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Animal Tissues Lab Report

Name, date, course and section required for password: 1409

I. Epithelial Tissue

1. Define the following terms:

epithelial cells: Tightly linked together with little space and covers the exterior of an

basement membrane: Thin a cellular structure always located between any form of
epithelium and its underlying connective tissue.

2. Name the four types of tissues.

Epithelial, Connective, Muscle and Nervous

3. Based on Lab images, Section 1, Exercise 1, what functions are associated with
simple squamous epithelial tissue?

4. Based on Lab, Section 1, Exercise 2, examine the cross section of kidney. Identify
and list structures indicated.

Basement Membrane

Free Surface

Inside of Kidney Tubule

Cell Nucleus

5. Based on Lab, Section 1, Exercise 5, what does stratified mean?

That it is found in several layers.

6. Draw and label 4 types of epithelial cells, including both simple and stratified
varieties. Sign, date and prepare an image of your drawing and include it with your
lab report.

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II. Connective Tissue

1. Define the following terms:

Matrix: The nonliving material between cells that is produced and secreted
by the cells.

Fibroblasts: Irregular, branching cells that secrete strong fibrous proteins, collagen
and elastin.

loose connective tissue: Packing materials of the body, fills spaces between organs
and stabilizes cells.

Collagen: Fibrous protein; most abundant extracellular protein; forms the majority of
connective tissues.

elastic cartilage: Similar to hyaline cartilage, but more elastic fibers in matrix.

lamellae: Concentric layers of hard bony matrix surrounding haversian circles.

2. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 6, which of the labeled structure(s) imparts

3. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 7, in which region of the skin can dense irregular
connective tissue be found?
Nose, ear, skin; The irregularly arranged collagen fibers are embedded with
hair follicles, blood vessels, glands, and nerve endings.
4. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 8, why is the orientation of the fibers important for
the function of the tissue?
Movement occurs in one direction and allows for stretching of the fibers

5. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 9, which letter indicates an area of adipose tissue?

6. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 10, examine the image of hyaline cartilage and
identify the labeled structures.

A. Chondrocytes
B. Chondrin Matrix

7. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 11, why is such an elaborate system of canals
needed in bone more than in cartilage?

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The cartilage is loosely connected, and more durable.
The bones need a greater protection system.

8. Based on Lab, Section II, Exercise 11, examine the image of a human blood smear
and identify the labeled structures.

A. Plasma
B. Leukocyte
C. Thrombocyte
D. Erthrocyte

III. Muscle Tissue

1. What are intercalated disks?

Specialized junctions where cardiac muscle is branch and fix together.

2. Give the location, function, and appearance of the following muscle types:

Skeletal: Arms legs face and torso, Controls limb movement, Voluntary Striated

Smooth: Stomach, Involuntary control, Long and spindle, shaped.

Cardiac: Around the heart, Pumps blood throughout the body, Striated.

3. Based on Lab, Section III, Exercise 12, what are the bands or stripes you see
running perpendicular to the muscle fiber?

IV. Nervous Tissue

1. Draw a neuron and include the following labels: cell body, dendrites, axon. Use an
arrow to indicate the direction the impulse travels. Sign, date and prepare an image
of your drawing and include it with this lab report.

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2. Based on Lab, Section IV, Exercise 15, where in the human body would you be most
likely to find cell bodies? Brain, spinal cord, and dorsal root ganglia

V. Skin

1. List six functions of skin.

Protection, Absorption, Excretion, Secretion, Regulation and Sensation.

2. What is keratin?

Virtually insoluble and can act a barrier to penetration.

3. Based on Lab, Section V, Exercise 16, examine the model of skin and identify the

A. Keratinized layer
B. Epidermis
C. Dermis
D. Hypodermis

Summary Questions

Complete the following table:

Tissue Type
Appearance Function Location

Simple Irregular flat shape,
Secretion, Lung alveoli
squamous single layer.

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Simple Scube shape, single
Secretion, Lines kidney tubules
cuboidal layer.
Absorption and
Simple Single layer of long Lines small intestine,
secretion of
columnar column shaped cells ileum

Stratified Several layers of flat Skin, lining cheek,

squamous cells esophagus

Provide the term or name the tissue that matches the following:

1. What is the matrix of blood?

Blood is considered a connective tissue because it has a matrix.

2. Organs that work together to carry out a specific function.

Orange System
3. Name two proteins associated with muscle movement.

Visceral- all cells work together as one unit.

Multi- unit cells can act and function independently.
4. A single layer of cells that is taller than it is wide.

Simple columnar epithelium

5. Type of tissue used for energy storage and insulation; cells appear like signet rings.

6. Type of tissue that allows point to point communication in the body.


7. Type of involuntary muscle made of elongated, spindle-shaped cells; found around many
internal organs.

8. Type of tissue made up of a single layer of cube-shaped cells.


9. Type of tissue that lines the mouth.

Stratified squamous epithelium

10. Name and characterize the two main layers of skin.


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