Angela Araujo - Zombie Apocalypse - Settlement Needs

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Think about all the things that you would need to ensure that your settlement is

safe from the zombies. How would you eat? How would you protect your new
settlement? How would you meet the needs of the community for education,
religion, food, water, transportation, health needs, social engagement,
employment, and trade/economy?

Write up a detailed plan for your settlement below. Make sure to include the name
of your new settlement and where you would build this new community.

Question:1 Name of my settlement and were it is.

I would name my settlement The Survivors. My settlement would take place in
Vermont, specifically Burlington, Vermont.

Question 2 :How I would feed my settlement and what would we eat including
I would feed my settlement healthy foods like corn,fruits and vegetables etc. I
would have farms in my settlement in which I will grow food and have people
maintain the farms. I wouldn’t want the people in my settlement getting sick
because they don’t eat healthy.(No offense to people who don’t). I would eat
healthy as well so I could help my settlement. I would try to settle next to a river or
try to find water underground. I forgot to mention that I would also get fish since
there would be fish in the water. I will try to locate chickens and other livestock to
try to have them reproduce and supply us with food.

Question 3: How I would protect my settlement

I would protect my settlement by first putting a kind of tall wood fence made out
of logs around our settlement. As we finish that we will next make a second fence
behind the main fence as a second defense. Then I would have people with
weapons standing on top of a tall towers located all around the perimeter
keeping an eye out for zombies or people who have weapons trying to get in. The
people in the towers will have bow and arrows and spears and will have pots with
them to make noise like an alarm so that everyone knows there is danger coming.
Question4: How I would meet the needs of my community
I would educate my settlement and their children by having at most 4 schools and
teachers teaching there or people who have experience teaching. There would be
2 elementary, 1 middle school, and 1 highschool. I wouldn’t want too many schools
because there wouldn’t be enough space for everything. For religion I would have
1 church but have different priest or people who volunteer to be a priest for each
religion. The church would be open Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays.
At different times for different religions.

Question 5: transportation
I would try to make canoes out of trees using something strong and sharp to
carve it also since I would live near or next to a river. I would also try to make a
dam in the river then I am going to make a generator to make electricity or
energy. Then transfer the energy to a man made simple car etc. I would also have
wagons and try to create bicycles out of the materials that we have.

Question 6: health needs

Well, since it is the zombie apocalypse there wouldn’t be any medicines or

hospitals. So we would just have to hope everybody is healthy. If I have any
doctors nurses, or anybody with medical experience in my settlement then I can
try to make a mini doctor's office to take patients if they are not feeling well. I will
try to do research to know what plants are around us that have medicinal

Question 7: social engagement

I would have a meetup every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for people to
interact and meet up. But they could go any time they want. The meeting spot
would be a park with just benches and trees. Mostly because our least worries
would be to have a whole play ground or pool.

Question 8:employment
For employment I would have people on high structures making sure no zombies
get through the gates. I would have people that would go to the farms and pick
out the crops. I would also have people cook the food,and people who go outside
to get water with people beside them with weapons making sure no zombies cross
the river and its dam. Also people who hand out the food. There would be
teachers for elementary, middle and high school. I would also need doctors.

Note to self and teacher:

You know how I said earlier I would have people hand out the food? Well 2 times a
day the people in my settlement would go to the cafeteria building and get food
there. Then people would hand out the food. No one would get extra food or less
than everyone else. Unless they have more people in there family.

Question 9: trade/economy

My settlement would earn money by the jobs they do and how important they are.
They could use the money towards extra food water, or extra supplies. They could
also trade valuable things that could help make our community better. We would
trade back money that could give them extra food.

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