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On-board Verification

STX Design Team

I. Introduction

II. MAN Unified Technical File

III. On-board verification


I. General information

 Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)

 NO, NO, N2O

 Mechanism

- Fuel NOx : The oxidation of organic nitrogen in fuel

- Thermal NOx : The oxidation nitrogen in burner air at high temperature (Zeldovich)

N2 + O ↔ NO + N

N + O2 ↔ NO + O

 Risk : Acid Rain, Smog, respiratory disease, global warming, etc

 Regulation : ANNEX VI of MARPOL 73/78 Regulation 13


 IMO NOx Limit

IMO Tier 1 IMO Tier 2 IMO Tier 3 Remark

Less than
17.0 g/kWh 14.4 g/kWh 3.4 g/kWh
130 rpm

130~2000 rpm 45.0 n(-0.2) g/kWh 44.0 n(-0.23) g/kWh 9.0 n(-0.2) g/kWh

More than
9.8 g/kWh 7.7 g/kWh 2.0 g/kWh
2000 rpm

Application date 2000. 1. 1 2011. 1. 1 2016. 1. 1 Keel Laying

After treatment
Application technology In Engine Controls In Engine Controls
(SCR or Scrubber)

The ship operating

Emission Control
Application area Global Global outside of ECA
Areas (ECAs)
designated under Tier2


II. Back ground

Since 1st July 2010, the revised MARPOL Annex VI and NOx Technical Code 2008 entered into force,
the NOx Technical Code has been updated. At this moment, we started adopting MAN Unified Technical File Format,
which is recommended by MAN Diesel & Turbo as it is considered to be appropriated for MAN Diesel low speed
engines. New engine groups created after 1st July 2010 have the new MAN Unified Technical File Format including
on-board verification method.

III. IMO surveys

 All the survey methods used in connection with IMO certification of MDT 2-stroke engine.
 Test-bed survey (engine pre-certification survey) : EIAPP
 Sea-trial survey (initial survey on board) : IAPP
 On-board surveys (intermediate and periodical surveys)

 Test-bed
 Parent engine and member engine are surveyed by the same procedure
 Except, emission measurements are performed and surveyed on the parent engine

 On-board
 Only the ‘on-board’ survey method shall be used for future ‘intermediate’ and ‘periodical’ surveys
 If the IMO certificates have been issued based on engine pre-certification and initial surveys

 Flow chart for survey methods


IV. On-board verification method

- NOx Technical Code 2008. chapter 6. Procedures for demonstrating compliance with NOx emission limits on board

 Engine Parameter check method

 Simplified measurement method

 Direct measurement and monitoring method

V. MAN on-board verification

 A combination of performance parameter check and components verification.

 The result of on-board survey has to inculde to the ‘Record book’ after any performance adjustment
or NOx components changes.

MDT Unified Technical File

I. MAN Unified Technical File

 Record containing all details of parameters which may influence the NOx emission of the engine.

 This is to certify that engine has been surveyed for pre-certification according to NOx technical code

 Include on-board verification procedure

 The performance parameter is based on ISO corrected values to have better control of engine

 Allow all adjustments on board within the stated maximum performance parameters

 Applied to new engine group created 1st July 2010.

MDT Unified Technical File

II. Composition

1. Particulars of the engine 2. Engine group information

- engine information - maximum allowed operating value

- definition of Engine group - NOx components

- NOx value

MDT Unified Technical File

II. Composition

3. Summary of engine performance 4. Parent engine test bed report

and setting value - parent engine fuel oil specification
- Setting value - parent engine setting value and performance data
- performance data - Power estimation curve
- emission characteristics

MDT Unified Technical File

II. Composition

5. On-board verification procedure

- on-board verification procedure and flow chart for survey
- survey form

On-board verification

I. On-board verification

 A combination of performance parameter check and components verification.

 To sum up the on-board verification

 Inspect ‘Technical file’ and ‘Record book’
 Perform a ‘performance check a 75% for non NIT MC/MC-C, ME-C, ME-B, engines and 75% plus
above break point for VIT MC/MC-C engines
 Correct performance data to ISO conditions for verifying compliance
 Check fuel nozzle (a spare fuel nozzle may suffice), if ME engine also ECS check sum
 Check others NOx components (as considered necessary)

 If the measured data, ISO data are within the specified tolerance (T/F table 2.2) and the components
are as specified in T/F table 3, the engine is in compliance.

II. Performance parameter check

 The performance parameters to be checked are relevant temperature and pressures measured during
operation of the engine.

 The ISO corrected performance values are compared with the maximum allowed values in T/F

On-board verification

II. Performance parameter check

 The necessary performance parameters and corrections

T/C inlet temperature ℃ Sea-water inlet temperature ℃

Ambient pressure mbar Max. combustion pressure bar

Scavenging-air temperature ℃ Compression pressure bar

Turbine back pressure mmWC Engine power kW

III. Component check

 In order to verify NOx components allowed within this technical file

 The components are marked IMO ID numbers (making position is shown in T/F appendix A)

 Turbocharger, air cooler and auxiliary blower are verified through their nameplates. (maker & type)

 Turbocharger internal part : the IMO ID number are written the T/F table 2.2

On-board verification

II. Component check

 The allowed NOx components are specified in T/F table 2.2

 Recommend : Only fuel nozzle verification and ECS IMO design check sum for ME, ME-C and ME-B

 Other components may be checked as considered necessary

 NOx components


 Cylinder liner  Cylinder liner  Cylinder liner

 Piston crown  Piston crown  Piston crown
 Cylinder cover  Cylinder cover  Cylinder cover
 Fuel nozzle  Fuel nozzle  Fuel nozzle
 Fuel pump plunger  Pressure booster top cover  Exhaust cam
 Fuel pump barrel  Pressure booster hosing  Pressure booster top cover
 Fuel cam  Turbocharger  Pressure booster hosing
 Exhaust cam  Air cooler  Turbocharger
 Turbocharger  Auxiliary blower  Air cooler
 Air cooler  Auxiliary blower
 Auxiliary blower

On-board verification

IV. Engine control system (ME, ME-C and ME-B engines only)

 Takes the place of the common MC engine governor, cams for fuel injection and exh-cam timing
(ME-B engine only the engine governor, cams for fuel injection)

 Two check sum types

 IMO Design checks sum : reference condition settings of the engines.
- the load dependent shape of the compression pressure (Pcomp/Pscav) and Pmax
- only be changed by authorized MAN service engineers
 IMO Chief checks sum : common engine adjustment parameters
- is changed during normal operation of the engine

 verify by use of Main Operating Panels (MOPs) in the engine control room
 On the ‘engine-Operation’ MOP screen the engine running mode is selected
 Select the ‘Version’ screen and press ‘Refresh’

 If one or more performance parameters are changed, check sum be also changed

 Compliance is verified when IMO design check sums are in accordance with T/F table 2.2

On-board verification

 MOP screen

< ‘Engine-Operation’ MOP screen> < ‘Admin-Version’ MOP screen >

On-board verification

V. Flow chart

On-board verification

VI. The measurement of performance parameter

 Performance parameters
 Engine power
- usually derived from torque and speed
- If the torque is difficult to measure through torsion measurement :
use to power estimation curve
- Alternatively the load could be derived from a MAN B&W PMI system

 Maximum combustion pressure and compression pressure

 Ambient pressure
- in order to correct to ISO ambient conditions

 Scavenging-air temperature and Sea-water inlet temperature

- in order to correct to ISO ambient conditions

On-board verification

VI. The measurement of performance parameter

 Performance parameters
 T/C inlet temperature
- in order to correct to ISO ambient conditions
- Thermometer & Thermometer sensor (6EA/TC)


 Turbine back pressure

- in order to correct to ISO ambient conditions
- U-tube manometer

On-board verification

VI. The measurement of performance parameter

 Measuring point

Air temperature

T1 Compressor inlet
T2 Compressor outlet
T3 Cooler outlet
T4 Scav. Air Pressure
T5 Cyl. Exhaust
T6 Exh. receiver P1 T/C Filter press. loss
T7 Turbine outlet P2 △p cooler
P3 Scav. air pressure
P4 Exh. receiver pressure
Water temperature P5 Turbine back pressure

TW1 Cooler inlet

TW2 Cooler outlet

On-board verification

VII. Procedure

1. NOx component check

2. Parameter check at 75% load

2.1 Reference value and Maximum allowed value (A~H)
- Technical File table 2.1

2.2 Measured value

1 1
2.3 ISO corrected value calculation
- Max. combustion press. (Q) Cylinder pressure rise (R)
calculation using eq. 2.3

2 2.4 Maximum allowed scavenging air temp. (S) calculation

- Cooling system check
- Maximum allowed scavenging air temp. calculation
using appropriate eq. according to cooling system

On-board verification

VII. Procedure

2.5. Compliance check

5 - Max. combustion pressure ( Q ≤ E ) : YES

- Cylinder pressure rise ( R ≤ F ) : YES

- Turbine back pressure ( K ≤ G) : YES

- Scavenging air temperature ( L ≤ S) : YES

where Q : Max combustion press. ISO corrected

E : Max combustion press. maximum allowed

R : Cylinder pressure rise ISO corrected

F : Cylinder pressure rise maximum allowed

K : Turbine back pressure measured

G : Turbine back pressure maximum allowed

L : Scavenging air temperature measured

S : Scavenging air temperature maximum allowed

On-board verification

VII. Procedure
3. Parameter check above break point (only VIT engine)

3.1 Reference value and Maximum allowed value at 100%

- Technical File table 2.1
3.2 Measured value

3.3 ISO corrected value calculation

- Max. Combustion press. ISO corrected value (Qv)
C calculation using eq. 2.3

3.4. Compliance check

- Max. Combustion pressure (Qv ≤ Ev) : Yes
- Load (Uv ≥ Tv) : Yes
where Qv : Max combustion press. ISO corrected

D Ev : Max combustion press. maximum allowed

Uv : Load

Tv : Break point

On-board verification

VII. Procedure
4. NOx Components marking

On-board verification

VII. Procedure
5. ECS check sums (ME, ME-C, ME-B engines only)
- IMO Design check sum
- IMO Chief check sum


I. Example

 6S70MC-C7 (18,660 kW @ 127RPM)

 VIT Engine (Break point 85%)

 Central freash cooling system

 Technical File table 2.1 Reference and maximum allowed operation values


 NOx component check

 Parameter check at 75% load

 reference value & Maximum allowed value at 75% load (Technical file T/F table 2.1)
- Cylinder press rise = Max. combustion pressure – Compression pressure


 Measured Values

 Max. combustion pressure (Q), Cylinder pressure rise (R) ISO Corrected value calculation using
equation (1) and (2)
- Max. combustion pressure ISO corrected value (Q)
= (135+1018/1000)*(1+0.002198*(14-25)-0.00081*(33-34)-0.00022*(1018-1000)*0.75+0.00005278*(150-179)) = 132.2
- Cylinder pressure rise ISO corrected value (R)
= 132.2-((135+1018/1000-23)*(1+0.002954*(14-25)-0.00153*(33-34)-0.000301*(1018-1000)*0.75+0.00007021*(150-179)) = 23.4


 Maximum allowed scavenging air temperature (S) calculation

- Central fresh water cooling system (CC)
- Maximum allowed scavenging air temperature (S) using equation (3)
= H + ( O - 25 ) = 37 + ( 28 – 25 ) = 40

 Compliance check at 75% load


 Performance parameter check above break point

 reference value & Maximum allowed value at 100% load (Technical file T/F table 2.1)

 Measured value


 Max. combustion pressure ISO Corrected value (Qv) calculation using equation (5)
- Max. combustion pressure ISO corrected value (Qv)
= (151.8+1018/1000)*(1+0.002198*(14-25)-0.00081*(36-41)-0.00022*(1018-1000)*0.75+0.00005278*(220-300)) = 148.6

 Compliance check

End of Document

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