Career Final Requirements

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Jabin J. Deguma
MARCH 22, 2014



Reading Log: Career Counseling

Number of
pages Read

Robert Furey J. (2000). Called By Name: Discovering Your

Unique Purpose in Life. The Crossroad Publishing Company: 166
New York.
Dr. David William Molloy (2002). Let Me Decide: The Health
and Personal Care Directive that Speaks for You When You Can’t 107
. Newgrange Press: Canada
Robert L. Gibson; Marianne H. Mitchell (2008). Introduction to
Counseling and Guidance: Counseling for Career Planning and 48
Decision Making (7th ed.). Pearson Educ. Inc: New Jersey
Robert L. Gibson; Marianne H. Mitchell (2008). Introduction to
Counseling and Guidance: Appendix H: Guidelines for use of the
Internet for delivery of Career Counseling and Career Planning
Service (7th ed.). Pearson Educ. Inc: New Jersey
Robert L. Gibson; Marianne H. Mitchell (2008). Introduction to
Counseling and Guidance: Appendix J: Career Counseling
Competencies Revised Version, 1997 (7th ed.). Pearson Educ. Inc:
New Jersey
Villar, G. H. (2003). Career Counseling (2nd ed.). Baker
Academic: Michigan


Counseling Transcript

Note: Bro. = the troubled seminarian; G = the counselor

(Last February 9, 2014, Sunday, it was a usual day for seminarians to go out for their 2 nd
Sunday outing schedule wherein they could go out from the seminary portals and enjoy the
whole day whatever they like to do (except committing a sin) wherever they want it to happen, so
to say. I was texted by one seminarian who is now in his last year in Philosophy and is deciding
whether he wants to proceed to study Sacred Theology and pursue his dream of becoming a
priest in the future. Back then, He was my close friend when I was still inside the seminary. He
wanted to talk to me to ask some piece of advice since he knew that I am taking up Master’s
Degree in Guidance and Counseling.
I agreed to meet him in BBQ BOSS, a native restaurant located across San Carlos
Seminary College. We decided to go there at lunch time so that we could also take the meal
together. It was 12:15nn when I arrived there.)

G: How are you! It’s been a long while since I had last met you. I haven’t seen you for two years
since I graduated from the seminary!

Bro: Yeah! I was still 2nd year college student when you graduated from the seminary Kuya.

G: Yeah! Time’s so fast really. And look at you now! You are now going to graduate next

Bro: I am very happy to see you again and to share something with you just like what we always
did before when you were still with us inside the seminary.

(At this moment, the waiter directed us to the available sit that is good for the three of us. We sat
down, looked at the menu and ordered for foods. The waiter took our orders with him. The
conversation continued.)

G: So? What are your plans after you graduate?

Bro: Actually, we just had our 5-day Ignatian retreat in Banawa Jesuit Retreat House November
last year.

(He looked at me directly through my eyes. I know that he really wanted to know what I will say
about the things he will about to tell me. As my response I also lean forward to emphasize my
willingness to listen to him.)
Before that retreat I was so determined to finish my philosophy so that I could now take
Theology, the last step for the priestly formation.

(By this time I had known that his having trouble on his decision.)

It seemed that the retreat had shifted everything to the other side.

G: What do you mean with that?

(I asked him. He was so serious by this time that I also felt the urgency on what should I advise
him of his problem.)

Bro: What I mean is that I am now afraid to take the next step which is Theology. I don’t know
why but the fear is always there despite my attempt of disregarding it.

(I was about to say something when the waiter interrupted our conversation. I did not notice the
coming of the waiter since I was not facing the counter where the order is taken. The waiter put
down the foods and drinks we order and after which, he asked us if everything had been served
and then he leave right away. We took the food first before I continue our conversation.)

G: Have you shared your problem to our Priest-Formators already?

(I did not expect that I will going to ask that question but, later, I realized I had asked a good
one since it led me to know at least the right advice which I will tell him later.)

Bro: I felt hesitant to open up this problem to them. I am much afraid of the Priest-Formators’
reaction. Such might affect negatively to their evaluation about me. I don’t want to show them
that I am having trouble right now with myself.

G: Ok. (I nudded, I don’t want to say anything yet). But how about your Spiritual Director?

Bro: Ahm. I am afraid also that He will tell to Father Rector what I will going to tell him.

(By this time, we were almost done with our meal. I was just observing him, his facial
expression, his hand gestures and body movements.)

G: May I know why are you thinking like this? I mean, we all know that that’s the reason why
some priests are assigned in the seminary to help young people like us to decide whether such
calling is really for ours.

(He looked at me again straight forwardly. I know that he was listening to me attentively. I
continued talking…)
I know how you feel right now. I underwent the same process like what you have undergone
right now and so our Priest-Formators inside the seminary. Just like you, I had experienced
sleepless nights thinking whether I would pursue priesthood or not. What I did was I shared with
my Spiritual Director about my thoughts at that time. After sharing some moments with him, I
felt then that I knew what I would do next.

Bro: I hope my Spiritual Director would be able to help me with this.

(He took his drinks and had a long sipped of it. And he continued speaking…)
Yeah! I think he could surely help me. I remember an instance when I was still in my 1 st year
Philosophy; I shared my problem of not being able to get a passing grade in my Logic class with
him. I really thought I could not be able to make it but he encouraged me to take a “leapt of
faith” and after taking up remedial exam, I did pass.

G: (I smiled at him.) That is what I am telling you. They would always be there for us. That is
their primary task as Spiritual Directors, just as there are Guidance Counselors in other schools;
our Spiritual Directors have the task to encourage us whenever we are in caught in a dilemma.

(I took a sip of my drinks also before I continued…)

I am so happy that you are able to realize that thing really. Don’t worry bro. all would be alright.
Just don’t forget God in every decision you wanted to make. And, I tell you, sharing to others
especially to those who could best help us is really helpful for us make the best decision for

(I asked the waiter for the bill and a bottle of service water…)

Bro: Thanks a lot for your time kuya. I felt I know now what I should do to ease this feeling of
anxiety in me.

(The waiter interrupted his speech. I got the bill from the waiter and picked up my wallet to get a
cash to pay for our order. The waiter left us while I took another sip of my drinks. )

And thank you also for the treat Kuya.

G: Don’t mention it. (I smiled at him.) I am also thankful that you choose to talk to me. I believe,
this gesture of yours is a sign that you are indeed searching for yourself. That is a sign that you
are really meant for the priesthood. Such attitude is really helpful for you to be able find the real
you in you.

(We stood up for our seats and went outside the restaurant. I accompanied him towards the
seminary and had stayed there for an hour before I left.)

Seminary life is indeed a life of decision. It revolves around one’s interest to know

oneself and to be able to know the world where one lives in so as to know the very depth of

one’s unfathomably fathomed reality call life. I can deeply relate with what my brother

seminarian is undergoing right now. The dilemma he is struggling to decide either which of the

choices he has. The feeling of anxiety of choosing the “misfit” decision he might decide for

himself. The possible guilt he might scrutinize himself of choosing a bad decision. Such

experiences are our experiences as seminarians.

I was just so hopeful that my brother seminarian will be able to choose the best decision

for himself. After all, he has a lot a avenues to help himself decide the best for him. I am

optimistic also about him sharing this problem of his to his Spiritual Director, I am very sure that

his Spiritual Director will help and pray for his vocation and for his decision whatever it might


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