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[Verishchagin] Dmitriy Sergeyevich

“The animation technique of objects. Book OF THE II”

General parting words

Keeper of the equilibrium
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the keeper of the equilibrium
Programming the keeper of the equilibrium
Conditions of the nourishment of the keeper of the equilibrium
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a keeper of the equilibrium
Means of information storage
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of means of information storage
Programming means of information storage
Conditions of the nourishment of means of information storage
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of means of information storage
Keeper of the health
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the keeper of the health
Programming the keeper of the health
Conditions of the nourishment of the keeper of the health
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance

Defender of the house
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the defender of the house
Programming the defender of the house
Conditions of the nourishment of the defender of the house
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a defender of the house
Defender of the man
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the defender of the man
Programming the defender of the man
Conditions of the nourishment of the defender of the man
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance

Use of a defender of the man
Defender of the family
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the defender of the family
Programming the defender of the family
Conditions of the nourishment of the defender of the family
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a defender of the family

Conductor to the purpose
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of conductor to the purpose
Programming conductor to the purpose
Conditions of the nourishment of conductor to the purpose
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a conductor to the purpose
Conductor on the peaces
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of conductor on the peaces
Programming conductor on the peaces
Conditions of the nourishment of conductor on the peaces
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a conductor on the peaces
Conductor of the thoughts
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the conductor of the thoughts
Programming the conductor of the thoughts
Conditions of the nourishment of the conductor of the thoughts
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a conductor of the thoughts

Regulator of charisma
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the regulator of charisma
Programming the regulator of charisma
Conditions of the nourishment of the regulator of charisma
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a regulator of charisma
Regulator of the success
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the regulator of the success
Programming the regulator of the success
Conditions of the nourishment of the regulator of the success
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a regulator of the success
Regulator of the relations
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of the regulator of the relations
Programming the regulator of the relations
Conditions of the nourishment of the regulator of the relations
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a regulator of the relations

CHAPTER 5. Assistants
Assistant in sales
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of assistant in sales
Programming assistant in sales
Conditions of the nourishment of assistant in sales
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a assistant in sales
Assistant in the quarry

[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of assistant in the quarry
Programming assistant in the quarry
Conditions of the nourishment of assistant in the quarry
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a assistant in the quarry
Assistant in the money
[Vychishchenie] of the object
Creation of assistant in the money
Programming assistant in the money
Conditions of the nourishment of assistant in the money
Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance
Use of a assistant in the money


Rule the first: to always assign as the additional source of power of the essence
the use of the scattered in the space free energy
Rule the second: if essence is not necessary, i.e. it is necessary to immerse into the anabiosis - temporarily to
turn off
Step 8. Temporary disconnection of the essence
Rule the third: to never not give to work with th essence e created by you to another man
Rule the fourth: to never not attempt to independently use the essence, created not by you
Rule the fifth: not to attempt to create the essences, directed toward the offensive conflict
with the essences, created by another man
Rule the sixth: not to attempt to give to essences freedom of choice with respect to the power sources
or the elements of the programming
Rule the seventh: not to attempt independently to create the plural essences


Defender of the space
Conductor to the purpose
Keeper of the equilibrium
Defender of the club
Regulator of the success




General parting words

Opening this book, you obtain chance to forever change your life, after entering to the new step of
evolution. To you will be opened the true reasons for health, disease, behavior and human fate.
You will become free from the influence of the great energetic parasites, that rule by remaining people
and that push them on [samoubij] - [stvennye] behavior. You remember that you must not cause to the
[neprodvinuvshimsja] people of harm. Relate to them with the attention and help.
The things, unthinkable for the usual people, will be accessible for you. Do not spend your forces in
vain in pursuit of vain achievements. You have great objective - discovery new peace and the search
for its place in the Ger.
You will find the ability to heal, and this gift will arrive at each by its way. You will use it into the
good. Help unselfishly.
Your soul will pass the process of strengthening, and you will be able to conduct other people after
yourselves. Bring to them light and happiness, but not the dark and pain.
You will cease to depend on [karma] and [karmicheskikh] diseases. Help to reach the same by other.
You will manage the true tool of a change in the peace - by faith. Let your faith bring good not only to
In order to pass entire way to the end, aid can be required you. Find it in the same as you, travellers.
Recognize each other in the crowd. You learn the friend of friend. You remember each other.
After ascending the new step of development, you will be the part of new energy unity, unity of free
people. Lend support each other. You remember about each other and share with each other by energy,
because the price of freedom is great and sometimes not under force one.
You remember about us, who first entered the new peace. We focus new energy unity for you. Be
turned to us into the difficult minute, and we will arrive to the aid. Be turned to us per minute
prosperity, and we will be able to arrive to aid to millions of others. There is no death. We will answer
also because of the face.
You will perceive connection with me, with this author. I await this. You request about the aid and
help me.
Add to the light of new energy unity your rays.
Create new free humanity. You deserve this.

Chapter 1

I think that it is thoughtless to pose question, keepers are necessary to you. Certainly, they are
necessary, simply necessary! But to whom they are not necessary? As it is pleasant to leave for leave
by entire family, solidly knowing that the reliable guard is left at the doors of house, it is more
merciless and it is more severe than thousands of Cerberuses. Yes not one pilferer simply will dare and
it is close to approach your door, will already [podzhilki] shake for the kilometer in it, and
unaccountable horror will envelop entire its essence with one thought alone about the approximation to
your apartment. But as it is pleasant to entrust its health not to indifferent doctors from the district
polyclinic, but to loyal and devoted keeper of health!
The set of advantages obtains men, which acquired by keeper. Our peace is full of unexpected
contingencies - and by however highly developed and moved we with you were, no one was insured
from the different kind of surprises. The chances of peace are limitless, and from it it is possible to
expect the troubles of every kind. But chance necessary to take under the control, which men, strictly,
and makes, for example systems house, it raises the roof, which protects it from the foul weather.
Energy-information essences extend our control to where the thinner regions, which we all only just
master. Another selection humanity does not have!
Thus, creating keepers, we guard our peace from the intrusions of the rough low-organized medium we
and at the same time contribute to the development of the surrounding peace, reducing a quantity of
rough [neodukhotvorennoj] material due to th objects e animated by us.
So give directly now let us approach the creation of keepers - these of the [podderzhivatelej] of order,
[strazhnikov] of boundaries, reliable watchmen and servants. Always it is possible to rely on them.
They will not bring. They contain the part of your virtual space and they are, therefore, part you.
There exists three base varieties of the keepers: Keeper of equilibrium, means of information storage
and the keeper of health. The distinguishing features of all keepers - their this property is rigid to
observe all assigned with their creation purposes and conditions, in no way differing from stated
problems. They are not capable to the preventive actions, i.e., they do not attack even in the case of
aggression. They are created for the defense and they for this purpose manage magnificently: they
simply absorb external aggressive pulse, processing negative into its own food. They can also guard
you from your own internal aggression, malice, simply absorbing your internal aggressive pulse, thus
saving you from the spontaneous decomposition.
Let us now move on to the detailed selection of each variety of keepers.


The keepers of equilibrium - these are the objects, populated by the essences, programmed for the
maintenance of the energy equilibrium of your energy shell and space surrounding you. In other words,
they do not allow coma that not was to consume your energy removes all possible energy attacks. I.e.,
the keepers of equilibrium prevent both the manifestations of energy [vampirizma], from one side and
[sglazy], spoiling, energy pressure on you, from other side. They make this very simply: feed by
energy [sglaza], spoiling, energy pressure, directed on you, and they simply intercept energetic
vampires. In this case they are still capable of converting negative energy of spoiling and [sglaza] into
the positive energy and surpluses of this energy of transferring to you. So that [py] not only you do not
suffer from [sglazov] and spoilings, directed toward the pass by aggressive medium, but you become
because of them stronger and it is stronger.
We pass to the basic stages of the creation of the keeper of equilibrium.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

As “the house” of the keeper of equilibrium will approach different stones - and precious, and
semiprecious, and even usual river pebbles, and also rings, chains, objects of clothing and household
articles, which you hold in the bed-head of your bed, lamps, night-lights, hours, different statuettes and
trinkets, which be used for adornment. Naturally, it is necessary to remember that the objects,
[nosimye] on the tele- or in the pockets, chain, [breloki], adornment - will guard you everywhere and
always, and [prikrovatnye] objects will guard you only the house, when you are located next to them,
in particular during the sleep. So that think, when and where to you is necessary protection, and
depending on this select object. Adornments and chains ideally be suitable for a constant protection,
since these objects by those by, being properly animated, still and energetically cover the vulnerable
places of our body.
As it is necessary to clean object, you already know, we about this spoke in the first book: we form in
the palm energy ball or simply energy flow from the palm to the object - and [progrevaem] by energy
object so that it would be impregnated with it right through. Try to see object with the luminous,
completely filled bright yellow or white light, Beza any black impregnations and the darkened regions.
Fill object with energy until sensation arises, that all occurred dark regions disappeared, that entire
object is evenly filled with light.
We to you spoke about the special technology for those, who possess musical rumor, the sensation of
sounding object, clean clear sound, which he [izdaet]. At this stage of your development, times already
you reached the creation of keepers, with the rumor, as with other creative abilities, in you must be
everything in the order, and therefore it is time to try to attain the sensation of sounding object with all
without the exception. With the creation of keepers this is especially important: Keeper must resound
with you, sound at one vibration frequency. Therefore special attention must be given object in your
palm would resounding to th high-pitched sound e supplied by you in the sensation and would publish
no its own discordant sounds, remaining to completely obedient to you and your internal “tuning fork”,
which tunes it for the necessary sounding.
Thus, holding object in the palm, first [progrevajte] it, attaining the sensation of clear and flat glow.
Then about itself, in the sensation) mentally (not compulsorily aloud, sufficiently assign any high note
- [propojte] it about itself. Mentally transmit this attitude to object and force it to respond as echoes.

Feel, it is obedient to you, your note is repeated, or from it as if proceed some noise, rattle. If there is a
sensation of the interferences, which go from the object, assign to it your note again and again, until it
not [zapoet] purely, into unison with you, without any outside sounds.

Creation of the keeper of the equilibrium

For the keeper of equilibrium it is necessary that it would have its own fragment of your virtual space,
transmitted to it as constant “place of residence”. After obtaining the fragment of your virtual space,
and and the part of your sincere forces, it properly will animate together with it, i.e., he will become
precisely living being, but not by mechanism. But if it will be essence, it, naturally, will more thinly
react to the appearing situations and make adequate decisions, being flexible, internally plastic as
becomes to truly living being. Indeed only inanimate mechanisms always act according to rigid
diagram, disregarding of the changing situation (by the way, you they focused attention, how many
such rigid inanimate mechanisms it is encountered among the people, more precise, among the
essences, which outwardly still have the appearance of man, but internally long ago become the
thickening inanimate mechanisms?!). Thus, your artificial essence, which lives in the inanimate (by
sight of) object, truly it will become more living if not all, then very many of those, whom they
consider it living. Your keeper, being living, will become thinly to react to any situation, acting on the
situation even without your orders. This is much better than the independently not considering robot, to
which it is necessary to return commands. The keeper of equilibrium will consider itself!
We thus, begin the initiation of essence into the object, as we described in the first book, i.e., we move
into it one after another three means. What this they must be for the means? Describing exemplary
technology, we used a circle, a square and a cross. In the absence imagination you and now, of course,
can use these means - they indeed not are more than “the skeleton”, to which it is still necessary to
increase “meat” (your own sensations), but “meat” in this case it is much more important than “the
skeleton”. But it is nevertheless desirable to appear at least the minimum of creative imagination and to
devise its, special means for creating “the skeleton” of each essence. Indeed the more qualitative you
will form “skeleton”, the better and “meat” then will increase!
To devise means better, using the method of associations. What associations does cause in you keeper?
It is correct, watchman, guard, even frontier-guard. What associations do, in turn, cause these
concepts? Lock, bolt, boundary post, lattice, fence, fence or something other? It is excellent. Here and
use them as the means for creating “the skeleton” of your keeper. You remember that these means you
must draw themselves on the sheet of paper and that all lines of these figures must be locked!
Only do not overdo it - it is not must the already too heaped means. But that, after being absorbed in by
components, you so will complicate for yourselves memorization and causing in the imagination of
this means, that themselves you will be tangled and also, what good, you will lose control over the
singlehandedly made essence. So that let means will be the simple, memory, learned, intelligible,
easily reproducible imagination and memory.
Thus, inject in the object the alternately first and the second of th means e selected by you,
simultaneously saturating essence by energy of ascending and downflows. Then after the second means
it is necessary to return to essence the piece of your virtual space according to that diagram, which we
already described (direction “OF [RSS]”, step 0).
I define concretely: you should inject in its virtual space certain means, after designing it as the part of
its virtual space, and then return this fragment of essence. What this can be for the means? Any means,
which symbolizes for you the sensation of energy equilibrium. For example, you saw the picture,
which calms down and balances you. This is the completely suitable basis for th fragment of virtual
space e necessary to you. We inject the means of this picture in our virtual space, as this was described
in second Chapter One book. Then we tear away from itself the received fragment of virtual space and
we return its essence. Thus you first made this picture of partly your soul, then they separated [se] from
yourselves and returned to essence. Seemingly they passed the piece of the external peace through
itself. This is principle of the animation of the fragment of external peace.
After returning to essence the piece of virtual space, we inject in it the third of the selected by us

means, which symbolize the function of protection and guards. I.e., creation is conducted as usual, into
three stages, but in the very end (after the second means) of essence it returns the piece of your virtual
space. The introduction of means and essence by energy we make according to the diagram, described
in steps 1, 2, e, and 4 directions “OF [RSS]” of system [DEIR] (see Chapter e of the first book of
direction “[RSS]”).

Programming the keeper of the equilibrium

Further we work in accordance with the step of shch of the direction “OF [RSS]”, described in the
previous chapter. I.e., we are united with the essence by consciousness, using a habit of the third step
[DEIR] (mixing of point “I seven” in the subjective space for establishing the telepathic contact with
the essence) or, as we made at the fourth step, displace point “I seven” in the objective space,
[perenosja] of it directly into the body of the created essence.
The special features of work, connected precisely with the tasks of the created essence, go after this. Its
tasks - to store your energy equilibrium, without allowing the leakage of your power engineering and
intrusion into your structures of outside power engineering. For programming of essence to the
fulfillment of these specific objectives you must very clearly recreate the result of their fulfillment in
your sensations precisely. Keeper must guard the energy and information stability of the space, which
surrounds you, and your energy and information invulnerability. It means, you must enter into the state
of precisely this stability and invulnerability at least by several seconds - in order to show keeper, what
you from it want and that, strictly, it must store. For this it is necessary simply to present around its
body of ideal egg-shaped form the energy luminous cocoon Beza any dark impregnations, plaits and
suckers, to be penetrated by the sensation of complete protection and invulnerability inside this cocoon
and to mentally turn to the essence, transferring by it its sensation from this state and as if saying:
“Here look, what I want and which from you is required”.
But in this case you will focus attention on the fact that your energy shell nevertheless must retain the
capability both to supplement its energy reserve and to partially pass power engineering outside, when
this is necessary for the carrying out of any actions, for the defense or the aid to someone. I.e., the
keeper of equilibrium must know that your energy shell is not something time forever thickened and
constant, that it can change on your will. Therefore you must show keeper, as you in the case of
necessity at will return power engineering to someone or anything. For example, form the means of
close man, which fell into the misfortune, and show, as you return energy to it, as if telling the keeper:
“Sometimes I will return energy outside on his own will”. Then show, as you themselves absorb
energy, for example, from the beautiful view, as if telling the keeper: “Sometimes I will on his own
will derive energy from the environment”. I.e., keeper must perceive that he cannot prevent you, when
you return or derive energy on its own will. It must include its guardian functions if and only if it
interferes strange will and you they want to force to return or to assume energy.
If you this do not make, then keeper will understand his tasks it will too literally and simply allow
generally no work, connected with the collection or the partial loss of energy. But you, that go by
further energy-information development, you know, as frequently we use the methods, connected with
the collection or the partial release of energy, and as this is necessary. For example, the release of
energy to us can be necessary at least for the same creation of essences! Care so that your keeper of
equilibrium would not prevent you in this and would allow release of energy from your side for such
good purposes.
And one additional important thing. The keeper of equilibrium must very well know, feel you, as dog
he [chuet] its owner. It indeed must know, whom precisely it must store! I.e., you must introduce your
essence at the sensation level to yourselves. This is best to make even in the stage of zero step, i.e.,
when we transfer to essence the fragment of our virtual space. In this fragment it is necessary to
include not only some means, but even and the imprint of its sensations. You will include your
emotions, sensations of apropos this means there together with the means. Can include its own
sensation itself - in each man it is, it is necessary to only [pokopatsja] in itself. You as if demonstrate
the essence: “This is - I”. But which will your means itself - solve to you. This can be emotional

sensation, there can be smell, melody, picture, but the main thing - this nevertheless sensation, you
remember this! Here this there will be its kind residency card, your “personal mark”, on which your
essence will you learn, literally as dog, as scent sense and serve only you. This is the important aspect
of programming essence!
Best anything will be, if you prepare all necessary for you sensations previously, still before you will
approach the creation of essence. Be trained in private with itself in the detection and the translation to
the external object of all these sensations. Be trained until it is clear and you clearly feel that in your
consciousness was formed precisely that ball of sensations, which you intend to transmit essence.

Conditions of the nourishment of the keeper of the equilibrium

The keeper of equilibrium, as you already understood, must absorb negative components from the
environment. But purely negative power engineering in nature there does not exist. Our peace is
arranged so that negative energy constantly it overflows into the positive, and vice versa. Furthermore,
then that it is negative for one man, for another it can be very even positive. Therefore your keeper of
equilibrium must consider this finesse: he can feed only by those energy manifestations, which are
negative subjectively for you. It must feel, which is negative for you, and which is positive. Otherwise
it can begin to eat up all that which will seem it by poor, whereas in reality for you this good.
Therefore, assigning the conditions of nourishment, you must show keeper which is bad for you. This
is done, in addition at the sensation level. We act here in accordance with the step of ' of the direction
“OF [RSS]”. Best anything will be, if you show essence how to feed by your own negative emotions,
which appear as a result of whose- that of energy action or [vampirizma]. And in fact, when on us they
direct [sglaz], spoiling, when us “they [vampirjat]” - we always experience negative emotions. By the
way, the negative emotions, which appear with the contact with other people, this is the first sign of the
fact that on us either hang up the alien energy structures ([sglaz], spoiling), or from us they pull energy.
Appearing in this case negative emotions exactly mean that occur something poor, undesirable,
negative for us. Here this and it is necessary to show essence. And not only this - it still should show
that these negative emotions must become for it food. Indeed negative emotions - this is nothing else
but energy splashes. So you will recall the situations, in which you experienced negative emotions, you
will recall at the sensation level same these emotions - and simply transmit their essence together with
the energy ball, caused by them! Show it at the sensation level, that this is tasteful and that by this it is
possible to feed. I do not exclude, that you will here hear contented “chomping”. But to you noticeably
it will improve - more gladly it will become and it is brighter on the soul. I congratulate! The first
result is achieved - the part of negative is successfully absorbed by your keeper. Congratulate it also
and say: “So to hold!” And it never will bring you.
In the course of time you will reach the higher level of contact with the essence, when she is
automatically, without your participation, let us say, once in a 24 hour period to check and to take
inventory your consciousness against the object of the detection there of negative and its
[vychishchenija]. For this gradually train to this work the essence: select the defined hour, when you
will daily show essence, as you find in yourselves negative and you move away it. In the course of
time the essence will be trained to make this itself, without your participation.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

We approach the step " of the direction “OF [RSS]”. In order to inject the means of foot- insurance, we
first again inject essences means itself at the sensation level, as if resembling: “I is your owner”. And
only after this it is necessary to introduce means foot-fear- Ci, or the name of essence. The name of
essence - this is your individual cipher; therefore it must be your, and only your, no means I to you
here tie there will be. Think themselves, you the already completely developed and moved people, my
dear readers, in you it is sufficient internal freedom and creative imagination, but therefore you
completely do not need they dictating each step to you. Only have in the form that the foot- insurance

for the keeper of equilibrium must not include the means, which carry aggression, because in this case
for [razvoploshchenija] of keeper you will be required much energy.

Use of a keeper of the equilibrium

In order to use a keeper, him must be simply placed on its tele-, in the pocket or in immediate
proximity from itself. During the first week the keeper yet will not appear himself entirely, he will pass
checking to the ability to preserve positive energy balance. If you feel discomfort in the presence of
keeper, if you perceive that the aggressive actions of medium as before disturb you - it means,
something is made incorrectly. For you it is necessary to in that case use foot- insurance, “to unwind”
keeper in the reverse order, to and then " gather” him again, after strengthening weak components.
And yet do not forget, that in the keeper be present the part of your virtual space, the part of your soul,
and therefore you act with it as one system. It under no conditions cannot be wrapped up against you,
but one should understand that the keeper, being by essence energy-information, is very well oriented
in the energy-information peace. He can better you to know the laws of this peace. But therefore
sometimes he can direct and softly correct your behavior, if you accomplish errors and you break any
energy rules. Can happen so that keeper into some of situation specially it will not begin to guard you
from the impact - if this impact is necessary to you for your benefit, i.e., for the extraction of the
specific vital lessons, so that you, after undergoing the vital testing with the honor, steel are still
stronger. If to you will be incomprehensible the behavior of keeper, you always can leave with it to the
contact and obtain necessary information from it by one of the methods, described in the previous
Have in the form: Keepers can be created not only for themselves, but also for their close ones;
moreover they must not know about the fact that to them the keeper (better even they do not know) is
put. In that case at the stage of programming you introduce into the keeper not your means, but means
in the sensations of that man, for whom is created the keeper. Our students use this method sufficiently
frequently. Consequences are very interesting. Thus, one of the created keepers of equilibrium, for
example, was made with the purpose to ensure the energy balance of man, even not suspected about
the keeper. This was made on the request of its relative in Moscow. As result - owner of keeper,
systematically returned last crumbs its energy reserve on the work, to be depleted simply ceased!
Instead of that in order to, as it is earlier, hardly after arriving home after work, be forgotten to
instantly by heavy sleep, it changed the means of life - it studied sport, it ceased “to remove stress” by
alcoholic beverages… Relations in the family were improved. And still: it simply cannot be
energetically attacked, that with its work, connected with people and special decision making, you will
agree, it is simply irreplaceable!


They know everything, as it is much in our life (if not all generally) it depends on that, we do manage
in the necessary time necessary information. If we have information about the true financial position of
this bank, perhaps we did put in it money? If we have adequate information about the professional
qualities of this barber, perhaps we did substitute to it our precious head? If we would possess
complete information about the business and human qualities of our partner in the business, perhaps
would take it in the portion? And so on. Truly, it manages peace it the one who manages information.
But as it is difficult to us everything to note, all to follow, everything to remember, i.e., to recover and
to store entire necessary for us information! But yes even should we this make - why so to overload its
poor brains? For this there are other essences - our energy-information assistants.
Means of information storage will gather and will preserve in his memory the information, which for
you is necessary, absolutely on any question for you the entire. Moreover it is much more reliable than
the computer: first, because it is animated and without your participation it will work, how much
necessarily, but in the second place, because cannot malfunction, yes even in no way it depends on
power supply.

Furthermore, to means of information storage you can when desired delegate the part of your
authorities - and it in that case will act from your name and on your commission in the manner that to
you is necessary. No, to answer for you on the telephone it will not, of course, be. But here to transmit
to necessary man necessary information by energy-information methods completely in his forces. But
this rather better, than any mail, even electronic! In this case to you is guaranteed the feedback - at the
sensation level you will obtain answer. Truly cell phones will be soon not necessary - humanity
without fail will move to this level of the development, when they will use either direct telepathic
connection or connection with the mediation of means of information storage (our instructors is called
this method of [komunikatsii] “pager”).
As you understood, means of information storage - this very specific energy-information organism. He
is complex in the use. But therefore for his creation and application you will be required virtuoso
possession by the habits of the fourth step [DEIR].

[Vychishchenie] of the object

What objects do be suitable for the settlement in them of means of information storage? In principle,
any - the same coulombs and the chains. But it is possible to select another object, directly connected
with reception and transmission of information, for example, knob or pencil, but only when you will
not use this object according to its first designation, i.e., you will not with them write. In this case the
object becomes the symbol of the transmission of information - by symbol, and not and what is more.
But symbol is not used in practice - into it they at the worst move essence and associate no longer with
the object, but with th essence e living there. It is possible to move essence, also, into the cell phone,
but then already, be so kind, do not conduct according to this telephone of negotiations, do not powder
the brains and do not braid the bend of the living there essence by your conversations, give to it to live
and to work quietly.
The object, which you selected for the settlement in it of means of information storage, is in prospect to
fill not only with purified power engineering (but we already spoke to you, as this is done), but still and
by any simple sensation, which you can reproduce - for example, by the sensation of heat or cold. But
in addition to this, to still dispose very well him to the melody or to the text (although song, although
prayer). For this we simply are united with the field of the cleaned object, using displacement of point
“I [esm]” according to the method of the third or fourth step, and we continuously transmit into the
object th motive (or text) e selected us, until entire object begins to resound together with your
consciousness. As soon as this occurred, object was ready to further work.

Creation of means of information storage

Means for creating the means of information storage will approach best anything such, which can
symbolize the reception-transmission of the information: letter, number, hieroglyph, etc but since all
lines of the depicted on the paper means must be locked, in you will come out faster stylized images of
letters and numbers - certain monograms, only [otdalenno] similar to the original.
With the creation of essence of this type it is first necessary to inject the first of three means in the
object, after this first stage to and then immediately introduce the large piece of virtual space in it. To
use for creating this fragment of virtual space is possible, in addition a figure, it is possible the
fragment of text or the fragment of music. In the courses we is trained to thinner technology - use for
creating the fragment of the virtual space of sensations continuously existing in our consciousness. To
teach this on the pages of the book is practically impossible: this is the very thin tedious work, in which
it is easy to commit error, erroneously identifying its sensations, and therefore a constant vigilant
control of instructor is here necessary.
With creation of essence - i.e., with the transfer by it means and saturation its energy - it is necessary to
lay special emphasis on transfer with it energy from its downflow. Of this energy to means of
information storage it is necessarily more than energy of the ascending current! The the fact is that
downflow - this is the space flow, which chiefly transfers information, but not energy. The here

terrestrial flow, which ascends, consists in essence of energy. But means of information storage -
essence is more information, than energy, naturally, to him is must more than space flow. Attempt in
the sensations to attain as a result so that the cloud of energy of the ascending current, which you
transfer to essence, would be small, but dense, and here is the cloud of energy of the downflow - it is
larger and somewhat those by more rarefied.
Generally for the unknown reasons the cloud of energy, the component of means of information
storage, it is usually very well evidently, and in a number of cases of strange means of information
storage is possible thus easy to reveal.
After the introduction of the fragment of virtual space we inject in the means of information storage the
second means, the and then third. All this as saturation of keeper by energy (upon consideration of the
afore-named finesses), it passes according to usual diagram.

Programming means of information storage

Thus, to you it is required that th essence e created by you would accumulate information. Information
enters both to the people and to the essences with the aid of the downflow - the energy data carrier.
Consequently, it is necessary to do so that the essence would recover from the environment all that
which catches to itself, condescending to the earth, energy of cosmos. I.e., so that the essence would
absorb from the environment energy of the downflow - and that is all. Together with this energy it will
gather any information, which is necessary to you for you. For this it is necessary at the sensation level
to show the created essence based on its own example, as you recover the downflow and together with
it absorb th information e carried by it. We will not dwell in detail at this process, because you,
respected readers, after passing four steps of system [DEIR], already certainly, easily you will know
how to create the appropriate sensation in your consciousness. If nevertheless this causes in you some
problems and complexities - well, then it is necessary anew to revive in the consciousness the material
of four steps or to arrive at us to the confrontation courses.
You will focus attention on this very crucial point: programming means of information storage, you
without fail must establish direct and feedback between it and by you, its creator. For this on the phase
of programming you compulsorily must add the element, which makes possible for essence in the case
of overloads to independently establish contact, with you. This is necessary so that, after overfilling by
the cumulative data, keeper could leave on you and perceptibly declare itself to you about the fact that
it was alien time to remove in it information at least partially. This is done thus: you reproduce in the
simple sensation the state of the information overload (you will recall, this state for sure to you
familiarly - the at least as a result multihour seat before the television set, here and demonstrate this
state to keeper, let he know, as this occurs, when head “swells”). It is simultaneously necessary to
transmit to it the sensation of contact with you - here here to you will prove useful melody or sensation,
which you introduced during the purification of object. When keeper begins to be tapped to you, then
this melody itself will begin to sound in your consciousness or in you it will appear the sensation itself,
which you introduced into the keeper with the creation. This will be for you the prearranged signal: it
is time to make contact with the keeper.
For the fastening and the best memorization of this prearranged signal by keeper you must on the phase
of programming again reproduce this melody, text or sensation in your consciousness, moreover with
each fragment of this signal it is necessary to establish the energy relation of essence with your
consciousness. Soon you will perceive the deep and powerful resonance: sounding text, melody or
sensation will be strengthened repeatedly. This means that the tuning is executed.
And one additional most important special feature of programming this keeper is connected with the
fact that, as we already spoke, it can be required you so that the keeper sometimes would act from your
person, i.e., he would transfer into the consciousness of the surrounding people those sensations or that
information, which you would want to transmit to them. This is very convenient - indeed thus you can
externally govern in practice any events. Conference goes on, you are not, but to you it is important so
that the conclusions would be made those, which were necessary to you. You leave instead of itself
keeper - you hide somewhere in the secluded corner. It transfers into the consciousness of those being

present your ideas, and those being present begin to speak in your phrases and to make decisions
necessary to you. But you are at this time free and can be occupied by entirely other, also necessary
and important for you matters. For this work keeper, it goes without saying, will be required the
energy, and, first of all, energy of the ascending current. Therefore in order to have the capability to
use this special feature of keeper, you even on the phase of programming had to return to it powerful
energy cluster. For you there is nothing simpler! We with you learned to do this even at first stage. You
do remember, as was formed the ball between the palms? (See the book “release”, where is presented
first stage [DEIR].) A now, when you passed, as a minimum, four steps [DEIR] and reached the high
degree of personal development, the formed by you ball, as you already noted, it became much
volumetric, it is more powerful and it is brighter, i.e., it became more energetically filled - indeed your
force grew repeatedly! Here this powerful ball, and better - sphere, you transfer on the phase of
programming the created essence, at the sensation level demonstrating, for which necessary to use this
sphere: in order to pack th information e transferred by you into the brains of people.

Conditions of the nourishment of means of information storage

It is necessary to say that means of information storage in the nourishment sufficiently [priveredliv]. Is
explained this by the fact that to it it is simple to nowhere take energy - indeed in the difference, for
example, from the keeper of equilibrium, it is not intended for absorbing the negative energy of
environment! Indeed that from one observance alone of equilibrium is capable to extract for itself
enormous energy potential in order, serving you, simultaneously very to remain satisfied and
contented. As the saying goes, and wolves are satisfied, and sheep are entire. But here means of
information storage cannot reach this potential - for that reason, that at his disposal are located only
two energy sources: the first source - scattered in the space energy, the second source - energy, which it
can obtain from the people, which participate in the development of the controlled by keeper at the
present moment theme. You, of course, if necessary can themselves feed up keeper by energy of the
central ascending current, but this is too [energozatratnyj] for you process, but to expend is so generous
energy not always reasonably, indeed you do not know, for which she still can be required you.
Therefore it is necessary to dispose essence to th use mode of energy of two accessible for it sources e
optimum for it. To dispose essence to a constant consumption of energy scattered in the space you,
hope, you will be able sufficiently easily, habits in you for this more than it is necessary, and it is here
above the fact in order to dispose it for the consumption of the background emission of people, which
participate in the development of the controlled thematics, it is necessary to be taken some pains.
This is done thus. You must very clearly visualize, what kind information will accumulate your keeper.
For example, you chief, and you interests the relation to you of subordinates. You obtained this
information from the keeper and they ascertained that this relation is left much to be desired. Now you
should change this relation and introduce in the consciousness of subordinates thought, that you
excellent leader and by you it is possible to be hundred per-cent contented. For this will have to
unnoticeably leave keeper in the office, where your colleagues sit. But it is preliminary he should
demonstrate, from what source it will energy input for this work. But subordinates, will give this
energy! For this we demonstrate to keeper based on the example of its own sensations, as we transfer
by our subordinate necessary to us ideas (with the aid of the technician of the third or second step) and
as instead of to the essence enters the energy, formed by the ascending current of subordinates. This is
normal energy exchange. We by them - information, they to us - energy. Here are we and [kvity]. It is
necessary to show this keeper, and it will begin to use this system.
The different version: to connect keeper to appropriate [egregoru], which corresponds for th theme e
interesting you. At the sensation level show it how to obtain energy flow from [egregora] - let it use.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

The means of foot- insurance for the means of information storage can be any. But it is better, if this
will be concrete means some of photograph - for example, the dear actor or simply close to you man,

who is somehow associated with the melody, the text, or with the sensation, used by you for the
creation of essence. Created thus foot-fear- kA it will be fairly complicated and simultaneously only by
your, very personal, convenient precisely for your use.

Use of means of information storage

Means of information storage is sufficiently simple in the use. First, when he will prove to be that
overloaded by information, he itself will establish with you contact and will declare about this the
melody (text, sensation), inculcated by you in it. After this, will have only reciprocal to be opened to
your creation, absorbing the information, which it wants to you to transmit (information, as you you
remember, we we absorb with the downflow - here and activate the downflow begin along the pointer
to draw it in itself).
But also you can work with the means of information storage (as with other essences) with the aid of
the framework, either the pendulum or other methods of reading information. It is possible,
furthermore, to displace in it my point “I am seven” and to obtain information due to the telepathic
contact. It is shorter, to obtain information is possible by any of the methods, described both in this
benefit and in all five previous books along the system [DEIR].
And even one- I to you, of course, gave here the overall diagram of that how means of information
storage it can act and itself, from your person, carrying out your orders. But to entirely understand this
wisdom independently nevertheless, on my understanding, does not represent.


The keeper of health - this is the essence, which is capable, absorbing energy from the environment, of
supporting existence of the normal matrices of healthy body and of restoring along these matrices the
shaken health of its owner. The keepers of health considerably increase energy potential of man and
direct him into the necessary river bed.

With the creation of the keeper of health it is necessary to be for very attentive, because this variety of
keeper will have to ensure very [moshnyj] and precise energy exchange inside our organism. Indeed
our health requires constant, of the disrupted in no way strong and powerful energy exchange, which is
achieved at the accurately specific moments. Has a value and a selection of object itself, and its correct
[vychishchenie]. The object, into which you populate the keeper of health, must satisfy the important

requirement: to be always next to you. Is important the means, which is contained in th fragment of
virtual space e injected in the essence.
As the object, which serves as house for the keeper of health, it is better to use anything, that always
with you (ring, pendant, coulomb - very well, if all this prepared from the natural stone), or object,
which is been located in immediate proximity from the bed-head of your bed (statuette, picture,
crystal). In this case the keeper of health will correct your health in the sleep.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

With [vychishchenii] of object for creating the keeper of health it is considerably better to combine
both the methods described higher than: first, [vychishchenie] of object by the method of energy
heating, and in the second place, by its tuning for the specific vibration, when object begins to vibrate
in your hand, similar to tuning fork. As this to do, you already know. One additional nuance: it is best
anything not to think previously, what tone to take, you themselves will naturally select that note,
which to you approaches. It is very important so that already on the phase of [vychishchenija] of object
you would experience absolutely no discomfort. Therefore it is best anything before beginning the
creation of the keeper of health to conduct the harmonization of the central flows through the standard
state and to remove all pathologic energy bonds, which exist between the organs (this is described in
the book “formation”, where it is presented the second step of the system of habits [DEIR]). It is
possible to recommend the energy post (procedure of which is given also in the second book), the
exception of alcoholic beverages and even post of food. If you create th keeper of health e especially
important for you, then it is best to make this of at the end great post.

Creation of the keeper of the health

With the creation of the keeper of health you should carry out no very already complex manipulations -
here the main thing so that you themselves at this time would be in a maximally good state of spirit and
would experience no negative sensations.
Note. For the keeper of health one must begin his work immediately, as soon as you it you will create,
and therefore on the phase of creation you had to return to it very much energy. Try at this moment not
to stint on energy!
The fragment of virtual space returns to the keeper of health after the second phase of the creation of
essence, i.e., after you finished to saturate the cluster of essence by energy of the downflow. For
forming this fragment it is most convenient to use a contour figure of man - its own completely
conditional self-portrait (you will depict approximately the outline of its body - as you see itself). You
remember that the lines must be locked!

Programming the keeper of the health

During programming of the keeper of health it is extremely important to make so that it would feed by
energy of pathologic bindings and would saturate by energy of central flows those organs both systems
and also sections of the bodies, which this require. Keeper himself, without your aid, this task will not
manage. Your matrix of health will be required it.
Existence of keeper must be placed, in the first place, in the interrelation with your matrix of health,
which is been in your standard state, and in the second place, with your own ether body.
Accordingly, in the stage of programming you are united with the essence, using the third or fourth
step technique. Then, preserving with it telepathic connection, you glance into its own standard state
and, governing essence employing the procedures of the third step (i.e., governing its intentions), you
lock essence to your own matrix of the health (see the book “formation”), which is stored in your
standard state. If you thoroughly studied the previous steps [DEIR], you, of course, remember, as this
is done, and, of course, you know how without the problems to enter into standard state. Indeed we this
learned even at first stage! L at the second step we already entered into standard state with the purpose

to precisely assign to ourselves program on the health. You do remember? We enter into standard state,
mentally reproducing that moment of our life, when we felt ourselves in every respect ideally (although
one such moment it was in the life in all, even most undeveloped people). Then we create the powerful
energy cluster, which absorbs into itself all signs of our standard state. After this, we place the received
quintessence of standard state inside ourselves in the level of heart. Here and all - the ideal matrix of
health is created! (There is and one additional method, but its conducting it requires time, and it it
teaches only in the courses.)
Here the mold of this ideal matrix you now must introduce in the keeper of health, after combining
moreover, it with it energetically. In this case you thoroughly avoid the establishment any energy
exchange between them. To make this will be not difficult, since you control the intentions of keeper.
The matrix of health will be used only as model for it, but not as the power source. Then you establish
the contact of the created essence with your own ether body (creating the general ether body) and you
make possible for it to restore the energy balance of your body.

Conditions of the nourishment of the keeper of the health

You can propose four power sources to the keeper of health: first, additional supply from your side
(and it must not be established specially - you always can present to the keeper of health powerful
energy ball); in the second place, energy of pathologic bindings inside your organism, which
unavoidably appear in the process of the vital activity even of the healthiest man; thirdly, the energy,
which is freed with the general regulation of your tone; fourthly, the scattered in the space energy. But
there is and one additional potential source: you can lock keeper to that any patronizing to you
[egregor] (it for you is no longer parasite, because we were completely protected from this even at first
stage). For example, you can fix the nourishment of the keeper of the health from the [egrego]- Ra of
Christianity or another religious [egregora].
The first source - your self-energy, and this method nourishment, as it was already said, previously
programming does not be worth. Let the keeper not expect from you these gifts - let your energy balls
always be for it pleasant surprise.
What as far as the second source of power - pathologic energy bonds between the organs of your
organism is concerned, to lock keeper on them is sufficiently simple. Begin to again carry out the
harmonization of your body - employing the procedure, described even in the first book, in chapter 8,
dedicated to the energy correction of physical body. We are concentrated on each organ, on the
sensation of stress we determine, where pathologic bonds occur, we activate the motion of central
flows and by the effort of will simply we break these bonds. You [otsledite] pathologic bonds at least
in one small section of your body. Show at the sensation level this process to the keeper of health.
Return the ragged energy bonds to it. Subsequently it will independently scan your body, removing
pathologic chains. After this, you will pay the special attention of any strongly of that harassing you to
the problem, which relates no longer to the physical body, but to the sincere experiences. Let the
keeper get accustomed to remove the negative clusters of energy and pathologic bonds not only from
the physical body, but also from your consciousness, thus freeing you from the stresses and the caused
by stresses diseases.
The third source of power of keeper is connected with the fact that during the correction of your tone
and his bringing into the correspondence with the matrix of health inevitably it appears powerful
energy charge. Keeper will easily understand also without you that this is his food, and it will quietly
use it without your participation. But if you want to be confident, that it will make this energy surplus
its food, then can show keeper at the sensation level, as with the correction of physical body appears
energy overload in the ascending and downflows. For this you can simply pump your ether body by
energy of one or other flow or another, and then allow keeper to free yourselves from the surplus.
The fourth source ( use by a keeper of th energy e scattered in the space ) is established as usually.
But here the use of energy of [egregora] is programmed by special means. If this [egregor] of
Christianity, you is required the reproduction of icon, it is better separately by you that respected. You,
combining your point “I [esm]” with the object, which serves as anchor for the essence, direct its

energy to the reproduction of icon necessary to you. There is and one additional version: it is possible
to use the fragment of virtual space, which contains the image of icon, for creating the keeper of health.
And then you immediately, with the creation of keeper, assign his additional supply from [egregora] of
Christianity. This additional supply now will be accomplished in the automatic regime! It is natural
that to Moslems or to Buddhists to be made up from Christian [egregora] and, on the contrary, to
Christians - from the Moslem or the the [buddistskogo] does not stand.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

, as a rule, it does not be necessary to liquidate the keeper of health, because the concern about the
health is necessary always. But the need to slightly touch up it sometimes can arise. Why? Yes it is
very simple: indeed our peace is variable, and it is small what loads, including dangerous for the
health, for you one must meet. It can be, for you it is necessary to slightly change the conditions for the
work of the keeper of health, after directing his efforts for any special tasks - for example, to store your
health under the conditions of serious risk for the life somewhere in the mountains or in ices of the
Arctic. And foot- insurance is here here will be necessary necessary.

Chapter 2

Defenders - are completely unique energy-information creation. They serve not only for the protection
and the defense - they are still capable of avoiding attack on you, previously neutralizing enemy, and to
take vengeance for you upon your enemy, who already had time to cause to you harm, to complete act
of retaliation. The basic task of defenders - these are the development of the sources of aggression and
their goal-directed destruction. For purposes of the liquidation of aggressor the defenders actively
invade his consciousness and ether structures.
Furthermore, defenders previously prevent their owner about th aggression e prepared against it, then
they saturate owner by energy for the successful repulsion of aggression and his emotional level is
supported in order to facilitate victory and to ensure survival.
In the course of time in proportion to their work with you the defenders accumulate colossal energy
levels, becoming increasingly stronger and stronger. Old defenders are balanced and powerful, they
capable of reflecting any attack. But their basic merit in the fact that they wonderfully prevent any
attack, as a result excluding it entirely, simply without allowing aggressive action on the owner
(naturally, in that measure, in which subconsciousness of owner is considered their aggressive,). They
this make in such a way that thought itself about the attack simply is excluded from the consciousness
of potentially aggressive man or energy-information parasite. Through several years of their existence,
especially if it passes to aggressive medium, defenders can worthily maintain struggle even with
[egregorom] - and not only to maintain struggle, but if necessary to attack and to neutralize hostile to
you [egregor], the lichen of his forces and literally drinking entire its energy.
There are three base varieties of the defenders: Defender of house, the defender of man and the
defender of family.


Shielding essences for itself and house - especially interesting class of defenders. The fact is that the
defender of house is intended not only for the protection of the living being (man or your domestic
poultry - cat, bird, etc), but also for the protection of space, in whom he and all its “clients themselves”
dwell, i.e., house. These are [pochishche], than is the good-natured inoffensive of house! These are real
owner, guard, bodyguard, who manages these functions much better than most malicious [bulterer] or
[rotvejler]. And certainly, not one bodyguard- man, whatever pumped biceps and whatever powerful
back of the head it had, will not be compared with your energy-information defender. Yes it is by an
order more powerful than all possible defender- people, and never he will sleep moreover! With it the

house is protected and the cleanliness of energy attacks, from the intrusions of outside ether bodies and
from the aggressive [egregorialnykh] influences.

The defender of house builds up in the course of time a colossal energy reserve in order at the
necessary moment to discharge him into the aggressor or to transmit to owner for the reflection.
Defender usually prevents owner about the danger by powerful energy stimulus. When desired can
program by his in such a way that it would transfer the painful signal to you so that it would instantly "
wake” you, it raised to the feet as on the alarm signal. If someone encroaches on your house into your
absence or will complete attack into the ether tele-, then defender easily neutralizes [neproshenykh]
guests, simply disintegrating and absorbing their ether bodies - it is not important, there will be this the
aggressively disposed people or any aggressively disposed strangers to you essence. Developed and
become sufficiently strong defenders simply absorb aggressive thoughts in visitors, and in the
separately dangerous cases [vytrashshvajut] the corresponding sections of their virtual space, directing
thoughts into another river bed is so that the aggressively disposed man it perceives a kind of the dip in
memory - it in no way can recall that for the thoughts and the intentions they were in its head another
minute ago!
Therefore defenders wonderfully protect your house from the pilferers. Small pilferer, after
encountering with the defender, simply instantly regrets. This occurs because the defender removes
from it energy, emotion and luck and all this transfers to you as the compensation for this unpleasant
circumstance as encroachment (let and been unsuccessful) on you pilferer.
One additional important merit of the defender: in its presence in your house cannot be located the
people, hostilely to you disposed and by all the more those holding on you stone after the cavity. The
same concerns the [nezhelannykh] or boring guests - them simply after some time it will become in
your house a little not on itself, and they will leave you at rest, in a hurry [retirovavshis].
And do not be disturbed - innocent defender harm will not cause! Indeed for the repulsion of attack he
takes force in aggressor, but therefore reflects attack with the force, equal to the force of action, and
not and what is more. Therefore from the defender can suffer only those, whose actions or thoughts are
actually dangerous for you.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

Object for creating the defender it is necessary to have especially clean; therefore it is best to take the
new, by anyone never object used. Will approach the statuette (it is good assembly-line production, but
not manual work - so that there would be no imprints of the individuality of the author), the stone
(simply select somewhere in the uninhabited place, do not buy - are especially preferable such species
as granite, silicon, obsidian, quartz, marble), it is possible the piece of tree, washed in water.
If you selected stone, then before [vychishcheniem] it would be warm thoroughly rather well him on
fire- possible on the flame of spark plug, it is possible on the gas stove.
When you clean object in the palms, then use both already known to you method, i.e., first attain so
that the object would become intimate with your power engineering, and then [nastrojte] it into the
resonance with the tone, which would be associated in you with its future functions (for the defender
more greatly they will approach are the bass tones, because for it one must deal concerning the lowest

Creation of the defender of the house

As the means with the creation of the defender of house it is better to use those means, which in you
personally are associated with his future functions, do not forget, you make friend and partner to
yourselves, so that than it will be nearer to you, the better.
The first stage of the creation of essence is carried out as usually: is created means with the locked
outline, which is associated in you with the territory, which must be protected, and it is incorporated in
the defender. It is not necessary to only attempt on this phase to program defender.
Immediately after the first stage the future essence it is necessary to build in the fragment of virtual
space. For this also can use a figure with the image of the locked outline - square, circle, and are better
- the outlines of your room or the figure of your apartment, i.e., the symbol of territory, which the
defender must protect. But inside this outline it is compulsorily necessary to arrange open figure - for
example, line, either cross or some figure of the type of snowflake.
The second and third stages are passed as usual, i.e., alternately they be incorporated in the defender
the second and third means, also symbolizing for you protection and those having the locked outline:
stylized sword, sheet rubber, evil dog, etc.

Programming the defender of the house

Programming defender - very critical and sufficiently complex stage. What to you is necessary from it?
First, so that it would absorb power engineering of outside aggressive actions. In the second place, so
that it, without waiting until the aggression, would attack first, neutralizing aggressor by preventive
impact. Thirdly so that it would in time give to you the signal, which warns about the prepared attack,
and would give to you forces for the victory in any situation.
Are such they can be the varieties of aggressive actions? First, these are energy actions - spoiling,
[sglazy], [vampirizm]. In the second place, these are mental actions, i.e., outside negative thoughts and
the intentions, directed to your address. Thirdly, the so-called astral attacks, i.e., introduction into the
ether body of foreign objects. Fourthly, for the owner of house visits and the presence both the outside
people by our own persona and their ether bodies, which are sometimes declared into our house
independently, without their owner (if this owner something [zamyslivaet], connected with us, or
simply he thinks about us Beza any occasion from our side).
With respect to these four types of aggression programming defender is conducted into four stages - so
that it could protect us from all four forms of attacks. For this first we are united with the newly created
defender employing the procedures of the third step [DEIR] (fragmentary telepathy), or the fourth step
(displacement of point “I [esm]” in the objective space into “the body” of defender). After being
combined thus with the defender, you merge with it together, i.e., themselves to some period you
become defender. After reembodying into the defender, after merging with it together, can approach
the first stage of programming. For this you should form energy attack from without, then absorb it,
and surplus return to its physical body in the triple size. For this it is possible simply to recall your own

sensations with a similar attack on you from the side. Since you are at this moment poured into single
whole with the defender, to you is entirely difficult will not be difficult all this to make. And do not be
disturbed, harm to yourselves you will not cause you will, on the contrary, feel the flow of forces. Now
approach the second stage: create negative thought or you will recall, as someone directed on you its
negative thoughts, you will absorb it. Then return to your physical body in the intensive version. Third
stage: the same - with the object, which takes root in your ether body. This is entirely simple.
Visualize, as some man it wants you to tie to itself - and it pushes into your ether armature core. You
will swallow power engineering of this anchor and feel, as energy from this eaten food literally puffs of
you. Return this energy to your physical body. Fourth stage: represent next to itself man undesirable
for you and direct in it energy supply. Represent, as its ether body is destroyed from this impact, and
the scraps of ether body are absorbed by you. Also transmit this power engineering to your body.
And one additional stage- additional: create in your consciousness negative thought, strengthen it
energetically, and now mentally pass through the defender, with whom you are now poured, penetrate
through it in your own consciousness and you will swallow this negative cluster together with the
fragment of your virtual space. Thus you show to defender, as it is possible “to eat” th fragments of
your virtual space e soiled by negative and to thus free from the negative your soul.
Now you should program the signal, which the defender will give to you. At the given moment you are
thus far united with the defender and his thus far even unriper structure experiences after programming
a certain energy overload. I.e., in it is observed the surplus of energy - it “ate” from the want of habit.
So throw out this accumulated charge to itself, after giving to it even and the information load: at the
sensation level give the specific sharp sound, either bright light or weak, but perceptible pain to it, i.e.,
paint this energy cluster in those tones, which will already accurately wake you.
All these stages of programming better to rehearse previously, still before you approached the creation
of defender. Gradually you will learn to generally reduce the creation and the programming to one
stage, simultaneously conducting the generation of means, and energy saturation, and work with the
external negative pulses. Strictly speaking, and the task of the power sources in the course of time can
be will be partially combined with the programming. But it is nevertheless better, when the power
sources are demonstrated to defender by separate stage.

Conditions of the nourishment of the defender of the house

Defender does not, generally speaking, experience deficiency in the energy. Too much in our peace of
negative actions, and they are too strong. But nevertheless the first rule remains - first essence is tuned
to the use of energy, scattered in the environment. You will be combined with the defender. You will
absorb the energy, which surrounds you. Now you pass to the basic stage.
The fact is that defender is capable to rework any negative - actually, negative supply is capable of
showing on it no negative influence, because its psyche radically is differed from human and human
negative for it means nothing. And for us one must show it as the power sources, exactly as we made in
the previous stage, energy, descriptive and emotional negatives, and also the saturated by them
fragments of virtual space. But there is one nuance: indeed defender must actively search for in the
surrounding space the sources of negative and remove them. Therefore, if you at the given moment
experience energy or other pressure, send defender directly to his source. This will give guarantee,
what in the future defender will itself search for such sources and absorb them - be it people or energy-
information parasites.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

Again I want to turn to you with reminding: foot- insurance is the name of essence, A defender - this
powerful weapon. Therefore you on no account must forget its name. It means, the means, utilized as
the foot- insurance, must be absolutely precise and learned. For the memory it is possible to write
down its name on the paper.
Thus far you clearly and clearly remember this name, you always can send defender to th target e

necessary to you. And one more: in the course of time the defender can obtain this large energy
potential that he, is over, can become somewhat sleepy and lazy. It is possible that it will partially lose
vigilance and will begin to react to the sudden stimuli too slowly. Here at that time foot- insurance will
prove useful in order to wake it and to activate.

Use of a defender of the house

Strictly, about the application of a defender of house to tell and it is not necessary - with his correct
creation it itself will do everything which is required from it. Thus far in the house defender lives,
nothing more outside will penetrate in your house - neither thought nor ether body nor energy flux.
With the presence of defender the space of your house becomes by itself the [nadezhnejshim] refuge,
by forbidden zone for entire poor. Air itself is made as if [ozonirovannym] - it is easy to breathe and it
is easy to live. You themselves will be surprised to the change: how many negatives, occur, was filled
your dwelling, and you this even did not note, until defender removes them! So dust on the television
screen occurs imperceptible, until bright solar ray falls to its dark surface.
I would want to add only one component: if the name of defender is recorded or is represented on the
paper, then immediately several people can use it. Such possibly, for example, in the family. The
version of this defender, by the way, is used in the clubs [DEIR]. Only there, as a rule, are created
essences into thousands of times more powerful, it is more complex and where those more protected
than those that can create you in this stage under the household conditions.
Important rule: in your family never use defenders, created not by you or your relatives. If defender is
created by someone stranger, you never know, with what program the essence was created, and
therefore cannot completely entrust to it.
The defender of a good class truly can be omnipotent. I will give the most ordinary example from the
practice of clubs [DEIR] (as it was already said, there essence more powerful, yes even task in them a
little other, but as a whole distinctions in kind they were small). In each of Russia cities, where there
are clubs [DEIR], defender was immediately after activated, not only energy attacks on the students of
school openly ceased, but even somewhere disappeared simply harassing of people undesirable
contacts. Potential dangers were sifted. For example, if to our listeners already after first stage [DEIR]
on the streets ceased to stick gipsies, then after the creation of defender these representatives of
nomadic tribe from our students of steel it is simple in the fear to be thrown suddenly. On the whole,
with the creation of defender to live it is immediately begun in every respect more easily.
But it is necessary to say that defenders, who adapt in the clubs [DEIR] in the different cities of Russia,
have very complex problem - of acting in entire space of city. This is much more complex than to work
in the small locked space of house! But therefore in the house the results of acting even the average
defender are much more noticeable. So that if you to first time create even small, modest defender, it
and that greatly and greatly it will help you! Energy-information friend this small good to you, but
pitiless to the enemies always, without stinting on himself, will cover your back from all hostile to you


This type of defender is sufficiently close in its properties previous, but its task somewhat simpler,
because it should protect space - to it it suffices to protect only its owner, to remove any energy
aggression, directed toward it. It actively moves away in the aggressors of the part of their
consciousnesses, in which the aggressive intents and thoughts dwell, it suggests the way of output from
the dangerous situation, it eats up aggression, it gives emotional support to its owner. It returns
spoilings and [sglazy] there, from where they arrived, moreover it returns them with repeatedly
multiplied force, injecting them in that, who gave birth to them, it is very deep. It eats up negative
programs with the attempt from the side to inject them in you, it sucks out [vampiriche]-[skie] suckers
to the reverse side.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

[Vychishchenie] of object is achieved as usual, because no special requirements for the defender of
man it is presented. It is understandable that object it is necessary to take that, which you will imply,
ring, necklace, pendant, chain it is other

Creation of the defender of the man

With the creation of defender it is necessary to consider only one: in the defender it is necessary to
force as much as possible energies, because very large potential is necessary to it, in order to rapidly
As the figure, which serves as basis for creating the defender, it is possible to furthermore use a outline
of man, but open figure must be located inside it - is simple line, small cross or anything analogous.

Programming the defender of the man

To us is necessary from the defender the following: so that it would absorb the energy aggression,
would be removed its source, was moved away strange negative programming, furthermore removing
source, it would support us emotionally and energetically, would paralyze [egre]-[gorialnye] attacks,
especially such, as the attack through “internal computer” or “rulers of [karma]”, in a word, in every
way possible would be removed likely dangers, guarding that section of space, which we occupy
themselves. Therefore for programming of the defender of man for us it is necessary to use “the aid” at
least of one present source of aggression. We should show very reason for negative influence defender

so that it and subsequently would work not with the influences, but with their reason, i.e., not with the
consequences, but with the source of aggression. Therefore try to look this present source of the
aggression in the external peace. It is confident, it is not necessary for long to search for: peace is
overfilled by the aggressive, embittered people. Who not further as did last week envy to you, in every
way possible desiring evil? Neighbor on the dacha or on the staircase? Associates from the work or
fellow-travellers in the bus? Who did attempt to you to suggest some program - for example, feeling of
guilt and his own inferiority? And such also in your environment you will find several. As we see, our
defenders will not remain hungry and unemployment does not also threaten to them. Around full the
sources of aggression, which even do not suspect, that with the encounter with you they automatically
are converted in [kamikadze]. To Nun, let they bear malice. Let us look, for long this will succeed by
We thus, find real aggressor. Then we conduct association with the defender, using the third or fourth
step technique [DEIR]. Being united with the essence, we govern its intentions and simulate
conditions, with which for essence it is necessary to fight, but first for this themselves we simulate
energy flows and direct their essences from the side of its own body and its energy structure. Then we
clearly master with the energy-information essence first blocking, and then the absorption of this
modelled energy aggression. You remember that aggression bears predominantly energy of the
ascending current, and therefore it is necessary to block the ascending current. Then we block and it is
absorbed the programming influence, remembering about the fact that energy of the downflow bears
programs, and it means, it is necessary to block the downflow. And already after this we " show”
essence the present source of aggression - for this mentally we are transferred at the moment of the
time, when this aggression occurred in the reality, or we establish contact with the immediate
aggression. Further, controlling and directing the actions of essence, we completely block the attack
(here each to its harmony - it is possible to limit only to energy absorption, it is possible even “to burst
open” into the virtual space of aggressor). Now, as before governing the action of defender, throw out
energy surplus to your own body, after accompanying this gift by bright and warm emotions.
And one more: for you it is necessary to allow defender into its own virtual space in order to allow it to
fight with the accumulated in your consciousness negatives and to exclude attempts at the action on
you through so-called [biokompjuter] and other [eg]-[regorialno] the anchored pieces.
Well here! You made this, and now it remained to assign to the defender of the condition of

Conditions of the nourishment of the defender of the man

First, for us it is necessary to lock defender to the use of th energy e scattered in the external space. It is
in the second place, necessary to show it those sources, which intended to cause harm to you and
directed the interfering energy flow in your address. They are already shown in the process of
programming - and you be assured, defender already understood that they can be food, and it was
wonderfully by them satiated. But with the harmful [egregorialnymi] influences defender will be
dismantled itself - truth, a little [pogodja], when he collects force. As we already said, do not survive
for the defender, it will not remain in any event hungry: what- what, and nourishment for the defenders
in our peace always is sufficient and will be sufficient still for a long time.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

the Foot- insurance of the defender of man - very important thing. You never and under no
circumstances simply have a right to forget it! But as this symbol it is better to use that which in the
best way is associated in you with the future functions of defender. These associations can be
especially individual. Be weakened, whereas say to itself word “defender” and note the first means,
which floated up in the consciousness. This there will be the symbol of your defender.
I hope, it is not necessary to recall that, using foot- insurance, you always can a little [doprogram]-
[mirovat] defender, after adding to him new function, only I please you to consider that in the course of

time the defender will accumulate enormous energy potential and therefore very procedure of
[doprogrammirovanija] will be not too pleasant. You will feel its force, and can, even resistance on
itself. Not [bespokojtes], this normal phenomenon. It will not cause to you serious harm under no
And certainly, with the aid of the foot- insurance you always can “move” the slightly dozed off
defender so that it would accomplish th task e necessary to you.

Use of a defender of the man

The use of a defender is obvious: it is irreplaceable with all possible attempts at the guidance on you of
spoiling, [sglaza], programming, installation of [vampiri]-[cheskikh] suckers, [egregorialnykh] attacks
and is other ; and defender is other always with you, and he will always reliably safeguard you from
any aggressor. Moreover, soon you will note that the hostilely disposed with respect to you people,
people, which hold on you stone after the cavity, and simply unpleasant to you personality suddenly
will begin themselves to avoid contact with you. They will by inside sense, what be thrust to there not
necessary, but that will be badly and [ochen]-[ochen] it is painful. The reasons for such sensations they
understand, of course, cannot, but they will instinctively fear you and stand aside. Well and glory to
Immediately after creation defender begins to absorb the mass of energy and he ceases this to make,
only when it will be satiated. You this will immediately feel. But therefore already in several hours
after his creation defender collects this energy potential, which becomes considerably stronger than
any, even very trained man. And in this case it is subordinated only to its owner!
In regard to this it is desirable to describe one history. Once our colleague, instructor of courses, began
to experience certain energy attack. In general any of our instructors even slightly energetically cannot
be caught practically. But during occupations themselves - other here matter: here instructor is
revealed, working with the large audience. It occurs, which someone of the listeners begins to try its
[silenki] and it is released into the energy attack on the instructor, xwho during the occupations in
general does not have desire and possibility to be distracted for the reflection of energy pressure.
Indeed if it is distracted, then will suffer the quality of its teaching, to say nothing of that that will
suffer the unreasonable “dare-devil”. So here, once our colleague attempted during the occupation to
attack men sufficiently literate, moreover working through the magic object - ring. It was necessary
specially for the protection of instructor during the occupations to create defender. When defender was
created, aggressive action from the side of listener activated him directly during the occupation.
Instructor this felt - since the activation of defender is accompanied by distinct sensations in his owner.
Naturally, defender here studied the source of aggression. Approximately everything was ended in ten
minutes. Satisfied defender passed into the inactive form, and the pressure of aggressor completely
ceased. You will ask, however, which did become with the aggressor? [Uspokojtes], it remained
among the living. But here only its magic ring lost force forever. And entire remainder of day the
former aggressor [ozadachenno] studied his ring, being puzzled, why it ceased to act.
Well and how many cases, when aggressor suddenly reveals that he was completely deprived of forces
either of knowledge, which allowed for him news attack, or even motives themselves for this attack
and aggressive intents… Not to consider them.


From what it is necessary to protect its family? It is first of all, certainly, from the intrusions of outside
people and outside influences. Partially this manages the defender of house, but indeed and you, and
the members of your family always you occur house, the part of time you unavoidably carry out out of
its walls, and there it is possible to meet with actions very many negative for the family. But the
defender of house out of your dwelling no longer acts. Insidiousness of these negative actions out of
the house in the fact that at first they do not seem such.

They can be even pleasant and greatly be pleased you. You can even not note, as the destruction of
your family it visited already very far. It means, it is necessary something to make. Indeed to our dear
people continuously is brought down the present squall of speechless energy calls from the side. But
sometimes occur even [privoroty]! Think - because of whose- that of alien influence you can forever
lose close man!
And the defender of family here can help. This representative of the class of defenders possesses the
not very large set of functions, because into his task enters only the removal of outside pulses in your
address and into the address of the members of your family and the retention of your family
connections. Also it can actively invade the strange matters, creating there problems in order to distract
attention from you and to destroy [privoroty]. I.e., it must preserve your connections by any price,
cover them, strengthen, not give to be torn. It must preserve family.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

There is nothing object complex in [vychishchenii] - it is possible to make according to the usual
diagram: [progrevaem] in the palms, we saturate by energy, we tune to some sound - are best anything
melodious, pleasant, not not too high, but also not low.
But here there is the nuance: indeed the defender of family must protect family, i.e., as a minimum,
two men. Accordingly, better to move him immediately into several objects, into those that imply the
members of family (ring, chain, etc), and still additionally into the object, which is always located
house. There is nothing complex in the creation of essence on several objects - simply you will work
immediately with the entire group of objects exactly as made this with one. Received thus essence will
be one-piece, but three-dimensional it will be divided into several sections. Better, of course, so that
these would be identical objects in all members of family.

Creation of the defender of the family

The creation of the defender of family is passed, as usual, into three stages. We select three means, that
symbolize for you the protection of your family: for example, the figurines of two people, outlined by
the closed shielding circle.
However, you add the fragment of virtual space after the first stage. The, in addition symbolic image of
the protection of your family can serve as basis for its creation. Do not forget that the lines must be
locked, but inside the locked figure it is necessary, in addition, as for all defenders, to introduce any
open element - asterisk, [pljusik] or is simple line.
Attention: To defender be required many forces, but therefore with its creation do not stint on energy!

Programming the defender of the family

In the stage of programming you must assign the task, which it must solve to defender. And it is
necessary that at this moment next to you (at least in the field of your sight) there would be your
satellite of life, only then the work of defender will be precise. Task in defender is triune - retention
and strengthening your connections, the absorption of [privorotov], the active interference in the affairs
of aggressor for purposes of the abstraction of attention from you and your family.
We carry out programming thus: we establish with the essence contact employing the procedures of the
third or fourth step [DEIR]; governing the intentions of essence, we grope the energy connection
between you and by partner, we unite defender with it; preserving this association, we find the source
of the aggression (that, who it attempts to your family, it is possible simply to present it to itself before
the eyes, after creating its phantom); we make possible for defender to absorb his energy, we direct it
to strengthening of your connection with the husband (wife). Now we make possible for defender to
attack (in it nevertheless still it remained small excess energy) - and we ensure small energy
intervention into the energy structures of aggressor. You can ensure the deeper level of intrusion into
its structures, but to first time do not overdo it. And this it is completely sufficient!

Conditions of the nourishment of the defender of the family

Conditions of nourishment in principle the same as in other defenders. Do not forget to first connect
defender to the use of th energy e scattered in the space. But in other respects - you must understand,
that deficiency in the energy the defender of family will not experience. Around always set if not
straight aggressors, then enviers. The defender of family will accurately select entire poor, that is sent
for the address of your family, including the envy, and malignity, and hostility.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance

Foot- insurance can be any, but it must be identical for all objects, in which settled the defender of the
family (you indeed remember that the objects of these several). It is desirable so that the means of foot-
insurance would be depicted directly on the objects, which are been “dwelling” for the defender. If
necessary you, using foot- insurance, can supplement the functions of defender. I resemble: no one,
besides the creator of essence, to make this will be able - even the one who it knows foot- insurance.
Moreover, there are even special measures of precaution, their kind the safety devices, build it the
essence. Therefore to be disturbed because foot- insurance is depicted on the object and each can see it,
it does not stand. But one ought not to excessively and entrust to strangers, but therefore you hold very
operation of reprogramming in a strict secret. Essence can react very aggressively, if someone, and not
owner, it will climb to reprogram it!

Use of a defender of the family

Use is obvious: The defender of family makes everything for the retention and strengthenings of
family. There is one finesse: two objects, even divided are three-dimensional, they have general
essence, and therefore they work [skoordinirovanno]. Therefore husband will always feel, when at his
wife they direct [privorot]. Both objects by here their common essence attack that, who makes
[privorot], they break the bond with it of that, whom they bewitch, discharge all tools of [privorota]
and feed by energy of [privorota] and that, who it made. As a result the author of [privorota] remains
without the forces, and your family only becomes stronger.
There was this case in the family of one our listener. It noted changes in its husband. It began to it
somehow to grow cold. On the work it began to for a long time stay without the visible reasons.
Gloomy always, gloomy, excess word will not say. You will not wait for kindness from it. But indeed
earlier by such thoughtful it was, that loves! It explained some circumstances - so there is: on the work
of husband certain unmarried, young and sufficiently [stervoznaja] person clearly placed on it eye and
by truth- untruths he attempts to [obolstit]. But married he feels, that in husband some sincere
disturbance, suffers it from something, something gnaws it…
It was necessary to create the defender of family. To husband about this it was not said. Defender was
created on two identical rings - rings with the signet with one and the same with the figure, which was
used as the foot- insurance. Woman presented one ring to husband on the birthday (she knew that it has
long ago dreamed about this ring), another left to itself. Husband changed immediately. It became
again open, trusting - and in the impulse of revelation it described to woman about its flour: some its
unknown dark force to that woman as if pulls, but it does not please itself it, it does not love rel.un., it
loves only wife and greatly he values family, but here as if delusion is some. This is the typical
manifestation of [privorota]: when men it does not want to deal concerning the fact, who bewitched it,
but he is pulled to it against its will. [Privorot] - this is the precisely suppression of the will of man.
They tie to itself it in spite of its own desires. But fetters [privorota] sometimes are so strong, that man
cannot tear them, even if he wants this to make.
Defender after began to act, delusion as by hand removed. Woman, who made [privorot], simply was
discharged, and the husband of our student greater than it never saw, yes even he did not recall about it,
but in the family relations were fixed better than the previous. Our student even bragged somehow, that
as if again the honey month survived!

Chapter e

Conductors - completely special class of essences. They do not possess enormous energy reserve, yes it
to them is not necessary - they act differently, gathering energy for its actions directly in the process of
accomplishment of mission. And the designation of conductors, as can be seen from name, to conduct
you there, where to you it is necessary. To conduct you to the purpose, to conduct your spirit far,
upwards, to conduct your thoughts by necessary to you road. The value of conductor cannot be
overestimated, because man for the normal life in this peace needs his road clean, flat, on top of that
and previously plotted on the map, on which we can be oriented. Conductor is simply necessary for us,
so that we would not expend the time on the senseless wanderings in the darkness, on the searches for
necessary ways. It is necessary for us so that we would not be brought down from the road. How many
for free spent years will be collected in each man - years, which it conducted in the throwings and the
fluctuations in search of its way. If we found it immediately, and they were not brought down
continually from the way, there would be no bitter regrets about the missed time.
Indeed human life on the Earth is very short - this is is one moment. But to have time to make is
necessary so much! Conductor will help us plainly and by the greatest effectiveness to spend our time
on the Earth, selecting for us only most precise, most correct, shortest ways to the purpose, to the
solution of problem, to the necessary state, to the ideal means itself.


The conductor, that leads to the specific goal and that helps to us to easy and effortlessly go around
obstacles, achieves this effect because of its ability flexibly to interact with the environment, from one
side, and by its possessor, from other side: it recovers information about your desires and about th
ways of their reaching e existing in the world and deftly coordinates one with another, finding the
optimum ways of the realization of your desires. But therefore this conductor energy input both outside
and from within, from its owner (if necessary). Conductor to the purpose can much - it manages the
most insurmountable obstacles, it in particular breaks [eg]-[regorialnye] connections, i.e., it is capable
to suppress the supported by energy-information parasites chains of events. [Krome] [togo],
[Provodnik] to the purpose itself organizes around the man the powerful energy flow, which bears man
there, where to it it is necessary, helping it in its matters. As a result conductor to the purpose
repeatedly increases the confidence of man in itself and his faith in its forces and possibilities: indeed
any difficulties prove to be surmountable, and any work - feasible.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

[Vychishchenie] of the object of no differences and special features here has: it is sufficiently simple to
warm thoroughly object in the palms, after removing from it outside energy tracks, dark impregnations,
energetic suckers, to attain sensation, that the object shines by bright flat light, without the flaws,
without the dark regions, without the draining of energy. As the object it is worthwhile to use
something small, that always with itself - although pendant, although button on the coat, fountain pen,
glasses… You, my dear readers, are already sufficiently taught by experience in a matter of energy-
information interactions, and therefore are capable they themselves, without whose- or the indications,
of making very much, to say nothing of this ordinary matter as the selection of object for the essence.
You remember: the main thing so that the object would cause in you pleasant sensations, it warmed
soul. Such thin sensations to you, mastered the fourth step [DEIR], are completely accessible - so
include in the matter your super-developed sensitivity and independently approach the selection of the
necessary objects. Your intuition already simply cannot deceive you!

Creation of conductor to the purpose

You will focus attention: the creation of conductor to the purpose does not require the start in it of the
fragment of your virtual space. Thus far the too strong inspired and self-developing essence is not
necessary to you. Thus far to you it is sufficient so that this essence would be something like the
compass, i.e., half by tool, and half by essence. Here when you will become real virtuoso in the work
with the essences (but I believe that this time at hand), then you will be able to create for itself the
properly living, inspired and capable of the self-development conductor. Let us for the present leave
this form of creation Most High. But themselves we will in proportion to its possibilities all approach
and approach it in order to become ever more being omnipotent.
Thus, the fragment of virtual space to pack into the conductor not must, and in other respects its
creation is differed in no way from the creation of other essences: we alternately place in it three means
and we saturate by energy. Of energies, as has already been spoken, is must not too much. Concerning
means, condition the same: the drawn on the paper locked figures, [otdalenno] resembling that which
for you can symbolize way to the purpose: withered, compass, pointer, etc, select, on the basis of your
individual ideas and associations! You indeed do already feel yourselves, strong creator? I do not
doubt, that you similar are. Otherwise and be it cannot after the successful passage of five steps of
school [DEIR]! But therefore you are completely capable of acting independently, without the prompts
and the instructions. Therefore I try increasingly less and less to dictate to you rules, increasingly less
and less to tie any instructions. Your independence - will this is what be the excellent result of my
work. And I will know: are my merit in the fact that in the country ten appeared, hundreds of thousands
of independently and creatively thinking people… But - to the side lyric retreats. We go further.

Programming conductor to the purpose

To you it is required from the conductor to the purpose only two things: so that it would ship you there,
where to you it is necessary, and so that it would remove from your way of obstacle. And that is all!
Energy-information essence will manage easily this task. But it is necessary to direct separately to its
each your target. But therefore you should on the phase of programming assign only the general
conditions of its functioning to conductor.
For this we are united with the [novosozdannoj] essence employing the procedures of the third step
[DEIR] and it is oriented it to any modelled by us purpose (to first time let this it will be some small
task, to the fulfillment by which it is necessary not more several days - for example, to make some
purchase). In our imagination we clearly sketch the result, which we want to reach. Now, using its own
energy potential, we initiate the powerful energy flux towards of purpose, i.e., to the created by us
means of result. Then themselves (by our consciousness) we are opened slightly to conductor, we form
with it the united energy structure (being united with it by ether body) so that it would have the
capability to ship you.
Here and everything. Basic conditions for the work of conductor are assigned. But further for you it is
necessary to direct it already in the working order, assigning to it each time the new working
conditions - indeed purpose they change. And not [bojtes] to load conductor, reject false modesty, you
be more daringly in the selection of the most risky, most tempting purposes. With the conductor to the
purpose - everything in your hands!

Conditions of the nourishment of conductor to the purpose

As usual, the first source - this is the scattered in the space free energy. The second source will be the
absorption of the [egregorialnykh] connections, which prevent you from achieving goal, i.e., the chain
of connections, created by the energy-information parasites, that enmesh our society. You, of course,
got rid of these connections even at first stage [DEIR], but here our society of them did not get rid, and
therefore they, without catching you personally, can nevertheless be confused in you under the feet and
interfere with freely going to the purpose (you already showed this source conductor on the phase of
programming, directing him to the purpose). And your own power engineering, which you will give as
needed, will become the third source. You already also showed this source conductor on the phase of

programming - and you will show each time, you will as soon as see your purpose.
And one additional source - this is the purposeful additional supply, which you will issue essence
during each of its programmings to the purpose.
Those, who concluded confrontation courses [DEIR], can use one additional source of energy - by
energy reserve of school, after locking essence to the object [DEIR] (both nuclei).

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance

Foot- insurance for the conductor to the purpose can be any, provided means easily was memorized
and easily was reproduced in the imagination and the memory. To reprogram conductor to the purpose
with the aid of the foot- insurance for you hardly it is necessary, because it is specially created
universal, and to it for the normal operation is required only aiming to the specific objectives. Then
foot- insurance can be used in order to a little " hurry” essence, if this is required.

Use of a conductor to the purpose

Conductor to the purpose requires, as we already spoke, concrete orienting to each purpose
individually. It is possible to use thus: first we form program to the success and luck, without having
forgotten to verify its purpose to the truth (exactly so, as we this made at the second step, in detail
described in the book “formation”), is and then immersed energy cluster directly into the conductor
with the powerful support of the central ascending current. Attention!!! It is very importantly
sufficiently serious to relate to checking of purpose to the truth - and those, who forgot, as this is done,
I am forced again to send away to the second book! You do remember? You enter into standard state,
being found in it, you analyze its present life situation, you check, they do harmonize your desires with
the standard state or they enter with it into discord. Check their sensations - pleasant they or not…
Checking to the truth is produced! To whom it is incomprehensible, and by finesses you will be turned
for the components, if you please, to the second book or glance to the confrontation courses, and do not
be sorry to this of time! Indeed if
you forgot to verify your purpose to the truth and, do not give god, you will charge to conductor
achieving unreal goal - this threatens for you by very serious negative consequences. You simply will
be pulled into the difficult-to-solve conflict with yourselves itself - between the deep layers of your
personality and its surface layers. But here also to the problems with the health not far!
Those, who already understood the wisdom of the second step, know that the competently mastered
programs to the success and the luck with the truth of the selected purpose and by themselves create
miracles. Well and when them still undertakes essence… Expect the horns of abundance from the
completed desires.
This is what told in regard to this one of our listeners, the inhabitant of Moscow, who became the
possessor of conductor to the purpose: “I earlier used programs and it is well familiar with the
sensations, which appear when program you it conducts, ease of motion to the purpose, imperceptible
solution of problems… But this - is simple miracle!!! It as if me powerfully and persistently entailed to
the outlined task - I here worked no more than the swimmer, whom the river bears. All was obtained
even not when I with this it began to be occupied, but it is much earlier - it was worthwhile only to
think about that which is good to achieve this goal. I met this effect for the first time. Now already I
begin to get accustomed, but nevertheless this as [dzhinn] from the bottle”.


This is the completely special type of essence, un- [otsenimejshij] for the researcher of the distant faces
of our peace. It, of course, will help in no way man, whom only material side of the surrounding peace
interests, but indeed you, my respected readers, it is in no way such! For you indeed already very long
ago, even at first stage [DEIR], considerably was reduced the significance of the material
manifestations of reality, because you know, that this is far from chief constituent of our peace, that

this is not more than properties on the scene of puppet theater. True value- other, they lie at the energy-
information spheres. There - true riches, riches, which give this force, such knowledge, this authority
and this omnipotence, which you will not purchase for all material goods of peace, for entire its gold
and diamonds. And you, of course, have long ago not searched for neither gold nor diamonds nor
terrestrial authority, understanding, that all this for a second time and it is easily obtained, if need
appears. You search for true knowledge and the highest revelations, you search for yourselves and god,
and therefore conductors on the peaces are simply necessary for you!
You perfectly well know that in the light there is still and other spaces, besides the material peace.
There is astral space, there is hardly touched upon by you the peace of your virtual space, which is
clamped with astral and other spaces, such, as the space of the past and future, [karmicheskoe] space,
the space of sleeps…
But you know that the fact that the journeys on these spaces are not so simple. To the very frequently
sought-for man does not be sufficient concentration and energy, in order to for long and consecutively
investigate them. Here here you will help conductor on the peaces. Its possibilities are almost
unconfined, but in order to make a conductor on the peaces, colossal discipline of consciousness will
be required you. And if you manage this task (but passed five steps [DEIR] without fail it it will
manage - in you sufficiently for this and forces, and self-discipline), then conductor on the peaces will
ensure to you safe and stable journeys in the most different times and the spaces, in course of which
you will obtain the mass of new knowledge and you will see much extraordinary. But in addition to
this, your life will become considerably more captivating and it is more interesting than it was to the
these rapids.

And already, naturally, your life in no way to not compare with the life of usual man, which otherwise
as by vegetation and you will not name. Your life has already long ago been in the root differed from
the life of this average man. But now it will become still more colorful, even [nasyshchennee]! Indeed
you will understand true beauties and dark secrets of our excellent peace - secrets, hidden before the
majority inaccessible. These beauties are opened by that selected. And you now - among them.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

What object to take for creating the conductor on the peaces? This depends on that, in which time of
day you undertake attacks into the unknown. If you prefer to travel in the sleep, will be necessary to
you the object, which is located in the bed-head of your bed. If you want to travel in reality, then to you
is necessary the object, [nosimyj] with itself. However, both for that and for another case it is best to
use crystals - especially will approach the crystals of quartz, indeed this is the stone, which possesses
property to help people in overcoming of the boundaries of our peace.

Creation of conductor on the peaces

But the creation of conductor on the peaces is conducted hook as the creation of other essences, but the
means, which you use in this case, they must correspond to your vision of peaces, where your essence
must accompany you. This can be some means from your sleep, this can be the symbol, which for you
is associated with other one either peace or another, for example eye, or the overturned eight, or some
means of your own past - this matter especially individual.
But it is here with the fragment of virtual space, which must be transmitted to conductor on the peaces,
matter is a little more complicated than with other essences. The fact is that one part of conductor must
be present in our peace, and another - in the beginning way into other peaces, i.e., in your own virtual
Therefore for us one must make two manipulations with the virtual space: it is first, necessary to return
to essence the fragment of its virtual space, as we this already made many times with the only
difference, what for creating this fragment is used open figure - this is necessary so that the conductor
could be developed independently, finishing building itself in the manner that to it necessarily (this is
one of a few essences, to which we give such possibilities, the majority of rest we we lock into “the
cell” of the locked figure so that they would not be independent). This is done immediately after the
first stage, i.e., after the introduction of the first of three means. But after the second stage - the
introduction of the second means - for you one must find their fragment of virtual space, which you
use, in order to together. with it to move into another space. To first time it is not necessary to be taken
away very already far - can move into your dream, either leave into the astral space, or into the means
of your sleep, or even into its own past. There, in this other space, we combine the fragment of our
virtual space with the conductor. Then immediately we pass to the third stage, without separating from
itself this fragment, i.e., we inject the third means, without causing the idea of real material object, but
we inject it directly in the fragment of its own virtual space, combined with the conductor. Thus we
will attain, that the conductor will exist both in the real and in the virtual peace.
One additional crucial point: , In contrast to the conductor to the purpose, it is necessary to try to report
to conductor on the peaces larger energy potential.

Programming conductor on the peaces

What it is necessary for us from the conductor? So that it would help us correct to go by the selected
way in other peaces so that it would help us energetically, would give forces to travel on the peaces and
still - so that it would serve us as the anchor in this peace so that we could reliably and solidly there
ourselves feel, not depart always without the necessity into other peaces and the space. Accordingly, so
we program.
We are united with the conductor, using the technology of control of the intention of the third step
[DEIR]. It is further necessary to direct conductor into its own consciousness. This at first glance can
seem complex, but my permanent readers - people already experimental and trained will manage still
and not such [vyvertami]. In you compulsorily everything will come out. For this it is necessary only to
penetrate by the very center of its consciousness inside the essence and further, by using its
consciousness as its, to be combined with its own consciousness, which is based in your tele-. Further
it is necessary to work, governing its own consciousness through the essence. Then we begin to be
immersed in that part of virtual reality, from where we leave for the peace being investigated.
Attention: at this moment conductor itself will attempt to catch you and to carry, but this time it should

make it possible this to make! As soon as you will feel the first motive of conductor to somewhere drag
you, accurately interrupt contact with it.
Here, strictly, and everything. But conductor will serve as anchor you automatically. To energetically
support you - also. Already this they have task from nature, in conductors! There are the things, by
which them and teach- that is not specially must.

Conditions of the nourishment of conductor on the peaces

The source of energy of conductor on the peaces one- is only: this is the scattered in the space energy.
We assign this condition of nourishment as usual, i.e., preserving association with the essence, we
begin themselves to absorb scattered power engineering. You will ask: not not enough whether it will
be? No, to conductor on the peaces of this will be sufficient, another source to it and it is not must,
because entire energy, which we use, exactly it is born at the joint between material and other, higher
peaces. And there this energies are more than sufficiently. But conductor exactly there and dwells. So
that to conductor on the peaces of energy it will always be sufficient - it will assemble it from all
peaces little by little, you look, and it is satisfied.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

Foot- insurance to conductor on the peaces select such, such as will catch the fancy. It is best to take
the means, which most corresponds to your idea about its function. Wings, bird, other symbols of flight
or way? Think themselves, solve themselves.

Use of a conductor on the peaces

With the use everything is very simple. Before the sleep, or in another time, when you are released into
astral either other journey or when simply you go deeply into meditation, you should altogether only
call conductor with the aid of the foot- insurance. And it will in an instant take away you there, where
you want. Purpose is achieved! I congratulate you, my respected and moved reader, conductor makes it
possible to reach that, what even wiser Indian yogi and Tibetan lamas reach only by long-standing
exhausting trainings and all possible limitations! But it means, can with the complete right consider
itself the representative of humanity of the third millenium. To the majority of people did not dream
that how manage you.
If you want so that your journey would be even brighter, even that by more comprehended and those
controlled by you - can before its beginning be combined with the conductor with the aid of the
technician of the third or even fourth step [DEIR].
As has already been spoken, conductor on the peaces in essence was necessary to inquisitive
researchers and professionals in the matter of the knowledge of the energy-information structure of
peace. It is very useful as to those, who deals with clairvoyance, so also thereby, who solves
[karmicheskie] problems. With the aid of the conductor the capability for clairvoyance grows in more
than twenty times. Sleeps become very bright and make it possible to investigate the same regions in
detail, from the night on the night. Conductor on the peaces - improbably powerful assistant and for the
creative people, because precisely in other spaces they can get the set of means for their creation and
generally learn much new. On the whole, about the merits of conductor on the peaces it is possible very
much and for long to say. But why? Verify themselves. You and themselves will soon ascertain that
with the aid of the conductor on the peaces it is possible to obtain the improbable volume of
information. Why to read the different texts, which contain the imaginary revelations, why to believe to
any pompous vinaigrette of the type “of the studies of the raised rulers” (which, by the way, nothing
else but to the rarity the dangerous formation of the second level of energy-information parasites)? You
should only leave for other peaces - and there obtain all necessary for you revelations, learn ten times
more and Beza any foolish colorings.
Have in the form that in the course of time the conductor is done increasingly stronger and more

strongly it becomes capable to take away you increasingly further and it is further. As a result it gives
to you yet not one, but the set of other lives - lives in other spaces. And here here it is desirable to warn
- distant peaces can be clothed in the most enticing clothing, to which not always it is possible to
believe. You remember: that which disguises into the forms of man or, all the more, the appearance of
super-people assumes and it attempts to you to speak, the only [obolshchenie], illusion and fraud. In
reality this nothing else but second, tertiary, etc [egregorialnye] parasitic constructions. They only
bring down from the way and they excite pride. Energy and souls are necessary to them. My to you
council - do not listen to those words, which to you will turn these mirages, but better attempt to
explain their properties. You indeed real researcher, but completely not the simpleton, whom can be
deceived, after giving out rag doll for the living being. To obey the councils “of the essences” of
distant peaces, to enter with them into “the conversations” (although illusory), to obtain from their
mouths “information” - this it indicates to almost for sure lose soul. About this speaks the bible, yes
even simple common sense. How many such lost shower they associate with “highest forces” in the
complete confidence, that is obtained adequate information from some essences of higher order! But in
reality have long since returned their showers to the dark forces (generally, everything, who with the
life it requires dedicating to them its soul, regarding they are demons) and to steel none other than
[zombi], that live in the nonexistent illusory peace. All “contacts” with such essences from the distant,
highest peaces - fraud! Therefore believe only to that, at what you were dismantled, that they
themselves could understand. People, [pogrjazshikh] in these contacts and in this [lzheinformatsii], to
save is very difficultly. But one significant case in our practice was nevertheless! Our listeners saw, as
their comrade literally perishes. He constantly contacted with some essences, was considered himself
superman, but side- that it was obvious that nothing human in it no longer remained. The sensations of
soul was not - sepulchral cold went instead of this from it, but from within x-rayed simple- after all
anthracitic blackness. It was clear that from it they somewhere withdrew soul, but it this even did not
note. They decided to try to direct toward the searches for the disappeared soul of conductor.
Experiment was risky - this work was conducted for the first time. Immediately it did not be possible to
reach result. But finally one of my most talented students with the aid of the conductor penetrated in
certain dark space, where, in general speaking, comrade already they ate. With the aid of the energy of
conductor they pulled out the perishing soul from the mouth of its taken monster and returned to
owner. It, of course, immediately will not be restored by one hundred percent - many qualities showers
proved to be lost. But now it, at least, again becomes similar to the man - face it was lit from within,
appeared the sensation of heat and light instead of recent terrible cold. This is what can conductor on
the peaces - with the aid of, certainly, the talented and moved people. Yes, are much with you other
works on this to the Earth…


Conductor of thoughts - one additional irreplaceable assistant to man. Its special feature in the fact that
it exists not in the external peace, but in your virtual space. Thus it always next to you - and even
inside you. Its task - to direct your thoughts to the necessary side, to prompt association and to
generally in every way possible increase the abilities of your reason. It helps to consider specific
questions, to assume valid solutions and even he indicates the problems, which deserve your special
attention. In this case the conductor of thoughts very flexibly interacts with your consciousness - it ties
nothing, does not force your reason and, it is already certainly, it does not subordinate to its its will. On
the essence, this your alter [Ego] - the second “I”, the unique animated computer, which will always
help you to find valid solution.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

The object, which you want to make “a house” for the conductor of thoughts, must as far as possible be
located to always with you. Important condition: it must not include no religious or magic symbolism,
because thoughts must be the clean, clear, not turbid excess symbols. It is best entire to select object
with the abstract ornament - the very same it will begin and by foot- insurance. Befit ring, mark, cuff-
link, pendant to [organajzeru], knob, calculator. Of course object must be new. Cleaned the outlined
object should be separately thoroughly - it is better to use both already described methods alternately:
to first warm thoroughly object by the cluster of energy, then to dispose to the musical sound.

Creation of the conductor of the thoughts

Creation, as usual, includes three stages: introduction is one after another of three means and saturation
by energy. Means - any, associated with the process thinkings. But it is necessary, as in the case with
the conductor on the peaces so that they would contain at least one open line - conductor must be
developed independently!
But here concerning the fragment of virtual space the matter proceeds somewhat differently, than in the
case with other essences. We to you already spoke that for the conductor of thoughts one must work
only with your consciousness. It means, to it something to make in the external peace. Therefore you
should separate this fragment of virtual reality from itself. Simply before the last, third stage of the
creation of conductor we combine with it the fragment of our own virtual reality, without separating
him from ourselves. (You do remember, for the detachment of fragment we did recall elephant? So it is
not here now necessary to recall elephant, but we work immediately further.)
What for the fragment of virtual reality we can use? It is desirable so that it would contain the concrete
means, namely that, which was connected with th direction of reflections e most necessary for you. For
example, if you deal with the preparation of confectionery production, then to you will approach that
fragment of virtual space, which contains, let us say, favored by you prescription… If you are scientific
worker, let this be your dear formula. If you writer - your dear line. And so on. You easily will be
oriented themselves, which to you is necessary, indeed you the already sufficiently well prepared
specialist. I will recall only that the means, which is contained in the fragment of virtual reality, must
also have at least one open line so that the conductor of thoughts could in the course of time be

And one additional moment: Energy already on the phase of programming will be required the
conductor of thoughts; therefore you must satiate it maximally.

Programming the conductor of the thoughts

What to us is necessary from the conductor of thoughts? So that our thinking would become more clear
and it is wider. And for conductor it is necessary to only show way, and further it will begin to be
developed itself, improving its and your logic, revealing newer and newer aspects of problems, helping
you to find necessary information, to reveal the interrelations of things and phenomena.
As we already many times made, we are united with the essence according to the technicians of the
third step and, governing its consciousness, we take root again in our own consciousness. Then,
directing through the essence our own consciousness, we begin to consider any problem, it is possible
even such, which is studied by us is already thoroughly. It is here important anything not to miss, not
one component, not one detail in the solution of this problem! Thinking about the problem, you
suddenly themselves will note that the saturated conductor will be set by energy in operation - and they
immediately began to more easily investigate your problem, your reason together with the conductor
began to luminesce its new nuances, to find the fresh solutions… As soon as this occurred, contact can
be interrupted or immediately passed to the task of the conditions of nourishment.

Conditions of the nourishment of the conductor of the thoughts

As we already know, it is first of all necessary, governing the consciousness of essence, to dispose it
for the absorption of the free scattered energy. There is one additional source - this is your additional
supply, because work of conductor will in no way give to it significant quantities of energy, necessary
for this work. Return to it somewhat energy in order to demonstrate the possibility of this way, and you
pass to the following phase.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

As the foot- insurance of the conductor of the thoughts it is more convenient entire to use the same
means, which you used with the selection of th fragment of virtual space e transferred to it. Very well,
if this is the abstract ornament, depicted on the object itself. Then the activation of essence is
considerably for you facilitated, yes even to you it will be more simply concentrated. If you always
begin your reflections and concentration on the problem from the causing in the imagination of one and
the same means - then state of affairs is simply ideal: Conductor will be automatic activated each time,
when you begin about with something to think.
If you selected the different version of foot- insurance - this is also permissible. It is important so that
you would not forget it, they always held in the memory or drawn (recorded) in the accessible place.

Use of a conductor of the thoughts

The conductor of thoughts is for which necessary for us - it is completely obviously. But here there is
one nuance: as we remember, to conductor for the work is required energy. Therefore each time before
beginning work with the conductor it must be “charged”.
How this to make? It is very simple! First, before the work it is possible to use energy “ball”, after
satiating by its energy of conductor. In the second place, it is possible to satiate by its energy, using
colossal potential of alternative standard state (as it to reach - is, in addition described in the book
“formation”, be repeated I will not be not in order not to occupy place, who forgot, be turned to the
second book). Those, who were occupied confrontation, can use for saturating the conductor by energy
the object of school [DEIR]. Thirdly, there is one additional method. The fact is that each our desire,
even the least, bear energy - the mass of energy. It is possible to free it and to direct into the necessary
river bed. How this to make? For this it is necessary altogether to only temporarily forego the

fulfillment of any immediate desire. Certainly, not for life - only at the specific moment, but at this
specific moment your failure must be most complete and most sincere! For example, you now,
immediately, want tea with the sandwich. Here tea already stands on the table. Make above itself a
effort - move aside cup, arise because of the table. Iditol into another room think about by something
other. Approximately in five minutes your consciousness will overfill by energy! You freed it, after
foregoing the fulfillment of the desire to drink tea, and this energy now at your disposal, can spend it
on higher purposes! For example, to transmit to its conductor, that will be able to obtain it directly
from your reason, and to direct toward the solution of the [naivazhnejshikh] problems of your life. Be
concentrated on the problem. Activate the conductor through the means of foot- insurance. Iditol after
As I already spoke, the respected reader, the conductor is developed in the course of time, everything is
made by more multiplan and wise. Its aid is simply not valued, by especially scientific, to writers, to
analysts, to businessmen…
I will give this example. Our associate, woman journalist on the profession, the long time worked on
the same level - alas, not into the offense to her it will be said, level very and completely average. But
that with it occurred after it it began to use a conductor! They as if substituted it. The level of its
articles noticeably went upward! Style, language, and depth - all that, what it was not earlier, suddenly
suddenly it appeared, as if on the beckoning of a magic wand. First it passed into another, more
prestigious newspaper, were engaged the there good highly-paid post, then beginning one for another
to obtain journalistic rewards, certificates, rewards, to participate - and to conquer - in all possible
professional competitions. For its articles is always located the place on the newspaper pages, and
indeed earlier it suffered from the fact that its materials do not print. As a result it moreover
significantly improved its material position. But the main thing - it became the simply bright woman
journalist! I will follow its works and must note that they steadily become increasingly more talentedly.
Now in its plans - work on the book. And I am confident, that this book will be good, wise and very
necessary for millions of Russians. Indeed the thought of its author literally anticipates time. Because
itself it, our remarkable associate, already man of future.

Chapter 4

Regulators - this is is one additional class of the essences, whose task lies in the fact that to interact
with the environment, improving the condition for existences of its owner. We all know, as frequently
something is destroyed around us (or inside us), it spoils, is disturbed - and so it is desirable to find
some tool, by which something it would be possible to pull, to screw up something: first whether the
crane, through which swim away the money, then whether screw in the head… Be glad - this tool
exists. Yes not one! Such tools set in the different cases of life. And if you only want, they will always
be with you. They are called regulators.
The task of regulators is fairly complicated, indeed they should act on peace is very selectively,
correcting precisely that which disturbs and disturbs at the present moment of owner, which prevents it
from living and does not give to sleep quietly. Moreover it must adjust this element of environment in
the precise correspondence with the wishes of owner. Thus, regulators must be very internally flexible
Indeed they must and themselves sensitively recover situation, and the mood of owner, and constantly
internally to be reconstructed in accordance with the changing situation. With the fact that the regulator
possesses this flexibility and mobility, it is nevertheless greater tool, than essence. Tool, completely
obedient to the hands of owner. Therefore to use it is easy and it is convenient. Yes even its creation
does not require the significant investments of forces, it but requires a certain internal ease, freedom
and finesse of sensations. Entire secret in the fact that its owner must transmit to regulator those habits,
which possesses very, and this process of instruction it is similar to the skill.
If you do everything correctly, then to you it will very simply use regulator. Indeed man always, for the
elongation of entire his evolution used different kind tools. But this is is one additional tool, and that is

all. True, the tool of new level, new evolutionary development stage of humanity.
There exists three base varieties of the regulators: Regulator of charisma, the regulator of success and
the regulator of relations.


What such is charisma? Behind this mysterious at first glance in a word hides itself, in general, the
simple thing: this is altogether only the impression, which you produce on those surrounding. When
they say: “It has charisma” - this means that men produce on those surrounding very strong impression,
they yield to its charm and are ready to be subordinated to it, to obey it, to believe to it. When they say:
“it does not have charisma” - that the discussion deals with the man imperceptible, not leader, having
weak power engineering and practically deprived of charm.

What to us is necessary from its charisma? First of all to us it is necessary that it would be. Then to us
it is necessary that it would be in the different situations first of strong and powerful, then sufficient
imperceptible. I.e., we should know how to support our charisma at that level, which is necessary for
us at the given moment.
For example, if we conduct the active means of life, then in this case to us it is important, in order to
the surrounding [obra]- Charles in us attention so that we could influence them, direct them to the
necessary side so that we if necessary could easily form th association e necessary to us around
ourselves. I.e., at this time we need strong charisma. But there are other situations, when we should be
made as imperceptible as possible, invisible and imperceptible for those surrounding so that they

would leave us at rest, they granted to themselves and they made possible to conduct the passive means
of life. Here when it will not stir so that charisma to some period would be weakened.
Therefore to us is necessary the essence, which will be as needed occupied by this adjustment. But still
this essence will help us to influence people, and therefore for us previously it is necessary to train to
some its technicians of the third step [DEIR]. We with you will easily make this essence.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

What object can be recommended for the regulator of charisma? First of all the object, [nosimyj] with
itself. Generally so that the quantity of objects, [nosimykh] with itself, with the concluded in them
essences not tall in the threatening sizes, it is possible to make one simple thing: to bring bracelet,
rosary or suspension, comprised of many elements, each of which is populated by the specific essence.
Beads, stones, pieces of tree, populated by essences, threaded on one thread, the same present treasure!
Here take also for the regulator of charisma sequential bead, and better - stone. Clean object exactly as
we this they made many times: [progrevaem] in the palms, we make it necessary to shine, remove dark
energy impregnations, when desired we tune to the musical tone.

Creation of the regulator of charisma

In the creation of the regulator of charisma also there is nothing especially complex - it is created just
as other essences, into three stages: we inject three means with simultaneous saturation of regulator by
energy. In this case the starts of the fragment of virtual space in essence does not be required - indeed
we create faster tool, than the living being; therefore this already developed made human soul to him it
is not necessary. As far as the means, which we select for the start in essence, are concerned, they must
be those very easily memorizing. What can be associated with charisma - it is difficult to say, in each
its. Select not painted emotionally means - star abstract, as far as possible, geometric figures, etc.
You remember that for the regulator of charisma it is not necessary to feel sorry energies - try to satiate
it as much as possible, after creating the not bad energy reserve, which will help regulator actively to
be set in operation in the quite initial stage of its existence.

Programming the regulator of charisma

So that to us it is necessary from the regulator of charisma, what working conditions we to it must
assign? First of all to us it is necessary that it could act on th people e surrounding us, then assigning on
us their attention, then, on the contrary, removing it. Accordingly regulator it is necessary to train to
the technicians of the third step by [DEIR]- such as reading intention, a change in the intention, beating
attention and action on active [chakry] of other people. All this, as you remember, very it is in detail
presented in the third book - “influence”.
How to us to train to all this of regulator? First we are united to regulators in the third or fourth step
technique [DEIR], covering by its ether body and displacing in it point “I seven”. We begin through
itself to demonstrate to it all these of technology. Take, for example, as the model domestic animal -
cat or dog - and begin to read their intentions, to inject your intentions, to change their intentions,
actively to act on their [chakry], etc then you should (without being separated with the regulator) at the
sensation level be penetrated by the state, when you should be pleased to this cat or dog, become for it
attractive. Let the regulator perceive, what precisely emissions proceed from you, when to you it is
necessary to be for attractive. Show this it. Now pass into another state - to you it is necessary as if to
become invisible for the cat or the dog, imperceptible, by any. Let the regulator grasp your intention
and understand that this for the state, when you should leave into the shadow, i.e., weaken charisma.
Thus you embed in regulator the system of the [oshchushchencheskikh] prearranged signals, with the
aid of which it will understand, which to you from it is necessary. Then it will begin to depend on your
desires and to act in the precise correspondence with them. Here, in principle, and all the
programming! It is reduced, in general, to the usual training - to the production in the regulator of the

unique conditioned reflexes: depending on your state and your desire it carries out one or other action
or another.

Conditions of the nourishment of the regulator of charisma

o[Konechno], the basic power source for this essence, as for many others, this is the scattered in the
space energy. Again you will be connected with the regulator and based on your example show how to
absorb energy from the surrounding space. But this yet not all. You at the stage of programming for
sure noted: when you " made yourselves” more interesting and it is more attractive for the external
object, in you the mass of energy at this moment was freed. After merging with the regulator together,
[proniknuv] in it by your consciousness, based on your example, in addition show it how to absorb this
energy, which separates at the moments, when you are done more attractively. Here this and there is
the second power source for the regulator. This to it it will be completely sufficient.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

As the foot- insurance for the regulator of charisma will approach absolutely any means, such as only
will be pleased to you. To reprogram it for you hardly it is necessary, because it in proportion to
gaining of the experience of work very rapid becomes more strongly and in this case with any
circumstances it remains in the complete dependence on your desires.

Use of a regulator of charisma

For which the regulator of charisma is used, you already understood: it always is located with you and
acts on perception you by the surrounding people, making you first more, then by less noticeable for
them, the [proizvodjashim] strong impression, then generating none, depending on your necessities at
the given moment. You for sure know that many representatives of flora and fauna precisely so
completely instinctively behave. The male of any bird simply strikes by its bright tail assembly, when
it should draw to itself. But with the approximation of man it so will merge with the environment, that
you even will not note it. So that this mimicry under the environment in accordance with its needs -
thing is completely natural, is given to each living being from nature. But the regulator of charisma
will help you to strengthen and to strengthen this property, will learn to use it to the perfection
practically in all cases of life, moreover Beza any conscious participation from your side. You should
think: now I should be more noticeable, while now - not to be put out. This for you will make
regulator, recovering your even hardly noticeable subconsious pulses. Ah, as it is necessary to become
imperceptible, as if after being hidden under cap- the invisible, passing by any aggressive hooligan
company! But as it is pleasant to become bright, attractive, noticeable, when you cost on the platform
and to you it is necessary that all would listen to you after harboring the respiration and would look on
you into all eyes! All this will ensure to you the regulator of charisma.
But sometimes can be formed such situation, when by mind you like understand, that it is necessary to
produce impression, it is necessary to act on those surrounding, but here the desires of such in your
soul does not appear, the regulator will not be included about this case. Indeed you do not give to it
pulse for the start, although you understand, which included it must be. It is must - and it does not
want! Here here it is necessary to exert effort so that it nevertheless would be included. Here by us will
be necessary foot- insurance. At this moment, if you cannot cause the desire to become attractive in
yourselves, simply you will recall foot- insurance - and regulator will awake, it is activated without
your including pulse- desire.
There is the even crucial point, which must be considered: when regulator works in the regime of the
guarantee to you of insignificance and invisibility, it from this not only derives no energy, but even, on
the contrary, it it spends. Therefore, if your regulator for a long time works under these conditions, it
compulsorily must be fed up: make a energy ball between the palms and return to its essence.
The regulator of charisma can render to you the invaluable service. Indeed it is no secret that from

nature clearly expressed charisma possess not too many people. Otherwise each second would be
leader, chief or President. Certainly, the passage of five steps [DEIR] changes charisma of student to
the unrecognizability. Imperceptible, faded before people become bright, attractive, they are converted
in leaders. But nevertheless in the very large number of cases man does not succeed in completely
changing his nature, yes even not always this is necessary. For example, if man is intended for the
tedious mental work, if he is created by scientific or archive worker, historian, chronicler, then energy-
information field will not allow it to renounce from this its nature, which facilitates deep sinking inside
itself, and to become, let us say, by bright politician- leader. Indeed man not for this arrived into this
peace! Therefore people, created for this locked means of life, for the work, which requires
[pogruzhennosti] into themselves, frequently similar remain, even having mastered all steps [DEIR].
Let us note, they become more strongly, better makes their work - but they do not can to here break
their nature. And it is not necessary to make this! But it is when necessary nevertheless to leave “in
people”, the regulator of charisma will help them.
As the regulator of charisma helps in this case, we see based on example of one of the listeners of our
school, man from nature of modest, imperceptible, which is called, not public. In this case it the
talented grains- composer, who, in general, greatly does not suffer from a deficiency in the contact
with the people - the large need for this contact he does not have, greatest enjoyment to it reaches
contact with the music. But here are recently its steels to invite on the radio… And here it began to
suffer from the fact that it cannot present itself in the best light, sometimes he forgets from the
agitation, that he wanted to say, it is brought down, it cannot connect two words. He understood that
one cannot completely change itself, yes this is not necessary: if we develop in itself [ekstraverta] and
to begin to actively associate, will suffer its creation. And it acquired by the regulator of charisma,
which it uses only in the specific cases - at the moments, when it is necessary publicly to come out and
to give interview. However, and that? Only close people know that it did not change in the essence,
after remaining all the same quiet, modest man. However, the majorities of its listeners and admirers
do not doubt, that this confident in themselves, very charming, absolutely flattened and feeling
themselves in any audience as in its plate of men. Greatly they love to invite it in the company, since it
[slyvet] by excellent bright collocutor with the excellently suspended language. The regulator of
charisma this is what makes!


Regulator of success - truly invaluable our assistant. If you in your development already reached the
fifth step [DEIR], then you know: our life is striped. To us first it conveys, then does not convey.
Moreover the measure of luck and the measure of the bad luck of our life are equal. I.e., if to us it
transported in by something one - that it will not transport in other, and vice versa.

As you know from the fifth step [DEIR], described in the book “confidence”, we can govern this
process, independently selecting, where to us it can transport, but where no, and redistributing the
zones of bad luck to the insignificant regions, and the zone of luck - to those meant. This the so-called
regime of that controlled strip -[tosti], in which they know how to be included all passed the fifth step
But here there are some nuances. If you already introduced yourselves into the regime of controlled
[polosatosti], then they noted: luck is included if and only if event it possesses for us emotional
significance. I.e., to us conveys when we are sincerely emotionally interested in the positive result. But
in the life there is a set of other events, when luck for us is important, but there is no here present
emotional interest in this luck. Here there us will help the regulator of success! But will help it the fact
that itself will include the regime of controlled [polosatosti] in moment necessary for us.
In the essence, the regulator of success will accomplish for us the entire the work, which we
themselves made at the fifth step [DEIR]. It itself, independent of us, will borrow for us success into
some, the less significant regions in order to move it in others, more meant. I.e., you Beza any efforts
from your side will go on the life easily and it is simple, without the special disappointments surviving
small failures in the insignificant regions, but by barrels drawing the success in the regions of those
meant! You do feel, to what extent are great the possibilities of this essence? This truly the generator of
miracles, which always with you!

[Vychishchenie] of the object

Object cleans as always - without the additional special features and the conditions: [progrevaem] in
the palms - in principle, this it is already sufficient, but when desired can add another tuning to the

musical sound. Object is necessary, it goes without saying, [nosimyj] with itself and desirably new, by
anyone to you not used.

Creation of the regulator of the success

The regulator of success is created relatively easily, because for this process is required not too much
energy. In other respects everything as always: three stages with the sequential introduction of three
means, which are well memorized and which symbolize for you success. In any stage (better after the
first) takes root the fragment of its own virtual space. Nevertheless the regulator of success in contrast
to the regulator of charisma more living being and to a lesser degree tool, and to the larger degree
precisely essence; therefore it must be qualitatively revived, after presenting to it the piece of its virtual
space. For creating the fragment of virtual space any locked figure is used.

Programming the regulator of the success

Programming the regulator of success - task also relatively simple. True, for you it is necessary to
recall fifth step technique [DEIR] (but for that, who yet it did not pass this step, to pass it). According
to the technicians of fifth step we enter into our virtual space and we reveal there zone “well” (in the
pasts the fifth step to eat already this experience). Then we are united with the recently created
regulator by our consciousness and our ether body according to the technicians of the third and fourth
steps and we lock our inner zone “well” on the regulator of success. For this, after being connected by
consciousness with the essence and governing its intention, you establish its contact with your interior
of the virtual space, where is contained value “good”, you make possible for the essence of the very to
establish the energy exchange between themselves and by your interior “well”. By now volitional
effort organize inside your virtual space (and, correspondingly, simultaneously inside the essence -
indeed now you with it they are combined) a certain energy pressure and with the aid of this pressure
derive point “I seven” from region “good” to region “badly”. Then you will be disconnected with the
essence. Introduce point “I seven” back into the zone “good”.
Here and all the programming. However, what you did make? You fixed the energy exchange between
the essence and your zone “good”. Now essence will itself saturate by energy this zone if necessary.
But on energy saturation of this zone, strictly, and depends the degree of your luck. The it is greater
there energy - the more to you it conveys in the significant regions. Now regulator will itself follow
this: when to you it is must, it will ensure with energy your zone “well” and to thus strengthen
[polosatost], while when this is necessary, it will derive your point “I seven” from the zone “good” in
order to strengthen luck in the big deals. I.e., when this to you is very necessary, to you it will convey.

Conditions of the nourishment of the regulator of the success

For the regulator of success is necessary only one power source: the scattered in the space energy.
After being connected with it, show it how to feed by this energy. This to it it will be sufficient, other
sources it is not must.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance

Think: what means most frequently does come to you into the head, when you desperately do dream
about the luck? Here let this means will be foot- insurance for the regulator of success. It is important
only so that it is good, in all components it was memorized and was easily reproduced by memory. To
reprogram the regulator of success for you hardly it is necessary, and here to a little improve with the
aid of the foot- insurance its work, after disposing to the luck in the concrete situation, you completely
will be able. For this will have to only recall the means of foot- insurance and to transmit to his

Use of a regulator of the success

The use of a regulator of success is obvious and very simply, especially to say about this something. It
Beza any efforts from your side itself makes so that to you it conveys when to you this necessarily.
Sometimes this luck literally becomes fairytale, because man leaves with the benefit for himself from
the most hopeless, it would seem, situations. You will judge themselves. One our listener purchased
the section of the earth for her dacha, from which before it refused seven potential buyers. Difficulty
was in the fact that in the section stood the enormous [polurazvalivshijsja] house, which does not be
subject to repair, it should have been only investigated. This frightened away all buyers, but not our
student. The place, where this section was located, was very already by it pleased, and it solved, which
somehow will manage the problem. But this proved to be not so simply. It began to search for workers
on the dismantling of house, but they either rejected (house of large and decrepit, work dangerous), or
they required unthinkably large money. But money it at that moment did not have. Became melancholy
was our heroine, yes not for a long time. It solved, that without the regulator of success to here not
manage. It here created it, and here (not on the prompt whether of regulator?) the good thought
flickered in its head: here to find by it someone, who will dismantle house free of charge, but entire
material, from which he is made, he will take to himself. Indeed the board nowadays of road, and here
so much construction material, it is complete to it unnecessary, it disappears. Is alien by it this thought
exactly when it it was located in its section, surveying the lopsided structure. And it is here not later
than in ten minutes (I I do not exaggerate!) after the appearance of this thought suddenly suddenly
appears some [muzhichok] and he asks, that it is assembled to make with this house. But she say: “A
can, you will dismantle it and to yourselves you will take?” [Muzhichok] [neskazanno] was gladdened
- indeed it something built in the adjacent section, and material is extremely was necessary necessary
to it. It here brought brigade, and structure was in the day dismantled and carried out from the section.
Our listener paid not kopeck, but [muzhichok] was terrible glad which so much construction material
to it was reached by gift.
Here are such miracles. For someone - but only not for you with us, the dear readers. This is already
everyday reality for us with you.
But how many examples, when some succeeded, where others only they burnt down with the aid of the
regulator of success! One more our associate, that works by agent on real estate, precisely, at that
moment when demand for real estate fell and its companions-in-arms sat without the work, suddenly it
began to conclude one successful transaction for another - and thus it became rich, that itself simply
was given to wonder. So that the work of the regulator of success depends neither on the external
circumstances nor on the economic crises in the country. It can make so that you will flourish at any
time, also, in any place, although into the crisis, although in the environment of universal misery.
Thus! It is necessary to be developed in energy-information sense - and all secrets of peace your: the
secret of success, secret of wealth and even secret of happiness and love.


This variety of essence acts completely independently, not together with you, but separately from you.
We live in the world in the environment of other people.
Relations with these people depend not only on us, but also on them also. Frequently so it is, that for
the normal flow of relations not we, but other people must something make or somehow change their
behavior, change themselves. But frequently other people this to make do not want. To force them to
change directly we do not can, but it is possible to slightly push slightly them to th behavior e desirable
for us. Only here by itself to try and to expend forces for this completely to nothing.

Let this make for us the regulator of relations. This energy-information essence is capable of acting on
people, which be located not far from the object, in which lives the regulator, and to push slightly them
to the necessary actions. In a number of cases regulator corrects in the necessary direction and the
behavior of its owner - when this is necessary that the relations with someone or something would be
developed properly.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

There is nothing complex here, in addition - everything is done as usual, the heating of object by power
engineering and tuning to the musical harmony. Here is only object, into which you intend to populate
essence, it is necessary to select especially thoroughly: you remember that this must be the object,
which can be completely unnoticeably and without causing the suspicions left of any office place - for
example, of the firm, with which you intend to collaborate and with personnel of which you should
establish normal relations. However, not compulsorily this must be imperceptible object - for this
purpose approach the umbrella, the gloves, knob, i.e., such [veshi], which people frequently forget first
here, then there. You can make a form, that simply they forgot their thing, to return after it through
half-hour - and in this time it already will work well. But if they take away thing - that to make, you
simply [razvoplotite] essence and you will create yourselves new, and that is all.

Creation of the regulator of the relations

Is created the regulator of relations as usually- in three stages, with sequential insertion of three means
and saturation by energy. In it it is necessary to place the fragment of virtual space. If you plan the
sufficiently long work of regulator, you will put in it the fragment of virtual space, created on the basis
of the open figure: this is necessary so that the regulator in the course of time could become the self-
developing essence, being collected experience in the independent construction of necessary to you

Programming the regulator of the relations

In a matter of programming this regulator there is one complexity: you will not be able to put in it one
program once and for all, for you it is necessary to program him again and again before the solution of
each specific objectives. Therefore on this phase of system programming we will limit only to the fact
that let us establish with the regulator contact, after being connected with it employing the procedures
of the third step [DEIR] and after beginning through it to solve that problem, which you disturbs at the
given moment.
I.e., you are connected with the regulator and you begin to think about that, by whatever you wanted to
see relations, for example, in your family or on the work, if now they were not such, as it wants you.
Then, controlling the intentions of essence, you establish its contact with th people e interesting you
and, acting through the essence, you produce the correction of their intentions employing the
procedures of the third step [DEIR], and you also establish desirable energy exchange with them. Now
you establish the contact of essence with your own consciousness so that she, using th habit e obtained
from you, itself would be able with the necessity to prompt to you the necessary version of actions in
the dependence on th information e obtained by it.
At the given moment limit to one problem - then, in the working order, you so will tune regulator to the
solution of all appearing in you problems in the relations.

Conditions of the nourishment of the regulator of the relations

The regulator of relations energy input of two sources: these are the scattered in the space energy and
that energy, which inevitably is freed with its work, when it initiates processes in your environment
necessary to you. People, being included in these processes, separate the mass of energy!
These energy sources to regulator must be shown based on their example, feeding of them in the
process of its work. For this again we are united with the essence, through it it is achieved additional
supply from the scattered energy, then again we return to that problem, which we solved on the phase
of programming. We show to regulator as men, being included in the created with it chain of
interrelations, it begins to give off energy and as this energy can be from it removed and swallowed.
Make this - let your regulator also to this learn.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance

The here main thing so that the foot- insurance would be very easily memorized, because for you it is
necessary to use it sufficiently frequently: indeed regulator it is necessary constantly to reprogram to
the solution of each new problem. And this is done with the application of the foot- insurance: you
cause it in the memory, you pack in regulator, you and then already assign the new conditions for its
work. There are no other special requirements for the foot- insurance.

Use of a regulator of the relations

Use, I think, it is understandable: each time, when you need the checking of one or other situation or
another in the relations and its unwinding into the river bed, which to you is necessary, you seek the
aid of regulator, using foot- insurance and programming it to the fulfillment of new specific objectives.
The spectrum of application is extraordinarily wide - from the business and the political to the family
relations and kitchen squabbles. In a word, use it always, when you want so that the people would
make that which to you is necessary. But when we this do not want?
You only remember one: The regulator of relations - essence sufficiently simple, even primitive, and
will not always be able itself to determine, what you, strictly, want from various relations. Therefore do
not forget with the reprogramming of regulator for the solution of each specific objectives to activate
him with the aid of the foot- insurance, to be united with it and to specifically demonstrate to him, what
you want to attain in these relations. It is not necessary on the addition of energy for each discrete
target to worry - whereas regulator itself will accumulate it sufficiently already after the solution of the
first set by you before it problem.

Of the pricelessness of this regulator one our student, to whom the regulator saved life, was convinced.
This man, businessman, owed the large sum of money, as a result to it, which is called, there was “it
was included on counter”: the sum of debt is tall not on the days and on the hours, about their return to
the agreed-on period it could not be and speech, the threat of its life and the members of its family
increased. In the agreed-on hour between it and creditor took place the very rigid conversation, which
threatened to pass into the scene with far from [kinoshnymi] tortures. But here it, fortunately recalled
that in it with itself the regulator of relations - small contact stud in the pocket. It activated regulator,
after aiming it at the solution of the specific objectives: peaceful data-out situation. Here was heard the
telephone call, after which the unbelting themselves creditors as if they substituted. It proved to be,
situation changed so that with them urgently it was necessary to leave apartment. Them it became no
longer to our familiar (about it as if they forgot, although you will say that so it does not occur! But it
happened!) - it, using confusion, was freed. More there were no threats in its address. But after a
certain time its business went into the mountain, it debt returned, and now it flourishes.
What did occur? Regulator destroyed relations in the group of extortioners - simply it removed power
engineering of these relations it transmitted to our its businessman. Then in power engineering of these
connections our familiar created the new association and established the successful firm.
But this is the, of course, limiting case, when regulator simply exceeded itself, saving its owner. Try
nevertheless to not lead the matter to such extremes! But regulator you will help to avoid any, even
least troubles in the relations with the people.

Chapter shch

Here we approached the study of the latter from those discussed until today of the class of essences -
assistants. Assistants - these are very simple essences, it is much simpler than those, with which we are
already familiar. They are created only for the aid to us in the simple and specific objectives, which is
evident from their names: Assistant in sales, assistant in the quarry and assistant in the money. They all
are very similar to each other, because each is programmed only to one specific goal. But in spite of
entire their simplicity they play the very important role: in the essence, they work for you, making that
which to you is necessary, and making very qualitatively. What can be better, when for us do work


This essence is very simple, but, as you surmise, irreplaceable for those, whose business is connected
with sales, yes even generally - indeed all for us it is necessary sometimes something to sell for all
people: apartment, dacha, boots, which were proven to be to the size more… The assistant of
altogether only stimulates the desire of potential buyer to purchase goods precisely in you, but not in
someone other.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

It is produced as usually (heating, saturation by energy or tuning to the musical harmony). Will
approach the object, which constantly is located, where they occur sale (for example, in the
commercial hall this it can be although weight, although coin, although poster). If you do not deal with
sales constantly, but to you necessary, let us say, to sell dacha, and you convey there potential buyer -
will prove useful any object, which you will be able to take with yourselves: still the same stone,
[broshka], chain.

Creation of assistant in sales

It is created according to usual diagram, into three stages, with the only difference, that the fragment of
virtual space to embed into the assistant not necessarily. It indeed is also faster tool, than valuable
living being. It is, after all, only unique magic wand, but completely not your business- consultant.
Therefore to be valuable living and animated to it not too it is necessary. However, what means - select
figures locked (so that the assistant itself would not finish building, it did not become the independent
essence, which will in an instant arrange to you merry life). Better so that these would be the abstract
means, which, nevertheless, are associated in you with the buying and selling. For example, the symbol
of commodity turnover can be usual circle. However, can use a image of the god of the trade of
mercury or anything even in this kind.

Programming assistant in sales

Thus, from the assistant in sales to you it is necessary that it would make your goods more attractively
in the eyes of buyers. It is more accurate, not entirely thus: the assistant in sales will not be able to
influence in the qualities of your goods, but he will be able to influence the perception of your goods
by buyer. I.e., assistant in sales must act on the consciousness of any man, who proved to be herself in
the field of his action, and manipulate by his desires in such a way that to him very strongly it would be
wanted to purchase goods precisely in you, and not in whom other.

How to program this essence? You are united with it according to the technicians of the third or fourth
step and, governing its intentions, you introduce into it the means of its goods, tincturing with its most
positive paints, by emotions, by sensations (as if praising before the essence its goods: “Look, here is it
what - beautiful, tasty, remarkable…”). But most important, you must paint the means of your goods
with the invincible desire it to acquire and to use according to the designation. (As to paint anything
with positive desire, is in detail described in the third book - “influence”). Themselves cause in itself
this desire, after imagining itself by buyer. Scatter in itself the passionate desire to acquire this goods
and transmit this desire to assistant. Now create the means of potential buyer. If in you already there is
on the sign concrete man - use his means, if no - will approach the means of any outside man. After
creating this means, lock essence to it, taking root in its internal space. Show assistant, as this is done -
how it is possible to take root in the internal space of another man, locking him on itself (the third step
technique). The main thing so that he this would see and would understand - and more than anything is
must. Only consider: as soon as in you the need for selling another form of goods will appear, you
should anew reprogram assistant, creating the attractive means of already new goods.

Conditions of the nourishment of assistant in sales

Assistant energy input of two sources: first, these are the energy, scattered in the space, in the second
place, the energy, is resultant of as a result successful sale. By Dada, do not be surprised, as a result
successful sale is always separated energy. You and themselves can this note: from where, as you do
think, this happiness in the eyes of buyer and luster in the eyes of salesman? From where this elevated
emotional attitude and that and, etc? Yes everything from that - from th energy e isolated in large
quantities. You, of course, can use its entire wholly, but do not forget, that in you is a mediator - your
assistant in sales. And to him as to mediator are relied, as a minimum, ten percent of profit. Since its
money they do not interest, return to it to the ransom the part of this of that isolated with sales to
energy. After being connected with the essence, lose in your imagination the scene of successful sale,
show assistant, what at this time are separated the positive emotions, which are been none other than
energy, and as this energy can be used for its own necessity. Let the assistant look and learn. Will learn
rapidly- do not be disturbed. And from each your successful sale it will become only stronger and it is
stronger. But it means, and itself will be more and more than interested in your successful sales,
because it will feel: successful sale - this is tasteful and it is well!

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: the foot- insurance

Select any means, which to you it is easy to recall. Consider: foot- insurance can be necessary
sufficiently frequently by you, indeed assistant it is necessary to periodically reprogram, if you deal
always in different goods. For this we recall foot- insurance, transmit its essences and anew we
approach the procedure of programming, described above.

Use of a assistant in sales

Assistant in sales is used in any commercial operations - both in the professional trade and with single-
time sale to associate from the work of those not approached to you [kolgotok]. Assistant in sales will
help you where conveniently: although with the trade in real estate, although with the trade from the
chute or from the hands, although with the [krupnooptovykh] commercial operations. As you already
understood, assistant acts in such a way that precisely your goods becomes for the buyer especially
attractive, although objectively it can not differ in terms of anything from accurately the same goods in
the adjacent store. In the consulting themselves businessmen, small and large, many examples of the
successful use of a assistant in sales were accumulated. Was the remarkable case, when they stood by a
number two completely identical chutes, that trade in completely identical goods (vegetables and
fruits), stocked up on one and the same base, for completely identical price. But in one chute it was
always empty, and in another - as if it is greased by honey: buyers so aimed in the turn to be built and

increasingly from the counter displace [podchistuju]. One chute burns down, another - prospers. You,
of course, surmise, that flourished the trade in chute, owner of which was our student. Finally the
owner of another chute did not maintain, he came running to our: “That for the matters, peasant?” “Yes
so, magic, witchcraft, indifferently answered our ([shutnichok], it is necessary to say that still that). -
Piece is one. Rabid mandrels it stands! You so many do not have any”. That went away, dumbfounded
and it seems frightened. It believed! On the whole, one competitor she became less. But this was only


This is also very simple essence with the limited number of tasks. It worries about you, moving you on
the official stairs and increasing your significance for the concrete people in the concrete social
situation. This is unique tractor, i.e., it is simple the mechanism, which moves you, pushes, pulls and
runs there, where by other forever entrance is prohibited. There is no price to this mechanism for those,
who move on the career stairs even he knows, how many barriers appear by this method! No for you
more than barriers and it will not be - assistant will drag through you through them, and you as
mountain river through the cliffs, you will always leave to the desired purpose.

[Vychishchenie] of the object

The object is better to select such, which always can be located next to you on the work site, especially
without attracting attention. Well, for example, any inconspicuous office stationery. In [vychishchenii]
there is nothing complex - everything as usually: saturation and heating by energy or tuning to the
musical sound.

Creation of assistant in the quarry

It is created traditionally into three stages: are embedded one after another the means, which symbolize
for you the successful career: stairs, the pedestal of honor, laurel [venok] and the like - to your
discretion. The starts of virtual space in essence does not be required - tractor it is a tractor,
unnecessarily to it to possess the highly developed soul.

Programming assistant in the quarry

First of all you should be determined with its intentions: what you do want to reach in your career? Do
not glance already too far, to the decade forward, limit to your immediate task: what you do want
precisely now, in what your immediate objective - to become division head? To protect thesis? Or it is
simple to be removed taking into account in the service of employment and to find finally although
some work?
After being determined with the immediate objective, be united with the assistant according to the
technicians of the third step [DEIR], you will establish its contact with your purpose and inject in it
intention necessary to you.

Conditions of the nourishment of assistant in the quarry

In assistant in the quarry two power sources: these are the scattered in the space energy and the energy,
isolated with the successful realization of necessary process. When we attain purpose, we always
obtain from this the mass of energy, which is separated from the fact that place and man found each
other. They are combined, appears the resonance, from which is formed powerful energy ejection. In
man this is manifested in the form happiness, the inflow of forces, desire to live and to work. But do
not consume all this themselves - leave to assistant his portion, which it completely deserved. On this
phase of the task of the conditions of nourishment you will be combined with the assistant, show it first

how to consume the scattered energy, and then form in your sensations the picture of your successful
advance on the career stairs, visualize, how much happiness and positive emotions this will cause, and
show assistant, as it is possible all this to [zaglotit] and by this to be satiated. It will be pleased to it,
you be assured, and he will immediately understand that it is necessary to make to it.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

Will approach, in addition any means, but it must be that easily memorizing and easily reproducible,
because for you it is necessary to very often reprogram assistant for solving of specific objectives and
achieving of new and new career goals. Today you steel by division head, and tomorrow indeed you
will be wanted to become the director of institute! So do not forget to convert your assistant,
programming him already to this new purpose. Here then you to it into the consciousness quickly pack
foot-fear- ku, it here [chuet], which there will now be something new, tastier, and with happiness it is
tuned to the new purpose. Here and everything.

Use of a assistant in the quarry

Here everything more than is understandable. Lies small imperceptible assistant on your working table,
and you within the staggering short times make the breath-taking career.
One of the possessors of assistant, for example, many years was series insignificant clerk and not
which larger and to dream dared. But afterward during the consultation in our specialist from where
which undertook! Ambitions became furious, temperament woke up, fire in the eyes became shiny.
And without the assistant it began already to make successes - interchanged the position of work, from
its dull office it passed to promising creative establishment. And he there understood that much can,
and he wants - and that more. It made a assistant. And it went into the mountain! And charisma here
suddenly appeared. (From where this? However, you already surmised from where.) on the whole, now
it the first deputy of the general director of [nemalenkoj], let us note, organizations. The matters in it
go lustrously, subordinated in it souls not they [chajut]. But which in front awaits it! I already know.
But he thus far does not surmise.


Very interesting essence is, perhaps, most tempting for many, although entirely simple. In it one, but
remarkable function, one, but ardent passion - to lure to you money. What such of money? Nothing
else but energy flux. Dada, money - this is the equivalent of energy, which you saved and accumulated
in the process of your vital activity (this as if energy by the rear number). If you do not have vitalities -
you will excuse, and money it will not be. If you are strong and it is energetically filled (but the same it
becomes each student of school [DEIR]), then money attracted to you. But in order to make this
attraction even stronger and more powerful - assistant in the money here here and will prove useful.
Assistant in the money first of all worries that you would leave from any situation with the increased
energy reserve, i.e., from any circumstances the maximum of force and benefit was extracted for
yourselves. But the greater you have the forces - the greater and the money. Here, strictly, and entire

[Vychishchenie] of the object

It is done into one stage, it does not be required with the aid of the usual energy warming up in the
hands - tuning to the sound: Assistant in the money so will work well, resound with you to the
complete mutually-confluence to it in no way compulsorily. Object select that, which in you always
with itself, very well, if this there will be coin, it is possible to use stone and crystal.

Creation of assistant in the money

To assistant in the money it does not be required the fragment of your virtual space. In other respects
create it, as usual, into three stages, alternately injecting three simple, learned means and
simultaneously saturating essence by energy. Of energies to it is must not too much - so that you are
easy and rapidly you will manage this.

Programming assistant in the money

Thus, to you it is necessary that the assistant in any situation would extract for you energy, stretching
blanket to your side and thus creating in you reliable base for the attraction and settlings in your
pockets ever of larger and large monetary stocks.
For this we are united with the essence according to the technicians of the third step [DEIR], we
establish with it internal communication and we begin at the sensation level to transfer by it power
engineering from the surrounding space, until entire energy balance is adjusted to its side, so that to
entire that surrounding would be fallen minus, but to it - plus. Then through the essence we transfer the
energy flux to itself, assigning already on itself entire power engineering. Can visualize some concrete
situation - for example, situation in your working team, where all work, and reward obtain must
someone one. You, of course, know that obtaining reward far from always depends on the real quality
of work. Very frequently it obtains exactly the one who it worked less than all. But you do know, why?
Yes because force it economized, until you tore slightly to the complete exhaustion on this work! But
money flow to that, in whom forces it is more! Thus, present this situation and that; at the sensation
level, as you gather entire energy balance of the association to yourselves of one. It is more accurate,
you first return to your its essence, and then through the essence you direct to itself.
Here and everything! Now essence in any situation itself will make precisely so - to gather entire
power engineering to itself, and to then pump over it to you. And, consequently, [denezhki] to you as
to the strongest, will reach more easily than the rest.

Conditions of the nourishment of assistant in the money

In assistant in the money the also two power sources: the scattered in the space energy and the quantity
of energy, which is freed in you with obtaining of money. As during the advance in the quarry, as with
successful sale, with obtaining of money we free the mass of energy, from us literally escape powerful
energy protuberances, similar we issue the explosion of forces and positive emotions, which, let us
note, not only it does not waste, but it enriches us, making still more strongly. So that do not forget
about that portion, which you must to your mediator - assistant in the money. From you ten percent
into his benefit! If it is required by it more, it will take itself, do not doubt. Only show it, as this is
done: you will be combined with it, form in the imagination the situation, when you obtain large
money, test a feeling of happiness, you will perceive the splash of energy - you will share with it with
assistant. Already as it will after this try to obtain money for this regular feeding for you - even cannot
be described. Essence is surprising - this assistant. Only think: because of it you always both with the
force and with the positive emotions, and loaded! You will describe to whom - they will not believe.
And let they do not believe. Us- that with you proofs does not be required - you verified on our own
experience all this. We still and not similar experienced.

Task of the conditions of liquidation and control: stop - insurance

Foot- insurance must be simple, easily memorized as the well familiar name of its own dog, by which
you call it to yourselves. You indeed do not forget, as they do call your dog? Thus good you must
know the name of your assistant so that it on the first call would be always in your feet.

Use of a assistant in the money

The use of a assistant in the money to you, certainly, is understandable: simply you bear it with itself,
and it under any conditions will ensure the adjustment of positive energy balance to your side, and with
it and the inflow to you of money. You represent, as this is important, when near at hand always there
is a essence, which worries about your benefit. Well who even about this benefit will care? There can
be, your chief? Never. Trade union?
Hardly. Government? And do not await. Only your loyal friend - assistant in the money will not bring
and he will always ensure to you benefit. So that take care it as the pupil of eye, and that your benefit
can be reached to someone other.
By the way, have we this curious case. One our student lost his assistant in the money. He disappeared
from its working table. But because itself is guilty - it was necessary in the pocket to bear! And here it
began to note that its associate, the same series low-paid engineer, who sits at the adjacent table,
simply on the eyes it began to prosper. Dacha it purchased, machine, it was gathered to the foreign
health resort with the family. Yes from what this suddenly? He said that it studied some business in th
time e free from the basic work - something resells to someone. Our student looks, and Assistant- that
him on the table in this comrade serenely so lies! Indeed everything is natural: Assistant worries about
that, who is closer. Well, assistant they returned in the place (and after this they reprogrammed, having
rigidly locked to itself).
Soon that comrade, the strange assistant [prikarmanivshego], without the protection at the fashionable
health resort they robbed. Indeed it was dependant from the assistant, and his success was borrowed.
Then our student again into the mountain went. Long ago he already not series engineer, and his house
- complete cup, and now already it with the family at the fashionable health resorts rests.
Well, then I await now letters already with your histories - amusing and serious, curious and by very
important… In you soon them will be very and much. I this know accurately.

Chapter '
Safety regulations and the technology of the temporary disconnection of the essence

In this chapter we must have a talk about very important, namely about how do so that the essence not
only would behave is always predicted for us, but so that and the effect of its actions would be always
that, such as we was expected.
You will agree that these are is two different things, because gas, for example, always acts in a
predictable manner, but indeed if we thrust into the crown of the dark-blue fires above the gas ring
finger, then effect will be not entirely desirable.
Energy-information essences, to which you were introduced in the previous chapters, creation the
sufficiently simple (to complex technicians, by such as the creation of the essence, which lives in the
thoughts, it is necessary to be trained already specially), but at the same time they powerful creation,
and be them - force, and dealing with the force, it is necessary to behave carefully or, at least, it is
farsighted. The more serious the tool, with which for you one must work, all the more clearly you
should visualize safety regulation. Therefore I want you to introduce to such rules with the work with
the energy-information essences.



You are already familiar with this rule, and now you understand entire its importance. You saw, the
functions of energy-information essence can be how varied, now you understand, the essence, which
left from under the control, can be how dangerous.

Starvation for it, as for us, it is extremely dangerous - indeed some part of energy of essence is
expended on the maintenance of its own vital activity, and this loss must be compensated for. What
does occur with the starvation of essence? It begins slowly to suffer - to be destroyed. Its installations
and reason suffer from this. But essence, especially with the fragment of virtual space, the living being
possesses her own system of self-preservation. Moreover as I already told you, essence cannot be
destroyed completely, yes this is simple: with the appearance of the threat of its life because of a
deficiency in the energy your creation simply begins to search for for itself those forms of existences,
which ensure survival with it. In exactly the same manner the dog or the horse, forced to independently
obtain to itself food, begins to run wild. But energy-information essence is potential where more
dangerous than the likable rural watchdog.
Visualize that can [vytvorit] the run wild keeper of health, the keeper of equilibrium, the defender of
house or conductor on the peaces? I think, even in the absence rich fantasy you involuntarily
[poezhites]. It is so that necessary critically to approach the question in question.
How to make so that your loyal servant is not wild? Yes it is very simple: ensure with its source of
always accessible food, after training it to it, after showing source your friend - and it it will avoid this
lot. We worry about our four-footed favorites, and the same concern is necessary for energy-
information assistant.



Actual, why to you to expend time and attention to the essence, which you temporarily do not require?
To remove from it energy excess, either information or to make up, or to occupy by work?
Furthermore, think that to the in general created by you essence in its expanded form without the
matter it will be dullish, and you, as the author of this life, you bear for it responsibility.
Not simpler whether to care about the problem as a whole and, valuing its time and respecting th life e
created by you, it is simple to immerse it into the hibernation, i.e., into the anabiosis. Here is only
question - how this to make?
There is a simple method. Certainly, this method will operate only for the essence, created by you
personally, and when you did not build in it safety devices against this disconnection (but this
incorporation can be successfully mastered only with the residence training), and not for all varieties.
But method is completely reliable for the described classes of energy-information essences. What we
do make?

Step 8. Temporary disconnection of the essence

We activate essence through foot-fear- ku, feeding up by its energy, and then we pass to the retuning of
the conditions of its nourishment, orienting it toward the free energy, then it is immersed deeper into
the consciousness of essence we change the boundaries of its action, limiting by their entirely small
space - approximately tennis ball. And then, gradually departing from the consciousness of essence, we
make one addition - we transmit by it the closed chain of the means (although verbal, although visual -
approximately as rhyme “in priest it was dog”). Now foot- insurance will be given with the last bundle
of energy - and it is prepared!

Essence in the unlimited period will consume only scattered energy - and be satisfied by infinite the
countershaft of the introduced into it chain of means. At the same time it will be preserved in this state
of completely operational, moreover, even some of “that getting well” - indeed it nothing it will
threaten, and on the limited space it as before demonstrates entire collection of the instincts of self-
preservation. All this time it accomplishes its tasks.
But when you it will be necessary to again mobilize essence, then furthermore there is nothing simpler:
conduct with it accurately the same reprogramming, only in the reverse order - activation through the
foot- insurance with the supply of feeding, the return of the power sources, a increase in the boundaries
of action, gradual withdrawal from its consciousness, absorption in itself of chain are previously the
introduced means, the inclusion of foot- insurance and the simultaneous curtailment of feeding. And
everything! Essence again to your services, together with entire its energy reserve, by developed virtual
space and by previously accumulated experience. Use on the health!

Here everything is extremely simple: the fact is that essence is not simply intended for the thin
recognition of one or other man or another. When we tune, for example, the defender of man to the
concrete personality, then defender always is located with it it, in other words, tracks his continuity.
But he cannot recognize the true individuality of man.
Indeed essence reacts to the means, by which they touch it, to the touch of its activating consciousness
- but the consciousness is not compulsorily the carrier of the means, which are familiar essence. Even
your consciousness can on carelessness attempt to wake essence with the aid of the inappropriate
means, and already the consciousness of other… It does not completely manage the intelligible of
essence “by language”. Indeed means are especially individual - there are no two people, which would
equally present to themselves the flower or, let us say, small monkey. However, what will come out?
But will come out that realizes the roughly waked energy-information essence, that it invades the
stranger! And, naturally, it begins to protect: first simple to resist, and then to pass into the attack. And
already in any case it does not make that, for what you counted.
Therefore let better your friend will independently or confrontation master at least three steps [DEIR] -
and will make essence independently. Certainly, there are methods of the transfer of essence to another
man (so, one and the same essence it can be transferred in the family from generation to generation),
but, unfortunately, cannot be been trained to this simply according to the book. This must occur under
the control of experienced instructor, who virtuoso masters habits [DEIR].
It is not thus, necessary to attempt to give to friend to [popolzovatsja] by your essence. The
consequences of this experience can and it and you it is unpleasant to astonish.


that is very simple - base for this accurately the same as we with you discussed in previous central
board. My dear readers, I please you, attentively relate to my words! Do not play with the force and
observe safety engineering.
Attention! After appearance into the light of this book can float to the surface only and waiting their
hour enterprising people, which will attempt independently to procreate essences and to neglect them
into sale. Let us say, with this advertizing promise: “SPIRIT- PURIFIER will free you from the grief
and the pennilessness, and also from the [karmicheskoj] sweating of feet and nonretention of urine! the
Sulfur-auger- raspberry-colored into the speck sorcerer Of [satja] Of [uchkuduk] AL of [myn] Of
[upsa] in the ninth generation guarantees!!!”
You remember! In order to create essence for any and each, enormous knowledge and habit is
necessary. Even in the school [DEIR] only three such specialists, and we certify you, that these internal
knowledge possesses more than no one (and even to these professionals it will extremely
complicatedly free you from the accidentally acquired “tomcat in the bag”). To go at random -
“perhaps it will help” - it is mortally dangerous! Do not expend hope and means. These tempting
promises - fraud in order to extract money from those slain gorem $$RTGOREM - advance repair
train, adreptrain of people.
You already know that its own happiness and the success can be obtained only independently. By its
hands and by its force. I, Dmitriy [Verishchagin], believe in your reason. It the one who truly reached
heights [DEIR], it does not fall on fakes.



This is very important rule. The fact is that any man, who possesses grow prettier by sensitivity, it can
realize presence in the space of the essence, created by another man, for example, the defender of man.
Very well! It is noticeable!
But that, if you do be situated with this man in the hostile relations? Certainly, among those, who
mastered well the habits of further energy-information development, such cases are extremely rare, but
indeed there are the versions, when life simply does not leave selection - let us assume amorous
Then defender, available in your rival, undoubtedly, reacts for your powerful (and not too benevolent
a) emission. What to make in that case? Certainly, will arise temptation to create the energy-
information essence, which actively will invade the sphere of the protection of your enemy and will
introduce there your order. But here this exactly to make and not
it stands.
Why? Yes because then will begin the continuous conflict of defenders. This indicates incessantly
changing around you power engineering, tides, improvement and worsening in the mood… But
perhaps this to us is necessary? This nevertheless that on its own will to bring to itself sick tooth, corn
or hemorrhoid.
So that you, if cannot control your emotional and energy flux, must create the essence, which will bear
not offensive, but defensive nature. Then everything will be miraculously: you with your rival will
rapidly find the status quo, who will completely exclude conflict in the energy sphere, and it is further,
it is already certainly, everything will depend on your natural potential and charmingly whimsical laws
of love.



It would furthermore me be desirable to warn you against temptation to make such essence, which
would be your friend and companion-in-arms in all cases of life - such [aladdinovskogo] [dzhinna]. So
that such would be possibly, energy-information essence must be that self-developing. But self-
development implies that the essence must independently determine for itself the versions of work, the
versions of nourishment and the versions of th means e included in itself.
In principle, this implies the unlimited increase in the energy-information essence, the unlimited
development, such, that it in the course of time will be made equal to you, and it will then and
overgrow you both in the logical and in energy sense. But here is the difficulty: we with you, dear
readers, in the selection of their behavior are determined by the [ponjatimi] of good and evil, moreover
not forcibly in us inculcated, but deep, internal, fostered. Here you in the childhood unexpectedly
strongly knocked your five-year friend, the same fidget as you. It sourly began to cry, and you, allotted
by the gift of mutual anxiety, they perceived its pain and understood that this is bad. But here history is
entirely another with the essence -, in the first place, childhood did not have it, and in the second place,
it will not know how in that case to be anxious, it will rather astonish to the strange reaction of th man
e offended by it. Indeed for the energy-information organism this event - is simple lesson, moreover
interesting and instructive!
But to let out into the peace the powerful creation, deprived of the concept of good and evil, this
already too. It, it goes without saying, will relate to you as to its creator with the respect and will not
undertake acts of aggression against you, it is faster, even it will attempt to help… But alas! You, my
reader, wonderful understand that that that you consider desirable for yourselves, and that which can
consider superhuman consciousness desirable for you, this of the thing of enormous difference. For
example, you disturbs the attitude toward you of your mother-in-law or mother-in-law (whom it does
not disturb?). The solution of this problem consists in the normalization of relations. In the human
sense. Or in the removal of the source of irritation. “Practical” version itself in Joseph Stalin's style.
Who can guarantee, that the freely grown energy-information creation in to the flame of official zeal
will not prefer the second?
You understand now, which to create the freely developing essence, which independently places to
itself tasks and searching for the power sources, is simply dangerous. Energy-information essence
where is more useful, if we use it as the tool with the limited set of functions, and not as independent
universal partner. So that give let us agree with you: no “[dzhinnov]”! For your our own good and
good of th people e surrounding us.



You, my readers, people are clever and, after reading the previous division, immediately for sure
[smeknuli], that universal essence it would be possible to create, if we make them several with the
fixed set of functions and to lock together their structures. Then this creation could not independently
develop into “[dzhinna]”, but flexibly it would react to all met by you dangers and would help in many
But here you they be on the watch the specific dangers and complexities. They even theoretically
cannot be gone around independently (when I speak impossibly, this it indicates not that which will
come out in one of hundred, but that that this can come out only randomly in one, let us say, from
several thousand or even million). The locked for each other essences are attempted to collectively
solve your problems and assigned to them tasks. But many your tasks dispute between themselves. For
example, the defender of house fights with the envy of your unreasonable brother-in-law. But the
regulator of relations must push slightly your brother-in-law to the specific actions. But now the
question: how you do think, sweet it is necessary for your brother-in-law?
Our purposes and desires are contradictory. It is necessary thoroughly to limit essences so that they
would make precisely that which to you is necessary. These are complexity number one. Complexity is
number two - that which th essence e made by you will begin to obtain nourishment, using resources of
rest. But this means that the behavior of the connected essence is determined by the task of neighbor, if

she has more high priorities. But you wonderfully understand, how dangerously this a state of affairs!
This again indicates the output of essences from under your control. By on top of that entire brigade! It
is dangerous?! Yes this is not the word!
Only specially trained to work with the essences specialist can complete such tedious. operation. And
we thus far let out not one such specialist, because we want so that largest possible number of people
they would master the bases of work with the energy-information essences - it is simple by bases, at
the level of the user understanding of personal computer. But the time of programmers will arrive later,
through the pair of years. And we compulsorily will verify and will certify each such specialist. And
them it will be a little - on [odnomu]-[dva] to each city.

Chapter "
Essences - keepers of school [DEIR]

We, colleagues and students of the school of further energy-information development are, of course,
also utilized in their work energy-information essences. Their initial creation required enormous labor
and not one day of work. And they are unique, because no one in the world possesses those reserves,
which we put in them.
And they, in contrast to the simplest varieties, with which you recently became acquainted, the essence
of the highest level of the development (they wiser than the man they continue to be improved), the
enormous complexity (from fourteen to twenty inner levels) and, it is moreover, intended for the
collective use. They have the improbable energy reserve (into ten and hundreds of thousands of times
of more powerful than the man) and the most extensive zone of action (thousands of kilometers).
And, of course, the effect of the work of these essences is visible therefore very frequently our readers,
even who did not pass residence training, they are interested by them. Indeed really incomprehensible
pricks up ears. For which they are created and transmitted for the use into each branch of school
[DEIR]? Certainly, for benefit and good of those, who go by further energy-information development.
Their designation - to serve people.
They are used with the creation of space they are sewn in the process of the so-called background
work, which is conducted between the steps. Indeed that it is necessary for man, even who passed
residence training? Aid, protection, reliability and success - it is simple because man always poses
before himself problems, only his exceeding possibilities. It is developed, accomplishing this task. But
you already wonderfully know that the stronger the men, the more complex the task it places before
itself! And, of course, to it is required energy aid.
And still it is necessary the special space of protection, which closes by itself entire city, that unites the
cities, where is its adherents, connected to the multidimensional energy reserve, and in this space the
allies, who help man to accomplish his task.
Me it would be desirable to destroy the halo of mysteriousness and briefly to describe about the
keepers of school [DEIR], it goes without saying, revealing no secrets.

Defender of the space

Tasks and the property: the unconditional removal of the outside influence, exerted to the participants
[DEIR] and to the space [DEIR], especially aggressive, in the territory of club or in territory
designating for its functioning (is unlimited; as the orienting are used concrete people, their thoughts,
energy influence or circumstances). Within the framework the accomplishment of its objectives it
rigidly resists both energy and information potentially aggressive influences. Blocks action at the
energy, mental, astral, [kazualnom] and [karmicheskom] levels. In the case of the threatening actions
reciprocal it passes to the impulse actions - on any of the enumerated levels, including the absorption
of [egregora] and the withdrawal of the fragment of virtual space, which are been the source of action.
It is capable to if necessary invade the temporary and [karmicheskoe] space of the attacking structure.
It absorbs the ether bodies of those being attempting to bring the damage to of structures and

It ensures absolute protection independently of action level.

Conductor to, the purpose

Tasks and the property: the ultimate energy and information support of participant [DEIR] or their
group of the on the way to intended target (both its own power engineering and in the part of influence
on other people). Performance of dream and current tasks. Control of the combined social processes. It
makes it possible to achieve goal in spite of the action of the energy-information parasites of any force.
He is supplemented by the keeper of equilibrium.

Keeper of the equilibrium

Tasks and the property: the observance of the stability of the energy space of listeners and school
[DEIR]. It is independent from the external influences. It does not interfere in the external aggression,
but without delay compensates any damage, brought from without. It controls so that during the
solution of programs by listener it would not arise energy debt into the environment (about this debt we
they spoke in one of the previous books).
It makes it possible to preserve achievement in spite of any external influences. It ideally supplements
the effects of conductor to the purpose. It is capable if necessary to begin to operate colossal energy

Defender of the club

Tasks and property - essence is intended for the flexible accomplishment of mission, determined by its
activated man: from the destruction of aggression, observance of balance and contribution to
achievement of the objective (function of the previous essences) to shaping of the energy-information
structure, which supplements the reason of man (i.e., the actual expansion of the brain of man). It
possesses capability for division and distribution of its fragments, which are yielded to programming,
and it is capable of containing the part of the reason of man into itself. In this case the defender of club
creates the energetic double of man, who accomplishes his tasks in the manner that this it would make
man himself.
It makes it possible without the limitations to enlarge the possibilities of man for action and solution of
its problems both in the sphere of force and in the sphere of intuition.

Regulator of the success

Tasks and the property: the advance solution of the emotionally vital problems, which wait man or
group of people. Partially changes charisma of man within the framework of solution of problem. It
possesses the ability of assistance to the probabilistic events and the inanimate technology. It rarely
acts on circumstances directly, but it more frequently ships man to th side e necessary to it.
Here, strictly, and everything (although, as you themselves you understand, not entirely, and about
many aspects it would be necessary very it takes a long time to say). As you see, this serious help in
our with you life. Nourishments by any of these essences requires, because they extract the mass of
energy from the processes, stabilized by them. And they are oriented only to the protection of people
and to the reflection of the evil, directed on them.
It would be possible to describe the mass of histories about how these essences they helped people. But
give simply let us limit to the common picture: after the background work of men unexpectedly it notes
as all problems, which stood before it, they begin to be shifted from dead center. And it walks two-
three week with the highly raised head, overfilled by energy and happiness of life. It can manage all.
Perhaps this is not wonderful!
Indeed we with you learn, we obtain the mass of new habits - and it would be foolish not to use these

habits in order to make this peace better and it is brighter for those, to whom this is necessary.
These essences - essences of colossal force and possibilities, made by us with all for good and success
of Russians, for the happiness and the force us all, that live on the Earth.


Well here, strictly, and everything that I wanted to describe to you. For the conclusion almost nothing I
do remain - yes even is important whether this?
The more the soul we pack into our peace, the more we create around ourselves the animated essences
- those more excellent, the safer, the happier the Earth becomes the life on our. By the fact more easily,
we more gladly live with you! Visualize: you always, in any situation, at any time and in any place are
surrounded by the [nadezhnejshej] formation from the assistants, the guards, the defenders, the guards,
the soldiers and the simply good friends. They will protect from the least danger - you can on them
completely rely and not about which not to survive. They never will betray, they will not deceive, they
will not offend - in contrast to some friends in the human appearance. From them it is necessary to
expect no dirty trick - they are devoted to you more than the most loyal domestic dogs. They are
reliable as no one. Because they - your creation, and even are more - part you.
Knowledge about the methods of creating the energy-information essences will help you to [obustroit]
their life it would in the manner that you be desirable, it is harmonious without the excess expenditures
of forces and time. Our terrestrial life - journey dangerous, been risky, fraught by different unexpected
contingencies. That also to speak, the Earth is our even on scales of the universe the unstudied white
spot, uninhabited, complete of miracles. We with you, people of new evolutionary step, only begin to
master this not always affable Earth, only begin to populate by its reasonable, friendly to us good
essences. After creating new life, you will acquire by its invaluable support. You will bring success to
yourselves and prosperity to your country. Both you and it long ago this deserved. And let it will be
thus. Forces to you and freedom.
You already passed five steps of the system of the habits of further energy-information development.
You understand, why you can be required all habits, about which I tell you. You are strong, free and
And you wonderfully understood that the knowledge of questions of interaction with [egregorami], the
solution of true [karma], anti-magic (that, by the way, it can be required any of us), energy sanitation
are already are long ago necessary for us. Soon you will find these knowledge.
But the second part of fifth step will not force itself to await. It will make it possible entirely going
[DEIR] to learn to finally change the reality (it seems to me that somebody of the students of the
confrontation courses of the first part of fifth step it already groped the elements of these technician).
I do not want to lubricate impression from the knowledge, which you recently acquired. You
understand, what this can give to us by all - to entire humanity. Words are here superfluous.
I congratulate you with the successful overcoming of new distance in the enormous sea [DEIR],
congratulate by entire soul, successes to you and to the encounter!

School [DEIR]

We all are together occupied with the most serious matter. We encountered enormous complexities
during the organization of school, because enormous responsibility lies on us at the preparation of
teaching staff - otherwise it, simply without understanding, with which deals, continuous harm will
bring. This concerns the set of the charlatans, who attempt to [zashibit] money, using the trustfulness
of our people.
Those, who conduct exercises through the deep mastery of procedures [DEIR], thoroughly are selected
and are prepared both with the theoretical and from the practical side. Moreover, instructors
continuously must increase their qualification and not less than the time to per year confirm it.
Therefore attentively read the lists of instructors and organizers OF [DEIR]. To us very many times

turned themselves the people, which suffered from the actions of charlatans, and these people in the
literal sense it was necessary to gather anew. Not too whether this is high pay for the [nesdelannyj]
telephone call?
You be, if you please, more attentive! Each methodologist- instructor checked has th evidence of the
instructor e given out in Saint Petersburg, in whom is confirmed his qualification. Do not confuse with
simply the evidence, issued without the right of teaching. Evidence to listeners reveal compulsorily,
and they give right to the visit of the systematic occupations [DEIR] of the following step in any city
and access into any club [DEIR]. From 1 June 2000[g]. are real only the evidence of listeners,
protected by holographic gluings. Occupations on first stage go not less than 4 days on e of hour, on
them compulsorily reveal the objects, which give access to the energy reserve [DEIR].
At present the list of the organizers OF [DEIR] is continuously supplemented - so that, if you met with
new man, simply you will refine his competence along telephone (812) 318-12-45 in the directing
agency of school in Saint Petersburg.
You can on the same telephone obtain answer to th questions concerning the mastery of procedures
[DEIR] e interesting you or write to us with the address: St. Petersburg, 198103, [Lermontovskij] the
rest, d. 44/46, a/I 123.
If you decide to pass the confrontation mastery of procedures, then to you they will be glad. School
[DEIR] at present - this is more than 100 cities, in each of which is organized the club [DEIR] and is
conducted the program of the institute of the introduction of habits [DEIR]. This systematic you
[pomosh], practical aid, new acquaintances and simply human heat-. These are additional seminars and
new knowledge. [Ego] the exclusive procedures, which in any way cannot be mastered according to
the book. We will always help.
Forces to you and happiness!

Carefully - charlatans!

Was already much said about this lamentable fact. But, alas, dilettantism is always possible - and,
unfortunately, many “teachers” they do not understand, that for the unsanctioned teaching they fall
under the penal responsibility for the disturbance of author's and patent right. However, it is most of all
it's a pity people, which suffer from such adventurers. Indeed the basic purpose of charlatans - to select
in the client of money and success. Therefore we, as promised, it was prevented you about those
people, which have to [DEIR] not of the least relation.
Tomsk. In Tomsk to the occupations into the school the people, convinced, periodically come that they
passed one or other step or another [DEIR], but they do not have not evidence, not knowledge, not
results. Someone conducted with them exercises and convinced them, as if they obtained knowledge
[DEIR]. Have in the form: in Tomsk only one organizer, and his telephone is given at the end this
to the Rostov-on- Don, the sisters Of [makhnovy], which in their time collaborated with the school
[DEIR], during January 2000 were removed from the teaching for [nesdachu] of qualifying
examinations and corresponding to no requirements quality. They taught to give the material of first
stage [DEIR] of [azh] in 2 days, on 2-3 hours into each. But this is impossible! This is hack work in the
pure form. But, as in Tomsk, to us come people, convinced that they passed in them instruction
[DEIR]. This not thus. The fact that give the mentioned personalities, does not have to [DEIR] not of
the least relation. Furthermore, the same citizens made several tour on the southern regions. You be
Moscow. In the capital the representative of school [DEIR] only one (by the way, there they conduct
exercises the best professionals of school), but is pirates, who act somewhere in VDNKH $$RTVDNX
and still someone Nikitin, about whom we spoke in the previous book.
Norilsk. The representation of school in Norilsk functions from August 2000 g. if you they passed
there “[DEIR]” to the date indicated, then know that this was swindle. The coordinates of
representation can be refined in the center in S.- Petersburg.

Turkey. Reaches information about the fact that in Turkey (in particular, in Ankara) some
[naezzhanty], being presented by the instructors of school, conduct occupations. We officially certify,
that there is not one professional [DEIR] in Turkey. You deceive- and you can use a law in order to
return to yourselves the for nothing spent money. True, successes also health law will not,
unfortunately, return.
Barnaul. Bushuev's certain Ludmila, mistress “of the center of revival and sanitation of man”, attempt
to teach [izolirovanno] third step: so that you understand, by what “revival and with sanitation” she
deals. Indeed the third step without the purification of consciousness, proceeding at first stage, is
simply socially dangerous. But we do not think, however, that in it something it is obtained, because
she did not have and he has to the school not of the least relation and it did not obtain the knowledge of
And one additional stage direction - as it is possible to recognize that you be situated in the hands of
charlatan and swindler. The first: you they call in as on [DEIR] (with the frequent formulation, that this
“also [DEIR]”) - and this is extremely dangerous, because other procedures, naturally, bring other
results. We cannot answer for your results, obtained in being been annointed to the reputation [DEIR]
of grabbers.
The second: you they take out to the courses [DEIR] and in the course of occupations promise, that if
you bring with yourselves other people, then to you for the studies there will be reduction or even
profit. Unique [MMM]. This is the also distinguishing mark of charlatans - a similar practice is not
carried out by school and it is forbidden under the fear of the immediate release of colleague.
Instruction - this is not money grubbing.
With the respect, the administration of school [DEIR]


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