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CALAPAN CITY INC. Entrepreneurial Mind


Test 1. Tell whether the given statement about Entrepreneurship is true or false. Write T
if the statement is correct and F if the statement is false. Write your answers in a
separate paper.

______T_____1. Entrepreneurs provide supply to the market.

______T_____2. Purchasing power means the power to buy.
______T_____3. The small scale entrepreneurship offers an opportunity for
employment. ______T_____4. The production of key chains or souvenir items falls
under entrepreneurship
______T_____5. Entrepreneurs are ambitious and they have strong desire to succeed.

Test 2. Indicate whether the statement shows (a) entrepreneurial characteristics or (b)
employment characteristics. Write the letter A or B only.

______A_____1. He wants a fixed working time.

______B_____2. He sees opportunities in problems.
______A_____3. He enjoys experimenting and creating new things.
______B____4. He wants to make certain that he receives his income on time.
______A_____5. He takes repeated or different actions to overcome obstacles.

Test 3. Complete the following sentences.

1. _____________ is the difference between selling price and cost.

2. _____________ is the amount spent in making the product or rendering of service.
3. The rewards of entrepreneurship are non- monetary _______________.
4. _____________ the entrepreneur plans his every move because he knows that
eliminated resources will be used.
5. _____________ It is a deciding factor in getting into business. It will drive them into
something that will give them satisfaction.


List down entrepreneurs in your community and present the kinds of business they are
engaged in. Also, find their reasons for engaging in business.


Title: Entrepreneurial Self- Test
Performance Objective:
Assess your personal entrepreneurial characteristics if you are qualified to be an
CALAPAN CITY INC. Entrepreneurial Mind

Supplies: questionnaire, bond paper and pen.

Steps/ Procedure. Read each item carefully, assess yourself if you possess those
characteristics. Present your answer and explain your thoughts.

Encircle your answer

1. I am persistent. Yes Maybe No
2. When I am interested in a project, I need less sleep. Yes Maybe No
3. When there is something I want, I keep my goal clearly
in my mind. Yes Maybe No
4. I examine mistakes and I learn from them. Yes Maybe No
5. I keep New Year’s resolutions. Yes Maybe No
6. I have a strong personal need to succeed. Yes Maybe No
7. I have new and different ideas. Yes Maybe No
8. I am adaptable. Yes Maybe No
9. I am curious. Yes Maybe No
10. I am intuitive. Yes Maybe No
11. If something cannot be done, I find a way. Yes Maybe No
12. I see problems as challenges. Yes Maybe No
13. I take chances. Yes Maybe No
14. I will gamble on a good idea even if it is not a sure thing. Yes Maybe No
15. To learn something new, I explore unfamiliar subjectsYes Maybe No
16. I can recover from emotional setbacks. Yes Maybe No
17. I feel sure of myself. Yes Maybe No
18. I am a positive person. Yes Maybe No
19. I experiment with new ways to do things. Yes Maybe No
20. I am willing to undergo sacrifices to gain possible
long-term rewards. Yes Maybe No
21. I usually do things my own way. Yes Maybe No
22. I tend to rebel against authority. Yes Maybe No
23. I often enjoy being alone. Yes Maybe No
24. I like to be in control. Yes Maybe No
25. I have a reputation of being stubborn. Yes Maybe No
Scores per answer:
Yes- 3 points
Maybe- 2 points
No- 1 point

Scores Interpretation
60-75 You have the qualities of an entrepreneur
48-59 You have the potential but need to push yourself
37-47 You may not want to start a business alone
Below 37 Self-employment may not be for you
CALAPAN CITY INC. Entrepreneurial Mind

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