Environmental Policy 2021

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1) Purpose
2) Scope Lines of responsibility
3) Implementation
4) Definit

Gender Policy of Pia Mani Ranger Academy

We are committed to providing a secure and enabling work environment to our

employees, a place of work and learning that is gender sensitive and recognizes the role
of men and women as equal players, agents and leaders of change in their families,
communities and society.

The objectives of this gender policy are:

a) To espouse the cause of the right to gender equality and right to dignified
b) To foster a social, physical and psychological environment that will enable
employees to work productively.
c) To strive for gender justice at both institutional and programmatic level.

pportive and equal opportunity environment for all. It is both our desire and our
duty to ensure that all memb


 accessibiliensure our admission criteria for courses of study do not create
unnecessarydents. Our staff and student community ismade up of
disabled staff and students and those that may become disabled while
studying and working with us

 ensure the support to disabled students and staff remains relevant
 s of disabled staff


The Chief Executive Officer has overall responsibility for student conduct and
discipline at Pia Manzi Ranger Academy.

ent will be issued a notice directing him/her to appear before the Chief Executive
Officer at a and time. Furthticrmine if the alleged violation warrants an inv if the
als disas soon as possible t
If an informal conference fails to reach a resolution, the CEOtinterviews with the
alleged violator, witnesses, and/or school employees that have knowledge of the

will d1. Dismiss the allegation(s) as unfounded.
3. Disciplinary probation, which includes the imposing of punitive action and/or
restrictions for a specified period of time. Examples include but are not limited to:
community service, required class attendance, curfew and visitation restrictions,
denial of use of facilities, denial of participation in extracurricular activities, and/or
counselling sessions. In the event the student has previously been placed on
disciplinary probation at the time of the offensce, the student may be placed on
disciplinary suspension.
d of time. The course of action will be given to ing.

only, and request a hearing before the Student Discipline Committee. The appeal
must be in writing and ten received. The appeal must be based on one or both of
the following:

3. Right to present and cross-examine witnesses (not in sexual assault cases).

Rnary action against him/her.
(a) support the decision of suspension or expulsion, or

Each student is expected to act in a manner consistent with a college student

attending an educational institution. Any individual or student organization guilty
of the following misconduct while enrolled atRanger Academy is subject to
disciplinary sanction(s), condition(s) and/or restriction(s). Misconduct or
prohibited behaviour includes, but is not limited to:
1. Academic Dishonesty
a) Adishones records, misrepresenting facts and any other act designed
to give unfair academic advantg“Plagiarism” includes, but is not
limited to, the appropriation of buying, receiving asganother source,
including words, ideas, illustrations, structure, computer code,
otherepstrictly prohibitedCollusion” is defined as the unauthorized
collaboration with another person in preparing written work for credit
b) g any offic is required orInappropriate Behaviour - Inappropriate
behaviours are overt actions, omissions to act, or verbal or written
statements that would not be consistent with the actions or statements
of a reasonable prudent person under similar circumstances.
Inappropriate problems include, but are not limited to, behaviours
resulting from possible physical, drug related, or psychological
disorders which may pose a potential harm to physical well-being of
the students or others, and/or cause significant disruptive activity to
the, damage or unauthorized use of items
3. Unauthorized EntryUmy official in the performanhis/heeief any cocument,
record or instrument of identi

1. Completion of a special prNotification to parents of students that are 21
years of age or under when the student is found in violation of the Code of
Student Conduct due to alcohol and/or drugs.
2. Failure or grade reduction on test, course, or other academic work and/or
retaking of test, course, or other academic work and/or performing
additional academic work not required of other students in the course
(course action recorded on permanent transcript). violations may result in
disciplinary suspension.Withholding official transcript.

Pia Manzi Ranger Academy expects a high standard of conduct from its
students. Students are expected to comply with civil and criminal law, respect
proper constitutional authority, and obey College policies, rules and

off campus. In some cases, individual instructional programs may have approved
policies for student

8th APRIL 2004


TEVETA recognises the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the workplace and
the society at large. The Authority also realises that it has the vulnerable age
groups amongst its employees.

This policy aims at providing a framework of accepting the existence of HIV/AIDS

in the workplaces as well as providing required prevention, care and support to
individuals who may be infected and affected.

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is caused by the
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which attacks certain white blood cells that
are essential to the body’s immune system.

HIV is the germ that causes AIDS. When a person has been infected with HIV,
the germ weakens the body’s defence against illnesses. The body is then unable
to fight off illnesses.

HIV Positive means carrying the virus without showing any signs.

AIDS = Disease stage (illness)

1.5 The primary methods for HIV transmission are as follows:

Mother to child transmission

Contaminated blood and blood products, tissues and organs
Contaminated needles, syringes and other piercing instruments;
Sexual intercourse.


TEVETA appreciates that HIV/AIDS as an infectious and life-threatening

pandemic is not only a medical problem but that it is also a strategic business
challenge and training need, which should be managed properly. Therefore, the
aim of this policy is to establish an effective corporate response that will attempt
to promote prevention, contribute to treatment and reduction in number of HIV
infections among staff of the Authority and related parties.

In this regard TEVETA shall:

Provide its staff, and their immediate family member covered under the approved
Health scheme of the Authority, with sufficient up-to-date information about
HIV/AIDS infection.

Deal humanely and appropriately with employees who are HIV positive or have
full-blown AIDS by fostering a supportive workplace environment and
establishing non-discriminatory policies and practices.

Encourage openness about HIV/AIDS through sensitisation of staff at all levels.

Join forces with other progressive organisations involved in the fight against the
scourge such as the Zambia Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS.


To make employees and their immediate family members aware of what

HIV/AIDS is and the ways and means in which it is acquired and transmitted.

To minimise the chances of HIV/AIDS transmission in the workplace and

amongst members.

To promote non-discriminatory behaviour and foster acceptance of affected and

infected staff.

To identify and train staff to become Peer Educators and Peer Counsellors so
that they could in turn provide logistical support and counselling services to
infected and affected staff.

To provide appropriate, accurate and up-to-date information, as may be

available, regarding HIV/AIDS prevention and risk reduction.

To provide for access to anti – retroviral drugs for employees and their immediate
families under the approved Health Scheme of the Authority.



No pre-employment testing for HIV shall be required for satisfying conditions of

employment, advancement or promotion within the Authority. Normal medical

tests of current fitness for work will continue to be a condition of employment.
Employees who are infected with HIV.AIDS shall be treated the same way as
employees suffering from any other disease.

HIV/AIDS testing, status or disclosure shall not be a pre-requisite for nomination

in respect of training unless it is a requirement by the Institution or Country where
the training will be undertaken.

TEVETA shall not terminate the services of any employee on account of HIV
infection and AIDS.

TEVETA shall prevent all forms of discrimination or stigmatisation against

employees who are or perceived to be infected by HIV/AIDS. This shall be
achieved by providing adequate information and education about HIV/AIDS to all
levels in order to encourage responsible social behaviour.

TEVETA shall emphasise the importance of HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention

and control during the induction of employees. In this regard TEVETA will
provide leaflets containing information on HIV/AIDS to new employees during

Employees whose health will deteriorate as a result of HIV/AIDS will be entitled

to sick leave as provided for in the conditions of service of the Authority.

TEVETA shall ensure that all employees regardless of their HIV/AIDS status
contribute and participate in the activities of the Authority.


TEVETA shall provide assistance to employees who are HIV/AIDS positive.

Assistance will be in the form of:

Promoting Voluntary Counselling

Time off to go to the hospital
Provision of required treatment through a selected Health Provider.
Contribute a sum of money approved by the TEVETA Board into a Fund to be
managed by TEVETA for purposes of accessing treatment and care.

Employees who are affected by HIV/AIDS shall be entitled to sick leave in
accordance with conditions of service.

In empathising with employees living with HIV/AIDS, home visits to such persons
shall be encouraged through the supportive care services such as trained

Employees benefiting from the fund to be set up will be made aware of the need
for continuity of accessing treatment. In this regard, TEVETA shall do all things
necessary to assist the employees affected join the government scheme on
expiry of their contracts as long as they are not in gainful employment.


Health Education and HIV/AIDS Awareness is a focal issue underpinning this

Policy. In this respect continued comprehensive health education using
participatory methods will be provided to everyone in the organisation.

Education and information shall be provided by trained Peer Educators who will
include both men and women who are well versed in this area and other persons
who have proven knowledge and expertise in matters relating to HIV and AIDS.

The implementation of HIV/AIDS related training programs shall be an integral

part of TEVETA training programs.

TEVETA shall provide posters with HIV/AIDS messages to its employees as well
as the general public through Notice Boards and Front Offices and any other
appropriate areas.

TEVETA will provide up to date information to enable the employees and their
families protect themselves from HIV infection and to cope with the presence of


Counselling is a vital component of HIV/AIDS prevention, control and care, Its
two main functions are to offer psychological and social support to enable those
affected and infected by the virus to deal with the emotional, social, economic
and medical problems. The other function is to bring an understanding of
preventive measures by helping people to understand risky lifestyles and define
their potential of behaviour change. It is for this reason that TEVETA shall work
in collaboration with already existing counselling institutions to ease the
psychological effect on the affected and infected employees.

TEVETA shall not coerce its employees to undergo HIV/AIDS testing. However,
it will encourage voluntary counselling and testing.

TEVETA shall use its Peer Educators to handle issues of counselling and shall
ensure utmost confidentiality.

HIV/AIDS counselling shall be facilitated by TEVETA. Where the in-house Peer

Educators cannot manage, other counselling providers such as Kara Counselling
shall be consulted.


In order to keep abreast with the developments taking place in the field of
HIV/AIDS TEVETA shall work closely with experts and other relevant
organisations in the fight against HIV/AIDS. These will include, among others
Kenneth Kaunda Children of Africa Foundation, Zambian People Living with
HIV/AIDS, KARA Counselling, National AIDS Council and Zambia Business
Coalition on HIV/AIDS etc.


Management shall monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the policy through
appropriate evaluation mechanism such as employee attendance records at
workplace, awareness programmes, and behavioural change.

A record of HIV/AIDS statistics shall be obtained through voluntary personal

disclosures and deaths. These records shall be confidential. The information
shall assist in the maintenance of HIV/AIDS related morbidity and mortality,
productivity and health bills.

TEVETA shall appoint a Steering Committee comprising of the following:
Management Representative
Employee Representative
Human Resources Specialist
Cross – cutting issues Specialist

The team shall through the Finance and Administration Division be responsible
for the following:

Review of the Policy when need arises

Provide information and other requisites for the smooth implementation of the

Planning, implementation, monitoring and overall evaluation of the HIV/AIDS

workplace programmes

Serve as a mechanism for handling concerns raised by the Staff and other

The objectives of this policy are to:

a) make quality part of the procurement process;

b) instil appropriate risk management into procurement processes;

c) ensure procurement processes fulfil the Academies social and

environmental obligations set out under the Environmental Plan;

d) ensure procurement processes are easy to understand, use and

audit; and

e) develop awareness of the Academies procurement obligations and
compliance with them.


This policy applies to all staff across the Academy. Pia Manzi defines gender policy
guidelines at two levels: Institutional and programmatic.

1. Institutional Level

a) Staff Policies: All staff policies, rules and regulations shall be gender sensitive
and will be reviewed periodically.
b) Recruitment: Pia Manzi seeks gender balance in staffing. Women candidates will
be encouraged to apply for all vacancies including management and lecturing
positions both at the field and head office. There will be adequate
representation of women in recruitment and interview panels.
c) Performance reviews: Gender sensitivity will be one of the performance
indicators for assessing employees.
d) Capacity building for gender sensitization: We will organize workshops, training
programs and discussions for promoting and enabling a gender sensitive work
culture. Also, regular trainings will be conducted on awareness and confidence
building of field staff, with special focus on women staff.
e) Harassment: Our Anti Sexual Harassment policy is gender neutral and has a no
tolerance to the Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace and in the

2. Programmatic Level

a) Building skills and capacities on gender perspectives to enable greater

participation of all sections of community in our programs will be one of our
objectives in all programs.
b) All programs will promote equal participation of all stakeholders. To promote
and assess inclusion of gender equality in each project, managers will prepare
and use a gender equality checklist.


This policy applies to all regular and contractual staff of Pia Manzi Ranger Academy. In
case of a complaint as a result of an act by a third party, management will take the
necessary preventive and reasonable action to support and assist the affected party.


Management will report annually to the Trustees/ Directors on implementation of this


[updated 1 August 2021]


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