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“PE 100 at 100psig - 13 years of success”

Yannis Savidis, Thomas Hill
Advantica Technologies, UK

ABSTRACT work on stress crack resistance and RCP resis-

tance of the MDPE resins, and established the critical pressures
PE 100 has allowed Transco, the largest UK natural gas dis- above which PE pipes are at risk of RCP, which limited the
tribution company, to develop a 7 bar (100psig) polyethylene operational pressures of MDPE pipes to 5.5 bar (80psig).
(PE) distribution network. This paper outlines the work that RCP resistance decreases with diameter, so Transco de-rated
was undertaken in taking this technology from the polymer the operational pressures of MDPE pipes as the diameter
chemists laboratory to the gas engineers trench, from early increased in their codes of practice, so large diameter PE
work on long term strength, resistance to crack propagation, pipes are operated at pressures significantly lower than those
installation issues such as fusion welding, proximity distances permissible based on stress rupture design criteria alone.
to operational issues such as emergency flowstopping.
Today, the PE mains network extends to almost 120,000 km
(75,000 miles) in sizes up to 630 mm (24 inches) and is accep-
INTRODUCTION ted as the prime material for gas distribution.

Polyethylene (PE) pipe was first used as pressure pipe in In the early 1980s, Transco engineers wanted to extend the
the US in the 1950s. These first materials were high density pressure capability of PE pipes to allow the widely known
polyethylenes (HDPEs), which were prone to stress cracking benefits of PE to be used at pressures up to 7 bar (100psig).
and had poor resistance to rapid crack propagation (RCP). The materials available at this time were not capable of safely
Despite this, the benefits of PE over metallic systems were meeting these requirements, but polymer manufacturers
quickly proven. The PE systems were lightweight and easier were making significant steps in understanding how to control
to handle than metallic pipes, and were not at risk of corrosion. the polymerisation process to achieve the desired material
PE pipe could be supplied in coils, reducing the number of properties.
joints to be made, and was flexible enough to negotiate bends
during installation. Jointing could be achieved above ground, Solvay made a breakthrough in the mid 1980s by producing
allowing narrower trenches to be used. Developments such an HDPE rated at PE 100 with excellent resistance to both
as electrofusion made jointing extremely reliable and rapid. SCG and RCP, and this was widely proclaimed as the ‘third
The pipe could be squeezed to stop the gas flow without long generation’ of PE. PE 100 rated resins were the only PE
term damage, giving emergency and routine flowstopping at materials that offered the balance of required properties to
minimum cost. allow the use of PE at the pressures desired.

In 1969, Transco started construction of a PE gas distribution

system, using Dupont Aldyl A material at pressures up to 4
bar (60psig). The majority of the UK distribution network
operates at low pressure (<75mbar 1psig) with a small propor-
tion at 2 bar (30psig). This second generation medium density
polyethylene (MDPE) material was less crystalline than the
first generation materials, giving improved resistance to slow
crack growth (SCG) and RCP. Advantica carried out significant

Contact information
PE100+ Association, NL-7300 AC Apeldoorn, P.O.Box 137, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 555 393 405, Fax +31 555 393 685. E-mail:, 1|6

Rapid Crack Propagation (RCP)

A fast running longitudinal brittle fracture can occur in a
pressurized pipe subject to impact, and this is known as RCP.
Extensive work on RCP in PE pipes was carried out by
Advantica 4 (Greig et al) in the 1980s and 1990s, and this
What is PE 100? determined the need to de-rate pressures as diameter increa-
ses. The issue of RCP resistance with a 7 bar pipeline,
The precise definition of PE 100 is covered with clarity particularly with the large diameters (up to 400 mm) is obviously
elsewhere 1, but essentially PE materials that are classified as of paramount importance, given the fact that these pipelines
PE 100 are theoretically capable of operating at a stress of usually run cross country between towns or villages. A fast
10MPa for 50 years. This corresponds to a pressure of 20 bar running fracture could destroy a long length of pipeline, and
(280psig) with SDR 11 pipe. ISO 4437 2 specifies a safety this has happened on a number of occasions worldwide 5
factor of 2, giving a maximum operating pressure of 10 bar where designers have neglected to include the risk of RCP in
(145psig). Due to the fact that pipelines above 7 bar (100psi) their calculations.
bar are subject to taxation in the UK, it was decided to limit
the PE 100 pipe network to a pressure of 7 bar. This led to a
safety factor of 20/7= 2.9.

Balancing the properties of PE 100 resins

For application at high operating pressures, PE pipes must

have the required strength for the design life, resistance to
SCG, and resistance to RCP. Changing the properties of a
resin might improve one aspect of performance, but have a
detrimental affect on the others.

Long term strength

Long term strength is usually measured by carrying out a Figure 1: Arrest of a fast running fracture in PE 100
series of long term hydrostatic tests at specific stresses at
controlled temperatures and analysing the time to failure re-
sults following the protocol in ISO TR 9080 3, which uses a Transco perform a hydrostatic strength test during commis-
lower confidence limit to determine the minimum required sioning at 1.5 times the operating pressure, followed by a leak
strength classification. test at the operational pressure. It is therefore necessary to
ensure that the critical pressure for RCP is above 10.5 bar.
Transco specify that all PE 100 resins are tested in a full scale
Stress crack resistance RCP test at 0oC (32oF) at 14 bar (200psig), at the largest
diameter in the size range. Additionally, campaign tests are
Stress concentrations caused by environmental factors such carried out at 21 bar (300 psig) on each batch of resin supplied
as rock impingement or scratches will act as crack initiation from the manufacturers, which ensures that there is an RCP
points. Pipe materials for high pressure applications require safety factor of at least twice the highest pneumatic pressure
excellent resistance to SCG. Advantica carried out extensive encountered by the pipeline. Figure 1 illustrates the superior
notch pipe testing at elevated temperature on the Solvay PE resistance to RCP of PE 100 (orange) in comparison to PE
100 material, to confirm the material had superior SCG perfor- 80- (yellow). The propagating fracture, running from left to
mance. right, is arrested within a short distance in the PE 100 material.

Contact information
PE100+ Association, NL-7300 AC Apeldoorn, P.O.Box 137, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 555 393 405, Fax +31 555 393 685. E-mail:, 2|6

Use at low temperatures

Gas is supplied to distribution systems following pressure
reduction from higher pressures. Typically, pressures will be
reduced from around 20 bar (290 psig) to 7 bar (100psig). The
process of reducing the pressure in a regulator causes Joule- Butt fusion
Thompson cooling. In the relatively temperate UK winter, gas
temperatures can be as low as 5oC (41oF). This can result in Correctly made butt fusion joints are as strong as plain pipe.
the gas temperature falling to as low as –20oC (-4oF) downst- The control of melt temperature is highly critical to producing
ream of the regulator. Transco usually install water bath heaters a good butt weld and to minimise the risk of poor welds, which
to preheat the gas to an acceptable temperature, but these is especially critical with higher pressures, fully automatic
heaters can fail and are expensive to install and maintain. It machines are used for all PE construction in Transco. Automatic
is therefore important that the performance of any pipe con- machines minimise the time between hot plate removal and
nected downstream of a pressure reduction station is well butting of the pipes, and this ensures that the melt temperature
understood at the low temperatures that can be experienced. has not fallen below critical levels. The fusion procedures
The risk for PE pipe is that of brittle failure, either of the joints, developed by Advantica for Transco are broadly similar for PE
or by impact on the pipe, which may lead to RCP. This can be 100 and PE 80, with slight differences in applied pressure
mitigated by installing steel pipe immediately after the pressure during bead up and heat soak.
reduction station, for sufficient length to allow the gas to warm
up to an acceptable temperature before making the transition
to PE pipe. Advantica undertook a test programme to determine Inspection of butt fusion welds
the capability of various grades of PE material, temperatures
down to –20oC (-4oF), at various diameters and pressures. Advantica has evaluated a number of Non Destructive Tech-
This was carried out on both pipe and fittings, and acceptable niques over the years, including radiography and ultrasonics
performance criteria have been established. Advantica has for assessing the quality of butt joints. None has proved
developed a software package ”HTREC” for Transco that sufficiently reliable or cost effective for field implementation.
calculates temperature recovery after pressure reduction. Advantica developed a simple in-field butt fusion quality control
technique, relying on removal and inspection of the external
weld bead. External and hydraulically powered internal weld
bead removal tools are available from a number of manufac-
turers. For PE 100 pipelines, it is common practice to remove
the internal weld bead to improve the flow capacity, and remove
the potential notch in the pipe bore, which reduces the risk of
compromising the strength of the pipe. Removal and inspection
of the external weld bead will reveal any pipe misalignment.
The width of the external weld bead is checked using a standard
min-max gap gauge. For PE 100, new butt fusion bead gauges
had to be developed. The quality control of the fusion process
is highly important, and both the weld beads and the print out
records from each joint are kept for inspection on PE 100
pipeline projects.

Contact information
PE100+ Association, NL-7300 AC Apeldoorn, P.O.Box 137, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 555 393 405, Fax +31 555 393 685. E-mail:, 3|6

proximity distances. Where PE 100 pipe is laid in areas where

it may be prone to impact damage, or where specified proximity
distances cannot be maintained, reinforced concrete sections,
welded mesh metal sheet or steel capping plate is used.
In rural or cross-country locations, pipe is laid deeper than in
urban environments, due to the increased risk of farming
activities damaging the pipelines.

Position of valves

Figure 2: External debeading Valves are installed in PE 100 lines at operationally desirable
locations, such as on the outlets of a tee, branches or connec-
tions. Special crossings, such as river crossings, are valved
either side. Pressure points and rider points are also installed
Electrofusion either side of valves, to allow their safe use and maintenance.
Due to the volumes of gas likely to be released following a
Electrofusion is also used as a jointing technique for PE 100 strike, regular positioning of valves is desirable, especially in
pipe, mostly for connection of tie-ins. A range of special fittings urban environments.
has been developed in conjunction with fitting manufacturers,
and fully approved fittings up to 400 mm have been used in
Transco. These fittings have been tested to a higher specif- Marking and protection
ication than fittings for the PE 80 system and are designa-
ted ”Class C”. Most of the Class C fittings are existing products Marker tape is laid directly above the PE 100 mains to warn
for PE 80 pipe (Class B) that have achieved Class C rating, excavators of the position of the pipeline. Detectable marker
enabling them to be used on the PE 100 network. Fusion tape is specified. Individual lengths of marker tape are con-
compatibility between PE 100 and PE 80 resins used in the nected together, and is in turn connected to marker posts and
fittings has been assessed, and found to be satisfactory. earthed to allow detection by induced current, but provision
Larger fittings from European suppliers have recently been is made for electrical isolation to allow direct connection of
approved, and some of these are manufactured from PE 100 cable location equipment, or for continuity testing. Marker
resins. The size range of fittings is more restricted than that posts are positioned at boundaries, such as hedges between
available for the PE 80 system, due to the limited demand, fields, adjacent to fences, at special crossings, and along road
but manufacturers are more inclined to develop new fittings sides at the extremity of the public highway. Marker posts are
for PE 100 pipe now it is clear that this is a well established also used to identify changes in direction of the main.

Commissioning a new PE 100 pipeline

Proximity distances and depth of cover
It is difficult to accurately measure leakage on large pipe
Advantica carried out both experimental and computational volumes during commissioning pressure testing. For polyethy-
work to determine the effect of 7 bar (100psig) pipes failing lene pipe, a period of time must elapse to avoid viscoelastic
at pressure, both in terms of the risk from the emanating creep affecting the measured pressure. This creep is significant
projectiles, and the risk of ignition of the released gas. Due when the pressures are high. Also small temperature variations
to the higher pressure of the gas within the pipe, proximity can mask pressure changes resulting from leakage. Advantica
distances for 7 bar (100psig) PE pipe are significantly higher has developed a solution to both these problems, which enables
than those required for 4 bar (60psig) pipe. For pipes above several miles of large diameter PE pipe to be accurately
180 mm in diameter operating at 7 bar, the energy of escaping leakage tested in a fraction of the time required using conven-
gas was judged to be high enough to warrant even greater tional techniques 6. The APT (Advanced Pressure Test) equip-

Contact information
PE100+ Association, NL-7300 AC Apeldoorn, P.O.Box 137, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 555 393 405, Fax +31 555 393 685. E-mail:, 4|6

ment incorporates software with built in creep compensation

algorithms based on sound knowledge of polyethylene beha-
viour. The advanced pressure test system measures the
temperature change of all the air in the pipe using acoustics.
A loudspeakerand microphone is placed inside the pipe and
a pulse echo technique is used to measure the sound speed. Emergency procedures
The speed of sound varies with temperature, and this is used
to determine average changes down to 0.001oC. This data is Emergency flowstopping was a major concern in the early
then used to compensate the pressure readings. In addition days of PE 100. Squeeze off is the standard Transco technique
to the pneumatic leakage test at the operational pressure, for flowstopping of PE pipelines, and this was used within
Transco perform a hydrotest on PE 100 pipelines at 1.5 times Transco on PE 100 lines. There was concern over internal
the operating pressure to test the strength of the pipeline. cracks that can develop when squeeze off is released from
large diameter, thick wall PE 100 pipes, and for this reason,
it was mandatory to cut out and replace PE 100 pipe sections
that had been subject to squeeze off within 6 months.
Advantica has recently developed squeeze off procedures for
PE 100 that have been proven not to have an impact on the
50 year design life of PE 100 pipes. This has been achieved
by close control of the squeeze off, and in particular, the
squeeze release process. Up to 180 mm (6”), standard squeeze
off equipment can be used. Above this size, specialist equipment
has been developed 7 which provides precise control over the
squeeze off process, allowing squeeze off of pipes up to
355mm (12”). For sizes above 400 mm (14”), Advantica are
working with equipment suppliers to develop folding head
stopple fittings. Prototype fittings have been produced, and
initial testing is proving encouraging.

Figure 3: Advanced Pressure Testing using acoustics and creep correction


Figure 4: Squeeze off trials on PE 100 at low temperature

Contact information
PE100+ Association, NL-7300 AC Apeldoorn, P.O.Box 137, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 555 393 405, Fax +31 555 393 685. E-mail:, 5|6

Branch connections Success story

A range of 7 bar (100psig) rated branch saddles has been To date, over 400 miles (700 km) of PE 100 pipe has been
developed, allowing offtakes of 63 mm (2”) and 90 mm (3”) installed in diameters up to 400 mm (14”) in the UK. PE 100
for pipe sizes up to 400 mm (14”). Further developments for is now the preferred material in the majority of 7 bar (100psig)
large diameter flowstopping are likely to make larger offtakes installations in the UK. The initial reluctance of design engineers
available. to specify the material has now been overcome, by tackling
issues such as resistance to RCP, large diameter flowstopping
and in field quality control of jointing.
History of PE 100 use in Transco

The first 7 bar gas installation using PE 100 was undertaken

in 1989 on the island of Mersea near Colchester in the South
East of England. Mersea Island is separated from the mainland
by saltmarshes and mudflats. The only access was by means
of a road built on a causeway that was liable to flooding at
high tide. There had been considerable interest from the 10,000
villagers of West Mersea in getting natural gas. A feasibility
study undertaken in 1988 to establish whether it was econo-
mically feasible. Two identified options were to lay 7.1 km (x
miles) of 4” and 6” steel pipe, operating at 4 bar (60psig) or
to construct a 180 mm SDR 11 line, operating at 7 bar (100psig).
The PE 100 solution was adopted. A number of issues were Author:
identified during this project, including that of how to conduct Yannis Savidis
a pressure test on a pipe subject to viscoelastic creep. Since Senior Engineer
then, PE 100 has been widely used in the UK, with notable Utility Distribution
projects being a 7 km 355 mm reinforcement project around Tel.: +44 (0) 150 928 2678
Swindon in 2001, which required several road and ditch E-mail:


PE 100: Performance Plus- S D Sandstrum, 16th International Plastic Pipe Fuel Gas Symposium,

November 1999, New Orleans

ISO 4437- Buried Polyethylene (PE) Pipes for Supply of Gaseous Fuels- Metric Series- Specifications
ISO TR 9080 - Plastic Piping and Ducting Systems – Determination of Long Term Hydrostatic Strength of Thermoplastic

Materials in Pipe Form by Extrapolation

Rapid Crack Propagation in Polyethylene Gas Pipes - J M Greig Plastics Pipes IX, Edinburgh UK, September 1995.
RCP, after 25 years of debates, finally mastered by two ISO tests- P Vanspeybroeck, Plastics Pipes XI,

Munich, Germany, September 2001

Pressure testing of polyethylene pipes using acoustic temperature measurement – R Ashworth, Plastics Pipes XI,

Munich, Germany, September 2001

Development of flowstop systems for large diameter polyethylene mains D Morgan & T Hill, Plastics Pipes XI,

Munich, Germany, September 2001

Contact information
PE100+ Association, NL-7300 AC Apeldoorn, P.O.Box 137, The Netherlands
Tel. +31 555 393 405, Fax +31 555 393 685. E-mail:, 6|6

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