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BTEC – Unit 3 (P6, M5, D3) Name:

Reviewing and Evaluating the Digital Portfolio

Introduction (P)
In this review I will be evaluating whether or not my portfolio meets the target
audience. I will also be seeing if the digital portfolio meets its purpose and
assessing its strengths and weaknesses.

How does the digital portfolio meet the target audience? (P)
The target audience of my digital portfolio is the employers at holiday plus and
I think I’ve done a good job at making it meet them.
First of all I think my portfolio is straight forward and to the point, in regards to
information on myself and my work. I think the holiday extra employers can
appreciate this therefore making it a suitable quality.
Secondly, by having appropriate attachments on it such as YouTube videos
with useful information on them.

How does the digital portfolio meet its purpose? (P)

The digital portfolios purpose was to provide information on myself and the
work I have done to the employers at holiday extra.
My portfolio meets its purpose, first of all, by displaying information in a clear
and concise way, making it easy for the employers at holiday extra to
extrapolate it.
Secondly, the website also has various photos and lightbox images making it
less boring and therefore more enticing to them.

Evaluate any changes made to the digital portfolio during its development
(M, D)
The original design of the website was based on the same black-light gray
colour scheme which I kept in the final website. I kept this the same because I
thought it worked in relaying a sense of professionalism in the overall website.
The navigation bar was changed slightly but that’s natural especially with
limitations of publisher and the lack there of in web plus. Overall, I think this
worked out for the better as the navigation bar looks far more professional in
web plus that it did in publisher.

How was the digital portfolio designed and why? (M, D)

I designed my website with the purpose of looking professional so choosing
the right colour scheme and the right navigation bar was very important as
these would be featured in every page of the website. It was first designed in
publisher with a black and light grey colour scheme with additional items such
as text boxes and lightboxes being added. All of these things make my
website more appealing to the target audience and therefore fulfilling its

Strengths of the Digital Portfolio (M, D)

BTEC – Unit 3 (P6, M5, D3) Name:
BTEC – Unit 3 (P6, M5, D3) Name:

Weaknesses of the Digital Portfolio (M, D)

Comments from the peer questionnaires (M)

Suggested improvements that could be made to the digital portfolio (D)

Conclusion (P)
I think the digital portfolio went well as I stayed true to the design I had
originally planned out i.e. kept the original colour scheme and most of the
different things I intended to add, I did. The only thing about the original
storyboard was that I couldn’t get the navigation to look how I wanted but in the
final website this wasn’t a problem. I genuinely think the portfolio will be an
asset to me in the future.

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