Disaster Management Plans in View of Recent Earthquakes: Arun Bapat

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Disaster management plans in view of recent earthquakes

Arun Bapat

The present decade could be called as magnitude (M > 7.5) earthquake. The from the magnitude 8.0 earthquake. Only
disaster management decade. There have probability of occurrence of such an tall structures (h > 17 m) have suffered
been a number of large mega geo events event is of the order of about 0.986 (refs heavy damage. Structures with one, two
such as Sumatran earthquake of magni- 1 and 2). In case such an earthquake or three floors did not suffer any damage
tude 9.3 in December 2004, and destruc- occurs, the damage would be almost or the damage was almost minimal. Dur-
tive earthquakes in India (Bhuj astronomical within the epicentral area. ing the Bhuj (Gujarat) earthquake, tall
earthquake of magnitude 7.8 on 26 Janu- Further, tall structures of more than 17 m buildings in Ahmedabad city located at a
ary 2001), Pakistan (Kashmir earthquake height, in the National Capital Region of distance of about 320 km from the epi-
of magnitude 7.9 on 8 October 2005) and Delhi could suffer heavy damage. centre have suffered heavy damage. Dur-
China (Sichuan earthquake of magnitude The Sumatran earthquake was perhaps ing the Kashmir (Pakistan) earthquake, a
8.0 on 12 May 2008). About half a mil- the most powerful earthquake. Some 10-storey building in Islamabad had to-
lion lives have been lost in these seismic post-seismic hind-casting exercises have tally collapsed. A recent example from
disasters. As each earthquake has a dif- led to new findings. The sea surface Guwahati is quite interesting. Bhutan had
ferent signature, each earthquake teaches temperature (SST) of the area above the experienced a magnitude 6.25 earthquake
something new. It is the duty of earth- epicentral region was higher by 3.0– on 21 September 2009, with epicentre at
quake researchers and disaster managers 5.0°C for about a week or so before the 27.3°N and 91.5°E. A tall building in
that the lessons learnt from these seismic occurrence of earthquake. The SST and Guwahati (located at a distance of about
contingencies should be scientifically also the land surface temperatures are 150 km from the epicentre) has tilted by
studied; analysed and significant infer- available almost on an hourly basis from about 4°–5°. Had the magnitude of the
ences and conclusions should be taken to various satellite pictures. This has shown earthquake been 7.0 or more the structure
the common man with a view of increas- that the temperatures of the potential epi- could have suffered heavily. Keeping in
ing the seismic safety of the society in central region rise. One day before the view these field observations, it would
general and human lives in particular. It occurrence of the Kashmir earthquake of be necessary to draw vulnerability map
is a fact that despite several laudable re- 8 October 2005, the temperatures in the of tall structures situated within 550 km
searches in the fields of earthquake and epicentral area were about 8.0–10.0°C from the probable epicentre in NW
disaster management, it has not been above the normal temperatures. Keeping Himalayas for locations like Delhi,
possible to save a single life during any this in view, watch could be kept on dif- Noida, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Jaipur,
earthquake (except one in China). The ferent locations in NW Himalayan re- Agra, etc. Incidentally, the Bureau of
hind-casting exercises of above earth- gion. It has been observed from the daily Indian Standards Seismic Code was re-
quakes have indicated a number of weather reports for the period 1 January vised after the Bhuj earthquake. But it
highly reliable seismic precursors. The 2009 till the time of writing (March does not have any revision to account for
situation appears to be moving in skew 2010) of India Meteorological Depart- the effect of Rayleigh waves on tall
directions. On one hand scientists have ment (IMD) that the maximum and structures located within the vulnerable
been coming forward with sufficient minimum temperatures of Shimla, Srina- distance from the epicentre.
degree of confidence about reliable seis- gar and Dehradun have been above It was widely reported that prior to the
mic precursors and on the other hand, the normal by 2.0–4.0°C on lower side and Wenchuan (Sichuan) earthquake of mag-
disaster management experts vehemently as high as 8.0–12.0°C on higher side. nitude 8.0 on 12 May 2008, in China a
say that earthquakes cannot be predicted. The Bhuj earthquake of 26 January large number of toads were leaving
The result is more concentration of 2001 in India and the Kashmir earth- ponds and roaming on nearby road. The
equipments, instruments, and remedial quake of 8 October 2005 have shown the abnormal animal behaviour (which can-
measures during the post-seismic period likely damaging effect of Rayleigh not be explained within the presently
by the disaster management experts. waves from large magnitude earthquake. established framework of science) should
Unfortunately, it could be observed that Bapat3 has discussed this effect observed be accepted as a reliable seismic precur-
the present disaster management plans during Gujarat earthquake. The Rayleigh sor. Whether a suitable explanation
almost do the work of clearing of debris waves which are long-period waves (pe- is available or not till it works, one
and corpses during the post-seismic peri- riod 12–18 s) from a large earthquake of should accept this precursor and use it to
ods. This has to be changed positively magnitude more than 7.5 have a special save lives of people. This has also been
and immediately. It is essential that new property. These waves adversely affect mentioned in the ancient Indian literature
policies have to be formulated. These tall structures, height more than 17 m, Brihatsamhita of Varahamihira. Recent
have to be based on the lessons learnt situated beyond a distance of 150 km and research in US has shown that the num-
from various earthquakes. less than 550 km from the epicentre. ber of charged particles in atmosphere
The NW Himalayan region comprising Such a phenomenon was observed for the increases several times than the normal4.
of conglomerate of Himachal and Utta- first time during the Mexican earthquake The excessive charged particles could
rakhand has been identified as the most of September 1985. Mexico city is be a likely reason for the abnormal ani-
vulnerable seismic region with large located at a distance of about 550 km mal behaviour. It is also reported that in

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 98, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2010 1287

addition to abnormal animal behaviour, point. This had caused more damage. nitely helps in understanding the stress
there are some abnormal human behav- There are a number of towns such as building activity.
iours. Bapat5 has reported that prior to Shimla, Dharamsala, Nainital, Mus- Everybody should learn and educate
the occurrence of Latur, Bhuj and soorie, Shillong and Aizawal, having himself from the earthquake observations
Andaman earthquakes, the rate of deli- similar situation in the hilly region of the and it would be possible to mitigate the
veries was higher by 5–7 times than the country. In case there is only one road earthquake disaster. The ultimate aim of
daily average rate. Hospitals and medical connecting most of the localities, then disaster management should be saving
doctors should be told about this pre- suitable provision for alternate route or human lives. It is hoped that the lessons
cursor. by pass route should be made to avoid from various earthquakes would be useful
The Haiti earthquake has given two blockade of roads. The capital of in dealing with the pre-seismic and post-
most significant observations. It is well Mizoram, Aizawl, is a typical example. seismic situations in NW Himalayan and
known that prior to the occurrence of There is only one road of about 9.0 km other regions. Suitable modifications in the
moderate to large earthquake the changes length connecting the city. disaster management plans may be incor-
in the geomagnetic field adversely affect The Chile earthquake was not pre- porated and used. If suitable actions are
the propagation and reception of radio ceded by a large number of foreshocks. undertaken during the pre-seismic period
waves in the potential epicentral area5. This is somewhat unusual. There is an and a watch is kept on several reliable
This effect is known as ‘Seismo- interesting story about the foreshock of seismic precursors, it would be possible
electromagnetic effect’. About a day be- previous large magnitude earthquake of to mitigate the earthquake disaster.
fore the occurrence of Haiti earthquake, 1960. The 22 May 1960 Chile earthquake
the radio communication was heavily of magnitude 8.7 was preceded by two
obstructed and at times blocked. This foreshocks, one of magnitude 7.0 and the 1. Bapat, A., Curr. Sci., 2007, 93, 1468–
observation could be used in India. Vari- other of magnitude 7.5. Everybody
2. Geological Survey of India, Report on
ous communication departments such as thought that magnitude 7.0 is foreshock
Seismic Microzonation of Dehradun Urban
police, army, airports, television chan- and the 7.5 earthquake is the final seis- Complex, Uttarakhand, 2007, pp. 1–48.
nels, mobile telephone companies and mic event. But both the earthquakes were 3. Bapat, A., Damage to tall structures situ-
All India Radio may be made aware of foreshocks of the very large magnitude ated at long distance from epicentre due to
this effect and any abnormal and unusual earthquake of magnitude 8.7 on 22 May long period seismic waves and effect on
difficulty in communication such as dif- 1960. These observations are interesting. structures on filled lands. In Proceedings
ficulty, obstacle and ‘black out’ may be At present, the matter is under study and of the 6th International Conference on
reported to the disaster management some interesting observations would Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineer-
office. Black out means the signal is not emerge. There was no major foreshock ing, Arlington, USA, 11–16 August 2008,
paper # 3.03.
received at all. before the Bhuj earthquake. But there
4. Friedemann, F., Curr. Sci., 2008, 94, 311–
Another observation from Haiti is were heavy microtremour activities at
about disaster management. At a number Jamnagar, Rajkot, etc., about 50 days be- 5. Bapat, A., Seismo-electro-magnetic and
of locations in Haiti, houses are located fore the earthquake. In the case of 26 other precursory observations from recent
on hill slopes and hill tops. There is only December 2004 Sumatran earthquake of earthquakes. In Proceedings of the First
one road connecting various hills and magnitude 9.3, there were five earth- India Disaster Management Congress, New
houses are built on either sides of the quakes of magnitude 5.6, 5.1, 5.0, 5.3 Delhi, 29 November 2006.
road. During earthquake the available and 5.9 within about 14 hours on 29 July
single road was blocked due to landslide 2004. This was a series of foreshocks for
or fall of houses. As a result the medical the main seismic event. The mechanism Arun Bapat lives at 1/11, Tara Resi-
team, rescue team and earth moving of foreshock(s) needs to be studied in dency, 20/2, Kothrud, Pune 411 038,
equipment could not reach the required detail for various locations. This defi- India. e-mail: arun_bapat@vsnl.com

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