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Annotated Graph 1

Exercise # 3 Annotated Graphs

LaShauna Crayton

Sowk 300 Computer Application

Tuskegee University

January 27, 2011

Annotated Graph 2


I have use bar, line, and pie graph to discuss the research of my data table about the

adults on probation, parole, or in prison or jail. I described the following in different graphs: the

magnitude, the scope, the changes, and the disparities. The information from the data tables

comes from different states and it also between the years of 1980-2008. There have been some

graphs that I picked a certain year and there are others that I use every 10 years.
Annotated Graph 3

Magnitude of the Problem

Adults on Probation, in Jail or

Prison, or on Parole 2008


Descriptive Paragraph

This graph is self explanatory. What are picture on this page is a bar graph of adults on

probation, parole, prison, or jail. There are 4,270,917, adults on probation, where as, 828,169 on

parole. The results on this graph don’t get any better, there are 1,518,559 adults in prison and

785,556 are in jail. Those are some very large numbers.

Interpretive Paragraph

Adults that are on probation have the highest total for the year of 2008 while the jail total

is low. I feel that the jail total and prison total are lower than the probation total because of at one

point or time some of the adults that falls under the probation category have once been I jail. I

stated early, those are some large numbers, no matter what the circumstance, the numbers should

have been lower in each category. The graph includes adults that committed crimes such as:

murder, robbery, and domestic violence.

Annotated Graph 4

Scope of the Problem

180,000 Prisoners by State

140,000 2008
Alabama California Georgia New York

Descriptive Paragraph

Shown in the graph above is the total amount of prisoners in the following states:

Alabama (30,508), California (173,670), Georgia (52,719), and New York (60,347) in the year of

2008. California has the highest amount of prisoners than the other states and Alabama with the

least than the all of the other states.

Interpretive Paragraph

The amount of prisoners in 2008 include juvenile that are convicted as an adult. The

reason why some of the states prison total is higher than other is only because their population

rates are higher. Like for instance, California has a very large population rate than Alabama, so

of course there’s a greater chance that there incarceration rates (jail or prison) will be higher. I

also thought that New York amount would be more than it appears to be.
Annotated Graph 5

Changes in the Problem

1,000,000 Parole
1980 1990 2000 2008

Descriptive Paragraph

The line graph shows how the total number of the adults on probation, prison, jail, and

parole. I only reported every 10 years starting with the year of 1980 and ending with 2008.

Between those years, the adults on probation range from 1,100,000-4,270,900; parole from

220,400-820,160; prison range from 300,600-1,500,500; and jail from 180,200-820,160.

Interpretive Paragraph

What I observe about this graph is that probation rates where the highest and continue to

rise through the years also. The jail and prison rate stayed low throughout the years; seems like

more people were on ending up on probation, which not setting any examples and that could be

another factor why the rates are continuing to rise. Maybe if the superior would buckle down on

the laws and the rates will drop.

Annotated Graph 6

Disparities in the Problem

Prisoners by Sex in 2008



Descriptive Paragraph

There were 6,006,800 males incarcerated in 2008 while there were only 1,301,400

females; what a big difference.

Interpretive Paragraph

I have read news articles and also watch TV and realize that most females are convicted

because of being accomplice for a male; remember what I said most cases. Then you have the

other type of females that just snapped. A male doesn’t really think when they are upset and I

also think that they have a better chance getting in the system faster than a female. My opinion, I

feel that male’s incarceration rate will continue to stay higher than years to come, based on their

cocky attitude and how the generation is changing year by year and also getting dangerous.
Annotated Graph 7

Summary and Conclusion

What were measured here in this data table are the adults on probation, parole, or in jail

and prison. Juveniles are also included in the numbers of the different categories. What I learned

in this exercise how the rates of the categories listed above are high and continue in the past

years. Even in the different states all their numbers where high and to also include that it was

only for one year, 2008.

It really did amaze me how the smaller states number where close to the states with a

larger population. One thing I notice in the change, is that the numbers where increasing as the

years. Individuals that have a loved one in the system that has an influence on their child life and

I feel that, that is one reason why the rates are going up each year; people are following there

family footsteps.

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