A. Dispatcher: One Three Four

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1. Which module gives control of the CPU to the process selection by the short-term-
a. Dispatcher
b. Interrupt
c. Scheduler
d. none of the mentioned
2. A minimum of _____ variable(s) is /are required to be shared between processes to
solve the critical section problem.
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. four
3. logical memory is broken into blocks of same size called _______
a. frames
b. pages
c. backing store
d. none of the mentioned
4. Which one of the following is not a step of requirement engineering?
a. Elicitation
b. Design
c. Analysis
d. Documentation
5. In _____, each station is allocated a time slot during which it can send data. Each
station transmits its data in its assigned time slot.
d. none of the above
e. Answer:TDMA
6. If link transmits 4000 frames per second , and each slot has 8 bits the transmission
rate of circuit of this TDM is ______.
a. 64 Kbps
b. 32 Mbps
c. 32 Kbps
d.  64 MbpS
7. Packet sniffers involve
a. Active receiver
b. Passive receiver
c. Legal receiver
d. Partially-active receiver
8. WPA 2 is used for security in

a. Ethernet
b. Bluetooth
c. wi-fi
d. e-mail
9. Pretty good privacy (PGP) is used in
a. Browser security
b. FTP security
c. Email security
d. None of the above
10. The combination of an IP address and a port number is called a ______
a. transport address
b. network address
c. socket address
d. none of the above
11. If you wamed to have 13 subnets with a Class C network ID ,which subnet mask
would you use?
12. Which of the following is the broadcast address for a Class B network ID using the
13. Decryption and encryption of data are responsibility of
a. Physical layer
b. Presentation layer
c. Data link layer
d. Session layer
14. An ADT is defined to be a mathematical model of user defined tue along whit the
collection of all___________operations on that model
a. Cardinally
b. Assignment
c. Primitive
d. Structured
15. Which of the following need not to be a binary tree?
a. Search tree
b. Heap
c. AVL-tree

d. B-Tree
16. Which of the following sorting algorithms does not have worst case running time of
a. Insertion sort
b. Merge sort
c. Quick sort
d. Bubble sort
17. An interpreter is a program that
a. places programs into memory and prares them for execution
b. B.automates the translation of assembly

19. The method which merges the bodies of two loops is

A. loop rolling
B. loop jamming
C. constant folding
D. none of these
20. Which of the following network access standard disassemble is used for connect station
to a packet switched network?
a. . X-3
b. X-21
c. X-25
d. X-75
21. ARP (address resolution protocol)is
a. A TCP/IP protocol used to dynamic bind a high level IP address to a low
level physical hardware address
b. ATCP/IP high level protocol pforptransferring file from pone ma chine top
c. A Protocol used to monitor computers
d. A Protocol that handles error and control messages
22. . How many class A, B, C networks IDs can exist?
a. 2,113,658
b. 16,382
c. 126
d. 128
23. In the carrier sense network ,if prevailing condition is a channel busy’ ,the technique
used is
a. non persistent then it results in randomized wait and sense
b. I- persistent then channel is continually sensed
c. P-Persistent then randomized retransmission is done
d. both (a) and (b)

24. start and stop bits are used in serial communication for
a. error detection
b. Error correction
c. Synchronization
d. slowing down the communication
25. the minimum time delay required between initiation of two successive memory operation
is called
a. Memory cycle time
b. memory access time
c. Transmission time
d. Fetch Time
26. Which memory is difficult to interface with processor ?
a. Static memory
b. Dynamic memory
c. ROM
d. None of these
27. A state is safe if the system can allocate resources to each process(up to its maximam) in
some order and still avoid deadlock.Then
a.  deadlocked state is unsafe
b. unsafe state may lead to a deadlock situation
c. deadlocked state is a subset of unsafe state
d. all of these
28. Dijkstra’s banking algorithem in an operating system ,solves the problem of
a. mutual exclusion
b. deadlock recovery
c. deadlock avoidance
d. cache coherence

29. Server as consultants to end users. The best will be

A. integrated information systems

B. business information
C. knowledge management systems
D. expert systems

30. Using an organized sequence of activities to study a problem or opportunity using systems
thinking. Select the best fit for answer:

A. Systems approach
B. Problem versus symbols
C. Systems thinking
D. Post implementation review

31. ____________ is a number that is assigned to a computer by on internet servicer(ISP)

32. IPV6 has _________ bit addresses.

32. What are the different states of a process?

33. Deferent between overloading and overriding?

34. What are the uses of subletting?

35. What are the unary operations in relational Algebra?

36. List any four concurrency control protocols used in DBMS.


37. Define the term “Linked List” and give a C program code for creating linked

38. What do you mean by constructor and destructor? Write a program to de constructor and

39 . Write a C program to reverse a given number.

40. Show below is the workload for 5 arriving at time zero in the order

Job 1 2 3 4 5
Burst Time 10 29 3 7 12

Now find out which algorithm among FCFS and SJF with quant minimum average

41. A large number of consecutive IP address are available starting four organization A,B,C,D
request 4000,2000,4000,8000 that order. For each of these, give the (i) First IP address assigned,
assigned and (iii) subnet mask.

42. Define the following Terms

A. Wi-fi



1. Explain following terms related to operating system:


i. System Program
ii. Inode
iii. Multiuser
iv. Distributed
v. Shell
Q. 2. What is RDBMS? Explain different types of RDBMS models in detail.
Q.3. what is data structure? Explain binary tree with example in detail.
Q. 4. Explain following term in detail:
i. Bluetooth
ii. Routers
iii. Trojan
iv. Modems
v. Firewalls

Q. 5. Explain the difference between WiFi and WiMax with suitable examples.
Q. 6. Explain IPv4 carsful addressing? Differentiate IPv4 and IPv6 with suitable examples
in detail.

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