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MODULE 4 complexities underlying drug abuse and addiction.

Some of
• DRUG EDUCATION PROGRAM • these aspects include:

1. Addiction is a complex disease.

What will you learn from this module? a) No single factor can predict who will become addicted to
In this module, it presents the content of drug b) Addiction is influenced by varied factors involving genes,
education program with simple and true environment and age of first use.
information about what drugs are, the physical and
c) Recent advances in genetic research have enabled
mental effects of drugs, and social issues related to
drug use. Since the late 80s, Drug Education has researchers to begin to uncover which genes make a person
become part of the educational curriculum more vulnerable or which protect a person against addiction,
whereby the state, with the assistance of and how genes and environment interact.
concerned institutions, continue to hope for the
safety of our students and all other members of the 2. Addiction is a developmental disease.
a) It begins in adolescence or even childhood when the brain
continues to undergo changes.
Learning Target/s: b) The prefrontal cortex–located just behind the forehead–
governs judgment and decision-making functions and is the
At the end of this module, the students are last part of the brain to develop.
expected to: c) Teens who are prone to risk-taking, are particularly
 explore the nature and effects of drugs and vulnerable to drug abuse, and exposure to drugs at this critical
other substances on personal health and time may affect propensity for future addiction.
social relationships;
 synthesize accurate information on the
3. Prevention and early intervention work best.
health, legal and social consequences on
the abuse of drugs and other substances; a. The developmental years might also present opportunities
 develop a plan to address drug and for resiliency and for receptivity to intervention that can alter
substance abuse; and the course of addiction.
 make a personal commitment to remain b. Risk factors leading to drug abuse and addiction–mental
drug-free. illness, physical or sexual abuse, aggressive behavior,
academic problems, poor social skills, and poor parent-child
Let us read!
c. Knowledge, combined with better understanding of the
motivational processes at work in the young brain, can be
Today, the Drug Education Program is centered around the applied to prevent drug abuse from starting or to intervene
provisions of Republic Act No. 9165, known as early to stop it when warning signs emerge
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 which was
approved on January 23, 2002. Drug Abuse Drug abuse, also called substance abuse or
chemical abuse, is a disorder that is characterized by a
This Act established the Dangerous Drugs Board which is the destructive pattern of using a substance that leads to
Policy Making and Strategy-Formulating Body in planning and significant problems or distress. It affects more than 7% of
formulation of policies and programs on drug prevention and people at some point in their lives. Teens are increasingly
control. engaging in prescription drug abuse, particularly narcotics
(which are prescribed to relieve severe pain), and stimulant
Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), which serves as medications, which treat conditions like attention deficit
the implementing arm of the Board. PDEA is responsible for disorder.
the efficient and effective law enforcement of all the
provisions on any dangerous drug and essential chemical. Profile of a Drug Addict
• AGE: 15 –25 : most common age or mean age is 18; most are
Drug Addiction in the adolescent period.
• SEX: majority are Male 15:1
Today more than ever, science is providing us with the tools • Civil Status: 90% are single and only 10% are married or
we need to better tailor our prevention efforts. Scientists are with families.
now poised to capitalize on recent advances in genetics, • Educational Attainment: majority are High School Students,
neuroscience, and developmental biology to create targeted 3rd or 4th year, or if in college they are freshmen and
science-based prevention programs that reflect the sophomore classes.
• Occupation: most are either jobless or students. Few are Panic reaction / crimes (rape, suicide), Physical /
gainfully employed. If employed majority are clerks, laborers, Physiological damages
they often have a history of having dropped out of school.  Destruction of family relationship PREVENTIVE MEASURES
• By birth and size of the Family: oftentimes eldest or  Learn to talk to people about your problems
youngest; in bigger family either the second or middle child.  Learn to say “NO” and to ask help
• By residence: more on urban areas  Open line of communication especially to your family
 Proper education on Dangerous Drug/ (films, slides to
Recognizing The Drug Addict rehabilitation center)
 Talking/ meeting people who were rehabilitated on the use
1. Will do everything possible to conceal his hobbies of dangerous drugs
2. Changing attendance at work or school
3. Change from normal capabilities SERVES FOR TREATMENT
4. Poorly Physical appearance
5. Inattention to dress and personal hygiene  Therapy/ Rehabilitation  Physical exercise and sports for
6. Wearing sunglasses constantly at inappropriate time relaxation
7. Unusual effort made to cover and in order to hide needle
 Meditation/ using music to relax/ bodily relaxation
techniques like yoga
8. Association with known drug abusers 9. Stealing items
 Learn to find new interest. Find out what you like doing the
which can readily be sold for cash
10. Changes in health
 Meet new people. Go to new places, put yourself in new
11. Change in his approach to relationships
12. Changes in mood
List of common prohibited drugs/plants
Ecstasy Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
 Taking medicines can solve problems (sleeping, losing
weight, common colds, feeling better)
Shabu Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
 May increase the number of friends/barkadas/acceptance
Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum L
in the culture he prefers.  Gives enjoyment to users and in
Marijuana Cannabis sativa L
the context that is used as an alcohol substitute.
 Using, without benefit of prescription, useful drugs which
have the capacity to alter the mood.
 Irritable, discourteous, aggressive, untrustworthy and lacks
 Using any drug substances for purposes different from drug
 Unhealthy/malnourished and unconcerned with good
 Using drugs and substance having no legitimate medical
application but research.
 Has a low frustration tolerance  Lacks interest in hid
 The soundness of the activity we do today will contribute to
the success of the program we have together with our clients
 Prefers his “barkada” where he feels accepted
in the days to come.
 Unusually wear sunglasses at inappropriate time
 Unusual borrowing of money and at all times stealing The Duterte’s Campaign
various items
 Nausea and vomiting Oplan Tokhang
 Drowsiness and weightlessness Groups of policemen go house-to-house and talk to
homeowners to inform them about the government’s
POSSIBLE EFFECTS OF DANGEROUS DRUGS: campaign against illicit drugs, asking drug-using household
members to surrender to authorities and undergo treatment
 Develop changes in normal capabilities in school/work and rehabilitation.
 Develop changes in attendance in school or work  Loss of
memory/inability to think Oplan High Value Target (HVT)
 Muscle cramps and weakness/numbness in Drug syndicates, drug lords and their cohorts [including police
limbs/abdominal paints scalawags and celebrities]
 Damage to the central nervous system kidneys, liver and
possibly bone marrow IMPLICATION OF DRUG PROBLEMS 

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