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IMU School Monitoring Chart 2019-2020

School Name: EMIS Code: District: Level: P M H HS Gender: Male Female Zone: Summer Winter
Sr. Indicators Aug 19 Sep 19 Oct 19 Nov 19 Dec 19 Jan 20 Feb 20 Mar 20 Apr 20 May 20 Jun 2020
1 Date of IMU Regular Visit (dd/mm/yyyy)
2 School is Open – “O” or Closed – “C” O C O C O C O C O C O C O C O C O C O C O C
3 No. of Students Enrolled as per register
4 No. of Students Present as per headcount
5 No. of Working Teachers
No. of Teachers Present-“P”, Unauthorized Absent-“UA”, P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA:
Leave-“L” and Duty-“D” L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D:
7 No. of Working Non-Teaching Staff
No. of Non-Teaching Staff Present-“P”, Unauthorized P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA: P: UA:
Absent-“UA”, Leave-“L” and Duty-“D” L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D: L: D:
9 Bore-Electric Motor A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
10 Bore-Hand Pump A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
11 Well A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
12 Water Supply Connection A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
13 Matka/Container A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
14 Tanker A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
15 Connection from Neighbour A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
16 Other-Mention
A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
17 WAPDA A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
18 Solar A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
19 Hydro A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
20 Generator A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
21 Illegal Connection A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
22 Connection from Neighbour A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
23 Other-Mention
A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W A W
24 No. of Constructed Toilets
25 No. of Usable Toilets
26 Toilets for without Water
27 Students No. of Unusable without Wall
28 Toilets without Door
29 without Commode
Side 1 Wall (mention min. & max. Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min:
(main height and tick if damaged) Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D
entrance Hillside/ Classroom/ Adjacent
31 gate) Building/ Open Area/Other ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
Side 2 Wall (mention min. & max. Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min:
(opposite height and tick if damaged) Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D
main Hillside/ Classroom/ Adjacent
Boundary gate) Building/ Open Area/Other ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
Wall Side 3 Wall (mention min. & max. Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min:
(right to height and tick if damaged) Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D
main Hillside/ Classroom/ Adjacent
35 gate) Building/ Open Area/Other ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
Side 4 Wall (mention min. & max. Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min: Min:
(left to height and tick if damaged) Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D Max: D
main Hillside/ Classroom/ Adjacent
37 gate) Building/ Open Area/Other ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
38 PTC Meeting Conducted last month Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y N
Admin Visits Conducted last month by DEO-“D”, D DD S D DD S D DD S D DD S D DD S D DD S D DD S D DD S D DD S D DD S D DD S
DDEO-“DD”, SDEO-“S”, ASDEO-“A” and/or Other A Other A Other A Other A Other A Other A Other A Other A Other A Other A Other A Other
Name of DCMA
Signature of DCMA
Signature of Head Teacher/ Principal
Instructions for School Monitoring Chart

Elementary and Secondary Education Department has instructed all schools in the province to display
the ‘School Monitoring Chart’ (attached below) in all the schools of the province.

Responsibilities of the DCMAs

• DCMAs will be responsible to fill this chart on the day they visit the school for the monthly
• The data filled in the chart should match with the data stored in the IMU app for that month
• DCMA will sign off the data before leaving the school, confirming it is accurate.

Responsibilities of the Head Teacher/Principal

• Head Teacher/Principal is responsible for displaying this chart in the school veranda/corridor
where it can be easily accessible for the DCMA.
• Head Teacher/Principal will review the data filled by the DCMA
• Head Teacher/Principal will sign off the data, confirming it is correct.
• In the absence of Head Teacher/Principal, any other teaching or non-teaching staff member will
review and sign off the data.
Indicator wise instructions to fill the chart:

Sr. Indicators Example Instructions

Date on which DCMA conducted the regular visit of
the school. If the school was not monitored in a
1 Date of IMU Regular Visit (dd/mm/yyyy) 01-11-19
specific month, head teacher/principal should put a
cross – “X” and leave the entire column blank.
If the school was open on the day of the visit tick
“O” else tick “C”. If the school was closed and it is
not possible for the DCMA to fill the chart on the day
2 School is Open – “O” or Closed – “C” O C
of the visit, DCMA should note it down and inform
the DCMA who is assigned this school in the next
month so they can fill in the chart.
Number of students enrolled as per enrolment
3 No. of Students Enrolled as per register 50
register of all classes
Number of students present as per head count of all
4 No. of Students Present as per headcount 45
classes, excluding unadmitted children.
5 No. of Working Teachers 10 Number of working teachers in the school.
No. of Teachers Present-“P”, Unauthorized P: 5 UA: 3 Number of teachers who are present in school,
6 Absent-“UA”, Leave-“L” and Duty-“D” unauthorized absent, on leave and on duty on the
L:0 D:2 day of the visit
Number of working non-teaching staff members in
7 No. of Working Non-Teaching Staff 5
the school.
No. of Non-Teaching Staff Present-“P”, P: 3 UA: 2 Number of non-teaching staff who are present in
8 Unauthorized Absent-“UA”, Leave-“L” and school, unauthorized absent, on leave and on duty
Duty-“D” L: 0 D:0
on the day of the visit.
9 Bore-Electric Motor A W
10 Bore-Hand Pump A W
11 Well A W
12 Water Supply Connection A W
Drinking “A” means available and “W” means working.
13 Matka/Container A W
Water Mention “Other” source if it is available.
14 Tanker A W
15 Connection from Neighbour A W
16 Other-Mention
A W
17 WAPDA A W
18 Solar A W
19 Hydro A W
20 Generator A W “A” means available and “W” means working.
21 Illegal Connection A W Mention “Other” source if it is available.
22 Connection from Neighbour A W
23 Other-Mention
A W
Sr. Indicators Example Instructions
Write the number of toilets constructed for
24 No. of Constructed Toilets 5
Write the number of toilets for students that
25 Toilets No. of Usable Toilets 3
are in useable condition.
26 for without Water 0
Students No. of Write the number of toilets for students
27 without Wall 0
Unusable that are without water, wall, door or
28 Toilets without Door 1
29 without Commode 1
For each side, if boundary wall is available
mention the minimum and maximum
Side 1 Min:7
Wall (mention min. & height in feet. Tick the box “D” if there is a
30 max. height and tick hole from which a person can pass through.
(main if damaged)
entrance Max: 8 D
Hillside/ Classroom/
If side does not have a boundary wall, then
31 Adjacent Building/ ___________
select from given options.
Open Area/Other
Side 2 Min:
Wall (mention min. &
32 max. height and tick
if damaged) Max: D
Hillside/ Classroom/
Adjacent Building/ Hillside
Open Area/Other
Side 3 Min:
Wall (mention min. &
(right to
34 max. height and tick
if damaged) Max D
Hillside/ Classroom/
35 Adjacent Building/
Open Area/Other
Side 4 Min: 6
Wall (mention min. &
36 (left to max. height and tick
if damaged) Max: 6 D
Hillside/ Classroom/
37 Adjacent Building/ ___________
Open Area/Other
Tick mark “Y” if PTC meeting was
38 PTC Meeting Conducted last month Y N
conducted last month else tick mark “N”.
Admin Visits Conducted last month by DEO- D DD S Tick mark if the school was visited by the
“D”,DDEO-“DD”, SDEO-“S”, ASDEO-“A” and/or A Other DEO, DDDEO, SDEO, ASDEO or any other
Other staff member of the DEO Office during the
last month.

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