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[Verishchagin] Dmitriy Sergeyevich –

“The maturity: The system of the habits of further energy-

information development, 4- I am step”


Introduction. From strengthening of the soul of — to the true spirituality

Chapter 1. Inevitability of the maturity

Chapter 2. New stage of the evolution of — new step [DEIR]

Chapter 3. Plan of the actions: three steps, which for us it is to be done

Chapter 4. Realization of soul. Animation of the consciousness

Chapter 5. Branching off of the consciousness

Chapter 6. Deep association of consciousness, ether body and soul

Chapter 7. Some limitations, which ensure the cleanliness



From the time of the output of the first three books past entirely a little time, but they
caused the stunning flow of letters and bells. And this noticeably — because this interest
means that the time of further energy-information development is alien.

Entirely not so long ago, only about 10 years ago, our people yet was not ready to the
adoption of new knowledge. We all were too absorbed by the prospects for reconstruction and
output from under the oppression of Communist power structures. Then it seemed that here
somewhat — and we begin to live as placed to live to people, which has quite advanced in the
world space and atomic technologies, very heavy stocks of raw material and most unspoiled
nature. But a total of several years are past, and deep disappointment understood us, because
no one of so [velerechivo] of those promised so made nothing for the country, and the large
part of people seemed that it is called, outboard. It became clear that if you do not help itself,
then from the society, the state, [firmachej], numerous charlatans and of being choked with
the pennilessness budgetary structures to await something. Time is alien to learn and to obtain
critical advantages independently. Such advantages allow system [DEIR], further energy-
information developments.

About the history of the appearance of system it was sufficiently fully written in the
preface to the first book, but me several words relative to the knowledge, presented in this
volume, would be desirable to add. But I will at first nevertheless allow itself to repeat the
briefly basic moments of the course of events. Strictly system began its existence in 1982,
when I, that was being worked to that in the environs of Ekaterinburg within the framework
the design of psychotronic weapon, the code “friendship”, by the will of fates and at the
proposal of my of associate passed into another project, which was being developed near
Novosibirsk. This project was directed toward the creation of the system of the methods,
which allow for any man, not to [ekstrasensu], to govern the significant groups of people, and,
naturally, it was carried out through the requirement of the party top, concerned by a
progressive drop in its authority.

The development of design approached four men of — Peter [Keldorovskij], Aleksey

[Gryshchak], Sergey [Desmentsov] even 4. I would want so that you would memorize the
names of these people, because they were first. They all possessed the salient
[ekstrasensornymi] abilities and they in the best way corresponded to stated problem. But
everything went not entirely according to the technical specifications, determined by
customer. I.e., task was executed — and system makes possible for each to master the
methods of [ekstrasensoriki], which were considered as the previously property only of few,
separately gifted people. But here is is one side effect… Unfortunately, it consisted in the fact
that man, who passed instruction, lost the ability to be controlled from the side. He
unavoidably became free. But here this special feature, certainly, could not but cause the
repressive reaction of the customer: in fact, why by them, to state top, free people???
Completely unnecessarily, and even it is very harmful.

Therefore with the delivery of project we pulled and dared to this only if authority it
became weak. Then in the time of delay we included in system some of technology, directed
toward retention and adjustment of health, system of mining of charisma and lift of power
engineering, and also, of on the initiative [Keldorovskogo] and [Desmentsova], — the system

of a increase in power engineering of soul and conscious control of the events of the
surrounding peace.

The system of a increase in power engineering of soul is the object of the fourth step of
system [DEIR]. Here everything is very important and everything brings practically
immediate and striking results. Beginning from the fourth step you you are made by already
completely independent variable from [sotsiuma] surrounding you, you obtain control of the
unlimited personal force, capability for creation and access to intuitive data. These are —
complete entrance to the new step of evolution and the guarantee of conscious existence after
death. Even the energy-information structure of the ether human body, which passed this step,
radically is differed from the structure of the ether body of a human of usual. Ascend this step
in order quietly and to confidently convert your life in the manner that you will wish. It
developed Peter [Keldorovskij] and Sergey [Desmentsov], remarkable and selfless people.

Those, who will master system [DEIR], will obtain hope. They will become free and
they will strengthen their health. They [ovladejut] by success and they can longer live. Their
abilities will exceed the abilities of usual man.

Happinesses to all to you and success!

Dmitriy [Verishchagin] from itself personally and from the person

Peter [Keldorovskogo]
Aleksey [Gryshchak]
Sergey [Desmentsova]

Introduction. From strengthening of soul - to the true spirituality

From strengthening of the soul of — to the true spirituality “the evolution continues”,
— I again tell my new and old readers. By the fact of them, who for the first time learned
about existence of system [DEIR] from this, fourth book, I imperatively recommend to revert
to the first three books of this series, which are called “release”, “formation” and “influence”,
— without them understanding the material, presented in this book, will be substantially
hindered. But the readers three first books, who became my external students, already, of
course, understood that I have in the form, speaking about the evolution.

“Men of — the corona of creation”, — suggested to us scientist-materialists for a

period of many years. But they made mistakes. In reality, occurs, man in that form, in which
he exists now, as a whole no not corona, but in all semifinished product. Far from perfect, not
harmonious and by no means completed its evolution essence. Now, on the boundary of
millenia, on the scrap of epochs, humanity suddenly became close and small the achieved by
it to the present day step of evolution. Therefore people toss about, they do not know, where
to disappear from the melancholy and the desperation; therefore many pursues the sensation
of the blind alley, into which visited their life.

Present to itself the caterpillar, that yet did not become butterfly, but it already felt that
to remain at this point development it is for some reason disgusting. In nature, in contrast to
the human society, everything is wise: caterpillar will survive unpleasant moment, and it will
then straighten wings and will fly. In people increasingly more complex. Not all “caterpillars”
in the human appearance will live until the stage of butterfly. First, because people do not
know about their expecting following stage of development, they do not see prospects, why
they fall into the desperation and lose viability. In the second place, people from the
dissatisfaction with its position “of caterpillar”, instead of quietly evolving, begin itself to
destroy — who with alcohol and by narcotics, who pursuits of the authority and the money.

And they know only units: it is not necessary to despair and to panic, it is necessary
quietly and patiently to be prepared for the flight.

In our time of — the actually critical time of — will survive only the one who it will be
able quietly and worthy to pass to the new step of human evolution. Who will arrive for the
change to man reasonable? Man is spiritual, men realized, men moved, men energy-
information? This let solve the scientists of future, yes even not in the name essence. Main —
this there will be entirely another, new essence, and the forthcoming step of the evolution of
— this is actually qualitatively new step. Just as the butterfly of — these are the not simply
grown prettier and grown caterpillar, but fundamentally new essence, so new man will be
fundamentally different creation of nature, allotted by those qualities, which to majority now
and it is not taken. Moreover outwardly man will, apparently, change not strongly, but his
here internal content will become qualitatively different. Clairvoyance, telepathy, and
possibly, even telekinesis and [teleportatsija] will become for the new, being born herself
today man the same ordinary reality as now telephone, television set and computer.

We must as soon as possible pass into this new quality. We must become the essences
of another order even now. Only in this of — the guarantee of mankind's survival. Now many
love to have a talk about allegedly the being approached end of light. However, we have all
foundations for assuming that the planned end of light is already abolished. Why? Yes
because humanity proved to be completely not hopeless. Its individual representatives

suddenly regained vision and changed the mind before face of precipice. As a result first here,
then there, is yet very noticeable and sufficiently slowly, but it is already perceptible, appear
the sprouts of new humanity of — little by little as grass through the asphalt, it opens to itself
road. Together with it opens road the hope for the survival of human association. First here,
then there appear people, because of which humanity will survive, — people, which already
passed or ready any minute now to pass to the new evolutionary step and the assistants in this
to others.

It is necessary whether to indicate that to carry itself to their number they can and the
readers of the first three books of a series [DEIR]. Indeed these three books are a benefit for
the beginning “caterpillars”, where is presented the technology of passage into the stage “of

You did already pass three steps and already you do feel, which does precisely await
you in front, not so whether?

If you did not simply read the book, but they actually applied entire that written to
yourselves and mastered the in practice proposed procedures, then you know how to govern
your energy, to protect from the alien introductions, and also, therefore, from the diseases.
You were freed from the pathogenic action of th human society e suffering from the
overpopulation and th energy-information parasites e devouring the mass of human energy,
that, strictly, and govern [sotsiumom] of — human association. You are steel by the owner of
your fate, after learning to clean [karmu], to independently form vital circumstances necessary
to you and to realize your true desires. You themselves can influence the surrounding reality,
other people and society as a whole. For this you should be neither President nor leader of
political party nor director of firm. Indeed they all influence peace around themselves by
gross introduction into the environment, and these methods of — yesterday, they are
characteristic for th step of evolution e eliminated themselves. To you completely not
necessary roughly to invade by your actions in the material peace of — you form events and
change circumstances on the thin plan, in the energy-information spheres, because there you
are already sufficiently powerful in contrast to the majority of people. But this exactly
characterizes you as man, who entered to the new step of evolution.

Yes, you reached narrower very much of — but nevertheless the process of your
reincarnation is not yet completed. You thus far are even rather similar to [motylku], which
[neuverenno] waves by weak wings and yet does not manage the skill of free flight. Certainly,
in comparison with the majority of people, which, as you remember, in one of the books we
likened to the yet not born embryos, you already entirely adult man and even giant. But in
comparison with the valuable man of the future of — you, naturally, still entirely child. The
grown child, in whom, it would seem, everything already there are for the adult life of — and
arm, and of leg with the developed muscles, both the eyes and ears, and even skill to walk, to
speak, to read… But it is still insufficient for the adult life of this. Experience is necessary.
Maturity is necessary.

What such is maturity from the point of view of energy-information processes?

Again let us return to that passed. In the first book we with you learned how to reject
from ourselves the energy-information parasites, that control our society as a whole and each
man individually. I will open to you “terrible secret”: there the methods of defense for the
man presented, who passed to the new step of evolution, — of altogether only the policy of
secondary school. But energy-information parasites themselves for it are terrible not the more

than harmful score- classmates, who pull girls by the scythes and lay to the teacher of button
to the chair. For the man, ripe in the energy-information sense, the methods of defense from
the energy-information parasites no longer are necessary — to just as adult man to to nothing
get involved in into the unimportant children's quarrels. The school association above it long
ago is not imperious. Mature man has long ago overgrown all energy-information parasites.
He is higher than them. But therefore simply it lives by free and these monsters even it does
not note.

Fig. 1. The energy-information parasite, similar to the jellyfish, holds on guides of

thousand and thousands of people, obtaining from some — of program, from other —
energy of the Earth using for its purposes of all without the exception.

You will become this truly mature man, if you master the fourth step [DEIR], presented
in this book. For this for you one must even more strengthen personal power engineering.
Furthermore, I will learn you how to strengthen and to strengthen energy of your soul. As a
result you will become truly spiritual man, who left far below contemporary society with all
his energy-information parasites.

The question immediately unavoidably arises: and which there, is above? , where to
you no longer are visible the energy-information parasites of — from the monsters, octopuses
and draconic they became the simple small insects, where you will no longer reach any
influence of [sotsiuma].

There — truly limitless space and true freedom. To there your internal sight will be
opened the new active constituent of the surrounding peace, absolutely inaccessible for the
perception of usual people. This the so-called world flows.

Already in this book we will speak about them. World flows on their significance for
the fates of humanity considerably exceed energy-information parasites.

Far from each man obtains access to the world flows. But I am confident, that my
persistent readers will maintain this examination.

The one who it leaves to the level of world flows and learns to interact with them, that
understands such laws governing the world orders, which prevail not only over the man, but
even above the energy-information parasites of — and it means, they govern them. You do
represent, what gigantic possibilities does obtain man, who understood these laws?

Yes, there are such laws, whose understanding, until now, was to you inaccessible. For
this very reason to the present moment we did not speak about them, but they spoke about the
laws of the formation of their fate and their future at that level, which was for you already
completely real. You actually obtained keys from your fate and your life of — the keys,
which in you no one will take away. But — I will open to you one more “terrible secret” of —
there is even future, which does not depend on the man. It are determined precisely universal

I will explain: there are the events, which you already know how to form independently
with the hundred per-cent confidence, that everything will be in the manner that to you must.
This relates to the events, which one way or another depend on th people e surrounding you.
But there are the events, where for you it is necessary to be satisfied only by the small portion
of probability. For example, man, who increased along the system [DEIR] his sensitivity to
the perception of energy-information field, nothing is worth taking out at the examination in
the institute “happy” ticket or, at least, doing so that the answer would be accepted by
examiner is completely noncritically, which is called, “on hurray”. Many my students
successfully used these abilities. You disconnect thoughts, and the hand, first ether, and after
it and real, itself is pulled to the necessary ticket of — it he knows, where it lies. Or you
simply subordinate examiner to yourselves, and it with the enthusiasm follows the motion of
your reflections. I.e., in this case to organize to itself the event of — estimation “excellently”
according to any object of — is in no way difficult. With a certain experience, the efforts and
the knowledge it is possible to create this event as the cancellation of examination. Is
especially effectively this works, when this actively want immediately several students moved
in the energy-information plan. Then events simply follow necessarily. And this to you to
organize on the arm.

But let us visualize that you took out the happy ticket of — and precisely at this
moment in entire institute went out light. “Five” your “was covered”. What this does mean? It
means, interfered the forces of the higher order, to which you thus far do not suffice, and
these unattainable for you forces destroyed all your plans.

Or it is still better: you returned examination on “excellently”, and here burst out the
crisis in the country, and your institute was shut. It is here no longer simple five, but diploma
“was covered”. The forces even of higher order interfered.

If you toss up into air coin, then can by one hundred percent be assured that it will fall
to the earth. The law of gravity will operate, anywhere it will not disappear. You can forecast
this event, without fear of be mistaken. You toss up the coin of — you create reason, and she
falls — you obtain consequence. You themselves form this event. But if to you it is necessary
that the coin would fall by eagle, here for you it is necessary to be satisfied by fifty-percent

probability. It is actual by 50 percent, that it will fall by eagle, and 50 additional percent it is
necessary to return at liberty the case, or, more precisely to say, those forces, control of which
to you is thus far inaccessible, because you to their level did not grow.

So here, there are forces, cannot be governed which generally, to whatever level grow.
But in the case with humanity coin, figuratively speaking, they throw exactly somewhere at
the level of world flows, and to interfere into the process of the casting of this coin we thus far
do not can.

But in reality this is not terrible. When cannot change the law of — and it is not
necessary it to change. It is necessary simply skillfully to be entered in it. Man, who reached
the certain degree of maturity, can learn “the plans” of world flows. Let he cannot into these
plans interfere — but, after learning about them, it can either use a flow for its purposes or
leave from the sharp turns and the sharp angles, hide from the excessively turbulent flows.
These are — entire skill. To master it — means to obtain force and might.

Fig. 2. Humanity is negligibly small in comparison with the oecumenical scale of world

What for this is necessary? It is necessary to, in the first place, know the laws of large peace.
It is very important so that you would understand: when I speak “to know laws”, I have in the
form not theoretical knowledge, which is received only at the level of logic. Present to itself
man, whom it theoretically knows about existence of fire, but never it it saw, it did not
perceive its heat, light, it did not see the torn upwards flame, it did not bring to the fire hand
and did not jerk back it, fearing to get burned. What to sense from this knowledge? In order to
use something, it is necessary to perceive this. Therefore in this case “to know” — means to
feel. To feel maximally sharply, vividly is convex — to perceive very existence of these laws
which is called, on its skin.

However, word “skin” is here rough and it is inappropriate. More appropriate to speak,
that these laws you had to perceive with your soul. And is here in this of — entire essence. In
order to perceive these laws, soul must be finished. Soul must collect force, power, height and
grow to the level of these sensations. Therefore you will understand supreme laws or you will
not understand — this wholly it depends on that how your soul will bring herself.

By the way, about the soul. But that this, strictly, such? We with you no longer of those
people, which consider that the soul of — this something ephemeral, which arrived at us from
the lexicon of poets and sentimental [damochek]. The majorities of people do not perceive
their soul, but therefore they consider that this something such unreasonable and almost
separate from them, living first whether after the clouds, then whether in the heels and in the
complete unconsciousness and [nerazumenii] the obtaining requital for its some those not
known, but therefore incomprehensible sins.

This is error. The soul of — this is the integral part of man, which can be trained, which
can be developed, which can be allotted consciousness. Soul can grow, obtain the new
knowledge of — and realization herself in the world, — if you, of course, want to conduct
your soul by means of instruction and allotment with consciousness. When soul is strong and
developed, when she realizes herself — then only on us themselves it depends our freedom of
will, also, with the life, and even after death.

Is simple the soul of — this matrix, this the crystal, which grows during all lives of
man. Itself it nothing realizes, because it is only diagram, holographic structure, which
absorbed into itself all laws governing the once existed personalities. It simply is in the
unconsciousness after the loss of physical body, from the generation to the generation.

Fig. e. Our consciousness only pierces infinitely capacious crystal showers.

But soul, allotted by consciousness, after death does not fall into the unconsciousness.
She continues to realize herself. She itself solves her further fate. Because of [kontakteram],
mediums, outstanding people, which remember their previous [inkarnatsii], and studies of
scientists it is known that many truly spiritual personalities themselves select — to remain it
after death by free energy essences or again to be personified on the Earth in following
[inkarnatsii], to leave into the distant uncertainty or to remain here in order to help those

Now to you it is understandable, why the majority of people do remember neither past
lives nor past deaths? Because only developed, strong, allotted by consciousness souls
preserve realization themselves and memory about the past even after death. Only souls,

allotted by realization, fall into the unconsciousness never of — they [osoznanno], in the
sensible mind and the sober memory they go through the lives and through deaths, anything
forgetting and each moment making the realized selection of its future. This is free, realized,
independent existence of soul in the world. How you will prove to be capable of such a
existence of — it depends only on you.

On the pages of this book we will be occupied precisely by this of — by increase and
by development of soul, by reaching the realized control over the motions of soul. You will be
able to report proper force and realization to your soul.

What such is force? Is, in addition far from abstract notion. As you already know from
the [predydushikh] books, the force of your ether body communicates by two flows of — of
clean energy of the Earth and clean energy of cosmos. In this book for you one must learn
something new and about this energy, and about the force. You already know how to perceive
the energy fluxes, to lock them and to direct at will. Now for you one must switch over to the
following stage of — to the skill to decentralize their energy structure. What this does mean
and for which this is necessary? This means — to concentrate its consciousness
simultaneously in upper [chakre], [Sakhasrare], and to lower [chakre], To [muladkhare]. This
is necessary, since how you are decentralized — is so great your force, you become so

Fig. 4

Thus easily I to you give one additional discovery, made by me and my adherents
within the framework of system [DEIR], further energy-information development. This
actually serious discovery and one of the most important components of system, since for the
usual man this configuration of energy structure is absolutely untypical, if we do not say
unnatural. In this case it is organic and natural for the man of the new formation of — of man
of future. Usual man derives energy for guaranteeing of consciousness and soul mainly from
average [chakr]. This, as it was explained, the absolutely ineffective method of the entering of
energy, which does not completely facilitate development, — of obtained thus energy it is
sufficient only so that the flame of soul poorly would glimmer and would not attenuate. In
order to divorce the bonfire, which will collect force, power, freedom and will light up entire
by the all around bright light, it is necessary to concentrate consciousness simultaneously in
the lower and in the the upper [chakrakh]. Opened for the conscious perception of energy
upper [chakra] will give to you the source of spirituality, rich and thin perception of peace.
Opened for the conscious perception of energy lower [chakra] of — the source of strength for
the accomplishments.

A constant start of these [chakr] in your consciousness makes your ether body and your
soul independent variables from the physical body. Physical body loses its authority above the
soul: the state of soul no longer depends on the exterior view of body, its illnesses, its age, its
metabolic processes, its past experience. These are — freedom, this — happiness.

Thus, the goal of this book: reaching maturity at the new step of evolution, the finding
of the force of soul, raising the level of her vibrations, output to understanding of supreme
laws, finding by the soul of freedom, independence, allotment with its consciousness, the
understanding of supreme laws. By in addition to already available to you to freedom and to
the skill to act in the human society you will obtain even and the possibility to interact with
the reasons for higher order, and it means, to reach the level of effective of control and
interaction with the peace of the inanimate nature and the random events. You compulsorily
must learn to this, if you want to completely realize yourselves.

Chapter 1

Inevitability of the maturity

Thus, we approach the mastery of the fourth step [DEIR] of — of the system of further
energy-information development. But first again let us recall and systematize our main
achievements at first three stages. I hope that those readers, whom I yet did not convince of
the need for reverting to the first three books, after becoming acquainted with this
information, themselves they will want to read them, at least in order simply to overtake in the
development of the permanent readers of our series.

Three steps to the freedom

First stage [DEIR]

Here we mastered the method of creation and retention around our physical body of the
shielding energy shell, not penetrated not only for the alien energy actions of — of spoilings,
[sglazov], [vampirizma], but also for the influence of energy-information parasites, powerful
[eggregorialnykh] structures, which are unconsciously created by quite human association,
and then is obtained limitless authority above the people and their behavior. There is no such
shielding shell and it cannot have the usual people. It [prsushcha] only to man of the new
stage of the evolution of — to man to truly free.

Indeed what is is freedom? These are the ability not to yield to templates and
stereotypes of human society, this skill to live in the correspondence only with its true desires,
purposes, its true sense of life and to reach that requires its own personality, and not external
peace. So can live only man, who possesses shielding shell. Man, who does not have this
shell, is forced entire life to dance under the strange pipe as marionette. You will get
accustomed more attentively: peace around you is full of exactly of such marionettes, which
live their life absolutely unconsciously and so unconsciously they die. They do not know, who
they, why arrived into this peace, they exist according to the program, imposed by society.
Valuable life this pitiful existence cannot be named.

Fig. shch. This terrible position now: humanity [spelenuto] by her own cobweb, and
people they govern, as if by marionettes, the spiders of — energy-information parasites.

the [vljajushchie] [sotsiumom] energy-information parasites, as gigantic computer,

from the childhood already pack into the man the defined program of his entire future life,
and man begins as heartless automaton, to circulate from house to school, then to the work
and back, and house also half unconsciously to be moved from the bed to the table, from the
table to the television set, from the television set again to the bed, completely without a
moment's hesitation about why he behaves so, but not otherwise.

Man, who created shielding shell, is freed from the strange programs. His reason, his
consciousness, his intuition completely are included in the surrounding peace of — and men
begins to behave [osoznanno], to make that the fact that it is must precisely to it, it ceases to
be automaton and it begins valuably to live in accordance with tasks and interests of its own

Fig. '. It is worthwhile to lock the energy flows of upper and lower [chakr] of — and no
one no longer will interfere into your internal peace. Never. You will become
inaccessible and free.

we conduct a example of that how in the similar situation behaves usual man and man
of new evolutionary step, who created in himself shielding shell.

In recent years in our country developed the cult of material, and in particular the cult
of money. Even, it would seem, strong and intellectually developed people cannot keep
balance before “gold [teltsom]”, always without understanding, that this passion can end for
them badly. Therefore many young people, selecting profession, occur in the captivity in this
program, which orients them exclusively to the material prosperity, and they are guided only
by material considerations. To the in fact, young unsettled man, who does not have the
concept about the shielding shell, practically it cannot be kept balance before the program,
tied now by the society: it is necessary to be by any rich price, since in the money happiness!
Society so is counted, and many naive young people believe.

And to here this young man environment literally drips to the brains: it is necessary to
be by jurist, by banker, by businessman! In this situation usual man simply does not have
enough forces to turn to himself, to his true essence and to ask himself, it is necessary for it
this. The energy mechanism of attachment [sotsiumom] of our program to man we also in
detail examined in the first book.

As a result in man intuition and self-appreciation is disconnected, it, as robot, as

[zombi], in the insensible state selects profession according to the principle: “everything send,
and I went”. One of three versions of the fate expects as a result this man: 1) it learns the
future imposed on it profession with the aversion, through the force, constantly [preodolevaja]
itself, as a result is not obtained valuable preparation, it cannot become a good specialist of —
it means, quarry it does not take place, ambitions will not be satisfied, riches will not be, it

will begin to perceive itself with unlucky wretch, the hence eternal dissatisfaction, which
frequently leads to alcoholism; 2) it learns well, but demand for the specialists of its
qualification disappears at the moment of the end of studies on the labor market, it becomes
unemployed and either it complains, it cries, it becomes an alcoholic or nevertheless it thinks
about that which to it is necessary, and searches for another occupation; e) it learns from all
forces, he becomes excellent worker, makes to quarry, it earns many money, but either loses
health or its life becomes hell because of the visits of racket, telephone threats, attacks in the
entrances, etc.

All three versions are characteristic for the man, who runs in the life not his, but strange

And here is a example, as brought themselves in the situation of the selection of

profession my student, young man, who masters system [DEIR] and created in themselves
shielding shell. It also in their time relatives and friends attempted to push first in
businessmen, then whether in bankers, and all all around hummed above the ear, that it is
necessary much to earn. It was absolutely calm and simply it did not note being raged around
[sotsiuma]. The strange [zombirujushchaja] energy simply jumped aside from its shielding
shell. He accurately knew that this is not its way and it will not break into a run following the
frantic crowd. It behaved, it would seem, in spite of any logic and common sense: he wrote
verses and knew that by others be occupied will be in no way. “You from the mind
descended, — shouted relatives, — you will disappear, you will [nishchenstvovat], what
poetry in our time, to whom this is must, by this you will not feed!” But he was so confident
which his internal essence conducts by his correct way, that was not turned the attention to
these lamentations.

Its verses very soon began to sound as the texts of [bardovskikh] songs. Past entirely a
little time, and it they rang from the publishing house with the proposal to publish the
collector of — this can be considered miracle, because such practically it is not. It proved to
be, the plan was torn away in publishing house, another author brought, the freed niche should
have been with something filled, here editor was grasped, as if randomly, for the first-
encountered beginning author. But we understand, that this is far from the chance: so energy-
information field helps man, who goes by its way. Very well-known composer turned himself
after the output of collector to our hero and he proposed to collaborate. Now young poet
becomes the popular author of songs, in it appeared the money, its life became very
interesting and saturated. Moreover all this was formed easily and simply, as if by itself. This
is what it indicates to be independent variable from the alien influences, from th programs of
behavior e tied from without.

In my readers, who possess the shell of first stage [DEIR], judging by the numerous
responses to the book, life principally changed. But cannot be stop on this. Because necessary
to still learn to live this new life of — indeed its laws principally are differed from the laws of
the life of usual man. The second step of the system of the new stage of energy-information
development serves for this.

Second step [DEIR]

Man felt himself free. No one and nothing no longer influences it. And it is here here
important to be ordered correctly by this freedom. Man, who received freedom and who does
not know as by it to be ordered, can be lost, and then fall into the apathy and feel miserable.
You will recall the numerous histories about left to the freedom prisoners, which long for

prison. They do not know that to make with the freedom, in the prison it was simpler than —
there they fed, there they solved everything for them, it was not necessary to think as to
organize its life.

Fig. ". The vectors of the desires of people, seized by the influence of energy-information
parasite, do not coincide with the vector of the desire of free man.

The second step [DEIR] exactly is dedicated to the habits of life on the freedom after
release from “the prison” and captivity, in which hold usual man energy-information
parasites. Indeed after release from the action of energy-information monsters for us it
nevertheless is necessary to interact with the structures of the external peace of — and simple
not to interact, but to extract from this maximum of benefit.

At the second step we learned to live on the freedom of — to form our true desires
instead of those, which to us tied from without, to draw into the life the necessary confluences
of circumstances for the realization of these desires, to program themselves to the success and
luck, to the effectiveness of their own actions, to confidence in themselves and self-
sufficiency, and also on the health and [samoistselenie]. Here we were freed from the
influence of past [karma], indeed she also programs us to the specific stereotypes in the
behavior. It means, now we are free in every respect — not only from the energy-information
parasites, but also from past [karmicheskikh] “[zamorochek]”.

I will, in addition give examples of that how behave different people after the mastery of
first stage [DEIR]. It must be confessed, among my students there were such, who got stuck at
first stage and on some to reason could not move further. I continue to follow fate of two of
them. Both of them, after mastering first stage, underwent serious changes in their life.
Moreover the changes, which at first glance can seem by the negative: one lost work, from the
second the wife left.

I explained to children that in reality this for them is completely natural, goes the
clearing of the living space for the new accomplishments. Indeed both the work of the first
and the family of the second did not correspond to the true needs of their energy-information
essence of — both they, thus, danced under the pipe of energy-information parasites, running
their program. To one parasite it was necessary so that the first of my students would work
precisely on that work, which, by the way, brought no one of any benefit, to the second

parasite of — so that the second student would live precisely with that woman, who
mercilessly used energy of her husband, wasting all his forces. After becoming free and
independent variables, after manufacturing shielding shell, these people proved to be more
they were not necessary to the energy-information parasites of — indeed free man is no
longer carried out their plans, but only it is interfered on the way. And energy-information
parasites simply “spat out” them from the subject to them structures.

Fig. 8. [Karmicheskie] reasons are discern with difficultyed because of the continuous
actions from the side of energy-information parasite. But it is worthwhile to be freed, as
they will here become clearly they are visible.

about here forces to create at the liberated place something new in both did not be
located. And now these healthy strong peasants lie on the sofas and be sad, without knowing
how to study and to what to exert its forces. To me it remains to hope that its own melancholy
will tire to them and they nevertheless will pass to the second step, they will know how to
determine their true desires and to realize them in practice, after mastering programs to the
success and luck, to the effectiveness of actions and confidence in themselves. Any new
energy-information parasite sufficiently soon will otherwise catch them into its networks and
it will again deprive freedom, after making it necessary to suffer and to suffer on the
inappropriate work or with the unloved wife.

Positive examples it is, fortunately more. As a rule, my students, after mastering first
stage, for long do not suffer because of the disintegration of the old life of — they
successfully they create new families, finds new work, they begin their matter and they live
into their pleasure because it is possible only to dream.

But also after passing the second step, cannot be stop. Indeed, as it is long ago known
for scientist, our peace is so arranged, that all people are connected with each other at the
level of their subconsciousness. Even having become free from the strange influences, we
cannot prove to be in the vacuum, we nevertheless live in this peace, we interact with those
surrounding and influence them. And half copeck coin price there will be to all our
knowledge, if we do not learn to influence those surrounding beneficially, with the maximum
benefit both for ourselves and for them, and, in the final analysis, for the entire world.

Third step [DEIR]

Man, who mastered third steps [DEIR], harmonizes his environment and space around
himself. Indeed if we do not lead to the accordion the behavior of those surrounding, it is very
easy again to fall under the strange influence or to prove to be in such situation, when those
surrounding can cause some harm to us, and we not in the forces will this resist. Therefore the

third step of — this instruction in influence on other people with the aid of both the energy-
information methods and usual known in psychology behavioral approaches.

To free all surrounding us people from the influence of energy-information parasites we

do not can. But we can at least at the moment of interaction with them distract them from the
maintenance of energy-information parasites and impel to act into the good of the accordion
of peace and us with you.

Fig. 9. Arrangement of the engram of action in the brain “of target”.

this [ochemu] so it is necessary? As the explanation I will give a example. One of my

students could not without the warm pain observe, as its small daughter from the governess in
kindergarten suffers. Governess hated children, in every way possible [oskorbljala] degraded
them, it attempted to break their soul, it led to hysterics. My student, who mastered
clairvoyance, saw that the governess has absolutely black aura. If in our society was
developed the at least elementary culture of energy-information interactions, such people
simply they would not allow to approach to the children. But — alas of — “black” governess
was on a good calculation in authorities. Meanwhile the daughter of my student as child
sensitive and [ranimyj], suffered more than other children: she began to be ill, to cry without
the reasons, the appetite disappeared in it, began problems with the sleep of — on the whole,
in child the neurosis was developed.

What was make? To take away child from kindergarten there was no possibility
whatever. My student, being by man completely moved, understood, that the methods of
fight, used by in such cases usual people, — of complaint into the city hall, the scandals in the
office of the manager by kindergarten, not only will not succeed, but they will worsen
situation. Then it with the aid of the methods, presented in the third book, began to control the
consciousness of the manager by kindergarten.

Is past not so much time, and once in the morning, when it, as always, led girl into
kindergarten, it was suddenly explained that the evil governess was discharged. In this case
the manager by kindergarten, after approaching my student, confidence reported: “You know,
in it indeed completely black aura. For us it was necessary to take another educator”. To my
student it was accurately known that the manager never was fascinated either parapsychology
or bioenergetics and word “aura” hardly earlier was present in her lexicon.

New governess was kindness itself, and the state of child rapidly was normalized.

So that the third step of system [DEIR] introduces one additional very important
component into our freedom of — now we easily and unconstrainedly, Beza any risk for
ourselves, there exist and act inside [sotsiuma], and do not interfere with us people, moved
with the pathologic structures of society.

Evolution of — run with the barriers

If you all correctly understood from first three stages [DEIR], if you mastered well them
in practice, then can congratulate yourselves: you already passed to the new step of evolution.
Life qualitatively changed, disappeared dissatisfaction with life, diseases left, was normalized
contact with to itself the the similar, and also financial situation. However, each has its rates
of evolutionary development, and if your life is still distant from the ideal of — do not be
disturbed: the main thing, that the direction is selected correctly, and, if you do not stop, your
increased force and time will make everything else.

Nevertheless, it would seem, if new step is already achieved, what there can be
problems? And nevertheless problems continue to appear before you. But these are usual
human problems of the type of scandals with the agitated neighbors or the shortage of money.
Before you now stands the completely special problem of — although, in the essence, the
same kind, which you encountered upon transfer to the second step [DEIR], namely — the
problem of passage to new development stage.

Here and now before us the again new stage of ascending, and means, we again
encounter “the difficulties of transition period”.

However, but that this for the new stage before us? In order this to understand, let us be
dismantled first at how life on the Earth generally was developed, evolutionary process in
what way moved. We will not go into details and detail, let us recall only the largest stages of
the motion of evolution.

First on the Earth appeared unicellular of — the first bacteria and other cells. Then —
approximately in 2 billion years of — arose the first multicellular organisms: worms, sponge
and other. Past already half-billion years, and appeared essences, which have skeleton, —
vertebrates. Some time they lived in the sea, and then life left to the land of — vertebral steels
to live not only in the water, but also on the earth. The formation of skeleton indicated the
possibility rapidly and effectively to be moved. In order effectively to be moved in the water,
aqueous vertebral [zaimeli] of the gills and fins, and “land” vertebrates of — light and
extremity. But here vertebrates reach in their development of the anthropomorphous monkeys
of — and occurs jump to the following stage: monkey acquires intellect. But monkey with the
intellect of — this no longer monkey, but man.

It passes to the scales of the universe not too much time, any 15 million years, and men
it finds its contemporary appearance. The first earliest civilizations appear. Together with the
civilizations of — society and state. Together with society and state of — of war and conflicts
for the territories, for the possession by minerals, for wealth and place under the sun. I.e.,
humanity passes to the following stage of its development, which is characterized by
intraspecific competition. For this very reason, unfortunately, were not preserved the ancient
civilizations of — they were destroyed arrived by it for the change by colonizers. So was
destroyed by Spanish [konkistadorami] the great empire of [majja].

But now let us think: could this gigantic evolutionary way from the unicellular to the
contemporary man flow smoothly and smoothly, Beza any shakings? Certainly, evolution this
is not revolution, but also here the matter does not manage without sharp jumps in the
development, without overcoming of barriers. As we know, a quantity passes into the quality
always by jerk. For example, man studies alphabet, memorizes letters, learns to add them into
the styles. For long, latent is accumulated in his brain new information. But then it reveals at
one excellent moment that it knows how to read. A quantity of accumulated information
passed into the new, previously unknown quality of — the ability to accept the information,
presented with the aid of the letters on the sheet of paper. So and in the process of the
evolution: new quality for long ripens inside the organism, and outside it is manifested
instantly, by the jerk of — but for this it is necessary to complete the jump through the certain

Thus, with respect to the stages of evolution, living organisms was [preodolen] a number
of the barriers: first the barrier of the multicellularity of — of coarsening sizes, then the
barrier of active movement, connected with the advent of skeleton, the barrier of land, the
barrier of intellect and finally the barrier of intraspecific competition.

Fig. 10.

You will focus attention: with the approximation to each new barrier the evolving
essence was forced not only to overcome new obstacles, not only to acquire new qualities, but
also to reject the old achievements. For example, sea essence left to the land of — and it
turned out that the gills to it now steel to mix. It was necessary to forego this acquisition,
which was once very necessary and was the sign of the progress of — and now it proved to be
the atavism, which interfere withs progress. Which to do, entire old and become obsolete is
necessary to reject without the regret, if, of course, we want to be developed further. With the
creation of state, if we consider ourselves, also occurred something similar: for reaching of
force and power of the large masses of people, necessary for the survival in the fight with to
itself the the similar, it was necessary to suppress individuality, intellect and force of
differently thinking — for the state this all it became also its kind atavism. Especially for the
totalitarian state, such as was the Soviet Union. Let us recall, with what blood it was created,
with what rabid rejection of the old of — it did not manage without the Civil War, without
“red terror”.

Thus, we came to the conclusion: without overcoming of the barriers of evolution it does
not occur. Furthermore — note — the passage of each barrier it has your regularities. Thus,
overcoming each barrier, which corresponds to the passage of the new step of evolution,
always occurs into three stages.

During the first stage living being occurs in the swiftly tapered ecological niche. This
can be connected, for example, with the sharp change of climate on the Earth. Heat-loving
animal occurs in the zone of cold. And here in order to survive, animal must rapidly begin the
mastery of the new ecological niche: either to outgrow by fur and to increase fatty layer or to
move into the warm of edge. It is clear that the evolution requires changes and will survive
only that individual, who will be able to change and to develop any advantage over her

Is known the unique case, when monkeys on the Japanese islands unexpectedly proved
to be in the zone of snows. They survived those of them, who “hit upon” to move more
closely to the volcanic sources and began to be heated in their hot water. But indeed this for
the monkeys is completely atypical! In its time partially mastered “adjacent” ecological niche
the polar bear of — it it freely feels itself not only on dry land, but also in the water. But here
its distant relatives marine lions completely moved into this niche and steels by marine

Man in the process of his evolution, naturally, also in order to survive, was forced to
master newer and newer ecological niches: thus, it took to to the meat food and thus extruded
from its ecological niche of others anthropoid, which so not steel by people. Men passed into
the new ecological niche of — and they so they remained on the face of two ecological

In the second stage of evolutionary step the essence completely leaves from the old
ecological niche, but yet completely it does not master new. Classical example of — marine
cats, and also river and marine otters. They comparatively recently passed from the land into
the water and completely yet they did not master the water area, continuing to conduct the
amphibious means of life. Figuratively speaking, they are not the valuable masters of aqueous
spaces, they did still not reach perfection as aqueous animals. Let us compare it with the
purely aqueous cetaceous: they indeed also the descendants of living on dry land animal — of
the primitive artiodactyls, which fell into water millions years ago. Whales, in contrast to the
otters, already completely mastered the new ecological niche of — the water area, there and
only there they feel themselves house.

The second stage of evolutionary step can be named familiarizing. Essence already
completely removed from itself the pressure of previous ecological niche and it completely
effectively solves its problems in that mastered, but nevertheless the process of adaptation to
the new conditions is not yet completed, although proceeds completely successfully. Thus, for
the otters and the seals no longer there is problems of supercooling or prolonged stay under

In the third stage the essence completely seizes new ecological niche, leading its
development in the new medium to the perfection or close approaching it. A example of —
the dolphins, which are sometimes called people of the sea: they are ideally fitted out to the
life in the marine environment, just as human beings for a long time were ideally fitted out for
the life on the earth. Let us recall that in their time and the dinosaurs were ideal. But
everything the fact is that cannot be eternally been in bliss in the obtained ecological niche not
for one essence. Sooner or later this ecological niche will be overfilled by the representatives
of this form or related forms. Pressure in the ecological niche grows, in it it becomes tight,
and in order to survive, for the part of individuals it again is necessary to clamber upward on
the steps of evolution, either changing the place of inhabiting or acquiring the new qualities,

which give advantages over kinsmen. The third stage of evolutionary barrier so concludes and
passage to the following step of evolution begins.

But now will try to analyze — where we with you now? To what stage did throw so far
us the evolution?

The first stage began the when outgrown hairy essence with the low forehead and it
revealed by long extremities that it cannot feed itself by previous methods. Essence began to
starve — and from the hunger to it nothing it remained how to begin to consider (so
frequently it is, isn't that true?). And here essence considered, that to it something it does not
be sufficient, because even by its long hands it cannot reach the pleased food. And then
essence took in the hands stick. Stick became cudgel. Essence for the first time in the life hit
upon to begin to use tool! So monkey became man. Such of [pervochelovek] yet completely
was not detached away from the old ecological niche, not to the end it ended to be animal, but
already it began to master the new ecological niche of — human. From this point on, physical
evolution practically ceased and began the evolution of qualitatively different level of — the
evolution of culture.

But soon too many monkeys began to run with the cudgels in the hands and to obtain
with their aid food. Again it began not to be sufficient food on all. It was necessary to even
more [ochelovechivatsja], to devise the new methods of survival. So man devised the set of
new technical adaptations for the hunting, fishing, kindling of fire, men he began to be
connected up groups and to be occupied not only by hunting and [sobiratelstvom], but even
and by agriculture, by agriculture. Primitive culture appeared. By such means of men it
entered the second stage of the new step of evolution.

But then and in the new stage began to be repeated previous picture. Again people
became too much for this means of life. For further survival were required new technologies,
industry, science, appeared states, which subdivided between themselves entire earth's
surface. Thus was passed the third stage of this step of evolution.

However, and that? To us it is again tight, it does not live to us quietly, neither technical
progress arranges us nor successes of the industry of — to us all this no longer it brings
satisfaction. To us is close this ecological niche!

About which this does speak? About the fact that all three stages of the human step of
evolutionary development are passed to the present day. Man no longer can remain before. He
must either die out as dinosaurs or pass into the new quality.

[Grjadet] new evolutionary step in the development of humanity. All material

technologies reached a deadlock, all technical adaptations, even as super-perfect as spacecraft,
more nothing they give for our development, but they only impede us in the already passed
evolutionary stage. Man cannot be developed further within the previous framework. But to
enlarge the framework today is possible only in one direction of — in the the energy-
information. Further evolution of humanity of — this is the way of energy-information

But how to us to ascend the new step? You indeed understood that for this it is
necessary not only to find new qualities, but also to overcome old. However, what we must
overcome in ourselves, rising to the new step? What barrier? Overcome we must the barrier of
human society. It today overgrew itself. Overcome we must our human essence as the

essences of social. To continue to remain essence by social under the given conditions not
only is ineffective, but even it is disastrous: this is the stub track, which does not make it
possible to survive.

Again is repeated trying as peace the history of — the mastered ecological niche it
became too close. And the part of form, foremost, it must be separated in order to master new
ecological niche, new step of evolution. And it means, the passage of three new stages of the
new step of evolution, new overcoming of evolutionary barrier again is in prospect for us.

But now let us return to the system [DEIR]. You will recall again all that the fact that
you already mastered, all those new qualities, which you already obtained. You do as before
feel yourselves by essence social? I do not think. You as before do depend on human society
and its blind developmental trend? In no case!

You do surmise, to what this is I? Certainly, you surmise. You are already energy-
information essence, but not social. You even now, without waiting until, when all of
mankind reaches the new step of evolution, you live according to the laws of this step of —
according to the laws energy-information, and not social. You overcame the first stage of the
new step of evolutionary development! You now, for the moment, cost on the threshold of the
second stage of this step.

It can be, someone distrustful will smile: and not too whether rapidly we do evolve?
Indeed at first stage of evolution for the passage from the stage to the stage was required
hundreds of thousands of years. I answer: if you noted, the rate of all processes in the course
of evolution increases. From the moment of the origin of life on the Earth to the appearance of
man past almost e of billions years, from the first man to the first civilization of — of
approximately 15 million years, from the earliest civilizations to the beginning of the
technical progress of — it is less than 10 thousand years, development of technology lasted on
the Earth less than 200 years of — from the end XVIII of century to the present, and the
celebration of computer technology so is generally less than two decades. You will compare:
if for the development of life billions years was required, then so that the technological way
of the development of humanity would reach a deadlock, was required altogether only the pair
of centuries.

Time now swiftly is accelerated. And in order to survive, we must evolve very rapidly,
in the limits of one generation. To us there is no time to await.

Therefore for its own good approach the mastery of the fourth step [DEIR], which will
help you to enter the second stage of new evolutionary step. You already understood, in what
the sense of the second stage of any evolutionary step: this is familiarizing stage. The at this
moment evolving essence completely departs from the old ecological niche and is mastered in
the new. It means, this stage contains complete release and independence from the previous
evolutionary step. This stage contains overcoming “children's diseases” and acquisition of
maturity as the new essence, by which you already steel.

Now we with you completely enter to the new step, rejecting the survivals of previous,
[preodolevaja] its barrier. From further chapters you learn as this to reach and as news
yourselves in the new stage. I guarantee to you aid, support and most complete information
about that which contains the new stage of evolutionary development, corresponding to new
step [DEIR].

Chapter 2

New stage of the evolution of — new step [DEIR]

What such is soul?

On the way of evolution we unavoidably [preodolevaem] barriers. On leaving to the

new step of evolution you already overcame that barrier, about which we spoke in the
previous chapter, — the barrier of [sotsiuma]. I.e., for you no longer there exists the
limitations, which the human association assigned on you, preventing your increase and
development and subordinating you to itself. Because of three first steps [DEIR] this barrier is
undertaken, you freed yourselves from the action of [sotsiuma].

Now for you one must pass to the following stage of evolutionary step and find
maturity in your new quality. For this it is necessary to overcome one additional barrier of —
the barrier, created by the very organization of human organism.

All the fact is that very organization of your organism of in this stage your development
also imposes on you restrictions. Thus far this organization can be named primitive. Your task
of — to switch over from primitive organization to the highly organized organism. Of this
will consist overcoming new barrier.

In this chapter we exactly will examine the fact that stands after the words “primitive
organization” and “high level of organization”. But let us thus far say only that for
overcoming this barrier, for the passage to the high level of organization there is only one
means of — a increase in the force of soul.

This is not the reservation of — precisely of soul, and not energy-information essence.
Until now we much spoke about the energy-information essence and actually was not given
attention to soul. At first three stages [DEIR] to speak about this was prematurely. Now time
is alien. Without having understood however, that such, strictly, soul, it is not possible to
master the following steps [DEIR]. Therefore let us be dismantled into this in more detail.

You already know that man consists not only of physical body. Physical body of — this
altogether only one of many components of man, moreover roughest constituting. Physical
body makes possible for us to live in the physical peace, and therefore, of course, it is
necessary to worry about it, but to reduce entire life only to the satisfaction of the needs of the
physical body of — this means to doom itself to the disease, the misfortunes and the

Besides dense physical body, the man has a also whole series of the slender bodies of
— of invisible by the usual eye of the energy-information structures, which compose in the
totality the energy-information essence of man. To each of these bodies correspond the
specific level, or layer, energy-information fields, and each subsequent body is more fine
structure with respect to previous.

Fig. 11. In man the set of bodies, but the soul is only one.

You already have a idea about the ether of tele- — that thinner, than physical body,
comprises. Physical body is surrounded by ether body as the shell, which repeats its forms, it
is appeared as the emission of all cells, organs, parts of the body of physical, as by its mold
and by imprint. Specifically, ether body we see in the form auras. As you themselves were
convinced with the mastery of first stage [DEIR], ether body can on your desire or
involuntary change its form and sizes. I.e., it has a certain freedom with the displacement in
the space of — but it is completely separated from the physical body only after death. And
certainly, ether body does not have a freedom of movement in the time, this for it the
insurmountable obstacle. It cannot depart neither to the past nor in the future.

Even that thinner body, composes — this astral body. If ether body it is possible to see
in the form auras, then astral body cannot be seen. Astral body is more free than ether body,
— it is capable of being separated from the physical body with the life of man and of being
moved in the space up to the how conveniently great distances. Astral body constantly is
separated, for example, in the sleep of — and our dreams are nothing else but journeys on the
astral peaces. The astral peaces of — these are the peaces, where live our emotions, desires
and dreams. Astral body, in contrast to the ether, freely is moved in the time of — this it
occurs, for example, when we too we go deeply into recollections about the past or in the
dreams about the future.

Following level of — this mental body. It is created by our thoughts. The mental body
has its laws. This sufficient- after all the rigid structure, created with our ideas about the peace
and about itself, by our judgments, by persuasions and by ideas. All this can, of course,
change, but not it is capable of being moved neither in the space nor in the time. Strictly
speaking, mental body in our space and time completely there are no — it it is found in other
measurement, where neither spaces nor time in our understanding exists.

There are still several slender bodies of higher order, about which we thus far speak
will not be. Let us say only that many are counted, as if all these slender bodies are that the
fact that they call soul. This is in root erroneous idea. They all compose energy-information
essence, but not soul.

You will focus attention: not randomly all these fine structures are united under one
general concept. They all are designated by word “body”. But that such, strictly, body, in
what the sense of this word? Body, as we know, this altogether only the adaptation, which
makes possible for us to exist in this peace. Physical body makes it possible to live in the
physical peace, astral — in the astral, and so on. Not only physical body, but also all the
remaining bodies of — this the only of adaptation. Are for which necessary these adaptations,
for what they do make possible to exist? It is correct: all these bodies of — only of adaptation
for existence of soul. They — the receptacle of soul. But very soul of — the piece is special,
is in no way similar neither to the physical body nor to other bodies. So let us have a talk
about its nature.

Let us note for the beginning that soul still no one could not be registered with the aid
of the methods of science. In the first book we mentioned the method of [Kirlian]-
photograph, which makes it possible to fix aura, i.e., ether body. There are the methods,
which give the possibility to perceive and to fix astral body. But this, as we recently learned,
not soul, but only her receptacle. Strictly soul so remains for the scientists the structure of
elusive. It is known that at the moment of death body loses several grams of the weight of —
this it was possible to establish in the process of scientific experiments. But no one yet knew
how to prove that this phenomenon is caused precisely by the departure of soul.

Were conducted other experiments: they photographed man at the moment of death,
and in a number of cases in the photographs was reflected certain misty structure, seemingly
outgoing from the body or hovering above the dead body. But it is experimental, with the aid
of the special instruments, it is confirmed that during several days after death the dead body
continues to emit the certain waves of energy. But it is not, in addition established, which
nature of these waves and misty structures. Many consider that this is a soul, — but, in all
likelihood, this altogether only the scraps of the ether body, which is separated at the moment
of death from the body of physical.

And nevertheless the today even most inveterate materialist will hardly deny the
presence in himself of soul. Consider: when we do speak about ourselves “I” — that we we
do have in the form? Perhaps only appearance, face, hair-do and the suit of — that that we do
see in the mirror? No. It can be, these are our thoughts, emotion, experience, principles,
persuasion? It can be, these are our nature and temperament? Yes, but not only. Each feels in
itself besides entire this something something another —, not [objasnimoe] by words. In fact,
our appearance, and our thoughts and experiences, and our persuasions, and our nature, and
even temperament and special features of psyche in the course of time can be changed to the
unrecognizability. But we nevertheless speak — “this I”, although it can seem surrounding
that this is already another man. It means, to eat something constant, which lives in us beyond
the limits of consciousness and even beyond the limits of the fact that we call personality,
individuality. This “something” is a soul. It cannot be either and although seen, or to weigh,
or to photograph — the presence of soul is today irrefutable.

The soul of — this precisely that that he does not die after death of physical body, but
passes with the new embodiment to the new body. True, memory about the past life in this
case, as a rule, does not remain — and precisely this fact forces many to doubt existence, but
that it is more in the immortality of soul. In reality entire [objasnimo]: simply soul does not
have a property by herself to preserve memory. There is a set of specialists, who carry out the
so-called “awakening” of memory about the past lives, but the results of their experiences
cause large doubts. To doubt makes it necessary at least the fact that even in very well-known
and experienced specialists in [reinkarnatsii] each fifth patient it assures, that was in the past

life either queen or wife of pharaoh, either Cleopatra or Jeanne d'Arc — on the whole, any
completely known historical personality. But on all I will give, the carried along to
[reinkarnatsiej], historical personalities simply will not be sufficient. Yes even it cannot be
such that they all would be simultaneously the Cleopatra. So that all these “recollection about
the past lives” of — of altogether only fruit of their fantasy.

In usual people of shower it does not memorize past lives. This memory simply is
erased. Let us be dismantled, why so it occurs.

The fact is that memory in usual man is recorded not in the soul, but in the cells of
physical body. Partially it from the cells of physical body is copied, is printed out in the
slender bodies. But, I repeat, not in the soul.

When physical body dies, are decomposed the cells of memory. Ether body as imprint,
precise mold of physical body still for a while continue to exist, preserving forms, and the
outline of physical body, and its memory. As a rule, ether body lives after death of physical
body during nine days. , During nine days after his death it very frequently seems the tenants
of the house, where man, recently died that they perceive the presence of dead person. In
reality they perceive the presence of its ether body, which actually is located in the house.
Ether body can freely be moved and even produce some physical actions of — to thunder by
the covers of saucepans, to shuffle on the floor, to drop objects and to rock curtains. Under
certain circumstances from the ether body the specter, which becomes visible and begins to
reach to tenants the mass of unpleasant impressions not only during nine days, but sometimes
during their entire life, can be formed. Reasons and the conditions, which make possible to be
formed for specter, until it is entirely clear, just as very nature of this phenomenon.

But the specter of — this is the exceptional case. Usually nine days after death ether
body is decomposed without the remainder together with its memory. Almost immediately
after death it is decomposed or, at least, it leaves our layers of reality and astral body; whereas
also together with the molds of memory, which were printed in Ger. shower it is not
completely intended in order to preserve memory about the previous life. Here and it turns out
that the carrier of this memory with the man completely does not remain — indeed for the
passage into following [inkarnatsiju], as we know, is intended precisely soul, and not ether or
astral body.

And here here we close approached understanding of the fact however, that such,
strictly speaking, soul.

Here is that conclusion, to which led us our studies: the soul of — this is not energy-
information essence, not memory, not strictly our happiness and grief, feeling and thought.
Feelings and thought, happiness and the grief of — this that which is called consciousness.
We will not thus far examine nature of consciousness, let us say only that this is the
nonmaterial phenomenon, which, strictly, and there is our personality. But the soul of — these
are certain principle, either structure or diagram, or the matrix, according to which is built
entire our energy-information essence, all our slender bodies and entire their content, which
composes our consciousness.

You sometimes did think about why physical body in all people does have one and the
same structure? Why humanity does constantly reproduce to itself similar — nature it does
not allow variety, deviations from the existing construction, with exception of the not too
frequently meeting deformities? As if someone once and for all affirmed the project of man

and vigilantly it follows its clear fulfillment. This is assumption, if we consider ourselves, not
too far from the reality: actually, there are this “project” of — a matrix, the principle, the
program, recorded in the molecule DNA. On this “project” nature " stamps” new and new
human beings, in which as before two hands, two legs, one head even one heart.

On the same principle their “plan”, “project”, matrix have our slender bodies. And
entire as a whole energy-information construction, called by man, is built according to the
specific principle. This principle is a soul.

As we see, the soul of — concept much more abstract than slender bodies. And
nevertheless the soul of — this is naked abstraction, this not is something that thickened,
static, constant. The structure of soul writes on itself as on the magnetic tape or the video
cassette, everything which with us occurs in the life. These records can be supplemented,
erased, changed. It means, and soul herself also can be changed and developed.

But it is necessary to focus attention here in what: soul only writes, prints out on herself
our behavior, feelings, thoughts, our consciousness. But by herself soul does not have a
consciousness. If we try to form our own consciousness showers and will allow soul this to
make, then this is what it will come out: soul will honestly print on herself that mold of our
consciousness, which we possess at the given instant at the particular point space. Itself to
develop this consciousness soul will not be. She will wait until the following mold.

And nevertheless, in spite of this, it is no matter how paradoxical, soul can be allotted
realization. Not strictly by consciousness, namely by realization itself. Soul can learn to
realize and to feel herself. And what is more — for the man, who entered to the new step of
evolution, it is simply necessary to learn its soul to realize and to perceive itself. This is
practically unreal for the usual man, but it is the typical sign of man of future. Task this, I will
say honestly, sufficiently complex even for the student, who passed first three stages [DEIR].
The matter this is complex, since that to perceive its soul, it is necessary to know how to
recognize and to distinguish very thin sensations. The sensation of its own soul to novice, yes
even not only to novice, is very difficult to grasp, to catch, to exarticulate from a number of
other similar sensations.

For the best understanding, with which deals the discussion, let us conduct analogy
with the physical body. You will focus attention: each of us wonderfully perceives their arm,
leg, head. With the aid of our consciousness we can not only feel all these parts of body, but
also govern their displacement in the space. But now try so distinctly to perceive the
aeriferous ways of — larynx and trachea. This to make to you already more difficult, truth?
Still more difficult to distinctly feel heart, kidney or bowels of — of course if these organs are
healthy and there there is neither be ill nor any discomfort. But now think: possible whether to
perceive its brain? But its vessels, artery, vein? Possible whether to perceive the cell of its
organism? Possible whether to perceive the molecule DNA of — in which, strictly, are
concluded the very essence of the life of human organism, the essence of each of its cells,
each organ?

No, molecule DNA in its tele- cannot be perceived. Even do not attempt. You know
about its existence, but knowledge this purely theoretical. But to physically perceive this is

But now, following the analogy (by completely conditional, certainly), let us visualize,
as far our consciousness in its perception can exceed the limits of physical body. So, as easily

we receive our hands, feet, head, — so easily consciousness receive the level of physical
body, our dense material peace. Visualize that the sensation of larynx, trachea corresponds to
the sensation ether, astral and other slender bodies, — i.e., them to perceive already more
difficult than physical body. Heart and other internal organs of — this, conditionally
speaking, soul. In order to perceive it, already significant efforts be required. Then vessels,
vein, the artery of — these are nothing else but universal flows. Perceive vessels we can only
during the application of special medical methods. In exactly the same manner and for the
sensation of world flows special knowledge and experience is necessary. But DNA in our
example corresponds to the level of god. In order to get to know and to perceive god, as you
understand, is required the deepest standard of knowledge, understanding and perception of

Life after death of — the reality

Thus, in the usual state we identify ourselves only with the consciousness. But by
consciousness, as we see, is received usually only physical peace. Consciousness makes
possible for us to realize itself at each current moment of our life in the physical peace. But
the memory, written in the cells of physical body, makes possible for us to put aside all
events, proceeding with us on the physical plan, in its consciousness and to memorize that

In general for the usual man, who exists at the previous step of evolution, memory and
consciousness there was already sufficiently for more or less normal existence. If it was
deprived of memory and of consciousness of — only then life it lost for it any meaning. Life
without memory and consciousness of — this, in the final analysis, no longer life, but
senseless existence of solid shell. Because besides memory and consciousness the usual man,
strictly, anything more does not have. As far as soul is concerned, is the soul for it of — this
something abstract and elusive, which exists somewhere separately from it, and its men in no
way it perceives, although precisely because of the soul it, strictly speaking, and exists in the

As a result of this [neosoznannosti] of soul in the life of usual man there are three large
problems. Problem is number one: although human soul is immortal, to usual man to sense
from this any. He knows nothing about its immortality and in no way it it perceives. Soul, not
allotted by realization, does not remember about the immortality, in the memory this
information is not also recorded, and ordinary consciousness about this nothing knows.
Therefore the immortality of soul so does remain for the usual man first myth, first whether
by dream, then whether by weak comfort for those, who fear death.

Our immortality so will remain for us empty sound, if we do not know how to allot soul
realization and will not learn directly to feel and to perceive it.

Fig. 12. Ether body, consciousness and soul of — only their combination is capable of
giving immortality.

[oblema] number is two: neither our physical body nor our consciousness nor our
slender bodies cannot directly perceive nor world flows nor highest laws governing the peace
nor god. Soul can reach this only. Because only soul is capable of becoming united and with
the world flows, and with the highest regularities, and with the god. But thus far our soul is
not allotted by realization, output to the such high percent articulation is impossible.

Problem number three escapes from first two: the true, realized, individual immortality
is impossible, until our consciousness goes further the perception of physical and ether

Very many people, after hearing about the immortality of soul, are interested: will I
after death remember about the fact that this is precisely I, Pete Ivanov, who was with the life
sanitary engineer-mechanic 4- of GO of the discharge and veins in Sevastopol hero-city?
Answer is obvious: if Pete Ivanov was with the life man of ordinary consciousness, who did
not reach in his development perception and realization of soul, then, naturally, nothing
similar remember he will be. Its immortal soul will leave into unconscious posthumous
existence, inheriting from the owner of no signs of his individuality. Indeed it with the life did
not find time to connect individuality with the soul, they as lived separately, so also they will
be radiated to the different sides after death: individuality will be scattered to smithereens, and
soul will fly away into the spheres of unconscious to following [inkarnatsii].

But here if Pete Ivanov with the life connected his consciousness not only with the
body with physical and with the slender bodies, but also with the soul, then he and after death
will remember, who it such and as him call.

To allot its soul this realization of — this is actual! But for all, who approach the
mastery of the fourth step [DEIR], not only it is actual, but also is completely accessibly
already in the nearest time.

Before in the following chapters we will approach the very process of this
transformation of your soul, I will describe about the principle itself, on basis of which this is
done, — you will understand that the discussion deals with the completely concrete method.

As you already know from the previous books, energy for our consciousness supplies
our ether body by processing space and terrestrial energy flows. You will recall: space flow
forms ideas, thoughts, persuasions, programs, terrestrial flow of — of emotion, mood,
experience. All this together and composes consciousness. The force of our consciousness
directly depends on a quantity of energy in the ether tele-.

Fig. 13. Feel — so man it lives on the Earth, deriving energy from it and from the
infinite spaces of the universe.

Thus, we remember that the ether body is directly connected with the consciousness. It
means in order to connect with the consciousness and soul also, it suffices to connect it with
the ether body. And that is all! After connecting soul with the ether body, we will be able to
allot her unprecedented force of — indeed then the energy flows, which feed ether body, they
will begin to automatically feed soul. This will indicate passage from the primitive
organization of organism to the higher level of its organization, about which we spoke in the
beginning this chapter.

On the very method of this tuning of ether body, or its switching into this mode of
operation, when it occurs united with the soul, you learn from the following chapters.

Having only connected together soul and consciousness by means of the ether body,
you will be able consciously to exist even after death of — to exist absolutely independent of
physical body.

Fig. 14. Only ether body can connect together entire our essence on the energy source,
extreme [chakrakh].

A question of life after death of — this is a basic question of each of religion. All
religions promise paradise, reign celestial — on the whole, the best life after the completion
of terrestrial way. Exception is perhaps that classical Buddhism. The fact is that Buddhists
attempt to avoid repeated [inkarnatsij], since terrestrial life is considered the senseless chain
of sufferings. But they see sense only in eternal posthumous existence out of the physical
body, and, apparently, is in the form unconscious posthumous existence, when human being
loses its individuality, it is dissolved in the god and in the unity with it is in the eternal rest
and the bliss.

The representatives of remaining religions dream about the realized the other world life.
But can they all reach this of — a question more than questionable. Most likely, bulk of
believers strongly is in error relative to its prospects after the coffin. The fact is that “sky in
the diamonds” after death they can see those far from all, but only separate selected.

But who these selected? First of all, of course, the founders of religions. All religions of
— without the exception of — were created by people spiritually perfected. They reached
such level of their development, which it made possible for them to directly feel god, to
receive at the sensation level his presence and all its manifestations. For this very reason these
people and steels by the founders of religions, precisely, therefore them began to approach
numerous admirers and followers.

But if founders reached so high a level of their development, this yet does not mean that
the same level could find all their followers, all adherents of data of religion, or, speaking in
church language, entire flock. The mean statistical believing man is, as a rule, insufficiently
developed for the direct contact with the god. He simply does not suffice to this level.
Specifically, for such usual people, which, which is called, stars from the sky do not be
sufficient, and is created church, and prayers are devised, for them there are numerous
religious rituals. Indeed if man itself is insufficiently highly developed and cannot suffice to
the god of — to it for the contact with the god it is necessary some mediator. And when the
set of such people they are gathered in one place of — in the church, — begin to pray and to

send religious rites, their joint energy forms new energy-information generality, higher, than
individual man, order. Thus is created this necessary for the usual man mediator.

By means of this generality, formed in the church, individual man associates with the
god. Indeed his personal forces for this contact it is insufficient, and after being connected to
the energy-information generality, formed by the forces of many people, it and itself is
obtained access to this force, which makes possible for it to rise to the godly levels.

And what is more — church itself begins to be supported by joint energy of its
followers. Therefore church becomes not only the mediator between the god and the people,
but also itself finds the force, sufficient for deciding the part of the problems of individual
man. Simply stated, for the solution of some problems to man even it is not compulsory to be
turned to the god, it suffices to turn to the church, and it will help it its forces, without the
godly participation.

Thus, let us note: church and religion actually can help man in the solution of his
problems. But in the solution of what precisely problems they do help? Only connected with
terrestrial existence. But here in so far as concerns further existences of man after death, and
church, and religion practically nothing for the man change. Even the most ardent adherent of
church obtains no guarantees, that he will [osoznanno] exist after death. Indeed if man with
the life then not grew to the direct perception of god, but he grew only to the contact with it
through the mediator of — that after death of men, after being deprived of this mediator, then
will not be able [osoznanno] to reunite with the god.

If prayer was created insincere, also, on the habit, if the perception of god is not
achieved, then after death, when ritual supports will remain in the terrestrial, material peace,
the soul of man will be lost and literally will lose consciousness. Indeed with the life its own
consciousness it became accustomed to substitute by supports and crutches.

Let us refine: after death the soul of any man, of course, will be in the god, since god is
everything. But there is a enormous difference between the realized stay in the god and a
unconscious stay in the Ger. if man then it did not leave with the life beyond the limits of
church and religion, then it will be in the god unconsciously. Religion for its series followers
gives chance neither to die consciously nor consciously to live after death.

The religion of altogether only gives the possibility to select one of several aspects of
unconscious existence, closest for this follower of data of religion. Yes even unconscious
existence has the different faces: Christianity promises eternal peace, Islam — eternal bliss,
and a number of African religions, for example, — eternal battle. So that soul after death,
depending on the religious preferences of man, will be either in the world and rest or in the
battle of — but to realize nothing this will be.

You do want to ask, as this it is possible — to be in the bliss or in the state of battle and
this not to realize? Possibly, even as possibly, and not only after death, but also with the life.
Indeed in our subconsciousness constantly goes the set of the processes, about which we even
do not suspect. Subconsciousness therefore is called subconsciousness, that usual man does
not have there conscious access, breakthroughs into subconsciousness in it occur perhaps that
in the sleep. Our subconsciousness completely independent of of consciousness first conducts
some battles, then it is at rest and bliss, and we by our consciousness recover only the vague
echoes of all these processes, completely without understanding the reasons for its poor
mood, gloomy thoughts or, on the contrary, inexplicable happiness. With the off

consciousness, for example under narcosis or in the state of coma, all processes in
subconsciousness do not cease, they continue to go by their turn, although man about this
nothing knows. So and unconscious processes will continue after death of —, but man, who
did not exceed with the life of the level of ordinary consciousness, nothing about this will
know. Because for conscious existence after death soul must be allotted by consciousness
even with the life.

The system of further energy-information development will help you to overcome the
level of ordinary consciousness and to acquire the possibility of the realized life after death. In
this respect system [DEIR] goes further and higher than any religion. But in this case, which
is very important, system [DEIR] comes into conflict not with one of th religions e existing on
the Earth.

The complete mastery of system [DEIR] makes it possible to reach such high level of
development, because of which the man begins to directly receive the god of — without any
mediators to perceive, to feel his presence. Only [dostignuv] of this level, men will be able to
consciously select for itself the posthumous method of existence.

But I warn that this high stage of your development you will reach not immediately, not
today and not tomorrow, and not into one instant. On how to be connected with the godly, you
learn only from the final benefit of this series. Indeed this — extremely thin and complex
material. When you yet cannot visualize, by what perfect essence it is necessary to be in order
to learn to thinly feel at least some aspects of existence of god. Indeed god as was, so also
remains the incomprehensible, unrecognizable for the man essence of — about this they speak
practically all religious and philosophical systems. And neither contemporary science nor
system [DEIR] cannot change this state of affairs.

Man cannot get to know god in his full weight, but he can be touched it in th limits e
accessible for the man. However, even for this touch it is necessary to become the perfect
essence. And in this case it is necessary to learn very thinly to feel. Indeed in order to perceive
the presence of god, it is necessary to first at least learn to separate godly manifestations from
[nebozhestvennykh]. Many people confuse these manifestations, accomplishing, thus,
enormous error. Actually: for the godly manifestations quite often assume the influence of the
energy-information structures, created by people themselves, — for example, that quite
energy-information generality, which is created in the church, or even already familiar to us
energy-information parasites. Many for the god assume the world flows of — this, of course,
already higher level in comparison with the energy-information parasites, but it is
nevertheless far from god.

Fig. 15. Humanity, wrapped by the haze of energy-information parasites, only negligible
speck in the ocean of the world flows, above which is located the god.

To distinguish godly from [nebozhestvennogo] you will learn already in the nearest time. But
first for you one must connect together soul, ether body and consciousness. This will make it
possible to report not only consciousness, but also enormous force to your soul. But properly
strong soul is capable to very and very much. The entire world literally occurs in her feet.

Thus, in this chapter I attempted to explain to you which gives to us the method of
connecting soul, ether body and consciousness, which you will master at the fourth step
[DEIR]. Let us generalize that state aboved. In the order of the diminishing importance:
method will give to us, in the first place, the possibility of conscious existence after death; in
the second place, the possibility to receive world flows; thirdly, method will open access to
the inexhaustible source of creation, creation, freedom in the interrelations with the peace;
fourthly, method will grant at our disposal another inexhaustible source of — of force; fifthly,
we obtain the possibility to entirely use our intuition, which makes it possible at any moment
to obtain access to the unconscious spheres of our existence and to there find precise and
correct answer to any interesting us question. As a result we completely overgrow three first
steps [DEIR] of — i.e., we overgrow the level of energy-information parasites, we become
more, it is above and it is stronger them in every respect: in the force, in the wisdom, to the
degree of freedom, in the possibility to influence the surrounding peace.

In the system [DEIR] all this is called strengthening soul.

Chapter e

Plan of the actions: three steps, which for us it is to be done

The attentive reader already noted: the fourth book along the system [DEIR], dedicated
to the vitally necessary for us strengthening of soul, includes much theoretical material. It is

possible to say that it is oversaturated by theory. Moreover for you now it is very important to
master well theoretical material presented here entire. This is necessary condition for further
advance forward.

But since theme is fairly complicated, entire theoretical material, in other words,
thoroughly is chewed. Specifically, this, the shortest in the book, third chapter for this purpose
and is written. It is necessary so that the reader would better master theory and could
smoothly pass from the theory to the practice. Thus, this chapter of — is transitional. In it we
will generalize that state aboved and will clearly designate the steps, which for us it is to be
done for the successful passage of the fourth step of system [DEIR].

As we already spoke, for us is in prospect to connect up single whole soul,

consciousness and ether body. For this it is necessary to make three steps.

Step 1. Realization of soul. Animation of the consciousness

You already understood from the previous chapters that the soul must be taught,
developed and allotted by consciousness. Soul must realize herself, and consciousness must
become single whole with the soul of — to animate. Only then soul will be able to become
independent, independent variable from the body, only then she will find true immortality.
But also this yet not all. Not only posthumous existence, but also life on this to the Earth, in
this the tele- for the man with the realized soul and animated consciousness becomes
qualitatively different, of what you very soon will be able to be convinced on our own

Indeed precisely soul makes possible to open in herself the source of the creation of —
and creative perception of peace as a whole, and for concrete activity in the sphere of different
forms of creation. This source of creation is dead ended in the majority of people. He will
sleep and most frequently never it is spilled. Whereas from nature absolutely each man is
capable of the creation. Only consider: each is planned by nature so as to be creator in order to
realize some talent. But that we do see in reality? Mangled [sotsiumom] people as if sleep
they do not in motion and completely feel their natural gift inside themselves. Because it can
become the creator of men only with one condition: if it has the realized soul and the
animated consciousness. After distorting his nature, man deprived himself of this quality. Our
task of — to return him, since man, who entered to the new step of evolution, cannot but be

Fig. 16. The consciousness, which included the magic crystal of soul, finds the source of

The realization of soul and the animation of consciousness is achieved with the aid of
the special methods, which will be described in the following chapter. These methods will
give the without anything not comparable, inexpressible and unforgettable sensations to you.
Th source of creation e latent in you as a result will be opened. You will find the ability to
express all your feelings in that form of creation, which will prove to be to you is most close:
in the poetry, in the music, in the painting, in the sculpture or in what it is convenient other.
Moreover will occur this completely regardless of the fact, how much to you now years, who
you on the profession, which your previous life experience you did have earlier a idea about
the creative forms of activity.

In the life as much as desired of the examples, when people, completely distant from
the creation, at the completely solid age suddenly neither from that nor from this began to
write pictures, to write novels or to play on the accordion. In these cases we deal concerning
the spontaneous animation of consciousness and the discovery of the source of creation. Yes,
such can happen, also, without the application of special methods of — but why to us of you
hope for the chance and await, will not appear creative abilities somehow by themselves? If
we passively await, in the first place, there is no guarantee whatever, that you will wait for.
But in the second place, we even now know how completely [osoznanno] by itself to open
this source of the creation of — sin not to use the existing knowledge.

But the most interesting, that you will be able to obtain enjoyment not only from th
concrete forms of the creation of — e selected you you you will find the creative perception
of peace in all its manifestations. Each your act, each, even most commonplace, action, this as
washing of dishes, repair in the apartment or march into the store, will become the source of
inspiration, will become glad creative report. Only this life makes sense of — when entire it it
becomes creation.

Step 2. Branching off of the consciousness

After opening and after realizing in itself soul and after animating consciousness, we
must prepare ether body for the reunification with the soul. And for this to connect him with
the consciousness.

As you know even from the first book, the force of consciousness bear to us two energy
fluxes of — space and terrestrial. The same flows in the final analysis form our ether body. In
order to prepare ether body for the reunification with the soul, we must branch the
consciousness of — i.e., to extend it to entire our ether body, to make volumetric, in the literal
sense of word wide, strong and powerful, fill with consciousness entire ether body.

For this for you is in prospect to learn to lock the consciousness to extreme [chakry] of
ether body. This will give to you the possibility to derive energy for the consciousness
directly from these [chakr] of — of lower [Muladkhary] and upper [Sakhasrary]. Thus
consciousness will be filled up with energy, will become strong and powerful, in this case
ether, and together with it and physical body will become completely realized and intelligent
because of the fact that the energy sources of consciousness and ether body occur connected
together. In this case all remaining, internal [chakrami] you will be able [osoznanno] to
govern: up to the fact that they can become inconstant and appear or to disappear exclusively
on your desire.

Fig. 17. Only, that it is necessary for ether body, — this stable closing to the eternal
source of energy of existence.

[koe] connection of ether body and consciousness gives access to the limitless force and
the gigantic energy, which will make your consciousness that truly being omnipotent.

Step e. Association of consciousness, ether body and soul

The strong and filled with consciousness ether body is completely prepared for the
reunification with the soul. Last, third step provides the final connection of all these three
components of human being. Obtained as a result this beneficial changes remain forever.

You, probably sometimes heard expression “inspired body”. So frequently they speak
about the actors, the dancers, the masters of pantomime and ballet, gifted from nature. About
the tele- majorities of people you will not say similar. It in them acts as heartless automaton,
absolutely unconsciously, separately from soul. After mastering the third step of the
forthcoming step, you will obtain much more than the inspired body, and it is much more than
the most gifted from nature creators. You will obtain the inspired consciousness, connected
together with the inspired body. As a result your body will begin to live and to act in the unity
with the soul and according to the laws of soul. There will not be more than this eternal
disorder between the soul and the body, about which complain many. Soul will begin to
literally shine through the cells of your body. And this realized herself luminous soul will
begin itself to conduct you according to the life with the most favorable ways, will begin to
protect you from the troubles, it will prompt as go around sharp angles and as better to enter
in one or other case or another. Body will become obedient and subject soul, it will learn “to
hear” these prompts and to act respectively [im].

Fig. 18. As if the last element of puzzle, soul forever unites the complex of consciousness
and ether body.

Usually such abilities they call developed intuition and also explain by natural gift. But
now you themselves, on our own will will be able to obtain direct access to the source of
intuitive data. Your intuition will become very sensitive and absolutely reliable. In your life
finally will disappear the problems, connected with the selection of — where to go and as to
enter. All this you will know completely accurately, on the prompt “more than”. Moreover,
your body auto will go where necessary, which is called, feet themselves will carry you in the
necessary direction. In exactly the same manner you will obtain answer to any question. You
will always go only by correct way and accomplish only truly necessary to you behavior even
without the application of th methods of determining of true desires and shaping of intentions
e described in the second book. You will completely overgrow the need for this as the
previous steps [DEIR] generally.

Thus, for you is in prospect work on the association of soul, consciousness and ether
body of — the work, conducted into three those named in this chapter of stage. Prepare: work
this is complex, which requires the mobilization of all forces of organism and tuning for the
thinnest internal sensations. But result costs these efforts. It will exceed all your expectations.
And not [bojtes] the difficulties: after mastering three first steps [DEIR], you undoubtedly
will manage also the fourth.

To the unprepared man this will make much more complex. Therefore again I am
turned to the readers, until now not read the first three books of cycle (“release”, “formation”,
“influence”), if such readers still remained. Not you [polenites], read, make this directly now,
without the delay. Further reading of this book will be unproductive without the mastery there
of the material presented. But if in you difficulties arose, then we will always be able to help

Much in the system [DEIR], as prompts our experience, understands itself only through
the direct contact in the course of personal instruction. The policies of school [DEIR] are
passed to Saint Petersburg cities, Moscow, Rostov, them conduct the specially prepared and
experienced instructors under the management of my student of Titov Cyril [Valentinovich].
You can leave to the contact with them along telephone (812) 2191245, after writing with the

address: St. Petersburg, 198103, [Lermontovskij] 44/46, a/I 123, or after being connected with
the publishing house. The way [DEIR] of — this is the way of independent progress, but we
are always ready to show support you.

Thus, your immediate task of — the animation of consciousness, the realization of soul
and the finding of the unity of soul, consciousness and body. Result of — the discovery the
source of creation, strength and intuition. But this source so simply is not opened, it requires
great preparatory work, which, it is confident, the majority of our readers already made.

Chapter 4

Realization of soul. Animation of the consciousness

Sensation of the soul of — key to the life and the creation

In order to realize soul, it is necessary to reveal, first of all, this soul herself in itself.
Where it? And in fact, where? You sometimes about this did think? You did perceive your
soul directly? Still no? Then prepare: the completely new, inexpressible and besides very
pleasant sensations await you.

Now we will search for in ourselves this brittle and ephemeral construction of — soul.

In order to isolate soul, in other words, in the pure form, for us it is necessary to
temporarily reject consciousness to the side. Do not be disturbed: you will not fall into
fainting and you will not become lifeless body. Even vice versa: you will feel never
yourselves living as. Everything that you should make, this — simple to delimit
consciousness from your true essence and to look, however, which as a result will remain.

We already explained that our true “I” is not contained by our nature and temperament,
moods and feelings, intellect and life experience. True “I” — this is not that that we call our
personality and our consciousness. Is this something deeper and is more universal. This
something, which exceeds the limits of our personality. It is not amazing: our true “I” very am
tightly connected with the soul, and the soul of — this is the part of united world soul, which
does not thus far belong to us personally as concrete personality and individuality.

Fig. 19. Human being, as if pearl, consists of many unique layers, but in its center itself
is located uniting all particle of — as in the center of pearl it rests grit from the sands of
the mother- Earth.

To so that perceive its soul, it is necessary to recall the sensation of our true “I” — the
base sensation, with which we worked even in the third book and which we, taking into
account his large significance, they named sensation “I [esm]”. This term we will use and

Step of 1[a]. reaching base sensation “I [esm]”

Select time and place, when and where you no one disturbs at least for the hour. You
will be arranged sitting or lying at a pose maximally convenient for you. Shut eyes, be
weakened, verify as it follows, is there no somewhere in tele- excess stress.

You already understood that your thoughts of — these are not you. If we open all
thoughts, perhaps you will disappear, you will cease to exist? Certainly, no.

Give let us try. Simply derive all thoughts beyond the limits of your perception. More
easily entire this to reach, after being concentrated on any means. Present itself, for example,
in the spring scaffolding. You not about which think, simply you delight in by nature, you
attentively examine recently overgrown blades of grass, inhale the aroma of sticky leaflets on
the trees, you listen attentively into singing of birds. There are no thoughts. Some feelings
remained. Moreover feelings are very pleasant. Well here and delight in, not about which
think. Delight in as much, as you want. You will focus attention: even having removed all
thoughts, you do not nevertheless lose the sensation: this 4.

They [ponaslazhdalis]? But now remove the picture of spring forests, seemingly erase it
from the imaginary screen. Return to the reality, but without opening eyes and without giving
will to thoughts. You recently tested the most positive emotions. Now for you one must
separate them from itself, remove — so, as you removed thoughts. It is simple to be freed
from them.

Visualize that th feelings e tested by you you seemingly derive to the surface of your
essence, they become something like the dry husk on the surface of bulb. But now throw out
this husk, simply you will let go it from itself, you are not held for it. It will fly away, and will
remain only the purified core of — your true “I”.

Unique sensation, isn't that true? Internal void and complete rest, estrangement, purity,
[osvobozhdennost] of — the and at the same time clear sensation: “I [esm]!” But auto “I”
became as if extended it seems that it to preparedly fill with itself the entire world.

Here this and there is the sensation, closest to the sensation of soul.

This is the base sensation, which you should memorize. Without losing it, we go

Now you will focus attention: th sensation e achieved by you is not something fixed,
that hardened and thickened. There there are no feelings, there are no thoughts, but
nevertheless there there is life. It moreover, on closer examination occurs that it is there far
from void. Sensation “I [esm]” — this as if mold, the snapshot of entire your essence, the
instantaneous imprint of the fact that you there is and where you there is.

Now try to determine, where, strictly, in your this tele- sensation is stationed. As a rule,
it appears somewhere in the center of head. Therefore one additional method to reach the base
sensation of my true “I” — to represent my head by that bulb, with which you consecutively
first the husk of means, then thoughts, then recollections, and then the husk of emotions.

Now we pass up to the very crucial point of — to the reunification of consciousness

with the soul.

Step 1B. Conscious displacement of sensation “I [esm]”

Do not lose base sensation. Consciousness as before as husk, to the side of — do not
rejected release it conversely. But make it possible it to become silent observer. Let it cost
itself in [storonke] and quietly silently it looks.

Now your task of — to learn to displace sensation “I [esm]”. We already revealed that it
is concentrated in the center of head, but in this case it is not completely hardened and fixed.
Try to slowly and gradually move this sensation of — from the center of head to displace its
vertically upward centimeters to twenty.

Fig. 20. Is worth displacing a feeling “I [esm]” beyond the limits of physical body, and
you will perceive the flow of new means.

it [oluchilos]? Feel, as sensations changed. You as if stepped back from yourselves, you
be simultaneously and in your tele-, and outside him.

But now the attention: this is the state itself, in which is creative man at the moment of
inspiration. What does occur at this moment? The consciousness, freed from the thoughts and
feelings, is suddenly filled up with the means, which come as from without, but not of its own
head. With the upward bias and only back appear usually visual means how use painters,
graphs, sculptors and architects (naturally, this displacement, in contrast to us with you, it
occurs in them unconsciously). With the upward bias with the deviation to the left of degrees
approximately to thirty appear the verbal means, frequently written in verse. With the upward
bias, to the right and forward of — the means of motion, which is important for the dancers,
[khoreografov], motion picture directors.

Certainly, from the very first all these means on you simply so will not fall down and
you will not be gripped on the move for the feather, the brush or the cutter. To these
sensations it is necessary to become accustomed, them it is necessary consciously to cultivate
and to train. But undoubtedly some flashes of means and state, are more similar to the
inspiration, whereas you will be able to perceive from the first time.

But now try to displace sensation “I [esm]” in the opposite direction — from the center
of head downward. If you displace it downward and back and will place after your back of —
do not be surprised, you will fall into your past. On you they can rush the unusual brightness
of recollection. In this case occur the very clear comprehension of their life, the realization of
their place in space and lifetime.

But now return into the usual state of — you will place sensation “I [esm]” to the center
of head make it possible to return to usual thoughts and to feelings. Open eyes. You will look
attentively to your arms, legs. Everything on the spot? Here it is excellent. You will view all
around, you will look to the situation in the room, realize: you here, on the spot, in the
customary situation, at the given instant and at the particular point space. You are still the
same man of — but enriched by new experience.

Accept the congratulations: you recently accomplished great work and completed one
additional qualitative jump in your development. You recently learned [osoznanno] to
displace your consciousness of — you they learned to move it along the matrix of your soul.
This it means, you already approached the process of connecting consciousness and soul.

But now, when your thoughts and feelings again to you returned, let us be dismantled at
that occurred in more detail.

As you already understood, the consciousness of — is this the complex construction,
which includes the set of the components: of emotion, logic, the totality of visual, auditory
means, tactile, vestibular, gustatory, olfactory signals, verbal and cognitive constructions, etc
as all this works from the point of view of physiology, i.e., as appear nerve impulses, as they
enter the brain and as there is analyzed the obtained information of — we now examine will
not be. For us important to understand and to perceive consciousness, in other words, from
within. But this, in reality, the only method to actually understand its own consciousness.

Thus, the consciousness of — is this the totality of the set of the separate components,
internal sensations and external signals. But all these signals so remained the senseless
collection of the separate sensations and means, if not one crucial point. The fact is that all
these separate components of consciousness have a property to intersect, to be focused in the
very center of human being, which we determined with the aid of the base sensation “I
[esm]”. Specifically, there, in the center of true “I”, all signals of consciousness are integrated,
obtaining sense and value. Without this focusing our consciousness and everything which in it
is contained, generally loses any meaning!

Simple example. Let us take any written in verse line, for example: “Summits sleep in
the dark of night”. Let us decompose it on individual words composing this line: “mountain”,
“apex”, “sleep”, “in”, “the dark”, “the night”. Each of these words has some value. If we
analyze them from the position of clean logic, then nonsense is obtained, because mountain
do not sleep, they inanimate! But consider: being connected into the written in verse line, they
acquire much larger sense and importance, than the simple set of the values of the individual
words. Indeed line contains not only the certain verbal information of — it it contains the
value, which lies beyond the limits of words. Line gives birth to special emotional attitude,
because of it before the eyes arises concrete visual means, the picture. In that reading it
appears the specific state, some feelings, experiences, associations perhaps of recollection.
But indeed all this in no way escapes from the content of the individual words, from which is
added the line. Thus, in spite of all laws of mathematics, the value of written in verse line is
not completely equal to the sum of the values of the components of its words!

Thus and our consciousness of — it, figuratively speaking, contains only the collection
of here such separate words. What does connect these words together, which does give to
them new sense? It is correct: this soul makes! With the perception of written in verse line our
consciousness auto, automatically (however, also not in all people, about which we still let us
have a talk) displaces to the center of our true “I”, merges with the base sensation “I [esm]”
and he begins to be moved on the matrix of soul, and in this case shower it makes possible to
be gathered in the consciousness for the specific values, which, you will notice, are individual
for each man. Indeed even means, caused by one and the same line about the summits, in all
people will be absolutely different. In some will be the mountains dark-blue, in other violet, in
some high and rocky, in other gently sloping and overgrown by forest, well and so on.

This precisely soul creates that most individual for each integration and focusing of the
separate words, giving to them new sense and value. Soul synthesizes from the separately
undertaken words qualitatively new sense. It is possible to say that the soul fills the separate
separate words by life. In exactly the same manner soul must revive and animate our
consciousness, after giving sense to the separate means, to signals and to the sensations,
which are contained in the Ger.

Returning to the verses: as you know, many people absolutely of [glukhi] to the poetry.
Why? Yes precisely because the soul and consciousness in them exist separately and they are

not connected even under the action of written in verse lines. For such people even the most
brilliant verses remain the senseless collection of words, which them not about which tells.

And even in people, which understand poetry, consciousness is shifted along the matrix
of soul only to the short period of — to the period, when they read verses and live under their
impression. The then “happy union” of soul and consciousness in them again is destroyed,
and man continues to conduct his half-asleep ordinary existence. Our with you task of — to
make a process of connecting soul and consciousness that completely realized and controlled,
that not depending on the chances, but same this state of — by constant so that entire our
perception of life would be the same glad, that inspires and comprehended as the perception
of excellent written in verse line.

Thus, we reached that, the aim is for what: they perceived soul. Perceived we that, as
soul it was connected with the work of consciousness.

We said Until now that the soul of — this is matrix. But now visualize the more
concrete specific means: this matrix is holographic image. It reflects and are written on itself
all numerous states, inherent in our consciousness. In this case it still cleans and orders these

The soul of individual man of — this is the part of world soul, and it is united with the
laws of world soul, it lives according to these laws. Specifically, soul makes possible for man
to perceive existence of god, to understand the supreme laws of world order, to feel ordering,
accordion and animation of the surrounding peace.

Specifically, soul makes possible for man to pass the process of [reinkarnatsii] of — to
return to the means of past lives. In this case the consciousness moves along the holographic
matrix of soul in depth, thanks to which they are restored the means of the distant past. But, as
we already spoke, this not that that they call memory, since the soul by herself memory does
not possess, — the only the readout of records and imprints. But therefore the interpretation
of the seen means remains on the conscience of man himself, and here here easy to be
mistaken, why appear the infinite “reincarnations” of celebrities.

Soul can recover the means not only of past, but also future. The phenomenon of
foresight is based on this. The matrix of soul can finish building into future — this it occurs
according to the same diagram, on which the entire our world generally is built, indeed soul
exists according to its laws, she is united with these laws. Therefore the soul can grasp
scrappy means, words, sensations, which reflect the flashes of future.

On the property of soul to recover means is based the phenomenon of creation. Creative
man takes the means from without of — from the past, present, future, from most world soul.
And the more sensitively he receives, he synthesizes and interprets these means, the more
brilliant the creator it becomes. Them not by chance so little, these geniuses. As you already
understood, the consciousness is turned to the soul not too frequently in the majority of usual
people. In usual man in the consciousness the logic predominates. Soul in this case
unavoidably moves aside to the side. Indeed if soul synthesizes means and sensations, he
gives to them integrity, new sense and value (of what, strictly, and consists the process of
both the perception of artistic works and the creation as such), then logic, on the contrary,
everything dismembers, divides off on the part and separates.

Function of the logical mind of — to split and to analyze. Function of the soul of — to
connect and to synthesize. And it is this is what important: man perceives himself with happy
only in the process of connecting and synthesis. This indicates, of course, that to analyze
generally nothing not necessarily. Sometimes analysis is simply necessary — but any analysis
it makes sense only as step to the subsequent synthesis, but not as end in itself.

But, after proving to be completely in the authority of logic, the majority of people so
do not come to the happiness of synthesis, connection of — and it means never, and to the
happiness of creative creation. Always as a result them seems that the peace all around
collapses, it is decomposed on the part, and themselves they lose soil under the feet. This not
amazingly — indeed their soul is so weak and undeveloped that it cannot perceive the creative
force of world soul, cannot see integrity, unity, accordion and beauty of peace around itself.

To foresee future? It is easy!

But how to attain so that the harmonious connection of consciousness and soul would
become constant how to make their interaction continuous? At this is aimed following step 4-
1 step.

Step of 1[v]. the displacement of consciousness into the past and the future

The readers, who mastered the previous steps OF [DEIR], are very well familiar with
the concept, called by us “standard state”. We dedicated considerable time to the explanation
of the fact that is standard state, and also to the procedures of entry in it, stay in it and its use
for different purposes. In all, who honestly passed the previous steps [DEIR] independently or
in the courses, already there is a clearly produced standard state and habits of the entry in it at
any moment and Beza any obstacles.

The same task here and now before you stands: to enter into the standard state, and
undoubtedly you will manage this task easily. But this will before you make, I will add to this
lung for you to task even additional condition. In this case, after entering into the standard
state, you must be penetrated by clear sensation, that you enter into one of the moments of
your past. I.e., that this standard state, into which you now enter, connected some with
situation in the past and refers straight to the past and only to the past.

To make this will be in no way difficult. Indeed, as you remember, when we learned to
enter into standard state, we exactly recalled some moment of our past, which corresponded to
this most standard state. You do remember, we then did say that although one such moment
was compulsorily into the life of each man, even the most unfortunate? Here we with you
returned then to this happy past. Let us make this again. Is only it is preliminarily necessary to
be disposed to the work so, as you made in the previous step, — to be arranged [poudobnee],
to be weakened, to shut eyes, to open telephone and to care so that no one would touch you.

So that you there had, in the standard state? This is the return to the state, which in you
was already and which you can recall (i.e., it actually been, in it not so many people, in it you
am in a good mood and health, and it connected not with what negative presentiments).
Standard state for each its and only its. For example, the standard view of — sea, the sun,
beach. Standard emotions and the sensation of — happiness, heat-, the sensation of health,
cheerfulness, force. Standard intentions of — the anticipation of bathing in by heat sea. In
each was however, its, this private affair of each: for someone standard state is connected with
the picnic in the spring scaffolding, while for someone perhaps with the march into the store

after the purchase of new sheath. The main thing so that to you it would be well in every
respect at that moment. Here and return to that happy moment, without losing sensation, that
you return to the past. Only on no account yield to nostalgia, otherwise you will involuntarily
bring this state at present, because you will want so that it would be repeated now. Simply
quietly and recall with happiness.

Thus, you were displaced at the excellent moment of your past. Now, without leaving
from the past and from the standard state, you will clean outside “husk” of thoughts and
feelings from your consciousness, as you made recently, passing step 1B. Reached sensation
“I [esm]”. But now, preserving the obtained state, slowly displace sensation “I [esm]” upward
and place him directly overhead. You remember: you in the past. But now, after placing
sensation “I [esm]” overhead, be concentrated: what this for the scraps of thoughts, means,
pictures they did flash before your internal look? Something painfully familiar, isn't that true?
I will open the secret: you see and perceive the means, which refer to your present day,
nothing else but. Some scraps of phrases, face, picture… All this straight from the present.
But you see these scraps as from the side, as a little in the fog. Why? Yes everything is very
simple. See- that you present, but look you at it from a distance — namely, from your past!

But now return sensation “I [esm]” in the place, to the center of head, in this case
continuing to remain in its past standard state. You will repeat exercise again in order to be
convinced of the authenticity of sensations. You will again displace base sensation upward,
again glance from the past at present…

Now let us complicate task. Again return the center of consciousness “I [esm]” to the
center of head, continuing to preserve the standard state of your past. Now your task of — to
slowly conduct this sensation from the past at present. For this can visualize that you
seemingly go along the corridor of time from that moment, where you was in standard state,
to towards present moment. And on the walls of this corridor you see the changed pictures,
situations, interiors and views, face of — all those pictures of life, which you passed from the
moment of your standard state.

Iditol slowly and perceive, as your internal state changes. Indeed within this period of
time somehow changed your world view, you experienced some feelings, some desires
disappeared, and others appeared, you obtained some new knowledge, and old did forget, —
yes little that still occurred in your life. However, to be strained, attempting everything to
recall and anew to survive, to you is on no account must. Slowly and [rasslablenno] moving
on “the corridor of time”, you will as from the side control the changes, which occurred with
you by this method, will be clear and it is clear to perceive, as by themselves float up in the
brain of event, face, phrase, mood, feeling of — all that which accompanied this section of
your life. Possibly, you will visit any revelation of — you with suddenly new eyes you will
see that passed, to you will be opened its some concealed sense and value. You will
understand the sense of th events e occured with you, will see the true course, which passes
your soul, and, possibly, even her role and destination in this embodiment.

If similar discoveries does not occur immediately — do not be disturbed, in any event
they will occur, when time arrives. Main thing, that you on the right track. But you be thus far
grateful for the fact that to you will given understand even now, even if this seems you by
trifle. For the energy-information field of trifles does not occur — any knowledge, which to
you will be opened, it is equally important and it is meant.

Gradually arrive at the present moment. You will focus attention: sensation “I [esm]”
by itself was displaced back to the center of head, although you for this specially nothing
made, but simply slowly they moved from the past at present.

Now, when you again in the present, can be dismantled, however, which occurred.

First you from your past looked into present. Then you moved from the past at present,
by new eyes looking at its life.

Do know you that you are worthy the most sincere congratulations? You now reached
which seems simply by fantasy for the usual man. You were touched the real significance of
th events e proceeding with you. But furthermore, you began to train the mechanism of
foresight. By Dada, do not be surprised: indeed present, if we look at it from the past, relative
to this past is none other than futures. Being located in the standard state, you displaced your
consciousness in the future along the matrix of soul. But since you displaced it from the past,
this future proved to be present, whose scraps you knew how to grasp.

Now to you is intelligible the mechanism of foresight? Earlier this gift was extremely
rare, it was accessible only to oracles and prophets, to which they worshipped and whom
thousand and thousands of people read a little. Today our peace qualitatively changed, and
evolution requires of each man of those abilities, which earlier were the privilege of ones. For
this very reason energy-information field permits humanity to today obtain the knowledge,
which make it possible to develop these abilities. To man of new evolutionary step it is
necessary to be and by seer, and by the prophet of — the one who it will remain in the
development and not it [ovladeet] by the mechanism of foresight as with the set of other
qualities, necessary for man of future, that simply will not survive in the third millenium.

Specifically, are for this purpose written these books of — not simple to entertain the
reader with new information, but to give to it new knowledge and skills, to help to master th
qualities of — e necessary for the man of the third millenium and in the final analysis, to help
to survive themselves and their descendants, moreover to make its life of properly valuable
and worthy man.

But let us continue. Thus, you grasped the essence of the mechanism of foresight. After
learning to glance from the past into present, you now easily will learn to glance from the
present to the future. Principle is absolutely the same.

Shut eyes, be weakened. Will clean stratifications of thoughts and feelings from my
true “I”. Arrive into the state of complete rest.

Now slowly displace sensation “I [esm]” vertically upward. In the head, freed from the
stratifications of consciousness, unavoidably will arise some washed away means, pictures
perhaps the scraps of conversations. These are — the flashes of future. You will not, of
course, see integral and connected picture. You will see only the hotel separate splinters, the
pieces of mosaic, from which then when desired with the aid of your imagination you will be
able to draw complete picture. You however, remember that no one is insured from the errors
in the interpretation of the seen fragments; therefore you be careful with the predictions of
future, especially at first. But creation… Creation is a presentiment of future.

Return the sensation of true “I” to the center of head, and you will then repeat the
experience of glancing in the future several times, until this sensation becomes for you
completely clear and customary. Only do not forget each time to completely return to present.

Each can become creator

Let us thus, generalize that state aboved. To what you did learn?

You learned to at will open the source of creation. And do not put aside the matter into
the long box, begin to create. Make that which more greatly wants you. And not [bojtes],
which in you something will not come out that you will become neither Pushkin nor [Alloj]
Of [pugachevoj]. Main in this stage for you — to learn to obtain pleasure, to experience
happiness and enjoyment from the very process of creation, regardless of the fact, what result
is obtained. If you know how to preserve a constant sensation of happiness of the creation of
— the rest it will be applied. When is main — it is opened very source of creation, then
craftsmanship and professionalism cease to be problem. Finally, this altogether only the
matter of technology.

You learned, departing to the past, to survive extraordinarily bright recollections. You
learned to in a new way receive sense and value of your past, to see your true role in the life,
true course of your soul. This became possible because of the fact that you now can renounce
the stratifications of consciousness and directly receive our own soul, and therefore see her
way, her acts and her tasks in this peace.

You learned to recover the flashes of future. This it means, you already know how to
build a superstructure the matrix of your soul in the future. Your soul obtains the mold of
future directly from the world soul, where is recorded entire past, present and the future entire
humanity. Again I resemble: it is more careful with the interpretations. Indeed this mold, this
imprint, whose fragments you will see, are not knowledge in the pure form, this only mold
and not moreover, it deprived any interpretations. Try not to too give the will of your fantasy,
but that to more logical mind with the attempts to understand future. Otherwise you risk to
replace true knowledge by your conjectures, no relation to the reality with those having. It is
better generally a little less to interpret. They saw what, then they saw, while that this means
— time it will show. If the interpretation of future does not come to you as if by itself, from
somewhere from without, then invent nothing. It means, to you it is thus far still somewhat
early to know that, strictly, indicate the scraps of future, which you grasped.

I hope, you already and themselves understood: the results, which you reached, simply
strike. The longer you will practice th methods e given above, the greater you will be in this

But at first you it can seem that th state e achieved by you is not very stable. Thus far
still you were not trained, they did not manufacture habit easy to enter into the state of contact
with the past, with the future, with the source of creation, for you it is necessary excessively it
takes a long time to be tuned to this contact of — to enter into standard state, to disconnect
consciousness, removing the stratifications of thoughts and feelings, to [sosredotachivatsja] in
order to remove from yourselves, to enter into the state of rest, to perceive its soul.

In fact, very long and labor-consuming process. You it would, of course, be desirable to
establish connection with the past, the future or the source of creation easily and it is rapid,
and moreover so that this connection would be steady, clear and clear?

I, of course, could say: to be trained, to be trained and again to be trained. This actually
necessarily — so that [nastrojtes] for the trainings, from this to anywhere not disappear. But
taking into account that to be developed for us it today is necessary the accelerated rates, it is
worthwhile to use special method. Indeed in humanity it is today too small time, it is
necessary to have time to survive, and to spend years on the trainings is today impossible, we
simply do not have any in the reserve of these years.

I to cut to you the extremely effective method, which will replace several years of
trainings. This method makes possible for the obtained result to be fastened and to be detained
for a long time. But immediately let us be specified: to use this method now you can only
when they are not intended to stop, but they are disposed to make all remained steps 4- 1 step
[DEIR], about which it will be described in this book. Because the final and complete
connection of the consciousness and of soul, which makes it possible to leave to the source of
creation and into any point of time and space, you will be able to reach only after mastery 3-
GO of step 4- 1 step.

Immediately it must warn: method being strong, it is simultaneous and sharply

generating serious changes in entire human being. This is not dangerous, since the changes
will be beneficial. But to people, which have serious problems with the cardiovascular
system, I nevertheless did not recommend to use this method. For them it is better to follow
the principle of moderation and caution. For them, and also for all supporters of gradual
changes better it will be nevertheless slowly, but steadily trained. For all impatient, who
thirsts to obtain everything and immediately, is intended the following step.

Step of 1[g]. the displacement of point “I [esm]” with holding of the breath

At the basis of the proposed method of — usual conditioned reflex. We are right to use
it for the fastening of the unstable at first connection of soul and consciousness. Attention: do
not overdo it — to attach this connection by the data by the method possible not more
frequent than of two or three times in the day.

Sit down [poudobnee]. For the preparation conduct already familiar to you the cycle of
the purification of consciousness and displacement of point “I [esm]” upward — in that
direction, which you more greatly pleases itself and which causes the brightest sensations: for
someone this will be upward and to the right, for someone upward and forward, and so on.
Work out this position several times so that it would become customary.

Now return sensation “I [esm]” to the starting point to the center of head. You will
again clean your consciousness, anywhere without displacing it. But after cleaning, make a
deep inhalation and you will detain respiration. You do not breathe so for long, as soon as you
will be able. You are held from all forces. When cannot be not inhaled is already, will
displace point “I [esm]” to the already worked out by you position higher than head of — and
inhale. You will recover breath, take a breath, return base sensation to the center of head, you
will and then repeat exercise two additional times.

For which us are necessary this exercise, in what his sense? I explain: the respiratory
reflex of — the most important and is most steadfast in man. Forced or induced delay of the
respiration of — the strongest stress for the organism. If the curtailment of unbearable holding
of breath occurs simultaneously with the displacement of point “I [esm]” on the matrix of
soul, then the brain subconsiously connects the state of inhalation with this displacement. The
contact of consciousness and soul begins to be associated with the free respiration. As a result

it begins to operate the conditioned reflex: in response to each respiratory movement
organism reacts by the displacement of point “I [esm]” on the matrix of soul, i.e., by the
realization of the contact of soul and consciousness. Thus is achieved a more constant
integration of consciousness and soul, which makes it possible not to part from the sensation
of deep internal integrity and unity, or constant participation to the creation.

In the courses [DEIR] frequently were observed the staggering effects. Immediately
after the fulfillment of exercise result can not be too noticeable, but after only several days of
students as if substitute. For the change to the stereotype perception of reality comes another
— fresher, complete, direct. People begin to find the unexpected solutions even for the most
inveterate problems of — them as if something it shades, come illumination, and man itself
does not understand, as he, until now, did not see this nonstandard, such simple in its
brilliance solution of problem.

This occurs because man departs from the stereotypes of perception, he ceases to think
and to act to template, it begins to live in the complete agreement with its soul. But it means,
it receives each moment of its life creatively. The creative perception of — this living, direct,
glad perception of life, which so it does not be sufficient to the majority of the [zashorennykh]
and living to template people. You now have with them nothing in common.

One of my old students, Olga Ivanovna, in her time survived the tragedy of — the loss
of the dear husband. After remaining widow, it very for long could not arrive into itself and
be subdued to its solitude. But here moreover, its only adult daughter married American and
left in a constant place of residence to THE USA. When Olga Ivanovna only began to master
system [DEIR], this was the unhappy, eternally weeping woman, who complained by all
about her pitch-dark solitude and indicated that it sees for herself no output from this

It is necessary to say that from any life situation in reality always there is output, yes
not one, but as the minimum two or three. Is simple the consciousness, which was not
connected with the soul, [zashorennoe] by stereotypes and templates, it does not see these
outputs, although they are sometimes located literally before our nose. But because of the
method, which makes it possible to learn to the creative perception of peace, consciousness is
freed, man literally regains vision and he begins to see that his problem has a decision set.

Thus it occurred also with Olga Ivanovna. Certainly, when it approached the fourth step
[DEIR], it was other entirely already man of — it it ceased to cry and to complain, but output
from the solitude so it was not located. But here, when it mastered the fourth step, the letter
from the daughter is alien from America. Daughter wrote that earlier did not invite the mother
to live to herself only because it was assured: it nevertheless never to this will agree. Indeed
Olga Ivanovna was very heavy to the lift, with difficulty she parted from the customary
circumstances. But now daughter nevertheless decided to call mother into America: and
suddenly that will be decided. And Olga Ivanovna in reality understood that it is completely
ready to this step, although earlier this seemed for it unthinkably.

Here arose one additional version of change in the fate: it turned out that the neighbor
of Olga [Ivanovny] on the dacha, also widower and, by the way, man the very respected and
well-off, no longer first year to it is interested, yes here everything was not decided to
approach, to speak about this and to propose to connect its fates. By already very
unapproachable seemed it neighbor, it was confident, that it will reject its proposal, it will not
begin even to listen to. But here suddenly (having apparently, felt that it changed) neighbor it

decided to open its feelings. And Olga Ivanovna unexpectedly for herself proved to be ready
to accept its proposal.

Now she selects: first whether to leave into America to the daughter, then leave marry
and remain here. But it can be, wave for the ocean together with the new husband? Now this
winged by happiness and with the mass of new possibilities attractive woman. But indeed it
was entirely has already been converted into the sullen old woman of — this at her in any way
yet not elderly age. The most interesting, that all these possibilities existed and is earlier, but
it did not see them, because it was ready to accept. It was worthwhile for man to glance at the
peace differently, to free and to animate their consciousness of — as appeared, steels by
explicit the concealed for so long and no longer possibilities. And it itself felt itself by
flexible, mobile, that rejuvenated, ready to use all chances, which the peace allows to it.

One additional graduate of courses began to use his new qualities somewhat differently.
He simply for the entertainment was trained in the creative perception of peace in the
overfilled transport in the rush hours. Already there accurately all react to each other on the
inveterate templates and the stereotypes. You they pushed — and you as the answer pushed.
To you on the foot began — you [nakhamili]. You want to move aside — you you resist. On
the whole, it is boring and it is despondent, any creation, game, any life. Assemblage of the
heartless embittered automata. In this situation the appearance of living, creative, nonstandard
man produces furore. Even some “automata” in this case revive and they become normal

So here, this man (him they called it seems Anatoliy) never nothing rehearsed nor
devised previously, he knew that its animated consciousness and realized living soul at the
necessary moment will always prompt to it the nonstandard version of behavior. For example,
it pushes some evil shrew and he awaits, that it also will be embittered (indeed to these people
it is necessary that all would be all around the same as they). But it with the [galantnoj] smile
turns around and speaks: “About the Madame, I understand, that I you madly interfere with
by my presence in this form of transport, and since next to this excellent lady I and stand- that
[nedostoin], I with the disgrace will be removed from this bus on the nearest stoppage”.
Shrew is disgraced, passengers harmoniously laugh loud.

Planting into the bus its aged mom, it loudly declares to entire salon: “Gentlemen, this
is my mom. I please to love and to give. It the very respected man; therefore will trace if you
please so that it would arrive at the point of destination in the soundness and the safety”. Here
the half dozens of young people jump up from the place and be inferior this place for mom,
entire bus is penetrated to it by sympathy, both attention and concern to the end of trip are
provide ford with it.

This does not, of course, mean that and you will begin to conduct similarly. Anatoliy it
pleases itself so to play with the surrounding peace, it delights in by its game, in which there
is, undoubtedly, the portion of buffoonery, — so, apparently, are manifested its innate actor's
abilities. Creative relation to the peace [projaljaetsja] in each man is especially individually.
In you it will appear in its own way because characteristic only of you.

You themselves will see, as you will nonstandard be yourselves news in the most
standard situations, by what glad creation entire life will be filled. In the essence, you anew
will begin to create yourselves, and your life. But this is unusual happiness and freedom.

As far as the concrete forms of creative activity are concerned, here occur miracles. To
control the awakening of the source of the creation is very interesting of — this very
individual, very personal process, in all this occurs differently.

There are the cases, and it is numerous them, when people after the end of courses
change profession, beginning to be occupied by th matter e completely new, previously
unthinkable for themselves. There is among the graduates the former militiaman of — now
the promising designer. Is a girl of — the former trainer on [aerobike], in which woke up the
talent of [khoreografa]. It created its own choreographic association and successfully it
performs on tour in the country. Is the woman of average years, in the past engineer, who
deals with painting on the cloth and it very succeeds, selling its articles to foreign tourists.

Here such happy changes await you, the dear reader, even do not doubt this.

But it first for you is to be done the second step, which consists in cardinal

Chapter shch

Branching off of the consciousness

Sensations of — energy of our consciousness

Thus, the first step is perfected: we began the process of connecting consciousness and
soul. Again we analyze, what we attained. In the essence, we began to train consciousness to
the sensation of the soul of — of information matrix, which in the ideal must be not separated
from the consciousness. Consciousness constantly must perceive soul, feel it, be single whole
with it this — standard. But this standard is, unfortunately, unattainable for the majority of

How does behave the consciousness of people, which did not reach this standard, as did
until recently behave your consciousness? It is very simple: without being united with the
soul, without being concentrated on it, your consciousness constantly “was hooked” on
something another — after anything, only not for the soul. As a rule, the consciousness,
disconnected with the soul, is inclined to [sosredotachivatsja] during the transient and separate
sensations, which appear either in of physical of the tele- or with the direct participation
physical body. Fell ill the head of — consciousness “[skaknulo]” into the head, into the
stomach enters the tasty food of — consciousness it is fixed straight into the digestive tract.
Consciousness in these and similar cases always skips on the tops and never it penetrates the
depth itself, the very essence of your essence of — into the soul. For this very reason the
consciousness of usual man is constantly occupied some by nonsense, by different secondary
things and in no way it can understand the true essence of the fact that occurs with the man.
Indeed key to this true essence is located precisely in the soul.

Note: thus far consciousness is constantly concentrated during the sensations,

connected with the physical body, it depends completely on physical body. It is connected
with the physical body with indissoluble bonds, and therefore it is restricted. And only when
consciousness is concentrated on the soul, it obtains independence from the body. Indeed the
sensations of the body of — of [prekhodjashchi] are by chance, the sensations of the soul of
— are eternal and independent from the external circumstances of material peace. Having
been only connected with the soul and after obtaining thus independence from the physical

body, consciousness continues its existence, also, after death of physical body, since, after
being connected with the soul, it obtained freedom and independence from the material peace.
The destruction of the physical body now not terribly of — consciousness will continue to
live as if nothing were the matter. This it means, after death now no longer unconscious, but
completely realized existence awaits us.

After mastering the material of the previous chapter, you already made the first step
toward the connection of soul and consciousness, and it means, to the independence of
consciousness from the physical body. And nevertheless that that you already made, this —
only the initial phase of complex and many-sided process. Your consciousness only gets
accustomed to directly perceive soul, but same this sensation for you did not thus far yet
become steady and constant.

What it is necessary to make so that this connection of soul and consciousness would
become steady and constant? You already understood that prevent consciousness from finding
freedom and independence, this — coupling constant with the physical body, [zatsiklennost]
at its processes, dependence on it, and also, therefore, from the material peace generally. Does
mean, the first that we should make, this separate consciousness from the physical body and
to connect its — as you do think with which? — is correct: to well familiar to us by ether

Some energy basis is necessary to consciousness for its functioning. Until now physical
body was this energy basis. Now we make possible for consciousness to create another energy
basis, not connected with the physical body, for ourselves. If we in this case simply do not
connect consciousness with the ether body, but let us " develop” our consciousness in such a
way that it completely would coincide with the ether body and with its energy sources, then
consciousness will acquire stability and additional stability. But stability to it is necessary
precisely in order to be held in the previous state, not to be destroyed even after the
curtailment of the functioning of physical body. Indeed concentration during the sensations of
physical body gives to the consciousness of no chances to keep balance after death.

Again let us be dismantled — why. We already determined, that to consciousness for

existence was necessary the energy basis. Nothing in the world there is — motors they are not
started without the entering of energy, lamp they do not burn, power station they do not
manufacture electricity, man cannot work and even it is simple to be moved in the space. In
majority the body is this energy basis for the consciousness. For this very reason all
sensations in usual man are concentrated mainly in the physical tele-. You will focus
attention: the energy basis of the consciousness of — in the physical tele-, the sensation of the
consciousness of — also in the physical tele-… It is not difficult to understand that here we
approached to derive th regularity e very important for us now: where the sensation of the
consciousness of — there and its energy basis. Sensations and the energy basis of — these are
is two things, completely not separated from each other! , where appear sensations, — there
into the given moment and the consciousness. Disappear the sensations of — it disappears
and consciousness.

Fig. 21. As if the drops of water, which supplement lake, sensations continuously
supplement consciousness by their energy.

[lja] of the best understanding let us conduct this analogy. Here is man, deprived of
rumor, — it does not receive sound. This man watches TV. Well, let us suppose film with the
subtitles. All its sensations, perceptions are connected with the visual means, and only. And
image suddenly disappears in television set, remains only sound. To the hearing man it is
clear on the sound that the film continues. But deaf man will say: “Film ended!” And no one
it in this will reconvince.

That is not included in our sensations, by our consciousness simply rejects. Because in
this case consciousness loses the energy source for its work. For the deaf man the image was
such energy source. Disappeared the image of — and film for it ended, although it continues
for the people with the normal rumor, for them is one additional source of energy of — the

It is possible to strengthen situation, after conducting the following widely known

experiment. If we to man tie eyes, plug ears and immerse him into the bath, filled with the
warm glycerin (heated to the temperature of the body of — of 36,6 °[S]), we thus will end the
access to the human body of absolutely all external impulses of — of sonic, visual, tactile.
The body, which floats in with heat glycerin, in no way perceives the surrounding space, eye
they do not see, ears do not hear — of men in this state is simply torn from the external peace.
Sensations there are generally none. However, what does occur as a result? Experiment shows
that the consciousness in this state is simply not capable of functioning, the brain is
automatically and almost instantly immersed first in the sleep, the loss of consciousness and
then occurs! This occurs only because the brain is deprived of pulses from the environment.

You will say: but indeed are even some internal sensations in the organism of — at
least such, as the sensations of the motion of bowels, language in the oral cavity or gustatory
senses… Yes, this so, but the majority of people did not become accustomed to a constant
perception of these internal sensations. As a rule, sensations inside the body are received if
and only if man assume food, either it moves or when in it something aches. Usual man
cannot on the basis of these internal sensations only force consciousness to continue his work.
And in the bath with the warm glycerin the picture of peace in it simply spreads, is pulled
down and departs from the sphere of the perception of — consciousness it disappears. It does
not maintain turning off of the main flow of signals.

However, it is this is what interesting: people, which specially learned to accept

different kind signals inside the organism of — beating heart, the blood stream, the isolation
of gastric juice and so forth, are not disconnected in the glycerine bath!

By the same analogy ordinary consciousness after the loss of physical body is
disconnected — indeed it ceases the flow of the signals from the external peace, received by
physical body. And only consciousness developed, connected with the soul and branched, is
not disconnected — as it is not disconnected in the glycerine bath of man, capable of
accepting not only signals from the external peace.

It means in order to reach this state, for us is necessary a constant experience of the
natural concentration of consciousness during the sensations, which do not depend on the
physical body. Only this will allow us to preserve the consciousness of independent of
physical body.

You will thus, focus attention: recently for the first time we said in a entire series of our
books that the sensation of — this is energy for existence of our consciousness. Without the
sensations the brain is disconnected. Without the sensations the consciousness ceases its
existence. This is how are important for us the sensations of — although, you will notice,
usual man in his life gives to them not this already great significance. Meanwhile the
sensation of — this is life. And our series of the books, if we consider ourselves, it is
dedicated not to what other as to sensations. Everything, what we learn, this — to perceive, to
perceive and to perceive. First itself as energy essence, their ether body, energy fluxes, then
soul and consciousness, the energy essence of peace, and later us await even higher material,
even thinner sensations. Living man of — this of men feeling, man perceiving. Men without
the sensations of — this no longer of men, but automaton, robot. Unfortunately, the majority
of people precisely into these mechanisms itself converted. But to us with this majority not
along the way.

Therefore time itself to recall about the fact that we already had time to learn about the
sensations and that we had time to, in other words, “[naoshchushchat]”.

Even at first stage [DEIR] we clarified, that there are two central energy fluxes, which
supply energy to our ether body. Space flow supplies energy of the thought, terrestrial of —
energy of emotions, and all this together and composes energy of consciousness. As a result
the entering of this energy and consciousness it functions normally, and body works in
concord. I hope, you already mastered that this — the unquestionable fact. Each, who passed
first three stages [DEIR], on its experience was convinced, what advantages obtains man, who
subordinated to himself central flows, that was learned to govern them of their own free will.

Fig. 22. As flower of water lily simultaneously drinks water and breathes by air, so also
man it obtains their vital energy from cosmos and Earth.

on indeed the central flows they bear not only energy. They bear together with this
energy the indissoluble with it sensations of — those quite base sensations of our
consciousness, which are so customary and natural for the usual man, that are not, as a rule,
by it noted — as they are not noted by the untrained man of the motion of the digestive tract
and other sensations inside the body.

Fig. 23. Subconsciousness breathes in life into the consciousness of — but it makes this,
converting primary energy of central flows.

We with you already know how to recognize these sensations and even to govern them
— this we learned even at first stages [DEIR]. You will recall, as we recognized alien
introductions into our consciousness, as they got rid of them, as they themselves injected in its
consciousness programs necessary to us. This entire work was based on the skill to perceive
its consciousness and it is rigid to govern [im]. in the essence, we cleaned alien energies of —
from our consciousness and it means, and from the alien sensations. After establishing
shielding shell, we finally delimited ourselves from the outside energies and the sensations

and excluded from our life both the action of energy-information parasites and such
phenomena as spoiling, [sglaz], programming.

After rejecting from itself alien energy, the imposed from without sensations, we ceased
on them to depend. We began to depend only on clean power engineering of — [prinosimoj]
to our body directly with cosmos and Earth and not clogged whose- that by influences. This it
means, we began to be guided only by clean sensations of — with our own, turbid by anyone
and by in no way from the side.

Now to you must be intelligible the connection of energy and sensations. But after
mastering this regularity, you easily will understand: when you learned to listen to the
sensations in the ether tele- and to govern these sensations, and also, therefore, energy, — you
already made they nothing else but connected your consciousness with the ether body! I.e.,
they began to create the new energy basis, independent from the physical body, for their
consciousness. Indeed you already understood that where the sensation of — there and
energy. Where the sensation of — there and consciousness.

Therefore you are already completely ready to the task of connecting of consciousness
and ether body, moreover, you have already long ago begun this task of carrying out. But they
be that which for you is to be done now, — this is not simple connection of consciousness and
ether body. For you one must now branch consciousness throughout entire ether body. Indeed
thus far your consciousness [sosredotachivalos] mainly on the central flows. But this it is still
insufficient. Indeed in the ether tele- besides central flows there is the even huger set of other
energy fluxes of — and here just they in you thus far they flow absolutely unconsciously.
These flows bear sensations to physical body, and to by no means ether. It means, your ether
body as yet far from completely reunited with the consciousness, and now began moment, in
order to liquidate this gap, to make its ether body that completely realized.

Let us recall that in our ether tele- besides the central flows there are even and [chakry].
With each [chakroj] is connected separate energy flux. [Chakry] of — this of the point of
contact of ether and physical bodies. I.e., they, from one side, belong to ether body, and from
other side, they are connected with the physical body and depend on it. This it means, and the
energy fluxes, modulated by [chakrami], are connected not only with the ether body, but also
with the physical. The for this very reason given energy fluxes create sensations in the
physical tele-. Consciousness, receiving these sensations, ties to them, and it means, to the
specific regions of physical body, to corresponding specific [chakram]. But tying to the
regions of physical body, being caught for the concrete physical sensations, generated by
[chakralnymi] flows, consciousness, naturally, in addition loses freedom, in addition it is torn
off from the soul and occurs depending on body.

Of the fact that this is clean truth, each can be convinced on its own experience. For this
it is necessary simply to [ponabljudat] after itself and after the sensations in its tele- at least
during one day. Will recall sensation “I [esm]” — that center, where am concentrated your
true “I”. And you will trace, as this center absolutely besides your will it displaces of one
point of body into another, of one [chakry] into another, after having time in the day to travel
almost throughout entire body.

For example, you want to say something very important, and in you suddenly
intercepted throat. Thus appeared itself throat [chakra] Of [vishudkha], which corresponds for
the communication, for the transmission of the information not only of logical, but also
emotional. Reacted [chakra] of — of the components of ether body, but sensation- that they

arose in the physical tele-, and center “I [esm]” automatically was displaced into the throat.
Consciousness “got stuck” in the throat, it ceased to receive the surrounding peace, it was
opened from the soul and completely was concentrated on the impossibility to only say
important thing. Entire remaining life seemingly ended for this man at the given moment. It,
that is called, [zatsiklilsja]. This is equivalent to how film for th television image e deaf with
turning off ends. But indeed in reality both film and life continue! It means, it is necessary to
learn not to be disconnected from them under no conditions.

Another situation: you entered into the store with last ten in the pocket and saw beyond
the limits prices of the products. In the same moment in you something unpleasantly was
pressed in the region of solar interlacement. You understood that you will remain hungry, and
they frightened. You began to doubt, that you will be able to obtain the necessary energy for
the life, your fear struck straight [Manipure] of — [chakre] of vital energy. Your center “I
[esm]” now there, and you in no way can be weakened and get rid of the discomfort in the
region of stomach. You here ceases to gladden the sun, drops and spring, and generally entire
peace somewhere disappears from the sphere of your perception. Peace for you no longer
there is — it it was concentrated to the dimensions of stomach. Everything else was as if
separated from you by black curtain.

Very disseminated situation: you pleases himself the essence of opposite floor, to which
you experience purely physical inclination. In this case entire your essence is concentrated in
the region of sexual [chakry] Of [svadkhistany]. If you love not by heart, not by soul, if this is
spiritual love, but purely physical, then all highest [chakry] keep silent, then sexual energy
beats by key. We again deal not concerning the harmonious state, but concerning the
unnatural misalignment in the energy structure. In this state however in what other it is not
possible to receive peace in his full weight. The surrounding life for you stops, light
converges by wedge on the object of longing, and if this object is inaccessible, this entire
situation can end completely lamentably — indeed entire life for the man, whose energy
completely literally of [prilipla] to [Svadkhistane], simply becomes meaningless, if passion
does not succeed in satisfying.

Here in this [skosobochennom], skewed state is passed the life of the majority of
people. Their energy sticks first to one [chakre], first to another, first to the third, their
emotion as the narrow beam of searchlight, always they luminesce first one, first another, then
the third fragment of life, but here picture as a whole they see never. Whereas is harmonious
and excellent only picture as a whole, and the sense of separate fragments is intelligible only
with the perception of whole. Separately these fragments only disfigure the perception of
picture, and most receiving.

Now you understand, that the majority of people look at the life into the keyholes of —
first into one, first into another, then into third of — and everywhere see only the distorted by
their own skewed consciousness fragments, from which in no way is added common picture.
Then people greatly love with pride to speak: “I know life!” It is never necessary to believe to
such words. The one who so he speaks, it knows usually least of all.

In order to become independent variable from such separate sensations, which

continually take us prisoner, it is necessary simply to detach its consciousness away from
concrete [chakr] and to join all appearing in them sensations directly to the central flows. This
will mean that you detached sensations away from the physical body and they transferred
them into the body ether — i.e., in the ether tele- they precisely created new energy basis for
the consciousness. In this case absolutely will not suffer your concrete sensations of — but

you you will cease to stick to the separate sensations to the detriment of others. You simply
will learn to see entire picture as a whole of — that much more pleasant. You will learn to
receive peace in the unity, life in full weight, by all [chakrami] simultaneously! The unusual
completeness of sensations will fill you, and the glad sensation of existence in all its
manifestations will immediately become the standard of your life. More it will not be
sufferings from the sealing during the separate emotions and the sensations, from these
unnatural energy misalignments.

Fig. 24. Only realized energy of ether body is capable of filling soul by itself and of
reviving it.

Now you are completely ready to manage this task. Can estimate, as far you already
moved in comparison with first stages [DEIR], when we yet do not order speech about this
concept as soul. Now you can perceive soul, can connect it with the consciousness. Now you
can to soul, connected with the consciousness, give the energy base of — ether body, having
simply moved into it its sensations from the physical body. Soul, connected with the
consciousness and saturated by the sensations of ether body, is the super-power, actually
invulnerable construction, which obtains access to the unlimited reserves of energy.

Yes, you obtain access to the unlimited energy. This is given today only to one percent
of earthlings, for which it was possible to clean their power engineering and to draw the
energy directly from cosmos and the Earth because of the persistent long-standing work on
itself. Our “accelerated course”, our system of rapid evolutionary development makes
possible to reach such successes for a large quantity of people, also, within the sufficiently
short times.

We with you become today the conductors of clean terrestrial and space energy into the
human peace, which detached ourselves away from this energy. Someone must be that

trailblazer, who will bring into the peace of people th force e lost by it and thus he will help
humanity to survive. We with you by the will of fate become such trailblazers.

Visualize the following picture: humanity today can be likened to the dried grass in the
steppe: each man of — the dried lifeless blade of grass. Against this background we with you
— the powerful strong green trees, which are encountered not so frequently in this burnt out
steppe. But precisely on these trees is held entire planet, precisely, these trees they connect by
itself the earth and sky, they do everything so that the burnt out steppe in the course of time
would become living powerful forest. We with you — energy colossi, the posts of light, with
value from the Earth to the sky, among gloom and void of human society. We carry out
critical mission. Therefore we have the specific privileges.

We have the right to use th unlimited energy for personal purposes e obtained by us.
Attention: purposes must not be mercenary, they must not be directed to the evil, they must
not be used for empty bravado and demonstration of its possibilities. In the sense that you
must not use your forces for purposes, which cause feeling of guilt, in you. Otherwise the
energy sources overlap, come into force the pathologic connections of human society, and
everything is necessary to begin first.

Forces can be used for fulfilling their true desires; for achievement the purposes, which
do not contradict the accordion of the universe; for strengthening of health; for achievement
internal accordion, rest, the sensation of happiness of existence.

With the condition for the correct fulfillment of steps described in this chapter all this
succeeds easily and practically effortlessly. If with the passage of the second step [DEIR] of
for achievement any purpose for us it was necessary for long checked their desire against the
truth, then formed situations for its realization, connected the assistance of those surrounding,
etc of — the now entire this made must not be. For the realization of desire it is sufficient
only light, hardly the flickered thought. We are directly connected to the clean energy of the
Earth and cosmos. Therefore unreal desires will from us fly away as fluffs, they in principle
cannot arise, indeed we are harmonized so that all our motives they are true, harmonious and
desirable not only for us, but also for the entire world. Life begins to literally spread under the
feet itself as in the fairy tale. You obtain all necessary for you for the life easily. Are
necessary work, dwelling, the money of — all this comes auto, in a necessary quantity, at the
necessary moment and without the problems.

Chapter '

Deep association of consciousness, ether body and soul

Integrity of — true course to itself

So that we already did make? During the first stage the fourth step we combined
consciousness and soul. This connection was yet not too steady. In the second stage we
branched th consciousness e united with the soul, bisected our perception between lower and
upper [chakrami] and thus they connected consciousness and soul to the true and clean
sources of energy of — the same, which feed ether body. State became much more stable, you
can maintain sufficiently for long the connection of consciousness, soul and central flows.

What to us yet it does not be sufficient? But it does not be sufficient to us stability and
stability of quite ether body. Indeed to us it is necessary that the formed complex of — the

triunity of soul, consciousness and ether body of — would be steady, strong, powerful and
independent from the physical body so that it could exist even after death of physical body.
Meanwhile for achievement this state we yet did not work with the ether body, nothing they
made in order to strengthen it, to stabilize and to make finally clean.

In fact, we already cleaned consciousness and soul, after connecting them to the clean
sources of terrestrial and space energy. But ether body, although it also feeds from the same
sources, still it aims to catch from the surrounding peace of any outside turbid and alien
energy. Indeed all [chakry] as before work and as before still they react to the manifestations
of external peace, although having, of course, made the previous step, we attained a certain of
their independence. I.e., the shell of first stage [DEIR] blocks the unconscious energy
exchange, but we indeed are continually discovered [osoznanno]! Independence this is thus
far relative. But we must make its absolute.

The final stability of entire our essence at the new step of evolution will be achieved
only after that, when we transfer ether body to accurately the same power supply, to which we
transferred consciousness and soul, — i.e., to the connection exclusively to the clean energy
of the Earth and cosmos, without any admixtures. Only after this we can reach not only
complete independence from the physical body of — we let us be able to become properly
integral people, in which in the accordion and the unity there is and body, and mind, a soul,
consciousness, and subconsciousness.

Among other things, only in this state we will be able easily to assume and to
accumulate the information, obtaining by which is in no way connected either with the
physical body or with the run of job of the brain. We will be able to have direct access to
intuitive data of — to the true knowledge, which is not transferred by means of the logic. It
means, we can easily obtain answer to any interesting us question of — to obtain it directly
from the energy-information field of the universe.

But let us return to the ether body. Ether body in that form, in which it in you is now, to
the passage of the third step of the fourth step [DEIR], in no way befits for fulfilling that
function, which we intend on it to lay. Indeed it must become that stable and steady energy
base, on basis of which will exist your immortal realized soul. But thus far your ether body,
you will excuse, mortal. It too is tightly connected with the physical body of — so tightly
which even repeats all its outlines and outlines. But after death of physical body ether body
usually leaves from it through the top, after which there are still exactly nine days (with
exception of the specters, about which we already spoke, but this is is the special case). And
after the ninth day satisfactorily and without the remainder it is scattered.

This lot not for us with you. But therefore your task now of — to change ether body in
such a way that it would become strong, immortal and independent variable from the physical

You it does seem that this is impossible? Even as possibly, but, it goes without saying,
not for all, but for those, who already mastered all previous steps [DEIR]. But this not only is
possible for the man of new evolutionary step, not only it is necessary, but also it is
completely naturally. This changed ether body of — one of the distinguishing features, which
characterize man of the future, such as you simply on the eyes now become.

Thus, you has already been penetrated by the unique sensations, connected with the
displacement of consciousness into the entrance points of ascending and downflows and with

the bifurcation of your consciousness. To you already is well the familiarly pleasant state of
the filling of entire your essence with clean energies of cosmos and Earth. Do not lose these
sensations and, preserving them, gradually you pass to the third step of the fourth step
[DEIR], which will give the final and deep connection of consciousness, ether body and
showers to you.

For this it is necessary to recall the habits of the works with the ether body, which we
mastered even at first stage [DEIR]. As you remember, we learned to perceive our ether body,
to move it in the space, to be moved in it, to increase and to decrease it in the sizes, and so on.
The ether body of — this is a energy-information basis of our consciousness; therefore for us
so it is important to learn to control it and thorough to fasten these habits.

Step of 3[a]. the sensation of central flows in the ether tele-

Arise directly, quietly and [rasslablenno], hand along the body. Now slowly raise the
forward right hand of — very slowly, very [prochuvstvovanno], after being concentrated
during the sensations in the muscles, tendons, cells. Memorize the sensations of motion in the
being risen hand. When hand reaches position horizontally to floor, begin so slowly and
[prochuvstvovanno] to lower hand, in addition attentively following all sensations in the hand.

Now your physical hand as before quietly will hang along the body. Leave it at rest, but
consciously cause in itself sensation, that your hand rises. You will feel, as all already tested
by you with the real lift hands of sensation are repeated with the surprising clearness. You
already know that thus you raise your ether hand, and although physical hand is as before
fixed, sensation practically the same, as if it rose.

Now push by ether hand somehow arbitrarily because to you it will be wanted. Shake
by it another hand, suffice to the wall, scratch the ceiling of — you will trace the sensations.
Make the same exercise with other hand. Then with the feet. First push by real physical feet,
you will memorize sensations, then with the fixed physical feet push by ether feet.

You will turn first by the real head, then ether. Sit down on the chair and arise first
actually, then sit down- arise in the ether tele- with the fixed physical. You resemble on the
room in the ether tele-, leave into the corridor, then for the door of house. You only by no
means depart — for continuing the work you should return to your physical body.

Thus, you were penetrated by the sensations of ether body, you [osoznanno] governed it
— you you already very well perceive your ether body, nevertheless with this we dealt even at
first stage [DEIR]. And even when your physical body is combined with the ether body and
both of them are fixed, you very well recover the difference between them and feel, where is
now your consciousness of — in the ether tele- or in the physical. For continuing this step
necessary to attain precisely this sensation of — so that your consciousness would clearly
perceive ether body even when this ether body combined in the space with the physical and it
is motionless.

Now you again ascertained that the ether body is not a bit not worse than body physical,
can give to us the entire complex of solid sensations. Moreover this complex of sensations is
completely isolated from the physical body. The ether body of — is this the energy-
information equivalent of physical body, capable of all the same sensations, but in this case
existing nevertheless separately from the physical body. And the as such independent

equivalent of physical body ether body is completely capable of becoming the independent
and separate from the physical body carrier of consciousness.

In it, as we already said, is a essential deficiency in — it not eternally. But in this stage
your development this deficiency is easily surmounted. We already locked consciousness to
extreme [chakry] of ether body. It is now necessary altogether to only lock to the same
[chakry], or more precisely, to the entrance points of ascending and downflows, ether body
itself. Only then flows themselves will become for the ether body the energy source, in no
way connected with the physical body. Only then ether body will obtain self-reliance and
independence from the physical body, and also the ability to exist how conveniently for long
— is namely eternally as immortal soul. Indeed, after locking to the central flows, ether body
will begin to depend only on them. But flows from the Earth and from cosmos, that feed our
soul and consciousness, exist and will exist until there is our universe.

In order to reach this state, we, first of all, should learn to perceive central flows, being
located in this case in the ether tele-. As to be located in the ether tele-, you already know. As
to perceive the central flows of — also you know. It remains only to combine these

[Proniknuvshis] by the sensation of ether body, by the motions of ether arms, legs,
head, [uspokojtes] and cease to move both in the ether and in the physical tele-. But also in
the fixed state continue to preserve the sensation of ether body. Feel the physical stomach of
— and ether stomach, then the physical spine of — and ether spine. They did understand
difference, did perceive it?

Now, without losing the sensation of ether body, which pierces each cell of your
physical body, be concentrated during the sensation of central flows. You will recall, as flows
they are connected with the respiration. You will perceive this connection: slowly deeply we
inhale and breathe out and feel, as on the inhalation it becomes stronger and [nasyshchennee]
the ascending current, and during the expiration of — descending. With each [vdokhom]—
[vydokhom] the flows become more strongly, reach maximum force… Feel, as flows they
flow precisely in the ether tele-, but not in the physical, along the ether spine, and not
physical. To grasp difference is not difficult, and you with the ease this will make. Now,
without losing the sensation of flows, be concentrated simultaneously on the entrance points
of central flows in extreme [chakrakh] of — in the manner that you this they learned to make,
carrying out the previous step.

After this, without the interruption we pass to the following step.

Step of 3[b]. the conscious closing of ether body to extreme [chakry]

You will again perceive the motion of central flows for entire elongation of ether body.

Feel, as into [Sakhasrara]-[chakru] enters the downflow. It absolutely transparent,

crystal- clean, its passage gives the inexpressible, indeterminate from the point sight of the
logic of sensation. This flow seemingly crystallizes space on its way of — and everything,
through that it passes, becomes absolutely clear, clear, visible as if through the well washed

Be concentrated during this sensation of transparent [kristallno] of clean flow in

[Sakhasrara]-[chakre]. You will distinctly perceive [chakru]. But now, without losing the

sensation of [chakry], you will perceive entire your ether body simultaneously, as integral
structure, being concentrated on all tele- immediately, and not on the individual parts and the
organs. Now critical moment: you must include [Sakhasrara]-[chakru] in your ether body,
connect it with your ether body. For this you must seemingly accept [chakru] into the ether
body, admit it to there and permit it to get accustomed to. Pour off [chakru] together with the
ether body, make by their indivisible whole. Now you perceive [Sakhasrara]-[chakru] as the
inseparable part of your ether body.

Continuing to perceive ether body everything immediately as integral structure, you

will connect entire its upper half with The the [sakhasraroj]. Let they merge, will be dissolved
in each other of — [Sakhasrara] in upper half of ether body, half of the body of — in

As soon as you will attain this sensation, in you will arise strange at first glance and not
as if entire peace for you improbably explained, you was obtained the ability to realize that
which earlier was unconscious, clear to understand that which was incomprehensible to that
not a similar feeling of —. Everything is all around clear, clearly, all understandably — all
decomposed on the regiments, along its places, both in the consciousness and in the thoughts,
and in the soul everything is unusually clear, vividly, clearly and it is understandable. Any
more than medley in the brains, no fog and spreads either in themselves or in the surrounding
peace for you more there will be never.

Small explanation here is required. This sensation for you is completely new. And it
can be, you a little will astonish — why you did not experience it earlier, indeed you already
worked with The the [sakhasrara]-[chakroj], when they locked their power engineering,
creating shielding shell. I answer: at that moment you are not yet were ready ready to the
connection to the clean energy. Therefore then we did not include [chakru] in our ether body.
Then we simply made possible for this energy leak, to protect us from without, but they did
not pass it in the pure form inward, because in that stage, when we yet knew how to work
neither with the soul nor with the consciousness, this could be destructive. Now — another
matter: you are ready.

You hold this new for you sensation of the confluence Of [sakhasrary] with the upper
part of ether body and clarity of consciousness begun because of this. And, without releasing
this sensation, you pass to the following phase of this step.

Transfer attention into [Muladkharu]. You will perceive, as enters into it the ascending
current of energy of the Earth — it strong, powerful, elastic as wave. Do not lose in this case
the sensation of ether body as single whole. Be concentrated during the sensation of [chakry]
and passing through it flow. But now you will connect the sensation of [chakry] and the
sensation of ether body, fuse [chakru] into the ether body.

Now you accepted [Muladkharu] into your ether body. You will perceive ether body as
the integral structure, whose upper part is connected to [Sakhasrara]-[chakre]. You will
connect the remained lower part of ether body, float together with The the [muladkharoj].
Now you connected [Muladkharu] to the entire lower part of ether body.

When in you this comes out, you again experience the unusual sensation, which will
supplement previous, — entire your essence will fill improbable energy and force. In the case
with The the [muladkharoj], just as with The the [sakhasraroj]: you did not earlier experience

this sensation, because they did not connect [Muladkharu] to their ether body, since they were
not ready to perceive clean energy of the Earth.

You do remember Ilya [Muromtsa]? It forced was thirty three years to sit through on
the belt in the earth in order to obtain this force, this powerful terrestrial energy. You will
recall, what improbable to powerful it became after this [tridtsatitrekhletnego] seat, as it
destroyed enemies, and itself was indestructible, and there were no to it equal in the force. So
here: to you there is no need for the acquisition of a similar force to sit so many years in the
earth. It suffices to master the fourth step [DEIR].

What you did recently make? In fact, you left in your ether tele- only two [chakry] of
— upper and lower. You will perceive your ether body with that connected only with these
two [chakrami]. There are no remaining [chakr] greater. And these are not deformity, but the
normal state of man of new evolutionary step. You are directly connected to the clean energy
of the Earth and cosmos, you consist only of two transparent energy fluxes of — remaining
[chakry] are not simply necessary. To you now there is no necessity for all other energy
fluxes, which flow through remained five [chakr]. You consist only of clean energy of the
Earth and cosmos, the remaining [chakralnye] flows, which assign on us strange power
engineering, would only interfere with you. However, at will you will always be able to
restore in your ether tele- any of lost [chakr] (but can, and entire five), if this is necessary by
you for anything. At will you will be able to remove it again. Although, as it was noted, none
of my students, who passed the fourth step, expressed the desire to return [chakry]. It is so
entrancing and is wonderful existence without them which does not be desirable even to think
about the return to the past.

Fig. 25

Why to you, for example, heart [chakra] of aneate, if you can perceive the entire world
with entire your essence in the manner that as if you entire — one continuous heart? Why to
you sexual [chakra] Of [svadkhistana], if you do love also by entire essence, experiencing
simultaneously all sensations, connected with this state, without the separation into the sexual,
mental, sensual love? But everything simultaneously sensations of — this, I will say to you, it
is considerably stronger than one-sided human attachment.

Or why to you, for example, throat [chakra] Of [vishudkha], which corresponds for the
communicative abilities, for the skill to associate, if you do associate also by entire your
essence and to you is not necessary individual organ for this?

On the whole, you — properly integral man, all your parts are connected, alloyed
together, and from this you delight in by life by entire your essence, you live, you breathe,

you feel by each your cell, you can perceive immeasurable happiness with the also each cell
of your body. In this case of each your cell and from entire body as a whole literally shine
brightly light, the force, energy, and by anything it is not possible to darken this infinite and
constant radiance.

Now, when you perceived your ether body with united with two extreme [chakrami], to
there remains only supplement this sensation with a feeling “I [esm]”.

Again be penetrated by a feeling “I [esm]” — and you will then gradually connect him
with your renovated ether body of — melt him in the ether tele-.

Be penetrated by the obtained sensation. If you, until now, perceived a feeling “I [esm]”
as certain void, freed from the thoughts and feelings the vacuum of — that now this “void”
suddenly will be filled by energy, sensation of light, elasticity. This means that your feeling “I
[esm]” at long last obtained completely concrete energy substratum for my existence.

Passing the previous step, described to fifth chapter, you connected a feeling “I [esm]”
with extreme [chakrami] of — but same this feeling, you will agree, it was sufficient- after all
abstract, in general, difficult-to-trap and as if incorporeal, although you learned it to perceive.
But now it, in other words, found the flesh and the blood. It means, your sensation “I [esm]”
was filled by life to it was boundary — this this powerful sensation which to you at first
perhaps will be wanted to jump from the happiness and wholeheartedly simple not to repeat,
but loudly to shout: “I [esm]! I [esm]!” This sensation of the sharpness of existence, bright
realization itself living, filled with force, power, which reaches the omnipotence, and with
limitless happiness, asbestos-Lyutyybut is inaccessible for the usual people.

The step of 3[b] it is necessary to make several times, until all sensations become clear
and clear. But then, when you sequential time pass entire step with the special carefulness, —
to you will be without any interruption (I emphasize — to be interrupted here cannot, this
very importantly!) smoothly to pass to the following step.

Step of 3[v]. the fastening of the displacement of a feeling “I [esm]” into extreme

Thus, we with you close approached the fulfillment of the last step of the fourth step
[DEIR]. Up to the present moment we already carried out practically everything that it is
necessary to make at this step. Namely, we learned to perceive soul and consciousness, we
learned consciousness to displace along the matrix of soul and it is clear to perceive this
displacement. We trained our subconsciousness to the pleasant complex of the sensations,
which correspond to the correct branching off of the consciousness of — to its distribution on
extreme [chakram]. We connected up single whole soul, consciousness and ether body and
thus found integrity itself — the excellent harmonious state, absolutely inaccessible for the
usual people. Finally, we learned our soul, consciousness and ether body to use directly clean
energy of the Earth and cosmos, and only by it.

Here, it would seem, the paradox of — after splitting its consciousness, after
distributing it between extreme [chakrami], we not only do not share our essence in two, but
we, on the contrary, perceive ourselves united, monolithic and those completely realized. In
reality there is no paradox — and, [proniknuvshis] by this sensation, you you will ascertain
that having only distributed your consciousness between extreme [chakrami], having only
learned simultaneously to perceive and to realize yourselves of two entrance points of central

flows, you will be able to perceive yourselves with integral. And not only integral, but
inspired, realized, by living and that receiving the entire world simultaneously by entire its
essence, by entire body from the tips it is finger to the top.

Now, after getting accustomed to the surrounding people, you easily will note, what
they wooden, that was numbed of — inanimate. They automatically move arms and legs, as if
this not living body, but crutches. Your body now became living, spontaneous, instantly
reacting to any change in the situation, you directly and lively react to everything. On the
whole, you — living man, among the crowds of mannequins and automata, into which,
unfortunately, converted themselves the majority of people.

However, what to us did remain to make? To there remained only conduct the final
confluence of ether body, consciousness and showers and to fasten this state forever. In this
us the habits, obtained with the passage of the previous steps, will help.

I recall that this step is done in the complex with previous, without any interruptions.

1. Immediately after the sensations of the previous step will become clear and by clear
— you attained the sensation of the confluence of upper and lower [chakr] with the ether
body, — cause in itself base sensation “I [esm]”. This must be made, without losing a feeling
of [slitosti] of ether body with extreme [chakrami].

2. Will displace a feeling “I [esm]” along the matrix of soul into upper [chakru]. You
will perceive, as a feeling “I [esm]” is fused with the upper point of the fixation of ether body,
in the place of the entrance of the downflow. Fix sensations emergent in this case: your state
must change sharply, with push. You will feel, as space energy literally it gushed out into
your soul and consciousness, space light flooded you, energy of cosmos pierces entire your
essence. You can feel at some moment that they merged together with entire cosmos, with the
entire universe, you contain in yourselves one the entire world! In reality this is not metaphor,
this so there is. [Dostignuv] of the specific heights in their evolutionary development, man
become united with the entire world. Its power engineering becomes limitless and easily
reaches any corner of the universe, covering by itself the entire world. Now the universe of —
these are you, and you this — the universe. Neither it is more and nor less. Only man, who
reached this state, becomes properly great. In comparison with this all blessings of the world
of — wealth, authority, the glory of — nothing the significant trinkets, the children's toys,
amusement for the weak-minded, which do not know that this present sublimity. Whatever
terrestrial glory possessed man, for the universe he nevertheless — speck. You now
[sorazmerimy] with the universe.

Fig. 26. True association of consciousness and source of energy of cosmos.

e. You will preserve, fix the obtained sensation, you will take pleasure [im].

4. Will slowly displace a feeling “I [esm]” downward along the matrix of soul to the
complete confluence with the lower [chakroj]. Feel, as the displaced feeling “I [esm]” is fused
with the lower point of the fixation of ether body, in the place of the entrance of the ascending
current. Be penetrated by the emergent sensation: sharply, your state will change with push,
and you will feel as force, power, energy of the Earth whips entire your essence, is poured
into the soul and the consciousness, pierces you right through. Now you can feel yourselves
perceive with united with the Earth, with entire nature, soul, as you become at will sea, river,
cliff, flower. Now entire terrestrial nature, all terrestrial elements will you help as the living
beings. Yes this is the living beings, the entire world around us of living, all in it living — and
plant, and sea, and even stones and cliff. You will feel, as the entire world he talks with you,
themselves you will learn to associate with the peace in its language. The majority of people
of [glukhi] to this language; therefore them seems that the peace is hostile, and themselves
they become hostile to the surrounding peace. You now were related by soul with whole by
the Earth. Therefore each blade of grass and grit will become your best friend, assistant and
adviser on your terrestrial way.

Fig. 27. True association of consciousness with the entrance point of the energy flow of
the Earth.

shch. They preserved, fixed the obtained sensation, took pleasure [im].

'. Your feeling “I [esm]” now was dissolved in the connected with [chakrami] ether
tele-. But was dissolved this feeling not completely, some remainder nevertheless exists.
Return this remainder to th position e customary for you and begin slowly and organized to
breathe, mentally dissolving it.

". After dissolving this remainder, listen to your state, a little wait. You will feel, as
sensation “I [esm]” again weakly is manifested in the customary position. Then deeply inhale
and you will detain respiration. You do not breathe so for long, as soon as you can. You will
feel at the moment of holding of breath that sensation “I [esm]” slowly [taet] and he is
dissolved without the remainder. When you begin to breathe, it can again weakly appear. You
will again detain respiration and will dissolve a feeling “I [esm]”. So necessary to make
approximately five times of — and feelings “I [esm]” will cease to be manifested in the
customary place, it will remain dissolved in extreme [chakrakh], poured with the ether body.

Fig. 28. As if the tree, inverted to the light and which is held by roots for the terrestrial
sky, you embrace by consciousness the clean sources of energy of the Earth and cosmos.

Here and everything. You completed the last step of the fourth step [DEIR]. But to be
calmed early: for the fastening of the obtained effect this step for you it is necessary to repeat
at least once a two weeks in the course of several months. You will feel themselves in this
case, as changes your state, as it becomes ever more stable steadier, as your force and energy
become firm and firm, while you find complete invulnerability.

Accept congratulations! You made the in a short time enormous, colossal labor, to
which in others depart the years and decades. You steel by integral essence, you floated
together soul, consciousness and ether body. In the essence, you steels of themes, by whom
intend us all nature, — by the omnipotent man from the capital letter, by essence, which
combines in itself space and terrestrial nature, and means, by entire possessing might of
cosmos and by entire might of the Earth. Human civilization detached us away from our true
nature, made by negligible specks on the decoy road, along which goes [sotsium]. It is time to

return itself its true essence, to become those giants, which we must be by right of our

New state will give to you the mass of advantages, in what you soon will not slow
down to be convinced. Completely disappear all usual human problems, connected with the
health, by money, by interrelations with other people. All vital goods flow on you as of the
horn of abundance, and you play by them as juggler, without fearing, that the flow will run
low. Complaints to the life do become ridiculous — as it can lament to the life the giant,
which perceives themselves with that poured together with entire cosmos and entire Earth? To
you it suffices to stir by finger in order to obtain everything which to you is necessary, —
your force is so great, that instantly as magnet, will attract everything that you want.

You themselves become the creator of your life of — and you create it to your taste and
harmony in each moment of your existence, you create freely, easily and inspired. Moreover
you obtain th possibility e unprecedented for the usual man to continue realized and
individual existence even after death of physical body.

But the most interesting, that for your consciousness is now opened the direct access to
intuitive data, which implies energy of cosmos. Since now energy of cosmos became direct
component of entire your united and integral essence, all intuitive given, entire true
knowledge about the peace, about itself, about the past, present and future constantly they are
found in your consciousness. And in order to obtain answer to any question, you even should
be strained — sufficient slightly to be concentrated, to stop the thoughts of — and answer is

In the majority of the cases you even should formulate this question of — the intuition
will itself conduct you there, where to you it is necessary at each moment of your existence.
Your realized inspired body auto will easily pick up intuitive signals, and feet themselves will
conduct you straight there, where to you is must, — to th people e necessary to you, into the
necessary stores and so on. You should only completely entrust itself to that powerful space
and terrestrial energy, which itself now conducts you according to the life. When you
completely are entrusted this energy, which speaks with you by the voice of intuition, it will
seem that to you completely something to fear in this life and in any situation you can feel
itself absolutely quietly and serenely.

One of my students, the 35- summer successful businessman on the name Sergey,
concluded the passage of the fourth step [DEIR]. It is necessary to say that for it it in no way
was impossible to finally fasten in itself and to make stable a state of unity showers,
consciousnesses and ether body. Like he understood everything correctly, and all was
obtained well — but the then obtained state it again departed at some moments in it,
something did not be sufficient for the complete effect.

And here it flies in the aircraft, and some troubles begin at a high altitude in aircraft.
Moreover trouble sufficiently serious, situation is close to the emergency. Aircraft stirs and
heels it seems it any minute now it will fall. Stewardesses as can they calm down passengers.
But panic nevertheless begins.

At some moment was ready to yield to panic and Sergey. But suddenly some powerful
push shook entire his essence. First it thought that this thus shook aircraft. He then understood
that the push proceeds from it very, from the very essence of its essence. At this moment it
perceived that some limitless powerful forces suddenly were poured into its essence, caught it

as to the wings, and they carried. In this case it did not lose consciousness, even was not shut
eye, but simply quietly it sat in its armchair, wonderfully realizing entire proceeding all
around. But suddenly it filled serene and glad calmness. It felt that those forces, which caught
it, completely control situation. And some voice as if said to it: “Everything will be in the

At this moment Sergey perceived this integrity of entire his essence and such serene
happiness, by which he did not experience never before. From it proceeded this force, this
calm confidence, that this they could not but note, the in spite of emergent confusion,
remaining passengers. But after noting, they somehow also gradually began to be calmed.
Soon crew managed the contingency situation, and aircraft satisfactorily completed voyage.
Since then Sergey already never left th sensation of the stable and steady unity of ether body,
soul and consciousness, or confidence to its intuition e obtained by it in the aircraft and to the
power of tN Earth e carrying it on the life of energy and cosmos. To it, it occurs for the final
entry into this state, of this shaking did not be sufficient exactly.

My to you the council: if in you, as in Sergey, will not be immediately everything

obtained, live mentally that episode, which it in reality survived in the aircraft. Test in your
imagination this shaking, this push, which at one stroke floated the together odd parts of its
essence. If you live this mentally, for energy-information field it is not necessary to toss up to
you something similar in reality.

As a result you will compulsorily reach the remarkable stable state of the integrity of
your essence, triunity of soul, consciousness and ether body, absolute trust in life and to your
intuition. [Dostignuv] of this state, you can be assured: from now on you cost at the new step
of the evolutionary development of humanity.

But in connection with the awaked intuition with my students such surprising histories,
which did not dream to usual people, quite often occur. Here only one example. Helen
Petrovna, the instructor of VUZ $$RTVUZ - Institute of Higher Education, many years ago
bred with the husband and all these years she suffered from the solitude. After passing four
steps [DEIR], in one excellent morning it awoke with the absolutely clear and clear sensation,
that it now should leave the house and it will without fail meet the man, who will become it
by close man. Moreover sensation was such clear that Helen Petrovna was assured by one
hundred percent, that this encounter takes place.

It so entered: it was missed around the city, took ticket for the electric railway, it
arrived into the gratifying. But there, in the gratifying, excellent park. It here goes for a walk
on the park, it goes for a walk, and no one by it there for some reason falls. It already even
began to worry: however, well where it, indeed must be! And when it was already entirely it
did begin to doubt in its intuitive abilities and even, it must be confessed, did begin to worry
about my reason (“ek me it did carry into this gratifying neither from that nor from this of —
and it was touched I by mind?”), when it already moved back to the station, exactly it
appeared from the lateral lane, that man himself, whom it met, until now, perhaps that in its
dreams. They somehow easily and simply were introduced, it proved to be, and the truth of —
the related souls. Now live together, and [preschastlivy] both.

I no longer speak about the different trifles of — when, after being gathered into the
store, suddenly clearly you realize, that this store is closed, but after approaching it, and you
indeed see on the doors the paper: “It is closed to the stock-taking”. Or you feel, that it is not
necessary to be sat down into this streetcar, — you do not sit down yourself, although it goes

to your side. But streetcar, after going away from the stoppage, descends from the rails. And
so on. Such things occur with my students almost each day. All this begins to be received as
something natural and completely everyday.

And all this also awaits you in the nearest future.

Here is also the very crucial point: when you reach the state of the final confluence
together of soul, consciousness and ether body, inspect yourselves by internal look, verify,
how your new state, which occurred with your power engineering. Try to inspect the new
boundaries of your ether body. You with the surprise will reveal that the ether body no longer
repeats the outlines of physical body, it the no longer attached rigidly to the organs, the
systems and the parts of body. Entire your physical body is simply flooded by the energy,
which right through penetrates you. But ether body itself acquired the outlines of the sphere,
whose boundaries come out far beyond the limits of your physical body.

On the essence, the ether body it merged with that shielding shell (having considerably
in this case increased it in the sizes), which we installed even in first stage [DEIR], locking
power engineering on extreme [chakrakh]. In this state it is possible to live, to create, to feel,
to [sozidat] into hundreds of thousands of times more fruitfully than this usual man makes. In
this state it is possible easily to pass from life to life, from the embodiment into the
embodiment, without losing individuality, realization, full weight of sensations. There is no
death for you greater. Is eternal life, eternal creation, eternal happiness of existence.

The fourth step [DEIR] is passed, complete and final passage to the new evolutionary
step is completed. To us it remained entirely a little: in the following chapters we will have a
talk about some conditions, which it is desirable to observe for the more successful passage of
the fourth step [DEIR], and let us also briefly outline that which for us is in prospect to pass at
the last, fifth step [DEIR].

Chapter "

Some limitations, which ensure the cleanliness

I am the supporter of largest possible freedom for each, but, unfortunately, the passage
of the fourth step [DEIR] will require from you, my readers, certain restraint in the habits.
With which this is connected?

You already had to understand that our base feeling “I [esm]” practically continuously
displaces in the space of our ether body and soul, obtaining the kaleidoscope of sensations.
Even during the day this feeling makes significant evolutions, even for the hour, even during
several minutes. And it is difficult to control it, simply because this displacement is not
separated from the process of thinking and sensation of the surrounding peace. But into our
task enters exactly obtaining control, and this is very complicated, and it is in no way
necessary this to complicate. Therefore appears a whole series of the small limitations, whose
observance will significantly increase your chances to the success.

Furthermore, very process of mastery of the fourth step [DEIR] contains this powerful
power engineering which to observe limitations is begun not only possibly, but even it is

Thus, first, this, of course, alcohol and other strong narcotics. What does occur, when
man does consume narcotic or is immersed in the abyss of alcoholic [opjanenija]? He
experiences a whole series of the sensations, not caused by the direct activation of the
receptors of body, but the depending on the chaotic unbalance thin processes in the cerebral
cortex. In this case a feeling “I [esm]” displaces no longer along the matrix of individual soul,
and he passes to the displacement along the external matrices, alien not only to this concrete
man, but to entire humanity generally. Central point “I [esm]” occurs in the matrices, which
the Indian philosophy completely correctly called the peaces of demons, [rakshasov] and
[jakshej]. From this point on, control above it is impossible, because authority by it find the
essences of demonic nature, which read a little for great happiness “to give a ride” on the
focal point of human consciousness. Authority above the soul, glory to god, they do not
immediately obtain, then they seize authority above the consciousness until alcoholic thorn
apple leaves the man and it restores control. But even then subconsciousness reacts to the
return of point “I [esm]” in my own way — being subordinated to the earliest reflex, strictly
and tying the point of the focusing of consciousness to our body, it attaches it in the manner
that only can. And only very experimental and powerful reason can although somehow
control it.

It is so that understandable that alcohol in the period of mastery of the fourth step must
be abolished. I no one recommend to use him generally, but it is understandable that we all
people also of human weaknesses are not alien. As someone of the great completely correctly
said, entire pleasant in this light either is detrimental or it is amoral, or steatogenous. The list
of the sensual enjoyment of man is small, and we became accustomed to diversify it as soon
as is possible. Therefore let us propose the alternative, compromise version: alcohol in the
period of the passage of the fourth step we use completely, but after the passage of — if you
please, but a little and never dead drunk. But into the lead time of the method of — entirely,
— otherwise it is necessary never after the method of alcoholic it takes a long time to come
into itself and to repeat the fourth step anew. And indeed actually it is necessary — because
you they already mastered many methods of system [DEIR], your force grew, and direction of
motion depends on the degree of the independence of your consciousness. But the greater the
power, the greater the danger is on the watch man, who did not manage herself control.
Indeed and for the control of dump-truck are allowed only experienced drivers, and for the
control of the container carrier of — only drivers extra class! And if you do not restore
control of your consciousness, it can carry heaven knows you where, and it is already
understandable, this will not bring good. Fortunately, the fourth step [DEIR] itself possesses
such force, which substantially descends, if is not removed completely, thrust to the alcoholic.
Do not only yield to habit, and you will manage the abstention.

The same relates to the weak narcotics, such as nicotine and caffeine, utilized in a
significant quantity. But nicotine, more accurate, smoking as habit is detrimental for entire
organism as a whole. So that use th possibility of — on the fulfillment of the fourth step
[DEIR] e opened for you you can use reduction in the thrust to the stimulators and entirely
throw to smoke! Very to you this I recommend, because if we do not turn attention to
reduction in the thrust, then habit will take its, and of time- other with the fastening fourth
step without having thrown, you lose this possibility.

Now about the food. Certainly, [vegetariantsem] in our time to become is practically
thoughtless — simply this exotic nourishment, in order to be valuable, it will require from
you more than significant financial expenditures. But in the period of the passage of the fourth
step [DEIR] I recommend to you to categorically forego the consumption of meat and even
fish. This does not relate to the eggs, oil, milk, cottage cheese, cheese and kefir. The proteins

of animal origin are necessary to us, but, unfortunately, will not stir at the fourth step only
those, which were not painted with negative power engineering. So that everything, which
once belonged to another consciousness, it is necessary to the period of conducting exercises
to exclude.

Why? I think, to you this is already completely understandable. The fact is that we with
you possess the increased sensitivity and we, correspondingly, have accurate chance to
perceive the remainders of programs and intentions, which bear on themselves meat products.
To injure this power engineering, as to usual man, to us does not can — simply because our
forces are much higher than the forces of usual man. But this does not mean that our
consciousness to capably in time isolate and to render harmless the scraps of strange power
engineering. Most probably, it can erroneously consider them for its own and accept to the
performance. In the usual state to us this is not terrible, because, after all, our
subconsciousness as the modules of its work sometimes uses not less destructive
constructions, but in the period of perestroika of its own energy-information structure and
manipulation by point “I [esm]” is everything entirely differently.

Who knows, what visions did cover the brain of animal before to it it did descend
shroud? Is possible to assume that this and pain, and fear, and the sensation of contact with
the beyond the limits… And these fragments can be used by our consciousness for the
displacement of a feeling “I [esm]”. And certainly, a feeling displaces entirely not into the
favorable regions. Pain and the fear of — these are other flowers, and here is the sensation of
contact after the last feature… Dangerous feeling! The displacement of point “I [esm]” in this
direction in traditional [ekstrasensorike] is called “[podkljuchkoj] to the grave”. Heavy defeat,
which requires thorough removal, but that most unpleasant — difficultly diagnosed. But if our
consciousness [sochlo] the program of its, then be already deceased — of forces in it arrange
“[podkljuchku]” will be sufficient with the surplus.

Accordingly, if you to yourselves not enemy, then in the period of conducting the
fourth step, when the we need maximum cleanliness of consciousness, — of no meat. Then,
when you are simply insensitive to the strange programs, — if you please. But not at the
fourth step.

And the latter, that is not frequently considered by people, which approach the
cleanliness of consciousness, this — television set. You understand that the more attractive
the media, the stronger it acts on consciousness! Therefore, strictly, it is attractive.

But the life of our with you society is distant from the ideal as, as this generally
possibly. Indeed practically everything, of what consist our news, — this either murder or
violence, either lie or slyness and the hatred of politicians. Even sport and culture is now
pierced by conjuncture tendencies, competition and fraud. The so that, perhaps, only transfer,
which preserved maximum cleanliness and artlessness, this is — weather forecast.

And we with you, looking into the television set, obtain the net charge of this
[zombirujushchej] [chernukhi] directly into the consciousness of — even into
subconsciousness, if a little they were distracted and thought about their. But the
advertisement, which does directly induce in us diseases? “You have heartburn?”, “what to
make, if does ache head?”, “pain in the spin…” this —, ladies and gentlemen, clean
suggestion, directed toward that so that disease- after all it would appear and the man
expended the abyss of money on the sequential panacea.

Even classics on the television is not too safe — because it it operates with the
extremely strong subconsious means, deeply [zapadajushchimi] into the soul.

Thus, in order not to be unsubstantiated, I want to describe to you one history, which
occurred more than five years ago with one of my students, inhabitant of Saint Petersburg. He
passed [chetveruju] step [DEIR], possessing splendid power engineering, because it was
occupied by [ekstrasensorikoj] and it is earlier. Are shorter, forces and abilities to be
concentrated in its surplus. And here, when it approached the occupations on the fourth step,
along the television set began to be demonstrated the splendid film of the Soviet times of —
“run”. Strongest film with [moshchnejshej] power engineering. Only hardly it is built on the
warm romantic means.

Student passed the fourth step, and everything there was normally… thus far he it did
not begin to drink and to be rolled up to the revelry. Glory to god, that we in time reacted, i.e.,
they had time before strictly the disease of — alcoholism of — it entered its rights. And us it
was necessary very not easily. But it proved to be in all this is what: with the survey of film
he for the first time understood that, in the essence, the figure of the pitiful martinet Of
[charnoty] is considerably more tragic, than the figure of bloody [Khludova]. The program for
the spontaneous decomposition of this character, magnificently won back in the film,
penetrated in subconsciousness, it was identified as its and am accepted as one of the factors
with the execution of displacing the point “I [esm]”. As a result man nearly disappeared,
depressed by unceasing melancholy and tendency toward rakish [pjanstvu]. It had sufficient
force in order to thoroughly reprogram itself.

And conclusion from entire this one — when you pass the fourth step [DEIR]
(especially 1- 1 and 3- 1 steps), then better you do not look television set. Read a little lyric
book or listen to music. But if you do not can without the blue screen, then very thoroughly
relate to the selection of the transfer: the safest of — these are the [risovannye] cartoons,
transfer about animals, about nature and the old, well familiar films, which do not include the
means of the wars and blood. I.e., not “strong”, but calm and pleasant.

These limitations do not bear the nature of any mystical or religious. They all are based
only on the common sense of man, who does not desire to do harm to himself.

If you please, for itself, relate more attentively to my warnings. Relate to the passage of
the fourth step [DEIR] with entire effort.

Well here, strictly, and everything. To us there remained only a little to have a talk
about the last, fifth step [DEIR] of — in that form, as it was created with our group. Certainly,
developments were considerably more widely and in them there is the set of the side-line
offshoots of — for example, the technology of the creation of the energetically connected
groups or a practice of the telepathic contact of — but the main stages in [DEIR] only five. To
the fourth you has already been introduced.


My dear readers! You approach the complete mastery of system [DEIR], system of
further energy-information development.

I expected that this system in our time will prove to be for many Russians the ray of
hope in th opaqueness e surrounding us, but it in no way assumed that so many readers will be
achieved practical results so rapidly. Indeed nevertheless the book of — by the book, and
residence training is considerably better, and its effectiveness is hundred per-cent. But our
citizens, [oprovergnuv] all my careful calculations, exceeded the most daring expectations.
Glory to god!

Practically in all, who independently were occupied according to the first book,
occurred changes in the fate and the family circumstances. Relations on the work changed.
Effectiveness increased, independence grew… I congratulate you! This very healthily —
indeed you go via independent [progresa] in this complex region as energy-

At the same time — and to this I focused attention, reading your letters, — the shell of
first stage, placed according to the book, it is not always so it is durable, as it would like. But
it is very important — indeed this your protection from energy-information parasites and
energy defeats. But this is a question of training. However, if shell even is fragile, then you
can it considerably strengthen, [perejdja] to the increased level of central flows. But if there
are difficulties, then in this case I nevertheless recommend residence training. It is simple
because it is considerably more rapid and more effective, since energy-information progress,
once after beginning, is not reversed — and it was worthwhile for you to once feel, for
example, aura, as you entered to this way.

And one additional problem I cannot but affect, analyzing your letters. I must once
more emphasize that those people, which specially were trained to teaching [DEIR], have
evidence, signed by my representative. If someone, having simply read the book, tries its
forces in the teaching at one's own risk, then it, without knowing the special sequence of
means and without possessing the special energy reserves of instructor, inherent in our school,
in practice useless. Furthermore, it does not carry out even the simple connection training to
the energy reserves [DEIR]. To independently carry out connection to these reserves is
impossible. The effectiveness of instruction in this man it is accurate the same as the
effectiveness of the reading of the book. This at best. In the worse it brings only harm,
mutilating power engineering of listeners and discrediting system. Therefore compulsorily
check the qualification of your instructors, and that of some letters to me became clear that
they teach system which is called, “by hearsay”, as a result of which people encounter
problems already on the second-third steps. It is better already to be occupied according to the
books of — or to be connected with the instructors, in whom you are assured.

But now about the fifth step. It contains not too much theory and is dedicated in the
basic practitioner. When you passed the fourth step, then, after leaving to the new energy and
information level, you already can directly perceive laws governing th peace of the inanimate
nature e surrounding us, i.e., feel the so-called world flows. What this such? The fact is that
entire our peace of — of living and serves as the carrier of the oecumenical consciousness of
— of various elements of it. We with you are infinitely small in comparison with th universe e

surrounding us. Therefore the coordinated space processes, completed of infinitely important
significance, are seemed to us in all probabilistic, i.e., random processes.

But this is far from thus. They have their regularities, let not including the needs of man
(from that level, at which there exist the reason of these processes, men it is imperceptible just
as ameba in to pond from the Moon). But man is allotted by gift to allot regularity. We can
feel them and can respectively build our behavior. But on probabilistic events everything in
the light depends, without the exaggeration! Even when man, trying to provide entire,
something [osoznanno] and inevitably it makes at the apex of his possibilities, for example
sends space rocket, it depends on chances. Meteorite can be encountered, poor weather can
happen, something can not operate… But man nevertheless tries to provide everything,
because is such the modus operandi, manufactured from the earliest time of development. But
if we know that it will precisely serve as interference… So here, the direct perception of
world flows, “the calculation” of their nature exactly makes it possible to make this.

And not only. Man possesses the most different feelings, and among them there is a
feeling of faith. It is differed from rest in terms of the fact that it is not attached to the objects
of the surrounding, real peace. And this is correct, because it is the bit of the creative abilities
of man and it makes it possible directly to act on the events of the surrounding peace, indeed
the creation of — is this exactly the ability to cause into the peace that, what in it earlier it was
not. And the use of this feeling makes possible for man to independently govern events,
causing into the peace the necessary to itself. This practice requires significant concentration
and internal perfection of — but they exactly is in people, which passed initial four steps
[DEIR]. To influence peace by the insignificant stress of will is very simple. This all allows
the fifth step.

I congratulate you with the fact that you you go via progress. Thanks for the fact that
you suggest correct way to others. The evolution of soul and consciousness of — here that
which must save humanity. Thanks to you.

To the encounter!


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