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Public Institution Gymnasium Frăsineşti APPROVED _____________


For the 2017-2018 ACADEMIC YEAR
ENGLISH LANGUAGE Discipline 8 –th form
Total number of hours -68
Status of the Curricular Area Number of Number Student‘ s Authors
discipline Content Units of tests book

Compulsory Language and 8 8 English for Galina Burdeniuc

communication Life
Elizaveta Onefereiciuc

Marcela Calchei

EFL Teacher : MIHAILOV ALA, II-ND DIDACTIC DEGREE Discussed at the chair meeting
Coordinated with Deputy Headmaster On __
Head of the Foreign Language Chair ____________



Didactic Degree

Status of School Curricular Area Form Nr of Content Total nr Student‘s Book Authors
Discipline Units of
Compulsory Language and VIII 8 68 English for life Galina burdeniuc, Elisaveta
Comminication Onofreiciuc,Emilia Fabian
Area Competence Sub-competence

1.Communicative 1.1. Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current situation.
Competence: 1.2. Understanding the general meaning of an oral message
Reception of an oral 1.3. Identifying the logical order of passages in an oral message.
message 1.4. Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation.
1.5. Identifying key words and expressions, related to the topic of immmediate importance.
2. Communicative and 2.1.Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
Pragmatic Competence 2.2. Describing personal experience, school experiences, events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects.
Producing oral 2.3 Describing personal objects from the students ′ immediate environment ,using a set of familiar phrases and
messages and expressions.
interaction 2.4 Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple direct questions.
2.5. Producing short announcements on a predictable topic .The announcements are prepared in advance ,

edited and memorized.

2.6 Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.
3.Socio-multicultural 3.1.Identifying certain details of simple texts on the topic referred to the students‘ immediate environment.
Competence: 3.2 Defining the form and logical structure of a non-literary text.
Knowing other cultures and 3.3. Identifying relations among characters of various texts.
personalities 3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
3.5. Identifying some details/ specific information from written messages.

4.Interdisciplinary 4.1.Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary scenery using the

competnce:Applying various appropriate vocabulary
startegies of perception and 4.2.Editing functional texts.
production, specific to 4.3. Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience.
related school subjects. 4.4. Editing logically structured biographies of real characters ,using a set of familiar words and expressions
4.5. Getting to know linguistic and cultural similarities and differences of functional texts about natural riches
of the country,historical monuments and wild animals.

5. Civic Competnce: 5.1. Identifying and describing the means of communication and information: press, radio in English-Speaking
Forming values and Countries and Moldova.
attitudes. 5.2.Identifying English-Speaking Countries cultural and hystorical symbols.
5.3. Identifying characrteristics of the target society of some significant aspects of daily life .

Competences Sub-competnces UNIT I Topic Date Notes

Communicative Participating in simple oral conversations by speaking about plans and expectations for the Introductory lesson: 06-IX
competnce course. Setting goals for the
Revising the grammar from the previous form. new academic year.
Testing the knowledge and skills acquired the previous year Initial Test Paper 07-IX
Communicative and 2.6 Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.1.1. Lessson 1. On 13-IX
pragmatic 1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral message vacation
competence 4.4. Editing logically structured biographies of real characters ,using a set of familiar words
Interdisciplinary and expressions
competence 2.2 Describing personal experience, school experiences, events, undertaken activities,
intentions and projects
2.4 Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
direct questions
Communicative 2.2 Describing personal experience, school experiences, events, undertaken activities, Lesson 2.Blackboard 14-IX
competnce intentions and projects vs computer
Linguistic 1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral message
Comptence 2.4 Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
Pragmatic direct questions
competence 3.1.Identifying certain details of simple texts on the topic referred to the students‘
immediate environment.
3.3. Identifying relations among characters of various texts.
3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Communicative and 3.1 Selecting information from several texts to perform structured work tasks. Lesson 3.Life Events. 20-IX
pragmatic 3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar word from the context.
competence 2.1 Conveying information from texts on a topic of interest.
Interdisciplinary 2.5 Expressing agreement/ disagreement regarding the views expressed in an exchange of
competence ideas on topics of interest.
1.4 Selecting relevant information from the passages of informative texts, instructions,
tables, maps to perform a task.

Communicative and 1.1. Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic. Lesson 4. Time 21-IX
pragmatic 2.2 Describing personal experience, school experiences, events, undertaken activities, management.
competence intentions and projects.
Interdisciplinary 2.4 Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
competence direct questions.
3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar word from the context.
3.3 Identifying some details/ specific information from written messages.
4.4 Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary
4.Knowledge of literary texts which belong to the culture of English –Speaking Countries.
Communicative 2.1 Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic. Lesson 5. Civilization: 27-IX
competnce 2.3 Describing personal objects from the students ′ immediate environment ,using a set of Fast facts.
Linguistic familiar phrases and expressions.
Comptence 3.4 Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Pragmatic 2.5. Producing short announcements on a predictable topic .The announcements are
competence prepared in advance , edited and memorized
11.Knowledge of famous people from
Linguistic Using Introductory it is and there is/are Lesson 6. Grammar 28-IX
competnce Using Collectiv nouns page
Communicative - Testing the level of written and/ or oral knowledge and skills acquired while studying the Lesson 7 .ROUND 4-X
competence current unit. (I) UP.
Linguistic Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the unit Summative evaluation 5-X
Communicative and - Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic. UNIT II. 11-X
pragmatic -Identifying the logical order of passages in an oral message. Lesson 1. Politeness
competence - Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience

Interdisciplinary -Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary
competence scenery , experience.
- Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Communicative - Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple Lesson 2. It s not 12-X
competnce direct questions. about you.It s about
Linguistic -Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar word from the context. people around you.
Comptence - Identifying some details/ specific information from written messages.
Pragmatic - Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
competence - Identifying key words and expressions, related to the topic of immmediate importance.
Communicative Describing everyday activities, habits. Lesson3. To lie or not 18-X
competnce Describing people from the students ′ immediate environment ,using a set of simple familiar to lie.
Linguistic phrases and expressions.
Comptence Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Pragmatic Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
competence Identifying the logical order of passages in an oral message.
Editing logically structured biographies of real characters ,using a set of familiar words and
Knowledge of famous people from English-Speaking Countries.
Communicative and Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple Lesson 4. Jobs . 19-X
pragmatic direct questions.
competence Talking about different jobs and their importance of having a job.
Interdisciplinary Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
competence Knowledge and respect of the norms of written communication on the topic referred to the
students′ everyday life(personal letter).
Comparing objects and ways of expressing feelings and emotions, preferences, tastes, and
Communicative and Identifying cultural and historical symbols from the English- Speaking Countries. Lesson 5. Civilization: 25-X
pragmatic Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages. Museums.
competence Identifying relations among characters of various texts.
Interdisciplinary Understanding the general meaning of an oral message..

competence Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
direct questions.
Editing logically structured biographies of real characters, using a set of familiar words and
Linguistic Using Adjectives as Collective nouns Lesson 6. Grammar 26-X
competence Using modal should + have to+ Participle II. page.
Linguistic - Testing the level of written and/ or oral knowledge and skills acquired while studying the Lesson 6. Round Up 8-XI
competence current unit. (II )
competnce Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the unit Summative Evaluation 9-XI
Sociocultural Describing people from the students ′ immediate environment ,using a set of simple familiar UNIT III. 15-XI
competnce phrases and expressions. Lesson 1. Heroes of
Interdisciplinary Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context. our time.
competence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Identifying the logical order of passages in an oral message.
Editing logically structured biographies of real characters ,using a set of familiar words and
Knowledge of famous people from English-Speaking Countries.
Communicative and Describing personal experience, school experiences, events, undertaken activities, intentions Lesson 2.The way we 16-XI
pragmatic and projects. dress.
competence Identifying the importance of having and wearing a school uniform from a non literary text.
Interdisciplinary Identifying key words and expressions, related to the topic of immmediate importance.
competence Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary
Civic copmpetence scenery , experience.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
Communicative and Understanding the general meaning of an oral message. Lesson3. Who am I? 22-XI
pragmatic Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation.
competence Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
Interdisciplinary Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
competence direct questions.

Civic copmpetence Editing logically structured biographies of real characters, using a set of familiar words and
Communicative and Identifying key words and expressions, related to the topic of immediate importance. Lesson 4. Body image. 23-XI
pragmatic Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
competence Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
Interdisciplinary direct questions.
competence Identifying and describing musical genres.
Editing logically structured biographies of real characters ,using a set of familiar words and
Communicative and Understanding the general meaning of an oral message. Lesson 5. Civilization : 29-XI
pragmatic Identifying key words and expressions , related to the topic of immediate importance. Body language.
competence Describing personal experience, school experience, events , undertaken activities , intentions
Interdisciplinary and projects.
competence Identifying relations among the characters of various texts.
Linguistic Using the indefinite pronouns and adverbs Lesson 6. Grammar 30-XI
competence Using the Reflexive and emphatic pronouns, page.
Linguistic - Testing the level of written and/ or oral knowledge and skills acquired while studying the Lesson 7. Round Up. 6-XII
competence current unit. (III)
- Testing the knowledge and skills acquired in this unit. (III)
Linguistic Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the unit Summative Evaluation 7-XII
competence (unit III)Test analyse 13-XII
Communicative and Describing people from the students ′ immediate environment ,using a set of simple familiar UNIT IV 14-XII
pragmatic phrases and expressions. Lesson 1.Boredom is
competence Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context. not an option.
Interdisciplinary Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
competence Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.
Identifying relations among characters of various texts.
Communicative and Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple Lesson 2. Teen 20-XII
pragmatic direct questions. Bestsellers
competence Identifying key words and expressions, related to the topic of immmediate importance.

Interdisciplinary Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
competence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
Communicative and Understanding the general meaning of an oral message Lesson 3. Never give
pragmatic Describing personal experience, school experience, events , undertaken activities , up.
competence intentions and projects.
Interdisciplinary Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
competence Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.
Socio -multicultural Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
competence Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
direct questions
Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary
Communicative and Understanding key words and expressions, related to the topic of immediate importance. Lesson 4. Travelling to
pragmatic Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple the world of stars
competence direct questions.
Interdisciplinary Defining the form and logical structure of a non literary text.
competence Identifying details from functional texts.
Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary
Communicative and Describing great explorers, using a set of simple phrases and expresions. Lesson 5.
pragmatic Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages. Civilization.Welcome
competence Identifying certain details of simple texts on the topic referred to the students' immediate to the world of
Interdisciplinary environment. wonderlust!
competence Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary
Linguistic Using Relative pronouns Lesson 6. Grammar
competence Using Perfect and Perfect progressive Tenses. page
Using Passive Constructions

Linguistic - Testing the level of written and/ or oral knowledge and skills acquired while studying the Lesson 7. ROUND UP
competence current unit. (III)
- Testing the knowledge and skills acquired in this unit. (III)
Linguistic Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the unit Summative Evaluation
Communicative and Understanding the general meaning of an oral message. UNIT V
pragmatic Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation. Lesson 1.Holidays.
competence Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
Interdisciplinary Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
competence direct questions.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience.
Describing national holidays , customs , traditions specific to English- Speaking countries.
Communicative Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple Lesson 2. Presents
competnce direct questions. and Wishes.
Linguistic Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages
Comptence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Pragmatic Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation.
competence Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience.
Comparing traditional holidays in English-Speaking Countries and Moldova.
Communicative and Producing short announcements on a predictable familiar topic. Lesson 3.School
pragmatic Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation. Traditions.
competence Editing logically structured biographies of real and imaginary characters ,using a set of
Interdisciplinary familiar words and expressions.
competence Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
direct questions.
Identifying the details from functional texts.
Editing functional texts.
Communicative Understanding the general meaning of an oral message. Lesson 4. Enjoying
competnce Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation. together

Linguistic Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
Comptence Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
Pragmatic direct questions.
competence Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience..
Communicative and Identifying similarities and differences between weddings in different countries ,using a set Leson 5. Civilization
pragmatic of simple familiar phrases and expressions. .Old and
competence Identifying relations among the characters of various texts. new,different and the
Interdisciplinary Identifying the main ideas of a message related to the topic of immediate importance. same
competence Editing logically structured biographies of real and imaginary characters,using a set of
familiar words and expressions
Linguistic Using Sequence of tenses Lesson 6. Grammar
competence Using Conditionals page
Using I wish.
Linguistic - Testing the level of written and/ or oral knowledge and skills acquired while studying the Lesson 7 .Round up
competence current unit. (V) lesson

Linguistic Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the unit Summative evaluation
competence (Unit V)
Communicative and Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple UNIT VI
pragmatic direct questions. Lesson 1. The news
competence Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages you care about.
Interdisciplinary Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
competence Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation.
Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience.
Communicative Producing short announcements on a predictable familiar topic. Lesson 2.Things we
competnce Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation. see around us.
Linguistic Editing logically structured biographies of real and imaginary characters ,using a set of
Comptence familiar words and expressions.
Pragmatic Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple

competence direct questions.
Identifying the details from functional texts.
Describing familiar places ,using a set of familiar words and expressions.
Communicative and Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions Lesson 3.Good comes
pragmatic and projects. from doing good.
competence Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Interdisciplinary Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
competence Identifying the logical order of passages in an oral message.
Editing logically structured biographies of real characters ,using a set of familiar words and
Communicative Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from Lesson 4.Be wise
competnce the students ‘ immediate environment. snakes, innocent as
Linguistic Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions doves
Comptence and projects.
Pragmatic Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
competence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
Communicative and Producing short announcements on a predictable familiar topic. Lesson 5.Civilization:
pragmatic I Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages The streets of London
competence dentifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation.
Interdisciplinary Editing logically structured biographies of real and imaginary characters ,using a set of
competence familiar words and expressions.
Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple
direct questions.
Identifying the details from functional texts.
Linguistic Using Attributive and Predicative adjectives Lesson6. Grammar
competence Using Participle adjectives page.
Linguistic - Testing the level of written and/ or oral knowledge and skills acquired while studying the Lesson 7. Round Up
competence current unit. (VI)
Linguistic Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the unit Summative Evaluation

Communicative Describing people from the students ′ immediate environment ,using a set of simple familiar UNIT VII
competnce phrases and expressions. Lesson 1. How much
Linguistic Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context. do you know about
Comptence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message. Moldova?_
Pragmatic Identifying the logical order of passages in an oral message.
competence Editing logically structured biographies of real characters ,using a set of familiar words and
Civic competence expressions.
Knowledge of famous people from Moldova.
Communicative and Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from Lesson 2.Economic
pragmatic the students ‘ immediate environment. and social life
competence Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions
Interdisciplinary and projects.
competence Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Civic competence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
Communicative Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from Lesson 3.National
competnce the students ‘ immediate environment. heritage
Linguistic Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions
Comptence and projects.
Pragmatic Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
competence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
Communicative and Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from Lesson 4.Home sweet
pragmatic the students ‘ immediate environment. home
competence Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions
Interdisciplinary and projects.
competence Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience

Communicative and Identifying relations from the characters of various texts (familiar, friendly, official) Lesson 5.Civilization>
pragmatic Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from From the past to the
competence the students ‘ immediate environment. future
Interdisciplinary Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions
competence and projects.
Civic competence Editing certain structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary scenery.
Using Inversions Lesson 6. Grammar
Using Complex Object page
- Testing the level of written and/ or oral knowledge and skills acquired while studying the Lesson 7. Round Up
current unit. (VII)

Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the unit Summative Evaluation
(Unit VII)
Communicative Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from UNIT VIII
competnce the students ‘ immediate environment. Lesson 1. Friends of
Linguistic Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions the Earth, unite!
Comptence and projects.
Pragmatic Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
competence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Civic competence Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
Communicative and Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing responses to simple Lesson 2.Be respectful
pragmatic direct questions. to the nature!
competence Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages
Interdisciplinary Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
competence Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation.
Civic competence Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience.
Communicative and Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from Lesson 3.Protect the
pragmatic the students ‘ immediate environment. beauty of the
competence Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions countyside!

Interdisciplinary and projects.
competence Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context.
Civic competence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
Communicative Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from Lesson 4. Today
competnce the students ‘ immediate environment. Green means
Linguistic Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions someone who cares
Comptence and projects. about the
Pragmatic Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context. environment
competence Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
Civic competence Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities and personal experience
Linguistic - Testing the level of written and/ or oral knowledge and skills acquired while studying the Lesson 7 Round Up
competence current unit. (VIII)

Linguistic Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the current year. Final Evaluation
Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired while studying the current year. Test analyse
Communicative Identifying relations from the characters of various texts (familiar, friendly, official) Lesson 5. Civilization:
competnce Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to events and situations from British tastes
Linguistic the students ‘ immediate environment. Lesson 6 Grammar
Comptence Describing personal experience, school experience, events, undertaken activities, intentions page
Pragmatic and projects.
competence Editing certain structured descriptions of objects, places, real and imaginary scenery.


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