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CSI-PCD-003 v.


Good Afternoon!
Developmental Conversations for Leaders
Session 3
CSI-PCD-003 v.02

Good Afternoon!
Developmental Conversations for Leaders
Session 3

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

 In connecting with a potential learner, it is important to acknowledge
one's personal values, attitudes and uniqueness as these, in turn,
influence one's judgments, decisions, and relationships with others.
Having emotional intelligence helps manage one's feelings
and understand others' as well.
 Connecting builds a strong relationship between a mentor/coach and
a learner. It entails exchange of personal experiences and current
circumstances and thus builds trust and positive work relationships.
 The immediate practice of the lessons and techniques gained from
the second module though challenging at the start gave an
opportunity to try them and have a good start at it.

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

• Connecting requires listening by being fully present by maintaining
eye to eye contact. We should know how to process and summarize
what we hear and we should learn to ask questions if we do not
understand about what has been said.

• Connecting necessitates establishment of trust between the

coach/mentor and the coachee/ mentee. The coach/mentor needs to
be more welcoming and be able to open and facilitate non-
threatening conversations to elicit openness and cooperation from the
coachee/mentee. Unless trust and confidence is gained, connection
won't be very successful, just cliche.

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

• Identifying and engaging a potential learner requires a mentor to be willing, able
and ready to exercise leadership by nurturing a holding environment that is
conducive to learning, and where mutual respect, acceptance, tolerance and
patience are also valued.
• There is more than meets the eye about mentoring in general. But, if done well,
the first step of connecting can open a clear pathway to managing performance,
boosting confidence in going forward and ensuring overall success. It is “going
beyond one’s comfort zone” or even of “letting go” in order to “listen” and actually
“learn something new.”
• The session on Connecting made me realize, that if I were to be an effective
mentor or coach I should work on the following: maintaining my integrity,
becoming a better listener, keeping confidences, honoring appointments and
ground rules of developmental conversations, being tolerant of different
perspectives or abandoning prejudices, trying to reach out to my subordinates,
and avoid making fun at the expense of others

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Group Role Play: Connecting

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.


Share significant insights on your

Connecting activity with the
identified learner via chat box

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Module 3: Contracting

CSI-PCD-003 v.02

• Guide learner in identifying a meaningful learning


• Agree on specific norms in going through the

developmental journey

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

What do you think should we
include in the Coaching

One-Word Response via Mentimeter

Go to and use the

code: 7836 3763
CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.
Conversation Agreements

1. Learning Objectives

Guide the learner to

identify personally
relevant and SMART

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Conversation Agreements

2. Norms and Ground Rules

• Frequency and Medium of

• Confidentiality
• Target Completion
• Review and Evaluation

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

The Need for an Agreement


• Provides a concrete foundation for what each wishes to

accomplish through the mentoring relationship.

• Helps you both manage relational expectations and clearly

define your commitments.

• Provides the framework for the scope of the relationship and

acts as a contract between the mentee and mentor

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

The Need for an Agreement


• Over-all Goal
• The mentee’s learning needs and development goals

• Accountability
• Ways the mentee will be held accountable for their
development (both by the mentor and themselves)

• Confidentiality
• Areas of the relationship that the mentee and/or mentor
want to remain confidential

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

The Need for an Agreement


• Frequency and Schedule of Sessions

• An ideal schedule for meeting

• Mode of Communication

• Other Agreements/Arrangements
• Ways for both the mentee and mentor to monitor progress


The Agreement should be conducive to both the Mentor/Coach and

Mentee/Coachee, and must have their signature.

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Sample Mentoring/Coaching Agreement

We are voluntarily entering into a mentoring/coaching

relationship and have discussed and agreed on the following
goals and objectives:


CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Sample Mentoring/Coaching Agreement

We have discussed the guidelines by which we will work

together, develop, and in that spirit of partnership, collaborate on the
development of the work plan. In order to ensure that our relationship is a
mutually rewarding and satisfying experience for both of us, we agree to:

1. Get in touch with each other at least ______________

through ___________________. (frequency) (face-to-face,
email, skype, etc.)
2. Look for multiple opportunities and experiences to enhance the
mentee’s growth and development.
3. Maintain confidentiality of our relationship.
4. Honor the ground rules we have developed for the relationship.
5. Provide regular feedback to each other and evaluate progress.
6. We will accomplish this by _________________ (target date) and we
agree to communicate regularly until we accomplish our predefined

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Sample Mentoring/Coaching Agreement

At the end of this period of time, we will review this

contract, evaluate our progress, and reach a mutually
agreeable conclusion. The relationship will then be
considered complete. If need be, we can renegotiate to
continue our mentoring relationship, as long as there is a
basis or mutually agreed upon goals.

In the event one of us believes it is no longer productive for

us to continue or the relationship is compromised, we may
decide to seek outside intervention or conclude the
relationship. In this event, we agree to use closure as a
learning opportunity.

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Sample Mentoring/Coaching Agreement

We have read, understood and agree to these

guidelines and procedures this ___ day of _________, 2021
in _______________.

Mentor’s Name and Signature

Mentee’s Name and Signature

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.


Among the elements of the agreement, which is

the most relevant and why?

Please post your responses via the Chat Box.

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Developmental Conversation Journal



• It keeps track of the progress of the sessions

• It records significant observations per session

• It can help in determining how to proceed in the

succeeding sessions.

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

Developmental Conversation Journal



• It serves as a guide on the challenges tackled per session

• It records identified strategies discussed with the


• It keeps track of commitments made and needed to be


CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.


CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.


Conduct the first DC with the identified learner

applying the concepts under Contracting

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

1. After conducting your 1st developmental conversations, go over
the Mentoring and Coaching Competencies Self-Assessment
Instrument on Contracting (via Google Form*);
2. Reflect on each of the behavioral descriptors on CONTRACTING;
Identify strengths (the positive outcome) and your areas for
improvement .
3. After your self-assessment, write down your insights.

*Google form link will be sent via email. Please Accomplish and
submit on or before 2pm of March 10, 2021.

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.


1. Using the previously chosen DC Case, prepare a 3-minute DC

Script on CONTRACTING and submit before 5pm on March
10 to

Subject Format: Module 3 Script_Group 1

2. Prepare to Role Play the Contracting Process during the next


CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.


CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

CSI. Shaping the Servant-Hero towards Public Service Excellence.

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