ world. When you see, hear, smell or taste something
that you deem as pleasurable, the information goes (12) __________ the sensory cortices of your brain. But that’s not
(13) __________ pleasure is encoded. (14) __________ to the engagement of various brain regions, it’s something
that’s added later on as a hedonic gloss. Thus, pleasure is not (15) __________ a sensation or a thought. Importantly,
pleasure (16) __________ of cycles of wanting, liking and learning. A good life (17) __________ on a brain system
that can go through this cycle of (18) __________ in an orderly fashion. Other than having a (19) __________ of
pleasures, my advice is to share your pleasures (20) __________ others.
II. ERROR IDENTIFICATION (10 PTS): The following passage contains 10 errors. Identify and correct them.
Usual houses are full of hazardous waste. The most important hazardous waste in the homes is batteries.
Though you throw them out with your other garbage, they break open at the landfill. The poison inside them move
through rainwater and other liquids to the bottom of the landfill. Then they can pollute the natural water on the
ground. We should use rechargeable batteries. Other hazardous waste in homes is motor oil. Don't throw old motor oil
in the ground and throw it on the garbage. It poisons the environment. We should recycle motor oil. Paint other kind
of hazardous waste in homes. Some cities have a "PaintExchange Day". If you bring in open, disused blue paint and
want red, they give you red. Sometimes they mix the paints together towards strange colors. If you painting walls with
them, you help save the environment.
1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.


PART 1: Complete each sentence, using the correct form of the word in parentheses.
1. The government was returned to office in a (SLIDE) __________ victory as expected.
2. The ex-president has been granted diplomatic (IMMUNE) __________ and so will not face prosecution.
3. Our company forms part of a (CONSORT) __________ of local businesses working for environmental change.
4. This is a(n) (THROAT) __________ business so don’t act like you are surprised that I double-crossed you.
5. The insurance company agreed to (DAMAGE) __________ the business against losses arising from civil disorder.
6. The business is (SOLVE) __________ as it can no longer meet the repayments on its debt.
7. Isn’t threatening to post graphic nude pictures of your boss on the Internet unless he gives you a raise a form of
(MAIL) __________?
8. I am a big (PROPOSE) __________ of free education; I have been campaigning for the ambition of third-level fees
for the best part of 20 years.
9. The company really needs (VISION) __________ to see and realize opportunities.
10. Some men feel they are (MASCULINE) __________ if they work for a woman.

PART 2: Complete the passage with the appropriate form of the words given in the box.
part see put sense vary

profit crux advantage conceive high

Trang 8
As humans develop through the (11) __________ life stages throughout the period from birth to death, they acquire
knowledge about the world around them through, among other things, (12) __________ perception. Therefore, one
would be hard pressed to argue the fact that being born blind puts one at a (13) __________. The (14) __________
baby, child, teen and adult will have a different (15) __________ of shape, mass, size and color than their sighted (16)
__________. It is common knowledge, however, that when a person is deprived of the (17) __________ obtained
through one of the senses, the other senses become (18) __________ in an effort to compensate for the impeded sense.
That being the case, touch becomes a (19) __________ source of information to a visually-impaired person. As
illustrated by the Touch Art Fair, it can also pave the way for the unsighted to appreciate art in its glorious forms. Said
to be the first of its kinds in the UK, the fair, a (20) __________ organization, seeks to redefine what it means to
“view” art.
IV. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (20 PTS): Rewrite the following sentences using the words given.
1. ‘Because of this new evidence, I have no alternative but to release you.’, the judge told the accused. (LIGHT)
‘_______________________________, I have no alternative but to release you.’, the judge told the accused.
2. It is important to know the difference between a joke and a lie. (DRAW)
It is important to know _______________________________ between a joke and a lie.
3. The government recommends a balance of reward and punishment when dealing with young offenders. (STICK)
The government favors a _______________________________ to young offenders.
4. Let’s all work together, we’ll finish this job very quickly. (NEXT)
We’ll have this job done _______________________________ if we cooperate.
5. He was really jealous when he saw his brother’s new car. (GREEN)
He was _______________________________ to see his brother’s new car.
6. His friends incited him to keep hitting other boys. (EGGED)
He hit the other boys again and again as _______________________________.
7. Selina first worked for the local radio before landing a job on a national daily. (TEETH)
Selina _______________________________ on a local radio before landing a job on a national daily.
8. My father always wanted to work as a doctor in rural community. (PRACTICE)
My father always _______________________________ in rural community.
9. I would advise you to wait and see what develops. (CAT)
I would advise you to wait and see _______________________________.
10. They just sit around, discuss nothing in particular and just produce a lot of empty talks. (HOT)
They just sit around, discuss nothing in particular and just produce ___________________________.
No dictionaries are allowed during the process of the test.
Good luck!

Trang 9
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A

6. D 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A


11. C: fight against = to make a decision against somebody in a court case
12. B: to one’s taste = pleasing to one
13. C: do for sb = to seriously damage something, or to seriously hurt or kill someone
14. D: doze off = fall asleep
15. A: usher in = to be the beginning of sth new or to make sth new begin
16. A: wheel out = to show or use sth to help you do sth, even when it has often been seen or heard before
17. C: seize upon = to suddenly show a lot of interest in sth
18. D: clip off = to reduce in time
19. B: make for = move towards
20. C: throw up = to make pp notice sth
21. C. Commemorate (v) to remind people of an important person/ event in the past
22. B. Protract (v) to make sth last longer than expected; to prolong
23. B. Predicated upon sth (a) to be based on sth
24. A. Myopia (n) the inability to see what the results of a particular action or decision will be; short-sightedness
25. D. Substrate (n) a substance or layer on which sth happens
26. A. Nomic (a) generally valid, having the general law, or general force
27. D. Lobby (n) a group of people who try to influence politicians on a particular issue
28. D. Trending (a) popular
29. A. Callous (a) not caring about others’ feeling or sufferings
30. C. Ineptitude (n) lack of skills
31. C. Proxy (n) a person who has been given the authority to represent sb else; a representative
32. D. Entitled (a) rude and self-important
33. D. Dosh (n) money
34. B. Beyond one’s ken (i) beyond one’s ability
35. A. A baptism of fire (n) a very difficult first-time experience
36. C. Bar none: used to emphasize somebody/ something is the best
37. D. A barrel of laughs (i) a source of amusement
38. C. Not touch something with a bargepole (i) to reject to get involved in sth
39. B. Man the barricades (i) to hold protests
40. A. Bedside manner (i) the behavior and attitude of a doctor towards his patients
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D

6. D 7. B 8. C 9. A 10. C

11. A 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. D

Trang 10
16. A 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B

1. B 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A

6. C 7. B 8. D 9. D 10. A

11. A 12. B 13. C 14. C 15. A

16. A 17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B

1. adolescence 2. socially 3. anything 4. compromising 5. making

6. fall 7. Depending 8. telling 9. themselves 10. whether

11. sensory 12. through 13. where 14. Thanks 15. merely

16. consists 17. relies 18. changes 19. variety 20. with


1. L1: Usual => Ordinary 6. L5: and => or

2. L2: Though => If/ When 7. L6: other => another

3. L3: move => moves 8. L7: disused => unused

4. L4: They => It 9. L8: towards => into

5. L4: Other => Another 10. L9: painting => paint


1. landslide (n) an election in which one person or party gets very many more votes than the other people or parties
2. immunity (n) the state of being protected from sth
3. consortium (n) a group of people, countries, companies, etc. who are working together on a particular project
4. cut-throat (a) (of an activity) in which people compete with each other in aggressive and unfair ways
5. indemnify (v) to promise to pay sb an amount of money if they suffer any damage or loss
6. insolvent (a) bankrupt
7. blackmail (n) the crime of demanding money from a person by threatening to tell sb else a secret about them
8. proponent (n) supporter
9. visionaries (n) a person who has the ability to think about or plan the future in a way that is intelligent or shows
10. emasculated (v) to make a man feel that he has lost his male role or qualities
11. various 12. sensory 13. disadvantage 14. unsighted 15. conception

16. counterparts 17. input 18. heightened 19. crucial 20. non-profit

Trang 11
1. In the light of this new evidence
2. how to draw a line
3. carrot and stick approach
4. in next to no time
5. green with envy
6. his friends egged him on
7. cut her teeth on
8. wanted to practice medicine
9. which way the cat jumps
10. a lot of hot air

Trang 12

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