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Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543

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Flexible environmental policy, technological innovation and

sustainable development of China’s industry: The moderating effect of
environment regulatory enforcement
Baolong Yuan a, Yang Zhang b, *
School of Business, Central South University of Forestry and Technology, Changsha, 410004, PR China
School of Management, Hunan University of Technology and Business, Changsha, 410205, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: How to rely on market mechanism for achieving industrial sustainable development is an important
Received 25 June 2019 issue both to current scholars and policymakers. Technological innovation is regarded as a mediator to
Received in revised form construct a driving mechanism that flexible environmental policy affects sustainable development from
21 August 2019
the “narrow” perspective of Porter’s hypothesis. Meanwhile, environment regulatory enforcement is
Accepted 21 September 2019
Available online 24 September 2019
introduced as a moderator to explore the institutional scenario that drives sustainable development of
China’s industry. Then we have adopted industrial panel data of 30 provinces in 2006e2015 and
Handling Editor: Yutao Wang employed the sys-GMM method for empirical test. The findings show that: (1) flexible environmental
policy can significantly facilitate industrial sustainable development. (2) Flexible environmental policy
Keywords: has a significantly positive impact on technological innovation. Meanwhile, technological innovation is
Industrial sustainable development significantly and positively related to industrial sustainable development, and technological innovation
Flexible environmental policy partially mediates the relationship between flexible environmental policy and industrial sustainable
Technological innovation development. (3) Environment regulatory enforcement positively moderates the relationship between
Environment regulatory enforcement
flexible environmental policy and technological innovation. However, it has a potentially positive but not
significant moderating impact on the relationship between technological innovation and industrial
sustainable development, indicating that there is still an “implementation gap”. (4) From a regional point
of view, technological innovation has partly mediating effects between flexible environmental policy and
industrial sustainable development in the eastern and western regions, and environmental regulatory
enforcement can positively moderate the role of flexible environmental policy in promoting techno-
logical innovation in the eastern region. Finally, this paper puts forward the policy implications.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The Porter’s hypothesis asserts that well-designed environmental

policy can stimulate firms to carry out technological innovation
With the increasing downward pressure on the global economy that helps enhance their competitiveness (Porter and van der Linde,
and exacerbating environmental pollution, transforming economic 1995). If the flexible environmental policy meets the needs of firms,
development model has become an approach to seeking economic they can better promote corporate economic performance (Jaffe
and environmental sustainability. China’s industrial development is and Palmer, 1997), that is, the narrow Porter’s hypothesis. Flexible
also facing multiple pressures of resource and energy shortage, environmental policy instruments, such as pollutant discharge fees,
environmental pollution and economic recession (Su and An, 2018; environmental subsidies, emissions trading, environmental taxes,
Jin et al., 2019). From the perspective of policy research, environ- etc., intend to regulate corporate emission behaviors via market
mental regulations have become important institutional factors to signals and encourage the polluters to reduce the pollutant
promote the sustainable development (Ramanathan et al., 2018). discharge level, or it is a constraint mechanism that controls and
optimizes the society’s overall pollution (Hahn, 1984; Hockenstein
et al., 1997; Majumdar and Marcus, 2001; Popp et al., 2010;
* Corresponding author. Ramanathan et al., 2018). However, inflexible environmental policy
E-mail addresses: (B. Yuan), tools, such as the legally enforceable standards, are not conducive
(Y. Zhang).
0959-6526/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543

to enterprise innovation (Majumdar and Marcus, 2001; promoting industrial technological innovation, but the impact of
Ramanathan et al., 2018). In essence, the connotation of flexible environmental regulatory enforcement on technological innova-
environmental policy and market-based environmental policy is tion and industrial sustainable development has not been
the same, both of which are based on market mechanism enhanced. Fourthly, from a regional point of view, technological
(Ramanathan et al., 2018). From the perspective of China’s envi- innovation has partial mediating effects in the eastern and western
ronmental policy practice, the government attaches more and more regions, and environmental regulatory enforcement can only
importance to adopting flexible environmental policy in order to positively moderate the role of flexible environmental policy in
achieve a win-win situation between economic development and promoting technological innovation in the eastern region.
environmental protection. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to This paper makes the following contributions to knowledge.
study the impact mechanism of flexible environmental policy on Firstly, from the perspective of the institution, the impact of flexible
the sustainable development of China’s industry. environmental policy on sustainable development of China’s in-
The first problem studied in this paper is whether flexible dustry is examined. Existing literature on sustainable development
environmental policy can achieve industrial sustainable develop- mainly focuses on the review and theoretical research, and the
ment by promoting technological innovation. It must make efforts research objects are mainly enterprises (Caiado et al., 2017; Cancino
from two aspects in order to realize the sustainable development of et al., 2018; Abbas and Sagsan, 2019; Jose  et al., 2019; Asr et al.,
China’s industry. One is that the driving force should be driven by 2019), but few studies analyze the factors that affect industrial
factors to innovation, and the other is that the mode should be sustainable development in the institutional aspect. Secondly, in
transformed from high energy consumption, high emission, and light of the “narrow” perspective of Porter’s hypothesis, this paper
high pollution to low energy consumption, low emission and low regards technological innovation as a core power and further ex-
pollution. Environmental pollution caused by industrial develop- plores the impact of flexible environmental policydthe ante-
ment belongs to the negative externality problem, because the cedentdon technological innovation, thus constructing the
ecological environment cost has not been included in the ac- dynamic chain of industrial sustainable development and enriching
counting system of industrial growth. Without the constraints and the studies concerning the Porter’s hypothesis. More studies
guidance of external regulations, industrial enterprises lack in- discuss the weak Porter’s hypothesis, that is, the impact of envi-
centives to undertake technological innovation for they carry ronmental regulation on technological innovation is discussed
around the principle of minimizing cost and maximizing benefits (Desmarchelier et al., 2013; Rubashkina et al., 2015; Liao, 2018), or
(Wang, 2018; Hafezi and Zolfagharinia, 2018). Thus, industrial the strong Porter’s hypothesis, which is impact of environmental
sustainable development depends on two-wheel symbiosis drive of regulation on enterprise industry and regional competitiveness
flexible environmental policy and technological innovation. (Zhao et al., 2015; Rubashkina et al., 2015; Li and Ramanathan,
The second problem is whether environmental regulatory 2018), yet few uses mediating effect model to explore the impact
enforcement can positively moderate the relationship between of flexible environmental policy on technology innovation and in-
flexible environmental policy and technological innovation, as well dustrial sustainable development. Thirdly, considering the institu-
as the relationship between technological innovation and industrial tional characteristics of the transitional economy China, this paper
sustainable development, due to the existence of market failure. establishes the moderated mediation model to examine whether
With the continuous improvement of environmental policy system, the impacts of flexible environmental policy on technological
environmental regulatory enforcement has become an important innovation and technological innovation on sustainable develop-
factor affecting the policy implementation (Fukuyama et al., 1996; ment will change when environment regulatory enforcement is
Marquis and Bird, 2018). Especially, it has exposed many local de- stringent, thus providing implications for improving the effects of
partments of environmental regulatory authority in the form of flexible environmental policy and technological innovation on
formality, passing through the field, false enforcement, resulting in sustainable development. Moreover, taking the institutional sce-
poor implementation of environmental policy and environmental nario into consideration has also expanded the conditions for the
pollution control effect. Moreover, some studies have pointed out establishment of the Porter’s hypothesis. Fourthly, this paper ana-
that the implementation effect of environmental policy depends on lyzes the regional heterogeneity of the impact of flexible environ-
the local institutional circumstances (Qi and Zhang, 2014; Du and mental policy on technological innovation and industrial
Li, 2019). Further, the transformation of innovation requires the sustainable development, which is helpful to provide targeted
guidance and support of regulations, which directly determines the policy recommendations for industrial sustainable development of
integration of innovation and industrial sustainable development different regions.
(Sirmon et al., 2007). Consequently, they are important issues need
to be discussed in depth that the moderating effect of environ- 2. Literature review and research hypotheses
mental regulatory enforcement.
In order to solve the above two problems, this paper takes 2.1. Flexible environmental policy and industrial sustainable
technological innovation as the mediator, and uses environmental development
regulatory enforcement as the moderator to construct the moder-
ated mediation model. Meanwhile, this paper uses 30 provincial The impact of environmental regulation on industrial economy
industrial panel data in China from 2006 to 2015, and applies the and environment has not reached a consistent conclusion. Jaffe and
sys-GMM method to carry out the empirical test. Moreover, the Palmer (1997) called the influence of environmental regulation on
regional heterogeneity effect is analyzed. The results show that, the firms’ competitiveness as the strong Porter’s hypothesis. The
firstly, flexible environmental policy is beneficial for China’s in- future researches mainly include four aspects: first, environmental
dustrial sustainable development. Secondly, flexible environmental regulation can promote the economic performance of firms, in-
policy can promote technological innovation, then technological dustries and regions (Zhang et al., 2019a, 2019b; Du and Li, 2019;
innovation can promote industrial sustainable development, and Zhu et al., 2019). Second, environmental regulation can also pro-
technological innovation partially mediates the relation between mote the environmental performance of firms, industries and re-
flexible environmental policy and industrial sustainable develop- gions (Zhu et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019b; Ouyang et al., 2019).
ment. Thirdly, the stricter the environmental regulatory enforce- Third, the impact of environmental regulation on economic and
ment, the stronger the role of flexible environmental policy in environmental performance is nonlinear (Qian et al., 2019; Wang
B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543 3

and Shen, 2016; Wang and Shen, 2016, 2016). Fourth, environ- industry. Wang and Shao (2019) also argued that flexible environ-
mental regulation will increase pollutant emissions (Chen et al., mental policy plays an important role in promoting green growth in
2018; Hao et al., 2018). high-income countries. Therefore, the above arguments lead to the
Sustainable development has gradually become a new devel- following hypothesis:
opment consensus, that is, to overcome environmental problems
H1. Flexible environmental policy positively associates with in-
with sustainable development goals and to boost economic growth
dustrial sustainable development.
through improving the utilization efficiency of resource and energy
and reducing environmental damage (World Bank, 2012; Lin and
Benjamin, 2017; Liu et al., 2018d). The inherent requirement of 2.2. Flexible environmental policy and technological innovation
industrial sustainable development is to incorporate resource uti-
lization and ecological environment costs into the growth ac- The influence of environmental regulation on technological
counting system (Pothen and Welsch, 2019). Sustainable innovation is called the weak Porter’s hypothesis (Jaffe and Palmer,
development model can not only increase social welfare, but also 1997). Many literature has studied the influence of environmental
remarkably mitigate ecological damage and environmental crisis. It regulation on technological innovation, green innovation, eco-
is a resource-efficient, low-carbon, socially inclusive development innovation, product innovation, and process innovation and so
model (UNEP, 2011; Loiseau et al., 2016; Liu et al., 2018d). on. Moreover, the results show that environmental regulation has a
Based on the market mechanism, flexible environmental policy significant role in promoting innovation (Rubashkina et al., 2015;
is designed by the government, which intends to regulate corporate Liao, 2018; Borsatto and Amui, 2019; You et al., 2019). On the
emission behaviors via market signals and encourages the polluters contrary, Zheng et al. (2019) found that the “innovation compen-
to reduce the pollutant discharge level, or it is a constraint mech- sation” effect of environmental regulations is not enough to make
anism that controls and optimizes the society’s overall pollution up for the “follow the cost” effect. Li (2019) argued that environ-
(Hahn, 1984; Hockenstein et al., 1997; Popp et al., 2010). Environ- mental regulation can inhibit the industrial technical introduction
mental pollution generated by industrial development is the and cooperation. Feng et al. (2019) suggested that environmental
negative externality problem. Since the environmental damage cost regulation does not promote urban innovation, but the interaction
is not subsumed into the financial accounting of industrial enter- between environmental regulation and FDI can promote it. This
prises, industrial enterprises have strong motives to continuously also shows that the role of environmental regulation needs certain
strengthen the development and utilization of environmental external conditions.
public products. As a result, industrial development exceeds the With the increasing environmental pressure on industrial firms,
bearing capacity of resources and environment. Following classical it is necessary for them to readjust the strategies to ensure survival
economics, the government should levy pollutant discharge fees on and legality. Institutional theory is based on this connotation and
the emitters according to the amount of pollutants discharged so as emphasizes that organizations need to implement compliance
to compensate the difference between marginal private cost and practices to comply with relevant systems from the government,
marginal social cost, thus internalizing environmental negative thereby obtaining organizational legality in order to survive
externalities (Bitat, 2018; Shi et al., 2019). Therefore, flexible envi- (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983). Institutional theory provides a
ronmental policy is feasible means to cope with environmental theoretical perspective through which researchers can identify the
problems. factors that promote organizational survival and legitimacy,
The comparative study on environmental policy reveals that including culture, social environment, regulation (including legal
traditional environmental policies have significant “cost effect” and environment), tradition and history, and economic incentives
“energy rebound effect” (Liu et al., 2018c). The cost of flexible (Glover et al., 2014). Therefore, institutional theory is also used to
environmental policy instruments, such as pollutant discharge fees, explain how environmental policy affects the organization to
emission trading and environmental subsidies, are obviously lower implement green sustainable activities (Rivera, 2004; Glover et al.,
than that of traditional environmental policies such as command- 2014; Andrews-Speed, 2016). Based on the institutional theory,
and-control regulation (Atkinson and Lewis, 1974; Seskin et al., flexible environmental policy formulated by the government pro-
1983; Jaffe et al., 2001; Harrison et al., 2015; Li et al., 2019). It is vide a kind of institutional pressure for enterprises. In line with
this cost advantage that makes flexible environmental policy plays their regulation goals, enterprises can freely choose to pay
a significant role in industrial energy conservation and emission pollutant discharge fees or cut down emissions through innovation
reduction. The impact of flexible environmental policy on industrial (Bitat, 2018). As Ramanathan et al. (2017) argued that only with
sustainable development is manifested in two aspects. For one sufficient flexibility can environmental regulation promote corpo-
thing, when the government imposes pollutant discharge fees on rate innovation. Environmental policy will have a certain impact on
polluting enterprises, the operating cost of those enterprises will the environmental decision-making of enterprises. In order to
increase accordingly. In pursuit of saving cost, enterprises will respond to and meet the environmental policy goals of the gov-
optimize processes to reduce emissions of waste water, waste gas, ernment, enterprises will adopt technological innovation to reduce
CO2, PM2.5, etc., which helps to improve industrial environmental the consumption of resources and energy.
performance (Zhao et al., 2015; Li and Ramanathan, 2018; Hashmi Flexible environmental policy can affect technological innova-
and Alam, 2019; Wang et al., 2019b). For another, flexible envi- tion through two paths. On the one hand, the government’s charges
ronmental policy can convey an ecological signal. For instance, the for pollutants and taxation on resources and energy are reflected by
government provides environmental subsidies for enterprises who raising prices, and enterprises have the impetus to conduct tech-
produce energy-saving and environment-friendly products. These nological innovation for saving cost (Demirel and Kesidou, 2011).
products can seize market share and form a strong competitive On the other hand, there is a lack of incentives for regions to launch
advantage (Xie et al., 2017). Additionally, Wang et al. (2019a) green technological innovation activities due to dual externality
believed that China’s market-based policy on energy conservation and the uncertainty. Under this circumstance, the government can
and emission reduction plays an important role in promoting sus- adopt a range of market measures, including environmental sub-
tainable development. Li et al. (2019) found that flexible environ- sidies and tax preference, to effectively propel regional industries’
mental regulation can promote the efficiency of environmental technological innovation (Yang and Yang, 2015; Ramanathan et al.,
governance and realize the green transformation of iron and steel 2018). Furthermore, numerous literature has demonstrated that the
4 B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543

government’s market tools, such as prices, taxes, subsidies, can H3. Technological innovation positively associates with industrial
foster technological innovation more effectively (Desmarchelier sustainable development.
et al., 2013; Castellacci and Lie, 2017; Cheng et al., 2017; Li et al.,
2018; Fabrizi et al., 2018; Cancino et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2018c;
Hashmi and Alam, 2019). Accordingly, following the above analysis, 2.3.2. The mediating effect of technological innovation
the hypothesis is proposed: The development of industrial economy has transformed from
H2. Flexible environmental policy positively associates with in- quantitative growth to quality and sustainable development. As a
dustrial technological innovation. matter of fact, it comprises the changes in interest pattern and the
game of industrial players. To achieve industrial sustainable
development, it is crucial to adjust this pattern by relying on
institutional innovation. The external institutional structure can
2.3. The mediating effect of technological innovation induce revolutions of enterprises in technology R&D, product
structure and marketing model, which will have an influence on
2.3.1. Technological innovation and industrial sustainable industrial financial performance. Facing flexible environmental
development policy, enterprises must respond effectively to meet the public in-
Sustainability is a common form of high-quality development. terest demands of the government for environmental protection. In
OECD (2011) argued that future economy is bound to move towards the meantime, the narrow Porter’s hypothesis asserts that flexible
sustainable growth, and sustainable economic development is environmental policy can lead enterprises to engage in techno-
driven by innovation (Droste et al., 2016; Fern andez et al., 2018). logical innovation. When the benefits of such technological inno-
From the perspective of technology contribution, technological vation offset the costs of complying with environmental policies, it
progress is the core driving force of industrial sustainable devel- can enhance competitiveness of industrial enterprises (Porter and
opment (Liu et al., 2018b). From the perspective of factor contri- van der Linde, 1995). The inherent requirement of industrial sus-
bution, the reduction of unexpected output such as waste water, tainable development is to establish a resource-saving and
waste gas and solid waste contributes to the industrial sustainable environment-friendly development model. Technological innova-
development (Liu et al., 2016; Cancino et al., 2018). Furthermore, tion can not only promote industrial sustainable development, but
the factor-contribution rate can increased via innovation (Antonioli also meet the government’s environmental policies requirements
and Mazzanti, 2017; Silvestre and Tîrca, 2019; Chen and Golley, (Yu et al., 2017; Hu et al., 2017; Pan et al., 2019a; Cancino et al.,
2014; Cancino et al., 2018). 2018). Guo et al. (2017) found that environmental regulation can
Innovation is able to reduce energy or resource consumption promote the regional green growth performance through techno-
and pollutant discharge per unit output value of enterprises, thus logical innovation. Pei et al. (2019) suggested that environmental
improving their financial performance and competitiveness and regulation indirectly reduces carbon emissions through technical
then promote firms to achieve sustainable development. (Long efficiency changes in energy-intensive industries. Zhou et al. (2019)
et al., 2017; Pan et al., 2019b; Zhang et al., 2019a; Lee et al., 2018; thought that green technological innovation caused by environ-
Abbas and Sagsan, 2019). Moreover, Behnam et al. (2018) found that mental regulation can effectively control urban haze pollution.
open innovation capabilities can promote the firms sustainable Following the above analysis, the hypothesis is proposed:
development. At the industry level, shifting from general techno-
logical innovation to green innovation can increase industry labor H4. Technological innovation mediates the relationship between
productivity as well as utilization efficiency of resources and energy flexible environmental policy and industrial sustainable
(Miao et al., 2018). Jose  et al. (2019) found that technological development.
innovation in the mining industry can promote the sustainable
development of the environment, economy and society. At the re-
gion level, Chen et al. (2017) discussed the influence of eco- 2.4. The moderating effect of environment regulatory enforcement
innovation (a special form of technological innovation) on
regional sustainable development from four aspects. First, eco- Environment regulatory enforcement refers to coercing market
innovation can promote green economy growth by reducing players into implementing environmental policies by administra-
resource input and improving production efficiency. Second, it can tive inspections and reducing violations of environmental stan-
improve social welfare, such as increasing the knowledge of green dards (Shimshack and Ward, 2008; Tosun, 2012; Pedersen, 2013).
production, circulation and consumption of residents, the The two duties of environment administrative department are to
employment opportunities related to green production, and the inspect and supervise the regulates, and punish enterprises who
labor productivity. Third, it helps to increase technological creation breach environmental regulation (Fukuyama et al., 1996; Heyes,
and acquisition, and form the effect of technology accumulation. 2000; Pedersen, 2013). Regulated enterprises must make regular
Fourth, it contributes to the conservation of natural resources and investments in energy conservation and emission reduction to
environmental protection. Zhang et al. (2018b), Hou et al. (2018) meet the government’s demands for environmental protection,
and Zhou et al. (2019) believed that technological innovation can which is an additional cost for the enterprises. For the sake of
promote sustainable development of cities. The higher the city maximizing profits, in reality, enterprises do not necessarily
governance level, the stronger the positive impact of technological implement environmental policies and reduce pollutant emissions.
innovation on sustainable development. Su and An (2018) argued If environmental policies are not carried out, they may be ineffi-
that technological innovation is beneficial for regional sustainable cient or even ineffective (Fukuyama et al., 1996; Tang et al., 2010;
development, but it has a threshold effect. Ferna ndez et al. (2018) Lin, 2013). Bechtel and Tosun (2009) mentioned that developing
and Gu et al. (2019) found that technological progress could countries have formulated a multitude of environmental policies,
reduce CO2 emissions, thereby ensuring sustainable economic but the positive impact of environmental regulation on environ-
growth. Fortune examined the case of OECD countries and the re- mental quality is not evident due to not strict implementation.
sults show that technological innovation can lower carbon emis- Considering this, environment administrative department needs to
sions. Therefore, the above arguments lead to the following supervise the implementation of environmental policies (Friesen,
hypothesis: 2003).
B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543 5

2.4.1. The moderating effect of environment regulatory enforcement “energy rebound effect” (Liu et al., 2018c). Droste et al. (2016)
on the relationship between flexible environmental policy and asserted that innovation is more likely to achieve the goal of sus-
technological innovation tainable economic growth with government intervention. To make
Theoretically, stringent environment regulatory enforcement innovation drive industrial sustainable development, technological
can raise the possibilities of industrial enterprises punished for innovation of industrial enterprises needs to have the dual attri-
environmental pollution (Fukuyama et al., 1996; Heyes, 2000). butes of energy conservation and economic growth. In the cir-
Expected pollutant discharge fees will bring additional costs to cumstances, to respond to strict environment regulatory
enterprises. As a result, industrial enterprises are forced to respond enforcement, industrial enterprises will enhance the two attributes
to flexible environmental policy with technological innovation. of technological innovation to attenuate the bias of technological
Furthermore, strict environment regulatory enforcement can innovation (Liu et al., 2018c). Therefore, the above arguments lead
identify polluting enterprises, accurately obtain the discharge to the following hypothesis:
amount of pollutants, and establish reasonable standards of
H6. The stricter environment regulatory enforcement, the greater
pollutant discharge fees (taxes), which helps to improve the accu-
the impact of technological innovation on sustainable develop-
racy of flexible environmental policy (Marquis and Bird, 2018; Sun
ment, i.e. strict environment regulatory enforcement strengthens
et al., 2019).
the relationship between technological innovation and industrial
According to the empirical studies, strict environment regula-
sustainable development while lax environment regulatory
tory enforcement can more completely discern the enterprises that
enforcement weakens the relationship.
violate environmental policies, and subject them to severe pun-
The theoretical model of this paper is presented as Fig. 1.
ishment (Heyes, 1994; Pedersen, 2013; Liu et al., 2018a). Shimshack
and Ward (2008) found that strict environment regulatory
enforcement not only forces manufactures that disobey regulations 3. Research design
to comply with environmental policies, but also propels regulated
manufacturers to reduce the discharge amount of pollutants below 3.1. Model specification
the government standards. Lin (2013) discovered that the discharge
amount of pollutants reported by the manufacture increases by Drawing on the method of testing mediating variables devel-
3.45% in the scenario of strict environment regulatory enforcement. oped by Baron and Kenny (1986), this paper constructs the
Zhang et al. (2018a) argued that environmental supervision of the following four econometric models to examine the dynamic
central government can strengthen the efficacy of environmental mechanism of China’s industrial sustainable development.
policies of local governments. Earnhart and Glicksman (2015)
further proposed that both punitive environment regulatory ln TIit ¼ a0 þ a1 ln FEPit þ a2 ln Controlit þ εit (1)
enforcement and cooperative environment regulatory enforcement
can promote the regulated to perform environmental management. ln ISDit ¼ b0 þ b1 ln FEPit þ b2 ln Controlit þ εit (2)
Sun et al. (2019) also pointed out that the effective implementation
of environmental laws and regulations reflects the environmental ln ISDit ¼ c0 þ c1 ln TIit þ c2 ln Controlit þ εit (3)
governance ability of local governments. The stronger the ability,
the more can promote enterprises to fulfill their environmental
ln ISDit ¼ d0 þ d1 ln FEPit þ d2 ln TIit þ d3 ln Controlit þ εit (4)
responsibilities. Therefore, the following hypothesis is proposed:
H5. The stricter environment regulatory enforcement, the greater where FEP denotes flexible environmental policy, TI represents
the impact of flexible environmental policy on technological technological innovation, ISD indicates industrial sustainable
innovation, i.e. strict environment regulatory enforcement development, Control denotes control variables. Eq. (1) examines
strengthens the relationship between flexible environmental policy the link between flexible environmental policy and technological
and technological innovation while lax environment regulatory innovation. Eq. (2) tests the relationship between flexible envi-
enforcement weakens the relationship. ronmental policy and industrial sustainable development. Eq. (3)
examines the link between technological innovation and indus-
trial sustainable development. If these three equations prove that
2.4.2. The moderating effect of environment regulatory enforcement the first three hypotheses are true, Eq. (4) continues to be estimated
on the relationship between technological innovation and industrial to investigate whether flexible environmental policy and techno-
sustainable development logical innovation positively associate with industrial sustainable
Generally, environmental legislation gives environmental reg- development. When both d1 and d2 are significantly positive and d1
ulators special powers to enter industrial premises or sites for in- is smaller than b1 , there is a partial mediation. When d1 is not
spection; they can issue or withdraw permits or “agree” to operate significant, but d2 is significant, there is a full mediation.
industrial processes; they can regulate and enforce standards and, if Furthermore, the following econometric models are constructed
necessary, sue industrial polluters (Fineman, 2000). These in- to examine the moderating effect of environment regulatory
terventions can effectively affect the behavior of industrial enter- enforcement.
prises, control pollutants below the standard through innovation,
environmental management and other means, and then enhance ln TIit ¼ q0 þ q1 ln FEPit þ q2 ln ENFit þ q3 ln Controlit þ εit (5)
the environmental compliance and legitimacy of enterprises (Liu
et al., 2018a; Sun et al., 2019). The contribution of technological
ln TIit ¼ g0 þ g1 ln FEPit þ g2 ln ENFit þ g3 ln FEPit  ln ENFit
innovation to the industrial sustainable development lies in its can
improve the utilization efficiency of resource and energy in the þ g4 ln Controlit þ εit
industrial production, decrease pollutant discharge, and thus (6)
facilitate industrial sustainable development. However, according
to the empirical studies, because technological innovation may be where ENF denotes environment regulatory enforcement. Eq. (5)
biased, production technological innovation may increase energy tests the impacts of flexible environmental policy and environ-
consumption when improving financial performance and generate ment regulatory enforcement on technological innovation.
6 B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543

Environment regulatory
enforcement (ENF)

H5 + H6 +
H4 +
Technological Industrial sustainable
innovation (TI) development (ISD)
policy (FEP) H2 + H3 +

H1 +
Fig. 1. Theoretical model.

FEP  ENF in Eq. (6) is the interaction term of flexible environmental

policy and environment regulatory enforcement, the coefficient of
which indicates whether the moderating effect of environment
1 Xm
regulatory enforcement is supported. minq ¼ k 
Since the moderating effect proposed by H6 takes effect after
m i¼1 xi0
the mediating effect, there is a moderated mediation. Following 
Wen et al. (2006), the econometric models are developed. 1 X s

s S
1¼kþ ð þ Þ
sþr yd0 zp0
d¼1 d¼1
ln ISDit ¼ k0 þ k1 ln FEPit þ k2 ln ENFit þ k3 ln Controlit þ εit
kxi0 ¼ bj xij þ s
i ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; :::; m
ln ISDit ¼ l0 þ l1 ln FEPit þ l2 ln ENFit þ l3 ln TIit j¼1

þ l4 ln Controlit þ εit (8) (10)

s:tf X

ln ISDit ¼ p0 þ p1 ln FEPit þ p2 ln ENFit þ p3 ln TIit þ p4 ln TIit

kyd0 ¼ bj ydj  sþ
; d ¼ 1; 2; 3; :::; s
 ln ENFit þ p5 ln Controlit þ εit
If q1, q2 in Eq. (5), k1, k2 in Eq. (7), l3 in Eq. (8) are significant, the kzp0 ¼ bj zpj þ s
p ; p ¼ 1; 2; 3; :::; r
mediating effect of technological innovation is verified. If p4 in Eq.
(9) is significant, environment regulatory enforcement moderates
the link between technological innovation and industrial sustain-
s þ 
i  0; sd  0; sp  0; bj  0; j ¼ 1; 2; 3; :::; n
able development.
It is assumed that the evaluated system has n decision-making
units (DMUs), where q represents the industrial sustainable
3.2. Variable selection and definition development value of the evaluated unit; m, s and r respectively
represent the number of types of input variables, desirable output
(1) Industrial sustainable development (ISD). Effectiveness that variables and undesirable output variables. The corresponding
can be expressed by the ratio of resource inputs to outputs is input vector can be expressed as: Xj ¼ ðx1j ; x2j ; x3j ; /; xmj ÞT , the
one of measures for industrial sustainable development. To desirable output vector can be expressed as:
lay emphasis on improving the utilization efficiency of re- Yj ¼ ðy1j ; y2j ; y3j ; /; ysj ÞT , and the undesirable output vector can be
sources and energy, reducing environmental costs and expressed as: Zj ¼ ðz1j ; z2j ; z3j ; /; zrj ÞT . s
i ; sd ; sp refer to slack vari-
increasing industrial green total factor productivity is the ables of input, desirable and undesirable output, respectively;
proper understanding of industrial sustainable development xij ; ydj ; zpj represent the ith input, the dth desirable output and the
(Chen and Golley, 2014; Müller et al., 2015; Caiado et al., pth undesirable output of the jth DMU, respectively. bj is the linear
2017; Hou et al., 2018; Feng and Wang, 2019). Therefore, programming coefficient.
this paper employs the SE-SBM-DEA model to calculate in-
dustrial sustainable development levels of China’s 30 prov- (2) Flexible environmental policy (FEP). Flexible environmental
inces, and the evaluation models are displayed as Eq. (10) policy internalizes the external costs of enterprises by means
(Tone, 2001; Zhou et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018; Hou et al., of such tools as fees, taxes and emissions trading so that the
2018; Yuan, 2019). The input indicators include labor input, marginal private cost is equal to marginal social cost
capital input and comprehensive industrial energy con- (Ramanathan et al., 2018). Given that China’s pollutant
sumption, The desirable output indicator is total industrial charging system has long occupied an important position in
output value while undesirable output indicators comprise flexible environmental policy, this paper refers to the
industrial waste water, waste gas, solid waste, and CO2 (Liu method of Pan et al. (2019a), Xie et al. (2017), Guo et al.
et al., 2016; Yuan and Xiang, 2018; Lin and Chen, 2018). (2017), Chen et al. (2017), Cheng et al. (2017), Shen et al.
B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543 7

(2019) and selects pollutant discharge fees of each province investment, are collected from China Statistical Yearbook. The data,
as a proxy of flexible environmental policy. including pollutant discharge fees and the number of cases of
(3) Technological innovation (TI). As the consumption of re- environmental administrative punishment decisions, comes from
sources and energy is a cost expenditure for enterprises, the China Environment Yearbook. The data on industrial energy con-
treatment of waste water, waste gas and solid waste also sumption of each region is obtained from China Energy Statistical
needs to increase the cost expenditure. Therefore, for the Yearbook. CO2 emission is calculated according to the method
sake of cost saving, the technological innovation of industrial mentioned in IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
enterprises should have the nature of energy saving and Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. The descrip-
emission reduction. At the same time, invention patents can tive statistics of variables in the econometric regression model are
mirror the actual level of technological innovation (Pan et al., shown as Table 2 and the correlation coefficients of variables are
2019a; Yuan and Xiang, 2018). Based on this knowledge, the shown as Table 3.
number of industrial invention patent applications in each
province is used to measure technological innovation level. 4. Results and discussions
(4) Environment regulatory enforcement (ENF). Based on the
discussions on the meaning of environment regulatory 4.1. Unit root test
enforcement among scholars like Heyes (1994), Heyes
(2000), Shimshack and Ward (2008), Lynch et al. (2019), Industrial sustainable development (ISD), TI, FEP, ENF and
the number of cases of environmental administrative pun- Control variables are panel data. Since non-stationary variables are
ishment decisions of the year in each province is a measure prone to lead to pseudo-regression problems in panel data
of intensity of environment regulatory enforcement. regression. Therefore, unit root test of variables is carried out first.
(5) Control variables. This paper tests the relationship between In this paper, we applied three methodsdLevin, Lin and Chu (LLC),
flexible environmental policy, technological innovation and ADF-Fisher, PP-Fisherdto the unit root test. The unit root test
industrial sustainable development through the mediating equation includes constant term and time trend term. The results
effect model, and the research object is the industry of 30 show that all variables are first-order stationary series (Table 4).
provinces in China. Therefore, the selection of control vari-
ables should meet the impact on industrial technological 4.2. Mediation test
innovation and sustainable development simultaneously.
According to Chen and Golley (2014), Chen et al. (2017), Table 5 reports the impact of flexible environmental policy on
Cheng et al. (2017), Yuan and Xiang (2018), Yuan (2019), this industrial sustainable development and the estimation results on
paper selects foreign direct investment (FDI), industrial scale the mediating effect of technological innovation. Jaffe and Palmer
(SCAL), industrial R&D intensity (R&D), industrial capital (1997) argues that if the government can provide flexible envi-
intensity (CAPI), industrial agglomeration degree (IAD) as ronmental policy to meet the needs of enterprises, then such
control variables. The definitions of variables are shown in environmental policy can promote enterprise innovation and
Table 1. competitiveness. At the same time, when the level of technological
innovation of industrial enterprises is high, the efficiency of energy

3.3. Data and descriptive statistics Table 2

Descriptive statistics of variables.

The industry panel data of 30 provincial-level administrative Variable Mean SD Min Max Observations
regions in 2006e2015 is adopted as the sample in this paper. We ISD 0.481 0.242 0.094 1.146 300
removed data for Tibet, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, mainly TI 4143.260 8058.901 2.000 55624.000 300
because there was too much data missing. Discharge amount of FEP 59466.25 48805.92 1799.300 276863.700 300
industrial waste water, emissions of waste gas and discharge ENF 3558.150 5414.748 8.000 38434.000 300
FDI 2165.215 3474.866 14.130 18689.260 300
amount of solid waste in each region are from China Statistical
SCAL 6765.004 6146.628 217.550 30259.490 300
Yearbook on Environment. R&D investment, the number of inven- R&D 0.022 0.013 0.002 0.066 300
tion patent applications, fixed assets, total assets, the number of CAPI 0.581 0.090 0.308 0.921 300
labor force, total industrial output value, and foreign direct IAD 0.951 0.178 0.363 1.199 300

Table 1
The definitions of variables.

Variable name Measurement Unit

Industrial sustainable development Super-efficient SBM DEA model was used for calculation d
Technological innovation (TI) The number of industrial invention patent applications in each province Piece
Flexible environmental policy (FEP) The total amount of pollutant charges collected by each province 10,000 yuan
Environment regulatory The number of environmental administrative penalty cases in each region Piece
enforcement (ENF)
Foreign direct investment (FDI) Investments from large- and medium-sized foreign-funded enterprises, or Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan of the 100 million
industry in each province yuan
Industrial scale (SCAL) The total industrial production value of each province 100 million
Industrial R&D intensity (R&D) Each province’s industrial per capita R&D investment Yuan/Person
Industrial capital intensity (CAPI) The total value of industrial fixed assets of each province divided by the total value of industrial assets d
Industrial agglomeration degree The ratio of the industrial output value to the GDP of each province relative to the ratio of the industrial output value d
(IAD) to the national GDP
8 B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543

Table 3
Correlation coefficient of each variable.


ISD 1.000
TI 0.044 1.000
FEP 0.284*** 0.488*** 1.000
ENF 0.027 0.600*** 0.653*** 1.000
FDI 0.038 0.817*** 0.463*** 0.634*** 1.000
SCAL 0.220*** 0.855*** 0.769*** 0.728*** 0.826*** 1.000
R&D 0.152*** 0.789*** 0.243*** 0.477*** 0.702*** 0.558*** 1.000
CAPI 0.180*** 0.465*** 0.008 0.268*** 0.530*** 0.271*** 0.559*** 1.000
IAD 0.508*** 0.234*** 0.680*** 0.254*** 0.233*** 0.547*** 0.051 0.200*** 1.000

Note: ***, ** and * respectively indicate that the parameter estimation is significant at the levels of 0.01, 0.05 and 0.1.

Table 4
The results of unit root test.

Variable Test type LLC test ADF-Fisher test PP-Fisher test Conclusion

DlnISD (C, T, 1) 4.395*** 2.365* 0.908** first order stationary

DlnTI (C, T, 1) 12.243*** 13.243*** 6.594*** first order stationary
DlnFEP (C, T, 1) 7.053*** 2.040** 7.401*** first order stationary
DlnENF (C, T, 1) 7.995*** 0.062** 4.733*** first order stationary
DlnFDI (C, T, 1) 16.038*** 14.564*** 9.956*** first order stationary
DlnSCAL (C, T, 1) 2.828*** 3.148** 2.347* first order stationary
DlnR&D (C, T, 1) –14.923*** 14.264*** 1.635*** first order stationary
DlnCAPI (C, T, 1) 13.809*** 9.517*** 1.001*** first order stationary
DlnIAD (C, T, 1) 1.720** 2.795** 0.045* first order stationary

Note: C, T and N represent intercept term, trend term and lag period respectively. ***, ** and * respectively indicate that the parameter estimation is significant at the levels of
0.01, 0.05 and 0.1.

Table 5
The results of mediation test.

Technological innovation (lnTI) Industrial sustainable development (lnISD)

Variable Model (1) Model (2) Model (3) Model (4) Model (5) Model (6)

_cons 5.258*** (11.43) 2.578*** (3.48) 3.251*** (17.58) 3.577*** (12.07) 2.890*** (9.74) 3.406*** (9.37)
lnINDEP(t-1) 0.453*** (19.78) 0.395*** (11.04) 0.400*** (14.34) 0.401*** (14.99) 0.384*** (15.94) 0.389*** (3.78)
lnFDI 0.147*** (4.64) 0.114*** (2.88) 0.214*** (14.90) 0.203*** (16.26) 0.211*** (12.57) 0.195*** (14.18)
lnSCAL 1.379*** (27.81) 1.565*** (20.95) 0.527*** (21.93) 0.492*** (15.52) 0.429*** (8.26) 0.316*** (4.64)
lnR&D 0.345*** (6.72) 0.404*** (7.01) 0.118*** (6.78) 0.126*** (5.37) 0.092*** (3.49) 0.076*** (3.56)
lnCAPI 0.147 (1.20) 0.070 (0.53) 0.397*** (6.38) 0.372*** (3.73) 0.418*** (7.12) 0.418*** (4.10)
lnIAD 1.490*** (6.99) 0.833** (2.29) 0.029 (0.27) 0.059 (0.24) 0.206 (1.59) 0.232 (0.81)
lnFEP 0.360*** (6.24) 0.056*** (3.78) 0.028** (2.24)
lnTI 0.048*** (2.76) 0.077*** (3.77)
AR(1) 3.740[0.00] 3.586[0.00] 2.229[0.03] 2.269[0.02] 2.215[0.03] 2.252[0.02]
AR(2) 1.280[0.20] 1.470[0.14] 1.112[0.27] 1.156[0.25] 1.003[0.32] 1.012[0.31]
Sargan c2 27.367[1.00] 25.995[1.00] 29.359[1.00] 28.891[1.00] 28.973[1.00] 28.145[1.00]
Wald c2 16053.43[0.00] 8227.51[0.00] 2419.22[0.00] 4360.65[0.00] 1586.80[0.00] 1472.67[0.00]
Observations 300 300 300 300 300 300

Notes: The z-statistic are in parentheses and the p value is in square brackets. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively.

saving and emission reduction will also be improved, which in turn difference GMM and the system GMM, in which the estimation
will promote the government to continuously optimize and adjust results of, the system GMM are more effective, and the dynamic
the relevant environmental policy. Moreover, flexible environ- effects can be investigated. To rule out the endogenous problem, we
mental policy can stimulate industrial enterprises to implement use the sys-GMM method to estimate according to Yuan and Xiang
energy conservation and emission reduction, which will also (2018), Lin and Chen (2018), Chen et al. (2018).
reduce the cost and pressure of environmental law enforcement. We perform AR test and Sargan test to ensure the validity of
On the contrary, flexible environmental policy is easier to imple- estimated results. AR (1) and AR (2) aim to discern the autocorre-
ment when environmental enforcement is stricter. Therefore, there lation of error terms. The Sargan test is a test of the validity of
may be a reverse causal relationship between flexible environ- instrumental variables. The serial correlation test results show that
mental policy, technological innovation, industrial sustainable the null hypothesis is rejected by AR (1) but accepted by AR (2). The
development and environmental regulatory enforcement, that is, AR (2) is not significant, which confirms that second-order residuals
flexible environmental policy may have endogenous problem. An are irrelevant and the null hypothesis is supported. The results of
effective way to solve the potential endogenous problem is to use Sargan test disclose that it accepts the null hypothesis, demon-
the instrument variable (IV) method. However, it is difficult to find strating that overidentifying restrictions of instrumental variables
the appropriate instrumental variables. Thus, the GMM method can are valid. Moreover, c2 (1) statistics in White test and BP test reject
be used to estimate the model. GMM methods include the first- the hypothesis of homoscedasticity in favor of heteroscedasticity so
B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543 9

Table 6
The results of Sobel test, Zmediation test and Freedman test.

mediation c dc c’ dc’ a da b db rxm Sobel test (Z) Zmediation test (Z) Freedman test (tn-2)

lnTI 0.056 0.025 0.28 0.028 0.36 0.058 0.077 0.021 0.88 3.157*** 3.127*** 8.212***

Note: (1) c is the direct effect of FEP on ISD, c’ is the indirect effect of FEP on ISD after introducing mediation variable, a is the regression coefficient of FEP on TI, b is the
regression coefficient of FEP and TI on ISD, dc, dc’, da, db are the standard deviation of the regression coefficient, rxm is the covariance of FEP and TI.(2) Zsobel ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi,
a2 d2b þ b2 d2a
a b

da db ðc  c’Þ
Zmediation ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi, tN2 ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi. (3) ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively.
a b d2c þ d2c’  2  dc  dc’  1  r2xm
ð Þ2 þ ð Þ2 þ 1
da db

that this paper takes the logarithm of variables to eliminate the environmental policy is also significantly positive, but it is less
heteroscedasticity. than the corresponding coefficient in Model (4). The above results
Model (1) in Table 5 shows that the coefficient of one lag of reveal that technological innovation plays a partial mediating role
technological innovation is 0.453, significant at 1% level, indicating in the link between flexible environmental policy and industrial
that China’s industry technological innovation has a strong and sustainable development, and H4 is thus corroborated. Further
positive cumulative effect. The coefficient of FDI is 0.147 at 1% calculations show that the mediating effect of technological
significance level, meaning that foreign direct investment signifi- innovation is 0.0277 (0.360  0.077), accounting for 49.5% of the
cantly inhibits industry technological innovation. The primary total effect (0.0277/0.056), that is, 1% increase in flexible envi-
cause is that foreign-invested enterprises capitalize on cheap fac- ronmental policy will engender the increase of 0.0277 units in
tors in China such as the workforce, resources and energy to boost industrial sustainable development through technological
economic performance, rather than driving Chinese enterprises to innovation.
improve their technological innovation capabilities. The coefficient In addition, we use Sobel test (Sobel, 1982), Zmediation test
of industrial scale is 1.379, significant at 1% level, implying that the (Iacobucci, 2012) and Freedman test (Freedman and Schatzkin,
expansion of industrial scale can significantly promote technolog- 1992) to further examine the mediating effect of technological
ical innovation. The coefficient of industrial R&D intensity is 0.345, innovation. The results show that all three test values are signifi-
at 1% significance level, suggesting that strengthening R&D in- cant at 1% level, proving that the mediating effect does exist
tensity is an important path to foster technological innovation. (Table 6).
Industrial capital intensity has a positive but insignificant impact
on technological innovation. The coefficient of industrial agglom- 4.3. Moderation test
eration degree is 1.490, significant at 1% level, demonstrating that
for current industrial agglomeration, collaborative innovation has The test on the moderating effect of environment regulatory
not yet generated prevalently. enforcement includes two steps. The first step is to examine the
As Model (2) shows, controlling for the effects of other vari- moderating effect on the relationship between flexible environ-
ables, the coefficient of flexible environmental policy is 0.360, mental policy and technological innovation. The second step is to
significant at 1% level, indicating that flexible environmental examine the moderating effect on the relationship between tech-
policy has a positive and significant effect on industry techno- nological innovation and industrial sustainable development.
logical innovation. H2 is supported. This is basically consistent Table 7 reports the results.
with the conclusions of Li et al. (2018) and Fabrizi et al. (2018). Model (2) in Table 5 shows that flexible environmental policy is
Meanwhile, it also corroborates the “weak” Porter’s hypothesis significantly and positively related to technological innovation.
and the narrow Porter’s hypothesis (Jaffe and Palmer, 1997). In Model (7) in Table 7 implies that flexible environmental policy and
Model (3), industrial scale and R&D intensity play significantly environment regulatory enforcement have significantly positive
positive roles in industrial sustainable development, whereas FDI impacts on technological innovation, and the coefficients of them
and capital intensity significantly inhibit it. After control variables are 0.195, 0.073, respectively, both significant at 1% level. In Model
are included into the regression equations, Model (4) estimates (8), the coefficient of the interaction term of flexible environmental
the impact of flexible environmental policy on industrial sus- policy and environment regulatory enforcement is 0.034, signifi-
tainable development. The coefficient of flexible environmental cant at 1% level, indicating that environment regulatory enforce-
policy is 0.056, significant at 1% level, which shows that flexible ment moderates the relationship between flexible environmental
environmental policy exerts positive and significant impact on policy and technological innovation. H5 is thus supported. This
industrial sustainable development. H1 is also verified. This not finding is congruent with the arguments of Earnhart and Glicksman
only underpins the “narrow” and “strong” Porter hypothesis (Jaffe (2015) and Zhang et al. (2018a) who have found that stringent
and Palmer, 1997), but also provides evidence for the importance environment regulatory enforcement can augment the effective-
of innovation and research on environmental protection and ness of environmental policies.
market mechanism underscored in the current industrial sus- According to the method recommended by Wen et al. (2006),
tainable development field. In Model (5), the coefficient of tech- this paper further conducts the testing for the moderated media-
nological innovation is 0.048, significant at 1% level, implying that tion model. First, Model (9) examines the impacts of flexible
technological innovation can significantly facilitate industrial environmental policy and environment regulatory enforcement on
sustainable development. H3 is evidenced. industrial sustainable development. The coefficient of flexible
Finally, Model (6) examines the impacts of flexible environ- environmental policy is 0.114, significant at 1% level. Second, Model
mental policy and technological innovation on industrial sus- (7) shows the regression results on the impacts of flexible envi-
tainable development. The coefficient of technological innovation ronmental policy and environment regulatory enforcement on
is 0.077, at 1% significance level. The coefficient of flexible technological innovation. It can be observed that flexible
10 B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543

Table 7
The results of moderation test of environment regulatory enforcement.

Technological innovation (lnTI) Industrial sustainable development (lnISD)

Variable Model (7) Model (8) Model (9) Model (10) Model (11)

_cons 3.251***(-4.58) 3.452***(-3.75) 3.480***(-10.43) 3.432***(-10.34) 3.481***(-8.07)

lnINDEP(t-1) 0.411***(10.28) 0.374***(8.88) 0.385***(12.51) 0.364***(12.18) 0.369***(8.14)
lnFDI 0.145***(-3.97) 0.123***(-3.27) 0.193***(-8.33) 0.195***(-9.29) 0.210***(-5.80)
lnSCAL 1.515***(19.68) 1.567***(19.17) 0.479***(10.81) 0.296***(5.70) 0.299***(5.41)
lnR&D 0.405***(7.28) 0.419***(5.62) 0.131***(6.82) 0.066***(2.85) 0.071***(3.48)
lnCAPI 0.105 (0.58) 0.046(0.28) 0.395***(-4.68) 0.429***(-4.51) 0.371***(-4.28)
lnIAD 1.101***(-3.78) 1.365***(-3.55) 0.122(0.46) 0.273(0.84) 0.174(0.72)
lnFEP 0.195***(4.63) 0.217***(3.98) 0.114***(3.77) 0.098***(4.36) 0.043**(2.04)
lnENF 0.073***(3.41) 0.053***(3.08) 0.012*(1.76) 0.024***(2.94) 0.018*(1.67)
lnFEP  lnENF 0.034***(4.56)
lnTI 0.086***(5.62) 0.086***(5.42)
lnTI  lnENF 0.007 (1.21)
AR(1) 3.447[0.00] 3.356[0.00] 2.223[0.03] 2.183[0.03] 2.206[0.03]
AR(2) 1.323[0.19] 1.171[0.24] 1.116[0.26] 0.908[0.36] 0.965[0.33]
Sargan c2 16.317[1.00] 25.225[1.00] 27.581[1.00] 26.862[1.00] 25.999[1.00]
Wald c2 8955.01[0.00] 11406.45[0.00] 1441.75[0.00] 2703.40[0.00] 3174.90[0.00]
Observations 300 300 300 300 300

Notes: The z-statistic are in parentheses and the p value is in square brackets. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively.

environmental policy can significantly promote technological (Tang et al., 2010). Consequently, local EPBs, biased toward eco-
innovation. Third, the impacts of flexible environmental policy, nomic development requested by local governments, are lax in
environment regulatory enforcement and technological innovation regulatory enforcement to cope with polluting behaviors of in-
on industrial sustainable development are analyzed. In Model (10), dustrial enterprises. Formalistic and supernatant, regulatory
the coefficient of technological innovation is 0.086, at 1% signifi- enforcement cannot curb polluting behaviors and force enterprises
cance level. All of these demonstrate a significant mediation of to conduct green technological innovation (Zhang et al., 2018a). In
technological innovation. Finally, Model (11) presents the results addition, stringent environment regulatory enforcement increases
concerning the impacts of flexible environmental policy, environ- the expected financial burden on polluters, which will cause
ment regulatory enforcement, technological innovation and the polluting enterprises to exert greater political pressure on the
interaction term of technological innovation and environment governments in anticipation of reducing or abandoning techno-
regulatory enforcement on industrial sustainable development. The logical innovation, thereby leading to more discharged pollutants
coefficient of the interaction term is 0.007, positive but not signif- (Cheng and Lai, 2012).
icant, suggesting that environment regulatory enforcement does
not moderate the relation between technological innovation and 4.4. Regional heterogeneity analysis
industrial sustainable development, and H6 is not supported.
In sum, environment regulatory enforcement merely produces a Due to the obvious differences in the level of economic devel-
positive moderating impact on the relation between flexible envi- opment, resource endowment and the construction of environ-
ronmental policy and technological innovation but not on the mental protection mechanism among different regions in China,
relation between technological innovation and industrial sustain- this paper further divides the 30 provinces into eastern, central and
able development, which manifests that Chinese local govern- western regions1 to analyze regional heterogeneity. Because the
ments’ environment regulatory enforcement is still far from number of samples in each region becomes smaller after grouping,
adequate and effective, and an “implementation gap” exists (Allen this paper uses the panel fixed effect model or random effect model
et al., 2005; Tang et al., 2010). The reason why the moderation of to test, and which model is determined by Hausman test.
environment regulatory enforcement is not significant in the rela-
tion between technological innovation and industrial sustainable 4.4.1. The results of eastern region
development lies in that local governments can exercise the First of all, the mediating effect is tested. Model (1) in Table 8
discretion of environment regulatory enforcement to protect shows that the coefficient of FDI is 1.062, at 1% significance level,
polluting enterprises, resulting in these enterprises lacking in- meaning that the introduction of FDI in the eastern region can
centives to engage in technological innovation that is energy- significantly promote industry technological innovation. The coef-
saving and environment-friendly. To supercharge local economic ficient of industrial scale is 1.251, significant at 1% level, implying
growth at the price of ecological environment hinders industrial that the expansion of industrial scale is helpful to provide financial
sustainable development. Besides, local governments have obvious support for enterprise innovation. The coefficient of R&D is 0.816, at
information advantages in environmental protection affairs. Since 1% significance level, suggesting that increasing R&D input can
environmental protection is closely related to other local govern- effectively promote industry technological innovation. On the
ments’ affairs, local governments have a tendency to attenuate contrary, industrial agglomeration degree has a significant inhibi-
environmental law enforcement. Lax environment regulatory tory effect on technological innovation, which may be due to the
enforcement helps create a friendly business environment, which fact that industrial agglomeration is only manifested in the
attracts heavy chemical enterprises with high yields (Qi and Zhang,
2014; Sjo €berg, 2016) but reduces green technologies and impairs
industrial sustainable development. Furthermore, regarding the 1
The eastern region includes Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhe-
administrative system, local environmental protection bureaus jiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Hainan and Hebei; the central region covers
(EPBs) are supervised by the central government and the local Shanxi, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hunan and Hubei; Inner
Mongolia, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang,
governments, including chief appointment and financial support Ningxia and Chongqing are encompassed in the western region.
B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543 11

improvement of the industrial chain, but insufficient in the devel-


opment of circular economy.


As Model (2) shows, the coefficient of flexible environmental



Model (11)
policy is 0.200, at 5% significance level, indicating that flexible


environmental policy can significantly promote industrial techno-
Industrial sustainable development (lnISD)


FE logical innovation. H2 is verified in the eastern region. In Model (3),
industrial scale and R&D play a significant role in promoting in-

dustrial sustainable development. On the contrary, FDI and indus-

trial capital intensity have a significant inhibitory effect on
Model (10)

industrial sustainable development. After control variables are


included into the regression equations, as Model (4) shows that the



coefficient of flexible environmental policy is 0.251, significant at

1% level. H1 is also verified in the eastern region. In Model (5), the



coefficient of technological innovation is 0.252, at 1% significance


Model (9)

level, implying that technological innovation can effectively pro-


mote the sustainable development of regional industry. H3 is evi-

denced in the eastern region. Model (6) shows that the coefficient

of technological innovation 0.208, significant at 5% level. Moreover,



the coefficient of flexible environmental policy is also significantly


Technological innovation (lnTI)



positive, but it is less than the corresponding value in Model (4).

Model (8)


The above results show that technological innovation plays a partial


mediating role between flexible environmental policy and indus-



trial sustainable development. H4 is verified in the eastern region.

Moderation effect


Further calculations show that the mediating effect of technological



innovation is 0.0416, accounting for 16.6% of the total effect.

Model (7)


Secondly, the moderate effect is tested. Model (2) in Table 8


shows that flexible environmental policy plays a significant role



in promoting technological innovation. Combined with Model (7),

it is found that flexible environmental policy and environmental



regulatory enforcement have significant promoting effects on

Model (6)

technological innovation, with coefficients of 0.196 and 0.053,



respectively. In Model (8), the coefficient of the interaction term

Notes: The t-statistic are in parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively.


between flexible environmental policy and environmental regula-


tory enforcement is 0.066, significant at 10% level, indicating that



environment regulatory enforcement moderates the relationship




between flexible environmental policy and technological innova-

Model (5)



tion. H5 is thus supported in the eastern region. This paper further

Industrial sustainable development (lnISD)


conducts the testing for the moderated mediation model. Accord-


ing to the results of Models (9), (7), (10), the mediating effect of


technological innovation is significant. Model (11) shows that the



coefficient of the interaction term is 0.012 but not significant,

Model (4)

suggesting that environment regulatory enforcement does not



moderate the relation between technological innovation and in-



dustrial sustainable development. H6 is not verified in the eastern



Model (3)

4.4.2. The results of central region



Model (1) in Table 9 shows that the coefficient of FDI is 0.358,



significant at 5% level, indicating that the introduction of FDI in the


central region can significantly promote technological innovation.


The coefficient of industrial scale is 2.081, at 1% significance level,


Technological innovation (lnTI)


implying that the expansion of industrial scale is helpful to tech-

Model (2)



nological innovation. The coefficient of R&D is 0.481, significant at


1% level, meaning that increasing R&D input can effectively pro-


mote industry technological innovation. On the contrary, industrial

Mediation effect

Test results in the eastern region.

agglomeration degree has a significant inhibitory effect on tech-


nological innovation.
Model (1)


As Model (2) shows that the coefficient of flexible environ-


mental policy is 0.080 but not significant. According to Baron and



Kenny (1986), the discussion of mediating effect terminates when

lnFEP  lnENF

the coefficient of independent variable to dependent variable is not

lnTI  lnENF

significant. Therefore, the mediating effect of technological inno-


vation in the central region does not exist. In addition, Model (5)



Table 8



shows that technological innovation has a significant inhibitory


effect on industrial sustainable development, indicating that

12 B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543

Table 9
Test results in the central region.

Variables Mediation effect Moderation effect

Technological innovation Industrial sustainable development (lnISD) Technological innovation Industrial sustainable development
(lnTI) (lnTI) (lnISD)

Model (1) Model (2) Model (3) Model (4) Model (5) Model (6) Model (7) Model (8) Model (9) Model (10) Model (11)


_cons 11.463*** 11.804*** 3.574*** 2.844** 6.351*** 5.876*** 12.602*** 12.608*** 2.755** 5.503*** 5.525***
(7.19) (6.27) (3.70) (2.51) (5.35) (4.33) (6.29) (6.26) (2.38) (4.01) (3.97)
lnFDI 0.358** 0.352** 0.331*** 0.330*** 0.271*** 0.275** 0.292 (1.44) 0.300 (1.46) 0.290** 0.227** 0.224*
(2.05) (2.02) (3.07) (3.07) (2.64) (2.56) (2.47) (2.03) (1.96)
lnSCAL 2.081*** 2.051*** 0.655*** 0.709*** 1.157*** 1.215*** 2.182*** 2.160*** 0.645*** 1.121*** 1.119***
(9.19) (8.93) (4.68) (5.03) (6.13) (6.18) (8.14) (7.93) (4.16) (5.45) (5.38)
lnR&D 0.481*** 0.531*** 0.263*** 0.197* (1.79)0.360*** 0.307*** 0.442** 0.446** 0.220* (1.94) 0.317*** 0.319***
(2.83) (2.85) (2.61) (3.73) (2.77) (2.25) (2.26) (2.88) (2.84)
lnCAPI 0.482 0.444 0.868*** 0.915*** 0.979*** 1.016*** 0.492 0.502 0.890*** 0.997*** 0.999***
(1.52) (1.35) (4.64) (4.90) (5.62) (5.59) (1.50) (1.51) (4.68) (5.52) (5.38)
lnIAD 1.707*** 1.733*** 0.247 (0.75) 0.271 (0.83) 0.183 0.186 1.897*** 1.875*** 0.351 (1.02) 0.063 0.072
(3.13) (3.13) (0.56) (0.55) (3.18) (3.12) (0.18) (0.20)
lnFEP 0.080 (0.50) 0.136 0.106 0.074 (0.40) 0.079 (0.43) 0.135 0.119 0.117
(1.34) (1.06) (1.27) (1.20) (1.15)
lnTI 0.226*** 0.229*** 0.218*** 0.219***
(3.48) (3.41) (3.26) (3.23)
lnENF 0.036 0.022 0.039* (1.68) 0.032 (1.44) 0.033 (1.29)
(0.88) (0.45)
lnFEP  lnENF 0.033
lnTI  lnENF 0.003
F/Wald c2 1173.39*** 1132.38*** 191.46*** 202.96*** 243.59*** 33.65*** 163.57*** 141.63*** 28.72*** 30.18*** 26.41***
R2 0.95 0.95 0.74 0.74 0.78 0.78 0.95 0.95 0.76 0.79 0.79
Hausman 5.20 7.91 3.88 2.11 2.69 59.25*** 49.60*** 48.87*** 57.41*** 58.66*** 57.79***
Observations 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

Notes: The t-statistic and z-statistic are in parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively.

technological innovation in the central region not only promotes respectively compared with the eastern and western regions,
economic development, but also produces more energy con- implying that the industrial agglomeration in the western region
sumption and environmental pollution. H1, H2, H3, H4 are not has not yet produced well innovation spillover effect.
verified in the central region. Model (2) shows that the coefficient of flexible environmental
Models (2), (7), (8) in Table 9 show that the impact of flexible policy is 0.496, at 1% significance level, indicating that flexible
environmental policy and environmental regulatory enforcement environmental policy can significantly promote industrial techno-
on technological innovation are not significant, and the interaction logical innovation. H2 is verified in the western region. In Model
term between flexible environmental policy and environmental (3), industrial scale plays a significant role in promoting industrial
regulatory enforcement has a non-significant negative impact, sustainable development. On the contrary, FDI has a significant
implying that the quality of environmental regulatory enforcement inhibitory effect on industrial sustainable development. After
in the central region is not high. In addition to the collection of control variables are included into the regression equations, Model
sewage charges and emissions trading, environmental subsidies (4) estimates the impact of flexible environmental policy on in-
and other policy instruments are not perfect, it is difficult for dustrial sustainable development. The coefficient of flexible envi-
environmental policies to promote technological innovation. H5 is ronmental policy is 0.246, significant at 5% level. H1 is supported in
not supported in the central region. According to Models (9), (7), the western region. In Model (5), the coefficient of technological
(10), (11), environmental regulatory enforcement does not play an innovation is 0.154, significant at 5% level, indicating that techno-
important role in the relationship between technological innova- logical innovation can effectively promote the industrial sustain-
tion and industrial sustainable development. H6 is not evidenced in able development. H3 is evidenced in the western region. Model (6)
the central region. shows that the coefficient of technological innovation is 0.118, at
10% significance level. The coefficient of flexible environmental
policy is also significantly positive, but it is less than the corre-
4.4.3. The results of western region sponding value in Model (4). The above results reveal that tech-
Model (1) in Table 10 shows that the coefficient of FDI is 0.085 nological innovation plays a partial mediating role in the link
but not significant, indicating that the “cleaner” FDI introduced in between flexible environmental policy and industrial sustainable
the western region is low and the governments pay more attention development, and H4 is thus corroborated. Further calculations
to promoting local economy development. The coefficient of in- show that the mediating effect of technological innovation is
dustrial scale is 2.114, significant at 1% level, meaning that the 0.0485, accounting for 23.8% of the total effect. Compared with the
expansion of industrial scale is helpful to provide financial support eastern region, the mediating effect in the western region is 7.2
for innovation. The coefficient of R&D is 0.700, at 1% significance percentage points higher.
level, which is 0.116 units lower than that in the eastern region, but Models (2), (7), (8) in Table 10 imply that the impact of envi-
0.219 units higher than that in the central region. The coefficient of ronmental regulatory enforcement on technological innovation is
industrial agglomeration degree is 1.216, significant at 5% level, not significant, and the interaction term of flexible environmental
which the inhibitory effect is lower 0.105 and 0.491 units
B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543 13

Table 10
Test results in the western region.

Variables Mediation effect Moderation effect

Technological innovation Industrial sustainable development (lnISD) Technological innovation Industrial sustainable development
(lnTI) (lnTI) (lnISD)

Model (1) Model (2) Model (3) Model (4) Model (5) Model (6) Model (7) Model (8) Model (9) Model (10) Model (11)


_cons 7.027*** 3.266* 3.632*** 5.497*** 4.714*** 5.881*** 3.212* 4.164** 6.143*** 6.510*** 6.955***
(4.42) (1.88) (4.46) (5.02) (5.21) (5.33) (1.81) (2.03) (5.76) (6.08) (5.67)
lnFDI 0.085 0.035 0.160** 0.185** 0.173** 0.189*** 0.036 0.034 0.164** 0.168** 0.184**
(0.74) (0.31) (2.25) (2.64) (2.49) (2.73) (0.32) (0.30) (2.43) (2.52) (2.62)
lnSCAL 2.114*** 2.253*** 0.539*** 0.470*** 0.864*** 0.736*** 2.253*** 2.245*** 0.473*** 0.730*** 0.735***
(14.04) (14.96) (5.78) (4.95) (5.41) (4.24) (14.88) (14.80) (5.21) (4.42) (4.43)
lnR&D 0.700*** 0.696*** 0.148 (1.50) 0.150 (1.57) 0.255** 0.232** 0.701*** 0.662*** 0.093 (1.00) 0.173* (1.71) 0.142 (1.30)
(4.42) (4.60) (2.43) (2.22) (4.52) (4.12)
lnCAPI 0.207 0.115 0.422 0.468 0.454 0.482 0.107 0.066 0.554* 0.566* 0.542
(0.37) (0.21) (1.20) (1.37) (1.33) (1.42) (0.20) (0.12) (1.69) (1.75) (1.66)
lnIAD 1.216** 1.583*** 0.163 0.018 (0.05) 0.350 0.168 1.576*** 1.502** 0.056 0.236 0.268
(2.01) (2.68) (0.44) (0.94) (0.44) (2.65) (2.50) (0.16) (0.65) (0.73)
lnFEP 0.496*** 0.246** 0.187* (1.81) 0.491*** 0.426** 0.189* (1.95) 0.133 (1.32) 0.160 (1.50)
(3.14) (2.46) (3.04) (2.42)
lnTI 0.154** 0.118* (1.82) 0.114* (1.86) 0.112* (1.80)
lnENF 0.010 0.013 (0.20) 0.120*** 0.118*** 0.127***
(0.16) (3.18) (3.19) (3.26)
lnFEP  lnENF 0.041 (0.93)
lnTI  lnENF 0.015 (0.75)
F/Wald c2 147.21*** 135.84*** 15.24*** 14.39*** 14.41*** 13.12*** 115.22*** 100.77*** 14.99*** 13.90*** 12.35***
R2 0.89 0.90 0.45 0.48 0.48 0.50 0.90 0.90 0.53 0.55 0.55
Hausman 48.50*** 42.11*** 29.84*** 30.91*** 32.80*** 31.60*** 36.07*** 38.08*** 30.84*** 30.02*** 35.37***
Observations 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110

Notes: The t-statistic are in parentheses. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively.

policy and environmental regulatory enforcement has a non- sustainable development. This paper takes technology innovation
significant positive impact on technological innovation, indicating as the mediator, and uses environmental regulatory enforcement as
that environmental regulatory enforcement in the western region the moderator to construct a driving mechanism that flexible
has a potential tendency to positively moderate flexible environ- environmental policy affects sustainable development. Meanwhile,
mental policy to promote technological innovation, but only this paper uses the data of 30 provincial industrial panel in China
because of the low quality of environmental regulatory enforce- from 2006 to 2015, and implies the sys-GMM method to carry out
ment, the regulatory effect is not significant. H5 is not supported in the empirical test. Further, the regional heterogeneity effect is
the western region. In Models (9), (7), (10), (11), environmental analyzed. This paper draws the conclusions as below:
regulatory enforcement does not play an important role in the
relationship between technological innovation and industrial sus- (1) Flexible environmental policy is beneficial for China’s in-
tainable development, and H6 is not verified in the western region. dustrial sustainable development. This underpins the “nar-
row” and “strong” Porter hypothesis. (2) Flexible
4.5. Robustness test environmental policy has a significantly positive impact on
technological innovation. Meanwhile, technological innova-
To further corroborate the robustness of empirical results, this tion is significantly and positively related to industrial sus-
paper uses the total number of patent applications to measure tainable development, and technological innovation partially
technological innovation, investments in environment components mediates the relationship between flexible environmental
for new construction projects to measure environment regulatory policy and industrial sustainable development. With respect
enforcement. In light of the method of Vo (2010), the 2SLS is to the magnitude of mediating effect, technological innova-
adopted for regression, and one lag of endogenous explanatory tion makes 49.5 percent of contribution to the positive
variable is the instrumental variable (IV). As Table 11 shows, despite impact of flexible environmental policy on industrial sus-
the differences of several control variables, the magnitude and tainable development. (3) Environment regulatory enforce-
significance of the coefficients of key variables are similar to the ment positively moderates the relationship between flexible
prior regression results, indicating that the empirical results of this environmental policy and technological innovation, i.e. the
paper are robust and reliable. positive impact of flexible environmental policy on techno-
logical innovation is strengthened when environmental
5. Conclusions and policy implications regulatory enforcement is stringent, suggesting that
enhanced environment regulatory enforcement helps to
5.1. Conclusions implement flexible environmental policy. However, it has a
potentially positive but not significant moderating impact on
With the increasing downward pressure of China’s industrial the relationship between technological innovation and in-
economy and increasingly tight constraints of resources and envi- dustrial sustainable development. (4) From a regional point
ronment, it has become an important issue concerned by the of view, technological innovation has partly mediating ef-
government and academia that how to realize the China’s industrial fects between flexible environmental policy and industrial
14 B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543

Table 11
The results of robust test.

Variables Mediation effect Moderation effect

Technological innovation Industrial sustainable development (lnISD) Technological innovation Industrial sustainable development
(lnTI) (lnTI) (lnISD)

Model (1) Model (2) Model (3) Model (4) Model (5) Model (6) Model (7) Model (8) Model (9) Model (10) Model (11)

_cons 0.210 0.149 0.510* 0.140 0.526* 0.150 0.071 0.041 0.088 0.090 0.090
(0.55) (0.41) (1.66) (0.44) (1.72) (0.48) (0.18) (0.10) (0.26) (0.26) (0.26)
lnINDEP(t-1) 0.786*** 0.783*** 0.881*** 0.870*** 0.880*** 0.870*** 0.778*** 0.774*** 0.868*** 0.868*** 0.869***
(27.09) (25.95) (18.32) (18.14) (18.35) (18.15) (23.85) (22.71) (17.94) (17.86) (17.97)
lnFDI 0.022* 0.025* 0.034* 0.053** 0.033** 0.053** 0.025** 0.032* 0.053*** 0.053** 0.059**
(1.86) (1.95) (1.67) (2.31) (2.57) (2.17) (1.98) (1.76) (2.32) (2.19) (2.34)
lnSCAL 0.296*** 0.312*** 0.057* 0.139*** 0.040* (1.81)
0.132** 0.309*** 0.325*** 0.131*** 0.130** 0.147**
(5.68) (4.75) (1.79) (3.21) (2.07) (4.73) (4.78) (2.88) (2.04) (2.17)
lnR&D 0.103** 0.105** 0.029* 0.040* (1.78)0.041** 0.044** 0.111** 0.120** 0.040** 0.041** 0.034* (1.90)
(1.98) (2.05) (1.90) (2.06) (2.19) (2.11) (2.32) (2.30) (2.07)
lnCAPI 0.366*** 0.367*** 0.169 0.164 0.159 0.161 0.361*** 0.372*** 0.157 0.157 0.157
(2.90) (2.90) (1.34) (1.32) (1.26) (1.27) (2.90) (2.95) (1.28) (1.25) (1.25)
lnIAD 0.312*** 0.302*** 0.159 (1.08) 0.261 (1.63) 0.173 (1.18) 0.265* (1.69) 0.299*** 0.303*** 0.269* (1.66) 0.270* (1.70) 0.252 (1.59)
(3.06) (2.99) (2.95) (2.94)
lnFEP 0.130** 0.092*** 0.085*** 0.016** 0.021*** 0.094*** 0.093*** 0.094***
(2.47) (3.32) (3.12) (2.57) (2.75) (3.29) (3.03) (3.05)
lnTI 0.012** 0.056** 0.001** 0.008**
(2.46) (2.19) (2.03) (2.28)
lnENF 0.013** 0.011** 0.012* (1.69) 0.011** 0.008**
(2.47) (2.37) (2.57) (2.37)
lnFEP  lnENF 0.010***
lnTI  lnENF 0.007 (1.14)
Wald c2 8565.97 8644.07 1550.60 1605.43 1575.52 1612.06 8619.55 9338.42 1606.88 1608.56 1630.76
[0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00] [0.00]
R2 0.975 0.975 0.805 0.809 0.806 0.809 0.975 0.976 0.809 0.809 0.810
Observations 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300

Notes: The z-statistic are in parentheses and the p value is in square brackets. ***, **, and * indicate significance at the 1, 5, and 10% levels, respectively.

sustainable development in the eastern and western regions, R&D institutions, or enterprises to establish collaborative
and environmental regulatory enforcement can positively innovation centers with universities and scientific research
moderate the role of flexible environmental policy in pro- institutions. The intensity should be strengthened of energy-
moting technological innovation in the eastern region. Un- saving and environmental technology and process in-
fortunately, the hypotheses have not been verified in the novations so as to push industrial enterprises to shift from
central region. high-consumption, high-pollution, low value-added devel-
opment to high-quality development with low carbon and
energy conservation. On the other hand, the government is
5.2. Policy implications supposed to set up a major project pool of key and generic
technologies of the industry and continue underpinning the
The policy implications derived from the aforementioned con- fundamental research for breaking the bottleneck of key
clusions include: technologies.
(3) Chinese government should accelerate the improvement of
(1) Flexible environmental policy is important driver for sus- environment regulatory enforcement mechanism and
tainable development of China’s industry. Consequently, strengthen its moderating effect on the relationship between
Chinese department of ecology and environment should flexible environmental policy and technological innovation.
make efforts to establish well-designed flexible environ- First, vertical management is expected to come into force
mental policy instruments including environmental taxes, among local EPBs to reduce local government intervention in
pollutant discharge fees, environmental subsidies and the affairsdlike personnel and finance of EPBs. Second, the
emissions trading, and allow price mechanism to guide en- government should endeavor to ameliorate laws and regu-
ergy conservation and emission reduction of industrial en- lations pertaining to environmental protection so as to
terprises. In the meantime, the government should maintain curtail the discretionary space when enforcing environ-
the market mechanism of environmental protection, focus mental policies and wield in accordance with law regulatory
on preventing information asymmetry, unclear property enforcement powers. Third, big data technologies should be
rights and rent-seeking behaviors that may impede the ef- applied to the monitoring on pollutant discharge information
ficacy of flexible environmental policy, and reduce or even of industrial enterprises. The government is supposed to
extirpate market failure. intensify penalties for enterprises who violate environ-
(2) Sustainable development of China’s industry can also gain mental policies, and increase investments to strengthen the
momentum from technological innovation. Therefore, on the building of environment law-enforcing team and reinforce
one hand, in order to improve firm’s capability of indepen- law-enforcing strength.
dent innovation, Chinese government is suggested to (4) For the eastern and western regions, the governments can
encourage industrial enterprises to amplify R&D intensity, further optimize the flexible environmental policy in order to
large and medium-sized industrial enterprises to establish enhance the role of promoting technological innovation, and
B. Yuan, Y. Zhang / Journal of Cleaner Production 243 (2020) 118543 15

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