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The Name of Institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering,

University of Belgrade

Description of an Individual Course Unit

Course Code: OS3URV Level of Course: Undergraduate ECTS 6 Semestre: 6
Course Title: Real time control Year of Study: 3
Prerequisites: none Type of Mandatory
Lecturer(s): Dr Srbijanka Turajlić
Course Staff: Mr Goran Kvaščev
Objective of Upon completing of this course the student will be able to:
the course: 9 Explain the concept of real-time process control
9 Appraise the key issues of computer process control.
9 Design a DDC computer control system.
9 Design a PLC to control sequential process.
9 Design a SCADA system.
Course Introduction to real time control - Computer controlled process, real time
Contents: operating conditions, timer, process and operator initiated events.
Hardware requirements and interfacing - Interfacing to sensors and actuators,
process I/O modules and data transfer techniques (polling and interrupts).
Distributed computer controlled systems - Information and control functions.
Data acquisition, DDC control, program control, sequential control, supervisory
control, information system (ERP). Hierarchical system structure.
DDC control - PID structure; internal model principle; feedforward control;
cascade control. Implementation issues: choice of the sampling period, model
disretisation, bumpless transfer, actuator wind-up, filtering, etc.
PLC (programmable logic controllers) - Basic features, standard and
specialized modules. Elements of ladder programming.
Monitoring and supervision (SCADA systems) - The basic components of the
supervisory control and data acquisition systems; software tool for designing a
SCADA system.
Control (industrial) networks- Remote I/O, physical standards, industrial bus,
performance metric. Data transfer procedure, PLC's communication modules;
examples with ladder programming.
Lab-work: Closing a feedback through a PC, PLC application, SCADA design
Teaching 45 hours lectures + 15 hours of supervised preparing for lab-work
Methods: 15 hours of supervised lab-work, estimated 30 hours of individual lab – work,
and 40 hours for individual study
Class notes
Literature: S. Bennett, Real-time Computer Control, Prentice-Hall, 1988.
J.Stenerson, Fundamentals of PLCs, Sensors, and Communications, Prentice
Hall, 1999.
S.A.Boyer, SCADA, ISA , 1999
methods: Lab work: 3 x 20%, Midterm: 30%, Final: 30%.
Language of Serbian Date: 1.2.2006 Signature:
Ime institucije: Elektrotehnički fakultet,
Univerzitet u Beogradu

Informacije o predmetu
Šifra kursa: OS3URV Nivo kursa: dodiplomski ESPB 6 Semestar: 6
Naziv kursa: Upravljanje u realnom vremenu Godina studija: 3
Preduslovi: nema Tip kursa: Obavezan
Predavač(i): Dr Srbijanka Turajlić
Saradnici: Mr Goran Kvaščev
Ciljevi kursa: Po završetku kursa student će moći da:
9 Objasni koncept upravljanja u realnom vremenu.
9 Razume ključne aspekte primene računara u upravljanju procesima.
9 Projektuje DDC upravljanje.
9 Projektuje PLC koji upravlja sekvencijalnim procesom.
9 Projektuje SCADA sistem.
Sadržaj Uvod u upravljanje u realnom vremenu – Računarski upravljan process, uslovi
kursa: rada u realnom vremenu, događaji inicirani protekom vremena, procesni i
operatorski događaji.
Zahtevi u pogledu hardverskih komponenti i spega sa računarom – Sprega
senzora i aktuatora, procesni U/I moduli, tehnike prenosa podataka (ispitivanje
stanja i sistem prekida)
Distribuirani računarski upravljan sistem – Informacione i upravljačke funkcije.
Prikupljanje podataka, DDC upravljanje, programsko upravljanje, sekvencijalno
upravljanje, supervajzorsko upravljanje, informacioni sistem (ERP). Hijerarhijska
struktura sistema.
DDC upravljanje – Struktura PIDa; princip internog modela; direktno upravljanje;
kaskadno upravljanje. Problemi implementacije: izbor periode odabiranja,
diskretizacija modela, prelaz bez udara, navijanje aktuatora, filtracija, itd.
PLC (programabilni logički kontroleri) – Osnovne karakteristike, standardni i
specijalizovani moduli. Elementi leder proigamiranja.
Nadzor i supervizija (SCADA sistemi) – Osnovne komponente sistema za nadzor i
superviziju; softverski alat za projektovanje SCADA sistema.
Upravljačke (industrijske)mreže- Udaljeni U/I, fizički standardi, industrijska
magistrala, mera performanse. Tehnike prenosa podataka, komunikacioni moduli
PLCa; primeri komunikacije u okviru leder programa.
Laboratorija: Zatvaranje povratne sprege pomoću PCa, projektovanje PLCa,
projektovanje SCADA sistema.
Metodi 45 časova predavanja + 15 časova pripreme za rad u laboratoriji
predavanja: 15 časova nadgledanog rada u laboratoriji, oko 30 sati individualnog rada u
laboratoriji i oko 40 sati individualnog rada u cilju savladavanja izložene materije
Literatura: S. Bennett, Real-time Computer Control, Prentice-Hall, 1988.
J.Stenerson, Fundamentals of PLCs, Sensors, and Communications, Prentice Hall,
S.A.Boyer, SCADA, ISA , 1999
ocenjivanja: Lab work: 3 x 20%, Midterm: 30%, Final: 30%.
Jezik nastave: Srpski Datum: 1.2.2006 Potpis:

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