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Midterm Examination

Course Name: Management of Organizations and Systems

Course Code: MGT501
Section: 01
Date: August 01, 2021
Total Marks: 20
Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Instructions (Please read carefully before attempting questions)

§ Please clearly write your name and student ID on the top of the first page of your answer scripts.
§ Answer any two of the following three questions. In case if you attempt all three questions, first
two in the order of your answer will be assessed.
§ As this is an open book exam, any texts that have just been copied and pasted from any sources
would result in a "Zero".
§ You must write answers to your preferred questions in your own words.
§ Please upload your answer scripts (one PDF file) into the following Google Drive folder:
§ If you use the traditional pen and paper version, you will get another 20 minutes to take pictures
and make a single PDF file, and thus must upload by 9:20 PM.
§ If you type, you must upload by 9:05 PM.
§ Late submission will be penalized.
§ In case if you are unable to upload, you can email me your answer scripts (one PDF file).
§ You can also find question paper on BuX.

Please answer any two of the following three questions (each part of a question carries 5 marks).

1. (a) Some people say efficiency is more important for an organization while others say
effectiveness. In today’s environment, define and explain with examples which is more important
to organizations—efficiency or effectiveness?

(b) Due to the current lockdown, your manager suggested you to work from home and thus you
need to buy a new computer. Discuss how you would finalise your purchase decision in the light
of various steps involved in the decision-making process.

2. (a)Who is a manager? Is your course instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of managerial

functions, managerial roles, and skills.

(b) “Businesses are built on relationships.” What do you think this statement means? What are
implications for managing the external environment?

3. (a) What are the contingency factors that affect planning? What types of planning do you do in
your personal life? Describe these plans in terms of being (i) strategic or operational plans, (ii)
short- or long-term plans, and (iii) specific or directional plans.

(b) David has been working as a manager in ABC incorporation for more than two years.
However, management is worried about his decision-making as some of his decisions has been
proved to be ‘Bad’. What do you think- how can David improve his decision-making skills? Why
is decision-making often described as the essence of the manager’s job.

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