Salesforce - Schema Builder

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7/28/2019 Salesforce Schema Builder

Salesforce - Schema Builder


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The various objects and their relationships of a Salesforce application can be easily
viewed using the Schema builder. And just not viewing, but we can also design, modify
and implement new data models using schema builder.

Schema builder has a drag and drop interface which is used to perform all the activities.
It shows all the relevant details like - field values, data types, relationship with
directions etc.

Accessing Schema Builder

From Setup Home, navigate to Objects and Fields → Object Manager → Schema
Builder. 1/3
7/28/2019 Salesforce Schema Builder

Viewing Objects
We can see the various objects by selecting them form the left pane. The Element tab
represents fields and relationships while the Objects tab represents the standard as
well as custom objects.

We have selected three objects named - Account, Delivery Schedule and Delivery
Location as shown in the following screenshot.

Schema Builder 1

Changing Objects
We can work on various schema objects by showing them in the canvas in the right
pane. We can only modify the custom objects and cannot modify the standard objects
as they are part of the Salesforce platform structure.

In the following screenshot, we can see various actions we can take on the custom
schema objects.

Schema Builder 2

Creating Objects 2/3
7/28/2019 Salesforce Schema Builder

We can create new objects using the schema builder. Go to the Elements Tab. Drag the
element named Object into the canvas. It prompts you to fill in the details of the

Schema Builder 3

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