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Exam 2.

Part A

Numerical Methods in Engineering

Group 5

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1. The temperature as function of time of an object that initially is at temperature T0 and that
is in contact with a thermic source at temperature Text is given by

T (t) = Text + (T0 − Text )e −kt

where k is a positive constant and t is measured in hours. The following table shows some
measurements done

t (min) 2 7

T (∘C) 55 15

With the previous data and using the Newton2 module compute the temperature of the
thermal source and the constant k assuming that the initial temperature of the object was
100ºC. Note: Do not convert T in ºC to K

Value: 40 points

2. Using the module RndPol generate a third degree random polynomial and compute its
three roots by means the module rys. Note: The syntaxis of the module RndPol is
explained below if you are not familiar with it.

Value: 60 points
Exam 2. Part A

Numerical Methods in Engineering

Group 5

The module RndPol[n]generates a n-th degree polynomial with random coefficients. It

delivers a list with two entries: the first one contains the random coefficients list and the
second one is the polynomial as function of x.

(a) Define an auxiliar variable z as follows: z=Rnd[3]

(b) Define a variable lz=z[[1]], this includes the list of coefficients

(c) Define a function pz[x_]=z[[2]], which has the polynomial as function of x.

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