Dos Donts - Online Exams

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Do’s and Don’ts for Online Proctored Exams

We have collated the following good practices that would be useful for you to consider for a smooth and
interruption free experience of the online proctored Mid Semester examinations:

1) Login to the system on time for the examination. This ensures timely system readiness and timely
start of the online proctored comprehensive examination.

2) For any support concerning the examination platform, you may reach out to the online proctor
through the system’s chat feature. This is your first line of support when you are still logged into
the system.

3) In case you face a technical difficulty and are unable to resolve it through your online proctor, you
may call in the helpline number. This helpline number will connect you with a Tech Help Desk
executive who will support you for any technical issue you might face with the examination platform.
Helpline number will be shared via an email that also carries your exam link and login credentials.
Aforesaid email will be sent you one day before the start of the examination. Helpline number will
be active during your examinations only.

4) Avoid delays and interruptions that might get caused due to undue high usage of the
upload facility for answers written on A4 sheets. Follow the below guidelines to minimize
the possibility of interruption in the online exam due to over use of the upload facility:

 For questions where it is simple to directly input the entire answer into the system, please
type in the answer using your laptop / desktop key board. Avoid writing and uploading the
answers to such questions using A4 sheets and the systems upload facility.

 For questions where it is simple to directly input a large part of the answer into the system,
you may Input that larger part of the answer using your laptop / desktop key board. A4
sheet should be used to write and upload those parts of the answer which might be tough
to enter using a laptop / desktop key board because they may involve drawing a diagram or
writing some complex equations etc. that is hard to input using a key board.

 Only for questions where answers primarily / mostly involve writing of complex equations
and diagrams or any other content that is difficult to type in using the laptop / desktop’s
keyboard, you may choose to entirely write and upload your answer using the A4 sheets.

 The above guidelines will help you avoid undue delays and interruptions during the
examination on account of uploads.

Other Important instructions to be followed during the exam

 Login for exam on time i.e. between 9:45 and 10:00 AM in forenoon session and between 1:45
and 2:00 PM in Afternoon session.
 Once you login you will be proctored.
 Keep interacting with the proctor using the chat box during the exam and update him/her if you
are facing any issues
 Have adequate quantity of blank A4 sheets required with you
 Ensure the following details are mentioned at the top in all the Answer sheet pages- BITS Id,
Student Name, course No. and course Name on each page. You can keep the same prepared in
 Answer new question from a fresh page.
 Mention page no. in each page for each question if you are uploading the answer sheet. E.g.
Q.1- Page 1 of 3, Page 2 of 3 etc.
 Do not leave any text box blank for any question in the exam platform. If you are uploading the
answer sheet- mention answer sheet uploaded having xxx no. of pages.
 Upload the answer sheet as soon as you finish answering a question, please do not wait till last
to upload all pages. You may face uploading related issue if you try to upload all pages at once
towards the end of the exam.
 In case you are answering in an A4 sheet, Upload answer to the question you are answering.
Ensure you have uploaded the correct answer sheet to the question. Do not upload all answers
to 1 question.
 In case you are answering a question partly in text box in exam platform and partly in answer
sheet, mention the same in the text box (i.e. you have answered remaining part in uploaded
answer sheet having xxx no. of pages)
 Ensure you have good network connection to ensure smooth working of QR code generation
and uploading of answer sheet.
 Do not use Google Lens/ Microsoft Office lens for Scanning answer sheets.
 When you upload answer sheet after scanning QR code, image can be uploaded either vertically
or horizontally. DO not worry, Faculty while evaluating can rotate the answer sheet and
evaluate. It has to be ensure that the answer sheet uploaded is legible and is blur free.
 In case you are not able to upload the answer sheet using QR code, use browse and upload
option, available below the text box. To use browse and upload- Take a picture of the answer
sheet, Connect your Mobile to laptop using a data cable, click on browse and upload the answer
 Ensure you are seated at a quiet place and are not disturbed during the course of exam.
 Mobile phone should be used only for scanning QR Code and/or for responding to calls from the
support team
 Ensure that the camera is enabled during the entire duration of the exam. If your video/image
is not available during the exam, your exam will be terminated.
 Do not panic in case of power failure/ internet network outages. Proctors will be monitoring you
and the tech support team will get in touch at the earliest
 In case you are using Wi-Fi and if there is a power outage, immediately shift to mobile internet
and use hotspot to continue the exam.
 Please use your time judiciously and manage time to write the answers and upload answer
sheets in such a way that you complete the exam within the stipulated time.
 No email Submission will be accepted irrespective of the reason whatsoever.
 Textbooks including prescribed text, reference books, Faculty Presentations, handwritten notes,
in the form of structured notebook
Not Allowed:
 Usage of Smart Watch, Bluetooth Devices, Kindle, iPods, headphone, earphones, ear pods

Please refrain from attempting any kind of malpractice during the exams.

For example, the following actions are prohibited:

 Communication or collaboration of any kind (phone, email, messaging, talking in person, sharing
questions or answers etc.) with any student or others during the exams.
 Searching the internet or other unauthorized sources for answers.
 Submitting answers sourced from elsewhere as your own.


Students found guilty of any attempt at malpractice will be will be reported to WIPRO Management and
BITS Exam Committee for appropriate disciplinary action including discontinuation from the program.

Wishing you Best of Luck for the Exams!!

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