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Measurable runctlons 1)

Show that (En) is a monotone increasing sequence of sets and that (Fn)
is a disjoint sequence of sets (that is, Fn n Fm if n m) such that

U En= n=1
n=1 n Fn= n=1
Y An-
2.D. Let (An) be a sequence of subsets of a set X. If A consists of
all x e X which belong to infinitely many of the sets An, show that
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A= m=1 n=m
The set A is often called the limit superior of the sets (An) and denoted
by lim sup An An A.

2.E. Let (An) be a sequence of subsets of a set X. If B consists of

all x e X which belong to all but a finite number of the sets An, show
B=m=u1 [nOm']'
The set B is often called the limit inferior of the sets (An) and denoted
by lim inf An-
2-F. If (En) is a sequence of subsets of a set X which is monotone
increasing (that is, .E1 9 E2 g E3 c ), show that

lim sup En = 1J En = lim inf En.


2.G. If (Fn) is a sequence of subsets of a set X which is monotone

decreasing (that is, F1 F2 F3 2 .), show that

lim sup Fn= nFn = lim inf Fn.


2.H. If (An) is a sequence of subsets of X, show that

0 C lim inf An C lim sup An C X.
Give an example of a sequence (An) such that
lim inf An = Q, lim sup An = X.
Give an example of a sequence (An) which is neither monotone
increasing or decreasing, but is such that
16 The Elements of Integration

when this equality holds, the common value is called the limit of (An)
and is denoted by lim A.
2.1. Give an example of a function f on X to R which is not X-
measurable, but is such that the functions I f I and f2 are X-measurable.
2.J. If a, b, c are real numbers, let mid (a, b, c) denote the "value in
the middle." Show that
mid (a, b, c} = inf sup b), sup c), sup {b, c}}.
If f, , f2, f3 are X-measurable functions on X to R and if g is defined
for xeXby
g(x) = mid (fi(x), f2(x), f3 (x)) ,
then g is X-measurable.
2.K. Show directly (without using the preceding exercise) that if f
is measurable and A > 0, then the truncation fA defined by
fA(x) =1 (x), if I f(x) I c A,
-A, if f(x)>A,
- A, if f(x) < -A
is measurable.
2.L. Let f be a nonnegative X-measurable function on X which is
bounded (that is, there exists a constant K such that 0 c f (x) c K for
all x in X). Show that the sequence (pn) constructed in Lemma 2.11
converges uniformly on X to f.
2. M. Let f be a function defined on a set X with values in a set Y.
If E is any subset of Y, let
f -'(E) = {x e X : f (x) e E} .
Show that f '(0) = 0, f -' (Y) = X. If E and F are subsets of Y,
f -'(.E 1 F) = f -'(.E) 1 f -'(F).
If {E } is any nonempty collection of subsets of Y, then

f - ' ua E = U fa -' (EE), .f -' f

1 E = nf-,(E,.).
In particular it follows that if Y is a Q-algebra of subsets of Y, then
If ' (E) :.E e Y} is a Q-algebra of subsets of X.

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