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Appendix A:

Risk Assessment

Electronic File Reference: BTC004-B210-CM-PRO-00096-A06 Page 1 of 53

AGT Pipeline Project
Spie Petrofac Risk Assessment/Mitigation Register
Document Title: Risk Assessment Date: 05.08.2004
Document Type: Risk Assessment Kura West River Crossing
Document Owner: Action Owner: Activity:
J.C. Meyer / T. Harris JV Construction Manager (J. Vizcaino) Kura West River Crossing Construction
Actions Register #

Pre Responsible Action(s) Checke
# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
1. IDENTIFIED HAZARD H  Normal working hours should be respected and excessive L Construction Manager Pipeline H&S H&S
EXCEEDING WORKING overtime avoided (over an hour); Site Superintendent Department Manage
HOURS- EXPOSURE TO  During extreme weather conditions working schedule shall be r
ADVERSE WEATHER advised by Project Site Management;
 An adequate enclosed heated shelter will be provided at the
work location for drying the clothes. This will also serve as a
Daylight working hours: from lunch break / rest break area;
07.00 hrs until 19.00hrs.
 This shall be kept in good sanitary condition at all times;
Breaks: Lunch Break from 1200
hrs until 1300 hrs. Rest Break  Adequate supply of drinking water;
from 10.00 hrs until 10.15 hrs and  When working after daylight, generator and sufficient light poles
from 15.30 hrs until 15.45 hrs. shall be install to provide light to the working area and site office
Note: Working hours may change yard;
depending on site conditions,  Lightning will also be provided to the travel area on the ROW,
daylight hours and construction for the workers returning to the parking area;
schedule. Contractor shall obtain  Signage will be posted in English & Georgian.
COMPANY approval prior to
changing the working hours.
 Employee’s exertion and
likelihood of
 Night time work in adverse
weather conditions, cold,
2. IDENTIFIED HAZARDS M  Wearing of PPE - H/V jackets, safety hats, safety boots, and L Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
FAILING TO WEAR safety glasses - is a mandatory requirement on site. Department Safety
APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL  Labourers shall also wear gloves; Officers
PROTECTION EQUIPMENT  Extra protection will be worn if specific hazards are identified
ASSOCIATED RISKS and if required by weather conditions;
 Personnel injuries;  Life rings will be provided along the open trench;
 Crushing of personnel;  Plant operators will have life jackets in the cabins; life jackets

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# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
 Personnel being hit by will be allocated to each person working near the trench;
machinery;  Life saving equipment (throw lines, life rings, retrieval poles,
 Getting trapped in the pinch boat with the trained operators, life jackets where applicable and
points; hypothermic kits, emergency numbers, etc. shall be available
 Falling into the trench of before the work commences.
 Drowning.
3. IDENTIFIED HAZARD M  Mobile Phones and Radios will be provided for:  L Site Superintendent Pipeline H&S H&S
ABSENCE OF COMMUNICATION 1) Site Supervisors Department Manage
ASSOCIATED RISKS: 2) Medical Staff
 Escalating factor in case of 3) Safety officers
incidents/accidents 4) Drivers
5) Traffic control
 All of the above will have an emergency phone list.
 Use of mobile phones while driving is forbidden.
 Each driver shall have a copy of the Emergency response Plan in
his vehicle.
4. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: H  Medical Provider “Medi Club” will provide: L Construction Manager Pipeline H&S H&S
ABSENCE OF MEDICAL/FIRST 1) One Paramedic; Site Superintendent Department Manage
2) One fully equipped Ambulance for emergency with the
fully dedicated driver. Trauma and crash extraction will
have to be available/on call within 30 minutes;
3) Camps, Clinic in the camp;
 Escalating factor in case of
incidents/accidents;  Due to the fact that the local hospitals cannot provide an
acceptable level of emergency health care, serious cases will
 Hypothermia from cold and be conveyed to the Medi Club Clinic in Tbilisi, while less
from water exposure. serious cases will be treated at the Akhaltsikhe Camp
MediClub Clinic;
 One First Aider and One Advanced First Aider will be part of
each working crew;
 A First aid kit suitable for trauma response with burn blankets
shall be made available at site or readily available by
 Wool blankets and hypothermia kit will also be provided;
 Life saving equipment (throw lines, life rings, retrieval poles,
boat with the trained operators, life jackets where applicable
and hypothermic kits, emergency numbers, etc. shall be
available before the work commences;
 Doctor numbers along with emergency numbers will be posted

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# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
on site.
5. M  The workforce will conform to the approved Project Emergency L Construction Manager Pipeline H&S Safety
IDENTIFIED HAZARD: Response Plan; Department officer
PLAN IN CASE OF  Site will be equipped with hand held warning horns; life jackets
EMEGERGENCY (e.g. Fire) will be equipped with whistles;
 In case of fire or any other emergency, employees shall cease
work immediately and assemble at designated Emergency
 Escalating factor in case of  All vehicles/equipment shall carry an Emergency Response
emergency Plan in the glove box;
 Approved Fire Extinguishers will be available for all classes of
fire relative to the work being undertaken;
 All drivers/operators shall be trained in basic fire fighting and
with the handling of fire extinguishers.
6. H  Before commencing their daily driving duty, drivers will be M Journey Managers Pipeline H&S H&S
IDENTIFIED HAZARD: advised of any hazards or potential hazards that are on their Department Manage
 All vehicles will be equipped with fire extinguishers, first aid
kits, including burn blankets and warning triangles;
ASSOSIATED RISKS:  If conditions require, they will use their emergency
flashers/hazard warning lights;
 CONTRACTOR will be
transporting personnel daily  Drivers daily checklist and trip log will be completed by the
between the ROW and living drivers;
facilities (the Alhaltsike camp  Toolbox talks will be held on regular basis;
and camp David) – risk of  Driver and passenger will wear seat belts at all times;
vehicle accident related
 Travel will be mainly in daylight hours. Any night driving will be
trauma (Effected range from
approved by COMPANY;
minor to lethal);
 List of authorised vehicles and drivers will be available in
 Travel through busy
CONTRACTOR H&S Department for checking;
villages/Vehicle and
pedestrian interface – risk of  Night time driving is authorised until 10.00 PM. All drivers must
incidents involving third party; sign in and out when leaving the working area for any reason;
 Night driving – risk of incident.  All drivers will undergo winter driving training. Night drivers will
also undergo night driving training;
 Poor vision, or poor surface
condition risk of plant  Snow chains will be used if necessary;
incidents;  All drivers will be trained in BP “Road to Better Driving”;
 Personnel injuries / fatality;  All vehicles will be equipped with black boxes and Project
 Property Damage; speed limits will be adhered to;
 Environmental  Dipped headlights are mandatory when driving;
Pollution/spills.  Random alcohol and drugs tests will be performed for all

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Pre Responsible Action(s) Checke
# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
drivers and plant operators;
 Crews will leave work site earlier if weather deteriorates to the
extent that work can not proceed safely;
 Construction superintendent will perform toolbox talks with the
working crew prior to work commencing, about potential
7. L Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
IDENTIFIED HAZARD:  All equipment will be third party tested prior to work start; Department Manage
 The equipment operator shall be certified; r
EQUIPMENT  Equipment operators shall perform daily documented
equipment inspections;
 Equipment found with any defects shall be withdrawn from
ASSOSIATED RISKS: service until it has been repaired;
 Personnel injuries and fatality;
 A dedicated mechanic will be assigned for Kura activities;
 Slips, Trips, and Falls;
 Before work activity commences, the crews will be given
 Personnel being hit by Toolbox Talks on the hazards and potential hazards of working
machinery; over or near water.
 Getting trapped in the pinch  Foreman will inspect work area before work activity
points; commences. Check for any unknown hazards. Ensure that only
 Overhead hazards. authorised personnel to be in the vicinity of the river crossing
work area.
 Flagmen will be employed to control the movement of
 Goal posts will be installed near the overhead cables.
 The hydraulics to be locked out and booms cylinders blocked.
8. H  Ensure that a visit by the “Public Awareness Team” has been M Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S Safety
IDENTIFIED HAZARD: carried prior to work commencing; Department officer
THE WORK AREA BEFORE  A proper survey will be done to identify hazards that could be
COMMENCEMENT OF THE present in the working area such as overhead power/telephone
WORK lines and crumbling zones;
 Ensure that these Hazards have been mitigated;
ASSOCIATED RISKS:  Ensure that goal posts with bunting and proper signs have been
 Personal Injury or Fatality; installed for the safe movement of the vehicles and equipment
 Property Damage; underneath them;
 Community related
 Drowning;
 Fire.  Ensure that life jacket, life saver and life line are properly placed
and always available in close proximity of temporary bridge and
water filled trench;

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Pre Responsible Action(s) Checke
# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
 Ensure that the crewmembers are fully aware of the contents of
the Risk assessment and it is explained during a kick off
 Ensure that the boat is inspected daily, fully operational at all
times, fuelled and ready to launch.
9. IDENTIFIED HAZARD H  Induction training and daily Toolbox talks by Construction M Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
STRINGING CONCRETE supervisor and Site Safety Representative; Department
 Ensure that all the River Crossing crews know and understand
the JSA, their daily work activity, and informed of the hazards r
The line pipe for both the BTC &
SCP has already been concreted and potential risks encountered working over and near water;
coated and transported to site. In  Ensure that there is sufficient clearance for the tail swing of the
the temporary lay down area. side boom from other equipment;
Pipe will be relocated from  Use only qualified and tested operators;
temporary lay down to the final lay
down/launch pad area called:  Use 3 point contact when accessing and exiting machines;
”PLATFORM”.  Banksmen and labourers will remain in a safe distance from
operating equipment and will only approach after making eye
ASSOCIATED RISKS contact with the operator;
 Equipments accident related
 Banksmen will accompany all equipment in a crowded area
trauma (effects range from
where employees are mobile, including site office area, when
minor lethal);
nearing the pipe work, tie-ins and equipment repair area.
 Struck by and crush injuries
during stringing pipe;
 Tipping hazard;
 Equipment and pedestrian

10. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: H  Most appropriate lifting appliance (Side booms, etc.) and lifting L Site superintendent Pipeline H&S Safety
PIPE LIFTING BY SIDE BOOMS equipment (slings, belts, hooks, shackles etc.) shall be Department
AND TRANSPORTATION FROM Site Supervisor officer
employed for the operation;
 Lifting appliances and lifting equipment shall be certified and
SWL clearly indicated on the lifting equipment;

 Only trained, certified and competent personnel shall be used

for lifting and rigging operations and operating the lifting
ASSOCIATED RISKS:  Lifting appliance and lifting equipment have to be inspected by
 Personal Injury or Fatality; competent person on a daily basis;
 Property Damage;
 Prior to lifting & rigging operation, a thorough survey of the
 Slipping of brakes due to
working place shall be carried out and all obstacles and hazards
moister and ice;
shall be clearly identified (safe distance shall be kept from
 Tipping / rollover, crushing,
overhead power lines or any other hazardous utility);
rolling of pipe; collapse of
skids;  If the site is crowded, or third party intrusion is possible, load

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# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
swing area shall be barricading;
 Operator to ensure that the pipe is slung correctly;
 Banksmen shall accompany each piece of equipment;
 Ground conditions shall be evaluated by competent person to
ensure that safe lift can be performed;
 Charge’s weight shall be determined prior to starting any lifting
 If weight of the charge exceeds 20t or 50% of lifting appliance’s
lifting capacity, than a lifting plan shall be established by
competent person;
 Slinging method shall be established and carried out by
competent personnel;
 Convenient communication system shall be established
between lifting appliance’s operator and flagmen;
 Operator to kept eye contact with the banksmen always;
 Ensure that stable ground and level travel area are in place to
prevent tipping and rollover;
 All operators shall ensure that the brakes on the sideboom are
dry before starting work;
 Sling rods or reach rods will be used when necessary to prevent
personnel going between or under the pipe to place slings or
belts when the pipe is placed close together.
11. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: H  Daily Toolbox talks by Construction supervisor and Safety Site M Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
WELDING UP PIPE STRINGS Representative. Department Manage
 All workers wear the appropriate PPE for their work activity. r
Line will be prefabricated into  Welders shall wear appropriate PPE and wear full face visor.
strings of five pipes and then will  Welder’s helpers will wear safety goggles and fullface visor
be placed on the BTC roller for when using grinders or brushes;
welding, NDT and coating.  Only trained and approved persons shall use power grinders
fitted with guards;
 Ensure that the work area is clear of tripping hazards;
ASSOCIATED RISKS:  Use a Striker to ignite gas;
 Hand and finger injuries,  Ignite Acetylene first, and then turn on the Oxygen;
 Pinch points;  Ensure that flash back arrestors are fitted in the gas supply
 Foot injuries; hoses;
 Falling into the ditch,
 Burns,  Area will be cleared of all inflammable material before starting
 Flying objects, i.e. piece of any welding or cutting operations and shields put in place to
wire and metal, stop the passing workers being affected by arc flash;
 Scrapes radiation;  All gas cylinders will be stored up right and chained in purpose
 Burns Arc eye; built bottle racks with protective cylinder caps in place;

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# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
 Tight work area and  All cylinder gauges shall be in undamaged condition;
 Oxygen and fuel gas will be separated in different racks;
 Slips, trips, falls, struck by,
caught between, crushing;  Metal worker to wear appropriate PPE;
 Working with electrical in wet  Ensure that pipe is properly skidded up and chocked;
areas and adverse weather.  Ensure that an approved and fully charged fire extinguisher shall
be made available at all times during welding operations;
 Proper grounding will take place.
12. IDENTIFIED HAZARD H  Before the work activity of the river crossing commences, all the L Site Manager Pipeline H&S H&S
crew members involved in the construction will attend on the site Department Manage
safety meeting were they will be made aware of the contents of r
the Method Statement and Risk Assessment, the hazards and
ASSOCIATED RISKS: potential hazards of working on the river crossing operation
 Movement of equipment; crossing the main pipeline ROW;
 Condensed work area;
 Method Statement and Risk Assessment to be at work location
 Drowning;
 Struck by;
 Night work;  A JSA will be discussed and the workers will be made aware of
 Exposure to harsh the hazards and potential hazards of their work activity;
environment including the  Appropriate PPE will be worn by all workers, including life
waterways. jackets, when necessary;
 Site will be provided with heated rooms, washrooms and
lightning in accordance with the Method statement.
13. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: H  Daily Toolbox talks by Construction supervisor and Site Safety L Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
CONSTRUCTING ACCESS Representative; Department Manage
 All personnel to wear appropriate PPE for the task being carried
 Ensure that only qualified and very well experienced operators
ASSOCIATED RISKS: are operating the equipment;
 Ensure that audible reversing alarms are working on the
 Slips Trips, and Falls construction vehicles/equipment;
 Trapping Exposure  Ensure that the work area is clear of unauthorised personnel
 Crushing and the local population;
 Noise
 Ensure that Banksmen/flagmen are in eye contact with the
 Moving construction
operators at all times;
 Dust and Airborne particles  Ensure that Buoyancy lines are rigged across the river both
 Eye exposure, falls from upstream and downstream;
different levels  All the personnel on or in close proximity to water shall wear a
 Drowning, High Visibility approved personal flotation device. They will be
 Falling of equipment trained in the proper use and care of the flotation equipment;
 A rescue boat positioned downstream shall be on location
during working hours in case employees fall in and are swept
away. Boat operator will be trained and experienced;

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# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
 There will be two persons trained to operate the boat. Two
persons will be in the boat (one for operation, one for rescue);
 A pole substantial enough to support the weight of a person
shall be available to rescue employees;
 Life rings will be placed along the bank of the excavation on
both sides and when necessary they will be placed in close
proximity of the activities taken place;
 Ensure that a suitable fire extinguisher is in the work place and
suitable first aid kits available;
 First Aid Kit suitable for trauma response with burn blankets
shall be made available at site.
 Proper lightning will be in place, in accordance with the Method
14. IDENTIFIED HAZARD:  Daily Toolbox talks by Construction supervisor and Site Safety
DIVERSION DAM Representative to ensure that all the River Crossing crew know
INSTALLATION, H M Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
and understand the JSA, Method Statement, Risk Assessment,
their daily work activity, and be informed of the hazards and
potential risks encountered working over or near water process;
 Adhere to environmental requirements;
 Drowning, Falling, and  Induction training for all employees;
Struck by;  Ensure that all underground services are identified and
 Trapping exposure, mitigation measures are taken to minimize the hazard working in
Crushing exposure; close proximity to underground services.
 Confined space;  If any underground service is identified, ensure that warning
 Noise; signs are erected close to highlighting the hazard;
 Moving construction
 Excavator operator to maintain smooth tail movement and watch
for tail swing on the rotating backhoe;
 Dust and Airborne particles;
 Eye exposure;  The tail swing radius area shall be barricaded off;
 Falls from different levels;  Only certified and competent operators to operate excavators;
 Overhead and underground  All equipment will be certified;
 Only competent person supervises the excavation activity and is
available at all time during working hours;
 Permit will be required when entering the trench;
 Banksmen/labourers will remain at a safe distance from
operating equipment and will only approach after making eye
contact with the operator;
 Ensure that the work area is clear from unauthorised personnel;
 Special care must be taken while surveyors are measuring the
depth of the ditch;
 All personnel on or in close proximity to water shall wear a High
Visibility life jacket. They will be trained in the proper use and

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Pre Responsible Action(s) Checke
# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
care of the flotation equipment;
 All site personnel will wear appropriate PPE.
PREPARATION AND  Daily Toolbox talks by Construction supervisor and Site Safety
INSTALLING PIPE ROLLERS Representative to ensure that all crew members know and
understand the JSA, Method Statement, Risk Assessment, their
ASSOCIATED RISKS: daily work activity, and be informed of the hazards and potential
 Drowning, risks encountered working over or near water process;
Falling, and Struck by;
 Night shift workers are not allowed to work in close proximity to
 Trapping
water, where there s a hazard of drowning;
exposure, Crushing exposure;
 Noise;  Only certified and competent operators will operate equipments.
 Moving  Only competent person supervises the earth work activity and is
construction equipment; available at all time during working hours;
 Pinch points;  Ensure that Banksmen are in eye contact with the operators at
 Drowning; all times and able to give signals to the excavator operator;
 Dust and
 Banksmen/labourers will remain at a safe distance from
Airborne particles;
operating equipment and will only approach after making eye
 Eye exposure;
contact with the operator;
 Electrocution.
 All grounding practices must be in pace including RCD’s –
residual current device, GFCI’s – ground fault circuit


 When platform and roller foundations are ready, lifting and

placing Pipe Roller will be done by Side Boom. See Item No 12.


 Ensure that competent person supervises the excavation activity

and is available at all time during working hours;
 Ensure that the work area is clear of unauthorised personnel;
 All personnel on or in close proximity to water shall wear a High
Visibility life jacket. They will be trained in the proper use and
care of the flotation equipment;
 Wear appropriate PPE;
 All equipment must be certified;
 All operators must be certified.

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Pre Responsible Action(s) Checke
# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
16.  Ensure that all the River Crossing crew know and understand
IDENTIFIED HAZARD: the JSA, Method Statement, Risk Assessment, their daily work
H M Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
activity, and be informed of the hazards and potential risks
encountered working over or near water process;
 Ensure that the river crossing foreman only or his designated
deputy give authorised signals to the side boom/excavator
After welding, NDT, FJC and
coating, 3x 5 pipes strings will be  Pipes strings will be pushed to the trench and supported on the
pushed to the trench and water by flotation devices;
supported on the water by  In case of any puncture due to accident or vandalism, spare
flotation devices. flotation device must be provided on site;
 Warning signs will be installed near the water where potential
hazard of drowning is present;
 Devices as personal floatation vests, life rings or buoys attached
 Struck by moving equipment.
to life line must be placed at or near areas where bodies of
 Falls on uneven ground.
water present a reasonable potential hazard of drowning;
 Pinch points.
 Crushing injuries.  Signal horn “type air horn” must be situated at well-defined
 Ground failure locations for use in the event of an emergency;
 Drowning  For rescue boat (with petrol engine), operated by an
experienced operator, is provided and kept ready for immediate
use when employees are working on or near equipment in
vicinity of bodies of water. There will be two persons in the boat
– one to operate and one for rescue;
 Adequate life lines available as per regulations;
 Ensure that Banks men are in eye contact with the operators at
all times and able to give signals to the excavator operator;
 Banksmen/labourers will remain at a safe distance from
operating equipment and will only approach after making eye
contact with the operator;
 All personnel will wear appropriate PPE;
 No unauthorised personnel in the hazard area;
 3x 5 pipes strings will be pushed by Side Booms to the trench
and supported by flotation devices as per Item No 12;
 Pipelines will be lowered by the removal of successive flotation
 Removal operation of all flotation will be done by Competent
and Certified Diver;
 Diver shall wear appropriate diving PPE and must be trained in
the proper use and care of his equipment;
 All personnel on or in close proximity to water shall wear a High
Visibility life jacket.
 Workers will be trained in the proper use and care of the

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# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
flotation equipment.

17. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: M  Ensure that all machines are removed from the river and parked L Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
REMOVING EQUIPMENT FROM up safety and night security in place; Department Manage
 A proper method Statement will be followed for removal of
 Slips, Trips, and Falls
 Hand and Finger exposure

18. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: H  All drivers/operators to ensure that engine is switched off, L Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S Safety
UNSAFE REFUELING OF brakes applied when refuelling takes place; Department officer
 Mobile phones are not to be used in the vicinity of refuelling;
 All equipment must be bonded / grounded during refuelling
 Fuel truck drivers to be trained in spill prevention and
 Spill clean up kit and drip tray to be carried in fuel truck;
 Appropriate fire fighting equipment to be carried on refuelling
 Environmental Pollution/Oil
Spill  All refuelling must be performed at least 50M away from
 Fire; watercourse;
 Eye injuries.  No smoking during refuelling operations;
“NO USE OF MOBILE PHONES” to be placed when re-fuelling
19. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: M  Dedicated security personnel will be assigned to the KURA L Site Superintendent Pipeline Security
UNAUTHORISED VISITORS TO River Site in accordance with the approved security procedure Security
(Kura River Crossing SECURITY PROCEDURE – BTC00 Manage
THE WORK PLACE – Department
Pipeline Safety
 Security personnel will be equipped with radios and/or mobile Department
phones, in accordance with the approved security procedure.
 Barbed wire fence will be installed at each side of the AGT FCI-
 Non-project related Manage
ROW to prevent livestock and members of public entering the
personnel and children r
construction site;
entering site – Risks of
 Access to work place is unauthorised for non-project related
accident involving the third
 To prevent public entering the construction area, security guards
 Cattle entering site – risk will be deployed at strategic points. They will also perform
of falling into the trench; scheduled walking rounds along the fencing perimeter and the
 Wild animals or stray yard. (Guards will not enter the hazard zone created by open

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# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
dogs entering site – risk of trench;
bites.  Security will keep a regular check of the fence. Daily inspection
 Risk Security of of the fence will be documented;
personnel whilst working.  All work has to stop if non-project related personnel are present
in the working area;
 Risk of Fraud, pilfering,
vandalism and theft.  Visitors must undergo a complete Spie Capag - Petrofac Visitors
Safety Induction, which should be documented and available for
 Mugging, burglary, armed inspection. Any visitors must be accompanied by a member of
robbery, carjacking, smuggling the Spie - Petrofac / Subcontractor workforce;
and kidnapping.
 All visitors must sign in/out on the visitors log sheet;
 Site block off and
 Visitors must wear appropriate PPE at all times on site.

20. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: M This Risk Assessment is a “living document”. As such, if or when L Site Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
NEW OR UNFORESEEN new or unforeseen hazards or missing mitigation steps arise, they Department Manage
HAZARDS OR MISSING shall be added to this Risk Assessment by specific directions given r
MITIGATION STEPS by the SPJV H&S Department, Supervisor and SPJV Site
Management, taking into account the project safety documents and
in consultation with Company HS advisor.
If any potentially hazardous activity, i.e. ROW clearing, Excavating,
Winching / Pulling, securing of pipe, etc. has to suffer any
significant change to the approved Method Statement, the site
supervisor will suspend activity and inform the spread boss and
senior safety advisor.
The work shall not commence unless the risks of revised work are
assessed, new hazards identified, and associated risk mitigated.
Change will be documented by revised risk assessment and an
updated method Statement.
21. CLOSE OF WORK ACTIVITY H  Leave the work area clean and tidy. L Crew Supervisor Pipeline H&S H&S
 All Waste shall be placed in drums and bins, which shall be Department Manage
emptied regularly. r

22. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: M  Installation Works scheduled to ensure the main eastern L Construction Manager Construction Project
FLASH FLOOD OF THE RIVER channel is closed for the minimum time period; Site Superintendent Manager Manage
 Dams to be designed and installed to cope with a rise in the
water levels based on historical data;
 Western Channel to be dredged to cope with a rise in the
ASSOCIATED RISKS: water levels based on historical data;
 Breaching of Dams  All works in the river beds to be complete by the end of
 Possible Loss or Damage to February 2005;
Pipe String
 Close monitoring of the weather forecast and river

Electronic File Reference: BTC004-B210-CM-PRO-00096-A06 Page 13 of 53

Pre Responsible Action(s) Checke
# Risk Description Actions Mitigatio
Mitigation For Implementing Verified By d By
conditions upstream of crossing during the installation period;
 Contingency Plan in place to lower the pipe string to the
bottom of the trench should a flash flood occur;
 Excess pumping capacity available to cope with sudden
rise in water levels;
 Contingency Plan to open Eastern Channel dam early (as
soon as pipe(s) laid) though a narrower river bed to ease water
flow in the Western Channel;
23. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: M  Close monitoring of progress against detailed programme L Construction Manager Project Project
DELAY IN PROGRESS OF THE of works to identify any slippage before becoming critical; Manager Director
 Possibility to mobilise additional resources from the Spread
1 works to supplement resources;
 Failure to complete the  Contingency plan to only partially complete the SCP
crossing in accordance with crossing (positive bank to island) and then complete BTC as
the schedule priority with SCP completed late summer 2005;
 Failure to compete the BTC
Pipeline by 31 March 2004
 Increased risk of flood as water
levels rise in Spring

24. IDENTIFIED HAZARD: L  Construction team experienced with installation of river L Construction Manager Project Project
LOSS OR TOTAL DAMAGE TO crossings; Manager Director
 Installation Works scheduled to ensure the main eastern
channel is closed for the minimum time period;
 Failure to compete the BTC  All works in the river beds to be complete by the end of
Pipeline by 31 March 2004 February 2005;
 Close monitoring of the weather forecast and river
conditions upstream of crossing during the installation period;
 Contingency Plan in place to lower the pipe string to the
bottom of the trench should a flash flood occur;
 Contingency Plan to open Eastern Channel dam early (as soon
as pipe(s) laid) though a narrower river bed to ease water flow in
the Western Channel;

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