Manifesto 2011 RevMaR30 PDF

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People First

We want to work with you

What is All Wales People First?

All Wales People First is the United Voice

of Self – Advocacy Groups and all
People with Learning Disabilities in Wales.

It Shares Knowledge and Information to

Achieve Equal Rights and a Positive Image.

All Wales People First…..

 collects people’s news and views
 shares information
 finds out what is going on around the country
 finds out what is important in people’s lives
 campaigns to improve the lives of people with learning disabilities
 puts people in touch with each other from all over Wales
 helps groups to be touch with the National Government for Wales
 supports self advocacy groups to get going and keep going

All Wales People First is a member led company, limited by

guarantee, registered in March 2009.

Our values are embedded in the People First Manifesto 2010, in the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
the Human Rights Act and the Social Model of Disability.

All Wales People First is unique in Wales in that it is the only national
organisation that solely represents the voice of men and women
with a learning disability.
The key statements for our vision are:

To make sure that all people with learning disabilities have a voice
in spite of the difficult economic future we face.

To make our voices stronger by building on leadership skills and by

being supported to become partners in change.

To make our voices heard by engaging with decision makers and

driving forward our rights.

To make our communities stronger by linking with other

organisations that will help us achieve the things that matter
to us.

To make the organisation stronger by working differently,

efficiently and creatively.

The People First 2011 Manifesto

Wales should be proud that we led the way supporting

people with learning disabilities.

The All Wales Strategy set standards

that everyone else followed. We want
to help you carry on this great work.

Wales has signed up to the social

model of disability.

We want to work with the you to make

sure that we keep moving forward and
never go back.

The People First 2011 Manifesto

We really are the experts in how we need to be


If you let social workers run our lives,

we are over supported, never
allowed to take the risks that
everyone else does. This costs you a
fortune and holds us back from the
lives we want.

Let us plan our own lives, and we

guarantee we’ll save you money,
we’ll have better lives and be part of
our Welsh communities.

People with learning disabilities living

at home as our parents get older
become carers.

The Assembly Health and Social Care

Minister needs to ensure we are

included in the Carers Strategy for


The Minister should actively support

direct payments and individual
budgets for people with learning
disabilities. 5
The People First 2011 Manifesto

When we have good support and housing we are

more confident, happy and able to get on with our

Wales is again leading the way with

new qualifications for social care

We want to be part of everyone's

course showing them what the
housing and support

Social Model of Disability means for

us living in a modern Wales.

Work with the Care Council for Wales

to set social model training by
people with learning disabilities into
the new Qualifications and Credit

The People First 2011 Manifesto

Free bus passes in Wales have transformed our lives.

Help us make the most of this

freedom by including people with
learning disabilities in regeneration
plans and regional development

We want to be part of Wales

economy, if we have jobs we need
less social and health services.
Help us to help you save money
across Wales.

Include people with learning

disabilities when you write regional
development plans.

Include people with learning

disabilities when you develop public
transport across Wales, especially in
rural areas.

The People First 2011 Manifesto

Its 2011, we’re adults, we’re in relationships, we’re

getting married, we’re having sex, just like everyone
else does.

Help us teach social workers, nurses,

doctors and support staff how to
support us and we can look after
ourselves and our families.

The best way of protecting people

isn't by removing our human rights, it’s
by making sure we are well informed,
confident members of society.

We can be great parents when you

give us the right support.

The Health Minister needs to ensure

that there is a Family Information

Service and Family Crisis Centre in

every part of Wales with a plan to
work with people with learning

All schools in Wales should have a

clear plan to include people with
learning disabilities in sex education
and parenting classes.
The People First 2011 Manifesto

The annual health check is another fantastic way that

Wales supports people with learning disability.

We want to work with you to make

sure the health checks are equally
good for everyone in Wales.

We want you to make sure that health

services include us in prevention
programmes like well woman, well
man, and family planning clinics.

The best way to make this happen is

to change the way doctors see us.

We can help you deliver social model

training for new doctors being trained
in Wales.

The Health Minister should work with

Wales’ universities to ensure we are
part of training Wales’ new doctors
and nurses.
The People First 2011 Manifesto

We want to be part of the solution for Wales not part of

the problem.

So many of us want to work and do

more for our communities.

If we have full lives we become more

independent, we don't use services as
much and we give back, instead of just
using services.
work and education

The Assembly’s Youth Volunteering

scheme has been a great way for us
gain peer support in the community.

The Education Minister should ensure

that we have access to adult literacy
and numeracy classes across Wales.

When the Minister for Economic

Development writes support strategies
for small businesses he should include
people with learning disabilities.
The People First 2011 Manifesto

People First is the only voice for people with learning

disabilities run by people with learning disabilities.

The Welsh Assembly has given

People First groups across Wales
support and guidance to develop
and grow.

You can help us to help you by

ensuring we are funded into the

The Assembly should provide People

First with funding that is independent
of service commissioners and
self advocacy

All Assembly Ministers should ensure

that People First locally and
nationally are funded as providers of

The Local Government Minister

should ensure that authorities fund
People First as service monitoring
and development consultants.
The People First 2011 Manifesto

Growing up into adults is hard enough for anyone.

Its much harder for us.

Becoming young adults means

leaving home, getting our own
place and starting out on our own

Too many of us can’t take that first

step and we are stuck at home.
This makes life hard for everyone.

With a little support we can make

the first step and get ready to move
on to independence.
young people

The Assembly needs to ensure our

voices are heard in young peoples’
groups across Wales.

The Assembly Minister should ensure

that there is enough social housing
for everyone and housing
associations provide short stay and
support to move on to independence.

The People First 2011 Manifesto

Most communities in Wales are caring supportive and

friendly but not always.

Living with a disability in Wales can

still be hard.

People don’t always respect us or

treat us fairly.

When you’re different to other people

you stand out and sometimes this makes
you an easy target.

We want to help build positive

supportive communities in Wales,
fit for everyone to live in.

The social justice and Local

Government Minister should include
people with learning disabilities in
community safety and cohesion

What people say
Some people do
n’t need 24 hou
much time and r support. Ther
money being sp e’s too
rather than lett ent on ‘prepari
ing them have a ng’ people
go and get on w
ith it.

it h o u t d is abilities.
it h p e o p le with and w y label; you’re
If you mix
a r n in g d is abilit
t got the le munity.
You haven’ r o w n c o m
n in you
just a citize

We want support that is individual to us.

We want personal support, someone to talk to,
help with money – support that is flexible.
f o r fo u r years.
n g a f te r my Mum and all through
look i e day
I’ve been her all through th
er h.
I look aft ’s getting too muc
. It
the night
My life’s been m
essed up and I do
help to look after n’t get any
my Mum; there’s
no support.

o r t . I t g e ts in the
e n ee d b e tter transp n t to lead.
W a t w e w a
ives th
way of the l
Transport is the main issue in Ceredigion.
Transport’s alright in big cities. But in rural
areas you can’t get home, even if you can get out!
I can use the
every month ses and we go clubbing
. We look aft in Cardiff
new friends, er each othe
old friends, r. We meet
have a gossip

o r ks a re very bad. a ining,

s p o r t n e t w t t o d o t r
to m a k e a big effor o f transport.
u h a v e e c a u s e
y m e n t a n d leisure b
They didn’t want us
to live together.
They said ‘you can’t
have sex’.

u s sh a r in g a b ed, so I was
They didn’t like e w a s li v in g d ownstairs.
nd h
living upstairs a
We want child
ren. I’ve got lo
and I do know ads of experien
what to do but ce
I’m worried th people think I
ey will be taken don’t.
off us later.

The obstacle is staff not believing we can do it.

I wish my daughte
r was living with m
I asked for suppo e now.
rt quite soon after
I got some suppor I became pregnan
t well after the ba t.
by was born.

s centre
There needs to be a family crisi
where people can go for help.
One of my
after their iends thought abou
babies we t
re taken a suicide

I had to go through a Police check

to be in my relationship.
We want
with it. I x education BEF
had an e ORE we
e in colle have to deal
ge. I got

t h e r th e s e a re real or
a re d to ta k e risks, whe n g , t heir bosses
e t o o s c o e s w r o
Staff ar t h a t if something g
in k
not; they th
will blame t
My condit
ion was dia
Health Fai gn
r. It wasn’ osed at Swansea Peo
t picked up p
at the Hea le First’s
lth Check.

ct or to ta lk to m e no t m y support worker.
I want the do
ve no un de rs ta nd in g. I’ d like to see the doctor
They ha
I want to see for my health

When I w
ent into h
distance o
from me. spital, the nurses
but not t T k
o me. Th hey chatted to th ept their
disabiliti ey eo
es as if th treat people with ther patients
ey are a n learning

A n d w e offer
n i n g D isability we do. People
r s e s a b out Lea volved in what ir heads around
e a c h t r ainee nu ey really get in s nurses get the
We t s n
urses. T a way that help
e n t
placem b e r s train in re the experts.
First me Disability. We a
The nur
just thou s said about us:
ght they ‘W
were a b e
it odd .’

c o ll e g e . W hen I lived
le a r n e d b udgeting in o t a te n n e r a week.
We never g move out.
n ’ t s e e m y money. I w h e n I d id
id my money
at home I d m a d w it h
But then I

ti o n w a s n’t v e r y good,
ng my educa
When I was you r w r ite . I c a n ’t read or write
read o
I didn’t learn to
; w h a t c h a n c e have I got?
no w
go to co th learning di
u sa
They ca rses through j bilities are hav
n ob in
read an ’t even get star Seekers Allow g to
d write ted bec
. ause th ance.
ey can’

d en o u g h ; so m et imes people
re a ti n g p eo p le th e SAME is not go d d if fe rently in order to
T b e tr ea te
bilities have to
with learning disa
be equal.
They bung
don’t reco s down on the lower
gn b
made prog ise our achievemen racket; they
ress towar ts. I think
ds being c we’ve

Advocacy helps us to live independently at the end of the day.

If the money stopped for self advocacy, parents would take control
of our lives again. People would just stay in the house all day.

i d e n c e and
f e
i t h o ur con e and ther
e d u s out w s all the tim day life
r s t h a s help n new thing akes day to
Fi ear It m
People dence. We l d to learn.
n ee
indepe things we n ople.
ll e
are sti r disabled p
It make
s us less
we need de
fewer se pendent on serv
rvices. ices;

People Fir
their voice is our life. It helps p
and speak eo
communit out. We’re ple to find
ies and go p
out and ab art of our
out in it.

w it h a le ar ni ng di sa bi lity who’s still living

I know a young person she st ay s at ho m e all day. She
or k, so
with her parents. They w th ink sh e’s O K bu t she’s not
Serv ic es
cleans and cooks. Social or ev en fi nding a job.
r co m m un it y
getting out into he

My Mum u
sed to wond
cope but I l er
ove living in how I’d

metimes my
Some people call me names; so
blic say it.
friends say it and the general pu

e com
of the e out
day a of sch
nd tak ool at
e the the en
Mick. d

b ig issue.
a nd t r u st i s a
o u ca n trust.
s i m p o rtant d y o u t hat y e need
g s a f e i e a ro u n e ll . W
Bein h a v e p eopl w e k now w
o u n e e d to n d u s th a t
t w e k n ow.
Y p le aro u n ity th a
e d p e o o m m u
We ne in g s i n the c
dt h
shops an
Contact details

All Wales People First

Stebonheath Terrace
Stebonheath Centre
SA15 1NE

Telephone: 01554 784905

E-mail address:



Notes to media and press:

All Wales People First National Council Members are
available for interview and comment on any issues
arising from the Manifesto for TV, Radio and Press from
Monday 4th April and throughout the election period.

The People First 2011 Manifesto

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