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 ID Code: 400251543

No12, Sulkhan Tsintsadze Street
Tbilisi 0160, Georgia


Employee Readiness and Responsiveness Plan

May 29, 2020

I. Risk assessment
The development of the present Plan was preceded by a thorough risk assessment procedure. The
gained results were compared based on the Resolution No01-227/O of the Minister of Health,
Labour and Social Affairs of Georgia of May 29, 2020 „On approving the recommendations to
prevent the propagation of new Coronavirus (COVID-19)”, and it was established that the
activities to be realized by AIS LLC. . Based on the Resolution, it was determined that the
company AIS LLC belongs to the average level of risk of infection of employees with COVID-
19; present an average risk of COVID-19 infection of the company employees;

The average-risk work is done at such worksites where the employees are required to have
frequent and/or close contact with one another (closer than at a 2-m distance). By considering the
given risk level, the company will develop control mechanisms envisaged by the Plan and will
try to minimize the risk. The risk control mechanisms were developed by considering the
hierarchy of hazard control recognized and recommended by the Department of Labor

The hierarchy of control mechanisms is as follows:

II. Control mechanisms
By considering the world pandemic, the first two steps of the hierarchy of the international norms of
hazards and risks (“Elimination” and “Substitution”) are impossible to omit with regard to the
disease. Therefore, in order to manage COVID-19 spread risks, AIS LLC applies the other three
steps: “Hazard isolation”, “Procedures” and “Personal Protective Equipment”.

Hazard isolation. Hygienic-technical control measures

1. Physical isolation of the representatives of virus-transmission risk-group from other

The risk-group includes all employees and visitors, if they:

 Left the countries where the virus spread is high in within the last 14 days
 • have been in the territorial units of Georgia declared as closed quarantine zone, or had a
contacts with those living (or temporarily being) at such territories;
 Have been in close contact with a person / persons who were Coronavirus carriers for the
past 14 days (they must be self-isolated/quarantined as decided by the state);
 Have symptoms typical to respiratory infection (cough, temperature, sneezing, shortness of
breath, general fatigue, etc.);
 Belong to the group with a high risk of being infected with COVID-19 and have
complications: who are over 70 years old, or have chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes, bronchial asthma and respiratory problems).

The personnel will be inquired with the questionnaire given in Annex 1. The person
permitting the entrance to the facility will require all entrants to fill in the questionnaire and
is authorized not to admit a person to the territory of the company (workplace) if the entrant
answers positively to any of the questions.

2. When a person from a risk group is identified

After filling in the questionnaire given in Annex 1, or fixing the relevant symptoms by the
employer or violating the mandatory requirements, the entity/entities must leave the territory
immediately and must be taken to a medical establishment to take a test by the special
vehicle and personnel from the said establishment.

3. Measuring the body temperature

All entrants to the territory of the company (workplace) are obliged to measure the
temperature at arriving at office and have the measurement data registered in a relevant log.
In case of body temperature higher than 37°C, an employee shall not be admitted to the

4. Complete and regular disinfection of the company workplace

The office and all depositories, as well as company workplaces shall be wet-cleaned
regularly, twice a working day with disinfectants.
The door handles and all spots frequently touched with hand must be cleaned. Besides, all
surfaces touched by visitors or other entities shall be cleaned immediately (e.g. tables,
computer keyboards, telephone sets, buttons, door handles, switching buttons, etc.).
Overall disinfection shall be undertaken in every 10-14 days.

5. Workplace aeration/ventilation

The complete workplace of the company must be regularly ventilated during the lunch-time
or breaks by using the company ventilation system. At places where natural ventilation is
possible, the doors/windows must be opened and the rooms must be aerated.

6. Availability of disinfectants

Disinfectant barriers, disinfectants, gloves and masks will be made available at the
company workplaces.

7. Waste management

Medical waste bin(s) (with closable lids) shall be provided at the designated locations of the
objects with relevant warning sign “For medical waste only” for the disposal of used masks
and gloves. The medical waste shall be disposed by the relevant entity duly authorized under
the Waste Management Code.

8. Dining facility

The washstand near the dining facility must be equipped with disinfectant
dispenser/pulverizer, and the hand washing instructions and disposable tissue papers must be
provided at the washstand.
The personnel must keep a 2-meter distance with one another during the meals.

III. Procedures - administrative control measures

1. The present Readiness and Response Plan for Infectious Diseases shall
be approved without delay.

The Plan shall be communicated to all management members. The requirements and
recommendations of the Plan shall be communicated to all employees as a guideline. The
guideline is strictly requested to be fulfilled by all employees.

2. The working practice and specifics shall be permanently updated so that the
gatherings and close contacts of the employees should be brought to minimum.

Minimizing the contacts between the employers, the employees and other persons at the
workplace by using remote working principle.
Introducing alternating days or working shifts to reduce the total number of employees
working at the establishment/object at the same time;
Providing the updated information to the employees and third/other entities;
Holding trainings and instructions for the employees regarding the risks of the virus spread
and preventive control measures (e.g. coughing etiquette, hand-washing etiquette, PPE
maintenance, etc.) in the language understandable for them;
Holding the trainings for the employees regarding the correct use and further storage/disposal
of the personal protection equipment (PPE).
The current layout of the workplaces and employees shall be reviewed and a minimum 2-
meter distance shall be provided between the employees’ workplaces, or transparent barriers
shall be installed between the employees. The presence of more than one person at gathering
locations, such as a dining hall, cloakrooms, etc. must be prohibited, or a distance of at least
2 m must be kept among the people.

3. Mandatory rules of conduct for employees in terms of the current emergency

were developed. Mandatory rules for the employees' behavior regarding COVID 19
emergency situation have been developed.

Annex 2 gives presents the mandatory rules of conduct for employees. These standards must
be communicated to all employees as a guideline to be strictly followed up.

Annex 3 gives presents tthe topics of the guideline developed by considering the
requirements given in the present Plan and national and international recommendations

provided by the reliable sources, such as WHO. All employees were given the relevant

4. Mandatory/information signs must be provided all over the workplace

Mandatory/information signs reminding the employees about the following issues shall be
provided at the workplace (in the corridors, on the doors, at the staircases and entrances,
- Rules to use and dispose PPE;
- Personal hygiene standards (washing and disinfecting hands);
- Distancing (keeping distance of min. 2 m from other employees);
- Limiting physical contacts (hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc.);
- Contact information (whom to contact in case of having symptoms).

5. Personal protection equipment (PPE)

The necessary PPEs shall be supplied at the workplace: masks, disposable gloves and hand
disinfectants. The said PPE shall be provided at easily accessible locations over the territory
familiar to every employee and must be duly marked.
During the instruction, all employees will be informed about the rules to use the PPE.
The entities not equipped with PPE will not be allowed to the workplace.
Using masks is obligatory.
All types of PPEs: must be selected in compliance with the type of work to do; must be
adapted to the work and employee; must be checked for compliance regularly and if
damaged, must be maintained or replaced.

6. Final provision
After applying the control mechanisms listed above, the company will evaluate the risks as
soon as possible.

Annex 1
Mandatory questionnaire

If your answer to any of the questions below is YES,

you have to notify the Company Manager without delay!

1. Did you travel abroad within the last 14 days?

2. Did you travel to any of the quarantined municipality within the last 14 days?
3. Did you have close contacts with a coronavirus carrier(s) within the last 14 days?
4. Did you have symptoms typical to a respiratory infection (cough, temperature, sneezing,
shortness of breath, general fatigue, etc.)?
5. Do you belong to the group with a high risk of being infected with COVID-19 and
developing complications: over 70 years old, or have chronic diseases (cardiovascular
diseases, diabetes, bronchial asthma and respiratory problems)?

Special registration log of entities entering

the facility in terms of emergency

Checking Respiratory
Data about Body Contact Signatu
N time and symptoms Note
employees temperature (Yes/No) re
date (Yes/No)

Annex 2

Rules of conduct at the company workplace (territory) in terms of COVID-19


 Adhere to hygienic rules at the workplace;

 While working, use the emergency response action plan specified by the
employer’s/labor safety manager;
 Do not shake hands when greeting and avoid contacts with other people (touching, etc.);
 Avoid gatherings, adhere to the recommendation by keeping a safe distance (at least 2
 During the work, use the PPEs provided by the employer;
 Before and after completing the work, clean the working sites and tools used during the
work with disinfectants;
 Additional hand hygiene:
1. Before and after the meals;
2. After coughing or sneezing;
3. After touching money;
4. After going to the toilet;
 If soap and water are not readily available to wash your hands, use an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer to clean your hands. However, keep in mind that the best way is to wash your
hands with soap and water.
 Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of
your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash.
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. When working, fix your hair to minimize
touches with face and hair.
 Remember that wearing metal earrings and rings or using hair gels is not expedient;
 If the work needs handling with money and monetary products, use gloves. If possible,
the given type of work should be done by two workers.
 Borrowing or changing personal PPE, clothes, personal items or mobile phone is

Annex 3

Sample topics for managers delivering the instructions to the personnel and
responsible for their control

What is Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

• The new Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a group of viruses, with an animal as the
original source of infecting humans causing respiratory infections, starting from the
general cold through a severe respiratory syndrome.

• An outbreak of the virus among the people was first fixed in Hubei Province, China in
December of 2019.

How Does Coronavirus (COVID-19) Spread?

• By the respiratory droplets - coughing, sneezing – when approaching an infected
person nearer than 1 m;
• By touching eyes, mouth of nose with infected hands; by close contact with an
infected person: touching, shaking hands.
• By contact with a fecal mask.

What are COVID-19 symptoms?

• Coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, pneumonia.

Who is at high risk?

• People over 70.

• People with severe chronic diseases.

How can we protect ourselves from Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

- Observe the rules of hygiene at your workplace.
- Clean the working surfaces and tools with disinfectants.
- Wash your hands regularly with water and soap or with an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer. Always carry an alcohol-based antiseptic solution with you.
- Regularly clean the surfaces of your phone, keyboard and table and door handles
with antibacterial liquids.
- When using mobile phone/phone remember that you touched the phone, which
can be a potential source of virus spread. Regularly use disinfectants.
- When working, fix your hair to minimize touch with face and hair.
- Try to stay at least 2 meters away from other people, particularly from people
who cough, sneeze and/or have high body temperature; 

- Avoid contact with other people (hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc.) and keep
a safe distance (at least 2 meters) from other people.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth;
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the
inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues in the trash.
- If you have high body temperature, cough and shortness of breath, apply to the
doctor without delay, particularly if you traveled in the countries with virus or doubt
that had a contact with a virus carrier.
- Regularly aerate your living and working spaces and be sure that the air
circulation, temperature and humidity are adequate.
- Before and after the meals and after going to the toilet, wash your hands carefully
with soap and water and dry them well.
- If it is impossible to wash and dry your hands, use an alcohol-based hand
sanitizer to clean your hands.
- Borrowing or changing personal PPE, clothes, personal items or mobile phone is

The company introduces the relevant practice of hygiene and infection control and
for this purpose, the company:
 Developed an emergency action plan notwithstanding whether the cases of infection are
identified, what will help reduce the working days missed due to illness and prevent the
spread of the disease in case of proved cases.
 Will check the personnel health state before starting the work;
 Will inform all employees, contractor and cleaning personnel about the safe working
procedures and virus spread prevention;
 Will ensure the remote work where possible;
 Will ventilate the closed spaces and depositories with natural ventilation and to wet clean
and disinfect the working sites regularly, several times a day;
 Will schedule sanitary breaks during the work and assign a person, who will duly treat
the working space;
 Will try to find the means to reduce cash and promote remote payments;
 Will provide at building entrances disinfectant barriers with mandatory marking;
 Will provide hand hygienic sanitizers and display the rules of using them at a visible
 Will be sure that the employees have an access to hand hygienic sanitizers (including
liquid soap and paper tissues) and facial masks;
 Will dispose the used hygienic means in closed containers and their timely disposal form
the building by the relevant entity/service;
 Will ensure regular treatment of mobile/city phones after use;
 Will limit the number of visitors to the office, establish control and develop the relevant
plan for gradual entrance of visitors;
 Will install transparent barriers on the working tables where the employee has a contact
with visitors to avoid the infection risk with respiratory droplets, or to equip the
employees with facial shields, gloves and relevant medical masks as the least measure;
 Will equip the employees with PPEs;
 Will use mandatory conventional marks to keep safe distance among the visitors (on the
floor, walls or other visible sites as relevant stickers/drawings);

Teimuraz Matitashvili, Signature ____________________________

Director of AIS LLC.


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