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Examination --Antenna theory and technique, TNE083/TEN1

Friday, 2009-12-18, 08:00-12:00

Allowed Aids:

Only pens, pencils, ruler and a calculator (memory erased) are allowed to bring with you.


1) Explain and motivate your assumption, show all steps in your calculations.
2) Write your anonymous exam-ID on every page.
3) Please make sure your handwriting clear, not readable handwriting will be treated as
incorrect answer.

Examiner: Qingxiang Zhao (tel.011-363255, Office: Täppan TP6173)


not passed (U), 3, 4 and 5

Good Luck

1.Choose the correct answer in each of following questions,

(I) An antenna is a device that, in the transmitting mode, converts _______ waves to
___________ waves. ((A) traveling, guided,(B) free-space, traveling, (C) guided, free-space).

(II) A radiator having equal radiation in all directions is referred to as a _______.((A)

directional radiator, (B) isotropic radiator,(C) guided radiator).

(III) A portion of the radiation pattern bounded by regions of relatively weak radiation is
referred to as radiation_________. ((A) efficiency, (B) lobe, (C) impedance).

(IV) For two isotropic sources, both fed with the same amplitude and phase, what is the
minimum spacing between elements required in order to form at least one null in the array
factor? ((A) lambda/4, (B) lambda/2, (C) lambda).

(V) A radiator having the property of radiating or receiving electromagnetic waves more
effectively in some directions than in others is referred to as a _______.((A) directional
antenna, (B) isotropic antenna, (C) ominidirectional antenna).

2. An array of isotropic sources consists of five elements, spaced according to the Figure below
with equal spacing d between the elements. The elements have excitations (different
amplitudes) with the same phase as shown in the Figure.
a) Find the array factor.
b) Find the smallest spacing d such that a null is formed in the = 0◦ plane at an angle of = 45◦
from the z axis.

3. A dipole antenna has the following parameters, length is 0.5 λ, excitation current is 2 A and
operating frequency is 1 GHz. The radiation produced by the antenna is observed by a suitable
equipped receiver at a distance of 200 m. For this arrangement, calculate (a) the antenna
radiation resistance, (b) the electric field and magnetic field strength at the observation point,
(c) the gain of the dipole relative to isotropic source.

4. Consider two conter-fed half-wavelength dipole antenna arranged to form a two element end-
fire array. The element separation is one-quarter wavelength, and the elements are supplied with
equal power signals but different excitation current and different phase as indicated in the
following figure. For this arrangement, we wish to find the ratio of the currents at the input
terminals of the antenna, the gain of the array relative to a single conter-fed half-
wavelength dipole antenna, and derive the normalized array factor. Assume that the mutual
impedance between dipole is 40 –j30  .

5. Design a constant current circular loop so that its far-field pattern has a null in the plane of the
loop, and three nulls above and three nulls below the plane of the loop.
a) Find the radius of the loop.
b) Find the angles where the nulls occur.

Hint: The far-field components radiated by a circular loop of radius a and constant current I0
are given by

where J1(z) is the Bessel function of the first order. For the Bessel function [J1(zn) = 0]
occur at z1=0, z2=3.83, z3=7.02, z4=10.17, . . .

6. Two antennas are separated by a distance R. Derive the equation which relates the power
received to the power transmitted between these two antennas (in the so called free-space path
equation or Friis transmission equation form).

7. Please indicate your bonus from your home work assignments.

i.e. Bonus=

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