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Mahabharata and Gita


The  Mahabharata composed by sage Vyasa tells the story of two sets of paternal first cousins. 
It is the story of a blind King Drita-rastra (mind), whose eldest Son Duryo-dana,  is the symbol
of Ego. According to the code of Indian law, the kingdom should not be ruled by a physically
handicapped King.  Drita-rastra who is born blind had to give up the ruling power of the
kingdom to his younger brother Pandu. Pandu is the symbolism of wisdom.  To Pandu  five sons
are born (called Pandavas)  and to Drita-rastra 100 sons (called Kav-ravas). Pandu dies soon after
his sons were born  and since his son being young, it was decided by the ministers that the blind
king Drita-rastra assumes the throne until Pandu's  son was old enough to be the king. 

          Through the above story and the symbolism, we will understand that from our birth, the
blind mind cannot rule our life but the wisdom in us. Since the wisdom has to strengthen through
experience in life, we temporarily allow the blind mind to rule us. But having tasted power the
mind not only want to give up the kingdom ,but tries to crown  its own son, the Ego. This is what
we see in Mahabharata.

           The power thirsty blind King Drit-rastra did not want to  now give up kingdom to his
brother's Son.  He wanted to crown his own Son Duryodana as the king instead of giving back
the kingdom to the most deserving brother's son Yud-istra. These developments lead the two sets
of paternal cousins to  became bitter rivals, and opposed each other in war for possession of the
ancestral kingdom. In Mahabharatadays India was called as  Bhaarat with its capital Hastinapur.
Hastinapur  is still current  India's Capital with the new name Delhi.

               Knowing the developing rivalry, the great grandfather ,Bhisma divides the kingdom
into two and allows one portion of it to be ruled by Pandavas. Duryodhana  however behaved
viciously and brutally toward the Pandavas in many ways. With the intention of getting back the
partitioned kingdom, he invited  the eldest Pandava, Yud-istra  in a game of dice:   Treacherously
they win not only the kingdom but also wins all the five brothers and their common wife
Draupadi. After they won the game of dice, the Kavravas (100 sons of Drita-rastra)  humiliated
all the Pandavas and physically abused Draupadi and  drove the Pandava party into the
wilderness for twelve years, and the twelve years had to be followed by the Pandavas' living
somewhere in society, in disguise, without being discovered for one more year. If they are
spotted then they have to repeat the exile of 12years and one year of disguise again.

         The Pandavas fulfilled their part of that bargain, but the villainous leader of the Drita-
rashtra party, Duryodhana , was unwilling to restore the Pandavas to their half of the kingdom
when the thirteen years had expired. Both sides then called upon their many allies and two large
armies arrayed themselves on the battle field.

           The most dramatic figure of the entire Mahabharata, however, is Krishna,  who with great
personality protects Law, performs Good Deeds and Right conduct. Krishna is not only  cousin 
to the Pandavas (sons of Pandu) but also the brother-in-law of Arjuna , the third Pandava, and
served as Arjuna's mentor and charioteer in the great war.
           Much of the action in the Mahabharata is accompanied by discussion and debate among
various interested parties, and the most famous sermon of all time, Krishna  ethical lecture and
demonstration of his divinity to his charge Arjuna (the justly famous Bhagavad Gita  occurred in
the Mahabharata just prior to the commencement of the hostilities of the war. The war was
fought 18 days and finally the Pandavas won killing Duryodhana.

Symbolism Of Mahabharata
Though there are lives of  thousands of kings , why was Mahabharta, a great epic was composed
on the kings of Kuru , Pandu and Yadava dynasty?. This is because their lives still continue to
inspire lives of not only ruling class but down to every human being on Earth. Mahabharata is
the biggest book ever written which includes all branches of life.      

                     Mahabharata is a powerful and amazing text that inspires awe and wonder about 
cosmos and humanity. The Mahabharata and the war is not a fictional story but a historical event.
But the author of the epic used the real incident and weaved  symbolic images to reflect our own
inner conflicts. Using these images if we dive deep into our inner self, we will be able to
appreciate the mystery of our own mind and life. Through this epic we will be left with no
unanswered question.

The 100 sons

    We already discussed that the eldest son of the blind son Drita-rashtra is Dur-yodhana, who
symbolize the Ego. To the blind king who symbolize the blind mind marries Gandhari. She out
of emotionally love  to her blind husband , ties a bandage on her  eyes. Thus Gandhari symbolize
the blind intellect  following the  blind mind. This blind mind and blind intellect breeds many
desires through ten sense organs. Five are senses of knowledge or perception the eyes, nose, ears,
tongue and skin (Gnanendriyas). The other five are the senses of action-mouth, hands, feet,
genital organ and anus (Karmendriyas). There are 10 directions north, south, west, east, north
east, south east, south west and northwest and up and down.

           When the mind and intellect run blindly in all 10 directions and functions through 10
sense organs , give rise to hundred (10 x 10 = 100) propensities, desires, thoughts, ambitions,
expectations and dreams. These are the children of the mind and symbolized as the 100 sons in
Mahabharata. The eldest of these thought is Dur-yodhana which means the one whom it is
difficult to fight. "Duh" means difficulty, "yodh" means to fight and represents the Ego , which is
difficult to fight or indomitable. The second son and brother to Dur-yodha is Dus-asana , the
name means one who is difficult to control.

Pandavas - The Five

      Pandu was the younger brother of the blind king Drita-rastra. Pandu represents wisdom
(represented by white color). But this wisdom matures with experience and hence gives the
ruling power to the blind mind, until the children of wisdom are ready. Pandu's wife is kunti,
which means to invoke. She invokes powerful inspiration of nature and bears children. The first
child is Yudhi-stra. Yudhi means in the battle, sthira means tranquil or undisturbed. Yudhi-stra is
the symbol of peace and the  sky element of Pancha Bhootas. Sky is the bridge of transcendence
to the conscious state and  represented as throat chakra.

        Peace should be the ruler of us. But the Ego demands that it should be the take control over.
This fight for the throne is Mahabharata war. In the war, Bhima the second son of the Pandavas
who  killed all 99 sons of Drita-rastra. Bhima represents the life force or breath, the Air element
in Pancha Bhoota.  Bhima is the breath that brings the awareness of "Oneness". The ignorance of
duality dissolves in the purity of  "Love" and is represented as heart chakra.

       Arjuna the third represents fire element. Rajju means rope or bondage and na means no. This
represents that we are really not bonded, but free. Arjuna represents the liberating thoughts in us
and brings peace. Arjuna is the enquiring mind. The enquiring mind burns like fire and destroys
the darkness of ignorance. This burning fire is what needs to be given direction and that is why
out of the five brothers Arjuna was taught Bhagavad Gita. Arjuna represents the mastering the
"Heat or Power" of senses symbolized as the navel chakra.

       Na-kula , na means no and kula is bank of a river or shore. Nakula means boundless or
endless flow of water. He represents the flowing energy of desires, the energy to reproduce.
Water is the element of nature that sustains life and reproduction. This sexual energy should be
directed for our higher evolution towards peace.

      Sahadeva is the youngest of the Pandavas. He represents the Earth element, the solidness
(reality)  of manifestation. Earth is the discriminating element, the food factor. It is through
enquiry of real and unreal that drives us to seek wisdom. Earth is the foundation of "enquiry".

Nakula and Sahadeva are twins and is interesting to know their symbolism. Nakula represents
the sexual energy that produce life and Sahadeva represents the enquiring attitude. According to
Vedas,  life began when the cosmic consciousness wanted to know itself. Hence Life (Sahadeva)
and knowing (Sahadeva) are twins.

Symbolism Of Krishna
The blind mind Drita-rastra created many desires, the kav-ravas. The knowledge, Pandu, created
five qualities (pandavas) that bring peace. There is a constant struggle between these two groups
from their childhood. The Ego (Dur-yodhan) hates Bhima the second Pandava who represents
the vision of non-duality or "oneness". Ego tries to see only duality or separation  in this whole
world. Love sees everything as one and this "Love" is very strong and can only defeat Ego. This
vision of non-duality alone can kill all the 99 sons (out of 100). One son Yuyutsu joins Pandavas
when the war begins. We will see what Yuyutsu represents in the first chapter.

Arjuna and Krishna

        In our  inner conflict when we lose peace, it is the aspect of  knowledge in us that is
confused needs clarity. This aspect in us that seeks teaching represents Arjuna. As we already
discussed Arjuna represents bondage it seeks freedom to attain the kingdom of Peace. It seeks
Krishna the manifestation of pure Consciousness.  Consciousness is often confused with
awareness. Awareness is the phenomenon of brain while Consciousness is not. Consciousness is
the "being" of every form and formless in this universe. The reflection of that Consciousness  is
awareness (see more detailed explanation in the book "Journey to the Source decoding matrix
trilogy) .

       We seek for clarity a teacher, a Guru. What we seek outside is already in us. The external
teacher helps us to seek our internal teacher Krishna, the pure consciousness. The dialogue
between the Krishna and Arjuna is Bhagavad Gita.

       Krishna is the cousin and brother -in-law of Arjuna and interestingly Krishna is the father-
in-law of Dur-yodhan's daughter, that is , Krishna's son married Dur-yodhan's daughter
lakshmana. So krishna is related to both the positive and negative groups of  brothers. This is
why Indian God's are represented with three faces. The two faces on the sides represents the pair
of opposites of the same body. This explains that both positive and negatives qualities resides in
us. What dominates in us determines the final out come.

     Before the war both Arjuna and Dur-yodhan seeks Krishna's help. Krishna gave two choices
to them. One would be his army and other would be he himself without any fighting weapons. 
Duryodhan thought what would be the use of a person without any weapons in the war and so
demanded krishna's Army. While Arjuna wished that just the presence of Krishna alone is
enough to win the war.  Since krishna vowed that he will not  use weapons to fight the war , he
became the charioteer of Arjuna.

Materialism  vs Spiritualism

     It is very important to understand the above symbolism. Krishna's army represents
materialistic possessions while krishna represents Spiritualism, the liberating force in us. Like
Dur-yodhan our Ego thinks that it is materialistic possessions that brings peace in us. But we
have to be wise like Arjuna in choosing Krishna, the guiding force that would give us freedom
and the kingdom of peace in us. This does not mean that we should not have any materialistic
possessions. They are needed only for our liberation like the fighting army of the Pandavas. |
Krishna who taught Gita and Arjuna who received the teachings both were kings with al
materialistic possessions. The point here is to live life with these possessions but be detached and
only then we will have peace. Do not be confused with this statement. Through Gita we will
understand the above.

        The above symbolism for religious people should mean that we should not ask God for
materialistic needs but for God himself to gain peace in us. Unfortunately religious people spend
their whole life in asking God for this and that without seeking knowledge to liberate ourselves
from this wanting attitude of limitedness.

Concept of God
     We have used here the word "God" which according to religious people is a person sitting
some were in the clouds creating this universe. But for a spiritual person , the Truth one
discovers in the enquiry path is God (this God of a spiritual person is not a concept, not a person
or an object). We will get back to the concept of God in  later chapters of Gita.

Sakthi Gita

       It is very interesting to read this symbolism of Mahabharata and then reflecting those
characters in our mind and finally using Gita to liberate ourselves.  In this Sakthi-Gita, we will
discuss in parallel, events of the war in brief, the essence of each Gita chapter and how if it
reflects our inner conflicts. End of each chapter we would also do a small mental exercise to help
us free from these inner conflicts and be in peace.  We recommend to do each exercise, one per
week. Again we like to repeat that without practicing Gita in our daily life, we will never get any
benefit. Doing this weekly exercises for 18 weeks is the most simple and easy way to practice
Gita and attain peace.

Why do we need this exercises or practices?

What and why do we need a practice?
The very purpose of  practice is to experience what we know or pursue to know. Like theory and
practice. No one would be satisfied with a theory without a practical application of it. The
practical application is a validation of the theory. Here we do an enquiry about the mystery of
our mind and finally seek freedom from its limitation and remain at peace. So the purpose of
practice is to walk through the path of enquiry. Every exercise that we intend to do here are the
steps of that enquiry. You yourself would know whether this enquiry was beneficial or not and
for that very same reason you conduct it. Nothing here given is a belief system for you to
swallow it, but for you to analyze and use it. This warrants then application of the mental
exercises or mental  practices. You would understand the depth of the enquiry only when you
practice it yourself.

Practice Gita- An Introduction

Gita is not to be read but to be practiced to attain inner purification.

Generally everyone reads Gita or attend Gita classes every day or once a week but seldom
practice which means apply the teachings in one's life.  It is like reading a book on how to do
swimming or cooking or drive a car and never practicing it. Without practicing we can
intellectually appreciate the greatness of Gita but never experience the greatness of the teaching
itself. Understanding from personal experience and experience of many spiritual seekers we here
focus on  how to practice Bhagavad Gita in daily life. The end result of practice is inner
Purification - the culmination of all practices
Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying
your thoughts and everything will be well. - Mahatma  Gandhi

Purpose of Purification

Aim of any spiritual practice is to purify the mind. Why should the mind be purified? The mind
like the blind king allows his son Ego to rule the kingdom instead of allowing the wisdom to
exercise its power. The mind does not entertain any enquiry that will put end to its hypocritical
rule instead will allow only thoughts that supports Ego's whims and fancies. This should be
understood clearly and only then we can understand the purpose of purification of the mind. 
Purification is really then allowing an unbiased enquiry keeping out the Ego's interferences. This
is symbolism of purification is Vidur in Mahabharata who is the prime minister of the blind king
as well as his younger brother.

       We cannot proceed in the enquiry path unless we are able to separate the chaff from the
grain (the mind and the Ego). The mind can pursue the "Truth" only if it is detached from the
Ego. As long as it is attached to the Ego, it can never trek the path of enquiry. Therefore all the
Gita-exercises are meant to detach this Ego from the mind and this detachment is |
PURIFICATION. Ego is the veil that covers the mind from seeing the truth in front of it. Ego is
the cataract that prevents the mind from seeing the reality of life. It is this Ego that imprisons  us
in the dark cell  of  sorrows.

    Purification is removing the husk from the grain. To eat the grain the husk has to be removed
and so is to remove the Ego from the mind to seek peace. Without this purification we can never
know peace and if even if we experience it will be only for only fleeting moments in life.

Sakthi-Gita is a simple and quick means to achieve the

purification and freedom of mind.

Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your
thoughts and everything will be well. —Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

There is only one goal, one target, one destination, one achievement  in all spiritual practice, and
that is purification of mind. Religious practices also aim in purification of the Mind which  can
only open the door to Self realization or God to be in God conscious state.

               It is a notion of many of us that doing penance, Meditation, chanting God's name (Japa)
, observing fasting, rotating rosary beads, observing simple or body torturing rituals one can
attain Self-Realization or Godhood.  But many are not able to achieve God or Self Realization
in-spite of  many years of spiritual practice.
              Where is the problem?  Is it in the technique?  The fundamental problem lies in not
understanding what  all these different practices are meant for. All spiritual practices are meant
only for purifying our mind. Any spiritual practice that is done  without understanding the basic
principle "Purification of the Mind" is a waste. One can enjoy few benefits out of the practice but
not the ultimate goal. Example if fasting is not done without understanding the basic principle of
mind purification, it will give benefits like weight loss or fat lost from the body. However if done
with the intention of mind purification then both the body and the mind are purified. It is a pity
that we keenly follow the advice of spiritual masters of any tradition but seldom realize what the
advice is meant for.

             Without understanding the means, all attempts will be futile in achieving the goal.
People switch over to different techniques and spiritual masters because they find fault in the
technique or the master. The fault is in us when we do not attempt to purify the mind. Let me
give a great experience from my own life that will help you to understand the simple truth that if
we perform an action without understanding the purpose of the means to achieve the goal, all our
actions bear no fruit but are left with frugal benefits.

 A real life incident

"If a man points at the moon, only an idiot looks at the finger”.  - Sufi quote

  My Aunt’s son, my cousin, was very poor in studies. My aunt requested me to teach the
12 year old boy every day one hour English subject.  On the first day  I asked my cousin to read
a chapter from his English text book. To my surprise he was not able to read anything other than
two words “The” and “And”. I was very upset and closed the book and as a joke asked him to
read at least the name of the book. It was shocking to know that he could not even read the
heading “English book for seventh grade”.  Though it looked like a punishment by commanding
him to write 100 times the word  “English”, my  intention was to help him to at-least remember 
the word “English”.

              After a few  hours later in the day, when I met him I gave him a piece of paper and
asked to write the spelling of “English”. He wrote  the alphabet “E” and could not complete the
rest. I was literally angry and was also surprised how he cannot remember the spelling of
“English” even after writing it  100 times. I suspected that he did not write 100 times and so
asked him to show his note boo. He had  literally obeyed my instructions by writing the word
“English” 100 times.

               Now analyze this situation. My cousin though obeyed my instruction of writing 100
times "English", why was not he able to reproduce it?.  Is it lack of memory or concentration?.
You would laugh at the way he accomplished the goal without understanding the purpose of
performing the means.   Instead of writing down the word
“E.N.G.L.I.S.H.....E.N.G.L.I.S.H......E.N.G.L.I.S.H......E.N.G.L.I.S.H” 100 times , he wrote
E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E.E for 100 times and then N.N.N.N.N.N.N.N. for 100 times then
G.G.G.G.G.G.G.G for 100 times, L.L.L.L.L.L.L. for 100 times and the rest of the alphabets 100
times.    He has completely misinterpreted my message to teach him. He has not understood the
purpose of the  practice of writing 100 times. Even if he did write mechanically , he would have
got it. Since he did not understand the very means of getting the knowledge, the act he 
performed was useless. This is how in life we persist in repeating the tasks and end up in failures
and never learn the mistakes.   Most of us do spiritual practices and rituals without understanding
the intention behind it. Overtime then the rituals not only become meaningless but also degraded
to mere superstitions.   When younger generation questions us about the rituals we are unable to
answer them and instead we brand them as disobedient.

Method to purify the mind

Using Gita and Mahabharata , we would discuss the means to purify our mind.

Good and evil

  Mahabharata is a war between good and evil. The concepts of good and evil is often debated. it
is difficult to swallow when spiritual masters  tell us that good and evil are concepts of the mind.
There isn't good and bad and evil and it all exists in our thinking. This is  true when you
understand the fundamental fact that thoughts in our mind that liberates our mind to get peace are
"Good" or "Positive" thoughts. Those thoughts  in us that strengthens  the "Ego" and chains the
mind in a prison, disconnecting the mind and the body co-ordination and bringing suffering both
at the mental and physical states are "Bad" or "Negative" thoughts. Both these thoughts exists in
our mind always. What thoughts that we allow to grow in our minds determines the health of
mind and body. There is always conflict between these two types of thoughts. Do we want
freedom of mind or slavery of Ego is the choice we can exercise. The liberation of the mind from
the prison of the Ego is  core teaching of Gita.

          The various positive and negative tendencies in our mind are the different characters in the
story of Mahabharata which makes enjoyable to read and assimilate in our daily lives. The
Mahabharata war is the war between the positive and negative thoughts in our minds. The 
negative thoughts strengthen the Ego and positive thoughts strengthen our "Self" or "Spirit".

Spiritual Practices lights the path of Self-enquiry

            Spiritual practices are meant to cultivate more positive thoughts in the mind and
strengthen our Self or Spirit as opposed to strengthen the Ego. This approach brings about inner
purification which lights up the path of Self-enquiry. Being Spiritual is different  from being
religious where a religious has a concept of God as a person. In spirituality, an individual is keen
in using his body, mind  and intellect to understand the mystery of his life. From solving his
physical and mental problems he evolves to a higher awareness state. This higher awareness state
is the state of freedom.

How to free the mind from Ego?

         This is the fundamental question everyone ask when they are struck in the whirlpool of
the mind games. It is wise to do these practices while we are young because at that state the mind
and Ego is less complex. At an adult stage also it is possible, provided if we exert a little more
effort. In the next section we will be reading about the the real intention of spiritual practice. To
make it clear, we are doing this approach to free the mind from the clutches of Ego and
overcome suffering is life and attain peace. This is called in different traditions as Self-
Realization, Moksha, Nirvana, Liberation etc.

       To understand the practical aspect of freeing the mind from Ego , we use a different
approach of  viewing Gita. Though Gita was given by Krishna on the first day of Mahabharata
war, the 18 chapters of Gita and 18 days of Mahabharata war are  interconnected. We will see
how every day of Mahabharata war is a reflection of our own mental conflict which is not
different that of  Arjuna's own inner conflict.  We will understand  how step by step Krishna
clarifies Arjuna through 18 chapters of Gita which we can achieve by practicing  18 simple
exercises , one per week. 

              Through these 18 simple exercises  every day we ultimately  purify our body , mind and
intellect.  Impurities of our body, mind and intellect  is like a screen that prevents us to know our
Self or Consciousness or Atma or God or Peace .  Only through purification we can transcend to
Consciousness (Self). 

Let us first practice for a week an introductory mental exercise for a week and then go to the first
chapter of gita

Acceptance - an Introductory Exercise

           If you have not read about acceptance as a means of stress reduction and mind
detoxification, please  read in health section before continuing to read this section.

The purpose of this mental exercise:  We might often wonder why most of us are not
successful in expressing our talents.  As Mata Amritanada Mayi Devi, said "The greatest tragedy
in life is not death, but dying without realizing our talents is the tragedy of life".

What prevents us from realizing our talents?. Why is that we do not achieve what we desire?.
Why I am not happy like others?. These are the questions that many of us ask ourselves. We
often justify that others or situations in life are the cause for our failures and unhappiness. Here is
one simple but most powerful exercise that alone will help you  not only success but also 
happiness and content in life. This exercise might sound contradictory and seems difficult to
practice that you have done like learning swimming or driving a car. But the more you practice,
the better you feel and offers endless opportunity  to realize our potential. 

This magical exercise is Acceptance. Acceptance is about letting go of unrealistic expectations,

large and small.  It’s about coming to terms with reality no matter how unfair or unpleasant it
may be.  Acceptance is what we do when we acknowledge that no matter how hard we try, we
can’t control everything, people or situations in life.
However acceptance does not means accepting failure and to give up trying or a do not care
attitude. Here we are doing this mental exercise  to free our mind from stress of brooding over a
fact or event that is unpleasant for us.

How can acceptance be practiced?

We react internally and externally to an unpleasant  situation or to an unacceptable person's

behavior. There are two means of reacting to such situations. One is emotionally and the other
way is with intelligence. Emotions work on the basis of one fact, our likes and our dislikes.

When we says some one is "Emotional" it means he is reacting based on his or her likes and
dislikes. Emotions are not wrong. Emotions are needed to express the degree of our feelings. We
express through our emotions only the degree of our pain and based on that A doctor decides the
dosage of the pain medication.  So there is nothing wrong expressing emotions. What is hurting
is the strong likes and dislikes we express which may not be in reality correct.

Intelligence is the fact giver or the reality projector. Intelligence throws light on the true nature
of things. The true nature of things whether likeable or dislikable for us is the fact or reality of it. 
Understanding the "Reality" of a person or the nature of the situation is Intelligence. 

Expressing our emotions to the reality of the facts is the correct approach  as taught by Krishna
to Arjuna in Gita. When Arjuna hesitated to fight the war based on his likes and dislikes, Krishna
taught him to react to the situation based on Intelligence. This is the essence of Gita.

There is nothing wrong in expressing our emotions, but you as the subject should express it with
understanding of the true nature of the  object. This will leave the subject less agitated through
the process of reaction and also after the reaction process.

If we react with emotion based on our strong like and dislikes, we waste time and energy
brooding and complaining over it and inturn causing stress to ourselves.

Process: Acceptance means instead of reacting emotionally (that it displeases us) react with
intelligence. That is first accept the reality of the fact is that  the event is happening in front of
me or to me or against me. It is not agreeable to me or unpleasant to me. Instead of reacting out
my un-acceptance (dislike), I think what is the best to do to handle the current condition and also
think the ways to avoid that in future. Most importantly how can I transform myself to think
more intelligently. This Self-Transforming attitude strengths not only Intelligence but also

Acceptance does not mean that you accept the situation or the person's bad behavior is correct.
Acceptance is for your mind only to accept the reality of the event and the person. Changing the
event and person is only secondary possibility of the future. The person may change or may not.
The situation may change or may not,. Both are not in your control.  You understand the Truth
that at  present moment change can happen only to you.  This is acceptance. This relieves your
mind from the Person's  behavior and also the unpleasant  nature of the situation.
Examples - 1:  If you are in a traffic jam, accept the situation instead of boiling yourself with the
thought why this is happening. We cannot do anything about it. IAccept the  reality that you cant
do anything about it.  Instead of disliking the event, think what is the best to overcome the
consequence of being late by traffic jam and also how to prevent getting into this situations in

Example-2 - : If a person behaves in a rude manner, accept the person as he or she is. Accept the
truth that you are facing the reality of the person whether you like it or not. Understand that you
cannot change the person just by showing your disliking, but see how you can change yourself to
avoid unpleasant reactions in your mind. Most importantly  analyze what makes the person to
behave in that manner. You "be" the person and understand  how you will react  to such a
situation. What is not acceptable to you naturally will be not acceptable to the other person.

     This understanding of another person as oneself is Compassion.    By this approach you bring
slow transformation in the other person also. But change should begin from you and cannot
expect the change from the other person. Without your inner transformation you cannot expect a
change in another person. This non-acceptance is the reason for fight and war.  With this
acceptance and inner transformation make the the other person also understand how his or her
behavior is inappropriate. This will take time. 

Do not judge that the other person will not change. Give chances for the other person to change.
This creates the quality of patience in you. Reflect upon yourself how much time you take to
change an inappropriate behavior in yourself. Show that same compassion to others. This will
blossom into unconditional Love.

Why do not we think or use our intelligence?. Because we rarely accept the reality of the
person or situation. We only agitate our mind constantly thinking that this should not have
happened or the person should not have behaved in such a way. This constant thinking of our
dis-pleasure is the key point to be avoided. that cud-chewing mind is what gives us stress and
agitation. You can let go of the cud-chewing (brooding over the incident again and again for
years) only if you develop the acceptance attitude. This indirectly gives way for forgiveness a
stress-curing medicine. Acceptance is the first step towards forgiveness. You cannot forgive a
person or a situation with acceptance. Forgiveness is for your own benefit, to free your mind
from the cud-chewing activity of the mind.  Ego grows through the cud-chewing activity of the

Ego and acceptance

      Ego cannot accept a person (behavior attitude) or a situations or events in life. Non-
acceptance is Ego's nature and also a means through which it gets its food to gain strength. The
moment we accept any person or situation we see that the Ego's energy is drained. As soon as we
accept a person or situation,  we find that the Ego loses it's heroic acts in our life's drama. Ego
does not allow us to accept anything. It always blames others for all the problems. By blaming
others,  Ego  has bright chances to get hold of the mind to either brood over the past or be
anxious of the past. Acceptance brings out awareness to the present moment, while Ego does
want to graze on past memories or worry and fear about future.
Purpose of the practice

  The intention of the acceptance practice is to confront our Ego. We take it for granted that we
are this mind and Ego without  being aware of our true Self. This practice would allow us to be
pay more attention (awareness) to our Ego. As soon as we accept someone or an event or action,
the Ego would storm in us. Be aware the Ego would smell danger and would hide out for a while
then it will strike us back with full vigor.

Goal of Sakthi Gita is for a happy life:  Understand non-acceptance of people (as they are) and
events (as it is) is how Ego works in us. By condemning people and events, your Ego grows
without your knowledge like a weed in your backyard garden. These thoughts rob of the nutrition
that fertilize your strengths. You notice it only when it grows big and destroying your good
plants.  Same way your Ego thoughts kills your creativity thoughts, your talents, your power,
your health, your strengths. These are the nice plants you want to grow in your garden. Aim of
life is to harness your potential and be happy in life. remove the weeds of Ego from your garden
of life and enjoy the fruits of life. This is the ultimate goal of this Sakthi Gita.

What to witness

This exercise is just to be aware of our Ego. Only if we are aware of our enemy's strength and
weakness we can win a war. So start to practice acceptance and immediately pay attention to the
way our Ego acts. We might have a dispute or disagreement  with our partner, family member or
with some at work or a shopping mall. Immediately chant the mantra "Accept".   We can witness
the war movie unfolding in our minds.

Acceptance the most powerful spiritual technique

       Acceptance is the key to open the spiritual mastering of our mind. Practicing this brings
amazing results. It is simple but very powerful in opening doors to the mystery of our mind and
Self. This is the easiest means to purify the mind. It brings peace, patience and wisdom in us. It
opens the doors of our inner light.  With this one practice all good qualities will get into our

      There is an  amusing story about a scientist (Isaac Newton?)  He was a great cat lover and
every time the cat needed to got out it would come to him and do "Meow! Meow! Meow!". The
cat's behavior did not bother him until the cat gave birth to four kittens when the frequency of
going out and in became more. So Newton called for a carpenter to cut  one big hole and four
smaller holes in the  door so that the big cat would go in the big hole and the kittens in the
smaller holes. The surprised carpenter asked whether he was talking to a world renowned
scientist who  could not realize a simple fact that the kittens could have easily used their
mother’s ‘pet door’.

      Acceptance is like a pet door through which all good qualities would get into us. So far with
acceptance you understand that you get less stress, develop compassion, patience, forgiveness
and unconditional Love. Last but the least, you become more aware of your Ego, transcend it and
realize your own true nature, Consciousness.
Gita  Chapter -1
Arjuna Vishada Yoga

This is the chapter describing Arjuna's sorrow. First we will see what happens in the first day of
the Mahabharata war. Equally we will discuss the symbolism of Mahabharat or Mahabharatham.

Essence of the chapter - 1.

         The two armies of Pandavas and kav-ravas met in the battle field. Arjuna asked Krishna to
stop the chariot between the armies so that he could take a close look at the warriors with whom
he had to contend. When Krishna placed the chariot between the two armies, Arjuna  saw his
grandfathers, uncles, teachers, brothers, sons, dear friends and relatives in the enemy's side.  He
was suddenly overcome with grief and deep sorrow filled his heart. He took his head in his hands
while the body shivered with anguish and so left the weapons slip out of his hands.  Tears filled
his eyes and so sat down on the chariot.

        He said to Krishna, "Looking at the honoured elders and teachers of mine, who are eager for
battle against us. I am being weakened in my heart of what use will be any kingdom or wealth
obtained by killing them? What enjoyment can one find in the kingdom of the world, which is
smeared with the blood of one’s close relatives, sons, friend, teachers etc? I would rather be
killed by the sons of Dhritarastra than laying my hands on them. I do not want to fight. It is a
great sin to kill my teachers and relatives. If I kill them, family traditions will perish.  The slayer
of the families will go to hell .  Arjuna was overwhelmed with grief. He threw away his bow and
arrows and sank down on the seat of the chariot.

First day of Mahabharata war

        The two paternal cousin brother familes (Pandavas and Kav-ravas) with their allies stood in
the battle field in Kururshetra to fight.  When Arjuna took a glance at the enemy, he saw his own
relatives and became emotionally disturbed. Arjuna expressed his grief to Krishna  who was  his
own maternal cousin, brother-in-law, friend as well his charioteer. Arjuna was reluctant to fight
his relatives even though they had caused immense trouble in his life. Krishna cleared Arjuna's
doubts and dilemma and made him to fight the war. What he spoke is what we now read as
Bhagavad Gita.

           Before the two armies signaled for attacking each other,  an interesting incident happened.
Yudhistra ,the eldest Pandava announced that whomsoever want to change sides of the armies
can do it right then. Surprisingly, Yuyutsu,  one of the 100 sons in the kav-ravas left his side and
joined the Pandavas. Duryodhana was furious with his younger brother Yuyutsu and screamed at
him as a coward and a betrayer. Then began the war.

Exercise -1 of chapter one
1. Maintaining the enthusiasm to practice all exercises

           It is a very beautiful symbolism connected with  Yuyutsu leaving his 99 brothers and
joining his five cousins. Yuyutsu in sanskrit means enthusiasm or willingness. Now this means
that to fight the war against our Ego we need willingness or enthusiasm till we succeed.

         The enthusiasm (Yuyutsu) is the brother of Ego (Duryodhan). The ego has enthusiasm to
do and accomplish things through good or bad actions.  Throughout the Sakthi Gita we are clear
that we are witnessing the Mahabharata is still occurring in every one of minds.

       Like Dur-yodhan getting angry at his brother Yuyutsu changing side to his enemy, so would
the Ego be angry at the enthusiasm we get to do the sakthi gita practices. You would see that the
enthusiasm you had initially to do the practice slowly dies away day after day.

        Let us keep the enthusiasm to do the practice without giving it up. So the practice for next
one week is to pay attention and maintain on our enthusiasm.  This exercise is important because
you will notice that while doing our first introductory exercise of "Acceptance" , among the
many tricks played by the Ego to destroy our practice, is to curb our willingness to fight. The
Ego keeps us telling "I know all this so why should I practice this. I am powerful and so these
type of small practices are meaningless to me".

        No wonder we would even drop doing these practices and that is the intention of the |Ego.
The Ego wants every means to kill this war for freedom. So really be vigilant.

Purpose of this exercise:

       Through this exercise we would get another view of Ego which will not allow us to
undertake practice of Gita. These practices threatens Ego's power. It smells danger and like a
dictator it will curb the revolting group. The exercise is pay attention on how our Ego play tricks
to avoid this practices. It is fun to watch its  justifications for not pursuing these practices.

Practice the above exercise for a week and then proceed to chapter two.

Gita  Chapter -2
Sankhya Yoga (Analysis by dissecting)
        Sankhya means numbers or components or to analyze. When we encounter a problem
we should dissect and know the components to resolve the problem. This Sankhya approach
is used by Krishna to help Arjuna to understand his problem and so this chapter is known as
Sankhya Yoga.

      In the first chapter Krishna listened to Arjuna's and only in chapter two Krishna talks
and gives the essence of  Gita and the reality of life.  He tells Arjuna to accept the reality
and the reality is that he is a king who duty is to fight war not out of greed of conquering
but the duty  of fighting injustice.
Essence of Chpater-2
        Krishna told Arjuna that he is ignorant of the "Truth" about the real nature of all
beings. Anything that is "Satyam" or Truth is not depended on any other thing for its

        For example we do not attribute a shadow to be real, because the shadow does not
have independent existence. It depends on an object and light for it to exists. In that case
the light source or object is real and not the shadow.

       Similarly, Krishna says the physical body  is not real, because it does not have
independent existence. Without the mind we do not feel the body. (Please think about this
and enquire yourself and understand how far this fact is true). In sleep the Mind is not there
and so we are not aware of the body.

      The next question, is this mind independent or does it depend on something else for its
existence? We find that the mind depends on "Awareness" or "conditioned Consciousness".
In deep sleep we are not aware of our body, mind and our intelligence. This does not mean
we are dead. There is something alive and that aliveness principle is known as Awareness.
This awareness is also present in the day time when we are awake. But we are not aware of
the awareness because the body and mind awareness dominate it. We can know this
Awareness while we are awake only through Meditation.

Mediation is a means to be aware of the Awareness while functions all the time when we are
awake or sleeping. But there is another subtler aspect called Consciousness which is present even
when we are living in a body or not. This is Consciousness.  (Please click to read the  details of
Awareness and Consciousness in detail). 

    Krishna says every thing in this Universe,  from the smallest particle to the gigantic star
does not exist independently or in other words depends on some thing gross or  subtle for
its existence.  Since they cannot exist independently they cannot be called Real or Truth
(click Creation link for details).

     Krishna says but there  is only one "Reality"  or "Truth" on which all the forms in the
universe depend for its existence. This reality is known as the "Un-Conditioned
Consciousness" or Brahman in Sanskrit. This Un-Conditioned Consciousness is independent
and does not depend on anything else for its existence.

This imperishable, un-manifested, unthinkable and unchangeable aspect, the "Un-

Conditioned-Consciousness" ("Brahman")  is never subjected to birth and death.  It is
unborn, eternal, changeless  and inexhaustible. It is not killed when the body is killed.
Krishna says that this Aspect or Brahman slays not, nor is it slain. Weapons cut It not, fire

burns It not, water wets It not, wind dries It not. .

Arjuna asked "What is this "Aspect of Un-Conditional Consciousness" or "Brahman" you are
talking about Krishna,  which I cannot perceive?. How can I know whatever you are talking
is true? How do I know about this imperishable, un-manifested, unthinkable and
unchangeable "Brahman" or Un-Conditional Consciousness.

      Krishna answered to Arjuna that to know that your true Self is not this dying body but
that imperishable, un-manifested, unthinkable and unchangeable "Brahman",   then you
have to transcend the Ego which thinks itself as a perishable, thinking, changing object
which is subjected to birth and death in this world.

     Arjuna curiously asked  what is the Ego that you are talking about and  how is it
possible to transcend the Ego to know the imperishable, un-manifested, unthinkable and
unchangeable "Brahman".

Arjuna's question is also each one of our question too. Knowing the Ego and the
eternal Brahman or Un-conditional-Consciousness will only free us from suffering
in our life.

Gita  Chapter -2
Sankhya Yoga (Analysis by dissecting)
       Arjuna curiously asked  what is the Ego that you are talking about and  how is it
possible to transcend the Ego to know the imperishable, un-manifested, unthinkable and
unchangeable "Brahman", through which we can overcome suffering in life?.

    Krishna replied that to transcend Ego one has to stop listening, acting and dancing to
Ego's tunes. Here in the battle field Arjuna was reluctant to fight just because he was
emotional and not using his intellect.

Ego is emotional and holds on to the mind and not to the intellect.

       Dur-yodhan who symbolize the Ego holds on to his father, Dritha-rastra (mind) and
makes him dance to his tunes. The Ego is always emotional because it can easily control 
the mind.
      Arjuna's Ego is like most of our Ego too, being emotional because of its strong
identification to the mind. The mind is ignorant about reality and never listens to the
rational intellect  (Vidhura in Mahabharatha).

      Krishna asks Arjuna to fight the war to set free from his identification (Ego) to the
emotional mind. Our emotional mind forsakes duty. Our mind is lazy to do right actions at
the right time. The Ego mind gets its power and shadows the Unconditional-Consciousness
our true nature.

     To be duty bound is the best way to weaken the power of Ego. This is why Krishna says"
O Arjuna! do your duty. It is the duty of a warrior (Kshatriya) to fight. There is nothing
higher for a warrior than a righteous war. Develop a balanced mind. Having made pleasure
and pain, gain and loss, victory and defeat the same, engage thou in battle.

What is balanced Mind?.

     To keep the emotional mind and intellectual mind is balanced mind. Most of the time the
emotional mind dominates the intellectual mind. This leads to problems. Using the

intellectual mind, we have to understand that all pleasures

and pains, gain and loss, victory and defeat are part of life and are based on nature's law.
But the emotional mind does not like this law of nature. The Ego through the emotional
mind does not accept pain, defeat and loses.  So accepting pain, defeat and loss is to
weaken the Ego and not to give up doing actions. This is how generally we mis-understand

      Acceptance is to weaken the Ego and its strong hold over the emotional mind.
Acceptance strengthens the intellectual mind and so brings a balanced mind.   Krishna says
a person with such a  balanced mind is known as Sthithaprajna".

Gita  Chapter -2
Sankhya Yoga (Analysis by dissecting)
       Arjuna doubts swelled to a point is there someone who can live with a balanced mind. 
Is it possible?  “O Lord Krishna! What is the state of a Sthithaprajna? ( a person with
balanced mind).  How does he speak? How does he sit, how does he walk?” .

      Lord Krishna replied, “Such a balanced person is free from the crutches of his Ego
(Jivanmukta) and therefore  is free from desires, longings, mine-ness, I-ness, attachment
and fear. He is satisfied in his own Self. He is indifferent amidst sensual pleasures. He is not
elated by getting desirable objects. He has a poised mind at all times and under all
conditions. He has perfect control over his mind and senses.  He is centered in his own Self.
Such as person is an embodiment of knowledge.  Krishna added that knowledge is power
and that alone helps a person get  liberation.

       The essence of Krishna's above teaching is that the desires, longings, mine-ness, I-
ness, attachment and fear all belongs to the Ego. Only by transcending the Ego one can free
from the limitations posed by desires, longings, mine-ness, I-ness, attachment and fear,
because these attributes are of that of the Ego.

Should be give up desires?

         No. The point is to keep the desires under strong vigilance of the intellect. The Ego
swells its power by fuelling the desires through the emotional mind.  Therefore by working
for the desires proposed by the intellect mind, one can keep a balanced mind and also lead
a peaceful life.

Second day of war

       On the second day, once again the battle drums conches and trumpets were sounded.
Second day war was more ferocious and cruel. Dur-yodhan had appointed Bhishma, the
great grandfather of both the Pandavas and Kavravas. Bhisma caused heavy damage to the
Pandava army.  Seeing this Arjuna asked Krishna to take him to Bhishma. Arjuna faced
Bhishma and a very terrible fight ensued. All other soldiers stopped fighting to watch the
spectacle. Arjuna was able to check Bhishma to some extent but he was still hesitating to
kill his loving great grandfather in-spite of Krishna teaching Gita.

Exercise-2 for  second chapter.

Working on Addictions / Habits

Exercise for second chapter of  Gita 

 This is will be one of the most challenging exercise for you to do. But it is Fun.

Second day of war

On the second day, once again the battle drums conches and trumpets were sounded. Second day
war was more ferocious and cruel. Dur-yodhan had appointed Bhishma, the great grandfather of
both the Pandavas and Kavravas. Bhisma caused heavy damage to the Pandava army.  Seeing
this Arjuna asked Krishna to take him to Bhishma. Arjuna faced Bhishma and a very terrible
fight ensued. All other soldiers stopped fighting to watch the spectacle. Arjuna was able to check
Bhishma to some extent but he was still hesitating to kill his loving great grandfather in-spite of
Krishna teaching Gita.

Exercise-2 for  second chapter.

This is going to be a great exercise. We understood from Krishna's teaching that only by
transcending Ego we will know that we are not this body with petty desires, longings, mine-ness,
attachment and fear. all this occurs because we think we are this Ego, mind, body, intellectual
complex. Now as Arjuna asked Krishna our question is how to transcend this Ego. The beautiful
answer lies from the events of the second day war. Dur-yodhan (Ego)  knew that Arjuna would
be emotional in killing his beloved great grand-father Bhisma. Therefore Dur-Yodhan employed
Bhisma to lead his army and so every time when  Arjuna encountered his grand-dad becomes
emotional and loses interest to fight.

      Now it  is very important to understand that Bhisma  has a boon that he will not be killed and
will die only when he wishes for death.   Isn't it interesting to note that our "habit's or addiction"
is like this great-grand-father Bhisma?. No matter what others tell or advice, unless we ourself
sincerely wish can we see the death of our habits and addictions? We all have like this one or
more Bhisma's in us. Like Arjuna we become  emotional and hesitate to fight our habits and
addictions when it comes to the point of fighting or confronting with our habits and addictions.

     Like Dur-yodhan our Ego employs habits and addictions to dance to its tunes. Like Bhisma in
Mahabharat  we would be grumbling about our habits and addictions but cannot abandon it
simply because of the controlling power of our Ego. To weaken the power of Ego, we must first
overcome the chief commander of the army - Bhisma. Dur-yodhan (Ego) is the main enemy but
it cannot be destroyed in one shot because it employs all others in the battle field like Duryodhan
in Mahabharat war. He is killed only on the 18th day and till then Arjuna has to fight with his
beloved relatives. Similar is our plight of fighting our Ego and in the process we have to kill
many of our beloved habits and addictions.

    This is the sole reason of many spiritual practices advocating denial or giving up of of our
habits. To mention a few are giving up smoking, alcohol, sweets, long hours of sleep,  taking up
practices of fasting, silence etc are all oriented to fight the Ego indirectly. We cannot confront
immediately our Ego but can only march forward step by step.

     So our exercise for the second chapter is this step of giving up of our habits or addictions.
Find out one of your long lasting habit or addiction and work on it. The criteria for choosing one
habit should be meet the following conditions.

1. Should be of long period and deep rooted.

2. Should be something that you want to give up and find it difficult  to give up.

3.You would feel miserable, emotional in giving it up.

             Arjuna was fondled by his great grand father when he was young. Among all the 105
grand children Arjuna was Bhisma's darling. Bhisma always gave Arjuna extra share of sweets
and would tell bedtime stories. So Arjuna could not kill this loving Grandfather in the war. But
krishna warns Arjuna that unless Bhismais killed Dur-Yodhan cannot bedefeated.

      It is certain that you all would grumble about giving up your great grandfather Bhisma
( Habits and addictions) , but understand  without that you cannot win your Mahabharata war
going inside you. Understand clearly that giving up the habit and making you miserable is not
the point here, but using this we will be able to confront our Ego and finally transcend it and
know our real nature of peace.

Precautions while Working on Addictions / Habits

Exercise for second chapter of  Gita 

In the previous page we discussed about working on addictions and habits. here will discuss
some pre-cautions to be taken care of  to ensure success of the task.

Cautionary note: Be aware of the tricks of the Ego. When you start working on your habit you
will find it is easy for a few days. This is the trick of the Ego. It wants to give an impression that
you overcame the addiction. So do it at least for 41 days. We have seen in healing page of
Sakthi-foundation that most of  the treatments in folk medicine and Ayurveda are  given for 41
days. This is to represent a new birth in us, because we are for 41 weeks (including egg release) 
in our mother's womb.

         After a few days of quit practice you would see that the habit storms back and temptations
like a hurricane will try to swallow us. Do not yield to the temptation and witness all the
justifications the Ego preaches to you not to give up the habits. It will try to say that you do not
need to do such practices to master yourself. You are a strong personality and for you these petty
practices are not needed.


Again a reminder, the importance of this exercise is to  keep witnessing your thought processes
and Ego's fear and restlessness while doing the practice. The witnessing is very important
because witnessing weakens the power of Ego. You will understand about this in later chapters.

What to do when temptations arises?

       Temptations become inevitable in the beginning. Witness the temptations and then you
might see that the more you witness the lesser the power of temptation. It is like watching
someone who is planning to steal something in a grocery store. The more you watch or stare that
person the more uncomfortable he or she feels to do the act.

Witnessing -the power of Bheema

     It is very interesting to note that Bheema the second Pandava kills all 99 brothers of the
enemy including Dur-yodhan (symbol of Ego). Bheema represents presence or the witnessing
attitude which is very powerful means to transcend Ego.

     Another approach is to do breathing exercises like Pranayama and also Yoga. This also helps
to a significant extent. Breathing exercises and Yoga should not be done mechanically but with
full awareness. The mind tries to run away from the present moment and wanders. Doing
breathing exercises and Yoga focusing on all the twists and turns you can being the mind to the
present. In-fact this is most important for doing all physical and mental exercises. Yoga or any
other exercise is a waste is not done with this witnessing attitude. Healing occurs when we do
Yoga will witnessing attitude because that connects the mind and body.

To be in the present is the "Present" (gift) of life.

Mind-body co-ordination comes only through the witnessing attitude. Unfortunately our minds
are so occupied with the memories of the past and anxiety of the future, we seldom are in the
|"present". To be in the present is the "Present" (gift) of life. This Gita exercises are oriented to
bring out all these jewels you can adorn and make your life precious.


     Walking out doors is also another way. Walking should not be accompanied by music
appliances on the ears or talking. Silent walking observing things around you and
simultaneously  paying attention that you are observing things is a great way to overcome the
temptations of Ego.


      Another way based on our personal experience is to do chanting. Chanting helps in
weakening the Ego. Chanting is to repeat a small word. It could be any name of a person, plant,
animal, bird or any object. It could be chanting of Krishna's name or names of other spiritual
traditions like Buddha, Jesus, Allah etc. The chanting can be done aloud or silently. The point is
not to fall into the trap of temptation. In the initial  stages try to avoid situations that prompts
temptations to handle it better.

 Share your experience

 Please share you fun experiences of your Ego trying to curb your Gita-exercises. Write to and also let us know whether we can share that in this site with
your identity concealed.

 Before you proceed to next chapter.

There are more to come in the next chapters. Please continue to the third chapter only after
practicing the second exercise at least for a week. With practice this would be another version of
Gita you would read without any practical use.
Gita  Chapter -3
(Karma Yoga)

Essence of Chapter-3

          Arjuna felt Krishna was giving him contradicting statements in this chapter.  Arjuna
asked Krishna  whether he should fight or not fight the war, he was more confused with 
Krishna's answer of seeking the knowledge of Unconditional Consciousness or Brahman. 

        Arjuna's question is a very valid question indeed. “If  you think that knowledge  of
knowing our true nature,  that is Unconditional Consciousness or Brahman is superior to
action, why then O Krishna, do you engage me in this terrible action (war)?

         We would also ask the same question like Arjuna. If the purpose of life is know the
Self, then why live a family social life, why not retire to the Himalayas?

         Krishna replies, “Man cannot remain even for a moment without performing some kind
of action. Everyone is helplessly driven to action by the qualities born of nature. One may
be able to physically stop doing actions for few minutes or hours, but the thinking action
goes on incessantly.

Action in inaction and inaction in action.

       Since action is inevitable then what matters is, how the action is conceived at the
mental level. The difference between an ordinary person and a self realized person lies in
this great truth.

      Krishna tells Arjuna to see action in-action, which means the body is at rest, but witness
the thinking action going on. We are always doing non-stop thinking and so we are not able
to notice the Un-Conditional Consciousness, which is our true nature. We are not the thinker
but the one who witnesses thinking.

       Whereas the Self realized person witness (in-action)  the thinking event (action) and so
Krishna says  in-action in action. In-action is witnessing the action. While watching movies
we become so identified with the shadow characters on the screen that we forget our true
nature that we are witnessing a movie. Like the movie and the viewer and different the
thinking-thinker and the witnessor are different.

      “The egoistic man thinks ‘I am the doer’. In reality Prakriti (Nature) does everything.
This means that it is the Ego that thinks that it is the doer and enjoyer of the pleasures.
However the irony is that the Ego does not accept the fact that it is also bound to suffer

     Arjuna's immediate question was how to free oneself from mode of action and instead be
the witnessor of actions? How to do an action without attachment or not expecting the fruits
of an action?

      Krishna  replied that by performing action (duty) without attachment will alone help us
know that we are really the witnessor.  This identity correction to be the witnessor is
"Freedom" or Moksha. 

     This immediately gives rise to two questions: 1. Freedom from what? and 2. What is

Gita  Chapter -3
(Karma Yoga)

Essence of Chapter-3 - Continued from last page.

What is Ego?


       Freedom that Krishna talks is the freedom from the limitations feeling imposed by the
Ego. What is really  Ego?.

      To identify as the "Doer" of  action, instead of being the witnessor of action is Ego or
Ahamkara? Like the movie example given in the previous page, to enjoy and suffer the
actions in the movie story and get affected by it , instead of being the observer /witnessor
of the movie is Ego.

     Since Ego identifies itself as the doer of actions it is also bound to the results of any
action and suffer from it. Therefore Krishna says be detached and not expect the fruits of

       The moment you expect the fruits of an action then you identify yourself to be the doer
of the action,  which means you lose awareness of your real nature. This loss of
awareness (ignorance)  about our True Self is the cause of all pain and suffering. 
       This understanding is the highest truth of this Universe. This understanding alone gives
you Moksha (freedom from the cycle of birth and death). It is the identification (Ego)  that
perpetuates actions that gives temporary pleasures but long lasting pain and suffering.

       Ego based actions are based on personal hatred, jealously, pride, delusion, likes and
dislikes, lust and greed. Actions done in such a manner generates stress in an individual.
You would have read in health section how actions done with expectations can trigger anger
and stress if the results are not favorable.

         Ego is attached to the results which  means it expects results to happen the way it
wishes. No one can perform an action without wishing for an expected result. The problem
comes when we do not accept the fact that the results of any action abides by the laws of
nature. Since the Ego does not know and wish to know the laws of nature, it stresses the
mind and body when results are unfavorable or unexpected. The conclusion is that we have
only choice of performing any action but the results come out based on the laws of nature. 

       We love to eat fatty foods and expect to have the body to be "fat free". The Ego is
attached to the result of a fat free body. So detachment means to accept the results on
action that abides by laws of nature. In other words, detachment is avoiding Ego to
entertain its expectations of results based on it's likes and dislikes. Through this detachment
of accepting results of actions,  one understands that the "Ego" loses its claims of "doer-
ship" of any actions. 

         How can we perform an action in a detached mode?  Krishna says “Beware of  strong
likes and dislikes (Raga-dvesha), the main obstructer of the enquiring spiritual path.
Overcoming strong likes and dislikes, anger can be controlled. Through this anger
management, Ego can be mastered which eventually leads to the knowledge of the Self.

Third day of war

           On the third day Bhishma attacked like a hurricane. Entire Pandavas army was like clouds
before hurricane. There was major loss on the side of pandavas. There could not have been any
chance for the Pandavas if Arjuna failed.   Krishna could sense Arjuna’s softness for Bhishma.
He took the chariot to face Bhishma. Arjuna and Bhishma became engaged in a magnificent
battle. But Arjuna was not achieving anything.  It was obvious to Krishna that Arjuna was still
not fighting with his heart and soul.
                Krishna feigned anger on Arjuna and said "if I do not take up arms in this war, you
Pandavas cannot win this war because you are   fighting  with Bhisma and others softly due to
your emotional attachment to them". Instantly, Krishna took his powerful weapon, the Sudarshan
Chakra  in his index finger. He jumped from the chariot and rushed towards Bhishma full of
            Now Arjuna was at Krishna’s feet begging him not to break his oath. Krishna had taken
an oath that he will be a charioteer for Arjuna in the war and will  not take any weapons and
fight. Arjuna feared that Krishna should not break his oath of not wielding the arms during the
war for Arjuna's sake. Arjuna promised Krishna that he will fight with full vigor and will not
allow Bhisma to defeat the Pandavas. He pleaded  to krishna to withdraw his weapon again and
again and promised he would fight with his fullest capability,
              Arjuna proved himself true to his words. Now he joined the battle like a meteor raining
fire. He drew upon his arsenal of the divine astras (weapons) and caused much death and
destruction in Kauravas army. Sun was setting and the war stopped for the day. Kaurava
monarch was downcast and dismayed.

Exercise-3 for  third chapter.

Likes and Dislikes

Exercise-3 for  third chapter.
 What does the third day of war represent in us? . 

       We are all like Arjuna not putting knowledge into action. We will read about healthy
food and its benefits but will never put it into practice. We will spend lot of  time in
gathering all information about facts but fail to use them in daily life. Information will
mature to knowledge only when it is applied in action. Most of us are only information
gatherers by reading books, watching TV, listening to lectures and attending satsangs. But
never put that into action. This is why Krishna wanted Arjuna to fight the war, to put into
action the knowledge that he imparted to him.

The answer to why Krishna prompted Arjuna to fight the war.

          Krishna gave this highest Truth and wanted Arjuna to put that into action to
experience this truth. Without putting into action this truth cannot be experienced. This
should be the experience of every spiritual seeker and not in seeing lights in meditation. To
experience that we are the Unconditional Consciousness dwelling as pure
Awareness in the body.  This is the Spiritual bliss that the Vedas talk about and
experienced by all the Self-Realized saints of the world. This bliss is known as "Sath-
Chit Ananda".  Sath is Unconditioned Consciousness and Chit is Awareness and
Ananda is bliss.

        To experience not only this spiritual knowledge but even materialistic knowledge we
have to put into practice to experience the knowledge. Any knowledge is the theoretical
aspect and the experience is the practical aspect of it.

       This is symbolized by Krishna taking arms to kill Bhisma and through that he provokes
Arjuna to fight the war. Only through action you can witness the action if you are not
attached to it or to its end result. Hence Krishna gave first the knowledge and made Arjuna
to perform the action of fighting the war. Only through action can we transcend the Ego and
know our True Self.

How to transcend the Ego and know our Self?

             Krishna says our strong likes and dislikes are the main obstacle in the path. So for
next one week pay attention on the strong likes and dislikes that arises in your mind. You
will for the first time discover how deep rooted these thoughts breeding in our minds. Being 
aware of the these likes and dislikes is the fundamental step in conquering the Ego.
          Every time when you say "I like this" and or "I don't like this" attention....see
how your mind is attached to these thoughts that strengthen the Ego. We say "I don't like
this food" or "I like this food"....I don't like this color...oh..I like this color......Nothing wrong
in the likes and dislikes, but the attachment is what a problem. We suffer mentally when we
do  not have what we like and also when we have what we don't like. So get out of this
mental block of strong likes and dislikes. Only by being aware of the Ego can be declutched
to the "Awareness" state.

      Try to bully your Ego by eating or using something that you  don't like. This does not
mean to eat foods that you are allergic to. That is a body condition and not based on your
likes/dislikes. Try eating something  that you are not allergic but  you do not like it
mentally. Observe how your mind reacts. This is a wonderful chance for you to get in face to
face with your ego. Be cautious ....the Ego will not respond immediately......the more you
try to work against your Ego's likes/dislikes.. it will pound on you like a mad dog.

       Be aware of the purpose of this exercise. The purpose of being aware of your
likes/dislikes is to watch your ego's strength and weakness. It is not intended to torture
your body but to witness your Ego.  Witnessing Ego is the best means to witness the
actions. This is the practice that will help you to de-clutch you from Ego and transcend to
your true Self.

If you have done the practice for a week, then go to the next chapter.

Gita  Chapter -4
(Jnana-Vibhaga Yoga)

          Arjuna was now confused with the message of Krishna. When  he sought help of
krishna unable to make a decision about fighting the war, krishna gave him in the second
chapter, the knowledge of the true nature of our Self  (Peace) and said the that  this
knowledge of the Self (Peace) should be the pursuit in life.

          Then Arjuna asked krishna, if seeking knowledge of the Self  (Peace)  is the most
important aspect of life, then oh Krishna, why do you get me involved in fighting this deadly
war?  To this question, krishna said that action is inevitable, whether we like it or not. We
always have actions : mental action as thoughts in mind, action of speech which arise as
thoughts and expresses as speech of action and finally the thoughts that manifest as
physical actions.

      We believe that by performing  these actions we will gain peace, which means gaining
completeness and feeling of un-limitedness. Seldom we understand that actions (mental,
oral and physical) are like quick-sand in a desert, in which every step we take to free us,
only make us sink deep into the sandpit.  So more actions only binds us instead of freeing

       So krishna made it clear to Arjuna , this knowledge is not about  giving up of
actions, but giving up the doer-ship of actions. In other words, instead of being
ignorant of being the "doer" of actions, be aware that you are the witnessor of the actions.
This being awareful is the basis for spiritual term "Awakening". Being always the witnessor
is being alive or awake.
The awakening occurs in Stages.
       In this chapter Krishna tells that there are three attributes  (gunas) of Nature.

1. Knowledge or Intelligence - Satvic .

2. Action or Motion - Rajasic.

3. Inertia or Dullness -Tamasic.

         Based on the above three attributes of nature,  humans can be classified into four
different awakening personalities or tendencies. 

1. The  basic human tendency is a mix of Inertia-Action-Intelligence (Tamas-Rajas-

Satva). In this the predominating attribute of inertia or dullness leads to the individual to
lead a life of total ignorance or darkness and known as Shudra.

      The dullness is so predominant that the individual hardly attempts to even fulfill his own
basic needs let alone desire for spiritual awakening.  The individual totally identifies himself
with the Ego and has no clue about his True Self.

2. Action-Inertia-Intelligence (Rajas-Tamas-Satva) or Vaishya. This individual  is  action

oriented and is interested only in the materialistic pursuits with least knowledge about the
Higher Self.

3. Action-Intelligence-Inertia (Rajas-Satva-Tamas) or Kshatriya. This individual is action

oriented and has the concept of duty and good  of the society. The individual  has some
knowledge of spiritual pursuits and has the enquiring mind in all the performing actions.

4.Intelligence-Action-Inertia (Satva-Rajas-Tamas) or Brahmin. This is the highest state

in spiritual awakening who has only the spiritual pursuit as the foremost goal in life. The one
who sees knowledge in all the actions and has least inertia is a Brahmin.

        This chapter is called Ganan-vibhaga, which means stages of awakening based on the
Knowledge of the Self.  Karma (action) binds more to the Egoistic nature. But Knowledge
(Gnana)  liberates us from the crutches of the Ego. So action performed with knowledge
liberates or frees us from the prison of the Ego and that is why an individual of the Brahmin
personality is considered superior in the awakening stage.

Gita  Chapter -4
(Jnana-Vibhaga Yoga) - Continued....

          Since action is inevitable, we cannot avoid doing actions , but if actions are done
without the identification of doer-ship, the knowledge of the Self  becomes evident which is
real freedom or liberation. Krishna says" The one whose whose actions have been burnt
(revealed) by the fire of knowledge, will be called as a Sage.  Such a person will always
have his or her thoughts established in the true Self. Such a person  while doing any actions
is not bound by it because he does not identify as  the doer.
      Such a person witness everything as Brahman, the Un-Conditional Consciousness. Just
as the blazing fire reduces fuel to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge reduce all
actions to ashes. Here reducing to ashes means one is not affected by the results of actions.
When we do not identify doer-ship in actions then the results also does not belong to us.

Without expecting the results of the actions, no one can perform any action.  What it means
is that we should allow the results to unfold the way nature allows it to. Instead, due to  our
likes and dislikes we expect results the way our ego dictates.

       If the results are in favor of the Ego's expectation, there is temporary happiness which
develops into pride.  Then restlessness follows to maintain the pride. This can lead to
delusion and then downfall.

        If the results are not in favor then there is dukka or sorrow. This results in anger,
confusion, stress and again we are caught up in the prison of our Ego. Dissatisfaction with
oneself leads to undertake action for self approval - for ourself or for others.  Not accepting
who we are but  looking for others appreciation  is where the problem lies.

Fourth day of war

In the terrible fight, which took place, Bhima killed eight of the Kauravas brother. All efforts of
the Kaurava warriors went in vain. Another highlight of the war was the extraordinary show of
bravery by Ghatotkacha. The Bhima’s son was so terrible in his devastation that the Kauravas
were not able to withstand his on slaughter and they had to stop the fight much earlier than the
usual hour. They were afraid that Ghatotkacha, being a rakshas would grow in strength as the
evening approaches. Rakshas become more powerful during the night. At the order of Bhishma
the Kauravas army withdraw to their camps.

Death of his eight brothers, has caused Duryodhana to lose his sleep. Everyone else was asleep,
tired with exhaustion of the day’s fight. Only he was awake. His mind was in turbulence. He was
unable to sleep. His jealousy over the brothers right from child-hood is continuing even in war
front and that was fueled by the thought of the death of his eight brothers while none of the
pandava brothers had been slained.

Exercise-4 for  fourth  chapter.

Awareness while doing an action only brings knowledge of the Self. Most of the time we are not
fully aware while doing any action of mental, oral or physical. This leads to imperfection and
delays. This is common sense. But there is more to this practicing awareness. 

       Bhima kills 99 brothers in the end. what does Bhima represent?  He represent "Present" and
presence will come only in awareness. Always our minds goes back in past and future and never
in present. This way the Ego is boosted. Ego is powerless in the present.
    Be aware of the present and it is very powerful to see how the Ego becomes restless in the
present. When there is awareness the Ego is shy. Do this practice for a week.

Gita  Chapter -5
The Yoga of Renunciation of Action

(Karma-Sannyasa Yoga)

Arjuna said to Krishna, You tell me to do Renunciation of actions to gain knowledge, and also
praise about the Yoga of action (non-doer ship attitude while doing any action) . Now tell me,
conclusively that which is the better of the two?

Krishna said, “Renunciation and Yoga of action both lead to the Knowledge of the Self. But out
of the two, Yoga of action is superior to the renunciation of action for a person who lives in a
society.  For a Sanyasi (Monk) path of renunciation of action is the best means. So there is no
question of superiority among the two, in-fact the wise say both the path are one. This means
that   Knowledge (Gnana) obtained by renunciation of action (Sanyasa) and knowledge obtained
by giving up doer-ship (Karma-Yoga)of actions are one and the same.

“’I do nothing at all’, thus would the knower of Truth think—seeing, hearing, touching, smelling,
eating, going, sleeping, breathing, speaking, letting go, seizing, opening and closing the eyes are
all actions performed by my body and not me. I am not the body and the mind or Ego, but I am
the one who  "Witness"  all that is happening in the body and mind.   In reality I am action-less
but aware of what is going in and out of this body and mind.

Arjuna asks Krishna how to know that I am not the body but the one who witness or aware of

Krishna gives the technique of Pranayama to Arjuna in this chapter.

“Shutting out all external contacts and fixing the gaze between the eyebrows, equalizing the
outgoing and incoming breaths moving within the nostrils, with senses, mind and intellect ever
controlled, having liberation as his supreme goal, free from desire, fear and anger—the sage is
verily liberated for ever” .

Fifth Day of Mahabharata War.

On the fifth day of the war, Bhishma chose to arrange his army in Makarvyuha. Arjuna,
Yudhisthira and Dhristadhyumna decided for the Hawk formation of their Army. All the warriors
of both sides were assigned to specific places in the formations with special responsibilities.

Bhima tried to break the Kaurava army phalanx and Bhishma confronted him. Duryodhana went
to Drona and told him that he  should kill the Pandavas, so that the death of Duryodhana’s
brother was avenged.  Duryodhana and Bhima were using their skills to smash each other with
their mighty maces. Abhimanyu had emerged as a new hero on the Pandava side. He was giving
a good account of himself by killing a number of warriors. He hurt Lakshamana, the son of

Satyaki too gave an excellent account of himself. He fought with Bhurishrava. The sun was
setting and the fighters were tired and exhausted. There faces were drawn and haggard. Bhishma
announced the end of the days fighting. All with drew to their camps to tend their wounds and to
take whatever rest they could possibly get.

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