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1. Which of the following would be classed as an in service fault?

Shrinkage crack
Fatigue crack
Grinding crack
All could be service faults
2. The following is a definition, A flaw which exceeds the minimum acceptability level. Which of the
following is correct?
3. A linear indication is observed at a change in section between thin and thick material. What is the most
probable cause for this bleedout?
Cold shut
Shrink cracks
Hot Tear
Both shrink cracks and hot tear
Both cold shut and shrink cracks
4. Which of the following faults is more likely to be found in a forged product?
Cold shut
Both lap and porosity
5. A number of cutting tools were insepcted with fluorescent penetrants and showed a number of fine
linear type indications running in all directions on the surface of the carbide tips. What is the probable
cause of these indications?
Lack of bond between tip and tool
Cold shuts
Grinding cracks
Shrinkage crack
6. Which of the following would best be used to eliminate false indications when removing excess
background fluorescent penetrant?
A black light installed at the wash station
Increase the water wash pressure to 10 bar
Change to a colour contrast system
Carry out the inspection without a developer
7. If inclusions need to be detected using liquid penetrant inspection, how should the part be treated prior
to inspection?
Smooth surface grind to pull out any oxide
Machine from the surface 0.01 inche to expose the inclusions
Polish the surface to reduce the penetrants contact angle increasing penetrability
Pickle the part to remove the included oxide
8. Which of the following techniques would give best sensitivity when testing smooth non porous ceramic
Filtered particle
Post emulsifiable fluorescent
Water washable fluorescent
All the above will give the same sensitivity
Ceramics cannot be inspected with penetrants
9. Why is it important that the development period is observed at regular intervals?
To save time as soon as indications occur
To see indications with highest definition
To observe excessive so that the area can be dry wiped, developer re-applied for better definition of
Both To see indications with highest definition and To observe excessive so that the area can be dry
wiped, developer re-applied for better definition of indications
10. Which of the following faults would require the longest penetrant dwell time?
Fatigue cracks
Stress corrosion cracks
Intergranular corrosion cracks
All of the above
Both stress corrosion cracks and intergranular cracks
11. When carrying out leak test with a liquid penetrant which of the following is likely to give the best
Fluorescent green
Colour contrast green
Fluorescent red
Colour contrast red
12. A wheel is press fitted on to a shaft with dovetail joint. When this area is penetrant inspected a regular
pattern of sharo christmas tree shaped indications is observed. How are these indications classified?
False indications
True - non relevant indications
True - relevant indications
False - non relevant
13. When parts are to be inspected and liquid oxygen compatability is of prime importance, what type of
penetrant materials are preferred?
Completely water soluble materials
Oil based materials
Materials made from completely volatile elements
Any of the above could be used
14. Which of the following can cause a fluorescent penetrant to loose some of its fluorescent brightness?
Exposure to heat
Exposure to sunlight
Exposure to black light
All of the above
15. When de-wetting of a parts surface occurs due to contamination by oil from fingerprints, what type of
glove is recommended after further cleaning to stop the reoccurence of this problem?
16. Which type of inspection would use a cheating agent in a low surface tension carrier?
Inspection of austeniti steels
Inspection of plastics
Inspection of composite materials
Inspection of fired ceramics
17. Which of the following types of developer must be contained in closed vessels?
Dry powder
Aqueous soluble
Aqueous suspendible
Non aqueous suspendible
18. A magnesium alloy has been die-cast and on inspection with liquid penetrant numerous rounded
indications are observed on the surface particularly around changes in section. What is the most likely
cause of these bleedouts?
Hot tears
19. Which of the following processes would be affected by penetrant residues if they were not post
cleaned from the parts surface?
All of the above
Only grinding and machining
20. When working to a magnetic particle inspection procedure, numerous small linear type indication
were detected on a piece of forged bar. On subsequent inspection with high sensitivity post emulsifiable
penetrant no indications were observed. What is the possible cause for this difference?
Non metallic inclusions
Forging laps
Shrinkage cracks
The penetrant has been overwashed and removed from within faults

Here are the corrections:

1. Fatigue crack
2. Defect
3. Both shrink cracks and hot tear
4. Lap
5. Grinding cracks
6. A black light installed at the wash station
7. Pickle the part to remove the included oxide
8. Post emulsifiable fluorescent
9. Both To see indications with highest definition and To observe excessive so that the area can be dry
wiped, developer re-applied for better definition of indications
10. Both stress corrosion cracks and intergranular cracks
11. Fluorescent red
12. True - non relevant indications
13. Completely water soluble materials
14. All of the above
15. Cotton
16. Inspection of composite materials
17. Non aqueous suspendible
18. Porosity
19. Anodising
20. Non metallic inclusions

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