A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade X: I. Objectives

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade X


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. make the verb agree with the subject ; and

b. construct sentences observing subject-verb agreement rules.


A. Topic: Subject Verb Agreement (Titles, fractions, percent, sums of money,

periods of time, and unit of measurements)
B. Reference: e-eduction.psu.edu/styleforstudents/c1_p6.html.
C. Materials: Manila paper and tape



A. Goal Setting

This morning, we will be discussing other

rules and you’re expected to make the verb
agree with the subject and construct
sentences observing subject-verb
agreement rules.

B. Elicitation

Before we proceed to the rules that we are

going to discuss, let’s have an activity first.
I have here pool of words and I want you to
categorize them by placing each word in its
proper column. TITLES FRACTION

The One-third Ten Millilitre

White Two inches

Sums Periods of Percent
of Time
One Two years Ten percent
hundr On year Two Percent,
Very good! The words that you categorized
will be used as an example in our
discussion this morning because we will
discuss the rule on titles, fraction, and unit
of measurement.
C. Explanation

Let’s have the rule on titles.

The title of a book, play, story, film musical,
and composition always take the singular
form of the verb.
Kindly read the sentence The Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs
(is, are) my youngest sister’s favourite

What is the subject in the sentence? The Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

Very good! What must be the verb in the The verb must be is because it was stated
sentence? in the rule that titles always take the
singular form of the verb, that’s why the
verb is “is”.

Very good! Another example, The Little

Prince written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
(talk, talks) about friendship.
What is the subject and appropriate verb in The subject in the sentence is The Little
the sentence?
Prince and the verb must be talks
because The Little Prince is a title of a
Very good! Do not forget that when the
subject is a title, the verb must always take
the singular form of the verb.

Moving on to the next rule which is the rule

on fraction and percent. Kindly read.
The noun in the phrase determines
whether to use a singular or plural verb. If
the object of the preposition is singular,
use a singular verb and if the object of
preposition is plural, use plural verb.

Kindly read the examples. One-third of this article is taken up with

statistical analysis.
Ten percent of the students have iPhone

The basis to identify if the subject is

singular or plural is in the object of the
In the first sentence, the object of the
preposition is article and that is singular.
Therefore if the subject is singular, the verb
must be singular also.

If the object of the preposition in the

sentence is plural, the verb must also be
plural just like in the second example.
The object of the preposition in the second
sentence is students and it is plural,
therefore the verb must also be plural.

For the last rule, a noun expressing unit of

measurements, sums of money, and
periods of time are usually singular and
require a singular verb.
Kindly read the example. Ten millilitre of whole body (was, were)
collected in a lot tube.

What unit of measurement is used in the Ten millilitre


Very good! According to the rule, unit of

measurements are usually singular and
require a singular verb. Then, what must be
the verb? Was because the subject is singular!

Very good! Another example.

Twenty years (is, are) the maximum
duration of a technological revolution.
What are the subject and the verb? The subject of the sentence is twenty
years and the verb used is is.

Very good! That’s the rule on unit of

measurements, periods of time, and sums
of money.

D. Controlled Practice

Let’s check if you really understand the

rules. I will provide sentences and I will call
anyone from you to identify the subject and
the verb in each sentence.
1. War of the Worlds (was, were) has
written by H.G Wells.
2. Two thirds of the money (has, have)
been raised. talks
3. Two kilometers (is, are) from our is
house to the park. is
4. The Seven Ages of Man (talk, talks)
about the seven ages that a man
should go through.
5. One hundred thousand pesos (is,
are) not enough to pay for annual
tuition fees.
6. Three quarters (is, are) one part of a

E. Skill Work

Direction: Underline the correct verb in

each sentence.
1. Half of the chicken (was, were) is
eaten by my sister. is
2. Phantom of the opera (is, are) supports
classical movie. was
3. Four inches of growth in a year (is,
are) outstanding.
4. Three-fifth of the choir (support,
supports) it.
5. The Season by Vivaldi (was, were)
played by the Boston Symphony.

 Write two sentences in each rule, then encircle the subject and underline the
verb. Place it on a ¼ sheet of paper. Do it in 5 minutes.


A. Follow Up

Direction: Encircle the correct form of the verb.

1. Two-thirds of the cake (was, were) eaten by Abigail.

2. Two years (is, are) not enough to finish college.
3. A hundred thousand yen (was, were) stolen from the bank.
4. One litter (is, are) enough to fill the jag.
5. The Black Cat (was, were) written by Edgar Allan Poe.

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