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[Verishchagin] Dmitriy Sergeyevich

“The animation technique of objects. Book of the I”

General parting words




Stages [DEIR]: from the personal freedom to control of the fate

The entire world - this is the energy
We can take energy under the control
We perceive power engineering of the peace
We can reach only true goals
We can act others, on their thought and behavior
We know how to displace point “I [esm]”
Three spaces are accessible to us
We can govern the events of the life
We can cause the energy-information creation to the life
Principles of the creation of the energy-information essences
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Initiation of the essence
Programming the essence
Conditions of the nourishment of the essence
Use of the essence
[Razvoploshchenie] of the essence


Habits [DEIR], necessary for creating the energy-information essences

Step 1, step shch. Tactile sensation of the field
Step 1, step 2. Sensation of the ether body
Step 1, step e. Sensation of the energy-information space
Step 1, step ". Control of the ascending current
Step 1, step 8. Control of the downflow
Step 4, the step of 1[a]. reaching region “I [esm]”
Step e, steps 8, 9, 10. Transfer and the catching of intention and desire

Step shch, step 1. Action in three spaces
Displacement are thin “I [esm]” in three spaces
Step 0. Department of the fragment of the virtual space


Creation of the essence

Step 1. Creation of the amorphous “embryo” of the essence
Step 2. Accomodation into the mass “of the embryo” of the rudiment of the structure
Step e. Connection of structure and energy potential of the system
Step 4. Pumping system by the energy
Step shch. Introduction into the essence of necessary sensations and intentions
Step '. Determination of the source of power of the essence
Step ". Translation into the consciousness of the essence of the means of the foot- insurance
A little about the nourishment of the essences
the Foot- insurance
Obtaining information from the essences
Framework and the pendulums
Reading the sensations
Reading the visual number
Reading the auditory number
Straight admittance of information into subconsciousness
Varieties of the essences
The basic varieties of the essences, which it is possible to create with the application the technician of the
animation of the objects of system [DEIR]


Our with you present day

Our with you tomorrow - the institute of the introduction of habits [DEIR]
General trends in development [DEIR]


Attention! [Zombirovanie] and sectarianism - daily dangers for the soul and the consciousness!
People, dangerous for others
[Pozhiranie] of soul - [egregory] and the [sektantstkie] pyramids



General parting words

Opening this book, you obtain chance to forever change your life, after entering to the new step of
evolution. To you will be opened the true reasons for health, disease, behavior and human fate.
You will become free from the influence of the great energetic parasites, that rule by remaining people
and that push them on [samoubij] - [stvennye] behavior. You remember that you must not cause to the
[neprodvinuvshimsja] people of harm. Relate to them with the attention and help.
The things, unthinkable for the usual people, will be accessible for you. Do not spend your forces in
vain in pursuit of vain achievements. You have great objective - discovery new peace and the search
for its place in the Ger.
You will find the ability to heal, and this gift will arrive at each by its way. You will use it into the
good. Help unselfishly.
Your soul will pass the process of strengthening, and you will be able to conduct other people after
yourselves. Bring to them light and happiness, but not the dark and pain.
You will cease to depend on [karma] and [karmicheskikh] diseases. Help to reach the same by other.
You will manage the true tool of a change in the peace - by faith. Let your faith bring good not only to
In order to pass entire way to the end, aid can be required you. Find it in the same as you, travellers.
Recognize each other in the crowd. You learn in each other. You remember each other.
After ascending the new step of development, you will be the part of new energy unity, unity of free
people. Lend support each other. You remember about each other and share with each other by energy,
because the price of freedom is great and sometimes not under force one.
You remember about us, who first entered the new peace. We focus new energy unity for you. Be
turned to us into the difficult minute, and we will arrive to the aid. Be turned to us per minute
prosperity, and we will be able to arrive to aid to millions of others. There is no death. We will answer
also because of the face.
You will perceive connection with me, with this author. I await this. You request about the aid and
help me.
Add to the light of new energy unity your rays.
Create new free humanity. You deserve this.


How do you do, the respected readers! I am glad to again meet with you on the pages of this new book.
I hope, you are also glad to our encounter, and I believe in the fact that you with the impatience
awaited it. We with you be situated in the process of mastering the fifth step of further energy-
information development. I be proud of the fact that you go you by this method and reach the
staggering results, that confirm your numerous and detailed letters, obtained by me.
But I will foresee the certain your bewilderment: the animation technique of objects - about which this?
We indeed it seems planned with you on the pages of the sixth book to have a talk about other, namely:
on interaction with the highest forces of our peace, about the methods of action on the reality…
But… But five steps [DEIR] - this simultaneously so is much and so it is small! And frequently it is,
that for understanding of our possibilities we need prompt. This book - one of such prompts. By the
way, to the release into the light by us are planned several similar auxiliary books.
To us, to Russians, are necessary new possibilities, in order to be mastered with the complex
conditions of free life. These possibilities are very necessary to us, in order to return the sublimity of
our country so that the law and the order would triumph in it and in order to we finally steel on our
native land by deservedly happy. Since than happier, and it means, the stronger than the men, the
stronger his country.
The natural logic of events simply required to put off thus far temporarily our with you plans along the
release of the benefit, which continues to acquaint you with the technicians of fifth step, and to pay
attention to the additional, practical directions of the system of habits [DEIR].
Your responses, letters, which arrived after the appearance of the fifth book, and also numerous
questions, which appear in the listeners of confrontation courses and followers of system [DEIR],
testified: before passing to the following, higher step, necessary is more reliable, be fastened to
thoroughly and stably here, in our terrestrial, material peace, in our ordinary human life. Indeed
questions your everyone as one twisted itself around one and the same problem: to us, those even well
mastered the habits of five steps [DEIR], not so it is simple rapidly to learn to use them for everyday
practical purposes. I.e., it is possible to do almost everything, what only soul will wish, but this
requires time and efforts of, including energy. But how to be? Shower- that already it is happy, and
free, and here peace material all some obstacles on our way puts in the way…
Why we do experience such difficulties? Yes because between the knowledge of general regularities,
the possession by general habits and by possession by habits practical - enormous precipice. This as the
difference between the knowledge of mathematics and the knowledge of bookkeeping. Our practical,
particular habits are still insufficient - and peace nevertheless remains for us unfriendly. But it remains
for us unfriendly because we themselves its friendly they did not make. So in what problem? It is
necessary to make its friendly! Forces and habits for this will be sufficient.
Here to this, strictly, and this book is dedicated. In it will be presented the thematics, developed of the
within the framework additional direction of system [DEIR], called “work with the essences and the
essences” (in abbreviated form [RSS]). This direction makes possible for us to considerably enlarge
our possibilities and to strengthen our positions in the material peace.
Thus, in this book we a little get down from the skies to the earth. But do not think that this will be
uninteresting and it is boring! I promise to you the mass of surprising discoveries, captivating
adventures and experiences. Do not think also that this direction - purely practical, utilitarian. It it is
necessary to us not only in order to strengthen our positions on the Earth, but also in order to move in
its energy-information development still further and it is above. The so that this direction is in no way
for us with you step back. On the contrary, to master th procedures e presented in the book it will be
able it only the one who mastered all previous five (or at least four) steps [DEIR]. Because to the very
high degree that, we will here learn what, is practical application in the terrestrial reality of the already
mastered by us knowledge and habits.

But give about everything in the order. However, what us does interfere with, which does create
difficulty in our material peace, when, as you themselves do feel, forces and reason now more than
does be sufficient? Indeed and in fact, we were freed from the influence of the gigantic energy-
information parasites, the managers our [sotsiumom]. We mastered programs to the success, luck, to
the confidence in ourselves. We secured by the support of those surrounding, after learning to
influence them for the universal benefit. We poured off together ether body, soul and consciousness,
after becoming integral, fundamentally new essence, which rose himself to the following step of
evolutionary development. We mastered control of the probabilities of the surrounding peace. We
learned even to govern fate and to open the closed ways!
Such a one it so, but, as we to you already spoke in the previous book, to the very high degree our
material peace lives according to the laws (if this can be named laws) chaos. At least, the highest
regularities so at our level are represented. But chaos it is chaos. In it the most unforeseen situations
and the chances can appear. So that with us it would not occur the troubles, it is necessary to manifest
attention to very many regions of our life. But attention does not always be sufficient! Indeed it is
frequently occupied with [vesha]- mi, which us seem much more important, than these trifles and
chance. And this is what it is obtained: we arrived for the market, they saw on the counter something
very tasty and attractive, they gaped… and purse as it did not occur! We were distracted - and simply
they did not follow, as they took away it. And so it occurs in the life of man with many important
But indeed to in reality all to you, that passed five steps of school [DEIR] - external, and it is still better
than the confrontation, already completely must be sufficient personal force, and reason, and to energy
in order to manage any obstacles, here and by those there appearing in the chaotically arranged
terrestrial peace. Yes, entire this to us it completely is sufficient. Attention does not be sufficient
precisely - yes even is impossible this in principle: to keep under control absolutely everything!
I will open to you the secret: and it is not necessary to keep all circumstances of its life up to the trifles
under control. This not only is not useful, but even it is detrimental! To to nothing expend to us forces
on this total control of all and entire. We and really have much more important tasks in this life.
These functions of control it is possible and it is necessary once and for all to remove from itself. To
remove in order to shift to someone or to something other. Namely: to the energy-information
mechanisms, created specially in order us to guard, to protect, to protect from the chances and the
unexpected contingencies in order to lay [solomki], where this necessarily. Let us note, Beza any
control and participations from our side.
Here for this is necessary to us this, additional, the line of system [DEIR]. In order to learn to create in
our peace of assistants for itself - with the purpose to secure itself from the unpleasant unexpected
contingencies of material peace without the excess expenditure of attention, energy and forces from its
side. In fact, we with you understand sufficiently high laws governing our peace - we interact with the
high levels of energy-information field. But neither to world flows nor, all the more, to the highest
forces of the matter to our everyday trifles, which prevent us from living, in general, and no. It is not so
that necessary to attempt to shift all small concerns to the highest forces. Themselves think: it cannot
be, in fact, been turned to the god with the simplest requests of the type: “God, [pocheshi] to me back!”
As the saying goes, for the god hope, but itself do not make a mistake. But also very to take to itself
entire concern about the trifles somehow not from the hand. Forces and attention to that will not be
sufficient simply, in order to consider everything without the exception of trifle! As a result only you
will be tangled in any nonsense, but its own life force- that will not be sufficient to the important tasks
in the conversion!
But so that to make? To create special mechanisms for the aid to itself in the ordinary life. Let you it
not confuse, that we will call these mechanisms essences or even essences. Indeed we will master the
animation technique of energy-information structures, so that they will truly become living. Essences
and these essence, certainly, energy-information. Yes, in you it is already completely sufficient forces
in order to surround itself by irreplaceable energy-information defenders and assistants! And to begin
to live quietly, without surviving more because of the harassing trifles of way of life.
In the initial developments of defense branch the creation of energy-information mechanisms served in

order to introduce certain additional control. For example, the man leaves from the room, but it should
learn, did visit someone it during its absence. Essence easily can this trace and in time warn. In other
situations the essence can modify the behavior of people in a specific manner if necessary. For
example, you work with the group of people, but they are forced to leave them to some period. In this
case to you it is necessary that even into your absence this group of people would make a necessary
decision or so that their conversation it would enter into the necessary river bed. The energy-
information mechanism, which is left by you instead of itself, can help this.
Is thus, originally within the framework the creation of the system of habits [DEIR] to all possible
essences were removed the role of watchmen, agents, informants. But the logic of development led to
the fact that this technology was adapted, also, for the more ordinary purposes - not only for the
intelligence officers and the people of similar professions, but for the most usual people in the quite
everyday situations. How to ensure the safety of apartment into our absence, as not to allow the loss of
money how to fix business as to protect itself from the different troubles and the accidents? All these
and many other questions are very easily solved by the created specially for these purposes energy-
information essences.
To you it does perhaps everything said seem [pugajushche] complex? Well and in vain. Now you will
see, which in reality all is very simple and it is understandable.
You have long ago known and themselves were convinced of the fact that the entire world - this is
energy. Our peace bears energy-information nature. But which this does indicate? This means that
each, absolutely each object of our material peace is the carrier of the specific kind of energy. Not for
all people this is obvious - it is simple because far from all can feel this energy. Here, as you know
from your experience, is necessary a certain habit. Those of you, who mastered at least first four steps
[DEIR], already authentically know that this thus.
But even people low-sensitivity, in which are not developed the sensations, repeatedly in their life can
be convinced of the fact that the objects are the carriers of power engineering. Indeed in the life of any
man sometimes occur some strange histories, connected with these or other objects. Here is is one such
case, which occurred in the real life. Man obtained inheritance from his aunt after her death. It is
necessary to say that his relations with this aunt were, putting it mildly, completely stressed, and
simply - it hated by its fierce hatred for some reasons, about which we will not be here extended, but
these reasons were actually, and the sufficiently serious: badly this man with his aunt managed in his
time. But here it died, and it yielded to temptation to take to itself its ancient sleeping set. In which, let
us note, entered the bed, on which the aunt died. Unhappy nephew, to misfortune his, did not
understand energy-information laws governing our peace. But, as is known, there are the things, which
exist and work regardless of the fact, we understand them or not. Began poor nephew to sleep on the
elegant [tetushkinoj] bed. As a result beginnings to swiftly lose health, so that in a short time became
practically invalid, from the efflorescent man after becoming feeble old man. In addition wife left from
it, without having carried out this sharp change in the state of husband. Fortunately, in time interfered
one of the specialists of school [DEIR]. For [tetushkinomu] nephew it was possible to help - his health
is restored. Here only wife so did not return. But in this case already happiness, that man they saved
from certain death, from which it was already in two steps. It is necessary to say that after this it began
to learn in our school, after being convinced on its experience of the force of energy-
informationMAIionic actions.
Thus, man nearly ruined [tetushkina] bed. Inanimate, it would seem, object. As not so - not animated.
It turns out that very even animated! Indeed in the structure of this bed remained not only power
engineering, part of the soul of dead aunt together with her hatred for the nephew and desire to cause to
it misfortune, but also information about its death: indeed aunt fell back into the peace of other
precisely to this bed. Here in what slaughter energy “cocktail” our nephew lapped each night. Chances
to survive in it, if not the aid of specialist, in effect it was not!
But it is here arrive- after all to get rid of the villain- bed. Because to completely destroy power
engineering placed into it - that energy-information essence, which put in the bed the aunt, proved to
be, naturally, impossibly. By the way, have in the form that in similar cases operate no methods of the
purification of object - either magic or energy nor religious! And do not believe “to the specialists”,

who indicate that there are methods of the purification of settled by the essence of objects. There does
not exist such methods!
As you understood from this example, the different objects of our peace can be charged by one or other
power engineering or another. This can be both negative power engineering and positive. Depending
on this object it can become either “good” or “evil”. Although, as you already know, in our peace there
exists no absolute values - everything depends only on their own emotional perception. Therefore
someone and evil object it can bear good, and to someone - good will cause evil. But object will here
become good or evil - it depends only on man! But it is more precise, from that power engineering and
information, which man into this object will put. It means, we of their own free will can create the
energy-information structures, which render concrete aid, for ourselves us! Here this property of our
peace we exactly can put into service.
This benefit is intended only for those readers, who already mastered at least first four steps [DEIR]
according to the books “release”, “formation”, “influence” and “maturity” or confrontation passed the
appropriate steps in the school [DEIR]. Only those readers, who already mastered the habits of these
steps, are sufficiently prepared and possess the necessary knowledge and force for the mastery of
direction [RSS]. The same, who for the first time learned about the system [DEIR] only from this book,
I imperatively recommend to put off it to the period and to become acquainted at least with the first by
four, those already named. This is very important! The one who did not master the material of the first
four books, it risks to create in no way those essences, which are necessary to it: indeed the unprepared
man is most frequently guided by false motives, unreal desires, without the agreement of consciousness
and subconsciousness and under the management not of his true essence, but internal critic.
Imperatively I do not advise to undertake the creation of essences, until you learn to be guided only by
true desires and neutralize internal critic! The otherwise created by you essences will have the not
entirely that effect, for which you calculated. Or even in no way that. But this is already serious.

But if you are sufficiently prepared and everything you will make correctly, then you will be able to
surround your house, your life by the good “perfumes”, your kind “house”, which will guard you and
your dwelling, worry about you and your close ones. And it even should to Easter bring the painted
egg, which we will bring to usual house… Although this also will not injure - any sign of attention
makes energetic essence somewhat stronger and it better begins to manage its responsibilities.
You are ready? Then - into the way! Let us begin from the theory. However, what for us does make
possible to accomplish such inaccessible to usual people of action as the conscious animation of
objects on its own will?

Chapter 1
Energy-information essences, which live in the objects: the principles of creation and use

The entire world - this is the energy

Thus, again let us pass on the basic theoretical postulates, which make possible for us to understand, as
this it is possible to in practice surround itself by all possible essence- assistants. Let us recall again all
basic knowledge and habits, which we already possess and which are simply necessary for us for this
interesting matter as the creation of essences and essences. The entire world - this is energy, you this,
of course, long ago perfectly well know. The visible material side - it is far from main component of
our peace. That that we see and perceive with the aid of the usual sensory organs, this far from most
important in our peace. But the main thing is/are this energy-information field. In it - the reason in all
with us proceeding. In it the basis of the bases of our peace. The one who this it does not understand, it
falls into the traps of [sotsiuma], considering that precisely [sotsium] is most important. But to fall into
the traps of [sotsiuma] indicates to in the final analysis doom itself to the misfortunes and misfortunes.
The thus, main thing in the world, its fundamentals - is energy. And you were, of course, more than
once convinced on our own experience that we can with the aid of the habits [DEIR] act on this energy.
Influencing by our consciousness by the energy, which is been the fundamentals of peace, we can
change the strictly surrounding peace, pushing slightly him in th direction e necessary to us! For this it
is necessary to only transfer its self-energy into the necessary river bed - to cease to return its
[sotsiumu] and to begin to direct to its energy-information field. And then we begin to create miracles,
making that which is inaccessible for the usual people, but which is completely natural for the man of
new evolutionary step.

Directing all our forces to the obtaining of money, we most frequently as a result lose them. Directing
its energy to energy-information field and its energy-information essence, assigning to itself program
to obtaining of money, we actually obtain money, and a good work, and strong family, and reliable
house - in a word, all that which to us is necessary in the life. Question only in directing of energy into
the necessary river bed! This is the material of first stage [DEIR], therefore, I hope, he is wonderful
and even to the perfection it is mastered by you already sufficient- after all long ago.
But the majority of people, unfortunately, not only do not know how to direct energy into the necessary
river bed - they even do not surmise about its existence, because they do not know how to perceive it.
So already they are brought up from the childhood, yes even being adult they did not find time to
inquire by the surrounding peace only in more detail. Here and they be in the error. We with you
learned not only to perceive energy, but also to control it.

We can take energy under the control

Even at first stage [DEIR], the in detail presented in the first book this series - “release”, we with you
learned to perceive the energy fluxes inside ourselves. We found in ourselves the sensations of the
ascending and downflows of energy, and not only they felt, but also learned to govern them. We
perceive this motion of energy along the spine, we of their own free will can change the flow of this
flow - for example, after turning internal lever, to force the ascending current to leave outside through
[Adzhna]-[chakru] and with the aid of this flow to transmit its emotions to another man. We can direct
the motion of the downflow through third [chakru] - [Manipuru] and thus transmit outside energy,
force and even order act to other people. But the main thing is/are this that that we were penetrated by
the sensation of constant motion towards each other of two energy fluxes - ascending and descending.
With the aid of these two flows we directed our energy into the accurate river bed, after beginning to
return to its cosmos and Earth and to, correspondingly, obtain repeatedly multiplied force reserve from
these inexhaustible sources. Governing our energy fluxes, we already become much more strongly,
since we are joined to the eternal energy sources, which supplement our forces with every day.

We perceive power engineering of the peace

Thus, we know how to govern our own power engineering. But this is far from all: we perceive not
only energy fluxes inside ourselves, but even and power engineering external: you will recall, as we
learned to [oshushat] and even to see ether body. And many of you without the special efforts in this
succeeded, since the sensation of energy is completely natural our property, simply slightly forgotten
because of the incorrect training and the absence of practice. You will recall, as we learned to be
moved in the space in the ether tele-, as of their own free will they increased and decreased their ether
body to the desired sizes… All this passed by you the stages, mastered to the perfection even at first
stage [DEIR]. And now, I am confident, you did not lose these habits. It suffices only to rub palms by
one against another, to place them in parallel and to begin slightly to draw near each other so that you
would feel this completely clear resistance of the energy field between the palms. [Podnosja] hand to
your body, you also perceive its power engineering. Moreover, each man with a certain training can
perceive with palm power engineering of another man, and even any object called inanimate.
We are familiar with energy-information nature of peace by no means only as theorists. We are capable
of perceiving this nature. But if we are capable it of perceiving, which means, we we can be oriented in
the energy-information field. We can feel its flows and even achieve navigation in them. Thus we are
considerably expansible for ourselves the boundary of peace. We based on the example of our own
sensations are convinced, that energy exists objectively, and it is so real and it is so material as the
visible peace. You indeed do remember the determination of material, given by the dialectic
materialism? Is certain, here is it, familiar by all almost from the childhood: material - is the objective
reality, given to us in the sensation.
Here here dialectic materialism itself caught into the trap. Indeed if to us are given in the sensation
energy-information flows (moreover these sensations are objective, since they coincide in all people,
which receive the energy-information side of peace), which means, our material peace - this is far from
only seen to eye objects. It means, our material peace - this even and the energy-information field,
which is the objective reality, given to us in the sensation. This means that the consciousness, which by
the dialectic materialism was considered second, since it did not relate to the material, it is in reality
also material! Indeed the carrier of consciousness - energy-information field, and this completely not
some nonmaterial formation. This is concrete, objectively existing material energy-information field!
In the objectivity of energy-information processes are convinced the students of school [DEIR] already
from the first occupations. Indeed for them nothing it is worthwhile to determine, proceeds draining or,
on the contrary, energy input from one man to another. Comparing our sensations in the one and in the
other case, we can be convinced of their similarity in the most different people and confirm
authenticity and objectivity of our sensations.
The misfortune of the majority of people in the fact that this method of world view is not mastered by
them. They even do not attempt to learn only more. Well, then man blind from the generation equally
well can not dream to see, but deaf from the generation - hear. From their disbelief, nevertheless,

neither light nor sounds will cease to exist.
Then we, mastered this method world views, leave to the contact with the field and we begin to live in
it so as to govern the processes of its life and to obtain that which to us in this life is necessary. But it
here for us is necessary to consider the laws of energy-information field and to adhere to some rules.

We can reach only true goals

One of these rules consists in the fact that we can reach success, only setting for ourselves true goals.
But here this we learned already at the second step [DEIR]. What this for the true goals? These are not
those purposes, which are imposed on us from the side, they are suggested by energy-information
parasites, but those, which be required for our further energy-information development, for our
progressive forward movement, to the new steps of evolution, which are necessary to our true essence,
our soul. I.e., these are the random desires of our left heel or right knee, but is that which to us is
actually is vitally necessary - it is necessary to our energy-information essence, it is necessary for our
prosperity and happiness. But the fact is that men far from always he understands, where its true desire,
but where false, imposed [sotsiumom]. It can accept for the true desire that which is imposed on false
ideas about the prestige, about that which now is fashionable that it is necessary to have by all… And
here is man, whose true desire it consists in becoming, for example, artist, muffles this true desire and
goes in businessmen - because all there go. Naturally, on this false way it suffers troubles alone some,
until it comes to the complete crash. But indeed if it would listen to itself, to its true essence, he would
become the happy and rich, successful man, famous artist.
This is the, of course, simplified example. But similar cases around us of 99 percent. Yes, here this
enormous quantity of people daily betray itself and their true desires in the favor of [sotsiumu],
thinking that their [sotsium] for this by something will reward. Nothing similar! We has already been
convinced repeatedly, that [sotsium] can only suck out of the man all forces, and here instead of hardly
something it will give. To serve [sotsiumu], betraying in the favor of it its true desires, this is way to
the loss.
Here at the second step [DEIR], presented in the second book - “formation”, we learned to reveal our
true desires and to distinguish them from the false, using a standard state. For this we removed
conflicts between consciousness and subconsciousness, establishing between them clear connection
and interaction, and subconsciousness it error-free issued to consciousness our true goals. True goals
are always reached they easily and bring only happiness and success! Placing true goal, we learned to
lead into the agreement for this purpose and our behavior, our behavior. We mastered programs to the
success and luck, after learning to always act the best and most successful means. So we reached the
high cleanliness of reason, [nezamutnennosti] by its decoys and by false behavior. Let us note: this is
basic condition for that occupation, to which we with you approach, for creating the energy-
information essences. Only man with the clean reason, i.e., this man, whose desires are true and whose
behavior coincide with the desires, it can create essence and animate objects, without risking in this
case to damage to themselves and by others. You will focus attention on this! You remember that
further work it cannot be taken up, until are mastered the previous steps [DEIR]!
One additional important habit, which we mastered in the process of the previous instruction and which
for us is simply necessary for further work, this action on other people.

We can act others, on their thought and behavior

Speaking about the action, let us note: the discussion does not deal with those usual methods of the
interreactions, which adapt in the human society. Aggression, the malice, everyday of [vampirizm], the
desire to create the neighbor of problem and trouble - all this to our methods of action has no relation.
And to ritual [zombirovaniju] these of technology also have no relation.
Our methods of action on others - this is direct breakthrough from one consciousness to the next. We
must something contradict against aggressive [sotsiumu]. We must somehow learn to render safe it,
creating around ourselves healthy, ecologically clean space. How? With the aid of having only its

reason directed the mental flows of the surrounding people into the necessary, correct, nonagressive,
creative river bed.
As we see, this action - this good, which is of benefit to all without the exception: and to that, who
influences, and to that, on whom they influence. We simply extend our installation to the creation, to
the progress, to the evolution to other people, we thus initiate them to the increase, the development,
the evolution! It is here in what the sense of this action on others, which it is discussed at the third step
[DEIR], presented in the book “influence”. The subtitle of this book, which says, frightened many, that
it will learn you to program others. But the sense of this programming completely not in subordinating
of another man and making from it [zombi]. We are interested in another man understanding our
thoughts, in order to sow into his brain the seeds of evolution, development, creation.
Sense of this action in passing to the new, deeper and more effective level of contact. In this case,
bearing into the brain of another man creative programs, we do not completely force his will. Indeed us
and in our ordinary life literally surrounds programming! One tele-advertisement alone programs us to
hourly buy entire contract! But here in order not to yield for this persistent programming -here it is
necessary to perceive it and to understand its regularities.
We show to man, what in it are possibilities - we demonstrate to its brain the specific program of
development. Thus in some interval of time we block its destructive, aggressive programs and we clear
to ourselves and to him ecological niche for normal, valuable existence. We even can pull out man
from under control of energy-information parasite in order to show another, free path him. But it will
use this program in its further life or it will not use and he will as before remain the unreasonable,
irresponsible essence, to which the new step of evolution does not shine, its this already matter.
After mastering programming, we leave to the qualitatively new level of contact - we associate directly
from one consciousness to the next. The reasons of people at the third step [DEIR] are revealed
towards each other, and we begin to very well feel each other at any distance. The exchange of
information occurs, passing words, directly from one consciousness to the next! And for this we
altogether only learned to focus our central energy flux so as with his aid to inject in the consciousness
of other its thoughts and emotion, strengthening or impeding thus th programs e forming there:
strengthening, naturally, positive programs and impeding destructive, imposed by energy-information
parasite. In exactly the same manner we can feel intentions and desires of another man and transfer our
desires and intentions to it.
I.e., we learned to freely transfer information to each other, passing words and even passing thoughts.
In the essence this that that (true, not very accurately) they call telepathy. We and this already can! And
this will very soon prove useful to us.

We know how to displace point “I [esm]”

They did refresh in the memory the fourth step [DEIR], presented in the book “maturity”? Very well.
Then you must remember what the central point of our consciousness is, point “I [esm]”, and for which
we should know how it to displace. Let us recall how we achieved this sensation: intercepted thoughts
and feelings, simply races -[tozhdestvljajas] with them and realizing, what “I” - this not of thought and
not feeling, but something other. When we discarded from ourselves as husk from the bulb, the thought
and a feeling, the purified core remained: our true “I”. In it we found the state of rest, freedom,
estrangement, cleanliness. Then we understood, that this sensation appears somewhere in the region of
head. And they began to learn to consciously mix up it.
First we displaced it into field they overhead and revealed that it was exerted in the state, very close to
the creative inspiration, and also recovered some flashes of future. Displacing sensation “I [esm]”
downward and placing him after the back, we fell into our past, they were immersed in the
recollections, including standard state. Thus, using displacement of point “I [esm]”, we connected up
one entire consciousness and soul. Indeed precisely soul is the source of creation, precisely, soul it
receives the past, and future. But the consciousness of usual man is torn from the soul, but therefore
usual man is not capable of the creation, does not know how to foresee future and to extract lessons
from the past… Of that consists the limitedness of usual man, that it lacks integrity, it “component

parts” they are separated: soul separately, consciousness separately, ether body separately… At the
fourth step we learned to connect up all one whole these “component parts”. We are steel by integral
essence with the realized soul and the animated consciousness. We merged together with our soul and
dissolved those poured together soul and consciousness in the ether tele-. But this indicates to become
harmonious, valuable essence, man of new evolutionary step. This is the most stable, most reliable
state, which gives to us access to the enormous reserves of energy, to the creation, to the foresight of
future, to the intuitive enlightenment and even to the immortality. Man, who reached this state, already
almost [vsemogushch] - it creator, it can create around itself that universe, which is necessary to it. He
is very lord of his peace! And here here to us are opened unprecedented possibilities - we can use all
three spaces, accessible to man.

Three spaces are accessible to us

Thus, we approached the fifth step of the system of habits [DEIR], named “confidence”. And we learn,
what to man are accessible three spaces - space of objective reality, the space of subjective reality and
the virtual space of our consciousness. The space of objective reality - this is material peace with its
collection of events, circumstances, situations, i.e., the conditions, identical for all people. The space of
subjective reality - this is the same reality, reflected by the consciousness of man, with the values of the
events, which, as we remember, are individual for each man: event- that are identical, but values their
different for all, and that which is good for one, it can be badly for another. And there is an even more
virtual space of our consciousness - this is the space, in which we is exerted each time, when simply
we shut eyes. In this space we can create everything which to us is necessary. In this space we can find
everything, anything, there dwell our recollections, means, emotions. There we can reveal zone “well”
and zone “badly”. We can shift of their own free will point “I [esm]” into these zones in order to
govern regions “well” and “it is bad” in its real life in the manner that to us necessarily, namely:
distributing regions “badly” to the insignificant events, and region “it is good” - to the events meant.
Thus we make major step - step toward control of events!

We can govern the events of the life

At the fifth step [DEIR] we learned neither more nor less as to take into our hands control of our own
fate. We mastered the principles of navigation among the world flows, revealing among them the open
and closed ways. We learned to select the open ways and even to open the closed ways. As a result we
learned to avoid the crash of our undertakings and to ensure success with them. We learned to be
oriented not to event itself, and at his internal value for us and, thus, to not be included in numbers of
the events, which only by sight of seem good, but which will in reality activate only internal value
“badly”. This material, certainly, simpler it was master the fact, who passed instruction in our
confrontation courses. But also among the reader- corresponding students was located numerous
talented people, which successfully mastered this, let us directly say, complex material, this I judge by
your letters!
And here all these knowledge to us it is already completely sufficient in order to enter the most
fascinating stage of its development - to begin of their own free will to call into being new essences.

We can cause the energy-information creation to the life

Yes, we are ready to the mastery of new habit - to it entire previous system of instruction naturally
brought us. After combining all already accessible to us habits, we can learn to create the independent
energy-information essences, which will help us in our life, independently, without our participation
and without any power or intellectual expenditures from our side, carrying out the definite, assigned to
them missions.
Well, then you are ready? You are completely assured in yourselves? I do not doubt. Then the
attention: in front very important material. Will before we begin creating essence, it is necessary to
become acquainted with the basic principles of this operation. These are the basic principles, on which
we will rest in the forthcoming creative process and without the solid knowledge and fulfillment of
which simply it is not possible to begin this work. Approximately so, as it cannot be leave for the
journey in the automobile with the defective brakes. You do understand, as are important for us the
principles, about which we will now speak? Here therefore we should give the closest attention to


[Vychishchenie] of the object

You already, of course, understood that we will create not simply somewhere essences in the space and
in the time - we will populate them into the completely concrete objects. What this they can be for the
objects? In principle, what it is convenient: although table, although bed, although fence, although
frightened garden. That animated frightened in the vegetable-garden it can greatly and greatly help you
to preserve your harvest!
But most comfortably and more practically nevertheless to use the objects small, compact, not very
noticeable, such, for example, as ring, coulomb, precious stone or usual river pebbles, pendant, cuff-
link and so on.

To you it is still difficult to understand, how this it is possible to animate these and other objects? I will
open to you the secret: there is not what uncommon in this. All people without the exception,
themselves about that without surmising, the initial stages of this procedure constantly are carried out!

But people about this do not surmise, they make this unconsciously and it is absolutely illiterate.
Therefore, themselves of that without noting, they reach sometimes the success in the creation - and
obtain results completely undesirable for itself.
To the the fact is that those objects, with which we constantly deal, we compulsorily return part
ourselves, part of our power engineering, part of our soul. But this is what this for the part - it depends
already on us, on our relation to the object. Is far from always this our best part. Each knows, as it is
easy to leave itself, when something is not added, for example, to the repair. Let us say, wall-papers in
no way adhere exactly to the wall - first wrinkles, then misalignments. You are angered, in you the
irritation increases, the aggression and other negative - and here you in the hearts already beat by cam
into this ill-starred wall, you vomit the into pieces hateful piece of wall-papers, you pronounce short,
but very energetic phrase with the use of some elements of nonstandard vocabulary… Well do not
await after this, that for you will act the known truth “house and walls help”. Both wall and wall-
papers, after absorbing the plenty piece of your hatred, the same hatred itself will begin to emit already
on you. However, do not be surprised at the state of discomfort, which you will experience near this
wall. Moreover you did not determine the spectrum of tasks for the buried by you in the wall energy
cluster. Do not be surprised and when from this wall to you during one excellent day anything will fall
down - first whether picture, then whether pot with the colors.
Accordingly, the nail, which you drove into in the hearts and with the curses, will you always scratch.
To say nothing of that that in th house e constructed with the malice and with the irritation hardly you
will live for long and
it is happy.
On the whole, “as you yacht will name, so she will float”. You will put what in the object, then it will
to you return. As you program it, so it will you serve.
Therefore, in contrast to the majority of people, which load the objects (glory to god, that not
animating them) it is completely unconscious, and therefore making this it is far from in better shape,
we with you will make this [osoznanno], according to all rules, so that the animated by us objects
would bear to us only benefit, but on no account harm.
From what to begin? Well, of course, from the fact that to select the object, into which we will
populate energy-information essence. Take any small object, which is placed into the palm. It is
desirable so that this object would cause in you positive emotions - it would please itself you. It is here
only desirable so that this thing would be at least relative to new so that the large part of its biography
would be known to you. It is not necessary to use ancient, ancient things. Why this so principally - I
will say only later.
When you selected object for your work, it is necessary him to clean. Why this is important? Because
all people, into hands of which this object entered to you, yes even you themselves, interacting earlier
with this object, unconsciously already packed into it part yourselves, part of your power engineering,
i.e., they one way or another animated it. Consequently, object could accumulate a large quantity of
undesirable information. If this is the thing, purchased in the store, it could load by power engineering
and producer, and salesman. But indeed it is unknown, in what state they were, when they held in the
hands this object!
You, probably already know, as act the [neotrabotannye] [karmicheskie] problems in people. If man
does not work with his [karmoj], but only forces it deeper inward, in it they are formed the certain
depressed psychological complexes. These complexes begin to literally dictate to man, as it must itself
news, moreover independent of its will. And here man wants to be strong, daring, courageous, it is easy
to achieve goal - and instead of this, that itself without desiring and suffering from this, it behaves as
some pitiful ninny.
Approximately so appear and the residual information structures, inserted earlier in the objects. You
can program object to the aid to you - and residual information structure will dictate completely
different properties, another nature of behavior and action on you, to it, and as a result instead of the
aid you will obtain only harm.
It is not this is why necessary to use the ancient objects: in them much most different information can
be accumulated, and to clean them is not always possible. Ancient objects can be populated even

essences, to free from which them is simply unreal. It is because important to clean any object, even
new, if we intend to populate by its essence, which will become our assistant.
How this is done? It is very simple. For this it is necessary only just of times to recall the habits of first
stage [DEIR]. Let us recall how we learned our own palm to direct power engineering to some another
object - for example, to our own thigh. We " opened” our palm, directing energy outside. In this case
our thigh perceived with heat- and pressure from power engineering of our hand.
Now we should take analogous measure with the cleaned object. This to make still simpler: we take
object into the palm and it is mentally from the palm sent in it energy so that this energy would pierce,
would literally impregnate object right through. You follow your sensations: it is necessary to ensure
that on the sensations object would become increasingly more warmly, seemingly it was warmed
thoroughly in your hand.
Then you look at the object attentively and as before be penetrated by sensations. Here object was
warmed thoroughly, here it was pierced right through by the flows of your power engineering, but
nevertheless you clearly see and perceive that the object exists separately, and your hand - separately.
Thus far this is foreign for you object.
Now your task of pouring off object together with its hand. Continue energy warming up and observe,
as in object and hand are formed general aura, overall energy field. Object merges at the energy level
with your hand and it becomes with it single whole. Await, you look at the object, be penetrated by the
sensation of complete confluence. Wait for that moment, when you feel the complete confluence of
hand and object, when it becomes intimate with it completely.
If in you a good musical rumor and developed sensitivity, it is possible to recommend another method.
Take object in the hand, you will include its energy warming up and try to perceive the energy
vibrations, which emanate from your hand. These vibrations are analogous to sound vibrations, and
you can feel certain sound, specific tone in them. Try to mentally tune object according to these
vibrations. You will perceive, as object begins to be penetrated by these vibrations, and here it already
itself vibrates, it sounds, as if tuning fork. First its tones will be “dirty”, but gradually it “[zapoet]”
increasingly cleaner and it is cleaner, into the harmony with your hand. When object “sings” without
the discord - this means that it is ready, sufficiently well cleaned.
There are other methods of [vychishchenija] of objects, but they are more complex, and therefore to
master them is possible only with the residence training in the courses [DEIR] under the direct
management of the instructor, who clearly will demonstrate, as these methods work. Without the visual
demonstration of these methods, from the pages of the book it is not possible to train by it,
unfortunately. But therefore remains only just once to invite those desiring to the courses - at least,
there we can be assured as the obtained habits!
But for all rest - some moderately-priced methods of [vychishchenija] of objects still will be brought in
this book, in the following chapters, on the concrete occasions. The main thing - object it must be
completely clean, i.e., either new or thoroughly cleaned.

Initiation of the essence

After we cleaned object, it is possible to approach the first stage of the creation of essence. The first
stage - this is the initiation of essence. I will resemble: thus far we speak exclusively about the
principles of the creation of essences, but in no way not about the technology of their creation.
Technology in all components and details will be described in the following chapters. Therefore thus
far do not attempt to begin to create essence - only become acquainted with the given basic principles.
The principle of initiation lies in the fact that as the nucleus for the increase and the development of
future essence we is utilized means - any, but it is better to use visual.
You, probably know, as they rear artificial pearls. Tiny grit is taken, it dips into the specially prepared
mass from the mother-of-pearl - and grit gradually begins to outgrow by the layers of mother-of-pearl,
until pearl is formed. Here this “grit” for a increase in the essence becomes the specific means, have
received we sensually and it is emotional.

Such means we place into the external space - and it becomes unique “[skeletikom]”, which
subsequently must be satiated by energy (unique “meat”). Such of [skeletik], that outgrows by meat -
energy, and is converted gradually into the necessary to us essence.
Means can be most different. They even can direct essence toward the concrete action, but this is too
complicated to transmit through the text. Important condition: means must be clear, concrete, easily
recalled and learned, easily called parties in the memory. The effectiveness of our interaction with the
essence depends on this.

Programming the essence

Thus, to us it is necessary that the essence us would obey and so that it would carry out very clear and
specific objectives, without going out of control and without making nothing such, what from it they
require. Therefore very important principle - correct programming of essence. In order to correctly
program essence, you must very clearly visualize, what you, strictly, from it want. If you want simply
then, just in case, to have always quite near some unknown to the science of beast without the clearly
designed rights and the responsibilities - well await the surprises of every kind and the unexpected
contingencies, not always pleasant. To you are necessary excess adventures to your head? I think, they
are not necessary. Then be so kind, approach the creation of essences with entire seriousness and
responsibility and you will place into their future soul clear program and care also that they not to the
step from it would step back.
Consider: the different kind of suggestion, lecture and pronunciations as the educational means with
respect to essence will not approach. You can as much as desired expend your eloquence, sing by the
nightingale before the essence, explaining to it, what to you, strictly, from it must, it will remain
absolutely apathetic and your oratorical talent it will not estimate on the merit. Uselessly to act on it
and by hypnosis, suggesting to it all that, what you from it want to attain. Your newly born essence
thus far still does not have not reason, not capability for auditory and visual perception; therefore it will
remain to your efforts of deaf and blind.
Only, that it can thus far receive, these are your sensations. This approximately also as with the newly
born child: he yet does not know words, is not understood the value of objects and means, but here the
mood of mother feels it very well and excellently recovers all its emotions and experiences.
Hence important conclusion: programming essence is possible only with the aid of the transfer by it its
own sensations.
In order to accurately transmit essence at the sensation level, what you from it want, it is necessary to
have very clean reason. Clean, i.e., free from the false desires and the unreal purposes and capable to
bring behavior of man into correspondence to his true desires. Otherwise you besides your will can
suggest essence anything nothing of the kind, for example direct it toward the fulfillment of false
desire, which will go to you into the harm. Briefly stated, again it is necessary to recall that without the
thorough study of the second step [DEIR] it is correct cannot be programmed the essence.
For programming of essence it is required, furthermore, the habit of the self-discipline, which seize all
trainers to the system of habits [DEIR]. Self-discipline is necessary in order to know how for the
sufficiently prolonged period of time as should be concentrated its attention in its sensations with the
purpose to transmit essence the complete, comprehensive information about its tasks and to establish to
some period continuous contact with the essence - indeed only with the continuous contact it will
perceive your sensations adequately and completely. You must as a good radio receiver, know how to
transmit essence the information Beza any interferences and ambient noise. This can be information
about the maintenance of health, about the protection from the outside energy influences, about the
protection of your rest and so on, about the tasks of essences we still will speak in detail in the
following book, dedicated the animation technique of objects.
We already spoke, that in the process of [vychishchenija] of object it is necessary seemingly to merge
with it together, to identify with it. In the process of programming essence we had to merge together,
identify already with it by the very, using the technology of the transmission of the information of the
third or fourth step [DEIR]. Only with the condition of complete identification with the essence at the
moment of its programming it and subsequently will clearly follow assigned you " to conditions for the
duration entire of the period of its existence.

Conditions of the nourishment of the essence

To entire living, naturally, is required nourishment. Therefore, creating essence, it is necessary to

without fail care that it would not remain hungry, i.e., it is necessary to think about the food for your
essence. But otherwise it from the hunger can begin to be independent and to attack on what it fell -
even on its owner or to his relatives and familiar. To you is necessary house manual cannibal?
Certainly, it is not necessary. Therefore give let us think how we will our essence feed.
Energy-information essence - it, of course, not carnivorous, and even not herbivorous, and already in
no way be mammalianing. Feeds it, as to it it becomes, by energy. It is important to only select the
correct energy source for it.
Your inherent energy reserves - this is the incorrect energy source for the essence. Can, of course, be
formed such situations, when it is necessary to feed up essence by its own power engineering, but this
must be made very accurately and strictly by observing measure. However, in the majority of the cases
essence it is necessary in every way possible to guard from the nourishment due to your energy
reserves. But here by the aggression of your enemies it completely can feed up, after converting it from
the negative energy into the very tasty positive additional supply. To all it will be good: and essence is
satisfied, and aggressors are render harmlessed.
For this will have simply to fix a constant energy flux, which flows outside, from the environment and
its objects, directly inside the essence. It is necessary to dispose by its in such a way that it would
accumulate the distributed energy of environment and then was used it for the accomplishment of th
objectives e assigned to it, in this case supporting a constant internal energy equilibrium.

The conditions of nourishment are also created by you at the sensation level and in the form sensations
they are transferred to essence. All this is done in the state of complete identification with the essence -
will only so you ensure the stability of its existence.

Use of the essence

The important operating principle with the energy-information essence is connected with the fact that
you without fail should manufacture the method of contact with the essence also of control of it. The
fact is that, programmed only to the fulfillment of the definite missions, the essence does not possess
too strong developed reason and cannot independently make decisions and change its behavior. In
certain cases it it is necessary to direct and to control. Furthermore, sometimes it is, that, the collected
enormous energy reserve satisfied, essence seemingly fills up and loses the finesse of perception.
Indeed its energy reserve considerably higher than same in the usual and even trained man -
respectively, man begins to worry under where the weaker influences than the created with it energetic
essence. It is necessary to wake and to anew explain him, in what its task.
How to associate with the essence in such and different other cases? It is very simple: so, as we
associate with the people. What we do make, when we do want to enter the contact with the man? It is
correct - we are turned to it on the name. Thus and in your energy-information essence must be the
name, to which it will easily and rapidly respond. As the name it is possible to use the so-called foot-
insurance - placed, in addition with the aid of the sensations certain means, with the aid of which you
will control and direct essence in th direction e necessary to you. This means is sent essence with the
aid of the technician of the third step [DEIR] (fragmentary telepathy). Means must be maximally
simple, clear and clear so that you would not forget it and always they could operationally use.
Foot- insurance makes possible for us to control essence.

[Razvoploshchenie] of the essence

Possibly, for you it is necessary time- to sooner or later personify your essence, i.e., to simply stop its
existence. This outcome of the matter cannot be excluded, at least because the essence in the course of
time can lose its usefulness, cease to be to you necessary, after accomplishing the task, for which it was
created. It occurs, that with the creation of essence are committed the errors, because of which the
essence leaves from under control- and then also it is necessary to get rid of it. One way or another, but
to the liquidation of essence it is necessary to be to always finished previously.

If the need for the curtailment of the activity of essence ripened, for us it is necessary to pass entire
already designated by us chain in the reverse order, i.e., to use again entire sequence of the means used
and sensations [szadu] in advance, beginning from the foot- insurance and ending with the means,
connected with the initiation of essence. This is why all means must be clearly recalled. Just as with the
creation of essence we consecutively embedded into it all these means and sensations - now we must in
their reverse order from it withdraw. I.e., completely to discharge, to neutralize th essence e created by
us. If we this do not make, if we will not use the same chain of means or, for example, let us want
simply to drive away essence where further, after shaking out it from th object e intended for it,
nothing from this it will come out not in whom. So simply we will not get rid of it. At best she simply
will replace the place for localization, after settling in other object (although it can select for the
settlement and your own virtual space), in the worse - it will begin to manifest aggression and to direct
its energy reserve against us.
By the way: the means and sensations, with the aid of which you created essence, this of their kind
your individual code, accessible only to you. Therefore no one can either use essence or [razvoplo]-[tit]
it, except its owner.
Can happen so that you [razvoplotili] essence in the hearts or rashly, and then they was sorry about
this. It does not be worthwhile to survive: know that the residual means of foot- insurance remains in
the level of power engineering sufficiently for a long time, and you, using him, will be able to again
recreate the lost essence. But if you solidly decided to take leave with the been bored with and
unnecessary essence forever - the means of foot- insurance must be cleaned by the special rigid
methods, about which we still will have a talk.
In order to [razvoplotit] essence, it is necessary to go in the reverse order along the thread of the
means, used for its creation.

Chapter 2
The animation technique of objects - general management

Thus, we with you recalled the basic habits, which were necessary for creating the essences. We also
outlined the basic principles of creation and use of essences. I.e., we were introduced to the theoretical
side of a question. And now it is possible to approach the practice - strictly to the technology of the
creation of essences,
The process of creating the energy-information essences, as you already understood, requires not only
knowledge, but also habits - habits, obtained at the previous steps of further energy-information
development. But these habits in application to to the creation of essences have some finesses. Used
them must be separately accurately and is correct. We already designated in the previous chapter those
habits, which were necessary for us with the creation of essences. But now let us pause in detail at
components and finesses of their application in the matter, which is concerned the creation of energy-
information essences. All these habits to you are familiar, but therefore to recall them in practice and
somewhat to modify for creating the essences to the prepared reader will not compose labor. But that
here not prepared to risk I do not advise! If you do not want to, of course, [nasozdavat] the monsters,
that can occupy your living space it will be impossible so that and to sigh.
This I do not frighten - I prevent. To the prepared reader, it will understand the previous stages of
system [DEIR], which was moved to the new evolutionary step, to fear absolutely something: in it it is
sufficient habits in order to competently create essence, sufficient self-discipline in order not to
[nasovershat] the entirely already serious and inadmissible errors, sufficient force in order to keep that
everything created with it under strict control and to use essences only itself into the good. But here all
rest greatly and greatly it does not prevent from first learn.
Thus, let us pass to the special features, the components and the finesses of the application of already
known to us habits of a matter of the creation of energy-information essences. I please you, you do not
relate to this stage of instruction formally, again make all exercises, even if you them constantly
practice already after the passage of first stage [DEIR]. To revive all obtained earlier habits now is
simply necessary - thus we produce the unique warming-up of our organism and entire its own energy-

information structure. If you want, this is of its kind limbering-up before serious work on the creation
of essences. This work it is necessary to approach in the heated, prepared state. Therefore pass
unhurried and consecutively all steps, which will be now here presented, you will recall anew all
necessary for us sensations.
We will not stop on all habits, obtained by you in the process of instruction along the system [DEIR],
now we will temporarily lay aside the habits, connected with the release from the energy-information
parasites, with achieving of our goals effortlessly, with the use of a success and luck, with obtaining of
access to the creation and the intuition, with the setting to ourselves to the service of random events
and with the rotation with the world flows. We will affect only those habits, which will be required us
in practice for creating the energy-information essences. This does not mean that the remaining habits
are not necessary to us! They do not adapt in this case in the practical work, but they are the necessary
part edge the preparation, without which the creation of essences it is better not to take up. It is already
said repeatedly on this, and I hope that the readers, who did not become acquainted themselves, until
now, with the material of the previous books of this series, nevertheless will change the mind and they
will not begin to read further, until master at least first four steps [DEIR].
But we already can boldly go further with the prepared readers. Thus, the habits, which will be
required us for creating the energy-information essences, in essence its for you are not new. You, of
course, remember that these habits we mastered even at the previous steps [DEIR], making our first
steps in this system. But now we return to them already at the completely new level and with the new
purposes! Again I repeat: further material - practical. But therefore - be weakened, accept convenient
pose and prepare to carry out the following exercises.


Step 1, step shch. Tactile sensation of the field

Sit down on the chair in the convenient, free pose and place the hands before itself by palms to each
other so that the distance between the palms would be 20-25 centimeters. Begin to make the slow and
measured off inhalations and. With each inhalation a little bring palms closer to each other, in this case
try to grasp the sensations between the palms. After a certain time you will feel a certain resistance
between the palms - in the manner that as if between them it is located the half-lowered air ball. You
will clearly feel the elastic surface of the imaginary ball, which does not as if release your palms
further, it does not give to them to close.

You revived and activated your ability to perceive energy of environment and your own body. You
again were convinced of the presence of energy in the surrounding space and in the fact that your own
body is also energy formation.
This sensation by us will be necessary with the creation of essences -, first of all, in the stage of
[vychishchenija] of the object, when we should direct energy to the object and clearly perceive its flow.

Step 1, step 2. Sensation of the ether body

You know that your body - this is energy formation. It is now necessary to revive and to activate the
habit of the transformation of its power engineering of the space. Accept the slack free pose - can lie or
sit down, can simply arise among the room. Shut eyes. Visualize, as the boundaries of your body they
are enlarged. Here your body increases in the sizes it so, that covers by itself entire your room with all
located in it objects. Now these objects seemingly are located inside you, are part you. Now visualize
that your body filled entire house, in which you live, and even it left by upper its part beyond the limits
of house - here you has already been raised above the roof and you from there survey entire city to his
boundaries themselves. After admiring by city, can slowly begin to decrease. You will decrease, for
example, to the dimensions of cigarette lighter or comb in your pocket. Stay a little by this comb, you
will look to your room from your own pocket. Well as picture? Recently you were Gulliver, and now
steel by Liliputian, and your cabinet seems you by skyscraper… Interesting sensations, not so whether?

But now do not forget to return to your usual sizes. After returning, open eyes and you will
comprehend that occurred. But occurred the fact that you decreased and increased their ether body in
our own will to such sizes, to which you it wanted. Can [poeksperimentirovat] with such maneuvers
and it is further. You will see, that there are no limits to the transformations of ether body. You can
grow to the dimensions of the mountain and even the entire Earth, and can decrease to the dimensions
of ant or even bacterium. Everything depends only on you. Ether body to obediently your will and to
your orders - always, at any moment of time you can do with it everything, anything. After decreasing
to the dimensions of bacterium, you will be able to avoid unnecessary encounter and to be mislaid in
the crowd - man, with whom you do not want to be met, simply it will not note you. After increasing to
the dimensions of mountain, you can terrify chief or subordinates, and by it it will not be wanted with
you to be connected - mountain indeed and crush can… But now this habit is necessary to us for other.
We should perceive that our body, as energy formation, can merge with power engineering of
environment, cover it by itself and make those related to itself even objects, which are called inanimate

- although mountain, although comb. We are capable of come into contact with power engineering of
external peace and of obtaining information about it. Thus, after becoming Gulliver, we can in the
imagination see entire city from the height of bird flight, i.e., obtain additional information, that that
our physical eyes do not obtain at the given moment. We are capable of also piercing the objects of the
surrounding peace by our power engineering and of transferring our personal information, that, by
which we should load the surrounding objects on them. For this it is necessary to envelop these objects
with its ether body, as we recently made.

Step 1, step e. Sensation of the energy-information space

This exercise - continuation of previous. In that exercise we simply covered the surrounding objects by
our ether body, now let us try more distinctly to merge with them, to feel them partly ourselves.
Sit down, be weakened, to shut eyes is not compulsory. Again begin mentally to grow to the
boundaries of your room. Visualize that the boundary of room - this is boundaries of your body. Try to
perceive itself with air, which fills room. Everything which is located in the room, including its walls,
floor, ceiling, this all inside your body, this part you. Your body consists now of in all, which fills your
room, and, first of all, from its air and light. Now visualize that the door into the room was opened and
note the difference in the sensations. Now visualize that from the room they carried out entire furniture.
Again note the difference in the sensations. But room they here drove in to it was boundary by bulky
antiquarian furniture. How did change sensations? Did not become they oppressively? It does be
sufficient to you air? No? Everything is correct. Rather visualize that they again carried out entire
furniture and room was filled up with light and pure ionized air. To breathe it began more easily. Can
sigh by entire your ether body, which at the given moment in everything coincides with the room. You
do feel, that room - living? What it does breathe together with you? What you now with it - one?

Well here it is sufficient. You will decrease to your usual sizes. Mentally you [rastozhdestvites] with
the room. You will separate from itself entire its furniture and wall - let they stand at their places
separately, and you - separately. You will take out of your body as splinters, all these cabinets and
chandelier. Thus. Let they remain themselves, and you - by themselves.
You will memorize these sensations of connection with the objects and separations with them. They
greatly will prove useful to us in the process of the animation of objects. And let thus far these
sensations are very thin and hardly they are perceptible - but you indeed did easily recognize them, not
so whether? You indeed felt the difference in the sensations, when you were cabinet and when again
steel by yourselves. Here this exactly and it is important. With what already there feeling you
perceived this difference - by the seventh or by the tenth, not so it is important. It is important that you
perceived and memorized it.
Thus, we easily can perceive our own power engineering, and power engineering of other objects, we
can manipulate by this power engineering, modify it at will, be connected or be separated with it. But
from where did undertake in our space and in our this tele- energy? You perfectly well know that it are
supplied two basic sources - the Earth and cosmos and into our body it falls with the aid of two vertical
energy fluxes, which flow towards each other, flow of the Earth and flow of cosmos.

Step 1, step ".

Control of the ascending current

Men - only essence on the Earth, capable at any point of space and time of creating the powerful
bidirectional energy flux - its kind communication channel between the Earth and cosmos. This
communication channel can be created only by means of the human body, or more precisely, the spine.
Through this channel we, strictly speaking, and can animate the Earth and all located on it objects.
Originally terrestrial material is rough and [neodushevlenna]. It makes with its living, animates only
men it. Material objects from the contact with the man, connected through his body and with the Earth,
and with cosmos, also revive, they animate and they begin one way or another with the man to

Therefore we activate in itself the sensations, connected with control of flows. Let us begin from the
ascending current. Sit down or arise directly, reject thoughts, be concentrated only during the
sensations inside your body. You will grasp before the spine the motion of energy from bottom to top -
from first [chakry] to the second, then to the third and so to the seventh. Flow leaves from the Earth
and, passing through your body, through the top of head it is fixed vertically upward, into the depths of

cosmos. Begin to make inhalations and expirations - you will perceive, as with the inhalation flow is
activated, it becomes stronger, as you with the aid of the inhalation can make a flow more intensively.
When the sensation of flow will become clear and clear, visualize that in the center of your head is
fastened the pointer, which you of their own free will can turn in any side, something like the
weathercock. Turn it forward. You will feel, as flow, being fixed upward, it reaches upper [chakr] and
it begins to splash out outside, being sent forward, from the region approximately between the
eyebrows, from [Adzhna]-[chakry].
Mentally remove pointer from the head. Let the flow again flow vertically upward and it departs to
The ascending current - these are energy of the Earth, energy, which gives to us the force, necessary in
order actively to act. You know how to govern this energy and can direct it toward any necessary for
you action.

Step 1, step 8.
Control of the downflow

Be concentrated, be weakened, [pochuvetvujte], as through seventh [chakru] into your body from the
depths of cosmos enters the vertical downflow of energy and, passing close to the spine, it reaches first
[chakry], through which it departs to the earth. Begin to make inhalations and even you will perceive,
as during the expiration the downflow is strengthened, as you can slow down and accelerate its motion,
making inhalations the more, then is less intensive. When the sensation of flow will become clear and
clear, you will perceive that the turned pointer is established in your region of third [chakry], scarcely
higher navel. Turn pointer forward. Feel, as energy of the downflow begins to escape through third

Mentally remove pointer. Let the flow again depart to the earth.
Energy of the downflow - these are energy of cosmos, energy of consciousness, energy, which carries
to us information - giving thought and ideas. This is energy of reason. With the aid of this energy, after
learning to govern the downflow, we can transfer our thoughts and ideas to other people. We can
transfer our thoughts and means and to the objects, which we want to animate. Strictly, the downflow -
this is a tool of the animation of the inanimate material: indeed energy of cosmos - this is energy of
soul, energy, which, being connected with the material, animates it. As you saw, this energy easily
yields to control, and therefore, after learning to recover and to transfer the necessary thoughts and

means, you easily will be able to create energy-information essence - to animate object - and to learn to
associate with this essence.

Step 4, step 1a. Reaching region “I am seven”

But here this habit already relates to the fourth step [DEIR]. You see, what jumps we accomplish -
from first stage directly into the fourth. But for the prepared reader this is not difficult - indeed for it all
this already mastered and passed material, which we now only refresh in the consciousness and it is
concluded to the new percent articulation. What such is region “I [esm]”? This is the very center of our
essence, which we reveal in the depth ourselves, when we reject entire “husk”, by this center not being
been, means, logic, memory, emotional reason. It is possible to say that this is the region, reaching by
which we are connected with our true, or as still they tell, in the high, “I”. This region is called
differently - for example, [Atmanom], that in the essence is high “I”.
Reaching this region, we come into contact with the highest part and ourselves - and peace
simultaneously. Through this point we can leave to the consciousnesses of other people and transfer by
them our intentions, desires without the words and even without the thoughts. Through this point we
can find mutual understanding with any essence of peace - and even with the inanimate object. Indeed
this is the point, where all essences of peace come, in other words, to the common denominator and
can associate directly, passing words, thought and even external communications.

We recall how is reached the base sensation of region “I [esm]”.

You will be arranged in a pose maximally convenient for you. Shut eyes, begin to gradually weaken,
helping itself by the respiration: with the inhalation represent, as body it is filled up with energy,
during the expiration represent, as stress departs of the body. Verify, did not remain somewhere
stresses. When weakening is maximum, it is necessary to [rastozhdestvitsja] with its own thoughts.
Your thoughts - these are not you. Begin to mentally separate them from itself. You follow the fact,
what thoughts appear in the head, and pull out them from themselves as splinters. Attain the state,
when thoughts it will not remain. You - separately, and thought - separately, they everyone flew away
beyond the limits of your head.
For the fastening of the state of [bezmyslija] visualize the most pleasant for you picture of nature and
in your imagination you will place itself into this picture. Be concentrated on th means e been you.
Mentally delight in by singing birds or by noise of the surf and do not as before allow thought into the
It is now necessary to [rastozhdestvitsja], also, with the emotions. You recently tested positive
emotions, in the imagination delighting in by the picture of nature. Now erase this picture from the
imaginary screen. Derive the recently tested feelings of from within head on its surface, and then
mentally shake off them as onion husk. There are no thoughts, emotions flew away. Remained the

purified core - your true “I”. First you can perceive this as certain void. Then you will feel the
complete rest, which brings happiness and enjoyment. Your “I” is not now connected either with the
thoughts or with the emotions - it as if was dissolved in the world, after envelopping with itself entire
surrounding space, after being enlarged to the dimensions of the universe. From merge together with
the universe us only our thoughts and emotions prevent. This they place the barriers between the
universe and by us, creating the illusion of [razdelennosti]. In reality in the depth of our essence we all
merge together with the universe and, which means, we can establish contact with all its inhabitants
and even with the inanimate objects. Reaching region “I seven”, we clearly perceive this.
You already felt that this sensation appears and is stationed somewhere in the center of head. You will
memorize this sensation. Then gradually return to the usual state, having first returned on the
imaginary screen the picture of nature, after beginning to experience th emotions e connected with it,
then after giving will to thoughts. Several times press and unclench cams, you will move by fingers
and toes, will perceive your body, feel the earth gravity - open eyes.

Step e, steps 8, 9, 10. Transfer and the catching of intention and desire

I am confident, that you already freely are oriented in the system [DEIR], that you are sufficiently
trained in it and head in you will not turn itself from our a little [rezkovatykh] jumps on her steps.
Nevertheless, preparing “cocktail” from the habits, necessary for the animation of objects, we now
must [skaknut] to the third step. Let us recall how we learned practical telepathy.
For which this to us is now necessary? In order to know how to associate at the telepathic level with th
essence e created by us. In fact, she indeed words does not understand!

It means, to pack into it our intentions and desires and to recover response signals from it we can only
at the telepathic level.
At the third step we used somewhat other terms, but now we already can say: we transfer and recover
thoughts from other people (and from the essences) with the aid of the region “I [esm]”. When we
revealed this region in ourselves, we can perceive that the same region exists in the center of head in all
other people. It there is, also, in th essences e created by us - only not in the head (after the absence of
the afore-mentioned), but in the center of the fact that it is possible to name the energy-information
body of essence. Try to perceive this center, this deep true essence in other man - be opened by your
perception through his external means, through the social role, nature, behavior - you will perceive in it
this very root of the human being, about presence of which in himself sometimes does not suspect man
himself! This to make simply, if you revealed this region in yourselves. After being disposed for your
sensation “I [esm]”, you easily will leave to a similar region in other man, as th receiver e disposed to
the necessary wave easily recovers her in the space. After being disposed to this nucleus of the
consciousness of another man, you can with the aid of the sensations grasp something, which hides
itself in its consciousness. You can feel its intentions, for example. [Nastrojtes] to his intentions and try
to perceive that he wants to make. To carry out this experiment is very convenient, let us say, by sitting
in the street cafe and by controlling those, who sit at the adjacent tables, and at the passer-by. Being
tuned to the nucleus of the consciousness of someone of these people, try to perceive, it will order now
another portion of ice cream either it will arise even it will leave, it will go it will directly or roll up to
the left, it will leave to the metro or will catch machine. You will reveal with a sufficient training that
the certain progress appeared: to you all more easily to be tuned to the nucleus of the consciousness of
other people and entire to more easily recover their intentions.
Then you can begin to transfer your intention to another man. [Nastrojtes] to its deep “I”, you will
grasp his intentions at the sensation level. Now you must temporarily identify with this man so that it
would perceive that sent by you the means- intention as its own. For this, as you already know how to
make, mentally enlarge the boundaries of your ether body so as to envelop this man with it. It - in your
field, it at the given moment - part you. Or will displace point “I [esm]” in the subjective space to the
center of the head of this man. Form the intention, which you want to transmit to the man: for example,
clearly you will perceive as it (but you [otozhdestvleny] with it, i.e., this you make as you themselves)
instead of arising and leaving from the cafe, it orders to itself also frozen or champagne. Direct this
means to the center “I [esm]” this man together with the energy of the downflow, released outside with
the aid of the pointer from [Adzhna]-[chakry]. Immediately it can and not come out. And as a result
trainings it will be compulsory to be obtained in proportion to your evolutionary development,
accumulation of force. After reaching of result do not forget [rastozhdestvit]-[sja] with the man: to
reduce its ether body to the dimensions of physical body is clear to perceive that man remained beyond
the limits of your field.
Here these of technology exactly will give to us the possibility to associate with the created by us
energy-information essence.

Step shch, step 1.

Action in three spaces

For creating of essence and contact with it for us it is necessary to act in all three spaces, accessible to
the man: the space of objective reality, the space of subjective reality and the virtual space of our
consciousness. This already material, as you understood, fifth step. Objective reality - this is material
peace with the totality of the proceeding in it events, identical for all people. In the essence, objective
reality little which for us means, since the events and the things of external peace although are identical
for all, here their values for all people are different. In fact, in the city there is a bank, prison and palace
- this is objective reality. But they differently are reflected in our consciousness. In each - its subjective
reality with the presence of general objective. But it turns out that for the man subjective reality is
considerably more important than objective!
Virtual reality - this is that peace, which we receive even we create, after shutting eyes. In our
consciousness we can create any means, taking out them of its imagination and locating in any region
of virtual space. After revealing its own virtual space, we can act with the aid of it on the so-called real
life. Creating means in the consciousness, we can transmit them outside and change reality. In the
essence, existence of virtual space is tightly connected with the presence of soul. There, in the space of
our consciousness, we receive and we create with the aid of the energy of cosmos the means of our
soul. We can bear energy of our soul outside with the aid of the virtual space, animating by it the
inanimate objects.
How we will use these spaces for creating the energy-information essence? First we take the object of
external peace - from the space of objective reality. Then we populate this object by the means of our
virtual space - our soul and thus we animate object. Then we establish telepathic connection from
[predmetom]', transferring to it and receiving from it the specific values of those or other means and

sensations, i.e., for the contact with it we use the space of subjective reality.
Let us conduct small training on the perception of all three spaces. You will look along the sides and
will stop your attention at any event of external peace - the space of objective reality. For example,
your of neighbor purchased new furniture. Try to perceive this event simply as fact, without the
estimations. This neither is good and nor it is bad, this is simple event. You now in the space of
objective reality. Now you will estimate the value of this event for you - indeed the fact of the purchase
of furniture by neighbor a little is colored with your emotions and fantasy, even if you at the present
moment at the object simply look. This value is positive, either is negative or is neutral? For you this is
important? This can somehow influence your life? Thinking about the values, you fall into the space of
subjective reality. Now shut eyes and visualize that this you buy this (or other, still better) furniture.
The means of this furniture will arise before your internal look - but indeed for you it is necessary as if
“to climb” somewhere into another region of your consciousness. Here this displacement occurred in
the space of virtual reality.
I.e., we already in reality became accustomed to use all three spaces. The space of objective reality
requires energy - and we it use in the life, for example, when we take and we throw stone. The space of
the subjective reality of energy does not require - and we is utilized it, when we, for example, visualize,
as we throw stone (at the third step with the catching of intention we exactly we use the space of
subjective reality). The space of virtual reality requires a insignificant quantity of energy - and we use
it at the fourth step, when we work with the regions “[khorosho]-[plokho]” and with the globe of our

Displacement of point “I [esm]” in three spaces

Region “I [esm]”, as we already said, has different names. One of these names - “point of assembling”.
This is the point, from which we receive peace. We seemingly gather peace around it. And, displacing
this point, we can gather around ourselves different peaces - peace of creation, the peace of the past,
the peace of future. All this we learned even on the third and on the fourth steps [DEIR]. Let us recall
how we made.
Will achieve sensation “I [esm]” in the center of head. We release consciousness from itself, removing
it to the side, beyond the limits of head, let it it plays the role of strange observer, quietly it costs in the
side it looks after the process, not in that interfering. We note that region “I [esm]” is not completely
hardened and fixed. It living and mobile. We try to slowly displace this region upward, raising it
overhead. Our consciousness as before in the side. Displace region “I [esm]” upward centimeters by
twenty. We note change in the sensations: the special elevated state appears, it is more similar to the
creative inspiration. We displaced point “I [esm]” into the field of creation, after gathering around this
point of assembling the peace of creative means and inspirations.
They did recall? Very well. But now somewhat let us modify exercise, after learning to displace region
“I [esm]” in th spaces e accessible to us. This will be necessary by us in the matter of the animation of
objects and contact concerning th essence e created by us.
Let us make this in the objective space. We sit down ourselves quietly, strengthen the ascending
current with the aid of the respiration. Will achieve sensation “I [esm]”. Then with the aid of the
ascending current, directing it forward along the pointer, displace sensation “I [esm]” directly before
itself in the objective space, directing him, for example, to the center of the head of your dear cat or
dog, after the absence of the same - into the pigeon or the sparrow, into the room plant or the
confronting the wall has cabinet. In any event you experience some sensations. Certainly, in the head
of cat or dog, and especially plant or cabinet you hardly will be able to read some thoughts, but here is
state, mood, can perceive some experiences. You can feel that your plant let us assume suffers because
you it you little pour on. That to the cat it is taken mouse, and to cabinet it is tight and it is
inconvenient to stand by that stopped up between the wall and the bed. Try - you can learn much new
and interesting about the inhabitants of your house!
Then we strengthen with the aid of the respiration the downflow and with the aid of this energy return
region “I [esm]” conversely, to the center of his own head - as if [raskidajchik] on the elastic.

Now are trained to mix point “I [esm]” in the virtual space. But for the beginning let us recall the
material of fifth step [DEIR] - as we came into contact with the virtual space.
Shut eyes. You will perceive the space, which wraps you. Feel its volume: in it is the top the bottom, is
width depth. In it as in the usual real space, three measurements. You will recall any means - written in
verse line, melody or picture. Try to determine, where this means precisely in your virtual space is
located. Far or it is close? Is high or low-? Now reveal any experienced by you emotion - for example,
happiness. Where does live happiness in your virtual space? Try to determine its coordinates and
position. You will see, that in each means, each emotion, each mood in your virtual space is concrete
“the place of residence”.
But now let us go further - will try to displace point “I seven” in the virtual space. You will recall about
by anything pleasant. You will determine the coordinates of this pleasant recollection in the virtual
space. Where territorially it is located? Now enter into the state “I [esm]”. With the aid of the
ascending current will move region “I [esm]” into the place, where recollection is located. Feel, as you
proved to be in it and you again survive those pleasant feelings, as if everything occurs at the present
moment. With the aid of the downflow return region “I [esm]” back to the center of head. Such
displacements of the nucleus of their soul in different spaces will help us to separate from themselves
and to concentrate in the necessary the fields specific means and power engineering, necessary for
creation and animation of the newly born energy-information essence.
Displacement of point “I [esm]” in the subjective space the generally simple matter. We carried out it
at the third step [DEIR]. Am sufficiently simple to reduce my consciousness to the point “I [esm]” and
to visualize that she is territorially located, where to you necessarily, you will identify with th region of
space e necessary to you.
But now for us it is necessary to immediately master one additional habit, thus far to you unknown.
Namely the habit, directed toward separation from itself of the fragment of its own virtual space, which
will become nucleus for the origin of the micro-consciousness of energy-information essence. Thus,
we in essence revived and activated habits already in our possession, until now. Now we approach the
mastery of completely new material, namely: to the preparatory, zero step of the special direction of
system [DEIR] - direction by the name “work with the essences and the essences”.

Step 0. Department of the fragment of the virtual space

You can object: how this I will return some of unknown essence the part of my virtual space? Indeed
the same the part me, which exists because of the presence i have of soul!
It is correct! And it is necessary no one and nothing to return the already existing part itself!
Everything that inside us, this our, and only our, property, and to completely inadmissibly share by this
with someone or something.
But we can enter differently. We can specially create the certain part of virtual space, intended
precisely, inside ourselves in order on the base of it to create new essence.
Visualize the garden, in which grows the set of fruit trees, colors and bushes. To dig all this and to
return to outside people is at least unwise - thus you will deprive the garden of its beauty and splendor,
yes even you will remain without the harvest. But here to plant in the garden the seedlings, which is
intended specially for sale - very even reasonable and profitable matter.
Thus and we will not touch the magnificent garden of our virtual space. But we will plant in it “the
seedlings”, which will bring big enough profit to us.
To grow inside itself this “seedlings”, i.e., the fragment of virtual space, intended for separation from
itself, is sufficiently simple. Many forces for this will not be required.
Take the sheet of paper and knob or pencil. Give will to your hand, you will let go it - let the hand
scribe on the sheet of paper the line, which by the most whimsical means braids and turns in the
manner that by it, to hand, it will be wanted. Necessary condition: in the final analysis line must
become locked, i.e., its end without fail must be connected with the beginning. Indeed this is basis for
the future essence, and if we do not lock line, essence can begin to be independent and to finish
building them independently, being modified into th forms e different completely unacceptable for

you! And mutant instead of the good, obedient essence will come out. But from the mutants nothing
good to await it is necessary…
If you want, can draw several such locked interlaced lines, which are assigned by one to another,
forming unique whimsical ball.
Now you will put off knob and several minutes fixedly look at the received figure. Here this and there
is that “seedlings itself”, which will have to place into its virtual space for the cultivation of th
fragment e there intended for the rejection. As far as possible after memorizing the received picture, we
turn away from it. After 30-40 seconds we approximately shut eyes and recall figure. And in order it to
recall, for you it is necessary to [posharit] on the virtual space in search of that region, where this
recollection, where to you to recall it more easily in all, is located. You will note that the recollection
about the figure is located in one, specific region, although figure itself you see directly before your
closed eyes, more accurate, scarcely higher the region of eyes. Now begin to displace this means of
figure into that region of virtual space, to which it was necessary to turn in order it to recall. As soon as
figure was displaced there, its means will immediately acquire improbable brightness and clearness.
Everything! You populated it into your virtual space, she obtained there temporary “registration”.
Without losing concentration, it is discovered eye. Now we must move this created by us fragment of
virtual space into the object. When we yet do not create essence, but only let us are trained. Therefore
take any object - although the same pencil, you look at it fixedly and mentally displace in it the created
fragment of virtual space - figure from the locked interlaced lines.

But now - attention! When you feel that the fragment engaged that intended to it place, it is necessary
to help it to be separated and to at the same time remove the distortions of the virtual space, which it
can introduce by its motion. For this on the spot, from which you displace fragment, it is necessary to
very vividly and distinctly present something very large. I recommend the presenting of elephant. This
acts very effectively. The large elephant, that was appeared the on the spot displaced object, easily
pushes out this object outside and furthermore it smooths out and normalizes power engineering of
virtual space after the displacement of fragment. Why precisely elephant works in this case by ideal- to
say difficultly. But it works. This is fact. So that observe elephants, study, memorize, and the main
thing - you love them! They - our loyal friends assistants in the matter of the normalization of our
virtual space!
Presenting to itself elephant inside itself, simultaneously fix attention also in the object of external
peace, where you transport the fragment of virtual space. Retain fragment in the object by the effort of
will, do not give to it to be dissolved and to leave in the unknown direction. Then it under the pressure

of elephant finally is detached away from you and because of the efforts of your will it will remain in
the object, after becoming the basis of the virtual space, and also, therefore, of the soul of your future
Thus, we revived inside ourselves all necessary for us habits of system [DEIR] and it is now ready to
approach the basic work on the creation of essences. The boundless space for the creation is opened
before us! We begin to create around ourselves new peace - the peace of good friends and assistants.
Animating objects, we make peace better and it is better. But perhaps not for this we did arrive to the
earth? So that, creating new life, we accomplish not only purely practical task - we is achieved the
most important mission of the man: to animate rough material, after making it better, is better, it is
more harmonious. But it means, to improve our peace. Indeed we everything are interested in peace
becoming better and [sovershennee]. And this - in our hands.

Chapter e
Technology of creation and use of the energy-information essences

I will say immediately: steps given in this chapter are only the description of the general technology of
the creation of essences. These exercises are necessary thus far only for the training, but not for the
realized and final creation of essences, have this in the form! To the work on the creation of concrete
essences we will pass in the following chapters. For the present you yet do not know, what essences
occur and, most important, which of them to you are necessary and necessary generally. This we will
examine only later.
Therefore to the material of this chapter relate as to the training process as to the continuation of
finalizing the habits, which will be required us for creating the essences. Later we will create valuable
essences for the realization of concrete critical goals. But for the training let us thus far create any
neutral, I have pity, the inoffensive essence, which then successfully [razvoplotim].
From what to begin work? From the fact that tightly to master: the creation of essence - this the process
is complex, is sufficiently prolonged and it is very important so that it would be integral, i.e., it was not
interrupted. It means, in the process of creating the essence you must not make interruptions and they
must not be distracted. Therefore try to previously care about the conditions, in which you will work.
You will exclude the interference of relatives and familiar, will open telephone, be shut to the lock and
maximally be concentrated at the process so that not one outside thought would distract you from it. So
that the creation of essence would be successful, for you one must preserve complete concentration and
[nezamutnennost] of reason, which assumes the absence of outside thoughts and sensations.
This self-discipline requires some preparations. Before taking up work on the creation of essence
(when doors are already closed, and telephone it is opened), you will give several minutes to work with
the central flows. Be concentrated on them and activate them with the aid of the respiration. Pass
harmonization through the standard state (it is described in the second book along the system of habits
[DEIR] - “formation”). Then prepare in your imagination three visual means - the simplest, easily
memorizing and learned - for example, circle, square, cross.

Step 1. Creation of the amorphous “embryo” of the essence

Can use any small object. We take the first created means - circle. (Later we we learn, that for each
variety of essences there are their means, but let us thus far limit to more or less neutral circle.)
mentally assign this means on the animated (preliminarily purified) object. I.e., we take the means,
which was formed in our consciousness, scarcely higher the level of eyes, and we begin it to displace
in the subjective space by the object. Now, after being concentrated on the ascending current, we
strengthen it with the aid of the respiration. We perceive in itself head the pointer, directed forward. If
you passed the fourth step [DEIR], in you are already dissolved intermediate [chakry]. But it will now
us be necessary to the period to recreate in itself [Adzhna]-[chakru]. We perceive the boundary of our
skin in the projection Of [adzhna]-[chakry] and perceive for this how it burst open and as energy began

to ooze outside. Now we begin to pass energy of the ascending current along the pointer through
[Adzhna]-[chakru] into the object and means, superimposed to it. We pump by this energy object
together with the means. We continue pumping approximately one minute.
As a result we obtain the certain amorphous “embryo” of essence, already supplied with energy, but
still deprived of any structure.
Then, without being interrupted, we approach the following step.

Step 2. Accomodation into the mass “of the embryo” of the rudiment of the structure

Now we take the second means (subsequently this it will furthermore depend on the nature of the
created essence, but let us thus far take again neutral means, for example square). We place in the
subjective space the means of square in entire the same animated object, which we already combined
with the previous manner, i.e., we present this new means as if by that superimposed in the object. We
immediately strengthen its additional supply by the ascending current and we begin to strengthen the
downflow, directing it along the pointer from [Svadkhistana]-[chakry] (not to forget to first form
[chakru]!) to the animated object, beginning pumping with its energy of the downflow. We continue
pumping approximately one minute. What we did make thus?
We placed into the amorphous mass “of embryo”, the created as a result first step, the rudiment of
structure. And now for us one must connect structure and energy potential of system.
Therefore, without being interrupted, we approach the following step.

Step e. Connection of structure and energy potential of the system

We cause in the consciousness the third means, for example cross, and we also place it in the object,
strengthening additional supply by the downflow. For strengthening the effect can visualize the sound
of the falling drops, which saturate object by energy. Thus, you have a object with those superimposed

to it in the subjective space by three means, into which is poured the energy of two central flows.
Without being interrupted and without losing concentration, you follow on its own sensations the
nature of absorption by the system of energy. Gradually object with th means e superimposed to it
seemingly will enter into the taste - it will begin to more intensively absorb energy. As soon as
absorption is activated, make up object in this intensive regime approximately two-three of minute.

The structure of future essence is now created, and this structure is united with its energy potential. It
begins independent existence - and its self-forming during the first stage continues from within.
Should it in this internal formation help. Therefore we pass immediately to the following step.

Step 4. Pumping system by the energy

The thus, at this moment constructed system begins to swiftly absorb energy of both flows. And we
continue to pour our energy into it, making this during approximately one-two minutes. If you continue
to work with the object, used in the zero step, then you already communicated to it the part of virtual
space. If you took another object, make this now - it is in the manner that described in the zero step,
you will afterward continue pumping the created essence by central flows. Through several minutes
you will feel that the intensity of the energy absorption by object falls. This is the sign of preliminary
saturation. When absorption weakens, not be interrupted to very important and not to cease pumping
system by energy! It is especially important in this stage so that the doors would be closed, and
telephone was opened. Make this still several minutes, until you feel that the energy absorption was
made stable - system was saturated by energy.

This step in principle completes the creation of energy-information essence. But now before us cost
extremely the important follow-up objectives: we must ensure the functioning of essence, after caring
so that she would make only that which to us is necessary, and it was not developed uncontrolled,
leading to the unpredictable consequences. Furthermore, we must assign the source of its power. Thus
far essence is not still finally formed, not organized, dependant and in everything depends on us - its
parents. It is necessary to have time to use moment, until it yet arises to the feet, until it was yielding,
was obedient [neuverenna] in itself, and to conduct proper educational process.

Step shch. Introduction into the essence of necessary sensations and intentions

Now we, without interrupting energy additional supply, must again enter into the state “I seven”. This
is necessary for establishing the telepathic contact with the essence. We with you already revived this
habit in the previous chapter. Displace point “I [esm]” in the objective space directly to the center of
the created essence. The fragments of the sensations of the freshlying-hatch herself energy-information
essence will begin to reach to us. It is interesting that it does feel, not so whether? What he has nature?
It sorrowfully does whimper, it does cry, as the newly born baby, it does squeak, as nestling, or it does
vomit in the battle and does manifest aggression as small, but already predatory little beast? Try to
perceive these nuances of its mood and to feel, whom this you gave birth to.
Using the well known to you technology of the transfer of intention, which we mastered at the third
step [DEIR] and recently they recalled in the second chapter of this book, we begin to telepathically
transfer to the essence of the condition of its existence. For this it is necessary first by itself to be
penetrated by the sensation of those conditions, which the essence must observe with its existence, i.e.,
we must give to it “the sense of life”, whose retention she will instinctively observe. It is here
necessary to be weakened and to give will to its imagination. Let us assume you want so that the
essence would protect you from the outside influences. Try to enter into the state of complete
protection and safety. You must based on the example of your sensations show essence, what you from
it want. You enter into the state of protection, now you transmit it into the consciousness of your
creation - and this state is immediately done by the most necessary condition for existence of essence
itself. Thus, we give essence the sense of its life. Our sensations, transmitted by her, become the basis
of her internal peace.
What other sensations can be in this stage injected in the essence? This can be sensation, that you
gather energy, you become increasingly more strongly. This can be the sensation of the rejection from
you of energetic vampires and generally of every kind negative energy (or the, on the contrary, most
sharp energy absorption of outside aggressor). This can be sensation, that you always in the center of
attention, you everyone loves and respect. And so on - depending on that, what you want to reach. It is
not only necessary to your newly born essence to hang up all these sensations in a heap - limit to some
small collection. It is not necessary to burden by its entire range of diverse tasks - let this be the
essence of some concrete, [odnenapravlennogo] designation. In the following chapters you will be
introduced to the set of other functions, which can achieve essences, and then select that which to you
best anything approaches. But thus far we only are trained, do not forget about this!
The main thing - do not forget to conduct telepathic introduction into the essence of your intentions
with the complete observance of all necessary conditions of this step. You do, of course, remember that
for introducing the intention it is necessary to identify with the object, i.e., to envelop with its its ether
body? Do not forget to make this! And in this stage, and with the fulfillment of the subsequent steps
you with the essence must be united! She is the thus far still newly born baby, raw material, until that
she is part you: you think for it, you feel for it, you act for it.

In this stage in essence appeared “the sense of life”. And the quality of its further work, naturally,
depends on your force and skill. It is necessary to say that this stage fairly complicated - it is complex
even with the residence training in the school [DEIR]. Our instructors usually give this material
extremely in detail and thoroughly in the courses, and then it is possible to learn even to create the
essences, which live in the thoughts of man. Indeed it is here very important to obtain habit at the
sensation level! On that, to what extent are complete and bright your sensations, depends, strictly, the
effectiveness of the work of energy-information essence.
As soon as the sensation of this confluence you with the essence, this identification of your and its
intentions became clear, clear and steady, we, without ceasing the feeding of essence and contact with
its consciousness, pass to the following step: to the determination of the source of power of essence.

Step '. Determination of the source of power of the essence

We continue to feed essence and to hold contact with its consciousness. Without interrupting this
process, we must determine the source of power of essence. For this we should with the aid of
telepathy, in addition transmit to it at the sensation level information about that, where it must take
nourishment. Since in this stage we and essence are united and identical, we must show it based on our
own example how she will feed. Let us assume we want so that she would feed by the positive
emotions. For this themselves we enter into the state, when we required work floor -[kitelnykh]
emotions. For example, we present itself in the merry, pleasant company, where they sing and laugh
everything. We perceive how these positive emotions they are converted into the energy fluxes and
enter into our body, increasing and strengthening our energy shell. Must as should be felt this process
and it is compulsory to demonstrate essence, as it grows from this additional supply and energy shell
begins vividly to shine! [Proniknuvshis] by this sensation, we transmit it into the consciousness of
essence in accordance with the technology of the transfer of intention.

There can be the different version: we want so that the essence would feed by the splashes of negative
energy of other people, converting them into the positive energy and thus making with additional
supply completely pleasant for itself. For this it is, in addition necessary based on its example to show
essence, as this is done. After being combined with the essence, we begin to absorb negative splashes.
To convert negative energy into the positive, in the essence, does not be required - indeed for the
essence there are no concepts of positive and negative. There is one- energy, which it with the pleasure
and by appetite will absorb.
We can it show as the power source and energy of the aggressively disposed ether formations, and
[egregorialnuju] energy, and the energy splashes of concrete man.
In the following chapters we in detail will turn ourselves to the examination of other possible power
sources for the essence. Let us for the present limit to already aforesaid. Thus, in this stage essence is
completely created and ready to independent existence on the diverted by it food sources. But these
sources are only outlined, they are not yet begun to operate entirely. For the present essence as before
continues to derive energy of central flows directly from you. Continue even during to [desjati]-
[pjatnadtsati] seconds to make up by its energy of your central flows is already is after by it shown the
future steady source of its nourishment. But now to us to there remained only complete process.
As soon as in you steadfast sensation appeared, that the essence understood well you and mastered
information about the power source, on no account interrupting not for second of contact with it and
energy feeding, very rapidly we pass to the last step: translation into the consciousness of the essence
of the means of foot- insurance. Indeed she thus far everything understands, but it prefers to obtain
additional supply directly from you - n it must be derived on independent existence.

Step ". Translation into the consciousness of the essence of the means of the foot- insurance

Very rapidly, we instantly and sharply strengthen the additional supply of essence by central flows and
simultaneously we begin to transmit into its consciousness last means - foot- insurance, or is simple the
name of essence. Name is transmitted, in addition by the method of the transfer of intention. Name can
be simplest, although VA. The main thing so that it would be that memorizing and clearly was
associated in you with the created essence. Not it is verbal, namely in the visual means! Name
completely must not be verbal. This can be simply means or sensation. And even if nevertheless name
verbal, it must be for you not simply in a word.

The introduction of name must be accompanied by your sensation from this name and desirably some
means - visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory. Yes, this can be simply your dear smell or the musical
sound, to which the essence will respond, as soon as you will reproduce it in your imagination.
In proportion to the penetration of name into the consciousness of essence we continue to strengthen its
energy additional supply by energy of our central flows. And, as soon as the sensation of the means of
name was implanted into the constructed system (we follow this on its sensations), we suddenly and
sharply cease energy input of essence we interrupt contact with its consciousness.
[Rastozhdestvljaemsja] with it, completely and decisively separating from it its ether body. It is
Now essence is created. And it begins its own, independent from you existence, dedicated to the
observance of the conditions, assigned by you. Several nearest hours, however, essence will continue
to absorb the energy, scattered in the environment, because it should create its own energy reserve, and
this is normal. To generally break essence it will be impossible to absorb the free scattered energy,
because it naturally penetrates it. But this is not dangerous, because this energy, in general, no one's, it
no one is necessary. In the different limiting cases of the temporary loss of the power sources this
scattered energy will not give to energy-information essence to suffer from the hunger. Do not be
disturbed, until essence is in the standard, i.e., in the intact, [neiskalechennom] state, it will not be
connected to any energy source, not sanctioned by you. This version is completely excluded.
Certainly, now we gave one of the simplest versions of the creation of essence. Are the more complex
methods, which make it possible to create essence into ten, and that into hundreds of times stronger
than those obtaining with the described technology. But in the book I present them will not be, since
with the integral use of these complex methods to [ie] are excluded errors. But error with the creation
of such ultrapowerful of essences can manage dearly! Therefore to be trained to these complex
methods is possible only with the direct constant control of instructor, i.e., in the confrontation school
This simple method absolutely excludes the possibility of errors. We will not risk and let us begin from
the small. Well and if to you it is wanted greater, then you they will always help in the school [DEIR]
and the institute of the introduction of habits [DEIR]. I will say only that in the numerous created in the
country clubs [DEIR] widely are used the essences, on the storage capacity equal to man, and on the
energy - his exceeding into thousands of times!
Well, then in you this - over the long term. But already and now you are worthy the praises of every

kind and congratulations! You did already understand that you did make? You created new energy-
information life! You are steel by the creator of new peace! But therefore from the soul I congratulate


We already spoke about how to inject in the consciousness of essence information about the power
sources, but let us turn ourselves to this theme again, already very it important. A question of the
nourishment of essence it is necessary to approach with the the improbable [tshchaniem]. All without
[razvopo]- glazing of essence to the fact is that change once th power source e assigned for it for you
will not succeed. Therefore it is here necessary to foresee all possible consequences. Let us assume you
established as the power source the negative emotions of some concrete man. Let us assume for some
reasons this man will disappear from your life, it will prove to be out of the zone of the reach of
essence. Who can know, as she will bring itself in that case?
Essence begins to starve - this is fact. Starving, it will begin to absorb of the environment more and it is
more than energy. Finally it will create around itself vacuum. This already by itself is not too healthy.
But also this yet not most terrible.
Another is much more dangerous: or during the sharp interruption of nourishment, which leads to the
deep sharp hunger, in essence the damage of structure begins during the prolonged malnutrition. This
is very similar to the damages of brain, which appear in man with the prolonged oxygen starvation. If
man survives after the state of clinical death, lasted more than critical interval of time, he becomes
mentally defective. So and with the essence: if it even survives after sharp hunger, it can lose original
structure and become defective, and it means, not predicted in its behavior.
Here is another example of the curtailment of additional supply for the essence. You indeed can simply
lose the object, in which she lives! But if th essence e living there is intended to reflect negative actions
on you? But object is lost, with you it does not exist, and entire aggression, which it had to reflect
essence, is required on you, and the essence, which had to by this aggression feed, it remains without
the nourishment! And thus far you search for object, raising entire house upside down, the somewhere
mislaid essence it suffers and it starves. If you do not find object in time, she begins to perish. And,
perishing, naturally, it can begin to rush on whom not after falling.
I not randomly gave this example: this case was actually. One of the students of school [DEIR] lost
object with th essence - ring e living in it. Unexpectedly its chief, who reported its [azh] two weeks ago
(then from the aggression it protected essence, but after any attacks it was not also in the mention!), it
arrives in hospital with the heart attack. What such? There are no aggressions from the side of this
chief long ago already, and to it increasingly worse and it is worse. As if someone pumps out from it
last vitalities! Other while people manifest aggression to the former owner of essence and remain
absolutely unpunished. Finite- object- that is lost. What was explained? But it was explained that the
dying essence, which dwells in the lost ring, being convulsively caught for the life, recalled about this
its last source of power, with which by it it was brought to encounter, rough chief. Using this memory,
it was engaged in it as in its last hope, although occasions for this it no longer gave. It literally
extended from it all forces. Ring so they did not find, and it was necessary to in haste remotely
immerse essence into the hibernation so that it would not kill finally this unhappy chief. It was possible
to save man.
I.e., in similar situations essence [vtsepljaetsja] into that source, which was for it the latter, regardless
of the fact, is how long past since it by it fed. How this can end for that man, who achieved on you
energy pressure, you has already been convinced. It, can, already had long ago been it repented and to
press on you no longer is assembled, but essence- that nevertheless, it to eat it is desirable.
Another example. The listener of courses assigned for the essence one power source: positive
emotions. But it did not note, as the positive background of its life it changed - because of some
circumstances merry, cheerful companies ceased to come into the house. Essence began to wither and
to be ill and as the power source was switched to the only object in the house, which still reaches
positive emotions, to the cat. Could not be, unfortunately, saved cat. But here the mistress of house

arose before the dilemma: either to return to the previous merry means of life, or to [razvoplotit]
essence. She selected the second.
Hence two rules. The first: always assign for the essence more than one power source. For creating the
second, additional power source inject in the essence information about the fact that in the environment
there is always considerable scattered energy. This will be the second, spare power source. Second
rule: if existence of energy-information organism lost for you urgency, then immediately use foot-
insurance and you [razvoplotite] essence or you will immerse it into the hibernation. In more detail
about this it will be described in the appropriate chapter of our following book.


And one additional thing, about which it is necessary to say in more detail. This is foot- insurance. It is
compulsorily necessary to learn to the use of foot- insurance to the perfection so that your contact with
th energy-information essence e created by you would be productive and would lead always only to the
desired results without any unpleasant surprises.
The fact is that the means of foot- insurance as the latter, used for the creation of essence, possesses for
it the increased value. This is the unique “umbilical cord”, which connects it with the peace, which is
the most necessary condition for its existence. This is not its only name. This is its essence.
Therefore, after essence is already created and began its independent existence, we for the adjusting of
contact with it must first of all again transmit by it the means of foot- insurance. This is done, in
addition in the third step technique [DEIR]: enter into state “I [esm]”, we identify with the center of the
consciousness of essence and inject in it the means of foot- insurance.
This leads to the fact that the energetic essence immediately wakes up and it begins to compare th
means of foot- insurance with that name e transmitted to it with the creation, which you now transmit
to it. Therefore it is very important so that as the foot- insurance you would use means very learned and
constant so that him without anything could not be entangled and so that you themselves would
memorize it and in all finesses many times could reproduce in the undistorted form. If you even
slightly distort the means of foot- insurance, essence will not respond and is not recognized himself in
you owner. Well think themselves, if you VA, and you do suddenly call tracks - perhaps to you this
will be pleased? Here essences will not be pleased. If we thus the rough, inaccurate attempt ourselves
to wake energetic “little beast”, it indeed can and not understand that this his owner wakes, it can
accept you for the enemy and begin to be defended, but that to attack. Therefore you be always
maximally precise with the use of foot- insurance. Very well, if as it you will use the strictly fixed
means of the type of photographic image or drawn geometric figure.
If essence identified your to it rotation and recognized its name in it - it immediately enters with you
into the contact. If means is precise, then contact becomes stronger practically instantly and interaction
with the essence rapidly reaches necessary productivity and depth.
Thus, foot- insurance adapts in order to begin contact with the essence or in order simply to activate it
in the case of necessity. The activation of essence can be required when it was collected too much
energy, for example reflecting numerous energy attacks. After this, it can to some period become
passive, end to react to the new attacks and to cease to protect you. It is simple because for it this
external pressure - [tryn]- grass. In that case it is necessary again to wake it.
But in addition to this the foot- insurance has another function: it adapts with [razvoploshchenii] of
essence. I will thus far only say that for successful [razvo]-[ploshchenija] it is necessary to
compulsorily use all means, which were being adapted with the creation of essence. It cannot be
[razvoshjushat] essence, using one only means of foot- insurance! This will be blunder, and this
measure is previously doomed to failure. Furthermore, it is extremely dangerous, because energetic
essence will resist. It will not want to [razvo]-[ploshchatsja] only with the aid of the foot- insurance
and will undertake its countermeasures, completely not expected for the human psyche. Well, for
example, it can bring down you to sense, to direct along the false way, to transmit to you incorrect
information at the level of subconsciousness - so that you themselves will go towards the danger,

instead of leaving from it.
Thus, foot- insurance cannot be forgotten.


On the varieties and the designation of energy-information essences we with you still will have a talk
in detail in the following book, dedicated to precisely this question. Some varieties of energy-
information essences, for example, are created specially in order to accumulate and to process for us
different kind information. Yes even from other varieties of essences by us from time to time it can be
necessary something to learn. Naturally, the valid question arises: how we can obtain this information,
which did gather for us the incorporeal essence?, In the world there are many methods of obtaining the
information of the, including already well known to you. Now we will have a talk about these methods
in more detail, to in precise conformity to specific objectives - obtaining information from the energy-
information essences.
But first - important warning. Whatever reading methods of the information, accumulated by energy-
information essence, you used - never, under no circumstances attempt to read the information,
accumulated by the essence, which created not you!
Exception is only one: the essences, created for the collective use. But for this they specially train only
in the confrontation courses [DEIR]. Only residence training in this case makes it possible to avoid
catastrophic errors with the use.
In all remaining cases - do not attempt to associate with the strange essences! Why this so is
dangerous? Yes because you are not creator and carrier of the means, used for its creation, but, coming
with it into contact, you are completely opened by it - and you have from it no protection. You know
neither that, with whatever conditions this essence was created nor about what it has tasks (but can, the
destruction to you of the similar, either the theft of your success in favor of owner, or removal to the
owner of your positive [karma]?), you do not know, as she can react for your intrusion. But the well
and qualitatively created essence already into the first several days of existence can become into ten
and are even hundreds of times stronger than the usual man! Sometimes it can even several times
exceed the potential of man, which has the field configuration of the fourth step [DEIR]. And if this
[moshchnejshaja] essence aggressively reacts on you, when you prove to be completely they are
opened and not protected, then you can seriously suffer. For this reason use only the essences, created
independently! Or those, by which you were trained to use in the policies [DEIR] within the
framework of the program of the institute of the introduction of habits [DEIR]. Everything else is
extremely dangerous - both for power engineering and for the life.
Well here, after this necessary warning it is possible to approach also strictly the reading methods of

Framework and the pendulums

You are, of course, wonderfully familiar with these standard, at present widely utilized methods -
framework and pendulum. I will not stop on these methods in detail, because about them and so it is
possible to read in the set of different benefits. The method of obtaining the information with their aid
is also completely standard. Is nonstandard only the method of the posing of the question of essence -
this method is used always with obtaining of information from the essence. You identify with the
essence in first stage technique - covering by your its field merging with it. Then you in the third step
technique transmit essences your region “I [esm]” and simultaneously the means of foot- insurance.
Then you transfer to essence your question - without fail in the form sensation! I.e., to uselessly
formulate a question by words. You must clearly and descriptively (as television set, but only with the
sensations, the smells and the sounds) transmit essences that object, about which you pose question. At
the sensation level transmit that that you want about the object to learn. And only then you take into the
hand the pendulum or the framework and, already being disposed to the object (in this case - to the
essence, which lives on the object) being investigated, you assign to it a question relative to the

interesting you information. You further track the incipient rotation of framework or swing of the
pendulum. The standard version of answers is such: the turning of the framework counterclockwise
and rockings of pendulum right-left indicate “no”, the turning of the framework clockwise and
rockings of pendulum forward and backward indicate “yes”. Result will be however, more precise, if
we you before pose the basic question of essence, you will ask in it, as it will be “yes” and as it will be
“no” - versions sometimes are here possible.
In these methods are deficiencies, and essential. Especially it should not be entrusted to framework and
pendulum of themes, who so did not pass the fourth step [DEIR]. Why? Yes because in such
unprepared people is extremely active internal critic (as in any usual man). Internal critic - this is the
element of consciousness, which is created its kind of interference in the perception of information. It
can tie to you th answer e desired for it, which does not completely correspond to real answer. It can
even simply intercept the information, which entered along th channels, e nonstandard for the usual
man from you. For example, it can suggest to your subconsciousness, what you cannot obtain
information from the essence - and you will not actually obtain it. Not because there is no this
information, but because the internal critic in it does not believe.
This element of consciousness, called by internal critic, [otklikaetsja] to the least emotion and with any
emotional push it is activated and is set in action. It can be activated simply from the agitation of
apropos that information, which us interests, relative to which we pose question. It can be activated
even from happiness apropos of the fact that we succeeded in creating energy-information essence. But
after being activated, it here forces our logic and memory to work in the distorted regime, generating
disinformation. The as a result unprepared man, working with the framework or the pendulum, cup- in
all obtains not true information, but generated by its its own consciousness disinformation, or that false
information, which it it would be desirable to obtain, but which does not correspond to reality.
After the fourth step [DEIR], when internal critic keeps silent (in the head - quietly!), information
becomes more reliable. The quality of the information adopted can be increased, if we for the tuning to
the essence use displacement of point “I [esm]” (for the pasts the fourth step - upper point “I [esm]”) in
the subjective space directly to the center of the essence, waked by transfer by it the means of foot-
insurance in the third step technique.
But also here obtained with the aid of the framework and the pendulum information very frequently
leaves much to be desired, because with the work with these tools we are forced to be satisfied only by
two versions of answer - “yes” and “no”, but these two words cannot transmit entire wealth of the real
information, transmitted to you by essence.

Reading the sensations

This method is considerably more interesting and more productive than the method of obtaining the
information by means of the use of the framework and pendulum described above. Reading th
sensations e accumulated by essence will help you to, first of all, estimate the general emotional
background, in which is your creation - to learn about its mood, health, relation to the life and other
[vesham], characteristic for all living beings. Sensations can give to us much more information, than
meager “yes” and “no”. Furthermore, using the framework and pendulum, you obtain only answers to
your questions. But if essence does want to transmit something such to you, about which to you to ask
it will not come to mind? You will remain without the important information. However, the method of
reading sensations will transmit to you much the more complete information even Beza any questions
from your side - you learn even that, about which and they did not think to ask.
Furthermore, with the sensations to deal is considerably more convenient than with the words: indeed
in this case you obtain the direct answer, not by misswordings. For example, you interests the attitude
toward you of some man - essence can transmit to you the complete mold of its sincere state at that
moment, which th essence e created by you fixed. Visualize: you perceive immediately everything
which is created in the soul in this man, instead of the brief “yes” or “no” to the question: “As it to me
relates?” And in “yes”, and in “no” it can be the mass of nuances and versions. In the case of reading
sensations you obtain immediately and at one stroke all these nuances and versions. This mold of

sincere state as if the holographic image, which immediately reports to you improbably much about the
How to use the reading methods of sensations? We simply are united with the essence by our
consciousness. For this it is possible to use the third step technique, and it is possible to enter more
simply: to a little strengthen the ascending current, to direct its energy along the pointer in the head
forward, directly to the center of essence. You will without fail perceive certain counter energy flux
from the essence. At this moment, after perceiving this reciprocal energy supply, it is necessary to
urgently recall the means of foot- insurance. After this, to be concentrated during its sensations and to
fix their change. To fix necessary and a change of the sensations in the tele-, and a change in the
emotional background. What did change in the tele-? Did arise the sensation of cold, heat, were
strained or, on the contrary, were weakened muscles? This pleasant sensations or not? What did change
in the emotional background? You did feel anxiety, happiness, grief, merriment? In this case all these
sensations are not your.

This of the sensations, transmitted to you by essence. You simply perceived them from it as the radio
receiver, which was disposed to the necessary wave. But already that indicate these sensations - to
decipher to you, depending on the question, with which you turn yourselves to the essence. If you ask
about the attitude toward you of some man - and you obtain as the answer of the sensation of
melancholy, disappointment, grief, then think how this you then vexed to this man, that you cause in it
such unpleasant emotions. If you ask, as your family on the shore of sea rests, and as the answer you
obtain the sensation of a chill and discomfort, urgently inquire, what weather at this health resort,
already did not arrive there Arctic cyclone. And so on.
With this version of reading information it is better not to support prolonged contact with the essence.
They were touched it by their consciousness, they obtained instantaneous “photographic imprint” on th
question - and e interesting you interrupted contact.

Reading the visual number

Energy-information essence can even transmit to you more complex information - visual means,
imprinted by it independently or stolen from the consciousness of people, with which the essence
entered into the contact.
This technology is more complex than previous, at least because the visual analyzer of man as any
another, is inclined to be excited with the participation of internal critic and to slip to man frank
disinformation. But you, armed by the knowledge of four steps [DEIR] undoubtedly will know how to

manage this task. Indeed we are already with you completely capable of becoming not slaves, but by
the lords of our own reason! In contrast to the majority of people, which still be in the servitude first of
their own internal critic, then of the tied strange opinions… Free and strong man, such as becomes
each, which masters system [DEIR], easily separates grains of truth from interferences and noise.
Interferences and noise for us remained at the previous evolutionary step! We with you took some
pains themselves well. We mastered self-discipline. We are steel by the very precision instruments,
which know how in any noise to [vychlenjat] and to recover necessary to us true information!
Thus, for reading of the visual number, transferred by energy-information essence, it is first necessary
to clean husk of thoughts and feelings from nucleus of its consciousness and, as we already many times
made, to conduct the reduction of consciousness to the point “I seven”. Then to shut eyes and to wait,
until before the eyes it establishes - [sja] calm and flat von [Potom] to open eyes and to establish
contact with the energy-information essence -, in addition in the third step technique, when we identify
with the essence, transmit by it my region “I seven”, then we transfer into its consciousness the means
of foot- insurance and the question, which you are intended to assign. Without losing contact, to shift
gaze on sheet of white paper specially prepared for this case is simple to look at it during
approximately fifteen seconds. Paper is necessary because precisely at this time and proceeds the
transfer to you information from the essence, but it will appear only later. After looking during fifteen
seconds to the clean white paper, we shut the eyes (but contact with the essence as before we do not
lose) and… before your eyes, as if by magic, will begin to be turned havoc the chain of the means,
which were stored in the consciousness of your energy-information assistant! Its kind motion-picture
film! After examining this “cinema” to the end (but it auto will end, when that accumulated by essence
stored up means it will run low), interrupt contact and open eyes.
If you again decide to inquire by the same object, then “cinema” will be again to you demonstrated
from the very beginning. This is one of the best methods, it possesses special value. Indeed you can
leave object with the essence where conveniently to the period of your absence - and even into your
absence in any place essence will become for you one additional pair of eyes! You are not - and it
follows all proceeding in order to then show you, as if on the motion-picture film, all that which was
created into your absence. You do represent, as will fear you enemies? Here, let us say, you left the
working office, they returned through half-hour - and you know everything: as someone was dug in
your table, and someone added salts with you into the tea. You all expose, telling-off mystical horror to
the colleagues, whom from this point on, look on you only from bottom to top and respectfully bow
[azh] from another end of corridor.
There was in the reality one remarkable case with the participation of this all-seeing essence. One of
my students left this essence, concluded in the usual river pebbles, in itself on the dacha, after noting
that into its absence someone steals potato from the vegetable-garden. After examining the shown by
essence “cinema”, he saw, which potato drags neighbor, similar dear and affable by sight of [dedulja].
To accuse thus immediately neighbor of the stealing it did not can - that, of course, would begin to
make excuses. Then it devised the sly motion: it pretended, which leaves into the city, and itself hid not
far off in the thick bushes. Neighbor it was catched red-handed and exposed. To after which unclean to
the hand neighbor was given out information about during what precisely days, in what time and in
what quantity it dragged potato thus far. Neighbor it got a fright, called our student sorcerer - and it
since then sits quietly and is not put out from its section. At the same time and other inhabitants of
settlement it tells, that its neighbor - sorcerer, who can direct spoiling. But our hero only chuckles
himself: let they consider everything on the stupidity of their and limitedness his sorcerer, let they fear
spoiling - then it now lives he quietly and accurately knows that no one to it no longer will be thrust.

Reading the auditory number

This is method, in general, principally it is differed in no way from previous. There we accepted
information as if motion-picture film - there will here be as if a tape recording, here and entire
The clean sheet of paper in this case will not be required - we will use another method: to you will be

necessary auditory background, for example noise of water from the crane or simply noise of static
electricity in the receiver, switch oned, but not disposed to the specific wave. Create itself this more or
less uniform sonic background, then [nastrojtes] to the essence, transmit by it your question. Without
losing contact with the essence, begin to listen to noise. Eyes in this case are closed. And you with
those with, being disposed to your question, almost immediately begin to distinguish in noise the
certain sounds separating against its background. This can be similarly to some voices, first un-
[njatnye], then clearer, this there can be the scraps of words and phrases. This is the information,
transferred to you by energy-information essence. Memorize these scraps of sounds, words, phrases,
and it is still better - immediately write them. For the unknown reasons for essence they do not love to
store auditory information and to repeat again it they will not be. The because possible auditory version
of the supply to information for them is too alien, indeed them they be - these are information and
energy, and therefore they themselves store it in sensations and means of consciousness, distant from
the auditory. But nevertheless this version has a number of significant advantages - sometimes value
has the precisely sounded word, but not a visual number or sensations. We already examined with you
a example about the colleague, who left the office, in the absence which its associates made any filth
with its things. He all this saw on “the motion-picture film” in order to then expose them. But as it
would be interestingly to still and hear, that they in this case indicated in order then into the person by
them to repeat verbatim all their remarks! Reading a auditory number makes it possible to make this.
And now and then it helps in very and the very serious cases.
One of our former colleagues, now businessman, who is occupied by trade in food goods, noted that
his business began to give considerably less than the income, goods began to disperse thoroughly bad,
although the prices of it would not grow and buyer demand like did not fall. But the perishable goods it
was necessary to copy everything in large quantities the because last day of realization it proved to be
been overdue. Reading a visual number nothing showed, except the mountains of the copied goods. It
decided to explain, in what the matter, with the aid of reading of a auditory number. And it heard
against the background noise the scraps of the words: “Mandrel… under the counter… you will not
miscalculate…” However, and which was explained? The it turned out that excessively resourceful
representatives of competitor simply bribed one of his salesmen for the big enough money so that it
would hide the goods under the counter to the end of the period of realization, without advancing it
into commercial bay salesman it was with the disgrace discharged, businessman passed for that being
clairvoyant, and it is more no one of the personnel [nepovadno] to play with it into such games.

Straight admittance of information into subconsciousness

And there is one additional version, where that more effective how everything previous, makes it
possible to obtain much more much more complete information. This version is connected with
obtaining of information by directly our subconsciousness. Partially with this method information
penetrates also the consciousness, but the basic, most total holographic volume of data penetrates
directly subconsciousness. This information with the aid of the sensations and the intuition is read. Any
information, penetrating our subconsciousness, first of all changes our relation to the object, which this
information concerns. It is important to in time note this change in the mood in connection with th
theme e interesting us and of the most emotional relation to it. After perceiving changes in the
emotions and the mood, we begin to behave in accordance with these changes, and we even should
understand for this, why we behave so, and not otherwise. We behave in accordance with the new
information, by despite the fact that our reason she even is not deciphered.
I.e., as a result the application of this method we begin to possess the deep understanding of a question
and intuitively behave in the manner that as if to us they are known all details our its, even
consciousness does not understand, why this so occurs. But in order to obtain this information, for us it
is necessary for the duration of a certain interval of time sufficient- after all actively to interact with th
essence e created by us.
This method - aerobatics. And possesses it the mass of advantages. Not always, in fact, to us so it is
already necessary to load itself with excess actual information (who that said, who that made), if us

simply interests in this situation the result, which we can attain, possessing this information. This
method is good fact that it allows without the knowledge of information at the level of the
consciousness of news itself in the manner that as if this information to us it is known in all
components and details!
If we admit information into the deep parts of our reason, then we, completely without hampering
ourselves by analysis, will be achieved result. And everything. You, probably know, as this occurs,
when you, for example, intended to go in the streetcar, but for some reason they thought over and settle
the only time in the life into the bus. But it took and left the rails streetcar. Your subconsciousness
knew about this previously, although the consciousness this information did not read. But
subconsciousness and without the aid of consciousness auto brought you to the bus. Here similar
subconsious information you can obtain also from the essence - and subconsciousness auto will force
you news itself in the manner that necessary to avoid the danger, either it will lead into the place,
where to you it is desirable to be, or it will help to achieve the success, when, it would seem, and aid to
await nowhere. According to my data, precisely, this version “of the readout” of subconsious
information from the cerebral structures of different necessary people frequently successfully is
directly used by special services of the West.
Method is carried out thus. Conduct the reduction of my consciousness to the point “I seven”. In the
subjective space we identify with the center of energy-information essence and transmit by it the
means of foot- insurance. Contact is established, and we begin to a little feed up essence by energy of
our ascending current (to strengthen it and to direct forward pointer in the head). Now we shut eyes
and, without losing contact, we begin to calm its reason, being immersed in the similarity of
drowsiness and simultaneously thinking about th object e interesting us, relative to which we want to
obtain information (man, event, the trend of development of any relations). We follow all appearing
means (true, they they will be somewhat fabulous), by the sensations (and they they will be not very
plausible), and by the sounds (they they will be also not entirely adequate). Simply you follow all this,
without attempting to decipher and to treat. As soon as the inflow of information begins to weaken, we
again remind essence about the object of our interest, after recalling it and after transmitting to the
center of its consciousness. Then again we follow the renewed flow of its consciousness. When flow
again runs low, we repeat this again. Procedure concludes, when the supply of means, sounds,
sensations ceases also in the consciousness the silence and silence is set. But now should be interrupted
contact and by the simply volitional effort to throw out from the head everything, what you were seen
enough! Because the matter is already made. Attempt only nothing to understand, to analyze and to
evaluate. Your subconsciousness auto will make all for you, after bringing you along the accurate way.
Can note only that your relation to th question in some regions e interesting you changed. Can note
some changes in the emotional background of the apropos interesting you object. But why it was
necessary to reject entire that seen and heard? Yes because we obtained information not along some
one separate channel (visual, auditory, [oshchushchencheskomu]), but immediately on the complex of
channels. And were as a result rewarded with the certain goal graphic mixture, tangled by ball
information, frequently subject in the improbably exaggerated and distorted form. The value of this
information for the conscious perception is close to zero, but subconsciousness exactly this language
uses. It already everything deciphered, arranged on the shelves and now it will direct the logic of your
behavior along the singularly necessary river bed; moreover make this will be without your
participation. Let to us be unknown some facts - main thing, that we at the level of subconsciousness
perceive the overall meaning of proceeding and behave in accordance with this sense because as if we
it we know also at the level of logic.
We indeed are already sufficiently prepared in order to unconsciously consider new information. We
were trained to this at the fifth step [DEIR], described in the book “confidence”. We obtained
individual experience in the interrelations with the peace - experience, based on our personal values of
events, but not on mythical their united for all and universal sense. We learned to [vychlenjat] these
our individual values and to perceive them at the level of subconsciousness, which auto already
conducts us to the correct solutions.
Here and now we can easily use this ability. And then it can come out in the manner that it occurred

with one our graduate. It went into the mission in the train and was very gaily spent time with the
neighbors through the sleeping compartment, constantly drinking and having a snack.
The matter reached the table songs, when our graduate at the short moment of sobering decided to meet
with the essence, which lives in the gold chain, which hangs on his neck. Sobered his, possibly,
precisely the fact that chain neither from that nor from this beginning to reach some discomfort - first
whether to burn neck, then, on the contrary, cool it. Such frequently occurs - the activated essence
itself gives to know to owner that something not so time to it with it to meet! After secluding in the
toilet, merry [komandirovannyj] left to the contact with the essence, and was obtained the incoherent
collection of means and sensations. And it is correct - nothing other its consciousness at that moment
perceive nevertheless could. It was quieted on that, and it returned to the celebratory meal. Here only
songs are for some reason more not Paley, and vodka was not drunk, and sight somehow strangely
explained. And with here this explained sight he clearly saw its own purse, [torchashchij] from under
the mattress of neighborly shelf! Neighbor it was exposed, purse was returned, and trip was finished
completely satisfactorily.
Try this version - and you will be simply struck! You will feel that in you it appeared something larger
than simply excess eyes or ears, in you appeared ally, friendly consciousness, in the essence, your
second “I”, the independently existing part you themselves - created by you energy-information life!


Well here we approached, perhaps, the most interesting question - what essences occur and for which
they are used.
There are five basic varieties of the essences: Keepers, defenders, [Provodnikja], [Reguljatory] and
Their tasks are in general already clear from the names. Individual chapter in the second part of this
benefit will be dedicated by each of these varieties of essences and essences. But let us thus far limit to
their brief characteristic.
Keepers - this of watchman, servant, they maintain order and they guard the inviolability of your
dwelling, your personality, your health and prosperity, your territory, etc they they are not aggressive,
since they answer only for the defense, and never they attack first.
In order to create keeper, for you it is necessary to use the habits of, as a minimum, four steps [DEIR].
Defenders - this of essences, created both for the protection and for the preventive development and the
destruction of enemies and enemies. I.e., they not only with the ease reflect attacks on their owner, but
also is revealed the source of potential aggression even to the first signs of the prepared attack, they
attack this source, invading its consciousness and ether structures, and they destroy it. If in you many
enemies and your life, complete mark also of dangers, is conducted to aggressive, hostile medium -
defenders are simply necessary for you.
In order to create defender, it is necessary to study four steps of the system of habits [DEIR], moreover
third step extremely it is desirably confrontation.
Conductors - special class of essences. They do not possess large energy reserve, it is but capable of
conducting you there, where to you it is necessary, passing all barriers and obstacles. If you want
without the special efforts to achieve your goals, if you want to easily and rapidly solve any problems,
when they conduct your thought in the necessary direction, for you is necessary conductor. For those
desiring to penetrate other peaces and space, to accomplish astral journeys and to be occupied different
kind by magic practice there is completely a special variety of conductors - conductor on the peaces.
In order to create conductor, you will be required, in addition knowledge and virtuoso habit of the
volume of, as a minimum, four steps [DEIR], while for creating some of their varieties - even five
steps [DEIR].
Regulators - essences, which are called to improve the conditions of life of their owner. They
selectively act on external peace, they lead its separate elements to that state, which it is necessary for
owner. If in the surrounding peace something begins to interfere with you, something disturbs you -
regulator will adjust all in the best way so that interferences and barriers in your way will be removed.

It will adjust your luck, and your relations with other people, and even your charisma, i.e., the ability to
act on other people and to unite them around itself.
For creating the regulators it is also necessary to pass three or four steps of system [DEIR], moreover
third it is desirably confrontation, while for creating the regulator of charisma it is necessary to master
the material of five steps of system [DEIR].
Assistants - these are the sufficiently simple essences, intended to help us in the completely concrete
matters: in the quarry, in the money, in sales. On them it is possible to throw out a certain part of its
responsibilities - and not to doubt, that they will manage these responsibilities rapidly and qualitatively,
but we will thus save time and forces for other, more global matters.
For creating the assistants it is necessary to master at least three steps of the system of habits [DEIR].
The basic varieties of the essences, which it is possible to create with the application the
technician of the animation of the objects of system [DEIR]

In the following volume of this book on the animation technique of objects we with you will switch
over to the thorough, detailed study of each class of essences, and also conditions and procedures of
their creation and use.

Chapter 4
System of habits [DEIR]: present and future

Give let us look, that we have with you today. First stage - protection and freedom. The second -
achievement of the objective. The third - output to the new level of contact. The fourth - creation of
super-effective energy-information configuration itself. The fifth first - navigation among the world
flows and the foretelling of chance. The same colossal way, isn't that true?
It would seem, not in the human forces it was pass it entire for such short - only it is more than one-
and-a-half years from the time of the output of the first books - period. But this way they passed many
thousand men, and already according to the books so in -[obshe] dozens of times more! And, as we all
wonderfully understand, with such exuberance in the growing pains simply it cannot but be. Certainly,
it is necessary to avoid them, because people entrust to us - and we bear responsibility for your way

and your results. However, what this for the growing pains?
First of all, it is no matter how lamentable, dilettantism in the part (glory to god, smaller part) of the
readers is growing pain. Hardly after mastering the elements of the first book, they, hoping in the
Russian “perhaps”, rushed to master the immediately fourth, and this categorically cannot be made
without the second step, without the clearing of [karma] and [karmicheskogo] space. Result is
lamentable, and is necessary much labor, in order to correct that happening, i.e., simply stated,
necessary everything to begin first. Indeed [karmicheskij] cluster with its [neudalenii] immediately
begins to push slightly man in its direction! But the fifth step without the fourth is simply impossible.
I.e., it is possible to, of course, think that i.e. it passed, but not to in reality have not the least advance.
Friends are my! I am turned to you with enormous seriousness! If something is not obtained, return to
the step back and you will repeat! Or begin first! Or you will be turned into your branch of school and
pass residence training - it considerably is differed from external, it deeper passes on skill with the
enormous reliability (policies of school [DEIR] under the management of my student of Titov k. v. are
conducted in many cities, their list is given at the end this benefit, but also you always can leave to the
contact with my students, colleagues of school, after ringing on the telephone (812) 318-12-45 or after
writing with the address: St. Petersburg, 198103, [Lermontovskij] the rest, d. 44/46, a/I 123, or after
being connected with the publishing house. Way [DEIR] - this is the way of independent progress, but
we are always ready to show you support). And do not jump over through the steps, respect itself and
Indeed if you decided to learn, then this must be made consecutively, and respected that, who to you
these knowledge transfers, and to follow its recommendations. But to think: “I such spiritual, I all this
know, give immediately tenth class to me, without the first” - this is children's position. This is the
pride, from which us warns the mass of the clever books.
This position testifies exactly about [neobladanii] by spirituality.
In order to understand and to correct this, time is required.
The second growing pain - these are the omnipresent charlatans, who think that they can teach and pass
on the skills of further energy-information development by other. These charlatans read benefit or
passed the pair of steps and decided po- [bystrenkomu] to earn money due to the trusting people. And
amateurs only deceive the expectations of those being necessary to them, bringing to them evil,
because they possess neither habits nor talents nor reserves of instructor. But real instructor - rarity. For
example, in the summer of this year of 200 and the more of the already prepared men status of the
instructor before the examination commission of school [DEIR] obtained only five! Instructors are
trained separately. And even for the past instruction teaching without the possession by teaching
reserve is impossible - and he is given only to our colleagues and can be blocked.
Money grubbing, unfortunately, and the thirst of authority they frequently cover to people look.
Visualize that the self-confident rural young fellow saw somewhere in passing high-voltage welding,
and then he convinced of his own “skill” of its countrymen - yes to weld the components of times to
spit, this simply Bengalese flame preheats two pieces of iron! But now visualize that it so " made” with
them bus and entire village went on it to the work. It goes without saying, they all risk by life.
Poor quality teaching - this is crime. And victims of criminals there are sufficiently many - almost in
each city. We do as far as possible reveal such cases and do correct consequences, and culprits we do
transfer under the law court for the disturbance of author's and patent right - but as to entirely correct th
damage e applied by them? Is required time and matched efforts us all.
The third disease lies in the fact that naked habit, without the practice of application, this very and is
very small. We became accustomed, unfortunately, to the fact that we obtain knowledge only in the
application to the practical aspect of its application. We are not trained to find these aspects
independently. Example - creation of essences. Nothing especially complex, truth? But were required
wholes two books. But indeed such aspects set. Five steps - these are only basis, the stem, from which
will move away the set of the branches, which carry to foliage - results. And for these branches it is
necessary to be trained separately, and this is important - because leaves only if appear at the tree, it to
preparedly reject upward new flight. And furthermore for this is necessary time.
However, what we do undertake?

First, we asked publishing house to a little detain the appearance of the second part of fifth step. She is
a little premature, because with the habit of a change in the actual side of reality it is necessary to be
turned with the enormous piety. We however, detained it temporarily - approximately prior to the end
of 2000. We prepare the by this time professionals, ready to help each to manage the difficulties of the
second part of fifth step.
But thus far the colleagues of school deal with the branches: by new directions and by the new aspects
of the development of habit. So there are many useful developments, which are capable of bringing
enormous benefit!
In the nearest time you will see the books, technological benefits on the manipulation with
[egregorami], on true [karma], on control of thinking, on the anti-magic, to energy post and to other
methods of the sanitation (by the way, the health-improvement effectiveness of one post, that by
confirmed newest studies documented, it is equal to several weeks of reflexotherapy!).
Why I about this to you did address? Yes because within the framework schools, by such as it it was
formed now, these problems of enormous importance and complexity not to decide.
Respected readers! I am glad and happy to declare precisely to you, that in 2000 began its development
the new program, which will bring much new experience and forces to all to us, will open the new
secrets of nature and it will give to us new, inaccessible previously possibilities.
This is the program of the institute of the introduction of the habits of further energy-information



The way, along which we with you go, is truly great. We advance, and the future horizons are infinite.
But in order to go further, it is necessary somehow to structure the peace, in which we is achieved
motion. Indeed if men he did not know about existence of the sides of light, to it simply it would not be
possible to be oriented in the space.
And I would want to share with you with trends in further development of the system of habits [DEIR].
Indeed our task - of making defense developments by the property of our fellow citizens, and this
means that it is necessary to create the ordered system of methods and habits of their application for
peaceful, daily purposes, employees to the development of personality and to reaching social results.
So that these methods would be of benefit to all. To each. Certainly, directions are deciphered here
only partially - too many words it would be necessary to spend on this.
Each of the directions - this individual seminar or several seminars. Each of them - this the book or
several books each of them - the individual department of the institute of the introduction of habits


1. Study of the highest (use of a habit of the context of the practice of the intellectually coordinated
contact with the influential circles by, including godly, the control of the logic of chaos).
2. A study of distant (shaman journeys, astral journeys, displacement in the ether tele-, output to the
energy-layers of the Earth (including the layer Of [shambaly]) and cosmos, place force and work with
them it is other).
3. The laws of external peace (i.e., the laws of the so-called magic (ritual runes, and symbols) guard
and amulets, contact with the essences of lowest [astrala], use of the law of similarity and it is other).
4. Laws inside itself (from the practical aspects of renaming phenomena to a change in the system of
values and slow thoughts, the use of reduction in the values of thematics, its own tuning).
5. Improvement of feelings (increase in the sensitivity and the development of additional channels for
obtaining the information - tuning with the stones, tone, a study of the distortions of virtual space,

smell, taste, the application of a television set and rustle in the receiver).
6. Improvement of reason (work with the virtual space, the displacement of point “I seven” in the
accessible peaces, the use of surface sleep for the thinking, the use of sleep in reality and of the slow
thoughts of sleep in reality, the use of parallel thinking, the creation of place in the sleep).
7. Improvement itself (useful structures on the energy and virtual plan - from the ether it is wing to the
shell and the storage battery, the duplicates of ether bodies, the network of contacts with the reality, the
creation of energy computer structures).
8. Improvement of actions (concrete situation prescriptions of all the fields, including sexual power
engineering, the creation of contact with the man, the creation of energy connections, scavenging).
9. Interaction with the future (foresight and a change in the future, the formation of space around the
10. Interaction with the past ([karma] and the removal of simply past behavior, including of behavior
of the members of family, the correction of past [reinkarnatsij], the creation of the electrical power
network of contacts with the past, the detection of past kind).
11. Manipulations with the lapse of time (retarding and the acceleration of subjective time).
12. Work with the essences and the essences (creation, contact, use - in all accessible spaces).
13. Work with the form and the objects (from the pyramids, the crosses, the polyhedrons to the
crystals, the tree, the plants, the water, the smoke, the fossilization, artificial objects).
14. Work with the field structures ([egregory] (from the creation to the induction of conflict) and the
social bodies of beliefs, the energy bodies of ancient civilizations).
15. Protection (from the intrusions both in the present and the future; and of virtual, the protection
internal space, the protection of power engineering, the protection of thoughts, the protection of way;
the theft of virtual space).
16. Power action (modifications of primary structures from the sphere to the cobweb and the lightning,
the programmed distortion of space and power of control; precise power action).
17. Thin action (control of thinking, construction for the external peace, action by behavior and
18. Treatment of body (energy diagnostics, massage by energy cluster, program, energy “prostheses”,
correcting energy structure, energy scanning and surgery, general approach).
19. Treatment of soul (power engineering and the deep therapeutic third step, especially work with the
virtual space and [karmoj]).
Here above how - at the adaptation to our life of additional developments - at present work my friends
- specialists of school [DEIR] and set of the specialists of friendly [ucherezhdenij]. These are those
branches themselves, which will move away from the stem of five steps of further energy-information
development. We placed before ourselves the task of creating on the base of basic procedures whole
system of habits and knowledge, deprived of mysticism and of unnecessary complication, applied by
any our compatriot. Too much unnecessary mysticism, by [zaumi] and simply fraud was saved in the
field of bioenergetic sciences - it is time this to cease.
We together - all our readers, listeners and the specialists of school - will manage this task. Because we
are together strong, wise and see further many.
Some procedures of the institute of the introduction of habits [DEIR] already teach in the branches of
school under the management of my agent of Titov Cyril and his students.
Thus, for instance, you in your city always can obtain the deep knowledge and habits on the vision of
aura, from the work with the ether body, on work with the essences, employing health-improvement
procedures, from the work with the object (special energy concentrator, to be turned with it it is started
at first confrontation stage) by the technicians of the second-fourth of steps… On the approach there
are many new seminars and procedures, trends in development [DEIR] created within the framework.
More than 50 will be inculcated to their 2001. And this is preparation for the passage for the serious,

annual instruction.
But all this in the future. I congratulate you, my compatriots, the open large-scale program in the
region of bioenergetics with the fact that for the first time in our country began. I am proud and happy,
that we with you is cost at its sources. But now for me is in prospect to answer one additional most
important question, assigned almost in half of the letters, which be necessary in my address or the
address of school.
A question sounds as follows: are there in the system of the habits [DEIR] of step, it is older than the
fifth? Answer similar: yes, there is.
But their introduction is completely premature. And prematurely this is why: we with you to first four
stages completely pass the customary method of social interactions and at the fifth step into two stages
we become acquainted with the following - with interaction with the peace by external, which is
usually considered the peace of the inanimate nature. There is world flows, and reason. There are
further peaces - but in order successfully in them to survive in order to obtain happiness, but not
misfortune, experience is necessary to us. Us are necessary this experience to obtain - indeed
concerning us matter is exactly as with the child, who gets to know peace. It first goes into the school,
and only then it enters the work. Indeed even clever child will not be able “to survive”, for example, on
the exchange in the world of brokers. It does not have experience and instincts. So with us. We should
first be introduced to laws governing the peace, into which we recently glanced, “to [poobteretsja]” in
it, and when our experience and our produced instincts force us to go further - here only then we will
be ready are ready to make this step.
Will arrive time - and new, even more moved benefit will also come into being. It will give the deepest
advantages and knowledge. But as yet there is no experience, necessary for this step, it simply will
remain misunderstood. So that let us wait. Let us profit. Let us learn. We are worthy knowledge - and it
at us will arrive.

Chapter shch
Going by way [DEIR] answers to questions and refinements

In my permanent readers the set of questions was accumulated. The specialists of school answer
the letters, but to the most frequent questions me it would be desirable to answer on the pages of
precisely this benefit. Read - for sure you assigned to yourselves at least several of them.
But so that it would be interesting to all, even fact, who becomes acquainted with [DEIR] only on the
pages of this book, before each question- answer I will give the phrase, which resembles, with which
the discussion deals. It is isolated with italics.
At first stage is placed the energy shell, not penetrated neither for the energy attacks nor for the
[egregorialnykh] influences. This is the protection of the highest energy reliability. After it man out of
Question: Why after the installation of shell approximately in one-two weeks at least one time, but you
do perceive attack?
Answer: This occurs because the shell is held due to the conditioned reflex. Its single breakdown -
required stage of installation. Energy source of shell - your central flows. Your its subconsciousness
holds, reflector strengthening power engineering each time, when it perceives negative actions. But
now visualize that you deal with pulling the rope (indeed strong pressure to the shell it occurs
continuously) and force on your side. You hold rope sufficiently easily. And nothing poor it occurs
(because after occupations shell is held perfectly still) - you, naturally, in the course of time weaken.
And after some time especially strong jerk [preodolevaet] your effort (and truth, this already strong
attack). Bang! And you perceived it. But now subconsciousness immediately restores protection - it
henceforth already holds her uninterruptedly and vigilantly, because then comes the subconsious
realization of the fact that the shell is absolute protection.
At first stage to listener and to the reader is given the initial vision of aura. This is obtained in all, but it
requires [dorazvitija].
Question: Why the vision of aura is developed sufficiently slowly?

Answer: The fact is that visual analyzer - most capricious analyzer in man. It is under the tight control.
And it is necessary either prolonged experience or deep courses on the vision, or fourth step [DEIR],
which disconnects internal critic, then the means, always seen by you, they will begin to percolate into
the consciousness.
At the confrontation first step to listeners reveal the special objects, which make it possible to
manipulate by the concentrated [egregorialnoj] energy. They sometimes burst themselves with the
work and in the sharp situations, protecting its owner.
Question: Why object [DEIR] sometimes does fly away?
Answer: This occurs because the powerful overloads can arise with your protection in it, and material
simply does not maintain. You will replace it in your organizer. Nothing terrible. This is simple tool. It
accomplished its task - it helped you.
After first stage the nature of your interrelations with the the [egregorialnym] [sotsiumom] changes.
This is accompanied by a whole series of effects.
Question: Why after first stage does appear sensation, that those surrounding do think substantially
slower you?
Answer: The consciousness of th people e surrounding you is given to the united attitude by energy-
information parasites. You are free from them, and your thoughts occur in your personal direction;
therefore it's no wonder that the value of words for you is somewhat wider than for others. And it is not
surprising that for you it is necessary to expend more than words in order to explain its thought to
other, is created sensation, that you converse with the slowcoach.
At the second step [DEIR] we is trained to the creation of the programs, which integrate our
consciousness and subconsciousness, directing our motion to the purpose, and they ensure the support
of achievement of the objective at the [engergoinforma]-[tsionnom] level. This makes it possible to
achieve the consciously selected goal without the significant expenditures of efforts.
Question: Why the programs of the second step sometimes do not operate?
Answer: There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon, which is observed not too frequently
(approximately in 10-15% of cases). First, purpose, is more accurate, the component of its reaching,
they were not worked out through the standard state - and, therefore, subconsciousness with them not
accordingly. But therefore, naturally, it prevents your motion to the outlined horizon. It means, it is
necessary to verify program to the truth. In the second place, you can encounter opposition from the
side of energy-information parasite (otherwise named of [egregor]). In this situation you should help
itself according to the technicians of the third step, who make it possible to block the action of parasitic
structure. Thirdly, concrete man can resist you, are more accurate, his interests (he does not want it to
return to you debt, well he does not want - and everything!) - and then you again will be required the
third step, namely setting long-range programs. Fourthly, you can prove to be on “closed way”,
because they came into conflict with the world flows - and then you will be required the habits of fifth
step [DEIR] on the power overcoming of laws governing the external large peace.
The programs of the second step make it possible to achieve their goal, but, naturally, result is not
granted more than, but it is the result of work and spent efforts, although at the subconsious level.
Those, who realized this, obtain from the life practically any desired result.
Question: Why sometimes after setting of programs does deteriorate mood?
Answer: Such is possible during the accomplishment of critical error - direction of program to itself
(for example, to force itself to always make charging). It is necessary to understand, which in this case
occurs: indeed you do not make charging not randomly - you do not make it because your
subconsciousness against this. But you during setting of program use a alternative standard state, i.e.,
the state of infinite energy and infinite will. It turns out that you, are more accurate, your
consciousness, you approach to our own subconsciousness and you tell it: either charging or you will
be [preodoleno] (depressed, destroyed, etc). But to subconsciousness this, by itself, it does not please
itself. It begins to fight for its own life - and, naturally, in you spoils mood, because key from your
emotions is located in the hands of your subconsciousness. How with this to fight? Yes it is very
simple - to first, more thoroughly study your desire to the truth, and to in the second place, generally
try to avoid the direction of programs to itself. This to make sufficiently easily for example, with the

aid of the formulation: not “to force itself to earn many money” (indeed perhaps your
subconsciousness it is lazy and it does not want this), but “to force these [miroedov] is correct to pay
for your work” (but this already design version, indeed activity it is directed outside) - and then no
subconsious conflict it will arise. You love itself! Your sphere of action - external peace, so respect
itself, acting on external peace in its interests, but without recutting itself under it.
At the second step the listener and the reader move away their, interfering [karmu] (why this is
possible, is in detail described in the fifth book, which describes the system of habits [DEIR]). It is
moved away completely and forever - and the criterion of the success of this procedure is the complete
absence of feelings with respect to the [karmicheskim] events.
Question: Why sometimes sensations with respect to remote [karma] do return?
Answer: The fact is that any man, who does not generate cleaning his [karmicheskogo] space, from the
first generation and to the present moment, can create himself so-called “false [karmu]”, which is been
based on the freshly baked feeling of guilt (for example, if it it fell under the influence of the so-called
inductor, or the moralist). As a result appear the [psevdokarmicheskie] constructions, which interfere
with living the exactly as [karmicheskie], only not having relations to the previous lives, this and there
is false [karma]. So that them it would not be, to sufficiently carry out cleaning [karmicheskogo] space,
that also occurs in the process of the background work of the second step.
o the third step gives to man the realized habit of energy-information interaction with other people.
This passage to the new level of contact more is volumetric and is deep.
Question: Why sometimes after the third step those surrounding do become cautious forged in your
Answer: Entire matter in your subconsious action. You try to establish telepathic and energy contact
with them, but they are not ready to to this type of sensations. The energy component, which decreases
the level of attentiveness, interfere withs them. Simply transfer itself to the more low energy level with
the contact with the untrained people, and everything will be noticeably.
We selected in the life the free, clean path, on which we can themselves make decisions. For this
already at first stage is advanced absolute protection both from the energy actions and from the
influence of energy-information parasites ([egregorialnykh] influences).
Question: Why frequently already after first stage any meditations, work with “[biokompjuterom]”,
[mantry], incantations or turnings to “highest forces” of the type “of the rulers of [karma]”, the
searches for external “spirituality”, space “channels” frequently can cause sharp worsening in the
matters and health?
Answer: In my opinion this is simply obvious. You selected your, free path. But the purpose of the
energy-information parasites, otherwise named [egregorami], to make from you slaves in order to
knock out from you the necessary for them energy, “to milk” man. This is reached due to the
establishment of energy-information control over thoughts and emotions of man, ejection of people by
foreheads, the creation of false [karma], [vverganija] into the misfortunes… But you installed shell -
and they were freed - and they slowly began the process of creating its own, not suggested to you
values, their way, their happiness… You are invisible for the energetic slaveholders. And here you,
without having thought, use any technology, fed by its own energy-information parasite - for example,
“internal computer” or “by rulers of [karma]”. Result - you become seen, you unconsciously are
opened to parasite- slaveholder. And it sees: as, there is the yet not subordinate man?! Potential energy
source! On the strange oversight free and no one's (but it is necessary to say that if man was connected
at least to one parasite, then it here they begin to gorge rest)!
And these energy-information parasites immediately begin “to build and to count” this man, destroying
everything that it had time to reach in the time of free life in order to force it as other, to serve as the
weakwilled donor of energy, as useful toy with the connected to the brain feelers of the parasites, that
are fed by the forces of mind and soul of humanity. What to make?
To rely on its own knowledge and its own produced force. Free cheese, alas, is only in the mousetrap.
Either reached itself or from you will be asked price. But it is the higher, the freer you is.
Unfortunately, this do not understand many people, which attempt to adapt procedures [DEIR] for
“health-improvement” and “[antikarmicheskikh]” purposes, and, to a even larger regret, [nekotoroye]

listeners [DEIR], without understanding the depth of proceeding, try in them “to [podlechitsja]”. But
ritual as soon as begins, begin both problems and misfortunes. Coast energy-information
We have the special of technology, which make it possible to avoid this misfortune.
At the fourth step [DEIR] is conducted powerful reconstruction of the energy structure of man, which
unites consciousness, soul and ether body. This leads to the most sharp growth of personal energy
level, possibility of using intuitive the given and creative abilities.
Question: Why after the fourth step sharply does grow emotionalism and spasmodically it does
increase activity in the personal and social life?
Answer: Because emotion - reverse side of your energy level. You obtain the force, inaccessible to
usual man, and already your matter to use of it to the good yourselves, your relatives and friends. This
is - advantage, and here different of technology, which give “rest”, this, as it appears even from the
bible, straight road to the loss of soul and the nonfulfillment of its task.
After the fourth step [DEIR] of men it becomes dozens of times more living. The same is simply
The fourth step [DEIR] carries out reconstruction of the energy structure of man, increasing both the
overall level, and uniformity of energy distribution over the body.
This, naturally, favorably affects the health.
Question: Why after the fourth step to considerably more convenient normalize its health by energy
methods, than by the methods of reflexotherapy?
Answer: After reconstruction disappear [chakry] - energy converters, which ensure the cooperation of
man with the peace of energy-information parasites. But [chakry] still and regulate internal energy
distribution, forming the so-called “channels”. After the fourth step the energy distribution in the tele-
is even, and indeed the methods of reflexotherapy are calculated exactly for “the channels”! And
therefore after the fourth step as the therapeutic actions the methods, which normalize energy
distribution in the tele-, are considerably more effective than the methods, which change energy flow
in the channels. Here and everything. Moreover it is necessary to note that the energy methods are
more effective than the methods of reflexotherapy in this case dozens of times!
At the fourth step [DEIR] of men it enters to the new level of development - its consciousness is
enlarged, making possible for it to see considerably more than it it saw earlier, to feel considerably
deeper and it is thinner than earlier, to live more valuable life.
Question: Why after the fourth step sometimes do occur the episodes of poor mood?
Answer: This is tightly connected with the problem of purpose. Indeed after the fourth step you possess
a enormous quantity of energy - into ten, sometimes and into hundreds of times greater than in usual
man! But subconsciousness of man loves to be strong. And it collects, stocks energy reserve,
thoughtful accumulating it for the accomplishment of your objectives. But if there is no purpose or
purpose is already achieved, and it is not assigned new - naturally, reaction begins. This as in the army:
everything is brought to the alert, but there is no order all and no…
Output is simple - you can place new purpose to yourselves, and then reserve will find its way out. The
different version: you can simply throw out energy excess through the object [DEIR] into the storage
battery - and then this energy will not press you, while you it will always then know how to claim.
There is the third output: after using object, you can initiate the redistribution of energy in your space
of purposes. Then you direct yourselves, as if lightning, in the most urgent actual for you direction.
This they make it possible to make methods of work with the object of the fourth step (already almost
in each branch these of technology they teach within the framework the institute of the introduction of
habits [DEIR]).
At the fifth step [DEIR] of men enters into the regime of controlled [polosatosti], special method of
interaction with the world flows, that makes possible for it to [sosredotachivat] its success in the
important for it regions, sacrificing regions uninteresting and insignificant. I.e., everything is very
simple - it is worthwhile to be perturbed by situation, as to you immediately it begins to convey.
Question: Why after the first part of fifth step [polosatost] sometimes does not operate, where it does
want or, on the contrary, sharply it does operate in the unexpected regions?

Answer: This means that you completely were not dismantled at the significance for yourselves of the
region, in which you expect the manifestations of [polosatosti]. Indeed it appears not simply at will - it
is regulated by the sincere, true desire, which has emotional background. But indeed the emotions of
man are located completely in the hands in his subconsciousness! And, therefore, if subconsciousness
not in accordance with the significance of one or other event or another, then [polosatost] appears it it
does not, where await consciousness! For example, to you it can too not convey on the work, because
to you improbably it conveys in the personal life, but you do not note this, because prevailing in your
consciousness false idea forces you to count work considerably more important than private affairs!
Output - in checking of the regions of its activity to the truth, is more accurate, the purposes, which you
to yourselves in them place. This technology is presented in the book “formation”. Or it is possible to
enter differently - to use the methods of work with the object [DEIR] of the fourth step.



I did not want to derive th theme into the separate division e discussed here. Me greatly asked
about this the colleagues of school and listeners, especially those, who successfully passed the fourth
and fifth steps, because they wonderfully understand the size of the danger, from which must warn this
small of central board. In it I will describe to you about that, what it is necessary to avoid to any man,
if he wants to find its way, its, true goals in this life and to carry out its destination, without expending
precious time and the irreplaceable reserves of forces on overcoming of lie and false barriers.
Alas, you learn in those, who are described in this chapter, many their old familiar. But, can, this and to
the best? Indeed who [preduprezhden] - that is armed.
In the life of humanity, directed by the entire class of energy-information parasites, struck by the set of
illusory social tendencies, there is a clearly determined number of the dangers, which are most fraught
for the man, who possesses force. Why? Because strong man by, being [vvedenym] into the error,
manages to per unit time break considerably more firewood, than men weak. And strong man - and
you, those, who mastered the already large part of steps [DEIR], strong people, must understand the
internal structure of these dangers in order not to fall by their victim. What this for the dangers?

People, dangerous for others

First, this the so-called inductors. Inductors - this is the entire class of people, which live due to
the goal-directed false representation of its partners in the contact. them there is very much among so-
called [ekstrasensov]. So make street swindlers, sectarians -[okkultisty], religious fanatics, many
healers. Classical approach to the client of this inductor appears as follows (somebody of the listeners
learns this example, since him he gives in occupations one of the moved instructors of school [DEIR]):
“God, what you have spoiling! This to you to death is done… I so want to help, but I do not know, I
will manage this less than for five hundred dollars…” It is familiar? Even as! True, they do not
sometimes request money, but you now will understand why.
First - in what danger. This is still nonsense for the usual man, simply it will lose money and time,
although it is also, of course, pitiful. But it is here for the man of strong, but trusting… He perfectly
well knows what is spoiling is! And, after believing word, it can induce it in itself, i.e., it will join the
battle with its own shadow (such episodes they occurred in Surgut and Riga - very heavy it was to
manage). But this is already very dangerous, indeed man is strong! And the inductor, “which is
worried” about it, it not for what money it will help in no way - regarding. Indeed why you did
approach inductor? Because to it necessary your money or your energy (“free” version). But this means
that in you one or the other more than in inductor. But if in you it is more than energy, then the
spoiling, which you themselves will make to yourselves, it will not be taken by this inductor ever
because of his [malokholnosti]. Here and everything!
In order with the inductor to fight, it is necessary to understand the reasons for its turning to you. He
wants your admiration, your money, your force - separately or all together. Religious fanatic wants so

that you even with the life would sell your soul to its god or his [zombirovavshemu] [egregoru]. He
wants because you are stronger it. Therefore he wants you to tangle and to deceive.
Here is a good example from the life: some near inductors stick to the people after first stage [DEIR],
saying: “In you shell does not cover SA -[khasrara] and [Muladkhara] of [chakry], but I can it
influence…” But this indeed complete delirium! Why? Yes because mentioned [chakry] absorb only
clean energy, and all the cooperation of man- men is accomplished only by a mixture of energies! This
as to write with slate black on the black board - if there is no mixture of colors, information is not
transferred! But the man does not have not one [chakry], from -[luchajushej] clean energy! I.e., its
attempt of the influence in reality it will be be equal to zero - [chakra] simply will absorb component
necessary to it, after destroying negative information, and no harm from this hypothetical attack it will
be (this nevertheless what to eat the piece of the cheese, on which is cut out abusive word, word it will
be destroyed, but cheese it will preserve nutritiousness and already poisonous it will not on no account
become…). To what cheapness inductors here catch their victim.
You, my readers and listeners, possess reason and, I do not doubt, you will know how to recognize the
true motives of these energetic carrion vultures. You themselves can estimate your energy-information
state, and to you are not terrible these it frightened garden.
In the second place, these are pseudos-moralist. Their motives are differed in no way from the motives
of inductors, i.e., they want either money or energy (true, somebody of them it also attempts to attempt
immediately per capita), but pseudos-moralist are especially dangerous. Classical example: “God! As
“badly” you enter and think! The same spoils your [karmu] and fate, so to act it cannot be, and as
entered “is good”, I to you to smog to describe only for one hundred dollars…” These take less than
money, either are taken only donations or energy and success of man do not take completely, because
their purpose (frequently, however, not known) - soul. They [pogrjazli] in their own pride are occupied
by the induction of false [karma], extending in the consciousness of people the moral mold themselves.
This is the highest danger, it is more terrible than even sensational [zombirovanija].
Pseudos-moralist in the world very much, especially by these sin many [karmologi] and religious
fanatics. Specifically, they sin: because even in the bible it is said: “You do not judge, yes you will be
judged”. I already spoke, in what the danger: indeed our reason is guided in its work by the precisely
moral standards, carried out and fostered in the course of the entire life on basis of personal experience.
Specifically, moral standards lead man, when it “simply so” smiles either joins the battle, when it
rejects something or accomplishes any act. This is the deepest part of our essence.
But those, who attempt to impose their standards on man, confirming by their sayings of the type “wise
people they said” or “is there written”, they attempt to establish control over its psyche. Why? Well it
is understandable that for personal purposes - first whether for the money, first whether for behavior,
first whether for the energy, first whether for the soul, then whether for its own importance… This
them right, and I by them as to people, not judge - can, their life forced. It means, they are unhappy and
[neustroenny] in this life.
But they are attempted to suffocate simple man in the vises of the false feeling of guilt and false
[karma]. Man because of them risks by the loss of many years of life and his destination. He becomes
not realizing himself by marionette. But therefore social name to this phenomenon - crime against the
personality. This is worse than encroachment of the constitutional rights. These are encroachment of
the natural rights, such, as right for the respiration and for the thinking.
Understand the motives of these kidnappers shower - and you out of danger.
Thirdly, this, alas, unconscientious healers. Unfortunately, the situation in the country was formed in
such a way that caused to the life the entire force “of healers”, who have not least [predstaatenija] not
the fact that about medicine, but even about the structure of human organism!!! For example, certain
the Olga Of [eliseeva], according to her, the doctor of the highest category, he writes: “By all it is
known that in e of year in child atrophies thymus gland, which manufactures the ferment, which splits
lactose (milk sugar. - D. v.) milk” (O. Of [eliseeva]. Practice of purification and restoration of
organism. St. Petersburg, 1997, s. 203). You will look in the encyclopedia - thymus gland, otherwise
named the thymus, it is never the organ of immunity - and, on no account, either in whatever living
organism it manufactured or one digestive enzyme! This error will not allow even physician-

freshman! It is understandable that to this “healer” it is not possible to entrust already in what. It
simply sets up experiments on the people, pumping out from them money. Such, alas, legion.
But you, my readers, already encountered energy-information methods even you know that they can
help in many respects. But, as by all beginning, to you it is not always clear, in what and how. And for
this I bear the responsibility: I proposed these knowledge to you. And I want to propose to you the
principle also of the determination of amateurs dangerous for the life among the people, which actually
can help.
Energy-information methods, of course, can facilitate situation, cure and even create miracles. But all
methods in this peace have their limitations and not in hundred percent of the cases act. Therefore ever
it cannot be rely only on one method - however it is desirable to believe in better, in questions of health
it is necessary to select from the maximum of means! Which, naturally, implies the use of methods of
official medicine as most effective.
First medicine is official, simultaneously bioenergetics (it it interfere withs no methods), but only then
medicine alternative, moreover only in that part, in which it does not interfere with official medicine.
You must understand that the slogan: “We act on the reason for disease (versions: at the
[karmicheskom], godly, cellular, molecular, psychological level)” - this is delirium. Because there is a
reason, and there is a disease. If man drank excess and broke to himself foot, then action on the reason,
i.e., the immoderate consumption of alcohol, will not bring result now - it is necessary to already treat
So that if you meet man, who speaks: “You physicians hunt, chemistry - this is detrimental, roentgen -
horror, on no account you are treated in the polyclinic, and give to drink liqueur on the bull tomatoes
and to treat [karmu]”, run from it. That to [pache] run, if in you actually serious disease. This man does
not know measure and principles of medicine. He is dangerous. He wants only to earn on your
misfortune of money. Do not yield to the temptation of sly speeches. Care about your health
maximally, to what extent you can. Your life of that stands.

[Pozhiranie] of soul - [egregory] and the [sektantstkie] pyramids

This is very small part. But very important. It concerns the enormous threat, which hung over
above the contemporary society, above its potential and fate. The fact is that each man with the skillful
approach can serve as the infinite source of energy and means for [egregorov] and sects. But man, for a
while lived by, being protected from this, are ten times more attractive for these structures as the power
What this [egregor]? This is the energy-information cluster, which was being organized in the common
plan because of the thoughts of a large quantity of people. What he does want? To live and to feed.
This is parasite. It feeds from those opening to it people. Visualize that you, after living the year of free
[vneegregorialnoj] life, were opened to energy-information parasite. In you its energy reserve is
already created, are their achievements their purposes. How you were opened? Well, for example using
meditation, “prayer”, let us say, To [ozirisu], or the ritual “space channel”. And which does occur?
Parasite begins to destroy your resource and to extract force from you. Visualize that you year- other
live by the invisible in hell, you make, as any man, good deeds - and you suddenly remove from
yourselves the cover of invisibility. What with you will make a devilish army? It is terrible to
represent. This is present misfortune.
Certainly, with [egregorom] also it is possible to interact, but only according to the rules, which will
exclude its direct access to you. You can ask about these rules, special for each [egregora], their
instructor OF [DEIR], but you will thus far memorize most important. Indeed you are imperious above
yourselves - and, even according to legends, vampire will not find force to enter into the house, if him
there they do not invite.
They as soon as to you propose to request in anything (it is not important what) good, favor, aid, i.e., to
use not their force and reason, but force and reason by strangers, know that you they request to admit
your enemy. Enemy because it is inclined and agreeable to guide by you. And act respectively in order
to avoid misfortune. Indeed even if you survive as personality, then existence as slave will serve as

poor replacement freedom. But you, that masters habits [DEIR], strove for freedom and they were
worthy it.
It is very similar to the energy-information parasites, but it is considerably harder, in the style of ritual
magic, sectarian pyramids act. In what their essence? In the transfer of energy of man “to teacher”, or
“the guru”. Unique energy pyramid is built. Sectarians force in clear the specific time to [meditirovat]
at the image “of guru” either to pronounce those indicated with it words or to look “correct” video
cassettes. This is is one additional method of the extraction of energy and success of man. So operate,
for example, the sects, where someone from the myrmidons of leader continuously mutters,
pronouncing [mantry] or incantations, which knock out of that each hearing this a little energy.
As soon as you encountered the organization, which makes it necessary to establish contact (energy,
astral, ether or any other) with the concrete channel, the man or the historical figure, you must
understand, what this is - energy pyramid. Here it is possible only to lose.
Unfortunately, this very disseminated phenomenon, and of it to characteristically sneak in gradually.
But it would like me so that you, my readers, even if fate you pushes slightly to such, clearly would
understand, on that you go. It is easy to load responsibility for its fate, for the estimation of its behavior
to someone other, but in this defeat lies, because free man only itself can answer for his behavior.
Otherwise this servitude, this is sale of its fate to owner. This is - opposition to freedom and to human


In comparison with recently presented, apparent such innocent dangers, this danger where is less
serious. Therefore, in the first place, that it is more obvious, and in the second place, because man, who
mastered habits [DEIR], completely can itself be set right by rel.un. of consequences (in reality, this
recovery it is simply unavoidable). [Zombirovanie] - that this such?
[Zombi] - corpse, who walks and who speaks not of their own free will. It is deprived of freedom and,
therefore, life.
Indeed when man depends not on himself, but from the constantly being adapted force or the
management of other, he is equal to corpse. He becomes [zombi], because everything, which composed
the basis of its reason, is eliminated. Therefore it is necessary to correctly understand “the guru”, who
speculates by the concepts “of [zombirovanija]” and “of influence”, and itself attempts to tie people to
itself, to its cassettes or sessions and to conduct them to “the nirvana”, “the enlightenment”, “the god”
or “the good”. He wants to kill the reason of its students (yes this and not students, but simply the
source of energy and mundane goods for “the guru”), in order to suck money, energy, soul of them.
The one who actually he wants to learn, simply he teaches. And the knowledge, obtained from this
source, can be used independently.
But the methods of [zombirovanija], i.e., temporary or permanent abstraction man to the dummy,
inculcated from without targets, there is very much. I will transfer at least several of them, the most
- the attempt to [zatsiklit] your reason it is pure to the external signs of its state (for example, “if you
have moist hands, then they act on you”);
- the attempt to appropriate to itself the patronage of the highest forces (for example, “me they sent
from the constellation of capricorn”, either “[Iisus] to me it said…”, or “I I interpret word [Bozhie]”);
- claim on the assignment personally from “the guru”
the energy protection, connected with the concrete man, reducing of entire lecture to the fact that
personally leading (guru) by its goods, by cassettes, by diskettes, by images or by its possibilities (but
not listener himself by its forces) creates panacea from in all;
- the attempt to induce paranoia and battle with the specters (in you poor mood - this of neighbor,
struck by negative energy, and that negative energy itself, they are guilty);
- in the confrontation occupations the use of music, dance, smokings, dedications, initiation or
It is especially dangerous, when they tell you that for “the sanitation” you must make one or other

ritual or another or [meditirovat] under the external musical rhythm (by the way, recently in Kiev took
place similar occupations - and our colleagues were struck, after seeing eight hundred openly
[zombirovannykh] and depressed people, which were simultaneously deprived of their force and left in
private with their problems, although they said to them that they “moved, and this good”).
But not so had long ago been in Moscow taken place the two-step courses, created by man, by familiar
with [DEIR], where first went “sanitation”, and then “the rituals of white and black magic”, but
everyone she was carried out due to the tying to “the benefactor” (“only I to you help, this I to you I
will explain, this I for you I will make, call me, and I will dream”). And no one learned nothing. Cost
“instruction” sufficiently dearly, but here result was more than doubtful. So it does be worthwhile to
sell its spiritual freedom for the spectral hope?
But, as I already spoke, this danger not of the terrible. Because the gotten to know [DEIR] man, even
who fell under under the influence of the creators of [zombi], will always find in himself forces to be
freed from the delusion and to again find himself. Soul in it not to steal.
Man must learn itself - step by step, and only then he will remain internally living and free. But to
desire to obtain continuous management - means to desire so that they would kill you.
But each mastered at least first stage [DEIR] will be able to find force in order to return to itself and its

School [DEIR]

We all are together occupied with the most serious matter. We encountered enormous
complexities during the organization of school, because enormous responsibility lies on us at the
preparation of teaching staff - otherwise it, simply without understanding, with which deals, continuous
harm will bring. This concerns the set of the charlatans, who attempt to [zashibit] money, using the
trustfulness of our people.
Those, who conduct exercises through the deep mastery of procedures [DEIR], thoroughly are selected
and are prepared both with the theoretical and from the practical side. Moreover, instructors
continuously must increase their qualification and not less than the time to per year confirm it.
Therefore attentively read the lists of instructors and organizers OF [DEIR]. To us very many times
turned themselves the people, which suffered from the actions of charlatans, and these people in the
literal sense it was necessary to gather anew. Not too whether this is high pay for the [nesdelannyj]
telephone call?
You be, if you please, more attentive! Each methodologist- instructor checked has th evidence of the
instructor e given out in Saint Petersburg, in whom is confirmed his qualification. Do not confuse with
simply the evidence, issued without the right of teaching. Evidence to listeners reveal compulsorily,
and they give right to the visit of the systematic occupations [DEIR] of the following step in any city
and access into any club [DEIR]. From 1 June 2000 g. are real only the evidence of listeners, protected
by holographic gluings. Occupations on first stage go not less than 4 days on e of hour, on them
compulsorily reveal the objects, which give access to the energy reserve [DEIR].
At present the list of the organizers OF [DEIR] is continuously supplemented - so that, if you met with
new man, simply you will refine his competence along telephone (812) 318-12-45 in the directing
agency of school in Saint Petersburg.
You can on the same telephone obtain answer to th questions concerning the mastery of procedures
[DEIR] e interesting you or write to us with the address: St. Petersburg, 198103, [Lermontovskij] the
rest, d. 44/46, a/I 123.
If you decide to pass the confrontation mastery of procedures, then to you they will be glad. School
[DEIR] at present - this is more than 100 cities, in each of which is organized the club [DEIR] and is
conducted the program of the institute of the introduction of habits [DEIR]. These are systematic aid,
practical aid, new acquaintances and is simply human heat-. These are additional seminars and new
knowledge. These are the exclusive procedures, which in any way cannot be mastered according to the
book. We will always help.
Forces to you and happiness!

Carefully - charlatans!

Was already much said about this lamentable fact. But, alas, dilettantism is always possible - and,
unfortunately, many “teachers” they do not understand, that for the unsanctioned teaching they fall
under the penal responsibility for the disturbance of author's and patent right. However, it is most of all
it's a pity people, which suffer from such adventurers. Indeed the basic purpose of charlatans - to select
in the client of money and success. Therefore we, as promised, it was prevented you about those
people, which do not have to [DEIR] not of the least relation.
Tomsk. In Tomsk to the occupations into the school the people, convinced, periodically come that they
passed one or other step or another [DEIR], but they do not have not evidence, not knowledge, not
results. Someone conducted with them exercises and convinced them, as if they obtained knowledge
[DEIR]. Have in the form: in Tomsk only one organizer, and his telephone is given at the end this
to the Rostov-on- Don. The sisters Of [makhnovy], which in their time collaborated with the school
[DEIR], during January 2000 were removed from the teaching for [nesdachu] of qualifying
examinations and corresponding to no requirements quality. They taught to give the material of first
stage [DEIR] of [azh] in 2 days, on 2-3 hours into each. But this is impossible! This is hack work in the
pure form. But, as in Tomsk, to us come people, convinced that they passed in them instruction
[DEIR]. This not thus. The fact that give the mentioned personalities, does not have to [DEIR] not of
the least relation. Furthermore, the same citizens made several tour on the southern regions. You be
Moscow. In the capital the representative of school [DEIR] only one (by the way, there they conduct
exercises the best professionals of school), but is pirates, who act somewhere in VDNKH $$RTVDNX
and still someone Nikitin, about whom we spoke in the previous book.
Norilsk. The representation of school in Norilsk functions from August 2000 g. if you they passed
there “[DEIR]” to the date indicated, then know that this was swindle. The coordinates of
representation can be refined in the center in S.- Petersburg.
Turkey. Reaches information about the fact that in Turkey (in particular, in Ankara) some
[naezzhanty], being presented by the instructors of school, conduct occupations. We officially certify,
that there is not one professional [DEIR] in Turkey. You deceive- and you can use a law in order to
return to yourselves the for nothing spent money. True, successes also health law will not,
unfortunately, return.
And one additional stage direction - as it is possible to recognize that you be situated in the hands of
charlatan and swindler. The first: you they call in as on [DEIR] (with the frequent formulation, that this
“also [DEIR]”) - and this is extremely dangerous, because other procedures, naturally, bring other
results. We cannot answer for your results, obtained in being been annointed to the reputation [DEIR]
of grabbers.
The second: you they take out to the courses [DEIR] and in the course of occupations promise, that, if
you bring with yourselves other people, then to you for the studies there will be reduction or even
profit. Unique [MMM]. This is the also distinguishing mark of charlatans - a similar practice is not
carried out by school and it is forbidden under the fear of the immediate release of colleague.
Instruction - this is not money grubbing.
With the respect, the administration of school [DEIR]


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