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Sci (2018) 7(4): 1618-1623

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 7 Number 04 (2018)
Journal homepage:

Original Research Article

Role of Media in Empowering Women

Premlata1* and Tanuja Jukariya2

Department of Extension Education and Communication Management, CHSC, MPUAT,
Udaipur (313001), Rajasthan, India
Department of Family Resource Management, CHSC, MPUAT, Udaipur (313001),
Rajasthan, India

*Corresponding author


Media is considered to be the most important tool of society in the modern

times as it has the power to reach out to be a large audience by mass
communication.The empowerment of women is much needed for the social
Keywords and economic growth of any society. They are the creators, teachers and
Role of Media, developers of any human generation. The social ill treatment and the
Empowering negligence of economic decision powers to them in such small areas of the
countryespecially, directly fall out for this research subject. While on the
other hand media being the fourth pillar of our democracy has certain duties
Article Info
to follow in the betterment of society. It can play the role efficiently in
Accepted: transmitting information to society in empowering women by educating the
12 March 2018 society about their stand and worth.In the present article a number of
Available Online:
10 April 2018 studies have been reviewed to Increase the participation of women in
decision-making through the media and to promote a decent and balanced
portrayal of women in the media.

Introduction recognition that for the socio-economic

development women participation is
Women empowerment is very essential for mandatory and they have ability to mold the
the development of the country and it could nation‟s fortune (Panigrahy and Bhuyan,
not be denied that women have capacity to 2006). The social and economic
change the destiny of a country. Women are empowerment could not be achieved without
offering their services in two fields, on mass media in the era of technology. Media is
domestic and economic front. It needs often considered as the 4th pillar of the

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(4): 1618-1623

society and democratic medium of ambit of the Act like posters and TV serials
information. The role of media has become which perpetuate stereotypes of women.
very important in shaping present days Promoting a balanced and non-stereotyped
society. Media is the part of the life, all portrayal of women in the media is very
around, from the shows one watches on important to use it in a progressive way and
television, music on the radio, the books, avoiding the ill effects of any such medium of
magazines and newspapers. It educates people Media. Women's knowledge about media and
about the current issues and influences the access to and control over the various forms
public opinion. The common people rely on of conventional and modern media is still
media to know about happenings in the limited in most societies. The increase in the
society. Media has the power to pressurize participation and access of women to self-
and criticize the drawbacks of democracy. It expression and decision-making through the
is instrumental in bringing about unity among media and new technologies of
the masses and is backbone of the nation. communication is in a way empowering
women. The powerful and positive role that
The reach of media to common people has the media can play in the empowerment of
increased and undoubtedly media has attained women and gender equality should be
the role of a very powerful organ in virtually supported and further explored.
all spheres of life. The electronic media,
particularly television, has become the most Communication is extremely important for
influential medium of mass communication in women‟s development and mass media play
India. Television has a myriad of different significant role. It is to be noted that growth
goals, which range from entertainment to of women‟s education and their entry into
education. Various confines of education and employment has contributed to the growth of
entertainment are depicted in television. It's media. In all spheres of life whether for
often looked at as a babysitter for children. controlling population growth, spread of
The viewing of television can entertain the literacy or improving quality of life for vast
young and old alike for great amounts of time. masses, women have crucial role to play.
It is helping women to empower themselves However, women can be expected to play this
by using different tools of media. Portrayal of role when they become conscious of their
women which is derogatory to their image by strength and are not deliberately marginalized
media is an evidence of lack of gender by male domination. In this context, media
sensitivity and has called for making them has an important role to play – to create
accountable for such representation of awakening in women to achieve their
women. potential as the prime movers of change in
society. In today‟s world, print and electronic
Such instances had led the National media play a vital role in effectively
Commission for Women to recommend conveying message that needs to be conveyed
amendment in the Indecent Representation of
Women (Prohibition Act) 1986. The Objectives of the study
government in a move to strengthen the legal
machinery protecting the dignity of women, To increase the participation of women in
approved amendments to the Indecent decision-making through the media
Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act,
1986 in 2012.The aim was to include new To promote a decent and balanced portrayal
technologies like MMS and the electronic of women in the media.
media and some which were left outside the
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(4): 1618-1623

Literature Review Network with other women

Moghadam (2007) investigated that media has Create on line selves which build confidence
raised issues of women.
Appeal to other women and peers through
It has highlighted rights of women in the styles and issues that are directly relevant and
society. It has tried to mold opinion of people attractive
regarding rights of women
Subhash (2015) concluded in her study
Ray (2008) stated in his research study that “Impact of Mass Media on Women: A
media is very useful tool for the purpose of Sociological Study of Gulbarga District” that
training and education. He found that media is impact of mass media on women has enabled
used for transmitting information to people at their empowerment, but still there are many
large scale, a way of bringing changes in suggestions given by women to restrict crime
behavior and thinking styles of society. related programmes, improvement of learning
and knowledge, equal status of women,
According to Asif (2013), the development of gender equality etc. Hence the media should
society can be improved if women are take into the suggestions of women and
empowered. Role of media is important to improve their programmes, telecasts,
empower women because it gives self- circulations, knowledge and information.
reliance and there is a visible effect of media
on every sphere of life. Narayana and Ahamad (2016) revealed in
their study that Media have a great potential
In a blog, The new media and the global for the empowerment of women, however the
women's empowerment movement (2011) by overall use of this media by women is very
Jammie Victory Abdulai, he said that the new low. It also suggested that the powerful and
media is the fact that anyone can be part of positive role that the media can play in the
the global information sharing process by empowerment of women and gender equality
anyone, anywhere in the form of any article should be supported and further explored.
and information on social platforms. They also found that how media can increase
the participation and access of women to
Khan and Moin (2013) reported that with expression and decision-making.
access to internet at homes, women are using
it for multiple purposes. It has enabled Dr. Sonia Gupta (2017) concluded in her
women to participate in important daily study on “A Study on Role of Media in
affairs of state that ranges from household Women Empowerment in India” that that
work to education, health and governance. most of the respondents have high
empowerment in final say on their health care
A report (2013) on “Women in decision- and decision on employing servants in home
making: The role of the new media for 85percent and 90percent respectively, which
increased political participation” suggested shows the high percentage rate of the
that the new media represents a further digital empowered women. Further it was found that
divide, a number of studies point to the in the economic empowerment sphere most of
potential positive impact of new media for the respondents are empowered nicely. It
young women. Primarily, new media provides shows that women in India are empowered
women with the opportunity to: and their empowerment percentage indicates a

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(4): 1618-1623

medium level of empowerment and high In the era of globalization and with revolution
percentage of influence of Media and in means of communication and information
technology. This is an indication that women technology, the media role has become more
are very much aware of the variables which crucial for women empowerment in India.
can lead them towards empowerment. The Indian media now must focus on women
issues in a decisive way as their role is
Suggestions and recommendations detrimental for the women empowerment in
Media have a huge potential for the
empowerment of women, however the overall It is essential that media should devote a good
use of this media by women is very low. percentage of their programmes to create
Media has played an important role in awareness among women and the society at
empowering the women. large, give information about women's rights
and machineries to approach for their all-
The way media has played its part in round development.
portraying about the atrocities faced by the
women and empowering the women, no other They should set goals for their future and
sector has done. strive to achieve them with courage and
conviction. Much developmental news should
Media should create awareness about risks be aired through the medium of radio and tv.
prevailing at home, in work places and while
travelling and staying outside home. The urban lower middle class women need
information mainly on the following topics:
Economic self-sufficiency is necessary,
though it is not a sufficient condition for Employment /Job Prospects in India /self-
empowerment of women. locality.

Public policies are extremely important to Inexpensive childcare and Healthcare.

strengthen the legal institutions that guarantee
equal rights and opportunities to women. The Educational facilities at their doorstep.
Media should provide political and legal and
economic and health awareness. Dowry system, other legal rights like self-
help, violence etc.
They should provide knowledge about
support groups. Information about NGO‟s.

Mass Media should have the positive attitude Legal provisions against Sexual harassment,
towards life. Under any adverse circumstance Domestic Violence and Social injustice.
they should not loose courage and confidence
and try to end their life. The role of Media is very important to
accelerate Women empowerment which will
They should have a strong will power to lead to social and economic empowerment of
succeed in life. In short, the inner strength of women. The Mass Media, however, like all
women has to be built by success stories of social media, are good and practical means to
other women. increase, through the dissemination of healthy
concepts of being woman, of what is the role

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(4): 1618-1623

of women in modern society, of good always unconsciously affected and influenced

examples that women give us every day, of the thinking and behavior of society. Media
the results they have achieved and continue to should focus success stories of established,
reach out to women in many fields of successful and renowned women in spite of
economics and beyond, the social indecent representation of women. As an
consideration of women, giving to young important agent of socialization shaping of
women good ideas and examples for their gender roles, its mechanisms for checks and
economic empowerment. Women, in Indian balances with respect to gender need to be
society, are traditionally expected to confine strengthened. The media should enable
themselves to domestic environment. projection of women in a decent and dignified
Woman„s perceived interests linked to way and promote respect and dignity to
domesticity may adversely affect her women avoiding negative portrayal of
empowerment outcomes (Aggarwal 1997; women. New innovative decent presentation
Kabeer 1999; Sen 2006). It was found from of women, based on Indian culture and
the women empowerment survey that the society through media must be introduced. A
women in India are empowered but still her strong legislative effort coupled with a wide
interest towards domesticity affects her spread social awareness with morality and
empowerment otherwise women would have ethics is needed to fight this menace so that
been more empowered. In fact social power women are not perceived as a commodity but
plays an important role in as individual with right and dignity.
generating/sustaining inequalities between
men and women, which plays an important References
role in generating and sustaining gender
inequalities. Also, the hypotheses I have Directorate general for internal policies report
tested have a positive significant relation on “Women in decision-making: The
between dependent variable and independent role of the new media for increased
variables. Only the less percentage of social political participation” 2013.
empowerment and the knowledge of their Enhancing Women Empowerment through
rights show that the women in India are still Information and Communication
not feel secure outside. The freedom of press Technology.
in the country is a blessing for the people. The Khan, E. A. and Moin, A. (2013). Women
government and non-government agencies Empowerment: Role of New Media.
can work on towards enhancing the women„s Retrieved from http://www.ocwjournal
traits and capabilities. Participation in
seminars and lecturers and encouragement for s/7f2535d7e476506d7e2a368e4bdb220c
taking waged employment would help or .p df
strengthen the role of women in decision Narayana, A. and Ahamad, T. (2016). Role of
making. media in accelerating women
empowerment. International Journal of
Mass Media could also make a strong Advanced Education and Research
contribution, with the implementation of ISSN: 2455-5746. Retrieved from
media campaigns, to the dissemination of the
concept of gender equality. If people see in n Role of mass media in empowerment
the media the overcome of the differences of women. Retrieved from
between men and women will bring him back
into everyday life. The Mass Media have

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2018) 7(4): 1618-1623

760608/role-of-mass-media-in-women- -responsibility-of-women-
empowerment empowerment-on-media- 1657-1.html
The responsibility of Women empowerment Women Empowerment in India
on media. Retrieved from http://www. Women for sustainable cities http://womenfor

How to cite this article:

Premlata and Tanuja Jukariya. 2018. Role of Media in Empowering Women.

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 7(04): 1618-1623. doi:


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