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Servicio nacional de aprendizaje SENA

Actividad de aprendizaje 5

Evidencia 7

Dialogue “coordinating trucking”

Gaes: 4

Martin Ediber Bolívar Ramírez

Ficha: 2193547


Carlos Andrés Jiménez Villanueva

Tecnología en negociación internacional

Bogotá D.C. Abril de 2021

Tabla de contenido

1. Diálogo

2. Link del audio

1 Martin: Hi friends I'm Martin and I want to teach you about router programs.
1. Mike: Nice to meet you Martin I'm Mike, what a good idea! I want to know what
are they?
Peter: Excellent friends, I am Peter and I also want to know about it.
2. Martin: Nowadays science and technology is very advanced and has created
programs to facilitate the work in the companies.
Mike: Yes, it's true; I use the gps to look for directions so I don't get lost in the city.
Peter: It's great because I've seen a lot of programs on the market.
Martin: The router programs allow logistics and transportation companies to
perform a real simulation of the transportation and delivery operations.
Mike: It's great because it helps companies to reduce costs.
Peter: So with these programs you can do any work situation you need to do?
4. Martin: Yes, Peter, all companies are innovating and implementing these
programs to improve productivity.
Mike: of course. You can organize and control all the information in databases of
products and customers.
Peter: Excellent! Because this way everything is more secure and reliable.
Martin: We can also make the transport routes and plan the delivery schedules of
the merchandise.
Mike: I think it's perfect, because this way we can meet the customer's
Peter: You are absolutely right, because this way the company gains prestige and
Martin: Of course, the idea of a company is to meet the customer's demands.
Mike: Yes, my friends, I buy from Amazon, and I think it's good because I get good
prices and good quality.
Peter: It's great! These routing programs are so good, because they allow you to
make all the calculations of logistics operations and transport of goods at national
and international level.
Martin: Yes, my friends, they are also very reliable and secure in the handling of
company and client information.
Mike: There are many technological programs that are coming to the market to
improve the performance of all areas of work of a company.
7. Peter: Yes, technological innovation is very important for the company to be
known in the international market.
Martin: It is correct with the routing programs we can track the whole process from
the beginning to the end, analyzing the feasibility of transportation and delivery of
the product to the customer.
Mike: My friends, these programs are very interesting and I am going to start
implementing them not only at work but also in the studio.
Peter: It is ideal for a logistics and transportation company because this way it can
position itself in the market as a reliable and safe company.
Martin: Friends, I hope you enjoyed learning a little more about the router software.
Mike: I am going to implement these programs in my business and my export
product to make all the calculations more feasible.
Peter: It is a very good idea because it saves time and money on unnecessary
expenses, which allows me to improve my economy and meet my customers'
Martin: See you soon friends. I hope you will take advantage and use these routing
programs in your international negotiations.
Mike: Thank you my good friend Martin, I will innovate and implement this new
10. Peter: I hope you are well friends, it was very interesting this conversation
about the routing software, because it allows to improve the development of the
operations of safe transport of goods to the customers.

2. Link de audio

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