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Perspectivas del mundo actual

Homework 1:
Winter on fire ukraine’s fight for freedom

Ms. Cristina Bates

Alicia Hernández
Bárbara Manzanares
Valeria Lugo
Agust 26, 2019. Hermosillo, Sonora.
Traditional actors:
 Ukraine
 Russia
 Europe

Non-traditional actors:
 Viktor Yanukóvich (president of Ukraine)
 Vladimir Putin (president of Russia)
 First Minister Mykola Azárov
 Europea Union
 Mustafa Nayyen (journalist, leader of the protest)
 Vitaliy Klichkó (opposition party leader)
 Berkut
 Titushky

Types of conflicts:
 Governmental: The president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukóvich had promised to the
people to sign a free trade agreement with the EU, but secretly was negotiating
an ally with Russia. When this came to light the people was mad and started a
protest that later become a revolution.
 Territorial: Russia sent military forces to Crimea (Ukraine) saying it was to help
the protestants, but ended up annexing Crimea to Russia. This was technically
“illegal” and the other countries didn’t recognized Crimea as part of Russia but
neither did nothing to punish Russia for violating international laws.
 Ideological: Ukraine was dived in two: east and west. One side wanted to be
part of the EU but the other consider themselves more Russian than European.
This provoked an interest of conflicts because half and half of the population
wanted different things based on their traditions influenced by neighboring

Outcome of the situation:

 125 people were killed.
 65 people were missing.
 1890 were treated for injuries.
 Berkut forces were permanently disbanded.
 The new Ukraine government signed the EU agreement.
 Yanukóvich was given asylum in Russia by Russian president Vladimir Putin.
 Russia sent military forces to assist Pro-Russian separatist and annexed Crimea
in southern Ukraine.
 Pro-Russian protest expanded into eastern Ukraine, which escalated into violent
 As of spring 2015, over 6,000 people have been killed in the conflict.

 Decline of the Ukraine economy.
 An open challenge to the European Order. By Russia annexing Crimea and
intervening in Ukraine, has raised fundamental questions about the principles of
the European order.
 The EU agreement was signed.
 Crimea was annexed in Russia.
 More than 6000 people were killed.
 Raising the stakes in Russia. The annexation of Crimea may look like a
watershed moment for Russia itself. It has dramatically intensified the internal
political and economic strains that Putin’s authoritarian regime was already
 The beginning of the end of sanctions. The Ukraine crisis could mark the
beginning of the denouement of economic sanctions. Other countries could take
the annexation of Crimea to Russia as an example and try to do the same.
Russia wasn’t punished so why would they?

European Council on Foreign Relations. (16 de junio de 2014). Ten global
consequences of the Ukraine crisis. Recuperado de:
IIASA. (2014). Economic consequences of the Ukraine conflict. Recuperado de:
Afineevsky, E. (2015). Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom. Recuperado de:

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