EM DECE Syllabus OBTL Revised 1st Sem 2020 2021

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1st Sem 2020-2021

Course Information Faculty Information

Course Code: EM-DECE Name:
Course Title: Differential Equations with CE CE Department
Credit Units: 3 Email:
Pre-requisites: Calculus 2 09209248386
Schedule: 1:30-3:00 TTh Consultation Time:
12:00-1:00 MWF, SOE

Course Description
The course covers the following topics: Definitions of terms used in the study of differential equations;
Classification of first order DE according to the types: Separation of Variables; Homogeneous Coefficients
Equations, or Exact Differential equations; Techniques in solving first order differential equations; Solving
first order linear differential equations by integrating factors; Solving Bernoulli’s equation; solving
Homogeneous linear equations with constant coefficients; Solving non-homogeneous equations using
undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters; Applications to CE: Kinematics, Deflection of
beams, and Vibrations


By the end of the semester, you should be able to: Alignment to Student Outcomes
CO1: Identify the different types of Ordinary The course is enabling to your achievement of the:
Differential Equations (ODE).
a) ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science
CO2: Solve ODE of order one, Linear ODE using
to solve engineering problems
appropriate techniques.
CO3: Formulate ODE and Solve them as applied to
the following subjects: velocity of escape, Newton’s
Law of cooling, logistics growth and Price of
Commodities, Flow rate problems, Deflection of
Beams, Vibration of a spring: Undamped, resonance,
and Damped

As evidence of having achieved the outcomes, you must undergo assessment of your learning through quizzes and

Formative Assessments Summative Assessments

Homeworks & Short Quizzes (HSQ), Pre-Midterm Exam Midterm Exam (MTEx) & Final Exam (FEx)
(PMEx), Pre-Final Exam (PFEx)

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Formative Assessments: To monitor your learning progress, assessment tasks such as (but not limited to) homework exercises
and short quizzes are continually given. These tasks may or may not be graded. Based on how you perform in these tasks, the
teacher gives formative feedback and initiates necessary interventions to keep you right on the learning track.
Summative Assessments. You will take the Midterm Exam and Final Exam. These are respectively scheduled within or around
the 9th and 18th week of the semester. Your performances in these exams comprise a major part of the grade that you will earn at
the end of the semester.
Assessment Rubrics
Rubric for ability to perform mathematical operations & to solve equations
Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor
10 8 7 5 3
The task is worked out The task is worked out The task is worked out The task is worked out An insignificant amount
to completion, the steps to completion and steps to completion and steps completely and the of the task is done
shown are shown are shown are steps shown are and/or the steps shown
mathematically error- mathematically error- mathematically error- correct up to the point are mathematically
free, and the result is free; but still requires free; but still requires where the correct wrong, unrelated or
correct and expressed one more step to bring two or more steps to answer could inappropriate.
in its required form. the final answer to the bring the final answer to potentially be obtained
required form. it to its required form. but carelessness in the
sign or omission of
some terms from one
step to another step is
noticeable that lead to
incorrect final answer.

Rubric for ability to solve worded application problems

Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor
10 8 7 5 3
A correct solution is An appropriate strategy An appropriate strategy An appropriate Some work beyond re-
obtained using a valid to solve the problem is to solve the problem is strategy to solve the copying the given data
and appropriate shown and all the shown and all the problem is shown but is done but the solution
mathematical strategy important principles important principles some key elements are strategy shown is
shown in sufficient have been covered have been covered missing that have inappropriate.
detail. already but an incorrect already but an incorrect prevented from
final answer is obtained final answer is obtained obtaining the correct
due to very minor due to incorrect answer.
computational or other implementation of a
errors. algebraic operation.

Grading System
Your grade for the course is computed based on both formative and summative assessment data. The computation is
detailed below.
Grade Component Weight Computation
Homeworks & Short Quizzes (HSQ) (10%) HSQ Grade x 0.10
Midterm Exam (MEx) (30%) MEx Grade x 0.30
Final Exam (FEx) (60%) FEx Grade x 0.60
Total Grade
Passing Grade: 3.0

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Topics Week Learning Activities
Course Orientation; Diagnostic Tests; Review of Pre-requisite Introduction of the course
Knowledge and class policies
1 Review Quiz on Calculus
Unit 1. Definition and Concepts
1. Definition of differential equation 2
2. The order of differential equation Discussion
CO1 3. The dependent variable Homework
4. The independent variable/s
5. Definition of linearity
6. Solutions of differential equation
Unit II. First Order Differential Equations
1. Separation of Variables Discussion
3 Homework

2. Homogeneous Coefficients
CO1, 3. Exact Differential Equations
CO2 5
4. Linear First Order Differential Equations:
Integrating factors 6

5. Bernoulli’s Equation
6. Coefficients Linear in two Variables
Midterm exam 9
Unit III. Linear Differential Equations with Constant

Differential Operators: Their fundamental Laws of

Operation and Some of their properties
CO1,CO2 Discussion
Homogenous Case
a) Auxiliary equation: Distinct roots
b) Auxiliary equation: Repeated Roots
c) Auxiliary equation: Complex roots

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Non-homogenous Case
a. Method Undetermined Coefficient
b. Reduction of Order
c. Variation of Parameter
Unit IV: Applications 14-17
1. Velocity of Escape
2. Newton’s Law of Cooling
3. Simple Chemical Conversion Discussion
4. Logistic Growth and Price of Commodities
5. Beam Deflection
CO3 6. Vibration of Springs
a. Undamped Vibrations
b. Resonance
c. Damped Vibrations

7. Simple Pendulum, Flow Rate and Mixing Problems

18 Keep posted for venue

CO1-CO3 FINAL EXAM and schedule.

Learning Resources
Book References:
Elementary Differential Equations by Rainville, Bedient, and Bedient; Pearson Educational Asia
Differential Equations by Dennis Zill, 9th Ed (2018); Cengage Learning, Singapore

Online Resources:
1) Ordinary Differential Equations
Michael D. Greenberg and Michael D Greenberg; ProQuest One Academic

Course Policies
1) Each student must read and signed the Academic Integrity Pledge.
2) Each student should go over the course syllabus and refer to the said document from time to time for guidance
of topics to be studied.
3) Assignments must be submitted on time. However, if there are valid technical reasons, late submissions may be
accepted without deduction of points.
4) A student caught cheating will be reported to the Office of the Student Discipline for appropriate sanctions.

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Approved for
Date Approved August 24, 2020

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