Internal Medicine Q&A Part 2

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| dt.yearols feral presents with are mental status and contusion. Last year, she was dagrosed wih ‘euratad ania, fer which shelscurem usng naamethacn and meats. He trmperanre is 470. (986F) pulse Tem ood presse e HOD ondrespratons are Tein ‘hes sarees angwitatie Wicus membrancs ate most. Ther na luguar venous Goleman” Lungs fe Seat Sussutaton bso ie 20% ronender and nat etendea Theres peaeregem Sena chemist revels Soom Wane. Poteesum sTmest Bieroonae 2amegl. lod gcse somgi, ut Soma Une ses some ‘Serum osmelatiyis 208 mOsrkg, while une osmsatys 500 mOsmg. What she most Maly cause of tmspatercsryponaema © A Mmnerlocotcaé eencensy © B Advanced renal taure (© C-Heprate synarame © D.Sytame of inappropriate ADH secretion © E Diabetes nsis Poot | Snyeacold male comes tothe afce duets an ulcer fis ahtoot. He has type? diabetes, for wich he {ates ayuda, Later invesdgatone reveal an wfc af 2, and randam ood svgt of aU mai. “ny the legen nema! pete athe fotuce is sawn lon Wich ene faloning is he mast appopite management a his pants foot cer? © A San aspen and aavastann © Perfarmtharougn debeemet ofthe wound © ©. Prescibe gt ting shoes © 0 Presaive ral anbictics and fleaup os on outpatient © € Arputabon Poot te ‘A Soyeaod male reer fo he ancl oa sndpsict on mente datan He la 7 Congas ef wrasse on acts rpsays ot recor on a, Haha #20 = [packeyear history of smoking. He does nat dink alcohol. His past medical and family histone's are not - nla ic bate vole asepreea e0aemmyanienparare Te o0aE) Te est it fis comin rng te neasopelearanten rama Lary des shat aa as sodun emest a Fonosuin aenexe a Sein ceainne demo : Pasa rea acy tow : Pose srseroeconetton fh =u ich feeling isthe mati oan? = © A rman nperssomsrnam oma © 8 Hace pei arabs a © €.Renoasryperersion on © 0 en secrtng tumor = © Conger hetfoie = © F. Batters syndrome oc Sa oa 08 ‘8S yearold Caucasian mae comas tothe afice because of itera oct pan, wich is preset atest and lorsens snigtt He hes been hangs sympa frthe past few mont. Other sccompanying Symptoms ae hypeesthesia and paresthesia math loner ibs. Hs edcal probes lose betes fo ‘hepast went years He daly medeatonisinsuin Pryeal eanvoton eves biseral asso are "ves, ase ef tear sensatan ang aered popiceptun below the knees. His HEAT lls 0%, Ui spose fer microalbuminuria, Which ofthe flaws te mast appropri treaent ois eg © A Amargnice © B Coricosterois © ©. Oryeosene © 0 Acetmnaphen © E Ketralae Poot | 25 yeacold woman comes tothe fice wth ates ant star sight oss ably, narnia Paptatons. Her past mesca Mistryisinsigntcant She nat aig ny curentmedeatons and denies Gg atuse_Her Bod pressure 125/70 mip ard heartat is 11min. Physical examination reveals ‘araenon, te emor of he hands andincreasey neck eveufeence, The mast aca cauSe OF hypertension tye patente (© A Mipergname ereuston (© B Increased perpheral vascular resistance (© © Sodum retro © 0 Dssresseeyarcularcenpiance (© E Increased rirovascular ume Poot | 4. yeara ican Amarican male comes tte afc and camplans a headeches which have been ‘worsening fore lattice marin. Hs amer cml cde suse pi pains, pan ane tral na ot Fisrgtthana,afcuty geting hs wedngring ut defo fnger seling. and aft Pelong and gpg ects win is ighenand. Hs past medal Nistor is Saneat or rypertension whch Pas ocean ‘rtroladwall despite complance mi meGeabons, vty sab det andregdaexetese Hs curent ‘edeatons 2s arlene. srepl and hyéochbraazde. His load pressures 14078 mig. pula Simin temper i937 (WEF) an respons ae lm Hs fev features appear coarse when Conpatedahie drvars lease pts, whch va lan tes yes ago. His pare ae sieay sndhave 8 Goughy fea. Hs sn is aly. There re munpleshntagsparculatyseundineneck area. Hand ‘rammaton reveals postr Tne's and Palen's sign, Whch ote fale al te the most hein orniming be cinco agnosis? (© A Measuring fast growth Rarmene eels (© B Performing TH struason est © Mots pita land (© D.Maaeuing aronthhamone faving an oa gucces oad (© E Measuring insu. rh fatr(F-1) ve Poot Block | SS.yeacolAfican Ararican male comes tte fice fra outs falnup vst His past medalist Issigiicart ter ype 2aabtes moltus (ON), rypenorson far the st Soa, and an seus myocar Inareton years ogo, His mater ded ofa hea atack at he age of 72 years, ana ae dina mat Senile accor ate ae a2 years. He nas ta sibings. Hes cer an ahurce capopt anda {spon He every compton det ana meceston. Ha gyreme canra we vr gen5 ul fe ‘ortne ago une he neeed athe loed sugar levels ware rumrng igh,‘ marin, his er "gang was 200 mgd. He eins 38 bs and's 88" tl. His hye exarnaon soerwise Uvemarhabie. Hi toa one tree days ago showed bles urea naogen af id maid aid acretone lovelofdmglL. His HBAIc ne man ago was EN. itch the foloning sth ros appropri nt step nmorajerert © A. Discontinue casepnibzavbe Cs krann fa paduDe GabeRCRaENE aE (© B.Discorinve capost since yours aficacy reduced win simutaneous usage of cata © € Statne patent on hun sun 7020 (© D Ac meforminta active beter ycmic conta [EAs oghazone to aeveve beter gjeem conta ° aioe | SS.yearold Caucasian mae pres tothe fi for aut checkup. Ha has no present complains His past medal itary is signcantor along sary f persion. He ds nt smoke o consume | alcoho) Hs cunertmesicatons are enlpl and yerachorefiaxde Hs toed pressure [400 mm Hp ndneart rate ame Physteal varnnaton raves a adres vrei an (t= 27 KOM) a lntercumterence aedtnenesTnelabertay suse shove Fasing blood gucose 112 mai ‘Taalchoesters 22) MIM. Loe choestea! {an mgt “Tiaerdes 20 mai, ion ote ralonng ithe mos mpartart panogeni fate torts patents condom? (© A mparea secretan of sun © B Lowatsoute vaues ot nsun © G isu esstance © D Sympathetchyperactty © E Insulin redatedvasodittion Poot | D-year od Caucasian fra cores tothe cups nic and compan of het nlerance an Increased sppetis. Hor past medal hist is siicart. She dees us of overhe-ountt (edeatons. Her pulse 1 1OInn andreglar temperatures 3720 (8°) and esprabons ae 1rin ‘Sting nate nthe or ot er oze wn aves wh degution Lab suse show “oral Ts Ineessed Free Ts Ineeased 134 Decreases FRaioscive insine uptake decreased, The hyd scan shows very/ow uptake ofradcaine. Whats the ost thay agnosie? ‘© A Mutnodulr pater © B Tox adenoma © 6. Graves dsease © D.Sruma oat © E Thy Poot spncae organic stacks, tut she ams she ns nt ned an aack rove 1D yea's. Shee vey Concerned because faer ded ofa Peat stack tthe ape of 40. THe EKG reveals sus tachycardia at 4 ee 1] : ros. Overte ps few more, she her unmeronaly oe pounds Her poet medics tee a rats o120rin. Thainiallbs shove — cee He ore H 20% icy bea Pratt count zor aonerm Letkaeyte court eeouiemm Neutophis, om Easinophis 1% Lympinoytes 2 Nomacyes cs ssetum ‘enum Ne same gh Senn & 42mEgt Chore Soimeqe Brearoonae 2Smeat ut omg Senm Cresinne orm Casum etm Blood Gusose amg 1s <1 mera. Feet 4engd 0324) Wich othe faloning i tho best immediate sep to conalhis pars sya? © Propfhioraci © 8 Subttaltyaidectomy (© C.Aprazlam © 0 Radoactve lade © = Propo rears 2 styeacold Caucasian female comes tothe emergency depattmert and comple that her heats “acing uta cnt” She began to felis way ery ths ang. She denies ary chest pan or shonmess or breath Over the pastfew mons, she hes unnteronaly es 10 pounds. Her past mesiea stays ‘ncareerganestacko butane sana ana nas nt hse an sack ar over fByear2 Shee vey Concerned because nerfaer de ofa Rear tack the ape o40. THe EKG reveals sus tachyearda at State 120iin. Theil be shoe © A Propfhiowac (© 8 Subtotal thyoidectomy cee He soy, # 2m cv een Pratt cant 201 aonerm Lewacyte court eeoalemm Neutophis, ome Einaphs i Lympnocytes 2 Nonacytes a ssetum ‘Serum ie samege Seum & 42mEgt ‘chose ioome Brearoonae Smeg ult somal, Senm Crestnne jormo acum Bt ma BlsesGlsose uzmai 1s <0) meraurmt. Feet 4b ng (0324) Which ote floning is tho best mediate sep to conalhis pater: syreturs? spncae organic stacks, tut she ams she ns nt ned an aack rove 1D yea's. Shee vey Concerned because faer ded ofa Peat stack tthe ape of 40. THe EKG reveals sus tachycardia at 4 ee 1] : ros. Overte ps few more, she her unmeronaly oe pounds Her poet medics tee a rats o120rin. Thainiallbs shove — cee He ore H 20% icy bea Pratt count zor aonerm Letkaeyte court eeouiemm Neutophis, om Easinophis 1% Lympinoytes 2 Nomacyes cs ssetum ‘enum Ne same gh Senn & 42mEgt Chore Soimeqe Brearoonae 2Smeat ut omg Senm Cresinne orm Casum etm Blood Gusose amg 1s <1 mera. Feet 4engd 0324) Wich othe faloning i tho best immediate sep to conalhis pars sya? © Propfhioraci © 8 Subttaltyaidectomy (© C.Aprazlam © 0 Radoactve lade © = Propo rears A Styeacold male comes tothe afc for folowuup cate af Hs foot cer He has ne complaints egarng the ues uth nas cen become parc and palsic.Fasing blood werk revels eval luce levels He's prescribe oral hypophcemes, or counseled en sefkrontarng at hme. On hs nee fatentup st tne tint proud tates at he hss toen very amplar’ wan hs iter, an at 2 [jusose vets are says vel-Somaies" Wen ft folvng ene beat aye deterane wheter he Patereistling the buh? © A Random lend gucese © B Fastnguine gucose (© ©. Giycosyed hemoglobin © D Serum nsuinlevels © Serum C peptide ves Poot 248.yeacold hte mae complains of generalzedbane pan ater underacing bowel surgery fr ietlenmatary bowel disease. His pains mare severe athe lover spine pebs, and over aareries. examination shows tenderness over the over spine pehis, an ioe exerts, Pronmal muscle weakiess sated. ays oft mbar son show deceased bane densy wt Bring ofthe sone. %oys ofthe femoral neck show Pseudotacresbiteraly Which a he flawing ab abnarmaas sconastent ints patents Garose? — (© & Low seri cacum bo serum psp, neresed sum paranoid harmene {© 8 Increased serum esum low serum phasphat, increased serum paratyraidharmeane {© © Normal sexu eal, normal ssum phosphate, pr serum parabyciharmane © D Low serum caloum, increased serum shosthte, ie serum pataoharmone 5 Poot |. year oli hie eae baught the emergency deparmet (ED) by her meter di to ter ta saws. Accorangto her mother ane sfered ram val gasroenems 4 days age. Snce men, she has been on orl us. Over he pas days, her canton had Been deterring, bt she Ret res mssionto te Nostal. Her pester fsnot icant, excepto excessive ts. water Mave and ‘weght loss ovr te pastins month. Her Hood pressures ODES mm Hg pulse 12min eget and ‘ea trperaur 3726 (907), and respatans are 2Eimn (pid ard deep) Fuse cumaty is O46 cn ‘om ar She afousable and moves al hr etretes. Her mucous membranes ae very dry Her neck jas Sipe ecm sornnctnn Sets pao te (© A Otten decroraiorm om © 5 Obtain ati tos ses exe © C.Fngractguee ol (© DIntubate the patient oa © € Ceram CT acanctnees BS eres 20 2 98. year old Mevcan male presents to the emegency spare th a istry fit ss, er, cough ‘th spunen nausea, abdominal pa, and pocural dzrnes for east ire orth. Adrenal inufiency |Ssuspected, and cosptopn ayrtheie ACTH) sbrlaton testis pefarmed. Theis of serum eatsol : Taloning an ecton ef coayretgpn's gfosslsuenarmal_ CT scan he abamen sho clehaton ot 0 bat adrenal lands What iste mest lay cause of hs patents adencearicalinsucenc/? ‘© A.Human immunodsicency vrs infacton © B Tibercuoss (© C futoimmune atonal (© D.Adtoral umar © E Acrenal hemorrhage © F Adrenaledadystophy 5 Poot ‘aniyeacold male comes tothe afce duets edema fis tace and anes of wa weshs raton. He {erige ary chest pan or treableseneee. Hee aimavn dub forthe past 1S yeare. Hi dabetee beng ‘managed nth aes, tary medicaion and gure. His ghsosfated Remogabin (HEATC) vel one ‘money aga was 75%. ls tempore Is 37 OC (38 Gr), pie em oad pressures BT meng, Sand espratos are ISimin. Examinan unemarable, xcept far ister pang edema arcuna ne Stice snd pernrtaledema, Lae resute show Serun soauen iameat. Poteesurn 43mEot Bieroonae Dome Bod gcse iaomat. lod ures megen Simo Serum seninne 2amald. “Tota chalestero an rai. EKO le mumal_34 por une calleconshons 37 goenay, To ater he couse os patents dabec nephrapaty, hats the mas sppopra ret ep managemer? © A tensive gcemic canal (© B intensive lod pressure cntal © C.Varyiow prt cit (© D Aggressive pd management © E Aspain therapy Poot 1 1-year female comas ta the fe forthe eduton caigue which hasbeen preset fr the past 4monh. Her pastradcal isos msgndcart. She denes eure of ary cugs. Her pusois, “him bad pressures IDI nm rg. an emer e367 (88 OF). Physica exon ‘hana aces onthe caraum ctnernands and dant eran Lats studies snow Pissma secu ramea ‘Serum potas 23meot, Bxarvonate someat Lone chanseconcentatun's 1S mE (lermal= A260 mERL) Sased on these fnsngs nse me ost tka agnosis? © A Chan dates © 8 Durete abuse © €.Surestious omtng © 0 Primary npeaitstronsm © € Garters smrome Block aioe 2 2l-yeacoldfemalshas a several moth history of easy ately andpdtatons. She also camplans of ‘ucetuve scat. She lows 2 Sut ow case dtm ore olose Wig. Her Bod pressure 12070 mig and her heart fs 10min. Her Bis 19 gin? Thyra uncon esing reveals the raloning ngs TS decreases ‘Toate high TauiTs nigh Rilo ute is fselycecresed overt thyroid land. Which afte folingis he mos key paola: fing on biepy of bis woman's tyr gland? © A Dense hrohoytic trate © 8 Oise flue pers © C Orphan Arie rue (© D Falicus ost © E Poplar noopatc arth Block aioe Block ‘year od Caucasan mates brought tothe emergency department his dauoher ds to #2. istry of cantusn and tary. According his daugiar, ne hed been complaining af fangueanarara poh {and constpatn for st several weeks. He smokes two packs of cigarettes daly ard consumes aha Gecastnaly Hs boos pressure c 13090 may anaeartvate Soin. Prysal evarraon reveals a Sormalent patent wha nat aeried inte. Ha lab values are ‘enema sO mE OL. Sen e 40m. Serum enone taomest. ‘Seu carbonate meal Senn seatmne tema, enum calcu tga mg Sen phospnans 22mgid. Blood glucose ‘coro ‘Aiaine rosiratgse SOUL CChestcray demansnates aight mil le mass ard perhlradenopaty.Vihsis the mast probable cause of is paints symptoms? © A Erste PTH (© 8 Parahyo harmene.ike peptide © Netastatic osteais © D tnsragsag tan D presucton © E Local choke groucton aioe ‘4S yearold hte mae patent posers fr the evaluation of high Hood pressure. Hes complains of povuna, posi and fate, Hs pastmodcalandfamly histories ae urvemariale. He cose neLuse {ehacco noha or @ugs: His Hood pressure T80/D0nen Physical examination sho no snarmattes, Labaraiay sues shaw low serum potasiun andnigh pasa adosteane levels, CT scan me abtamen shows ama gf adrenal ass. Which of the folonng aastonal fangs i most ay 0 bo presenti is patent? © AEGma © B Netataesoosis © C reread plasma rena achuty © D Episodes aig blood pressure © E Mis npemaremia Poot A St-yeacoldferal comes tothe ofc for artnet. Sha is apace hath and dos nat hav ay complans. Physica examination reveals aya nodule. Shs supisedt hear abaut Menage and 235i "How ote does his Rapper? What eoughave caused” ‘Which of te flowing Is re mest, ommoneause of yrs nes? ‘© A Folicuaraienoma © 8.Colaid nodule © © Pepi carcinoma (© 0 Flic carcinama (© E Anaplastecarcinama © F Medutarycarcroma Block aioe ‘dyes boy is brought his athe fr the complains of muscle weshness and bowed gs Hea a ‘su ofan uncomplicated vaginal evry ard radno abnarmalt at th. Fae danas ary such rblem Ins fami arc the ater des nto Fay istry of Garces mater che chs On examination, ott range ae rach fosary sndamrear's some Late shaw te foloing resuke Seren salou Noma ‘Serum phosphate Decreased ‘Serum alle phosphates Natal Serum parathyroid hormone Nema Plasma =-O¥ vtamnD ermal Plasma 1, 25 Dhytony min Normal ich othe along is he most ey cause of ckets nthe above paben? (© A Diary dfincy ofan D (© & Peeutohypopashyoiiem © C. Renate © 0 ned ypophosphatemic cats © E-Type viarinD dependent rickets Poot 2 d.yeacol ite female presents wth campltsof heatintolrance, sweating and palptains. She ako ‘eps menstualireguans, rcteared apples and darts. she as had these syrpioms fre part Wont. Herpes 12min ondrequr, nad pressure fs 15/60 mm temperate e720 SF), and "pratan ae Iaimn Phyneal examen eves pan ee, fuse sec ant at her hack k ‘moves upwards win deguaton. Her Teel is 005 MU. Fe T4 ard Tote ae incre. Rasoactve iodine take 28 hous fe sires meres Pregnancy eta negate. Vn the olayna isthe ost progr lang treatment mada for Ms patent i © A Susy © B Propythouract © © lodintes contrat apes © D.Radioacts cane therapy © Proprans 5 Poot 2 Sbyeacoi feats admit ith agnosis of chronic renal fire fom systemic lupus entematosus and or-sistodal anifiarmtory ug ure. She has afstry of ecurem hay stores. Laboratory Stites sow teal ‘Senan calcu 108 mai. Serum sbumin 330t PH 1 Uidosge cout 880m = ‘Naurognis “ise = Eosraphis ios = Gmpoones 28 2 “ne random stu coisa eves 32m. fame = 251mg) ond ACTH 14299. 3 {roa =Ot0 pint). Witte mot ial moved pahophyloge mechanam ef is pets — Seow = © A Btsirmine aa © 8 ise Da © Cc imtrane oe © 0 Hemonhope = © E Congenital 5 Poot 2 da.yeavold male part presents wih a tytid nodule. His cher camplats are pisades f palpatins, Sieh and isang. He ores heat nseranc. Henig and appete as nara. Hehe afar Fistor of yo cancer. Hs pulse SO ansblood pressures T2100 mm Hg. Exarinaon ef he eck sho a om, haa nohtender By noaue The wnat, Serum seduce pases Serum calcu, serum creatine serum PTH, TSH, TS and T# level, athe EKG ae al normal. The Serum caletonn lvls skated The uray lvl of mtanephrine and nrephphvne ae erased 35 Wel FNA lopay of tyra nodule shows mig celsGenete test shows amon nthe RET- Pata ancagene, Which ofthe elawig stnarmalbes se rasereimmesepaentseutenng from tvs dearer? © A Mucesalnewore © 8 Pita adeno © © Pancreatic islet celltor © D Parathyroid adenoma Poot

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