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Performance task 2

A. Write a reflection journal titled “Measure of Position” using the format:

I. Things Learned and Insights.
II. Concept Map
III. Difficulties
IV. Unforgettable Experiences / Activities.

B. Conduct a mini-research on any topic of your interest. Apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in this
lesson to evaluate and interpret test results and to make/formulate meaningful decisions based on the results to
resolve the difficulties of the students.

Criteria Proficient Developing Beginning
The paper The paper The paper The paper did
demonstrated that demonstrated that demonstrated that not demonstrate
the student fully the student, for the the student, to a that the student
understands and has most part, certain extent, has
applied concepts understands and has understands and has
learned in the applied concepts applied concepts
course. Concepts learned in the learned in the understood and
are integrated into course. Some of the course. applied concepts
the writer’s own conclusions, learned in the
insights. The writer however, are not course.
KNOWLED provides supported in the
GE concluding remarks body of the paper.
that show analysis
and synthesis of

The topic is The topic is The topic is too The topic is not
focused narrowly focused but lacks broad for the scope clearly defined.
enough for the direction. The of this assignment.
scope of this paper is about a
assignment. The specific topic but
research study the writer has not
TOPIC provides direction established a
FOCUS for the paper, either position.
by statement of a
position or

DEPTH OF In-depth discussion In-depth discussion The student has The paper lacks
Performance task 2
is evident in all is evident in most omitted in-depth
sections of the paper sections of the pertinent content discussion as
paper or content run- evidenced by
ons excessively cursory
discussion (with
points) in all
sections of the
Ties together For the most Sometimes Does not tie
information from part, ties ties together together
all sources Paper together information from information
flows from one information all sources Paper Paper does not
from all sources have a good
issue to the next did not flow -
Paper flows flow and appears
without the need with only some disjointedness is to be created
for headings. disjointedness. apparent. Student's from disparate
Student's writing Student's writing does not issues. Headings
COHESIVEN demonstrates an writing demonstrate an are necessary to
ESS understanding of demonstrates understanding of link concepts.
the relationship an the relationship Writing does not
understanding demonstrate
among among
of the understanding of
materials obtained relationship materials obtained any
from all sources. among from all sources. relationships.
obtained from
all sources.

No spelling and/or Minimal spelling Noticeable spelling Unacceptable

grammar mistakes and/or grammar and grammar number of
SPELLING & mistakes mistakes spelling and/or
GRAMMAR grammar

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