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1. I _______ (stay) at home if it _______ (rain) this afternoon.

2. If my brother _______ (go) abroad, I _______(be) very worried.
3. You _______ (not earn) enough money if you _______ (not work) more hours.
4. Melissa _______(can) to go out later if she _______(not finish) her homework.
5. If I _______ (go) to the supermarket later, I _______ (buy) some tomatoes.
6. Peter _______(get) wet if he _______ (not take) an umbrella.
7. If i _______(find) the book you lent me, I _______ (give) it back to you.
8. They _______ (be) angry) if we _______(not visit) them next saturday. We
promise to go.
9. What _______ (happen) if you _______ (not go) to work tomorrow?
10. Many workers _______(lose) their jobs if that factrory _______ (close ) down.
11. I _______ (not buy) a bigger house if I _______ ( not get) promoted at work.
12. If he _______ (not finish) the vegetables, he _______ (not have) a dessert.
13. Mu uncle _______ (can) to go to the opera if he _______ (remember) to get
the tickets.
14. If you _______ (not put) sugar in your coffee, it _______ (not taste) nice.
15. Sandra, if you _______(not hurry up), you _______ (be) late for the meeting.
16. Cristopher _______(be) so happy if he _______(find) the money he lost.
17. Your motorbike _______ (not break down) if the mechanic _______(check) it.
18. If you _______ ( not take) an aspirin, your headache _______ (not disappear).
19. If my aunt _______ (come) to visit, she _______ (give) us a present.
20. If it _______(not rain), we _______ (go) to the beach.
21. If it . _______ (snow) tonight, we _______(make) a snowman tomorrow.
22. If you _______(not try) , you _______ (not succeed).
23. If you _______ (bring) the sandwiches for the picnic, I _______(bring) the
24. If he _______ (talk) too long, his parents _______ (not let) him use the phone.
25. If we _______ (go) to London, we _______ (visit) my friend George.
26. If she _______ (do) well in her exams, my sister _______ (go) to university.
27. Jenny _______ (not eat) supper if she . _______ (eat) all that ice cream.
28. My brother _______ (drive) us to the cinema if we _______ (ask) him.
29. Uncle Tim _______ (phone) us if he _______ (want) to come with us.
30. He _______ (turn) on the heater if it _______ (get) too cold.

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