Elevator Speech

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Tiffany Hartley

FCS 205

Sister Chavez

January 22, 2020

Elevator Speech

In Family and Consumer Sciences we learn the basic skills of life such as sewing,

cooking, finances, and human development. We use what we learn to help others develop those

same skills. Part of being in an FCS major is trying to develop your own skills and try to learn

the best way to teach them to others. Many of the FCS majors have a role as a teacher in the

future whether they are a teaching youth or adults. Even if you decide not to find a career after

graduating you can still use the knowledge that you gain from the classes you take in your home

life and in the relationships that you have with others.

Part of the FCS major is being involved with FCCLA or Family, Career and Community

Leaders of America. In this organization you learn about different ways that you can make an

impact in your community and how to be a leader. There are many events that you can

participate in and can learn life skills. Many of the skills you learn include how to write a

resume, how to be an entrepreneur, nutrition and wellness, and even professionalism.

Family and Consumer Sciences is a degree that is very helpful and will always be useful.

There are many job opportunities and many different kinds of work occupations that you can get

through the FCS Program.

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