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Applying the Framework Real Life

Tiffany Hartley
Tiffany Hartley

Applying the Framework Real Life

Section 1: Where do I struggle most?

What is the area you tend to be application-focused?

Out of the 10 different scenarios the one that I struggle with the most is “An application

mentality may cause us to lose or forget the purpose of sacred covenants & ordinances, thus

losing heavenly power.” I have noticed that I do participate in the ordinances I tend to focus on

checking it off of my “to-do” list and not focusing on the reason behind the ordinances.

How do you know you are too application-focused?

I know that I am application-focused in this area because I tend to think of the ordinances

as checklists. I know there is a meaning behind each ordinance but I haven’t taken the time to

study it out and find the doctrine behind it.

If you are not acting in doctrine, then what is your actual motive or reason for this behavior?

The motive that I have for this behavior is that I want to be obedient and do the right

thing. In conference several different times the speakers have talked about the importance of

attending the temple. I’ve set goals to go to the temple like the speakers have asked but I haven’t

studied their talks or other materials to learn the doctrinal truths about temple attendance.

What is your plan to change? What doctrine and principle would help you?

My plan is to slow down and take more time to focus on the ordinances and not rush

through them. It would help to prepare before I participate in the ordinances.

Tiffany Hartley
The doctrines and principles that will help me achieve this plan are those based on the

Plan of Salvation. We participate in these ordinances because they help us to be able to return to

live with our Heavenly Father. We also learn more about the Plan of Salvation participating in

these ordinances. Another important doctrine would be eternal progression. It would help to

learn more about how these ordinances help us to progress. The Atonement of Jesus Christ

would be very helpful as well because in the sacrament prayers it talks about remembering Him.

Are most of your changes external (outside of you, behavioral) or internal (inside of you, heart)?

How can you tell?

Most of the changes will be internal. I would need a desire to change my actions. No one

else can change them for me. Some of them could be external or behavioral like taking the time

to prepare beforehand. I think this also goes back to internal changes because I have to have the

desire to prepare and be in the right mindset.

I can tell because desires come from within. I would have to take the first steps to change.

For the external changes I would have to do something different and change my attitude towards

how I act during these ordinances.

Section 2: Meghan

In what ways are her actions and ideas more “application” based?

Her actions and ideas are more application based. She has learned that for her listening to

and watching “worldly” entertainment can lessen the spirit. I think it would be important for her
Tiffany Hartley
to learn that everyone applies the doctrines differently. Maybe one thing that works for her

doesn’t have the same effect on her roommates.

What is at least one doctrine and one related principle that she should be considering and why?

One of the doctrines that could be related to Meghan’s situation is eternal progression

because everyone is at a different place in their lives. We have all learned different things that

work for us that might not work for others or that they haven’t learned yet.

One principle that could relate is follow the promptings of the spirit. Everyone should try

their best to follow the spirit and try to make sure that they have it with them. Everyone receives

different promptings but they are all based on truths. We would never be prompted to do

anything bad.

Another principle could be everyone has different weaknesses and strengths. There is

probably something that she struggles with. Maybe her roommates have strengths in other areas

and lack in that specific one.

How can Meghan apply the doctrine and principle from the question?

She can apply these principle and doctrine to her own life and learn to be patient with

other people because they may be struggling with something. Also learning that not all people

live the gospel in the same way could be helpful to her.

Section 3: Kylie
Tiffany Hartley
If Kylie asked a trusted friend for help, what application-focused advice might she be likely to


Some advice that Kylie might receive could be to sit down with him and have a serious

conversation. She could also be told that she’s thinking about it too hard and there really isn’t

anything wrong. She might also be told that if the relationship isn’t working that she should

leave him.

What doctrines and principles if understood would help Kylie to have a new and hopeful

perspective on her marriage?

A doctrine that would be helpful for her might be prophets and revelation knowing that

she can rely on the spirit to guide and direct her in her decisions and know what to say to her


A principle that goes under that doctrine would be receiving personal revelation and

guidance. There could be something going on with Ben that he doesn’t feel comfortable talking


What doctrines and principles if understood by Kylie would potentially help repair her own

insecurities and justifications in her marriage?

One important principle is knowing that husbands and wives have a solemn responsibility

to love and care for each other. If she goes out of her way to love and support Ben he might be

more comfortable to open up to her. Even if Ben wasn’t hiding anything it could help them build

a stronger relationship with one another.

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