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faelin House, located in the outermost ward of the royal

castle, is the main residence for members of Clan Afaelin
when spending time in Chybisa’s principal settlement of
Burzyn. The clan head is Sir Martis Afaelin, 11th Baron of
Aereben, who is a shrewd and manipulative politician and
one of the most feared men in the Kingdom of Chybisa. Not only is Afaelin
House the baron’s residence while he is in Burzyn, it also serves as a
clearing house for the information gathered by his well-cultivated network
of informants and spies. This network keeps him apprised of events and
rumors throughout the kingdom as well as those from beyond its borders.

The Red Death, a plague that swept through Chybisa from 559 TR to
560, killed more than a third of the population, including many members of
the royal clan. The physicians of Queen Sabalyne blamed the nearness of
the plague-ridden town to Caer Burzyn for the deaths of the royal family. To
avoid such risks in the future, Sabalyne had an outer wall built around the
castle and had the land immediately surrounding the caer cleared.
Afaelin House
In subsequent years, the land just within the castle’s outer ring wall has Location: Burzyn,
been used for offices of the royal court, as well as townhouses for powerful Kingdom of Chybisa [L7]
families. In 567, clan Afaelin was one of the first such families to build a
Owner: Sir Martis Afaelin,
townhouse in the enclosed precinct, next to the ring wall’s western gate. Baron of Aereben
At the outbreak of the Treasure War between Kaldor and Chybisa in 675,
Sir Merdil Afaelin, 10th Baron Aereben was killed in the fighting. Caer Burzyn
itself was besieged by the Kaldoric army for three years, until Chybisa’s King
Balesir surrendered in 678. Sir Martis Afaelin, Sir Merdil’s son, submitted to
King Torastra of Kaldor and as a result was able to retain the barony. Even
though permitted to retain his title, lands and property, including the clan’s
townhouse, Sir Martis was never truly trusted during the years of Kaldoric
rule. When Balesir regained his kingdom in 687, Sir Martis again switched
loyalties, and was again confirmed as Baron of Aereben.

Shield: Party per chief embattled

argent and azure, in base
an oval buckle gold.
Motto: To be rather than to seem.
Registry: Unicorn Tower, 517.

Writer: S. J. Clark
Heraldry: C. I. Roegner, Matt Roegner
Burzyn Local Map: Ron Gibson, Gary
Steinhilber, Dave St-Pierre
Interior Plans & Layout: S. J. Clark
Art is from the public domain or
derivative work by S. J. Clark based on
content in the public domain.
Version 1.0.b – August 2021

© 2021, S. J. Clark, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®

Due to the baron’s mercurial changes in loyalty during the Treasure War,
Balesir’s son and successor, King Verlid VII distrusts the man to this day.
The king’s distrust does not extend to other members of Clan Afaelin
though. Lady Winnisea Afaelin, the baron’s eldest daughter and presumed
heir is Lord Chamberlin for the king, while her cousin, Lady Meliara Afaelin
is the Chamber Seneschal to Queen Fairela. Sir Martis himself, despite the
king’s ongoing suspicions, has managed to ingratiate himself with the queen,
mainly through his practiced flattery at court.
Sir Martis is by nature a proud man regardless of the prestige his title and
status as the Baron of Aereben provides to him. Privately he seethes at any
criticism of his actions during Torastra’s occupation of Chybisa, but will
control his anger in public. Though physically slowed by gout, the baron has
a brilliant mind and is quick to identify and piece together the salient points
of apparently unrelated information. He misses no opportunity to use this
knowledge to his own advantage and enjoys subtly demonstrating how well
informed he is about events in Chybisa and beyond its borders.
Wulsa Vasesaid,
The baron acquires his knowledge through his carefully maintained Wulsa Vasesaid was born into a longtime
retainer clan of the Afaelin family. Wulsa
network of informants and spies scattered throughout Chybisa and
is not related to Sir Martis by blood or
elsewhere beyond its borders. These individuals come from all levels of marriage, though Wulsa’s great aunt
society, from street orphans and scullery maids all the way to merchants Adyn Vasesaid married the baron’s great
and knights. The baron though prefers people that are of low status and thus uncle Tokra Afaelin, who served as
invisible to the nobility as they can gain access to powerful individuals and Marshal of Chybisa’s Royal Guard.
potential knowledge while at the same time being ignored and overlooked. At age 14, she entered the Tower of the
These informants pass on general news and gossip as well as rumors and Unicorn, the Chybisan College of
secrets. For his part the baron uses these same informants and spies to Heralds, where her innate talents as an
spread false information, and sow confusion. artist, and her natural affinity for
language swiftly propelled her forward. In
The baron has built a strong courier network of traveling merchants,
her final years as an apprentice, before
mercenaries and mendicant clerics to connect these informants from across embarking on her career as the baron’s
Chybisa. To bridge the many leagues with his informants further afield in herald, she was able to travel to the
Kaldor and Melderyn, the baron embeds his couriers within trade caravans Enclave of the Silver Orb in Berema,
or any other sizable group traversing the Genin Trail. where she studied for a year, and later
At the center of the baron’s information network is his herald, Wulsa the Chaplet Palace of Arms in Quarelin
where she also spent a year studying.
Vasesaid. As a herald, she is well placed to function as the head of an
After completing her studies, she
intelligence network. Heralds are given what amounts to diplomatic returned to Chybisa, and became herald
immunity and are acknowledged and honored by even the most deceitful of to the baron of Aereben.
nobles. She has legitimacy in noble and clerical courts and access to records
As the baron’s herald, she designs,
and archives in a variety of places. Wulsa has developed skills at breaking executes, and administers the armorial
and repairing seals without detection and has become an expert in using achievements and records of Clan
codes and ciphers. In addition to her native language, she is able to read and Afaelin. She is responsible for
write in Emela and Shorka. Leveraging her artistic abilities as a herald, she maintaining and safeguarding the clan’s
has also become a master forger. genealogical records as well as teaching
history, especially the family’s history, to
the household. Finally she supports the
baron in formal diplomacy and
negotiations between parties in conflict.
In addition, as the baron’s herald, she has
various ceremonial responsibilities
associated with court functions and state
occasions. Regardless of these
responsibilities, she still retains a high
degree of autonomy for herself.

© 2021, S. J. Clark, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®

EXTENDED AFAELIN FAMILY Lady Igrela Afaelin née Siacyn
Although only two members of Clan Afaelin live at Lady Igrela, 44, has lived at Afaelin House since her
Afaelin House on a permanent basis, many members of marriage in 693 to Sir Taelen Afaelin, the baron’s cousin.
the family can be found here at different times. These Lady Igrela was the first member of the Siacyn family, a
various Afaelin family members come from the three vassal clan of the barony to marry into the baronial clan.
primary branches of the clan, all of which originated Since then the baron’s eldest two daughters have each
with the sons of Sir Asrian Afaelin, 9th Baron of Aereben. married a great nephew of Lady Igrela.
The main branch is that of Sir Martis Afaelin the Within a year of her marriage, while pregnant with
current baron. A widower, he has no sons or brothers, their first child, Lady Igrela’s husband Sir Taelen died
but has five daughters. The eldest, Winnisea, herself a from an aggressive wasting disease. A month later, she
recent widow and the kingdom’s Lord Chamberlain is bore their only child, a daughter she named Meliara.
seen as the most likely heir to the barony. Two of his Rather than return to her clan, Lady Igrela chose to stay
younger four daughters are married, one is a priestess of at the townhouse to raise her daughter. Over the years,
Peoni in Melderyn, and the youngest, Aryn, remains when the baron and his wife were not in residence, Lady
single though she has been betrothed to Sir Jebril Rythal, Igrela has served as the informal mistress of Afaelin
2nd Baron of Caermel. House. Since the death of the baron’s wife in 718, Lady
Igrela has continued to serve in the role even when Sir
The elder cadet branch was founded by Sir Erebern
Martis is in residence.
Afaelin. This branch has been the bailiffs of Ulsonril
manor, a fief of the barony of Aereben, since the former
Lady Meliara Afaelin, Chamber Seneschal
holder of the manor was killed in the Siege of Burzyn.
Though raised at Afaelin House, Lady Meliara
The current bailiff of Ulsonril, Sir Narbis Afaelin, The
Afaelin, 25, now lives in the Castle [Burzyn #1] since
baron’s first cousin, and his 10 year old son Chalsha are
becoming Chamber Seneschal to Queen Fairela. Despite
the only living male relatives of Sir Martis.
her hectic schedule coordinating the queen’s many social
The younger cadet branch originates with Sir Andran events, she still finds time each day to visit her mother at
Afaelin, who was killed at the Siege of Burzyn. Lady Afaelin House. Lady Meliara is very close to her second
Igrela Afaelin née Siacyn, widow of his son Sir Taelen, is cousin Lady Aryn, and has been happily helping to plan
the baron’s first cousin by marriage and currently heads her upcoming wedding to the Baron of Caermel.
this branch of the family.
Merdil Afaelin Martis Afaelin Winnisea Afaelinf
SIMPLIFIED GENEALOGY OF CLAN AFAELIN 10th Bn. of Aereben 11th Bn. of Aereben Lord Chamberlin
Only the main lines of descent are shown. 633(650)6752 655(675) 680(706)
=652= =680= =697= (dns)
Pelael Genadf Eilith Ialonf Lorbran Siacyn
Tyfinial Burzadaf Asrian Afaelin d. of Petar Genad d. of Doric Ialon Heir to Kt. of Creran
d. of Sabalyne Burzada 9th Bn. of Aereben Knight of Cynkes Knight of Narane 678–719
Queen of Chybisa 609(643)650 633–685 654–718 Middle daughters
571–628 =630= not shown
= = (dns) Rymria Braelf
Mabrael Afaelin Aemren Afaelin 610–652 Aryn Afaelinf
7th Bn. of Aereben 8th Bn. of Aereben 695–
569(592)609 589(609)643
=588= =603= Jenkaes Larles
Bethila Fetinf Julenia Sothaf Inquisitor General
571–634 590–643 693(718)
=717= (dns)
Erebern Afaelin Narbis Afaelin Somilla Afaelinf
=699= Date of Marriage Bailiff of Ulsonril Bailiff of Ulsonril 700–
= = Other relationship 635(678)706 669(706)
(704) Succession or Office Date =656= =696= Apella Afaelinf
f Female Tokra Afaelin Bela Minelf Ronela Osinf 707–
1 Died in childbirth Marshal of the 635– 674–
2 Died in battle Royal Guard Chalsha Afaelin
3 Other violent death 617(664)6752 Andran Afaelin Taelen Afaelin 709–
d. daughter =639= (dns) 647–6782 673–694
Bn. Baron Adyn Vasesaidf =672= =693= Meliara Afaelinf
Kt. Knight 621–6763 Larlyn Churilf Igrela Siacynf Chamber Seneschal
Cmd. Commander 646–696 d. of Jor Siacyn 694(715)
N.N. Not Named Knight of Creran
(dns) descendant(s) not shown 675–

© 2021, S. J. Clark, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®

Sir Martis Afaelin, 11th Baron of Aereben efforts to help plan the wedding, but is dreading the
Although Sir Martis spends the majority of his time extravagance and spectacle. Lady Aryn sees her cousin
within the Barony of Aereben, at least four times a year as a starry-eyed, hopeless romantic, perfect for serving
both his feudal obligations to his liege lord the king, and the socially outgoing queen’s extravagant tastes, but not
for personal reasons he spends time in Burzyn. When in her own. It’s her cousin Lady Meliara who is dreaming of
Burzyn, he resides at Afaelin House. a magnificent marriage ceremony in the Temple of
Larani, with the desire to make this wedding the social
His feudal duties include attending Chybisa’s Council
event of the year, not Lady Aryn.
of Barons to provide advice and guidance to the king.
The spring meeting of the Council of Barons is held in In fact, with the death of her mother, the baron’s
late Peonu. The baron takes advantage of this obligation youngest daughter felt a sense of reprieve from being
by extending his time in Burzyn through early Kelen to forced into an unwanted political union. She was
attend Burzyn’s Spring Fair, which greats the annual crestfallen to learn her father had negotiated a marriage
trade caravans traveling from Thay to Tashal’s Great between her and Sir Jebril Rythal, Baron of Caermel.
Summer Fair. She understands the significance of the bond between
the two baronial houses, nonetheless, she is desperately
In mid-summer the baron will again be in Burzyn, to
unhappy about being used as a pawn in her father’s
attend the summer meeting of the Council of Barons,
political machinations.
usually held in conjunction with the first major event of
the royal social calendar, the Summer Court. The court
Sir Narbis Afaelin, Bailiff of Ulsonril
activities are held concurrently with the Feast of
Sir Narbis the baron’s cousin and Bailiff of Ulsonril
St. Ambrathas. The Feast is celebrated on 17 Larane
manor, and his wife, Lady Ronela usually visit Burzyn
with a tournament that includes jousting, a melee, and
once a month. They often bring their younger children
archery contests.
Apella and Chalsha with them. It provides the family
In early autumn the baron will return to Burzyn to with the opportunity to visit with their elder daughter
join in the celebrations of the Feast of St. Symaen, Somilla, who lives in Burzyn.
patron saint of Chybisa. The feast is held in early Azura,
and often coincides with the return of the trade caravans Lady Somilla Larles née Afaelin
from Tashal’s Summer Fair. Thereafter, the baron will The elder daughter of Sir Narbis, Lady Somilla is
again be in Burzyn for the Autumn Court, which is held married to Sir Jenkaes Larles, Chybisa’s Inquisitor
at the beginning of Savor, and is traditionally when the General, and has just had their first child. She lives with
baron pays his taxes and scutage. The autumn meeting her husband at the Chancery [Burzyn #3] also located
of the Council of Barons often occurs in this time frame within the caer’s outer ward. She too often visits Afaelin
as well. House with her newborn, mainly as a way to get away
The winter meeting of the Council of Barons often from her strong-willed and domineering mother-in-law,
happens in late Navek. The Winter Court, held in Morgat Princess Lenia, the elder sister of King Verlid VII.
quickly follows. The court activities feature theatrics and
intricate dances involving scores of nobles, and is
considered the major royal social event of the year.
Lady Winnisea Afaelin, Lord Chamberlin
As the king’s Lord Chamberlin, and the baron’s
presumed heir, Lady Winnisea is extremely powerful,
and some speculate, perhaps even more so than her
father, given her responsibilities to the king. She resides
in the castle [Burzyn #1], sharing a chamber with her
second cousin Meliara. And like her cousin Meliara,
Winnisea is a frequent visitor to Afaelin House especially
when her father is in residence.

Lady Aryn Afaelin

Following her formal betrothal to the Baron of
Caermel, Lady Aryn, 24, left Aereben manor to take up
permanent residence at Afaelin House, to prepare for
her wedding. She appreciates her cousin, Lady Meliara’s

© 2021, S. J. Clark, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®

Located on what the townsfolk of Burzyn call the ⑥
Castle’s Highstreet, Afaelin House is the first compound
on the right after passing through the ring wall’s western
gateway. The townhouse abuts the ring wall and has its
own stone wall and sturdy oak gate to separate the
townhouse courtyard from the Highstreet. The building’s
first floor is rough stone construction with a coat of
lime-wash, while the upper floors are half-timbered ④
construction jutting out over the lower floors. The attic
is caped with a roof of slate shingles.
⑤ ③
[1] Courtyard: Kinta of Vegar, the household cook,
maintains a vegetable garden for the household on
the south side of the courtyard, to supplement ②
provisions purchased in the market. Every day,
shortly after midday, Duve of Bosel, one of the
footmen, and Pyppa of Runtel the scullery maid ①
take the household cart and go to the market in
Burzada Square to secure foodstuffs for the day’s
main meal, as well as any other needed supplies for
the household. Though kept closed during the day,
the gate is not barred. Overnight, bars are put into
place to secure it. There is a small bell located next
to the gates for callers to ring. When the gate bell is
rung, one of the household’s footmen will respond
to usher the caller to the townhouse entry. [6] Western Gates: Burzyn has a permanent garrison
[2] Entry: Aubal of Lek, the household’s Majordomo of 35. The garrison captain, his lieutenant and three
greets all callers to Afaelin House. Aubal will escort sergeants share quarters in the castle [Burzyn #1].
visitors and extended family members into the main The remaining 30 members of the garrison, 10 of
hall. Otherwise, Aubal dispatches couriers, traders whom are archers, billet in the gate towers of the
and deliverymen to the appropriate household caer’s outermost wall. Twelve members of the
department. garrison, including four archers are billeted in the
western gate towers, while another twelve, also
[3] Main Hall: The main hall is used when the baron or
including four archers are billeted in the eastern gate
members of the extended family are staying
towers. The remaining six garrison members, two of
overnight or when entertaining guests. Otherwise,
whom are archers, are billeted in the gate tower
the resident family takes its meals in the upper hall.
connecting the castle’s outer ward with the
[4] Pantry: The townhouse’s pewter plates, tankards, compound of the Temple of Larani. Typically, the
cups, and bowls used for meals in the main hall are archers are quartered on the second floor, while the
kept here. The kitchen’s supply of spices, herbs, and other garrison members have the ground floor
other non-perishables used in meal preparation are rooms, except for the Temple Gate, where all
also stored here. garrison members sleep on the second floor. The
[5] Kitchen: The main arena for the daily bickering quarters in the gate towers are basic with little more
between Kinta of Vegar the cook and Torfe of Lek than bunks, weapon racks and a couple of stools.
the alewife. The rest of the household knows to stay The guards have a chamber pot handy or step
out of their petty disagreements, or face their outside should nature call and eat their meals in the
combined scorn. The north door leads to the kitchen Caer mess hall. As the gate is manned at all times, it
yard, containing the servants’ garderobe, and where ensures extra security for the households on the
extra supplies are stockpiled. Castle’s Highstreet.

© 2021, S. J. Clark, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®


④ ④ ③

⑤ ③
⑤ ②

⑥ ②

⑦ ① ①


[1] Upper Hall: When Lady Igrela and Lady Aryn are [1] Majordomo: Aubal of Lek, 56, the majordomo and
the only family members at Afaelin House they will his wife, Torfe, 53, the alewife have served the baron
take their meals here, instead of the main hall below. and his family for over 30 years. Aubal started out in
When extended members of clan Afaelin are in his teens as a footman, and worked his way up the
residence, the upper hall is only used by those family ranks to his current station.
members who wish for privacy or solitude, but are [2] Footmen: The household’s three footmen sleep
not ready to retire for the night. here. Uthra of Gegen, 37, is the senior footman.
[2] Lady Aryn’s Chamber: After relocating to Afaelin Duve of Bosel, 45, and Gip of Whahl, 14, are the
House, Lady Aryn has occupied this chamber. There junior footmen. In addition to their duties as
are various fine fabrics laid out on the chests. These footmen, Duve also serves as the household’s
are samples from Peld of Rabail, Burzyn’s premier teamster, using the cart as necessary, to fetch
clothier [Burzyn #31]. Lady Meliara has been supplies while Gip also serves as the household’s
coordinating weekly fittings with Peld to craft an messenger and general errand boy.
extravagant wedding gown for Lady Aryn. [3] Cook: Kinta of Vegar, 59, is the older spinster sister
[3] Baron’s Chamber: When spending time in Burzyn, of Torfe, the alewife. Both she and Torfe entered
the baron sleeps in this chamber. The locked chest service at Afaelin House as scullery maids at the
contains a small amount of coins, but is really same time. Both were courted by Aubal, which
intended to serve as a decoy for potential thieves. ignited their incessant sibling rivalry, which
[4] Dressing Room: This was the dressing chamber of continues to this day.
the baron’s deceased wife, and now the baron rarely [4] Herald: Wulsa Vasesaid spends much of her day
enters it. The concealed room beyond is used to here at her desk, reading correspondence and
store valuables. The chests contain silver plate, dispatches from the baron’s information network,
1,500d in coins, and seven gold Khuzan Crowns. and developing assessments and summaries for the
[5] Lady Igrela’s Chamber: This is the chamber of baron. The garret’s window provides a view of the
Lady Igrela Afaelin née Siacyn, who now serves as kingdom’s exchequer, chancery, and the marshal’s
the mistress of the house since the death of the residence. She likes to observe the daily activity of
baron’s wife the year before last. these governmental functions, and the comings and
goings of key personages, of which she also keeps
[6] Guest Chamber: Extended family members or
the baron apprised. The locked chest holds her
other guests will occupy the guest chamber when
armorial books and records, and a small savings of
spending the night at the townhouse.
[7] Wall Walk: As the ring wall was originally built to
[5] Maids: The three maids, Maera of Heddin, 37, Orla
create distance between the town and the castle,
of Erk, 29, and Pyppa of Runtel, 17, sleep here.
and less as a defensive bulwark, it has no
Maera and Orla serve as chambermaids, while
crenellations. Nonetheless, garrison members still
Pyppa the youngest works in the kitchen as the
patrol the ring wall, as the top of the wall is wide
scullery maid. Although she has not yet started to
enough to walk along comfortably. It is easy to look
show, Pyppa is pregnant by one of the archers of
into the townhouse compounds from the wall.
the western gate garrison.

© 2021, S. J. Clark, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®

Clan Afaelin maintains a warehouse on the west side of Burzyn to store
the barony’s surplus agricultural products intended for sale. These include
sacks of wheat and other grains, ciders made from the barony’s many fruit
orchards and wheels of cheese made with the milk of the barony’s dairy
cattle. In addition to storing output from the barony’s lands, Clan Afaelin and
its vassal clans use the warehouse to store goods and sundries purchased in
Burzyn destined for the barony’s manors.
The stout wooden warehouse is located where the Onden Road enters
the west side of Burzyn, next to master salter Shain of Mirin [Burzyn #13]
en route to Afaelin House on the Castle’s Highstreet. Shain himself has
strong ties to the barony. Not only is he an important customer of the salt
mine near Byrdtes manor, his clan originates from the manor village. Both
Byrdtes and the salt mine are located within the Barony of Aereben.
Lioba of Heagyth [Burzyn #19], who is the guildmistress of the Chybisan
chapter of the Mercantylers’ Guild, is the primary buyer of the barony’s
surplus grains. She specializes in trade with the Kingdom of Evael, sending
Chybisan grains and other materials, and returning with Sindarin luxuries.
Aereben Warehouse
Location: Burzyn,
Once Lioba completes her purchase, her teamsters will cart the heavy bags Kingdom of Chybisa [L7]
of grain to the waterfront, where they load the sacks onto a nivik destined
Owner: Sir Martis Afaelin,
for Evael.
Baron of Aereben
Fyhne of Uthmaran manages the warehouse for the baron. There are two
permanent laborers on hand to load and unload carts and wagons. They Fyhne of Uthmaran,
also act as guards for the warehouse. Fyhne keeps the warehouse books and Warehouse Foreman
other records, and hires teamsters and other temporary labor as needed. He A weather-worn Jarin from Orbaal,
is also the main contact and handler for the baron’s numerous couriers that Fyhne, 57, was originally a mercantyler
tie the baron’s information network together. Each day, Gip of Whahl a trading on the Fur Road. During the Jarin
footman from Afaelin House visits the warehouse with any household Rebellion, he lost his business and his
instructions or orders, returning to the townhouse with any paperwork, family. Afterwards, he settled in Olokand,
including any communications collected by Fyhne, intended for Wulsa. and then Tashal, and kept relocating
further south, until ending up in Burzyn.
Sir Martis always on the lookout for
GROUND FLOOR talent, saw his potential and hired him to
[1] Office: Fyhne of Uthmaran runs the ③ manage the warehouse.
warehouse from this office. A variety ② Fyhne knows the reach of the baron’s
of warehouse records, including network, and wants to use it to support
ledgers, contracts, manifests, the Jarin resistance in Orbaal. Fyhne
purchase orders and receipts are though, doesn’t know all the details yet
and has been working on a way to do so.
stored here. The baron’s network
couriers drop off and pick up missives
mixed among and obscured by
warehouse and mercantile paperwork. ①
[2] Storage: Sacks of grain, casks and
kegs of cider, and wheels of cheese
from the barony lands are kept here
until sold, along with goods bound for
the barony manors. Fyhne keeps two
gray-and-black wolfhounds here as guard dogs. Though effective, both
dogs are getting old, and Fyhne is thinking about getting new ones.
[3] Quarters: Fyhne shares these sleeping quarters with the two laborers,
Derko of Meld and Searal of Treon. Both Derko, 33 and Searal, 28 were
hired as much for their size as their reticent attitude towards strangers.

© 2021, S. J. Clark, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®

Wulsa Vasesaid, the baron’s spy master, is fully aware
Couriers Sought that the guard members of the Western Gatehouse can
Despite the already existing network of couriers, Sir easily observe activities in the Afaelin House courtyards.
Martis and his warehouse foreman, Fyhne of Uthmaran She suspects the king or his agents will have planted a
are always on the lookout for new individuals and groups spy among them, as it is what she would have done.
to serve as messengers. One evening the Player She has decided to instigate an elaborate ruse to try
Characters are at a Burzyn tavern, and are approached and find out if there is in fact an observer within the
by Fyhne, who asks if they are interested in a “small job, gatehouse, and identify who it is. Secondly, she wants to
needing discretion.” If the PCs express interest, Fyhne create a false narrative about townhouse activities to
tells them to meet him the next day at the warehouse confuse any who are watching Afaelin House.
office. There Fyhne will provide them with a small Wulsa is looking for a group of individuals who will
locked box, and a sealed letter. They are told to deliver arrive at Afaelin House at odd hours every month or so,
the box and letter to Aereben manor, and to deliver the to pick up small cargoes. The small cargoes are in fact
items to none other than the baron himself. nothing more than various goods bound for Aereben
This is nothing more than an elaborate test of the manor. Wulsa will hire the PCs to play this role. She
PCs. The box contains a small loose bag of about 10 wants them to generally act suspiciously in an effort to
pennies, sufficient to make noise when the box is moved. draw out the assumed spy at the gatehouse. Assuming
Although locked, the box will easily yield to attempts to the PCs are effective, she may ultimately use them as
open it. In fact the lock was designed to easily break. decoys in other operations.
Similarly with the letter, the seal is dry and brittle, and
will easily break if tampered with. The letter itself is Lady Aryn’s Choice
nothing but meaningless cryptic sentences. The baron’s youngest daughter, Lady Aryn is not
The baron has additional tests planned for the PCs. interested in the match with Sir Jebril Rythal, Baron of
One involves a band of thugs in the baron’s employ, who Caermel. It’s not him. She is simply not interested in a
will attempt to waylay the PCs en route to Aereben marriage with anyone. She is quiet, introspective and
manor. They will attempt to take the box and letter if finds basic relationships to be difficult enough, much less
possible, but will not fight to the death. Additionally, the the thought of marriage. She understands this is her
manor’s guards will not let the PCs access into the duty, and though she is cooperating with the ongoing
manor. The PCs will have to find some non-combative preparations, she is not yet resigned to her fate as
way to convince the manor guards to give them access Sir Jebril’s wife.
to the manor and thus the baron. She is considering ways to avoid the marriage
Assuming the PCs get to the baron with the box and contract, including joining a religious order, and even
letter, the baron will notice if the PCs tampered with just running away. However, she would prefer a solution
either the lock or seal, but will not say anything, but the in which she doesn’t have to give up her current life. If
PCs will not have this opportunity again. On the other the PCs were to find some way to help her avoid the
hand, if the PCs did not tamper with either, the baron marriage, and allow her to retain her current life, she
will reward them with a small payment, and will offer would be extremely grateful.
them another courier job, a real one this time.
Gip is Gone!
Wulsa Vasesaid has compiled a detailed dossier on
Sir Frethard Alaga, the brother of the Melderyni Earl of
Harden. Sir Frethard is courting Lady Winnisea Afaelin,
the baron’s widowed eldest daughter. The baron wants
this information for the ongoing marriage negotiations
he is conducting with Sir Frethard.
Wulsa included the dossier with other paperwork that
Gip of Whahl, the household’s messenger was carrying
to the warehouse. It seems Gip never made it to the
warehouse and appears to be missing. Wulsa now needs
somebody to find Gip, and more importantly find the
dossier he was carrying, all without disclosing the nature
or value of the information.

© 2021, S. J. Clark, N. Robin Crossby & Columbia Games, Inc. HârnWorld®

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