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Indonesian Studies

Name : Gema Dilal Nur Muhammad Pege

Student Registration Number : 2211417081

Class : 205

Politics and Government System

1. Jobs of the legislative bodies, the executive, and the judiciary.

 The legislative bodies in charge of making the law or constitution. The legislative
comprises the DPR, DPD, and MPR.
 Executives in charge of enforcing or applying the law which the legislative made. The
executive board comprises the president and vice president along with the ministers
who assist him.
 The judiciary in charge of defending law enforcement. The judiciary comprises the
Supreme Court (MA), the Constitutional Court (MK), and the Judicial Commission.

2. The conditions of politics and government nowadays.

 The conditions of politics nowadays

In my opinion, the conditions of politics in Indonesia nowadays are quite alarming. This
can be seen from Indonesian political products such as the RUU KUHP and Omnibus law.
Both of these laws invite massive criticism from various layers of Indonesian society.
Such conditions certainly damage the principles of a democratic state 'from the people,
by the people, and for the people'. What is happening is that political products are now
considered detrimental to the people. Me of course, as an Indonesian society, hope that
all regulations and their implementation can be reviewed so that they remain targeted
in accordance with the essence of the democratic state itself.
 The conditions of government nowadays
In my opinion, the current state of the government in Indonesia is quite good in its
executive agencies. Apart from one previous period, I consider the current president
and vice president to be quite right in choosing several ranks of his ministers, such as
Nadiem Makarim with his entrepreneur mentality as minister of education and culture,
Erik Tohir as minister of BUMN, and others. I consider them to be able to take a number
of policies needed by Indonesia so far, ranging from the education system that
eliminates the National Examination system in secondary schools, to entrepreneur-
oriented college policies at the tertiary level. Of course these things are not my
judgment that the current government is good, because there are still many things that
need to be addressed. Things that need to be corrected, for example, I judge President
Jokowi to side with foreign investors from some of his policies. Instead of strengthening
the strength of the Indonesian economy, it actually weakened the economic strength of
the middle to lower class. Another example from the side of the legislature, as I stated
above about the political situation in Indonesia. The political products that they issue as
a law still encounter many shortcomings and are considered not in favor of the
community, but in favor of certain groups.

3. The condition of politics and government next two decades.

In my opinion, Indonesia's political situation in the next two decades will lead to a
capitalist political style. I value this because I see many Indonesian political stakeholders from
the middle and upper business circles. My hope from this political style is not to make the
constitutional system as a field for personal profit generation but as a foundation to make
Indonesia economically independent and look established on the international scene.

On the other hand, the state of government in the next two decades will be inhabited
by people who have capital or a capitalist, as I stated above. Why capitalist, because I value
Indonesia is indeed quite slow in following the ideology of the developing world now. So far,
Indonesia has only become a victim of the world capitalists. Therefore, I hope that Indonesian
government seats will be filled by people who have finished their own stomach affairs first. This
is so that at the level of government officials can minimize the occurrence of corruption,
collusion, and nepotism as has happened so far.

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