Law Sem. 1, Letter 5

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Dear Students,

At SSC-R, a school that is guided by the teachings and pedagogical principles of Augustine of
Hippo, the study of law is likened to a journey. The school is a melting pot of love and the
students’ potentials. For this to happen, the religious administrators of the School propose these
pedagogical principles to educators: “Walk with, work with…alongside each student”. “Make the
the student the protagonist of the educative process”. And “let education start from the real
situation and needs of the learner”. The goal for the students is them to become “God-fearing

In the journey, the Seminar serves as your companion. The process of accompaniment avails of
the teachings of Augustine that are applicable to professional students.

You are now in the middle of the semester. Soon you will have your mid-term exams in many of
your subjects. The Seminar, as your “companion”, will not add to your burden. It aims to lighten
your load and urge you instead to “Sing and Move On” (Canta y Camina in Spanish). This is one of
the main teachings of Augustine that intends to encourage students to face the challenges set
before them. How can the Seminar “walk and work” with you who are loaded with preparations
for the major examinations…and the final course requirement?

How to prepare the self to find joy in midst of the sacrifices that the preparation for examinations
entails? Know that to Augustine, to study involves “a great love of truth and a great docility to
God” (De doct. Christ. 4,16,33 PL 34. 104). Remember, too, that study signifies “striving, desiring,
longing, in which affections join with duty and continued work in a growing joy of discovery and
hope” (OAR Plan of Formation 10). And for you to be able to concentrate on your study and find
joy in learning despite the difficulties, you need the support and help of the family, your friends
and even of the folks in your school and workplace. While you prepare for any major examinations
in any of your subjects, you may consider the following Exercise:

Assess your current situation and state of mind with reference to some of the objectives of SSC-R
in the College of Law:
1. To offer human and spiritual accompaniment to students as they discern the best way to study, to
know, and love the law…ensuring their integral human development in the process.
2. To share with future leaders in the legal profession Augustinian principles and teachings, to help
them find ways that lead to the “full integration of the individual’s intellectual, spiritual, social,
physical and civic well-being” (Cf. V-M Statement of the College of Law).
3. To promote social consciousness and fuel their desire to help – “with competence and nobility” (Cf.
V-M State.) - the poor, the weak and the most disadvantaged in our society.

a. Describe how family “support” builds your person and urges you to persevere in your study
of law and preparation for the BAR examinations”.
b. Show concrete ways family “life” helps you avoid scattering energies and focus your
strengths on your studies.
c. What practices do you have to safeguard and deepen good relationships with members of
the family, with friends and other relations?

“The family is the original cell of social life. It is the natural society in which husband and wife are called to
give themselves in love and in the gift of life. Authority, stability and a life of relationships withi the family constitute
the foundations for freedom, security and fraternity within the society. The family is the community in which, from
childhood, one can learn moral values, begin to honor God and make good use of freedom. Family life is an initiation
into life in society” (CCC 2207)

Apply the 3R’s in the exercise:

> Read and reflect;

> Record your discoveries;
> Recall what you have recorded and with joy share your discoveries.
I hope you keep a record (journal) of your reflections.

NB> There will be no Seminar Exercises the following Saturdays,

March 27 and April 3, 2021. Spend your time to study, do the
exercises, and work on your journal. Find time to rest, bond with
your family, reflect and pray. Holy Week is grace-filled and an
opportune time to discover how loved you are and how we ought
to share this love…especially with those who have much lack of it.
At the service of your formation and education,

Fray Lauro Larlar, OAR

20 March 2021

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