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Smart Apartment Data – Process Document

Name of Process: Agent Exit Interview

Required Participants: Training, Operations and HR Teams
Optional Participants: Quality Team
Estimated Time Frame: From Official Resignation up to 5 working days thereafter.

 To identify deeper reasons for leaving the company

 To properly document resignations for future reference
 To help create valid action plans to decrease attrition

Effectiveness Check: After every Exit Interview


 In the event that an Independent Contractor wishes to resign, he/she would then need to send a formal
letter (E-mail) of resignation to his/her immediate supervisor, copying the Senior Team Lead and
Operations Manager.
 Failure to submit formal resignation letter (even with verbal/chat communications), may forfeit an IC’s
claim to his/her last pay and their status will be deemed as “Job Abandonment – Not Eligible for re-hire”.
 ICs are expected to schedule their 15–30-minute Exit Interview with HR using this link:
 Team Leads are expected remind their ICs of the offboarding process and exit interview through all means
 HR to conduct Exit Interview in a professional and friendly manner.
 Should IC be aggressive or rude to HR, HR may terminate the conversation or call in the Director or OM.


Exit Interview Questionnaire

Question Possible Follow Up Questions
Validate Reason for Resigning.
Sample Questions:
"It says here you are resigning due to ____, can you
"Have you considered to maybe just go on
tell me more about it?"
leave for ____ (No more than 1 week)"
"I know it says that your reason for resigning is
1st "Would you consider filing this as a leave
personal, but can you at least give me a brief
instead if you have your (TL, STL, OM) here to
summary, without personal details, of why you need
talk with you?" (Provided reason is valid)
to resign?"
"I'm sorry to hear about ____, would you like to talk
more about it?"
Ask about experience with SMART.
"Is there any particular person or department
Sample Questions:
that you will miss when you leave?"
"Aside from the reason for your resignation, how was
"Who made your stay in SMART the most
your ____(Months) Stay in SMART?"
2nd "Do you have any particular memory or experience
"Can you share with me a nice experience
with SMART that makes you happy to have been with
here in SMART?"
us, even for just ____ (months)?"
"What's the one story about SMART that you
"If anyone asks you, would you recommend SMART as
will always tell your friends?"
a place to work? Why or why not?"

Smart Apartment Data – Process Document

"If we give you that (provided that it IS

Bring in an alternate scenario.
possible), would you reconsider resigning?"
Sample Questions:
"If I tell you that that can happen in the next
"What could SMART have done for you not to resign?"
month (provided that it WILL), will you retract
3rd "Is there any circumstance that would change your
your resignation?"
mind in resigning?"
"What makes you say that this
"What would make you change your mind?"
person/thing/idea/situation is unbearable for
"What would need to change in order for you to stay?"

Supervisor Feedback
Sample Questions: "Can you say that your supervisor has any
"How was your relationship with yoru supervisor?" bearing on your resignation?"
"If you were to rate your supervisor 1-10, 10 being the "Do you think you would still resign if you had
highest, how would you rate him/her?" a different supervisor?"
"What trait of your supervisor do you like most/least?"

Sample Questions:
"Would you consider coming back to SMART if the
____(scenario/situation/reason) gets resolved in the Ask for clarification.
future?" Yes - Great! Any time line on your future re-
5th "Should SMART have an opening for ____ (post they application?
are going to or higher post than that) in the future, No - Why not? What would make you re-
would you consider re-applying?" apply?
"Would you re-apply to SMART in the next 6-12
months, considering that all that you have told me are


 Offboarding Link
 Exit Process Process Documentation


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