WH Questions

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Hi, are you ready to start! Yes, ok welcome to the grammar section and let’s see

The Wh-questions begin with: What, Where, When, Who, Why or How and we use
them to ask for information.

What asking for things, objects or words.

Where asking for places or positions.
When asking for time.
Who asking for people.
Why asking for reasons.
How asking for manner (or "in what way")

Here, we have some examples:

What is this?
It’s a pencil.

Where is your pencil?

It’s in my bag.

When is the party?

It’s today.

Who is that boy?

He’s my brother Tom.

Why are you happy?

Because it’s my birthday.

How is your mother?

She’s ok, thank you.


What is your sister like?

What + verb To Be + subject + “like”

Use "LIKE" to ask for personality:

Look at these examples:

What is your sister like?

She’s very intelligent.

What is your father like?

He’s serious and honest.

What is Lisa like?

She’s very friendly and sociable.

What are the students like?

They’re quiet.

Until next time!

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